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Info Dump: Big Brother and the Damn Jooz


New member
Sep 8, 2006

This was an info dump I compiled for a thread on the /pol/ (politically incorrect) board on 4chan a little while ago (I have edited the text somewhat to filter out what everyone here should already know). We need to target this board for it is surely one of the best places on all of the internet to promote our cause: anti-semitism and neo-nazism is rampant. Unfortunately though, too many posters have been misled by jewish lies e.g. too many people think that the Nazis were a christian organization etc. However I see an excellent recruitment opportunity here, but that's not the topic.

The ministry has already covered the RFID microchip topic and everyone here should be aware of it. But the Big Brother subject is much more extensive than that...This article goes way deeper into the subject.


Most of you are at least somewhat aware of how far surveillance technology has come and, in the
hands of the jews, what a deadly threat it poses to everyone on this planet. But do you know quite how deep the rabbit hole goes?

Author Mark Dice's book entitled Big Brother - the Orwellian Nightmare Come True shows that
George Orwell's nightmarish vision described in the novel 1984 has become a reality. Everyone is familiar with issues such as constant surveillance which keeps everyone adherent to a totalitarian government. Most of you are also aware of the jewish oligarchy (which can be likened to what Orwell the calls the Inner Party) and the power it has over the lower classes. This is alarmingly close to going nuclear.

In the aforementioned book (you really need to read this) Dice comprehenively describes many forms of advanced surveillance technology. I have compiled this report by summarizing the salient points of this book as best I can and by using it a guide to further research sources, while adding my own commentaries.

Surveillance Cameras

Equipped with facial recognition software that can identify anyone in a crowd and even detect "hostile" speech and automatically dispatch the police to investigate. The UK government has also spent $700 million dollars to install surveillance cameras inside the homes of citizens to monitor whether their children attend school, eat proper meals, and go to bed on time.
Few people know that cameras and microphones in laptops and phones can be remotely activated and used for spying.

Global Positioning Systems

Now so small that they can be placed on or inside a person's body, not just hidden in or on cars.
It may soon become normal for everyone to be easily trackable, wherever they are in the world every
second of every day.

Most new cell phones have what they call family locator apps that use a cell phone’s built in GPS to show exactly where other members of your family are geographically located — at all times.

In 2009 an initiative was taken to link all home addresses in the US with GPS co-ordinates.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) Microchips
Already covered by the ministry. Link to article Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants: http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish%20Enforced%20Microchip.pdf

Religious Significance of the Microchip

"Most people have heard of the mark of the beast,
which is what Christians believe will be some kind of
device forced onto society by a world dictator called the
Antichrist who claims to be God and the Messiah. It is often
thought of as some kind of an electronic currency that may
take the form of an implantable RFID microchip or tattoo on
the hand which will replace cash, checks, and debit cards,
and can then track and trace every purchase every person
makes anywhere in the world. The last book in the Bible,
titled the Book of Revelation, which was written
approximately around 68 AD to 95 AD, makes a chilling
reference to such a device. The Bible reads, “And he
causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.66-67)

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Mind Reading Machines

WeCU (We See You) systems now being used at airports in Israel that measure physical
reactions such as eye movements, increased heart rate or breathing, to images of people or symbols associated with certain terrorist groups. The system's creators think this can identify whether a person is affiliated with such.

This shit gets much worse. There is now a device called a Functional MRI machine, or fMRI
that can detect emotions or pretty much whatever you're thinking, essentially it is the first
true mind reading device.

Not even in 1984 did Big Brother have the ability to know exactly what another human was


Neural Interfaces

Devices connected directly to the human brain through surgery. This video
(filmed with a hidden camera) shows monkeys being cruelly experimented on
in Israel (big surprise) to implant them with neural interfaces. This is truly sick and horrifying - no surprise that jews are responsible for it.

The technology to remotely control emotions and physical movements has existed since the 1960s and has made terrifying advances since then. See:


In 100 years humans may become cyborgs that have merged with computers and such
devices may lead to mass mind control.

Psychotronic Weapons

Technology that can project thoughts into people's heads simply through radio waves.

"A man named Donald Friedman, who believes he is a
victim of this technology (called a targeted individual, or a
TI), has dedicated his time and energy to exposing the
government’s misuse of psychotronic weapons and has
filed multiple Freedom of Information Requests to obtain
documents proving it. One such document was released in
1998 by the US Army titled Bioeffects of Selected
Nonlethal Weapons which discusses weapons that can
beam voices into people’s heads, give them fevers, and
even cause epileptic seizures."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.97)

Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons pdf:




Such weapons are the result of the MK-ULTRA (Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations)

"which experimented heavily with mind control and
brainwashing techniques, and such activities were
considered conspiracy theories until the early 1970s when
documents were released under the Freedom of
Information Act and the extent of the horrors of this program
were seen. One of the main goals of the MK-ULTRA
experiments was to create technology and methods to turn
an ordinary person into a mind-controlled assassin who
would carry out any order given to them regardless of the
consequences or danger."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.99)

Some believe that assassins such as Lee Harvey Oswald were brainwashed into
carrying out assassinations on behalf of sinister secret service organizations.




