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Okay so, the answer is obvious and you have it in group description and it's:

"We are a community of Third Sex Spiritual Satanists and follow the teachings of the Joy Of Satan. We exist for a place for Third Sex Satanists to meet and discuss important issues from spirituality, history and politics and more. Third Sex people have always played an important role in true Satanism from the Satanic societies of the past to the current one being created today. And always will.

There is no Homophobia only Truthphobia, which attacks all of the Third Sex people who have laid down their lives for Satanic Truth.

Satan the Father and Creator God of Humanity in Sanskrit means Eternal Truth, Calling yourself a Satanist literally means you are a follower of Eternal Truth.

We are as Satan has created us to be, and it is the enemies of Satan who are against the Third Sex.

To be a community member here abide by the following:

1. We know Satan and his Demons are real beings. If you are LaVeyan, or feel otherwise, do not push your beliefs here. 

2. People who sympathise with and/or support the enemies of Satan- Jews, Christians and Muslims WILL BE BANNED! 

3. Blasphemy against Satan and/or his Demons will not be tolerated!

4. If you believe Satan and his Demons are evil, this is not the group for you, find another. 

5. Do not try to push Wiccan or other non-Satanic creeds here. 

6. Do not try to promote individuals, groups or organizations who bash the Joy of Satan. Your posts will be deleted and you will be banned. 

