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is this my path?


New member
Jan 12, 2021

Ive read some pages of Jos and found your cause interesting, and have a few questions:

I have seen that u dislike the church as a institution, thats my opinion aswell but do you hate christians aswell i mean the common people who are christians?
For example if u got a good friend who is christian do you dislike him after becoming a spirituell Satanist?
Which brings me to my next question
Since u hide your confesion because it would cause troubles, do you live like sort of a double life?how far goes it i mean u can't hide it from ur partner for example i guess.
How do you think of energetic People in generell? Because for me it seems this is all kind of similar. U are doing Meditation and Spiritual work like them. Is there a connection?
And my last question
I read on JoS that becoming Satanist is permanent, so do you need to do exercises or rituals to stay in touch?
what happens if I would join do a few rituals and then decide its not the thing for me?

Its a funny coincidence that I'm here. I saw the number 666 plenty times and asked myself if was a bad sign since i knew nothing of the Occult really. Maybe it was not so bad I still don't know what to make of it all, but I'm very interested to hear every opionion of people dont matter to me which confesion country etc.

Thanks if some takes time to answer my questions
guest said:

Ive read some pages of Jos and found your cause interesting, and have a few questions:

You're welcome to ask.

guest said:
I have seen that u dislike the church as a institution, thats my opinion aswell but do you hate christians aswell i mean the common people who are christians?

We do not "hate" christians, let alone normal people who just happen to be "Christians" just as part of their identity without even caring about it. Many of us can dislike them, because after one wakes up, they see the nefariousness of this program and it can become something one detests deeply.

We are trying to educate these people because we believe they are largely deceived to a dangerous extent, not only for themselves, but for our world also.

Only if we are somehow attacked, we will be stern and just against them. For those who attack us as minions of the "Devil", we will likewise hate them as they hate us. Many want us dead and consider us the "source of all evil" based on media misconception about Satanism, and this has bred hate. However, their "Religion" forbids hate, but many of them are full of it.

guest said:
For example if u got a good friend who is christian do you dislike him after becoming a spirituell Satanist?

You don't have to cut ties with anyone to become a Satanist. But the stupidity and lack of knowledge of people can be painful as time goes, and you might want to make better friends. That's up to you.

Which brings me to my next question
guest said:
Since u hide your confesion because it would cause troubles, do you live like sort of a double life?how far goes it i mean u can't hide it from ur partner for example i guess.

Everyone makes their own decisions here. Some of us are open because we go full way. This can come at severe costs. The majority does keep their allegiance to Satan private, because we live in a world where there is endless hate against us. Therefore most people, do well to keep this private.

guest said:
How do you think of energetic People in generell? Because for me it seems this is all kind of similar. U are doing Meditation and Spiritual work like them. Is there a connection?

Yes, not only we do spiritual work and meditation, but we are after spiritual enlightenment. Read the main Joy of Satan page for this.

guest said:
I read on JoS that becoming Satanist is permanent, so do you need to do exercises or rituals to stay in touch?

Satanic rites are real and life changing when they are meant by someone. One enters a new category and is expected to do spiritual practice to maintain this passage. If one does not do that, they are not benefiting as much as they could from the path.

guest said:
what happens if I would join do a few rituals and then decide its not the thing for me?

It is better you make thorough studying and learning first. You can experiment, yes. An almost non existent percent of people decide they want to "Leave", and Satan will just leave them. Satan is not going to curse you or send you to any hell, He is not some sort of needy little pathetic hoax that demands eternal torment for your soul if you don't obey.

guest said:
Its a funny coincidence that I'm here. I saw the number 666 plenty times and asked myself if was a bad sign since i knew nothing of the Occult really. Maybe it was not so bad I still don't know what to make of it all, but I'm very interested to hear every opionion of people dont matter to me which confesion country etc.

This can be a sign to pay attention to, as maybe something inside you is calling you into this path. Regardless, wish you luck, and make thorough research and studying to understand more about it all.
thank your for your good answer, i guess i try 40days meditation to try to open but i have a hard time to get into meditation in generell. we´ll see

In this times when gouverments, religions, and other institutions are threatening our all freedom I'am glad that there are people who try to make the world more into a spiritual place.

wish u luck aswell in your path.
Thanks for your answer, I guess i start a 40 days aura med. to see if I can open but i have a hard time to get into meditating. we´ll see

by the way what do you think about the 5g towers? their radition surely disturbs meditation. In my opinion this is one of the most concerning things today, because it causes cancer and other health issues.

