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Is "YHWH Sabaoth" just "Jove Sabazios"?


New member
Jan 10, 2024
So I've been studying Tarot for a bit (within due reason, it's been tricky because one has to stay grounded with reason and non-falsifiability while maintaining coherence) and it seems clear to me that at some level the name "YHWH" is deeply connected to the doctrine of Tarot, which seems to ultimately be connected to the Orphic paganism of Greco-Rome (where the father of the gods and the first god is identified with a dualistic Chthonic version of Dionysus connected with serpents), and therefore, connected with Satanas-Lucifer.

Recently it's come to my attention that the there is a Phyrgian and Thracian god whom the Romans and Greeks called "Jove Sabazios", whom the Greeks identified with Zeus and Dionysus; he was a sky father god also connected with serpents, and his festivals were Dionysian in nature. Plutarch claimed that this is the same god as the "Egyptian Typhon" which is Set (many Egyptians also thought that the Jews were worshipping Set).

Apparently at the time of the Ancient Rome, several Roman officials claimed that the Jews were a sect that was actually worshipping "Jove Sabazios" - Plutarch claimed that the Jews worshipped Dionysus and the "Sabbath" was just a festival of Sabazios. Cornelius Hispalus also claimed that the Jews were corrupting the Roman cult of the gods with the cult of Jupiter Sabazios.

Moreover, there was a group called the "Hypsistarians" which Church Father Gregory of Nazianzus claims worshipped "The Most High" or Yahweh, and this cult, from modern scholarship, was a syncretic Jewish-pagan monotheistic cult which worshipped Jove Sabazios, calling him "self-begotten, un-taught, un-mothered, undisturbed, noot permitting a name, many-named, dwelling in fire".

Now, I'm not claiming that the Jews directly explicitly worship Satanas-Lucifer; although Judaism is a mix-mash corrupted version of Indo-European paganism, the main bulk of the deity they worship seems to be El, a Sky Father deity. However, I'm wondering if the name "YHWH" is directly connected to this Chthonic Dionysus deity, and if it is possible that before the corruption of the Jewish religion, the Jews were connected to sects that venerated this deity as "Yahweh". '

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
I'm wondering if the name "YHWH" is directly connected to this Chthonic Dionysus deity, and if it is possible that before the corruption of the Jewish religion, the Jews were connected to sects that venerated this deity as "Yahweh". '

Yahweh used to be a minor Gentile/non-jewish Canaanite deity subservient to the god El before the jews stole it and turned it into the creator of the universe who supposedly favors jews above all others.

The jews were never Pagans, they merely stole everything from Pagans and appropriated it as their own. Everything they have is stolen and what you posted gives further proof.

So I've been studying Tarot for a bit (within due reason, it's been tricky because one has to stay grounded with reason and non-falsifiability while maintaining coherence) and it seems clear to me that at some level the name "YHWH" is deeply connected to the doctrine of Tarot

No, it isn't. There was actually not any link between the Tarot and jewish mysticism before the 19th century occultists like Eliphas Levi made one. HP Maxine also said in the past that the name YHWH isn't the true tetragrammaton because the letter H repeats itself twice. The true tetragrammaton according to Sumerians is ENKI which is another name of Satan. Notice that each letter is unique and no letter repeats itself. The Sanskrit tetragrammaton is STNM or SaTaNaMa, again four distinct letters with no letter repeating itself.
So I've been studying Tarot for a bit (within due reason, it's been tricky because one has to stay grounded with reason and non-falsifiability while maintaining coherence) and it seems clear to me that at some level the name "YHWH" is deeply connected to the doctrine of Tarot...
I read somewhere on the jos documentation that Tarot comes from Astaroth.

There is also the F Bardon interpretation saying the 78 cards correspond to the 72 Mercury's geniis + the 4 elements + the 2 fundamental polarities. He made a link with La Papesse and Isis (Astaroth). It sounds well, but in other sources, it has been demonstrated that the F Bardon model is stolen from many sources, it's all plagiarism and doesn't correspond with the reality....
The 72 kabbalistic geniis wouldn't have any relation with Mercury but are only the Shemhamphorash, a jewish though-form structure.

