Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kratom is a very dangerous thing. It is an opiate drug that is similar to opium/heroin. The specific molecule in kratom is slightly different, and some people say it is safer. But it is still possible to become addicted to it in the same way as heroin, and it is possible for it to be very harmful and dangerous. Especially in higher doses.
I have experience with kratom, mostly with powder. I believe it is the safest substance that you can use for relief beyond OTC drugs. If you take too much then you will just puke it out, it won't absorb straight into your system like other substances typically do. And, like valerian root and other medicinal herbs, it is low potency, tastes disgusting, and cannot be injected or insufflated, so it is harder to overdo. Most if not all incidences regarding "kratom overdose" were compounded by the fact that other drugs were present in the victim's system, such as fentanyl, heroin and benzos. It is safe to assume that these users were the typical degenerate hedonist chasing highs, or were otherwise seeking to harm themselves. Ignorance is also a common culprit whenever people harm themselves.
The user owes it to himself to be responsible with his use. That means having sense enough to research the substance and not mix it with other substances that will potentiate and compound the effects beyond your control, especially street drugs.
One should also have the respect for himself and the substance to use it for a legitimate purpose and not "recreationally".
Some people can get addicted to it, yes. But it's not heroin, it doesn't even come close. It's those users that have weak, addictive personalities, and not a trait of the substance itself. It doesn't compel you to become addicted anymore than a gun compels you to kill. It's all in the user, and you will know if you are someone who shouldn't even entertain the option, although some people report using it to get off of heroin and other opioids.
That being said, most people don't have any business messing with it, most of the time. It's best viewed as a medicine for treating specific problems. I can answer questions if anyone wants.