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Info about the Vedas


New member
Jul 27, 2005
This post is mostly for the clergy,who have the time to answer,but all reply's are welcome.I have been reading a book,that I bought many years before joining the family of Satan.It is called,Indian Philosophy.It is written by two authers,one being Sarvenpalli Radhakrishnan,and the other is Charles A. Moore.

First off,I was wondering just how corrupt it is,and the other question is,who are the Gods in the Vedas,in relation to our Gods,such as Indra,Agni.....Don't get me wrong,I have learned how important it is to read anything Satanically of course,but is anyone familiar with this book,and its validity, and I could use a guide to use as I study the Vedas.Incidentally,I am not ready the authors foot notes,only the scriptures themselves.
Hail Satan
Satan [/IMG]</var>   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/239     The Druids

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at
root,separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."- Ellis

Where did the Druids originally come from?

`It is almost certain that the Druidic Mysteries were not indigenous to Britain
or Gaul, but migrated from one of the more ancient civilizations.'-Hall

"The Pheryllt were Druids of the Cymry people who arrived in the British Isles
from "Defrobani" which is a Welsh of Taprobana, a name for Sri Lanka. It is said
that the Cymry where guided from Sri Lanka to the British Isles by the Welsh
cultural hero, Hu Gadarn, and proof of their Westward journey is the Welsh
language, which is full of Sanscrrit root words.Hu Gadran founded what many
believe to have been the incipient sect of Druids, the Pheryllt, a term meaning
"Alchemists."-M. Pinkham

Atlantis East not West:

Other connections to Vedic East as point of origin:

"The Yezidis, who now reside in Northern Iraq….before coming to Iraq they had
resided in India" The Yezidi God is Melek Taus who symbol like Murrugan in Sri
Lanka is the Peacock and the Serpent. Within the Yezidi writings Melek Taus
makes mention of Shambhalla the sarced place of the East and to the Lotus
another Eastern spiritual theme.

The Yezidi People state they came into the Middle East from India in the ancient

The Peacock the sacred symbol to the Yezidi, Mandean and Hindu alike , is native
only to the Far East not the Middle East or Europe and nowhere else on the
planet. The Peacock was a sacred bird in Europe to the Goddess Hera and the God
Dionysus(of whom the serpent is also sacred) as we known Melek Taus or Satan was
also worshipped as ENKI.

Kumarai Nadu that once stretched across the Pacific Ocean, most of this primeval
continent sank to the bottom of the ocean except for those parts of it that
became islands, such as Sri Lanka, the paradise currently recognized by much of
the Arab world as not part of the primal Garden, but the Garden of Edin (Edin
means abode of the Gods in English). Melek Ta'us is worshipped by the Sri
Lankans as Murrugan and center in English means "Place of the Peacock.

Melek Taus as the Yezidi texts stated in the ancient tradition is Satan. The
Peacock as well as the Serpent is one of His ancient symbols. Satan in the East
is also Sanat[an anagram for Satan] Kumara, the Lord of Shambhala. And is as
noted still worshipped on Sri Lanka as well under different alias and also does
have a shine to Him as Sanat Kumar in Katargama Sri Lanka.

The British Museum of London has an exhibit of a peacock mosaic that had been
dug up in the British Isles. Thought the peacock belongs to tropical regions and
is considered sacred, and is also the mount of goddess Saravati and Lord Murugan
in the Vedic tradition. This is one of the visual proof of the Vedic past of
Great Britain.-S. Knapp, Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence

The term Britain itself comes out of two sources the ancient Sanskrit word
Bharat and Brihat-sthan meaning a great place of many Islands. Bharat today is
still used as the ancient name for India but as L.A Waddel and ancient Eastern
sources show Maha Bharat encompassed the entire Aryan world from the
Indus,though the Near East and on in the very ancient world.

L.A Waddel also wrote on the fact the same deity symbols found in the Indus
where the same as those on the ancient monuments of Great Britain.

On London's ancient roots:

`Its ancient name was Nandanium, which is Sanskrit for "a pleasing habitation.In
Roman times it was misspelled "Londonium."-S.Knapp

The Druid that is the Brahmin system of superstition in ancient Britain. This I
contend was the first Eastern colony settled in these British islands.-Reverend
Maurice Antiquities of India

There are deep connections between Druidic and Vedic thought on many subjects
including karma, rebirth and the immortality of the soul.-D. Frawley

`Caesar… says, speaking of the Druids that they did not think it lawful to
commit the secret of their religion to writing." This means that in the way they
passed down their knowledge to they kept the Vedic oral tradition. Sanskrit
learning was always committed to memory prior to it being written. And to keep
it in memory, the Druids used to regularly chant.'

The name "Ireland" is connected with the Sanskrit term Aryasthan, meaning land
of the Aryans.