Occultism documentation is like an arena where the truth and the lies fight each other because it's driven by occult forces via sects and so on.
The more we believe, the more we charge the egregors of our enemies. Only our own experience and discernment can determine what's truth or lie.
I read somewhere on the jos documentation that Tarot comes from Astaroth.

There is also the F Bardon interpretation saying the 78 cards correspond to the 72 Mercury's geniis + the 4 elements + the 2 fundamental polarities. He made a link with La Papesse and Isis (Astaroth). It sounds well, but in other sources, it has been demonstrated that the F Bardon model is stolen from many sources, it's all plagiarism and doesn't correspond with the reality....
The 72 kabbalistic geniis wouldn't have any relation with Mercury but are only the Shemhamphorash, a jewish though-form structure.

Occultism documentation is like an arena where the truth and the lies fight each other because it's driven by occult forces via sects and so on.
The more we believe, the more we charge the egregors of our enemies. Only our own experience and discernment can determine what's truth or lie.

I understand Kabbalah to be a Jewish distortion of Pythagoreanism (along with similar Indo-European magickal languages like Shiva’s Sanskrit and the Runes of Odin).

You could say with Tarot the incorporation of post-Jewish elements through its systematization means we should stay away from it, but I think my question is where do we draw the line? Doesn’t JOS use sigils well known from Goetia and various Jewish grimoires? Isn’t the image of Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes from Eliphas Levi himself?

It’s a hard sell for me personally to believe that it’s just a coincidence that we are referring to the 72 Goetic demons and that that has no numerical correspondence with the 72 Jewish thoughtforms.
Because before jews were invented by genetic engineering by the Grey and Reptilian alien species, all of the humans on Earth all followed the same gods. You could go to any location, and the language would be different so they would use different names, but it was the same gods they were referring to.

Jews were the first humanoids on Earth who were not created by our gods and were not working with our gods. They were keeping this a secret and trying to blend in, so they would take the name of one of our gods and lie that this is who they were following to try to blend in. And our people did not ever know about anybody following some thing other than our gods, so they assumed this was the same for the jews and that they must be following one of the gods in some kind of way.
It’s a hard sell for me personally to believe...
Obviously, intellectuals considerations lead to a labyrinth of doubts.
Personally, I want loose the ability to believe. I want the knowledge.

If I could ear and view by myself the entities with who I am in relation, I would have no more doubt about their nature and origin.
Only the training permitting to develop ours psychic faculties can lead us to determine what is correct, who is what, stop to questioning to continuously learning by ourselves.
many Egyptians also thought that the Jews were worshipping Set
However, many Romans thought they were adoring Saturn. Which I think is also connected to the Ophitism or the other Gnostic cults that see the Jewish God as a jailer and Satan or also Abrasax as the true God.
Have you read the Greek Magical Papiri? The Hellenic, not only in Greece, used vowels as words of power. There is a ritual in the Greek Magical Papiri also mentioned by Barry in the book on Isopsephy, which provides for the acting of the seven vowels combined with the four directions. In my opinion, it is possible that IAO names and other combinations of vowels that are written in the GMP derive directly from these rituals. I suppose that even the name Yeshua, IEUA, is not accidental.
That is because the Jews when created their crap system made it stealing and corrupting all pagan concepts and names, just for example another name of the Jewish God Adonai was stolen from the Greek God Adonis.
I suppose that even the name Yeshua, IEUA, is not accidental.
I read that Yeshua is YHWH with a shin in the middle : Y-H-SH-W-H
So it's a pentagrammaton, shin representing the Ether.

My avatar composed of five interlaced circles also represent the five Elements. I suppose this approach is not jewish specific without really knowing more about.
If someone can provide some information about the pentagram and representation of elements.
That is because the Jews when created their crap system made it stealing and corrupting all pagan concepts and names, just for example another name of the Jewish God Adonai was stolen from the Greek God Adonis.
I agree, but I’m wondering if this is where the name “Yahweh” comes from.

