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Is Hating jews being prejudice?


New member
Apr 28, 2022
Hello reader.

So this kanyewest drama has got me wondering and, considering my curious nature, has had me questioning alot.

Is Hating Jews being prejudice? Like; so ever since I have been in the path whenever, i am reading and looking or watching something and notice a jewish person, i am like "Oh its a freaking jew".... I have never looked at jews the same way.

Is this ignorant? Yes its true they spiritually work against us, with them having curses and negative energy flowing around for the gentiles... But is it not just low level and ignorant to damp them into one bucket... Are all jews bad? Like all jews. Like i should never ever see them as normal humans? All of them.

Well it is true that they have said many things about hitler that were not true. But what was hitlers plan about the jews? Why were they gathered together in concentrated places? He sure didn't kill them but what was the main goal of putting them together in camps as a people? He wanted to send them back to israel?

Since jews are bad to us and wish us evil and ultimately death, are we not suppose to wish the same to them? I mean an eye for eye right?

How will we solve the jewish problem ultimately? Will they just dissappear from existence? Do what he did? I think it was so easy for hitler to open the way for people to see him now as a vilian and hate him because of his choice in dealing with the jews. I just don't understand why he had to put them in camps?

There's some more questions i would wanna write but i feel like the forums wouldn't be the right place to do so, because i know that JoS doesn't advertise anything against the law. So i will leave my comments and questions at that.

Please feel free to share your knowledge. Thank you.
Curious666 said:
Hello reader.

So this kanyewest drama has got me wondering and, considering my curious nature, has had me questioning alot.

Is Hating Jews being prejudice? Like; so ever since I have been in the path whenever, i am reading and looking or watching something and notice a jewish person, i am like "Oh its a freaking jew".... I have never looked at jews the same way.

Is this ignorant? Yes its true they spiritually work against us, with them having curses and negative energy flowing around for the gentiles... But is it not just low level and ignorant to damp them into one bucket... Are all jews bad? Like all jews. Like i should never ever see them as normal humans? All of them.

Well it is true that they have said many things about hitler that were not true. But what was hitlers plan about the jews? Why were they gathered together in concentrated places? He sure didn't kill them but what was the main goal of putting them together in camps as a people? He wanted to send them back to israel?

Since jews are bad to us and wish us evil and ultimately death, are we not suppose to wish the same to them? I mean an eye for eye right?

How will we solve the jewish problem ultimately? Will they just dissappear from existence? Do what he did? I think it was so easy for hitler to open the way for people to see him now as a vilian and hate him because of his choice in dealing with the jews. I just don't understand why he had to put them in camps?

There's some more questions i would wanna write but i feel like the forums wouldn't be the right place to do so, because i know that JoS doesn't advertise anything against the law. So i will leave my comments and questions at that.

Please feel free to share your knowledge. Thank you.

You really think we should appologize to them? For all the shit they have done to us in the past 2000+ years? Haven't you read about what the camp was for? They were working, the gas chambers were add by the russians at the end of war....
By definition a prejudice is a preconceived opinion on someone or something not based on facts or experience. Proof of Jews malignity is everywhere (see the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and so on), they've tried and are trying to eliminate us, our culture, our deities...so I think that hating them is not a prejudice but a noble act every one of us should do. Maybe not all jews are aware of the spiritual war (especially a lot of mixed teen jews) but they naturally act against us, play victims, manupulate people and spread lies, it's in their dna... get to know well some jews and it's a matter of time till you see what they really are. There are a lot of pdfs in the JoS site that explain your questions.
If you are serious with your questions then you should read some more through the library and forums to get a clearer idea of who our enemy is. From what I understood, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, jews have been created separately from humans by other creators and besides being genetically different have souls that are not human so cannot be considered human although they vaguely resemble us. Even the ones that don't do much against us can be activated by their masters at any time so there is no "good jew". And understandably we don't talk about or engage in anything illegal but trust me or better yet trust Satan, they will pay for all the atrocities they've done. So in closing I believe it is not prejudice to hate a species that is alien to this planet, shows parasitoid behavior and works towards your enslavement and destruction. I feel the pain of past and future generations and hate them with a burning passion however we should not let hatred blind us and do something unwise.
It is not prejudice to hate all Jews. As a collective species they are the antithesis of everything we and Gods stand for.