Project Blue Beam

The Blue Beam project is an attempt to fake an appearance by "God" himself in order to manipulate people into being servile to jewish Big Brother by projecting the message that governments' actions are endorsed by God.

The Blue Beam Project - Mind Control Bio-Telemetrics Psychotronics by Serge Monast


This article details the steps involved in project Blue Beam. Note: this article mentions "the antichrist". Replace that with "jew world order" and it is sensible. This is an excellent (and extremely spooky) report. The author of this report was suspiciously killed while researching Project Blue Beam.


It seems likely that the author, Serge Monast, was murdered with psychotropic weapons.

[Note: Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalistwas visiting Ireland. Prior to his death the Canadian government abducted Serge's daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam].

(Editor's note re: Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast)

"While governments have perpetuated countlesshoaxes, disinformation campaigns, and false flag terrorist attacks in order to manipulate large populations of people—no plan is perhaps more grandiose than the idea of faking an appearance by God himself. There have been several times in recent history that the American government has proposed the idea of staging the appearance of God, who would then appear to speak to people and urge them to participate in an insurgency.
This “supernatural” event can be done through a combination of holographic projections and sophisticated sound systems. In February of 1999, the Washington Post reported on one of these plans, explaining that during the first Gulf War, the United States had actually considered projecting a huge holographic image of God in the sky over Baghdad. This plan included the use of a 5-15 KHz acoustic beam that would make it seem like God was talking to the Iraqi people and would urge them to turn on their leader Saddam Hussein, sparking a revolution."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 102)

Link to article just mentioned, by Washington Post:
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"Leaders throughout history, dating back to ancient times, have claimed to have the power of God, or to speak on behalf of God in order to control their people and maintain their power and authority. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that government officials involved in covert operations would try to use Big Brother technology to take on the appearance of God himself. “God is power [and] we are the priests of power.” —
Emmanuel Goldstein, the ‘bad guy’ in Nineteen Eighty- Four"

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 103)

The ultimate goal of Project Blue Beam is to institute a jew world order with one worldwide government, one worldwide police force and one worldwide bank, thus consolidating the jews' political power the world over. It will attempt to do this by pretending to be the fruition of bibilical prophecies concerning end times. This links in again with The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft


More suggested reading:



Information Technology

Covers paid internet shills and their activities in spreading propaganda and lies across the internet, many of which are pawns of Israel and websites/forums with lies/propaganda defending its numerous crimes.

Proof that shills exist:

Huffington Post: Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-fiorella/cyber-shills_b_2803801.html

BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4655196.stm

BBC News: Pentagon plans propaganda war http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1830500.stm

CENTCOM engages bloggers http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Raw_obtains_CENTCOM_email_to_bloggers_1016.html

WIRED: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2009/01/usaf-blog-respo/

Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/03/report-recruit/

The Guardian: Israel organizes volunteers to flood the net with Israeli propaganda http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/jan/09/israel-foreign-ministry-media

The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war http://www.theguardian.com/media/2006/nov/20/mondaymediasection.israel

Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/08/14/israel-pay-students-propaganda_n_3755782.html

BBC News: China's Internet spin doctorhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7783640.stm

Internet AstroTurfing by private companies http://news.slashdot.org/story/09/07/15/1351204/Internet-Astroturfer-Fined-300000?from=rss

Also describes Carnivore, later renamed to DCS1000 (Digital Collection System) which can easily track anyone's internet activity pretty much with impunity and probably access your hard drive through the internet. Built in microphones and webcams can be remotely activated as well.

In addition there are now systems that can analyse phone calls, read emails and people's posts
on social media and companies responsible for these communications utilities are free to monitor such with immunity from the law. Of course, this too is justified by identifying "terrorists" but any moderately smart person knows that "stopping terrorism" is just an excuse for more and more Orwellian encroachments on people's freedoms. You can be fairly sure that anyone who posts anti semitic material for example is placed on some kind of watch list. Although, a lot of us know how to stay anonymous online so that's a middle finger to this nefarious and invasive bullshit.

Operation Mockingbird

This shows the American government's covert control over the mainstream media. For example, CIA secretly paying editors of major media establishments to promote their propaganda. Only a fool would think that does not continue to this day. A large amount of everything you hear in the media is written by professional propagandists who are pawns of the jews.



Subverting the Media by David Guyatt


The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine


Operation Mockinbird, CIA Media Control Program


The Patriot Act

A response to the 9/11 inside job which granted the government a wide range of unconstitutional powers with a pretext to prevent terrorist attacks. These allow the government to search anyone's house without a warrant and without their knowledge and to be detailed for months without even being charged with a crime.

In section 802 of the Patriot Act under the Definition of Domestic Terrorism, the language defines the new
meaning of the term “domestic terrorist.” It reads: `(5) the term `domestic terrorism' means activities
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a
violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any
`(B) appear to be intended–
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass
destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;

Definition B ii stands out.

"Critics of the Patriot Act argue that the Bush administration
was guilty of intimidating the population by fabricating and exaggerating threats that led
to the Iraq War."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.159-160)

This would make the Bush administration hypocrites and terrorists by their own definition.