“Yahweh” is a weird name that doesn’t pop up until much later than when it should’ve.
Obviously, intellectuals considerations lead to a labyrinth of doubts.
Personally, I want loose the ability to believe. I want the knowledge.

If I could ear and view by myself the entities with who I am in relation, I would have no more doubt about their nature and origin.
Only the training permitting to develop ours psychic faculties can lead us to determine what is correct, who is what, stop to questioning to continuously learning by ourselves.
On the contrary, I feel like I was recently led to the information of Jove Sabazios. But you have to stay grounded.

It has great explanatory power as to why bread, wine and Saturday are related to the Jews; where the term “Sabbath” comes from (which is used in Dionysian Witchcraft and Judaism), and the name “Yahweh” itself. Not to mention there was a literal sect of Jews who were worshipping this God and identifying him as Pantocrator / Yahweh. It also explains the sacred symbol of Yahweh being a donkey.

I think the Jewish religion is a bastard of El, Baal, and this, but I wonder if anybody thought of this.
However, many Romans thought they were adoring Saturn. Which I think is also connected to the Ophitism or the other Gnostic cults that see the Jewish God as a jailer and Satan or also Abrasax as the true God.
Have you read the Greek Magical Papiri? The Hellenic, not only in Greece, used vowels as words of power. There is a ritual in the Greek Magical Papiri also mentioned by Barry in the book on Isopsephy, which provides for the acting of the seven vowels combined with the four directions. In my opinion, it is possible that IAO names and other combinations of vowels that are written in the GMP derive directly from these rituals. I suppose that even the name Yeshua, IEUA, is not accidental.
Give me a source. I do need to read this book.

Hail Akephalos.
And I believe that the Jewish lettering was taken from the Hindu sandskirt. Just like the Jews of stolen everything else. And when I look at the Hindu writings I can see some similarities all the Jews did was just turn some of the lettering upside down and then they put their own slant to it and turned it into their own language just like they have jewettized many other languages around the world and borrowed good names and made them into Jewish names even if the names didn't start out Jewish to begin with I noticed this with a lot of things
You could say with Tarot the incorporation of post-Jewish elements through its systematization means we should stay away from it, but I think my question is where do we draw the line?

You ask the Gods, basically. There are some things that are acceptable and some others aren't. The Tarot is OK, just ignore the jewish BS inserted it. We just disregard anything having to do with hebrew letters or jewish/RHP thought.

Doesn’t JOS use sigils well known from Goetia and various Jewish grimoires? Isn’t the image of Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes from Eliphas Levi himself?

Yes, however these have nothing to do with the kikes. The sigils are the ones that are associated with the Gods and work in summoning. If they didn't work, they wouldn't be able to abuse the Demons. So, we just ignore the jewish blasphemous ways of summoning them in the grimoires which include summoning enemy angels and chanting names of Jokehova. The Demons have said that the double circles around the sigils are insulting because they are for binding them, but not the sigils themselves. So we use them without any circles.

Anything that has to do with hebrew letters, names of Jokehova or enemy angels, anywhere, is simply discarded.

The Baphomet again isn't specifically jewish not does it symbolize anything jewish. It's an evolution of the Egyptian goat of Mendes and Eliphas Levi just developed it further. We simply ignore the other jewish crap Levi dealt with and keep what is useful. IMO the only useful thing in Levi's work is the Baphomet. Everything else he said is just crap. He probably did have some useful knowledge, but he kept it secret like most did in that era.

Franz Bardon is another example of an occultist whom we take selectively. All the beings in his "Practice of Magical Evocation" are enemy thoughtforms, but the techniques in the book "Initiation Into Hermetics" actually came from his uncle who was a member of a Satanic Lodge and is very useful and powerful for developing your soul, opening your astral senses and awakening your psychic powers.

We ignore anything that isn't suitable and only keep the useful things and above all, ask Satan. He will tell you what is corrupted and what is not.

