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Is love spell work if I am not the ideal?


New member
Feb 20, 2022
I love a girl since my teens, I had a dream with her, etc. Its since 10 years already and I never ever had any relationships, I have social problems. But I write her a mail few years ago cause I interested in her art. Now I again started a conversation about that in email but still don't go where to start. After it will stop the conversation. Se is really introverted and individua that is what I like. But I am not that ideal type for her. i am.a bit fat (I am Satanist since years but still have weight problems lol). But can it be succeed if I am not the ideal type? Se don't even know I liked her for years lol. Can a love spell succeed?
I remember I meditated and had a ritual few days ago about conversation and yesrertad she replied. She don't even has any bf in these years I see. We only talked about her art...
Is it possible or unneccesary dreams? Big problem is I am not that motivated in things cause I feel empty but this would be a bit better way
Go on a diet. Calorie deficiency each day, no sweets, no bakery, many veggies and some fish n meat.
I lost 12kgs in 6-8Weeks.

Your „success“ is dependent on your own capabilities to raise and direct energy, to focus, on your confidence and ability to access the feminine part of the soul and mind, as well as your „target‘s“ Power, as well as cosmical influences, like the current planets, moon, your own astrological transits, SR‘s etc.

Doubt and having no confidence will make your efforts perish, and can turn against you, even if u have the power needed.

You can target this person, in multiple ways, or choose another approach where u just attract hhe perfect partner for you.

You could work with her light body for example when she sleeps, and depending on your power etc, she might even dream about sex/romances while u do it. If u do it each night, she will dream each night about it.

You could program her to fall in love with you, which doesn’t mean that you will fuck her or be together with her.

The better approach is to do a working with the goal „_____ and I are in a happy sexual relationship together.“

Or a working to attract the best partner for you.

You also need to be on the attack in love. It’s Yin and Yang, Yin is your working, Yang in your action.
Know it’s working, you get tailwind by your working.
Don't be lazy, nobody likes lazy people. Go to the gym, and learn boxing or something else for self-defence. Train and get used your mind correctly, meditate correctly. What are you waiting for to improve? No one will do it for you.
Nohone2w said:

This is an energy question. You are trying to raise and create enough astral connections of love that would overpower any negatives involved with your synastry or other unattractive aspects.

If she is talking to you, this is a good sign, but this is different from a full romantic and sexual attraction. However, your low confidence can be an obstacle here. Some girls may like guys who are more introverted, but that does not always mean they overlook having low fire, as Mars is what defines masculinity.

Practice inhaling solar or martian energy, programmed in safe manner. See how this makes you feel. Then plan on a working with the upcoming Sun in Aries and Mars in Leo to permanently create these energies within you. This will give general success with both your relationships and low motivation.

Indirectly related: Blitzkreig [JG]: Sowilo vs Nauthiz for Productivity

Sun in Aries:
"Outgoing, self-starting, hotheaded, selfish, pioneering, leadership abilities, pushy, bossy, quick to anger, but the anger doesn't last unless there is a strong Scorpio emphasis in the chart. 'Me first' attitude, impatient, competitive, bold, fearless, loud mouthed, and energetic. Aries all by itself is notorious for beginning projects, but not finishing them. The more emphasis on Aries in the chart, the more self-centered the individual will be. Aries people love to talk about themselves, their lives and often disregard the needs of others. They put themselves and their own interests first. "

Sowilo Rune
Targeted Love spells can sometimes not work, even if the person doing it is extremely powerful in his own regard and does everything correctly. All other spells related to your own life will manifest but in very specific cases ,sometimes a love spell doesn't manifest. I believe that certain things are not supposed to happen and to stop that , the Universe counteracts our will. There is no way to predict this or why it's happening in that way. Maybe the Gods are involved .The majority of love spells will manifest but sometimes it won't.

But that shouldn't deter you from trying if you love the person.
The foundation of a relationship is the two individuals that create it and give shape to it. In order to get into a healthy relationship, the focus should be on the quality of both individuals. One should ask themselves if they are high-quality material and if the other person is high-quality relationship material. Also, more importantly if you are worthy of each other. Being of different ranks in quality makes for dysfunctional relationship that are unhealthy in most cases, and temporary. Are you looking for something temporary or are you looking for something permanent?