Others argue the Patriot Act was a power grab by the government and there were already provisions in place to investigate and prevent terrorist attacks, and capture the

Clearly it was a power grab with a view to eliminate constitutional rights.

Constitutional Protections Eliminated by the Patriot Act
First Amendment
Freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the press.

Fourth Amendment
Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Fifth Amendment
No person to be deprived of life, liberty or property without
due process of law.

Sixth Amendment
Right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, right to
be informed of the facts of the accusation, right to confront
witnesses and have the assistance of counsel.

Eighth Amendment
No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment shall
be imposed.

Fourteenth Amendment
All persons (citizens and noncitizens) within the US are
entitled to due process and the equal protection of the

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.159-160)


The name of the world's most sophisticated spy system. An internet spying/monitoring system called Carnivore was described before and Echelon is used alongside it. Echelon monitors nearly every form of electronic communcication and works by intercepting mostof the world's communication signals by connecting commercial satellites or trunk communication lines.

"By using Echelon it is extremely simple for the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any number of other agencies to tap into anyone’s phone and automatically record conversations between parties. Of course there is supposed to be a warrant for such activities, but routinely this requirement is ignored under the guise of “national security.” But Echelon is much more than a simple wire tapping device."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.163)

"Echelon monitors millions of phone calls in multiple languages at the same time and can actually pick out specific people’s voices from among the millions of calls. This is called a voiceprint, and if a specific individual is targeted for whatever reason, if they talk on a telephone, whether it’s a payphone on the side of the street, or a complete stranger’s cell phone, within seconds their voiceprint will be detected and the system will identify their location and begin recording their conversation. Equally amazing is Echelon’s ability to detect strings of specific keywords from the millions of conversations occurring, and can then record those conversations and identify the parties and their location. For example, if two people are having a conversation and they use several words in succession, such as assassinate, president, rifle, and secret service, then in all likelihood that conversation will be detected by the Echelon system and will be flagged for further analysis to determine whether the people were talking about a recent news event, or if they are potentially dangerous individuals who are planning to assassinate the president.

If this seems too complicated, then think again. Google can find a specific set of keywords out of the billions and billions of web pages in a fraction of a second after you search for them."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.164)

This is a link to a History Channel documentary called Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System

It covers innocent conversations being falsely flagged as people plotting criminal activites
and much more.

Covert Jewish Control of Governments

Occasionally a high-level insider in government will make a startling and revealing statement about the way government actually functions. This is a link to one of President Kennedy's speeches about secret societies (ruling jews ) and the covert power they have over governments.


JFK was one of those occasional decent politicians who spoke up about the sinister way in which
governments actually function. He clearly was resistant to a "shadow government" (jews) pulling
politicians' strings like puppet masters. It appears he expected to be assassinated for refusing
to be a pawn. Links:




Common sense suggests that his assassination was an inside job.

"President Kennedy’s comments echoed what President Woodrow Wilson had said decades earlier in his 1913 book, The New Freedom: A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. Th emost widely quoted passage from this book is where Wilson wrote, “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.170)

 JFK and Woodrow Wilson and other politicians who occassionaly reveal the kind of power structure that governs this world were referring to the infamous Illuminati society (a conglomerate of communist jews). Mark Dice has a book titled The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction for more.

Orwellian Weapons
  Military robots akin to those depicted in fanciful sci fi are now becoming a reality




Military ships are generally now equipped with automous weapons that can now destroy incoming missiles, aircraft and other ships and unmanned ground vehicles can destroy targets all without human intervention. There are also automous ships that don't require a pilot. Such weapons are already beginning to replace human soldiers; the US military now has 11,000 UAVs and 12,000 ground robots now working around the world. Humanoid robots are also being developed.

Big Brother is now not only watching you, but will become increasingly armed and dangerous.   Killer Microchips   http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/05/18/saudi-killer-chip-implant-would-track-eliminate-undesirables.html



Essentially an RFID chip equipped with the ability to release a lethal poison and would be used on anyone deemed a "security risk" (meaning anyone who opposes the jew world order). The jews will also probably activate this "killswitch" to slaughter "goyim" in what will be the most massive holocaust this world has ever seen, in order to reduce the world's population by billions. Likely to conserve the earth's natural resources.
  Electric shock bracelets



Pretty much like an implantable taser that can disable anyone by means of electric shock when activated. Everyone will have to wear these in order to use public transport and will certainly be used to sadisically discipline anyone who slacks in service to Big Brother (the jews) or is deemed a "security risk".   Taser armed robots are also now being used to find "terrorists"




Poison guns   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q4wPgRRe2I

This documentary titled Secrets of the CIA covers research into lethal poisons which when injected kill a person leaving no evidence of foul play.   Hunter Killer Robots   The Dawn of Killer Robots (documentary)





http://www.irobot.co.uk/about-irobot/defense-and-security   In 2005 the Pentagon sanctioned a project called Future Combat System to develop hunter killer robots - very Terminator esque. These are armed with Tasers, machine guns and even rocket launchers. The pentagon hopes that these will eventually become so sophisticated that they can fully function without human intervention. Will be equipped with facial recognition software and DNA sniffers that operate like the nose of a tracking dog. Everyone's individual scent may be databased to facilitate these capabilities.