It’s a hard sell for me personally to believe that it’s just a coincidence that we are referring to the 72 Goetic demons and that that has no numerical correspondence with the 72 Jewish thoughtforms.

Not a coincidence. There are actually many more Demons than only 72. The ones who wrote the grimoires simply took only 72 of them to make them fit with the kike name of god. It's not hard to understand. It's no coincidence, but it doesn't mean they are the same either.
Give me a source. I do need to read this book.

Hail Akephalos.
Because the orbits of the planets created the “music of the spheres,” according to Pythagoras, and, following him, were also equated with the seven notes of the major scale by Plato in “The Myth of Er,” the seven vowels were naturally seen as corresponding to the musical scale. We therefore find magical invocations from Alexandrian Egypt containing statements such as: “In your seven-lettered name is established the harmony of the seven sounds” and “I hymn your holy power in a musical hymn, AEHIOYΩ”.
One ritual even sets out instructions for the recitation of the seven vowels, and also incorporates a further set of correspondences, namely the seven directions of east, north, west, south, up, down, and center.

Speaking to the rising sun, stretch out your right hand to the left and your left hand likewise to the left and say “A.” To the North, putting forward only your right fist, say “EE.” Then to the West, extending both hands in front of you, say “HHH.” To the South, holding both on your stomach, say “III.” To the Earth, bending over and touching the ends of your toes, say “OOOOOO.” Looking into the Air, having your hands on your heart, say “YYYYYY.” Looking up to Heaven, having both hands on your head, say "ΩΩΩΩΩΩ”
Isn’t the image of Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes from Eliphas Levi himself?
I will not answer all the topics raised in this topic, although it certainly raises many interesting questions. I want to give one quote from Fulcanelli's book regarding the explanation of the allegory of Baphomet. This knowledge goes back to the Templars, who were known to be Satanists hiding under the guise of christianity.

In the pure hermetic expression corresponding to the labor of the Work, Baphomet comesfrom the Greek roots [*158-2] (Bapheus), dyer, and [*159-1], standing for [*159-2], themoon; unless we want to use [*159-3], [*159-4], in the genetive case, mother or matrix,which leads to the same lunar meaning, since the moon is truly the mother or the mercurialmatrix which receives the tincture or seed of sulphur, representing the male, the dyer ---[*159-5] (Bapheus) --- in metallic generation. [*159-6] has the meaning of immersion and oftincture. And it can be said, without revealing too much, that sulphur, father and dyer of thestone, fertilizes the mercurial moon through immersion, which brings us back to the symbolicbaptism of Mete, expressed again by the word baphomet (2). It appears as the completehieroglyph of science, represented elsewhere in the personality of the god Pan, mythicalimage of nature in full activity. //The Dwellings of the Philosophers p 72
Some people out there seem to think that the Baphamont is Jewdo-xtian.. and don't realize that its Satanic and a part of our history especially when you look at the romans! Considering the statue of the bull. And the Beast with the horns has been used all throughout Norway and Sweden as well! And yet Christians and Jews who are famous for taking and stealing things from other people have also taken the time to twist this into their religious beliefs relating it to that stupid Jesus... go figure..! Baphamont representing both the female and the male! Used in magic and in power rituals from a round of the world the dates clear back to the time of Caesar.. YWHYH was crated by the Jews and it's supposed to represent Jesus Christ isn't it? And the Masonic order here in the United States is not only mixed in with the old world beliefs of the Greek gods and the Egyptian World of Magic and such! But they've also laced in Christianity along with it and a lot of people say that the Masonic order is a combination you pick and decide for yourself when you join them a Sonic order if you're not Christian? You choose the path that is comfortable along with what you're getting into as far as the Masonic order or the Scottish right? And for those that are Christian? They say that the Masonic order does not support Christianity and that the Masonic order is Judaism for the Americans and that's because the Jews have taken it over back in the days just the same as they have everything else! And like everything they have stolen from the pagan people they have jewettize that as well

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