If you are looking for something temporary, then you can sustain certain degrees of imbalance as long as you gain something from this relationship. If you are looking for something stable and long-term, focusing on a healthy balance that nurtures and propels both of you is the way to go. A love spell won't magically fix everything for both of you.

So, before proceeding with a love spell, I would ask myself:
:arrow: what type of relationship you are looking for? (with her or anyone else)
:arrow: what do I bring to the table?
:arrow: what does she (or anyone else) bring to the table?

If there is too little in any of this, it needs to be rectified. For example, if you bring too little, you need to work on overcoming your shortcomings to make yourself desirable. If she brings too little, then look at her chart: chances are a detachment working may be needed and then attracting a different partner.

Before attracting any partner, you need to make sure you are desirable. You mentioned some things about you that need improvement. Some advice has been provided for it. Excellent advice from Blitz.

I'll be blunt: someone on the overweight side is unattractive. A man needs to look like they can provide certain things for a woman, such as protection. Protection includes physical protection, which means you'll need to both BE strong and LOOK strong. Being strong is the ability to take care of someone (and yourself), while looking the part signals to others that you possess this ability. Nobody in their right mind will think that a fat or a slim man looks strong.

This is the physical strength side. Then there are other types of strength that also increase your value such as spiritual strength, financial strength, intellectual strength and so on.

The process of finding a life-long relationship goes like this:
1. You make yourself into a valuable person.
2. You find an equally valuable person.
3. You forge a relationship with this other valuable person.
4. You consolidate the relationship with this other valuable person, and keep growing together.

Something important to note, is that it's okay to have other relationships of variable strength while you work on yourself. It's a human need for most and it helps you grow in different ways to become a valuable person. Very rarely it will happen that in a relationship you both start with little general value (but high value in some emotional aspects) and, while growing together, you decide to remain together. But this is not for everyone. The are many factors involved into this and you should look at your birth chart for indication. BlackDragon can help you with that if you don't know and don't want to invest your time in learning. Other knowledgeable people here are also available.
Thank you all!
Here is everything I need to know and accept in the replies. I try to improve!
Btw I started to mailing with her about art, didn't sure how it continues, but interesting. I already had a healthy food diet (specific for me from a bodybuilder) but diet isn't enough since I don't lost kg-s only with that. I need sport too. I started running.
But that's about the body part.
I am really unskilled on a social way, too introverted but I built something. I don't know how its going but I learned my past mistakes and my worst fault is rushing. Its need time now but also improve. I start it really slow and first I try to be her friend. Idk, I always tought that relationships unneccesarry and makes me weak if I deal with others but now I think it would be a Ying-Yang life if I have a partner or something. I am bit empty nowadays and miss feelings. But keep everything in the normal state, I dont want to attach myself in a bad way.
Thanks again!
Have a good day!
Nohone2w said:
Thank you all!
Here is everything I need to know and accept in the replies. I try to improve!
Btw I started to mailing with her about art, didn't sure how it continues, but interesting. I already had a healthy food diet (specific for me from a bodybuilder) but diet isn't enough since I don't lost kg-s only with that. I need sport too. I started running.
But that's about the body part.
I am really unskilled on a social way, too introverted but I built something. I don't know how its going but I learned my past mistakes and my worst fault is rushing. Its need time now but also improve. I start it really slow and first I try to be her friend. Idk, I always tought that relationships unneccesarry and makes me weak if I deal with others but now I think it would be a Ying-Yang life if I have a partner or something. I am bit empty nowadays and miss feelings. But keep everything in the normal state, I dont want to attach myself in a bad way.
Thanks again!
Have a good day!

I would be careful with diets given from bodybuilders: 1. because they usually have excessive amounts of protein in all instances (and carbs, when the person doing the diet isn't very active on a daily basis), 2. because the bodybuilding philosophy leads to unhealthy bodies which are not the product of beauty. The are many topics on this forum, some of which have great advice on personal diets.

For the social part, you have different options. For the spiritual part,:
:arrow: the upcoming Venus square is excellent, especially for removing social issues (Moon is waning) but you can also use it as a primer to boost your social skills;
:arrow: alternatively, you can start a working with Ehwaz (rune #19) and Sowilo (#16) and/or Berkano (#18). Ehwaz will help you forge bonds, Sowilo will empower other runes and give a masculine approach to social interaction, while Berkano can help by improving your relationships with women, helping you understand how to connect and relate to them. A good date to start this would be this Sunday. But a less good date can also be this Friday. I would use the hour of Venus, but you can also go for the hour of the Sun on Friday.