There are no "good" Jews, their soul wishes to express what it really is, ie, depravity.

They are an invasive species and parasitical in nature. Dont be fooled by the odd "kind" Jew.

It was necessary for Hitler to consolidate the Jewish people during WW2 until a more permanent so look solution was realized.

Study and meditate, you will see.
Yes, it is prejudice!
Good, correct, prejudice based on facts.

The jews were genetically engineered to be what they are. Their purpose is to infiltrate the Gentile civilization by parasitism, and then rule the planet and enslave all Gentiles. Every jew has those genetics. Their soul is fundamentally different than Gentiles, and is quite disgusting to sense astrally.

However, jews are still sentient life forms, capable of logic and higher reasoning, and not all of them are aware of their purpose right now. As a result, some jews inadvertently work for our side by believing themselves to be normal humans and applying logic to the world. Seeing all the garbage that jews are causing, they expose the jews based on what they see. These jews are very rare, because all jews feel a subconscious desire to push their agenda. And they are unpredictable and can turn sour at any time. In the end, all jews are our enemy, regardless of what individuals might be doing right now.

Hitler's concentration camps were a temporary solution, to keep the jews out of the way until after the war.

Regarding the Final Solution, that is up to Satan to decide.
Prejudice supposes that we pre-judge. If we know who, what and how the jew is, then we are not prejudiced; we are post-judiced. Maybe that word doesn't exist, but it should. Some might try and say we shouldn't judge others, but we must; we need to keep ourselves, and our loved ones, safe. For others who might not know who, what and how the jew is, if they trust us and take us at our word, then perhaps they would be pre-judiced; but if we are telling them from actual knowledge and experience, then as a whole, I think that they also are not pre-judging the jew. When growing up, I just knew gypsies were bad people who stole things. Since encountering the gypsy and getting to know it, I no longer am prejudiced; I am postjudiced about it.


OK, the word does exist. My browser has not been programmed efficiently. A prejudice after the fact?...

If one was abused as a Child, then later on they see that abuser, and they say, "Oh, it's that fucking bastard", is that prejudice? Is that being prejudiced? Of course not. We need to survive and keep ourselves safe, so that we can become better and better. Closed-minded and ignorant prejudice is stupid. We need to actually know things properly first. I go on about christianity a lot because I know about it and realising more and more about the jew and its ways, I notice a lot of similarities in existence as I did in christianity. I don't say things just because; I have learnt things and now I say them from experience, knowledge and understanding.

The jew is literally not Human. It admits so in various media, and I think through the jew "HP" we had, who tried gaining favour and status, we learnt that the jew's soul make-up is very different from ours. From more learning, we know the jew has been created to destroy Humans from within, infiltrating, gaining a lot of power and wealth and materialistic crap.

"israel" doesn't exist. The land is called Palestine.



The jew lied about 6 million jew deaths. That number was revised down to about 1 million, and that 1 million included non-jews, as well.






not only has "6 million" being reduced to about 1 million, "6 million" has also been used before the end of WW2; before the start of WW2; before the end and start of WW1; before the year 1900 -





the jewish fantasy of gas chambers is... stupid; therefore, also a lie -





"The" popes are jewish -

Hitler bEiNg A cHrIsTiAn - having a jew god - then killing the jew... surely makes sense... :roll: Hitler was also not against homosexuality; He, being a Pagan, knows Nature wins all; homosexuality exists in thousands and thousands of species of Animal and has existed for thousands and thousands of years. Hitler was also not racist -







Both "antisemitism" and "'the' holocaust" are tricks -



The jew declared war on Nazi Germany -



Hitler didn't want to exterminate the jew -


The jew thinks less-than-nothing of Humans -

The cOnCenTrAtIoN cAmPs were also lied about -

I am not certain about this point, but I think it had been determined, via the help of a map, that the "concentration camps" were actually the exact locations of industry. Indeed; the "concentration camps" were, in fact, factories.
NOTE: TGSNT.tv has christian crap mixed in with it. I was told it mixes 98% truth with 2% lies.