I wish u luck aswell I'm always glad to chat with people who are trying to make the world more into a spiritual place
guest said:
I have seen that u dislike the church as a institution, thats my opinion aswell but do you hate christians aswell i mean the common people who are christians?
For example if u got a good friend who is christian do you dislike him after becoming a spirituell Satanist?

No. Same if my friend of brother became brainwashed by a dangerous cult. Obviously I don't hate him if he's a victim of a cult. Most Christians are likewise brainwashed, they haven't done any research on their religion and what is really about, they just listen to their feel good pastor or priest.

But it's different with the Christians who attack us. In this case we fight back with all our might and use all means we have, legal (sue them in a court) and magickal (curse them using black magick).

guest said:
Since u hide your confesion because it would cause troubles, do you live like sort of a double life?how far goes it i mean u can't hide it from ur partner for example i guess.

I don't have a partner, but be sure that I'm not going to have one who is not a Spiritual Satanist. So I won't need to hide anything from her. I don't tell anyone unless I'm asked and I make sure the person who asks me is open minded. Otherwise I just lie that I'm a Pagan.

guest said:
How do you think of energetic People in generell? Because for me it seems this is all kind of similar. U are doing Meditation and Spiritual work like them. Is there a connection?

Who do you mean? New Agers? New agers do practice meditations and work on their chakras but they are the opposite, their methods are corrupted and call upon enemy beings like archangels.

guest said:
I read on JoS that becoming Satanist is permanent, so do you need to do exercises or rituals to stay in touch?

The Dedication ritual is permanent. But the Dedication itself is nothing more than your official confirmation, you still need to work daily on your spiritual development by doing meditations, and to contribute to our cause by doing RTR's and other things.

guest said:
what happens if I would join do a few rituals and then decide its not the thing for me?

It goes without saying that if you are not sure you should not do the Dedication yet. The Dedication isn't something to do to "test the waters" or to try and see if it works. You should be well past that stage before you do the Dedication.
[member: @Guest]

I just hope the National Socialist aspect doesn't bother you or said better I hope your willing to learn about NSDAP and our Political stance.

Most people whom come to us aren't really bothered or shocked by the Spiritual Satanism as much as the NS information. Albeit with that said as long as you keep your eyes and ears open and willing to learn. I just don't see you having issues. Really without putting a gun to your head we urge you to just stay open and read our organization.

Since your not dedicated take your time don't rush. Just spend the next several weeks studying our websites and organizations and whatnot and just keep it easy and cool.

yeah I think I meant new agers, which are people who do meditation clean their aura like you guys and some are able even to use telepathy(so they say) right?
But why do you think they are your opposite? for me it seems very similar to your work(doing meditation to get your spirit to another level) and its even coming of their own mind without use of some kind of force(don't want to be rude)
I am a person who is tied to nothing.I'm no left or rightwing, or tied to any group at all. I think people are getting sepperated to much of each others cause there are so many groups out there. This makes me very critical and I question everything and its hard for me to comit to anything.
For me it seems there is much anger in this forum(which i can understand cause there are evil forces which want to domesticate us all.) But aren't there any groups you like besides Nazis(i guessed this)?

No it doesn't bother me cause I'm open minded.Zionists are really the source of many evil things in the world but that doesn't make every jew a criminal in my opinion.
And in my eyes even if I dislike Zionists still Hitler has done many bad things aswell like a useless war on Russia which couldn't be won and wasted many lives for nothing. But Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt did aswell suck, so for me they are all on a level.
guest said:
No it doesn't bother me cause I'm open minded.Zionists are really the source of many evil things in the world but that doesn't make every jew a criminal in my opinion.
And in my eyes even if I dislike Zionists still Hitler has done many bad things aswell like a useless war on Russia which couldn't be won and wasted many lives for nothing. But Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt did aswell suck, so for me they are all on a level.

Whom states but yourself the war was "useless". It was inevitable most alternative historians agree the Soviet Union was going to strike mainland Europe within several weeks probably a week or two after Barbarossa. The commies were gonna invade.

Study the OoB(Order of Battle) of Soviet Union nearly 80% closing in on 72-73% of the mainland army was at the border ready to jump into Europe. Really with Hitler he began to notice the issue in 1940 with Romania and Ploesti fields being threatened by Soviet aggression.

