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Aug 1, 2007
The link below is for an extremely revealing video on the most horrendous of the jew programs, islam. As usual, there are bits that should be taken in a Satanic perspective, however, it shows the undeniable truth that islam was created by jews as evident in that shitty quran, where the jew is praised and enriched, and Gentiles, raped and massacred
The thing to note though, is that this "MEMRI" is an organisation set up by israeli kikes. However, being myself a native Arabic speaker, I can assure you that the translations are exact from Arabic.
I have lived in the Middle East for about 5 years of my life, having been born in Saudi Arabia. I am very familiar with the fundies present in the US, and I will tell you that they are nothing compared to the islamics. This so called "king" of Saudi Arabia is a jew whose family, just like the domeh of Turkey, descended from jews who spread out across the Middle East after the Byzantium empire collapsed. The point is, this jew is known as the "servant of the holy place" (mecca) over there and is responsible for the maintenance of that giant energy vortex of souls.    
What this islam has done to the Middle East is horrific.  
Thanks for posting this. 

On Sunday, January 18, 2015 3:31 PM, "Samy samiabbas66@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  The link below is for an extremely revealing video on the most horrendous of the jew programs, islam. As usual, there are bits that should be taken in a Satanic perspective, however, it shows the undeniable truth that islam was created by jews as evident in that shitty quran, where the jew is praised and enriched, and Gentiles, raped and massacred
The thing to note though, is that this "MEMRI" is an organisation set up by israeli kikes. However, being myself a native Arabic speaker, I can assure you that the translations are exact from Arabic.
I have lived in the Middle East for about 5 years of my life, having been born in Saudi Arabia. I am very familiar with the fundies present in the US, and I will tell you that they are nothing compared to the islamics. This so called "king" of Saudi Arabia is a jew whose family, just like the domeh of Turkey, descended from jews who spread out across the Middle East after the Byzantium empire collapsed. The point is, this jew is known as the "servant of the holy place" (mecca) over there and is responsible for the maintenance of that giant energy vortex of souls.    
What this islam has done to the Middle East is horrific.  

Brothers and sisters
Jews are our enemies, Christianty and Islam is also against us and are our enemies, Islam has hatred of Satan and Satanism really badly I know cause I studied Islam read the Quran and their first words before a prayer starts with, " I seek refuge, shelter, protection in Allah from the shaitan (Satan) " now muslims are extremists they are very barbaric and have a murdereous mind they are also a big enemy to us and they will kill in the name of Allah Because they have been taught that there is a reward in paradise for those jihadist. So we would have to protect ourselves from muslims just as much as Christians and maybe even more. Europe is flooded with muslim refugees they are a big problem in Europe they will try and bring in the evil Sharia law which is Mohammed's law Quranic bullshit law, which is chopping off limbs as in hands for theives feet and legs of other serious crimes, and a head chopped off for blaspheming Mohammed or Allah or Quran, stoning to death adultery even if a woman didn't commit it if just accused and she doesn't have 3 male witnesses to say she didn't commit adultery she gets stoned to death, FGM girls get circumcisized as well as boys, girls are only to produce Children not have sexual pleasures, women don't have rights in Islam, Quranic resighting on a regular basis, some islamic countries don't even allow girls education, non believers can be murdered and the list goes on, they hate Jews and Christians and it says in their Quran that they are the cursed ones, they also hate Satan and call him the accursed one too, just wanted to teach those who don't know much about Islam or the muslim faith, it's evil to the max just like the other two Abrahamic religions, muslims are far worse than Christians, Christian will pray for your condemnation but a muslim will physically kill you, don't ever let a muslim know you are a Satanist Because they are killers and will kill us Satanists, and since the world is now infested with muslims we really have to be careful no one finds out we are Satanists.
And now we have all these muslims surrounding us which I can't stand Being anywhere near them they are everywhere and their islamic Mohammed teaching is multiple and invade and take over and convert. We also have a Islamic problem world wide, they are a big trouble big time so please don't let muslims know you are a Satanist

Hail Father Satan Forever

Sent on the go with Vodafone
Live in one of the biggest muslim majority country and I absolutely agree on this

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, September 11, 2017, 1:04 PM, alisha jada kadiriyegul7@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Brothers and sisters
Jews are our enemies, Christianty and Islam is also against us and are our enemies, Islam has hatred of Satan and Satanism really badly I know cause I studied Islam read the Quran and their first words before a prayer starts with, " I seek refuge, shelter, protection in Allah from the shaitan (Satan) " now muslims are extremists they are very barbaric and have a murdereous mind they are also a big enemy to us and they will kill in the name of Allah Because they have been taught that there is a reward in paradise for those jihadist. So we would have to protect ourselves from muslims just as much as Christians and maybe even more. Europe is flooded with muslim refugees they are a big problem in Europe they will try and bring in the evil Sharia law which is Mohammed's law Quranic bullshit law, which is chopping off limbs as in hands for theives feet and legs of other serious crimes, and a head chopped off for blaspheming Mohammed or Allah or Quran, stoning to death adultery even if a woman didn't commit it if just accused and she doesn't have 3 male witnesses to say she didn't commit adultery she gets stoned to death, FGM girls get circumcisized as well as boys, girls are only to produce Children not have sexual pleasures, women don't have rights in Islam, Quranic resighting on a regular basis, some islamic countries don't even allow girls education, non believers can be murdered and the list goes on, they hate Jews and Christians and it says in their Quran that they are the cursed ones, they also hate Satan and call him the accursed one too, just wanted to teach those who don't know much about Islam or the muslim faith, it's evil to the max just like the other two Abrahamic religions, muslims are far worse than Christians, Christian will pray for your condemnation but a muslim will physically kill you, don't ever let a muslim know you are a Satanist Because they are killers and will kill us Satanists, and since the world is now infested with muslims we really have to be careful no one finds out we are Satanists.
And now we have all these muslims surrounding us which I can't stand Being anywhere near them they are everywhere and their islamic Mohammed teaching is multiple and invade and take over and convert. We also have a Islamic problem world wide, they are a big trouble big time so please don't let muslims know you are a Satanist

Hail Father Satan Forever

Sent on the go with Vodafone
Islam was created by the enemy to remove all spiritual knowledge in a brute manner. If you look at the teachings of islam you will see that it is a death cult and promotes child rape. It also says that if you blow yourself up for the stupid allah you will get 72 virgins in the afterlife....how low can one stoop...
Hail Satan

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 4:19, Mertcem Boy mertcem.boy@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello,

What are your thoughts on Islam?

Oh you’re Turkish. I’m worried about that you asked for the islam and you said HAIL SATAN but i’m pretty sure that you are not a satanist :) Müslüman gibi duruyorsun üzerinde satanisme özgü o farkındalık enerjisi yok

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