Hitler knows and understands Karma - even when doing things against His enemy. He understands that to dispose of the jew to either minimise the affects of Karma or to make sure no ill karmic effects happen at all, it has to be done carefully and correctly. He doesn't want to damage Himself, nor Humans, by just throwing the jew away carelessly.

I'd like to end on a few very good points -




I think the ballpoint pen had been invented by that time; however, they were not in widespread use. Of course - the jew would have use of things before the general Human population would, though. Also I think it was a New York court which determined that the diary had also been forged in part; therefore, any copyright for that book was scrapped, due to the "diary" having a co-authour.









There are probably a lot more than this that I don't know about.

P.S. I don't think you meant "prejudiced" in the way I mentioned here. Knowing the jew is not being prejudiced. It is not prejudice; it is knowledge and existence so that we can survive and thrive.
This question is equivalent to 'Is hating our enemies being prejudiced ?'

Were it not for them, we would be in a society much more advanced than it is now. Effort put through together by races from different continents would equate to advancement of the civilization on Earth as a whole.

One would actually feel that the work they do for the society is quite meaningful instead of working only for supporting their livelihood. Money earned in such a society would ensure that almost everyone could eat their favorite food to their heart's content and buy clothes that they wanted to buy freely and without any reservations. Reservation which arise from lack of financial stability and also hangups if one stays in the former condition for a long period of time.

The reason that we are not able to live in such a wonderful society is because of our enemies. Jews are one division of the enemy that have worked hard for centuries to ensure that we will not live in such a golden society. Therefore, I would rephrase you question to 'Is hating our enemies being prejudiced ?'
No. It's not prejudice. It's Justice. Jews have done nothing but harm, and lied, killed, stole, perverted, and gaslit the Gentiles for being children of the Gods that these Jews are retarded to go up against. Hatred is natural, especially when the Jews whom we hate have no remorse for their actions, and try to justify their wickedness by any means necessary. Anyone would feel anger and hatred for that kind of disgusting dehumanizing behavior. Now that Jews have nowhere to hide, and their wickedness being exposed for every Gentile to see, the horrible fate of the Jews is self-inflicted by their own ignorance, arrogance and stupidity.
GoldenxChild1 said:
It is not prejudice to hate all Jews. As a collective species they are the antithesis of everything we and Gods stand for.

There are no "good" Jews, their soul wishes to express what it really is, ie, depravity.

They are an invasive species and parasitical in nature. Dont be fooled by the odd "kind" Jew.

It was necessary for Hitler to consolidate the Jewish people during WW2 until a more permanent so look solution was realized.

Study and meditate, you will see.
GxC1 what are your thoughts on Bobby Fischer?
Hatred of jews is born of the love to protect one's people.
of the true light said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
It is not prejudice to hate all Jews. As a collective species they are the antithesis of everything we and Gods stand for.

There are no "good" Jews, their soul wishes to express what it really is, ie, depravity.

They are an invasive species and parasitical in nature. Dont be fooled by the odd "kind" Jew.

It was necessary for Hitler to consolidate the Jewish people during WW2 until a more permanent so look solution was realized.

Study and meditate, you will see.
GxC1 what are your thoughts on Bobby Fischer?

Just some Jew who was good at chess from what I read, why?
Username said:
This question is equivalent to 'Is hating our enemies being prejudiced ?'
The jew reckons that "god" rejects us to "hell" because we rejected "god" first. Hmmm... Let's see... The word "goy" is singular; "goyim" is plural, and means "[the] Nations" when asking a jew, or means "cattle" when realising what the jew sees us as. So "Goy/im means [the] Nations... is "israel" not a nation? Why is it not? Why is it different? Why is it set apart? Continue, shall we? -

A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death...
Sanhedrin 59a

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

Resh Lakish said, He who is observant of fringes will be privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves...
Mas. Shabbath 31b

On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle.
Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no-one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.
Choschen Hamm 388, 15

Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say, "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath". At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written, "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