For the mental part:
:arrow: first of all, I think it's important to understand that many people nowadays are of poor quality and not worth associating with. If you have issues fitting in with them, in most cases it's not your faults but their for having poor social skills and toxic habits and behaviours. Most young people nowadays have nothing going on in their life except uni/work, getting drunk, clubbing, drugs, watching shit tv and playing videogames. They are not an example to follow, and they are the ones that build shallow relationships and in general have either a shallow perspective of life or complain that everyone else is shallow while perpetuating their shallow social circle and never attempting to understand what the issue is. They will bring you down in life, rather than up, and will be a big obstacle to your spiritual advancement.

:arrow: once you understand that, you can study people who are real role models such as our Gods and also prominent writers such as Marcus Aurelius, many Stoics, Plato, Aristotle, and so on. And also, look around you and analyse the social situation: are there people who something to teach you? Are there people who you can teach something to?

For example, from one side, sports people are good to be around while playing sports and exercises, but mostly bad company in other situations. People who have achievements and are successful in one or more areas of their life are good people to hang out with to develop your social skills and personality, especially if they have interests in common with you.

:arrow: You also need to analyse your own life and find out what's going on with it. You need to know yourself, your strengths and shortcomings. You can build upon this, and there excellent manuals on the introspective process by our brothers Powerofjustice and Dagr666

:arrow: An insightful book in social skills is Superhuman Social Skills.

From the practical side:
:arrow: Complete your analyses of yourself and people around you. Once you've developed yourself, you can approach the people you identified as being valuable, and start connecting with them. This will build your social skills.

There is strength in numbers, so it's important to have a few people around you other than your partner. Self-sufficiency is not a real thing, rather people are interdependent because you cannot do everything on your own. For example, you cannot be a financial advisor, a medical doctor, an electrical engineer, a mechanic and a food producer all at the same. It's simple not how reality works. The human experience is community-based.
I really thanks your words!
I have many problems in this world. For example I needed to do rituals to help myself find a job. I only can do easy job, for example security cause I have struggle with doing anything and I realize I don't care about other jobs. I easily get tired of people around me. I knoq about SS since 10+ years but I always got a backspace. Sometimes I switched back to my depression and nihilism cause I had to stop experience spiritual things and people around me drag me down. I don't even have friends, mostly its a time waste for me since people are really different around me. And on the internet most people are just toxic. I was also toxic in a time... I don't think I am vaulable since the random laziness but if I think about the spiritual part I always felt I can be more. But when I started into it always had to drag me down that "if I am SS why the hell I have struggle with simple things like losing weight that normal people can do?". Sometimes I feel crazy cause of people, something like schizoid symptons. Sometimes I feel a bit different. I really want to experience big thing in spiritual way already, but I know I am still under the stairs. I need motivation and I want to live more in spiritual world but irl mostly I must work and sometimes I forget all about... Its sad since I get oldee, already *7 years old... I know its pathetic that I don't even improved better but I needed to kill my social anxyety first. I need some bigger experience to believe in my powers but something always drag me down and I start to ignore. But I always go back to spirituality. I know its really pathetic to read... But I feel like getting older and don't care. Also I want to care but sometimes I don't believe in things or just do wrong something. Feel like some of my side need to be killed. Feels like I have personality disorder witch can be control sometimes. But did I even reached any level? I don't know. I had some success in improve some job, car, doing with energies, but I really wanted to work with Satan to improve myelf. I also tried blacj magic against people who made me bad things but didn't worked (I know its not beginner thing).
All I can say I have struggles with things and sometimes I don't feel like if anything is real in this world, but I actually want to be a badass SS in the same time. Btw may I not improved cause I watched lot ot anime since my 15 and I lived in my fantasy.
How to experience something that helps me believe more in myself and start to improve? I need some help from Satan maybe to find my way. I want to contact with Demons and I need help. But sometimes I don't know if they care about me, cauze I was lazy long time, so I just don't think I deserve anything...
Starting from 0 again and again ... Why? I know this girl stuff was a bull*** too. I have so much time that don't need to be wasted such things called "love". What is my problem?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