In 2008 an expert in police and military technology at Leeds Metropolitan University named Steve Wright predicted that autonomous human hunting robots would soon be operational.   Big Dog Four Legged Robot

Quite literally an attack dog. (Robotic though obviously)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1czBcnX1Ww   Robotic Snakes   Operated by a laptop, can be used to carry bombs as a suicide bomber, slithering near a target and blowing itself up. Can also swim underwater.

Project Anubis   http://robotzeitgeist.com/2010/01/project-anubis-micro-drone.html

Named after the Egyptian god of the dead. It is classifed but its purpose is to develop tiny drones that fly into pretty much anywhere like a house or a car and monitor people without their knowledge. May render it impossible to ever be certain Big Brother is not listening to every word you say. These nasty little critters can also be detonated.   Robots that Feed on Human Flesh

The Pentagon has sanctioned the development of a type of robot that would feed on human flesh. Its creators have stated that it would be programmed to feed on foliage, not humans, but in extreme circumstances like war, this could and probably would be changed. This thing is called EATR (pronounced "eater") and stands for Energetically Automous Tactical Robot. It is designed by Robotic Technology Incorporated and its website that the reason for its development is so that a robot would not have to rely on traditional means of refuelling.
It works by burning biomass in an external combustion chamber which then generates electricity from heating up water in a closed loop.





<font>Named after the Greek mythological goddess who turns anyone who looks at her to stone. This is a torture device that causes pain and noise inside a person's skull. Will likely be abused by military and/or police and used on innocents.


 Active Denial System

Shoots a microwave beam at people, causing them to feel like their skin is burning. The manufacturer, Raytheon is
working on small portable units that can be easily carried and mounted on rifles. Can cause serious burns. The military
denies that this has been used in combat but that they were shipped to Afghanistan in 2010 suggests otherwise.



Death Rays

In 1997 a retired Colonel from Taiwan's National Defense named Alan Yu wrote an article entitled Millimeter Waves and Mind Control which discusses portable handheld devices that could kill people by using radio waves and make it look like a heart attack, brain aneurysm or organ failure. Link to article: http://www.sonic.net/kryptox/mcp/millimeter.htm This is doable simply by turning up the power on the Active Denial System.

Artificial Intelligence

Blue Brain Project

Big Brother may become an artificially intelligent being. The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to synthesize the human brain and its target date for completion is 2020.



Technological Singularity

The concept of an artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence is known as the technological singularity. The term was coined by a retired mathematics professor named Vernor Vinge. In 1993 he wrote a paper called The Coming Technological Singularity. A notable quote from the paper is this:  “Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”

Link to this paper (look to page 11) : http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19940022855.pdf

After this point AIs will upgrade themselves in increasingly complex ways to the eventual point that humans
won't be able to understand them. In the aforementioned paper Vinge predicts that this point will be reached by 2030. He also says that we are reaching this point with no contingency which is extremely alarming.
Techno Utopia

Most of you are aware of the technological utopian dreamworld espoused by Jacque Fresco in the Zeigeist movies. Many of you probably agree with it but don't allow yourself to be fooled. For, you see, Jock Itch Fresco [I borrowed HP Don's joke here] is a jew. He views his technological "utopia" as the ultimate realization of communism in which all humans are enslaved to Big Brother (the jews and the technology they control).

Fresco on Communism:

In this video here Fresco says that "communism isn't radical enough". Communism has been responsible for the brutal deaths of hundreds of millions of people and he says it isn't fucking radical enough. What a lunatic!

Artificial Intelligence Continued

Relevant links re: Ray Kurzweil





Ray Kurzweil is a respected futurist [and a jew, but nevermind about that here] particularly on the subject of AI. His predictions about the future of AI technology, forecasted in his 1999 book The Age of Spiritual Machines have turned out to be fairly accurate up to this point. By 2019 he predicts that a $4000 computer will have the same computing power as a human brain.
"He also says that people will be hooked up to virtual reality systems that can simulate pressure, temperature, textures, and moistness, and says that “sexual interactions with other human partners or simulated partners” will be the “preferred mode of interaction, even when a human partner is nearby.” He goes on to say that people will begin having
relationships with automated personalities, including automated lovers, and writes that “automated personalities
are superior to humans in some ways, such as having very reliable memories, and if desired, predictable (and
programmable) personalities.” He forecasts that the military will widely use very small flying weapons, some the size of insects, a concept that the military has already budgeted for, and is working towards.

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 226)

The prediction of weapons just mentioned has already come true as described before in this thread. Also sex robots are starting to become a thing, but that's another subject entirely.
Predictions of 2029

At this point Kurzweil's predictions get frightening. He envisions that neural interfaces (discussed earlier) will be as common as cell phones. He also predicts that humans will not be required anymore since machines will have usurped human labour. At this point we are looking at worldwide mass unemployment and a worldwide economic crash as a result. That's if humanity isn't brutally enslaved and worked to death under the rule of communism.
<font>Analysis of 1984

Dice concludes his book by comparing the fictional society in the novel 1984 to our real one. It is too extensive for me to reduce it down so just read it yourself. But I will relate to you a quote from Emmanuel Goldstein (note the name - very jewish indeed) to Winston Smith.