The war in Russia COULD have been won if some key events did not occur. One Mussolini's retarded invasion of Greece. Two Fallschimjager massacre at Crete, potentially paratroopers could have been deployed in mainland Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic nations to create noise and scare the Russians. Three Leningrad(Volgograd) was taken it had less than 15,000 Soviets guarding it. Four on top of Leningrad taken taking Archangel cutting off lend lease supply completely. Five if the potential murder of Hitler's General for the Stalingrad campaign didn't happen or if Von Paulus listened to Hitler and Goering and did exactly what they stated. Five it's been researched that in some small cases German troops did in fact enter Moscow and penetrated within two-four blocks before retreating. Six declaring Totaler Krieg right on September 1st. Hell some people should have stated Totaler Krieg should have been activated the day the German Military was re-created and reinforced for future preparations.

The war would have either been an invasion of Russia surprising them or a invasion BY Russia against Europe.

Again it's not wrong what you stated it's hard to win against Russia that is true but your kinda superficial belief that's the only reason or the reason as to why is not very good reason to not invade. You never know you COULD win.

Again other things like Canaris. Heydrich BOTHERED the living the shit out of Himmler as many times as possible demanding the Abwher(German spy agency) be placed under SS/SD command. By January of 1945 Himmler probably opened up the newspaper reading "Canaris tried as double agent working for the allies" I bet he went "Fucking Heydrich was right the whole time".

Again it's a lot of details and small things that matter in understand why Germany lost. It's not they fought against Russia for fucks sake Russia could have been beaten it's just the details as to why they didn't.

Another newer detail from a few years ago is lack of Einstatzgruppen's(Extermination squads to eliminate partisans). It's been mentioned Germany had a lot of issues with both soviet gentiles and soviet jews regarding partisan activity.

Another small detail was the Katyn forest massacre. Had Germany taken all of Poland without Soviet assistance coming in. Maybe those 21,768 dead Polish soldiers and Military intelligentsia could have changed the situation tactically and strategically. Again wistful thinking but it's a shame to lose an entire division of men especially considering Poland had like the 3rd best Army in the World at the time certainly stronger than Germany hence why even their horse back calvary was hard to defeat even with tanks. I recall reading for some specific reason Germany had issues taking out horseback personnel during the engagements surprisingly for all the outdatedness of cavalry even tanks had issues. I forgot where I recall that factoid but I do recall Germany being surprised during certain engagements.

Another Polish issue was taking full Poland would have resulted in Germany not having to siege the fortress at Brest-Litovsky. Even Hitler after the battle stated "Never underestimate the bolsheviks your fighting they will die for their cause".

Anyways the situation is Germany had many opportunities to win and lose it's not just simply "Never fight Russia" that's a cheap statement with a very unfulfilling response.
guest said:
But why do you think they are your opposite? for me it seems very similar to your work(doing meditation to get your spirit to another level) and its even coming of their own mind without use of some kind of force(don't want to be rude)

If they are about unconditional love, Christ consciousness, oneness, suppressing your negative emotions and they hate Satanism, believe in a distorted version of karma and call upon enemy beings like Jesus or angels or enemy extraterrestrials like the Pleiadians, why wouldn't you think they are the opposite? Their teachings are the exact opposite, even though some of their practices are similar. The reasons they do these practices for are completely different than ours. They're nothing but a modern version of Christianity.

You said "those who do meditations and stuff" but there's no general category of people who do spiritual stuff. Most of them are New Agers and therefore enemies. A few of them are just dabblers.

Just because they do the same practices doesn't mean they belong to our team. You need to understand that the practices they do aren't important, their ideology and beliefs as well as the beings they contact are. Not to mention that their practices are nothing compared to ours, they are very corrupted and watered down.

guest said:
For me it seems there is much anger in this forum(which i can understand cause there are evil forces which want to domesticate us all.) But aren't there any groups you like besides Nazis(i guessed this)?

I think you might misunderstand our purpose. We don't seek to unite with others in a big circle chanting Kumbaya, which sounds very New Agey. We seek to promote Spiritual Satanism.