R. Hanina said, If a heathen smites a Jew, he is worthy of death; for it is written, ...and he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian. [Ex. 2:12] R. Hanina also said, He who smites an Israelite on the jaw, is as though he had thus assaulted the Divine Presence; for it is written, one who smiteth man [i.e. an Israelite] attacketh the Holy One.
[In other words, if a non-Jew kills a Jew, the non-Jew can be killed. Punching an Israelite is akin to assaulting God, but killing a non-Jew is NOT like assaulting God.]
Sanhedrin 58b

If a goy killed a goy or a Jew he is responsible, but if a Jew killed a goy he is not responsible.
Tosefta, Aboda Zara, VIII, 5

Has it not been taught, "With respect to robbery - if one stole or robbed or [seized] a beautiful woman, or [committed] similar offences, if [these were perpetrated] by one Cuthean ["Cuthean" or "Samaritan" = goy/gentile/heathen/non-Jew] against another, [the theft, etc.] must not be kept, and likewise [the theft] of an Israelite by a Cuthean, but that of a Cuthean by an Israelite may be retained"? However, if robbery is a capital offence, should not the Tanna have taught, He incurs a penalty? - Because the second clause wishes to state, "...but that of a Cuthean by an Israelite may be retained", therefore the former clause reads, "[theft of an Israelite by a Cuthean] must not be kept", but where a penalty is incurred, it is explicitly stated, for the commencing clause teaches, "For murder, whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty"?
[Translation - a Jew may rob a Goy, but a Goy may not rob a Jew. If a Goy murders another Goy or a Jew, he should be killed, but a Jew will not be incur the death penalty for killing a non-Jew.]
Sanhedrin 57a

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.
Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.
Zohar, Shemoth

Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.
[NB: Hoffman says, "This passage is not from the Soncino edition but is from the original Hebrew of the Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopaedia, published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, 'Gentile,' (p. 617)." Another source says this passage is at Avodah Zara 26b. We have not been able to verify any of these references. It does not seem to be at Avodah Zara 26b of the Soncino edition.]
Soferim 15, Rule 10, or
Abodah Zara 26b

A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.
Sanhedrin 59a

Plus many more similar scriptural quotes.

There are the "7 noahide laws" the jew has been wanting to do, as well. Let us not forget the jew World order.

There we were, just minding our own business, perfecting our Souls and improving and bettering ourselves, then along came a parasite and shit-worshipper who decided to do these things, and more, against us. "This question is equivalent to 'Is hating our enemies being prejudiced?'"
Curious666 said:
Is Hating jews being prejudiced?
I don't have a problem with doing so!
FancyMancy said:
Username said:
This question is equivalent to 'Is hating our enemies being prejudiced ?'
The jew reckons that "god" rejects us to "hell" because we rejected "god" first. Hmmm... Let's see... The word "goy" is singular; "goyim" is plural, and means "[the] Nations" when asking a jew, or means "cattle" when realising what the jew sees us as. So "Goy/im means [the] Nations... is "israel" not a nation? Why is it not? Why is it different? Why is it set apart? Continue, shall we? -


Heard a single jew call himself a Goy-Jew. Like seriously from what I know they like to throw "Oh Goy/im just means nation".

If that is the case how come you don't call yourself goy/im jew. I mean Israel is a nation? Why not the Goy of Israel?

"We Jews are goy/im too as well, we are a nation".


We rejected God lulz that is hilarious we had God first, Satan and the Gods, and it reminds me of an idiot family member that said Paganism turned into Christianity because it turned into that. Unfortunately this family member is grade "A" NPC always reading MSM non-sense.

I've never heard of a single utterance from any jew or text or even some video. EVER stating they consider themselves Goy/im(nation).

The more serious aspect of this is an anti-Nationalist perspective. It seems God?/Gods? perfect plan is an anti-national communism of having ONLY Israel as a nation from Ukraine down to the Levant, across Egypt to Iraq. God seems to be the perfect communist. My perfect form of communism has never been tried meme.

It reminds me of a member who posted on Proxima Centauri β. And apparently even the Military(at least U.S.) has paid attention to this planet and says weird shit happens where the only artificial daylight during the night of their planet. On a continent in one particular circular shape.