7. Anyone who posts advocating anything illegal will be banned. 

8. Please be polite- flaming will not be tolerated. 

High Priest Jake Carlson

High Priest Mageson




You are a theistic Satanist? We, Spiritual Satanists of the Joy of Satan, are also theistic Satanists, in the sense that we know and acknowledge Satan as a real, literal and to be taken seriously, being, who most definitely physically and spiritually exists. However, it must be said that we are not in any way related to the politically correct Jewess, Ms. Diane Vera, or her so-called "theistic Satanism," which is nothing more than a front and recruiting ground for Left-winged, liberal Christianity.
The real Satan despises this Jewish Christian witch [Ms. Vera] who uses his Name as a front to promote a Left-winged, more-tolerant and all-inclusive form of Christianity, due to the fact that whether Christian politics are liberal or conservative, they are still Christianity, nonetheless. Ms. Vera calls this "theistic Satanism," but really, it's just Left-winged Christianity. She claims to oppose what she and other Jews call the so-called "Christian religious Right wing" and an evangelical Christian theocracy, which is all fine and good, but the truth is that the Right/conservative wing of Christianity isn't any worse than the Left/liberal wing of Christianity that promotes a nihilistic, amoral free-for-all and suicidal racial equality that flies in the face of Nature's and Satan's Laws.
Jewish Left-winged Christians, like Diane Vera, who deny the fact that they are both racially-Jewish, and metaphysically, a Christian, haven't been able to hide their politically correct, Christian agenda from real Satanists who know the real, literal Satan, face-to-face, through first-hand experience, and who have the eyes to see how Satan feels about EVERY form of Christianity -- not only conservative, white-picket fence, Protestant Christian fundamentalism -- but Christianity's more "tolerant," "accepting" and all-inclusive aspects of universalist Christianity, as well.
Jewess, Ms. Diane Vera and her so-called "theistic Satanism" cannot accept the fact that Satan is the White Aryan Pagan Creator God, himself, who existed LONG before Christianity and the false "creator god" of Judaeo/Christian mythology. Since Ms. Vera is not a Gentile, this is totally foreign and alien to her. "Pagan/Heathen" literally means GENTILE, namely, White Aryan, as White Gentiles are Satan's People and Priority, but Satan will also extend his blessings and protection over to non-Whites who are not Jewish, and who do not, in any way, embrace Marxism or any other form of Christianity, whether theistic or atheistic, spiritual or political.
For "Satanists" who cannot see, or refuse to see, the truth that EVERY SINGLE FORM OF CHRISTIANITY IS COMMUNISM, HAS NO CHANCE OF EVER BECOMING A REAL SATANIST, PERIOD! Not all forms of communism are liberal and accepting. It's all a Jewish trap for Gentiles.
I know that I'm going off topic here, but Communism is usually just an atheistic form of Christianity, but Christianity -- whether liberal and "tolerant," or fundamentalist, fire and brimstone, conservative and condemning -- that believes in a judgmental, oppressive, doomsday preaching "God" and Christ, is nothing more than a form of primordial theistic communism, due to the fact that even conservative Christians who openly "bash" communism and claim to fight against it, are still communists, themselves, until they completely renounce every single last trace of Christ and Christianity.
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... smpartone/
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... smparttwo/
Satan is the Pagan Creator God, not some evil, Jewish "Fallen Angel." He is labeled as the Enemy of God, because, in Jewish "sacred" literature, God is the Jewish people and their alien, reptilian creators. Christ is the "holy one of Israel," and then, the Gentiles who have been "grafted into Israel," as "spiritual Semites," for worshiping the Jewish people and their alien, "heavenly father," so to speak, all while cursing their own Creator, Satan, by being Bible-believing Christians, inherit "a portion in the world to come," or so it is promised in the Christian Bible and the Talmud.
There are many Pagan Gods who are Satan's Demons, but, in reality, there is no other Creator God besides Satan. There is no "God" versus "the Devil" when one considers the fact that it is Satan who is the Ultimate Creator of the White Aryan Race and all things Gentile, not the one that the deluded Gentile Christians call "God." Satan is, in fact, God. Instead, the entire "God" versus "the Devil" mythology, is a war that is "out there" and between extra-terrestrial beings along with their Jewish "human" creation against the White Aryan Nordic Gods, and their battle over Satan's People -- the White Aryan Race of humans -- Satan's human offspring.
Just because there is no such thing as "the Creator of the universe" or "the Creator of heaven and Earth" doesn't make Satan any less of a White Aryan Pagan Creator God. Satan created all four elements which are essential to all non-Jewish beings, and the fifth element is Spirit, which is the culmination of the four elements.
Vera uses her Jewish imagination to claim that Satan is fighting against the Creator. This is because, as a Jewess, Satan is not HER creator. Whenever someone confronts her with the truth about Satan and his policy on the Jews, and EVERY LAST TRACE of Christianity, including the more tolerant and universalist versions of it that she supports and even welcomes, she resorts to calling such a confrontation a "theological disagreement" that the REAL Satanist who caught her being a Christian, red-handed, is "holding an irrational grudge over." How pathetic.
I realize that this reply went off topic, but since you stated that you are a theistic Satanist, I just wanted you to know that we, Spiritual Satanists, here, are theistic, as well, but that we have nothing else in common with Ms. Vera, as she uses her so-called "theistic Satanism" as a front and a recruiting ground for liberal, universalist Christianity, which is just as much of a Jewish abomination in the eyes of Satan as fire and brimstone, judgmental, conservative Christian fundamentalism is.
Ms. Vera claims that the Joy of Satan and other Nazi Satanist organizations are really just political Nazis using Satanism as a means for "recruiting" potential Nazis, and really have no interest in Satanism, but due to Diane Vera's Jewish heritage [which she denies having], not only is she incapable of knowing the first thing about what true Nazism is, she is incapable of seeing that true Nazism is Satanism, as Nazism is the inner core of Satanism.  There are some Christians who think that "Nazism and Christianity can be reconciled," but these Christian SCUM don't know or take the time to learn the first thing about the Satanic religion and Satanic origins of Nazism.  Diane Vera takes advantage of, and exploits this, and uses it to her advantage.  
Ms. Vera's so-called "theistic Satanism," is actually, just as much of an enemy of real theistic Satanism, which is spiritual, as any other form of Christianity, again, whether liberal, tolerant, accepting, and etc., or condemning, intolerant Christian fundamentalism.
Diane Vera labels anyone who speaks, not only against Zionist Israel, but the Jewish people, themselves, as "backwards bigots," and "haters."  This is the universalist Christian thing to do.  If this were to be true, I would be the ultimate "backwards bigot" and "hater," but unlike Vera, who is the true bigot and hater, who puts quotation marks around the word Aryan, but not around the word Jew, at least I acknowledge that the Jews are, indeed, a RACE, but so is the White Aryan Race.
High Priest Jake Carlson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