Most other groups are corrupt or infiltrated, even many National Socialist groups are nothing but honeypots for the ADL or extremely Christianized. Some individuals however are good regardless of the group they belong. Tesla for example was a great man. So I like individuals, not groups.
this is all deep and thoughtful what you are saying I respect that,

but still my opinion on the war isn't gonna change so fast cause I informed myself much about it too. Back then generals told Hitler not to attack Russia cause its impossible why not defend borders instead?
Truth is we all cannot know how it was back then cause nobody of us was there.

but anyway you doesn't need to like Hitler if u are going to be satanist right? Do you believe he was a satanist?

I am a person who is interested in starting becoming spiritual, and I'm also fascinated by the occult. I'm not quite sure if I would fit in need to think about it all. It's interesting to hear your opinions though
guest said:
Truth is we all cannot know how it was back then cause nobody of us was there.
Actually everything we do is imprinted in the eternity. So techically it's possible, but very hard because we are spiritually not at that level. Some individuals may be, but they are very few.

but anyway you doesn't need to like Hitler if u are going to be satanist right? Do you believe he was a satanist?
Each and every one chooses their likings as they wish. However, Hitler and co. saved Europe from communism. If you don't like him, fine, but what he did for us demands respect at least. They bought us time so that now we can end the jewish menace once and for all.

Third reich was as satanist as a nation could be. That's why international jewry was all pent up wanting to destroy it.

I am a person who is interested in starting becoming spiritual, and I'm also fascinated by the occult. I'm not quite sure if I would fit in need to think about it all. It's interesting to hear your opinions though
Being a spiritual is good for your soul. Not being spiritual is basically self destructive.

If you choose to embark on this journey of eternally pushing your limits upward and evolving, great! If not, then it's only your loss regardless if you realize it or not.
guest said:
but anyway you doesn't need to like Hitler if u are going to be satanist right? Do you believe he was a satanist?

Not only a Satanist, he is the one known as Anti-christ and people do communicate with him telepathically like they do with Satan and the Demons. He is the first recent person who didn't die but reached immortality under guidance of Satan and the Demons. There's even a meditation in the JoS website that came from him:

This meditation is about the most powerful I have ever done. Special thanks to our Anti-christ who gave me this meditation telepathically. He is one of the very few who has completed the magnum opus.

Another post mentions that he'll come back to earth together with the Gods.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
As for the state of the earth, it is so far gone, humanity will need help. The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them.

By the way, whatever posts you see here that talk about the "Antichrist", they all refer to Hitler.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Of course they can all "True Christians" do also know Hitler was the Anti-Christ. And that he wanted to end up their jewish cult. And that he imprisoned all of their jewish cultists and the rest he castrated from all offices of life.

They aren't dumb they are an empire of power. They know how to recognize their enemies.
guest said:
this is all deep and thoughtful what you are saying I respect that,

but still my opinion on the war isn't gonna change so fast cause I informed myself much about it too. Back then generals told Hitler not to attack Russia cause its impossible why not defend borders instead?
Truth is we all cannot know how it was back then cause nobody of us was there.

but anyway you doesn't need to like Hitler if u are going to be satanist right? Do you believe he was a satanist?

I am a person who is interested in starting becoming spiritual, and I'm also fascinated by the occult. I'm not quite sure if I would fit in need to think about it all. It's interesting to hear your opinions though

Hitler is A God. He fought and will fight with us. He's in Satan. Why wouldn't you like such a good Soul?
The only one who made very much against jews and their communism and atrocities.
If you worship Satan, worshipping Hitler comes natural. Listen to Hitler's True Speechs, then tell me how you wouldn't want to at least give Him the respect He needs.
Have you ever seen such a Leader? I also think He may have been a King in Egypt, even Rome. Wherever you put Him, He leads.
And if you still don't understand this, when you can ask Satan to let you talk to the one and only Antichrist. This will take time, but patience will always reward you, everywhere.
There are many things which are confusing to me still, but anyway I'm so tired of sitting around waiting for the enemy to enslave us all. I feel unable to do anything in my current state of mind and I had this feeling a long time that I will not fit in this society.
All the time i was disgusted by the way what people are becoming. like social media slaves and smartphone junkies only to live for some bullshit likes on fb or something.
So I was looking for different opinions searching for new point of views and I guess that is why I'm here...

So I tried the one Ritual for beginners and I'm not sure if I made it right. I've done it very serious the steps in a row tried to meditate after but I had no vision or contact in any form.
The only thing I experienced since then is insomnia. I'm not sure if this has something to do with it or its a coincidence. I haven't slept for 2 days now can u tell me what this could be about?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