Is it fair to state Israel = Central Hub of baneful magick and Greyification and Grey manufacture when the aliens come to conquer everything? For example the jews have been wanting for many centuries trying to rebuild the 3rd temple before Muzzies built the Dome of the Rock. As late as 2018 Ryan Dawson was like Mossad has been trying to blew up the DoR blame it on ISIS/ISIL/Alchaida and rebuild the 3rd temple.

I wonder if the old Quake 4 with Stroggification would make sense here.

Sheer fact is Israel and the jewish trick species of Proxima Centuri β did they perfect the Israeli nation on their planet and when the aliens came they bowled everyone together even the jewish species on their planet as schmuck useful idiots. And Israel is meant to act as a central place not unlike Hitler and Streicher's statements albeit Hitler knew well in advance further more nefarious than Julius's assumption before his death.

Israel besides being Isis-Ra-El or the astral body. Is it fair to state the centralization and production of kaballah blasting anti-God technology the enemy employs. Is it fair to state the hypercentralization of an Israel on any plant under kosher supervision.

Is it fair to state. It's the centralized location for their mass global covens to strike other planets with baneful blasts? For example Pyramids are on Orion's belt positioning. Would it be fair Israel intends to poison this area and blast out towards Orion to diminish the Orion Gods influence.

In other words why is the enemy so HYPER obsessed to expand Israel Ukraine-Levant/Egypt-Iraq. Like seriously it seems odd that jews would only ask for that piece of land. I guess they need to waste people's time cause kalergi plans and massacre people as korbans for Israel.

In other words is Israel the center of the new human i.e. the Grey borg? Shouldn't we call it Greysrel.

If the enemy hypercentralizes everything then it would make perfect sense that, that area of the World for the time being is hidden with extreme amounts of surveillance and computers. They sure as hell like to machinate schemes like Hitler's statement the college training center for rogues(or however his quote goes).

Anyways postjudice I'm going to use that I'm going to keep it in mind. Thanks! FancyMancy!

Sheer fact is we are dealing with communists and people who lord themselves over as being the real mensch as they like to brag about.

Who knew shit talking so much would lead to this. Gotta admit the jew is a crafty fucktard. Fuck around with everyone and make everyone into shit and you'll be the Scheißmeister.

I do hope Gentiles wake up and smell the doom and gloom and turn it around and doom and gloom the jews. Would love to witness what the Gods do to kosher trick species when they recapture a planet.

Anyone ever ask the Gods or witnessed a God or Goddess project an image or show you what happens to KSTS(Kosher Supervision Trick Species)?
GoldenxChild1 said:
of the true light said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
It is not prejudice to hate all Jews. As a collective species they are the antithesis of everything we and Gods stand for.

There are no "good" Jews, their soul wishes to express what it really is, ie, depravity.

They are an invasive species and parasitical in nature. Dont be fooled by the odd "kind" Jew.

It was necessary for Hitler to consolidate the Jewish people during WW2 until a more permanent so look solution was realized.

Study and meditate, you will see.
GxC1 what are your thoughts on Bobby Fischer?
Just some Jew who was good at chess from what I read, why?
Hmm...I thought Fischer fought against his own thus fought against depravity.

It makes me wonder about his soul.
Gear88 said:
If you mean what I think you mean, then I think you have a point that non-"israel" are not nations, and that only "israel" is a nation, according to the jew. It says one thing and means another, so "Goy/im" meaning "Nations" actually mean only "israel" is a nation and everywhere else is to be mongoloid as an Afro-Asian ethno-Pangaea. (I also saw something recently that there is supposed to be a supercontinent forming - Amasia... but the jew will be way too late for that - it is not set to form for another 200-300 million years. The jew cries.)
of the true light said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
of the true light said:
GxC1 what are your thoughts on Bobby Fischer?
Just some Jew who was good at chess from what I read, why?
Hmm...I thought Fischer fought against his own thus fought against depravity.

It makes me wonder about his soul.

Stop wondering. A Jew is a Jew, infighting means nothing.
GoldenxChild1 said:
of the true light said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Just some Jew who was good at chess from what I read, why?
Hmm...I thought Fischer fought against his own thus fought against depravity.