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation oftrampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

This quote sums up the mindset of the psychopathic yids behind the real world manifestation of the Orwellian nightmare, for they are totalitarian forces of evil. If you don't want to be brutally enslaved, dehumanized and murdered by the jew, you better be promoting our cause online and doing the reverse torah rituals.


This is fucking disgusting. Only a jew would think of this shit. No surprise considering they're a hive mind of parasites serving a hive mind of greys who are mostly robots.

On Friday, November 6, 2015 6:21 AM, "samyaza_lovatt@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

This was an info dump I compiled for a thread on the /pol/ (politically incorrect) board on 4chan a little while ago (I have edited the text somewhat to filter out what everyone here should already know). We need to target this board for it is surely one of the best places on all of the internet to promote our cause: anti-semitism and neo-nazism is rampant. Unfortunately though, too many posters have been misled by jewish lies e.g. too many people think that the Nazis were a christian organization etc. However I see an excellent recruitment opportunity here, but that's not the topic.

The ministry has already covered the RFID microchip topic and everyone here should be aware of it. But the Big Brother subject is much more extensive than that...This article goes way deeper into the subject.


Most of you are at least somewhat aware of how far surveillance technology has come and, in the
hands of the jews, what a deadly threat it poses to everyone on this planet. But do you know quite how deep the rabbit hole goes?

Author Mark Dice's book entitled Big Brother - the Orwellian Nightmare Come True shows that
George Orwell's nightmarish vision described in the novel 1984 has become a reality. Everyone is familiar with issues such as constant surveillance which keeps everyone adherent to a totalitarian government. Most of you are also aware of the jewish oligarchy (which can be likened to what Orwell the calls the Inner Party) and the power it has over the lower classes. This is alarmingly close to going nuclear.

In the aforementioned book (you really need to read this) Dice comprehenively describes many forms of advanced surveillance technology. I have compiled this report by summarizing the salient points of this book as best I can and by using it a guide to further research sources, while adding my own commentaries.

Surveillance Cameras

Equipped with facial recognition software that can identify anyone in a crowd and even detect "hostile" speech and automatically dispatch the police to investigate. The UK government has also spent $700 million dollars to install surveillance cameras inside the homes of citizens to monitor whether their children attend school, eat proper meals, and go to bed on time.
Few people know that cameras and microphones in laptops and phones can be remotely activated and used for spying.

Global Positioning Systems

Now so small that they can be placed on or inside a person's body, not just hidden in or on cars.
It may soon become normal for everyone to be easily trackable, wherever they are in the world every
second of every day.

Most new cell phones have what they call family locator apps that use a cell phone’s built in GPS to show exactly where other members of your family are geographically located — at all times.

In 2009 an initiative was taken to link all home addresses in the US with GPS co-ordinates.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) Microchips
Already covered by the ministry. Link to article Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants: http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Jewish%20Enforced%20Microchip.pdf

Religious Significance of the Microchip

"Most people have heard of the mark of the beast,
which is what Christians believe will be some kind of
device forced onto society by a world dictator called the
Antichrist who claims to be God and the Messiah. It is often
thought of as some kind of an electronic currency that may
take the form of an implantable RFID microchip or tattoo on
the hand which will replace cash, checks, and debit cards,
and can then track and trace every purchase every person
makes anywhere in the world. The last book in the Bible,
titled the Book of Revelation, which was written
approximately around 68 AD to 95 AD, makes a chilling
reference to such a device. The Bible reads, “And he
causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.66-67)

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Mind Reading Machines

WeCU (We See You) systems now being used at airports in Israel that measure physical
reactions such as eye movements, increased heart rate or breathing, to images of people or symbols associated with certain terrorist groups. The system's creators think this can identify whether a person is affiliated with such.

This shit gets much worse. There is now a device called a Functional MRI machine, or fMRI
that can detect emotions or pretty much whatever you're thinking, essentially it is the first
true mind reading device.

Not even in 1984 did Big Brother have the ability to know exactly what another human was


Neural Interfaces

Devices connected directly to the human brain through surgery. This video
(filmed with a hidden camera) shows monkeys being cruelly experimented on
in Israel (big surprise) to implant them with neural interfaces. This is truly sick and horrifying - no surprise that jews are responsible for it.

The technology to remotely control emotions and physical movements has existed since the 1960s and has made terrifying advances since then. See:


In 100 years humans may become cyborgs that have merged with computers and such
devices may lead to mass mind control.

Psychotronic Weapons

Technology that can project thoughts into people's heads simply through radio waves.

