Europe Gladio said:
What is your explanation of why the communists hate cars?
You can get in your car at any time and drive anywhere you want and communists hate this. They'd rather you walk or ride your bike and risk the elements and waste your time, or take a bus or train and risk violence and possible disease. They want to restrict you of your freedom. Look at North Korea. Perfect example.
Morning Propaganda in North Korea
Morning in Pyongyang, North Korea. Very eerie.
This plan passed in San Francisco and will eventually ban cars or force you to use a vehicle that has better emissions. This is the same program my state had to deal with and we were able to defeat it. The majority of the opponents to the plan were old White people. Non-Whites overwhelmingly supported it. Here's a short rundown about the plan:
The only modes of transportation will be buses, trains, bicycling and walking. High density population cities. No home ownership. People will be packed and stacked into high rise buildings. Pets are not allowed. Houses, cars, pets and lawns (The American Dream) are not allowed because they are all a waste of resources. Everyone will be pushed from the rural areas into the cities and a wall will be built around the city to keep everyone in. There will be large distances between cities. Traveling from town to town will be highly restricted. The government will have control of all supplies. This is the ideal communist scenario. They tried to pass it by consent. Now they will try by conquest.
These guys are the shock troops for Agenda 21. They're also vegans.