It makes me wonder about his soul.

Stop wondering. A Jew is a Jew, infighting means nothing.
Fischer was useful to the cause, infighting or not; as it raised awareness.

So, I wouldn't exactly say that it was of no value.

Perhaps that is just the Luciferian in me speaking though.
of the true light said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
of the true light said:
Hmm...I thought Fischer fought against his own thus fought against depravity.

It makes me wonder about his soul.

Stop wondering. A Jew is a Jew, infighting means nothing.
Fischer was useful to the cause, infighting or not; as it raised awareness.

So, I wouldn't exactly say that it was of no value.

Perhaps that is just the Luciferian in me speaking though.

I guess, a lot of Jews have been known to turn on their own, and yes it can be helpful but it is not because they care for gentiles, but rather confused in their own racial moral muddle - especially Jews with gentile blood.

In my mind, I dont see any individual value in Jews like this, if they screwed over their own then that is good for our side but no medal of honor should be awarded or anything. There is no personal value to these "people".

I did read up on him after your comment so thanks for making me more aware!
Curious666 said:
Is this ignorant? Yes its true they spiritually work against us, with them having curses and negative energy flowing around for the gentiles... But is it not just low level and ignorant to damp them into one bucket... Are all jews bad? Like all jews. Like i should never ever see them as normal humans? All of them.

"Prejudice" is just an enemy buzzword to smear those who recognize patterns.

It's high level and goes against the grain to be aware of jews as a race being bad, because jews have convinced everyone that any criticism of them is bad. They have been kicked out of 109 countries through history. 109 different countries. The statement that all people in all of those countries were prejudiced against them is absurd. You don't get kicked out of 109 countries for no reason at all, but your behavior is to blame.

Questioning whether it's "all" jews is called the NAXALT fallacy. A generalized statement like "jews are bad" obviously doesn't mean that every single jew is bad, but the 95%+ of them are. So if you take a random jew, there's more than 9 out of 10 chance that he is bad. If I gave you a bag of Cheetos and I told you that 90% of them are poisoned, would you pick one of them at random and eat it, in case it isn't poisoned? Would you consider the statement that "the Cheetos in this bag are poisoned" as generally true or would you rush to tell me "not ALL Cheetos!"? You can see where I'm trying to get.

his avoidance of generalizing and the NAXALT fallacy is nothing but enemy programming going on in your head. The NAXALT fallacy ignores the vast majority that are bad and takes a very small good minority and tries to equate the small minority to the vast majority. Usually those people who use this fallacy conclude it with "there are bad people in every race" which tries to minimize the fact that Jews have a lot more bad than good people compared to other races.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is very common for jews to be self-hating. Like Bobby Fischer. I think most jews are self-hating.

Jews tend to be self-hating because they wish they can be Gentiles, while tearing Gentiles down for being Gentiles and mocking and imitating them in the most disgusting ways possible. It's a deep jealousy and hatred, which is their insanity inducing feeling of doom. If the Jews attack each other, is because they never cared about each other due to not having a complete soul the way Gentiles do. They only care for each other because they have an agenda, not because they actually care, and procreation is nothing more than a survival mechanism, not a show of love and affection the way Gentiles can show deep love and affection for someone through sex, or even showcase how powerful sexual energy actually is because they have a complete soul.

It's basically a ticking time bomb before the Jews implode on themselves psychologically.
I think jew is not worth of thinking of him/she. For education purposes so that you would be able to manage their actions more faster, yes it’s good. But all what can be done about jew is FRTR/Shattering/tetra and on time while these are being done only then they are worth of our attention, and without any exception, this should be living reality for one when enough research is done about them in theory and experience until that point when it is fully realised what they are doing here on the energy level.

It is the life force of the cosmos which is used to annihilate civilisation of this world by all means. What our purpose is, it is total opposite.
@FancyMancy: Postjudice I'm going to use that.

Shouldn't it be [Hating Hitler is prejudice]?

I hate Hitler, why?

I don't know I hate him, why?

NPCs don't give straight answer. I hate Hitler...NPC prejudice response.

No one studies the Man of the Century.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