"A man named Donald Friedman, who believes he is a
victim of this technology (called a targeted individual, or a
TI), has dedicated his time and energy to exposing the
government’s misuse of psychotronic weapons and has
filed multiple Freedom of Information Requests to obtain
documents proving it. One such document was released in
1998 by the US Army titled Bioeffects of Selected
Nonlethal Weapons which discusses weapons that can
beam voices into people’s heads, give them fevers, and
even cause epileptic seizures."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.97)

Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons pdf:




Such weapons are the result of the MK-ULTRA (Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations)

"which experimented heavily with mind control and
brainwashing techniques, and such activities were
considered conspiracy theories until the early 1970s when
documents were released under the Freedom of
Information Act and the extent of the horrors of this program
were seen. One of the main goals of the MK-ULTRA
experiments was to create technology and methods to turn
an ordinary person into a mind-controlled assassin who
would carry out any order given to them regardless of the
consequences or danger."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.99)

Some believe that assassins such as Lee Harvey Oswald were brainwashed into
carrying out assassinations on behalf of sinister secret service organizations.




Project Blue Beam

The Blue Beam project is an attempt to fake an appearance by "God" himself in order to manipulate people into being servile to jewish Big Brother by projecting the message that governments' actions are endorsed by God.

The Blue Beam Project - Mind Control Bio-Telemetrics Psychotronics by Serge Monast


This article details the steps involved in project Blue Beam. Note: this article mentions "the antichrist". Replace that with "jew world order" and it is sensible. This is an excellent (and extremely spooky) report. The author of this report was suspiciously killed while researching Project Blue Beam.


It seems likely that the author, Serge Monast, was murdered with psychotropic weapons.

[Note: Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalistwas visiting Ireland. Prior to his death the Canadian government abducted Serge's daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam].

(Editor's note re: Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast)

"While governments have perpetuated countlesshoaxes, disinformation campaigns, and false flag terrorist attacks in order to manipulate large populations of people—no plan is perhaps more grandiose than the idea of faking an appearance by God himself. There have been several times in recent history that the American government has proposed the idea of staging the appearance of God, who would then appear to speak to people and urge them to participate in an insurgency.
This “supernatural” event can be done through a combination of holographic projections and sophisticated sound systems. In February of 1999, the Washington Post reported on one of these plans, explaining that during the first Gulf War, the United States had actually considered projecting a huge holographic image of God in the sky over Baghdad. This plan included the use of a 5-15 KHz acoustic beam that would make it seem like God was talking to the Iraqi people and would urge them to turn on their leader Saddam Hussein, sparking a revolution."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 102)

Link to article just mentioned, by Washington Post:

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"Leaders throughout history, dating back to ancient times, have claimed to have the power of God, or to speak on behalf of God in order to control their people and maintain their power and authority. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that government officials involved in covert operations would try to use Big Brother technology to take on the appearance of God himself. “God is power [and] we are the priests of power.” —
Emmanuel Goldstein, the ‘bad guy’ in Nineteen Eighty- Four"

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 103)

The ultimate goal of Project Blue Beam is to institute a jew world order with one worldwide government, one worldwide police force and one worldwide bank, thus consolidating the jews' political power the world over. It will attempt to do this by pretending to be the fruition of bibilical prophecies concerning end times. This links in again with The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft


More suggested reading:



Information Technology

Covers paid internet shills and their activities in spreading propaganda and lies across the internet, many of which are pawns of Israel and websites/forums with lies/propaganda defending its numerous crimes.

Proof that shills exist:

Huffington Post: Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-fiorella/cyber-shills_b_2803801.html

BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4655196.stm

BBC News: Pentagon plans propaganda war http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1830500.stm

CENTCOM engages bloggers http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Raw_obtains_CENTCOM_email_to_bloggers_1016.html

WIRED: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2009/01/usaf-blog-respo/

Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/03/report-recruit/

The Guardian: Israel organizes volunteers to flood the net with Israeli propaganda http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/jan/09/israel-foreign-ministry-media

The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war http://www.theguardian.com/media/2006/nov/20/mondaymediasection.israel

Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/08/14/israel-pay-students-propaganda_n_3755782.html

BBC News: China's Internet spin doctorhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7783640.stm

Internet AstroTurfing by private companies http://news.slashdot.org/story/09/07/15/1351204/Internet-Astroturfer-Fined-300000?from=rss

Also describes Carnivore, later renamed to DCS1000 (Digital Collection System) which can easily track anyone's internet activity pretty much with impunity and probably access your hard drive through the internet. Built in microphones and webcams can be remotely activated as well.

In addition there are now systems that can analyse phone calls, read emails and people's posts
on social media and companies responsible for these communications utilities are free to monitor such with immunity from the law. Of course, this too is justified by identifying "terrorists" but any moderately smart person knows that "stopping terrorism" is just an excuse for more and more Orwellian encroachments on people's freedoms. You can be fairly sure that anyone who posts anti semitic material for example is placed on some kind of watch list. Although, a lot of us know how to stay anonymous online so that's a middle finger to this nefarious and invasive bullshit.

Operation Mockingbird

This shows the American government's covert control over the mainstream media. For example, CIA secretly paying editors of major media establishments to promote their propaganda. Only a fool would think that does not continue to this day. A large amount of everything you hear in the media is written by professional propagandists who are pawns of the jews.



Subverting the Media by David Guyatt


The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD by Alex Constantine


Operation Mockinbird, CIA Media Control Program


The Patriot Act

A response to the 9/11 inside job which granted the government a wide range of unconstitutional powers with a pretext to prevent terrorist attacks. These allow the government to search anyone's house without a warrant and without their knowledge and to be detailed for months without even being charged with a crime.

