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Interesting lucid dream experience


Active member
Sep 20, 2017
Discontinued account
The other day I managed to achieve a perfect and fully lucid dream. I recall the circumstances that led to this was when I went to sleep for the 2nd time in the day, then I was woken up the 3rd time and immediately went back to sleep. After going to sleep again, I was having this dream about going to a store with a friend to buy some trading cards. I was reading each card carefully to see if I got anything good, I noticed that the text and picture would slightly change every time I looked at the cards. Afterwards I'm outside and wondering where the other guy had gone so I went looking for them but they were nowhere in sight.

I slowly started realizing at some point that things weren't making sense. I began thinking I could be in a dream so I attempted to "fly up" and see what happened and actually managed to effortlessly and then landed somewhere. When I was fully convinced I was in a dream I just paused and looked around, everything was so vivid and clear, and my eyesight was completely normal. I could then feel my unconscious body sleeping as I focused on it, but at the same time I felt I was getting close to waking up so I tried to maintain this state for as long as possible and figure out what to do. I focused on keeping my eyes closed and, in the process, closed my eyes in the dream state as well. It was strange because everything was black but I could see outlines with a faint color. The time of day was also the same as when I woke up. Moving in this lucid dream was also interesting, best I can describe it is you move like you actually are fully consciously manipulating your body when you're awake to the point I actually wondered if I actually was roaming around in the night with my shorts on lol. Unfortunately I woke up.

The circumstances leading up to this actually reminded me of a lucid dream method I saw on youtube, the person instructs that one should set an alarm half-way through their sleep schedule and when they wake up do a bit of physical movement and go back to sleep right away. There's also the method of doing math problems as you fall asleep, or some form of intellectual exercise, which is probably what the card part of the dream did. There's also keeping a mental routine of evaluating your conditions and determining whether you're in a sleep state or not. So I basically did everything without actually realizing it :lol:

Does anyone have any recommendations on what one should do when they're in a lucid state? I've only fulfilled my childhood wish of flying in the air, but surely there are some meditations that we can employ here. Also, from the experience I described, there might be a way to transition from a lucid state to an astral state. I will definitely try this the next time it happens.
Specter said:
Does anyone have any recommendations on what one should do when they're in a lucid state? I've only fulfilled my childhood wish of flying in the air, but surely there are some meditations that we can employ here. Also, from the experience I described, there might be a way to transition from a lucid state to an astral state. I will definitely try this the next time it happens.
I would work on controlling the state as much as possible. From greater control you can go forward to anythings else, meditations included.

I think I'll try the alarm clock method...
Lucid dreams are an easy way to astral project for those who struggle with the conventional methods of getting into a deep trance. Just will the dream to end without wanting to wake up in your body and you should find yourself in the astral, near your physical body.
Meteor said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Lucid dreams are an easy way to astral project for those who struggle with the conventional methods of getting into a deep trance. Just will the dream to end without wanting to wake up in your body and you should find yourself in the astral, near your physical body.

Wait, is that why lately when I get bored of flying around and experimenting with visualisation in my dreams, the dream world fades away and I find myself in my bed, after which I get up and walk around my apartment for a bit and try to start my day like usual, then realise a few minutes later that I'm still asleep?
I thought it was just some strange dreams and didn't consider I might be projecting around my apartment, lol. It's happened several days in a row now. Whenever I realise I'm still asleep I just will myself to actually wake up because I felt bored and would rather do something real, but I wonder now if that's a waste.
Do you have any suggestions for anything useful or productive I could do in a situation like that, instead of just waking myself up?
Yes, pretty much sounds like it. You can walk around the apartment, ask to meet a God or Goddess (remember to go through Satan as you don't want an enemy entity), get familiar with the astral, and so on.
Henu the Great said:
Specter said:
Does anyone have any recommendations on what one should do when they're in a lucid state? I've only fulfilled my childhood wish of flying in the air, but surely there are some meditations that we can employ here. Also, from the experience I described, there might be a way to transition from a lucid state to an astral state. I will definitely try this the next time it happens.
I would work on controlling the state as much as possible. From greater control you can go forward to anythings else, meditations included.

I think I'll try the alarm clock method...

Yeah, I also learned it's important to be very calm and focused in this state. Practice also helps too, like the one instructed in the astral projection page, but a method I've come up with is to imagine yourself running a track to get a sense of full body movement and then just making it feel as real as possible without causing your body to move.
Blackdragon666 said:
Lucid dreams are an easy way to astral project for those who struggle with the conventional methods of getting into a deep trance. Just will the dream to end without wanting to wake up in your body and you should find yourself in the astral, near your physical body.

I'm pretty sure there's also a chance to trigger sleep paralysis here, which is said to be a "failed astral projection" or form of it in some way, but it can be solved by keeping the mind calm and then the person can decide if they want to do a true astral projection or return to normal. This was instructed from another post I read a long time ago.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