In section 802 of the Patriot Act under the Definition of Domestic Terrorism, the language defines the new
meaning of the term “domestic terrorist.” It reads: `(5) the term `domestic terrorism' means activities
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a
violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any
`(B) appear to be intended–
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass
destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;

Definition B ii stands out.

"Critics of the Patriot Act argue that the Bush administration
was guilty of intimidating the population by fabricating and exaggerating threats that led
to the Iraq War."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.159-160)

This would make the Bush administration hypocrites and terrorists by their own definition.

Others argue the Patriot Act was a power grab by the government and there were already provisions in place to investigate and prevent terrorist attacks, and capture the

Clearly it was a power grab with a view to eliminate constitutional rights.

Constitutional Protections Eliminated by the Patriot Act
First Amendment
Freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the press.

Fourth Amendment
Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Fifth Amendment
No person to be deprived of life, liberty or property without
due process of law.

Sixth Amendment
Right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, right to
be informed of the facts of the accusation, right to confront
witnesses and have the assistance of counsel.

Eighth Amendment
No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment shall
be imposed.

Fourteenth Amendment
All persons (citizens and noncitizens) within the US are
entitled to due process and the equal protection of the

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.159-160)


The name of the world's most sophisticated spy system. An internet spying/monitoring system called Carnivore was described before and Echelon is used alongside it. Echelon monitors nearly every form of electronic communcication and works by intercepting mostof the world's communication signals by connecting commercial satellites or trunk communication lines.

"By using Echelon it is extremely simple for the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any number of other agencies to tap into anyone’s phone and automatically record conversations between parties. Of course there is supposed to be a warrant for such activities, but routinely this requirement is ignored under the guise of “national security.” But Echelon is much more than a simple wire tapping device."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.163)

"Echelon monitors millions of phone calls in multiple languages at the same time and can actually pick out specific people’s voices from among the millions of calls. This is called a voiceprint, and if a specific individual is targeted for whatever reason, if they talk on a telephone, whether it’s a payphone on the side of the street, or a complete stranger’s cell phone, within seconds their voiceprint will be detected and the system will identify their location and begin recording their conversation. Equally amazing is Echelon’s ability to detect strings of specific keywords from the millions of conversations occurring, and can then record those conversations and identify the parties and their location. For example, if two people are having a conversation and they use several words in succession, such as assassinate, president, rifle, and secret service, then in all likelihood that conversation will be detected by the Echelon system and will be flagged for further analysis to determine whether the people were talking about a recent news event, or if they are potentially dangerous individuals who are planning to assassinate the president.

If this seems too complicated, then think again. Google can find a specific set of keywords out of the billions and billions of web pages in a fraction of a second after you search for them."

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.164)

This is a link to a History Channel documentary called Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System

It covers innocent conversations being falsely flagged as people plotting criminal activites
and much more.

Covert Jewish Control of Governments

Occasionally a high-level insider in government will make a startling and revealing statement about the way government actually functions. This is a link to one of President Kennedy's speeches about secret societies (ruling jews ) and the covert power they have over governments.


JFK was one of those occasional decent politicians who spoke up about the sinister way in which
governments actually function. He clearly was resistant to a "shadow government" (jews) pulling
politicians' strings like puppet masters. It appears he expected to be assassinated for refusing
to be a pawn. Links:




Common sense suggests that his assassination was an inside job.

"President Kennedy’s comments echoed what President Woodrow Wilson had said decades earlier in his 1913 book, The New Freedom: A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. Th emost widely quoted passage from this book is where Wilson wrote, “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True p.170)

 JFK and Woodrow Wilson and other politicians who occassionaly reveal the kind of power structure that governs this world were referring to the infamous Illuminati society (a conglomerate of communist jews). Mark Dice has a book titled The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction for more.

Orwellian Weapons
  Military robots akin to those depicted in fanciful sci fi are now becoming a reality




Military ships are generally now equipped with automous weapons that can now destroy incoming missiles, aircraft and other ships and unmanned ground vehicles can destroy targets all without human intervention. There are also automous ships that don't require a pilot. Such weapons are already beginning to replace human soldiers; the US military now has 11,000 UAVs and 12,000 ground robots now working around the world. Humanoid robots are also being developed.

Big Brother is now not only watching you, but will become increasingly armed and dangerous.   Killer Microchips   http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/05/18/saudi-killer-chip-implant-would-track-eliminate-undesirables.html



Essentially an RFID chip equipped with the ability to release a lethal poison and would be used on anyone deemed a "security risk" (meaning anyone who opposes the jew world order). The jews will also probably activate this "killswitch" to slaughter "goyim" in what will be the most massive holocaust this world has ever seen, in order to reduce the world's population by billions. Likely to conserve the earth's natural resources.
  Electric shock bracelets



Pretty much like an implantable taser that can disable anyone by means of electric shock when activated. Everyone will have to wear these in order to use public transport and will certainly be used to sadisically discipline anyone who slacks in service to Big Brother (the jews) or is deemed a "security risk".   Taser armed robots are also now being used to find "terrorists"




Poison guns   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q4wPgRRe2I

This documentary titled Secrets of the CIA covers research into lethal poisons which when injected kill a person leaving no evidence of foul play.   Hunter Killer Robots   The Dawn of Killer Robots (documentary)





http://www.irobot.co.uk/about-irobot/defense-and-security   In 2005 the Pentagon sanctioned a project called Future Combat System to develop hunter killer robots - very Terminator esque. These are armed with Tasers, machine guns and even rocket launchers. The pentagon hopes that these will eventually become so sophisticated that they can fully function without human intervention. Will be equipped with facial recognition software and DNA sniffers that operate like the nose of a tracking dog. Everyone's individual scent may be databased to facilitate these capabilities.

In 2008 an expert in police and military technology at Leeds Metropolitan University named Steve Wright predicted that autonomous human hunting robots would soon be operational.   Big Dog Four Legged Robot

Quite literally an attack dog. (Robotic though obviously)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1czBcnX1Ww   Robotic Snakes   Operated by a laptop, can be used to carry bombs as a suicide bomber, slithering near a target and blowing itself up. Can also swim underwater.

Project Anubis   http://robotzeitgeist.com/2010/01/project-anubis-micro-drone.html

Named after the Egyptian god of the dead. It is classifed but its purpose is to develop tiny drones that fly into pretty much anywhere like a house or a car and monitor people without their knowledge. May render it impossible to ever be certain Big Brother is not listening to every word you say. These nasty little critters can also be detonated.   Robots that Feed on Human Flesh

The Pentagon has sanctioned the development of a type of robot that would feed on human flesh. Its creators have stated that it would be programmed to feed on foliage, not humans, but in extreme circumstances like war, this could and probably would be changed. This thing is called EATR (pronounced "eater") and stands for Energetically Automous Tactical Robot. It is designed by Robotic Technology Incorporated and its website that the reason for its development is so that a robot would not have to rely on traditional means of refuelling.
It works by burning biomass in an external combustion chamber which then generates electricity from heating up water in a closed loop.





<font>Named after the Greek mythological goddess who turns anyone who looks at her to stone. This is a torture device that causes pain and noise inside a person's skull. Will likely be abused by military and/or police and used on innocents.


 Active Denial System

Shoots a microwave beam at people, causing them to feel like their skin is burning. The manufacturer, Raytheon is
working on small portable units that can be easily carried and mounted on rifles. Can cause serious burns. The military
denies that this has been used in combat but that they were shipped to Afghanistan in 2010 suggests otherwise.



Death Rays

In 1997 a retired Colonel from Taiwan's National Defense named Alan Yu wrote an article entitled Millimeter Waves and Mind Control which discusses portable handheld devices that could kill people by using radio waves and make it look like a heart attack, brain aneurysm or organ failure. Link to article: http://www.sonic.net/kryptox/mcp/millimeter.htm This is doable simply by turning up the power on the Active Denial System.

Artificial Intelligence

Blue Brain Project

Big Brother may become an artificially intelligent being. The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to synthesize the human brain and its target date for completion is 2020.



Technological Singularity

The concept of an artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence is known as the technological singularity. The term was coined by a retired mathematics professor named Vernor Vinge. In 1993 he wrote a paper called The Coming Technological Singularity. A notable quote from the paper is this:  “Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”

Link to this paper (look to page 11) : http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19940022855.pdf

After this point AIs will upgrade themselves in increasingly complex ways to the eventual point that humans
won't be able to understand them. In the aforementioned paper Vinge predicts that this point will be reached by 2030. He also says that we are reaching this point with no contingency which is extremely alarming.
Techno Utopia

Most of you are aware of the technological utopian dreamworld espoused by Jacque Fresco in the Zeigeist movies. Many of you probably agree with it but don't allow yourself to be fooled. For, you see, Jock Itch Fresco [I borrowed HP Don's joke here] is a jew. He views his technological "utopia" as the ultimate realization of communism in which all humans are enslaved to Big Brother (the jews and the technology they control).

Fresco on Communism:

In this video here Fresco says that "communism isn't radical enough". Communism has been responsible for the brutal deaths of hundreds of millions of people and he says it isn't fucking radical enough. What a lunatic!

Artificial Intelligence Continued

Relevant links re: Ray Kurzweil





Ray Kurzweil is a respected futurist [and a jew, but nevermind about that here] particularly on the subject of AI. His predictions about the future of AI technology, forecasted in his 1999 book The Age of Spiritual Machines have turned out to be fairly accurate up to this point. By 2019 he predicts that a $4000 computer will have the same computing power as a human brain.
"He also says that people will be hooked up to virtual reality systems that can simulate pressure, temperature, textures, and moistness, and says that “sexual interactions with other human partners or simulated partners” will be the “preferred mode of interaction, even when a human partner is nearby.” He goes on to say that people will begin having
relationships with automated personalities, including automated lovers, and writes that “automated personalities
are superior to humans in some ways, such as having very reliable memories, and if desired, predictable (and
programmable) personalities.” He forecasts that the military will widely use very small flying weapons, some the size of insects, a concept that the military has already budgeted for, and is working towards.

(Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True page 226)

The prediction of weapons just mentioned has already c

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