"The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise across the
East."-E.Keneanly, the Book of God

It is well known that the Sanskrit language is the root language of the

Lt. Gen Charles Vallencey in his work Collectania De Rebus Hibernicus states:

"The Druid religion of the Britons was founded on that of the ancient Irish,
which was in great part that of the Brahmins….by no other means could the
deities of the Brahmins have been recorded in the Irish manuscripts….'

Sir William Jones allows the Irish language great affinity with the Sanskrit…..

The Irish and Welsh complain of the devastation of their manuscripts by the
first Christian missionaries, ….The Pagan Irish had most of the deities of the
Hindus…. Their altars still exist in Ireland under their names `'''."

Near Killarney in the county of Kerry is an Aghadoe Church. It has an imperfect
Ogham inscription obviously disfigured by Christian invaders. The deity's name
inscribed is Som. As in India, that was a Somnath temple of Ireland. It is
currently looked upon as a church. –Oak's World Vedic Heritage

The name Killarney is Sanskrit, the term Killaarnav it connotes a fort
commanding the sea or close to the sea.

Prior to the English developing as a separate language it is well know that the
British spoke the same language as the French. That was because the language or
languages spoken all over Europe were variations of Sanskrit.-Oak's World Vedic

Speaking of the Gaul's, Caesar says, that they had all the same
language[Sanskrit], with some little variation in their dialects. But he says it
was usual with them to pass over to Britain to improve themselves in the
discipline of the Druids, which almost proves the two countries had the same
language. And Tacitus says expressly, that the language of the Gaul and Britain
was not very different."- G.Higgins, The Celtic Druids'

In Ireland today the sacred Tara mounds still exist "Arya Tara" is a Goddess
still worshipped in the East and was also known in Egypt.

Who was the God most Worshipped in the Druid Temples?

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root,
separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."

Describing the temples of the Druids, Charles Heckethorn, in The Secret
Societies of All Ages & Countries, says:

"Their temples wherein the sacred fire was preserved were generally situate on
eminences and in dense groves of oak, and assumed various forms—circular'….

I worship the Sacred Fire (Agni) that is chief priest, the deity of the
sacrifice, who works according to the seasons, the invoker, best to grant the
treasure. The Sacred Fire honored by the ancient sages is invoked again by the
new. For us he manifests all the Gods. To you, oh Fire, day by day, by dawn and
by dusk we come bearing our offering of surrender, the king of the sacred rite,
the guardian of truth, flourishing in his own nature.- Rig Veda I.1.1, 2, 7.

Agni is the first word of the first hymn of the Rigveda

`The Goat is primarily the vehicle of the Fire God Agni….Almost every mandala or
division in the RigVeda starts with a hymn to Agni. The Vedic hymns praise him
copiously often describing him as the Supreme God and Creator. Agni along with
Indra Lord of the Heavens and Surya Lord of the Skies constitute the first
trinity of Vedism their places where later assigned to Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva….He is often invoked with Indra of whom He shares the passion for Soma

`The original Vedic triad Agni-Indra-Surya,'

What other name is Agni also known by?

The most striking similarity was found between the Vedic god of the Fire Agni
and the Mesopotamian Enki (Sumerian) or Ea (Akkadian). We will first present the
iconographic representations of Enki/Ea in the cylinder-seals of Mesopotamia
(Sumer, Akkad and Assyria) and then turn to the images used to describe Agni in
the Veda:

Agni/Enki was the God most honored in the Druid Temples.

"Before becoming a God himself Rudra was an epithet of Agni"…. Acharya S: "Suns
Of God"

It is well known that Siva is a later form of the Vedic God Rudra.

"Lord Siva's prototype in the Rig Veda is Rudra."-Acharya S: "Suns Of God"

The Druid Mysteries what where they?

Since the Druidic mysteries where the same as those of the civilizations of
Egypt and Greece we can see what they contained and their meaning by looking at
all three.

`Information extant concerning the secret initiations of the Druids indicates a
decided similarity between their Mystery school and the schools of Greece and

The Druidic Pantheon includes a large number of Greek and Roman deities. This
greatly amazed Cesar during his conquest of Britain and Gaul, and caused him to
affirm that these tribes adored Mercury, Apollo, Mars, and Jupiter, in a manner
similar to that of the Latin countries. It is almost certain that the Druidic
were not indigenous to Britain or Gaul, but migrated from one of the more
ancient civilizations.

"One of the names of their[Druids] God was "Esus" or "Hesus" the carpenter or
woodcutter….Hesus's name in Irish is Aesar, evidently related to the Egyptian
Ausar (Osiris).

-Acharya S "Sons of God."

`The Druids were initiates of a secret school that existed in their midst. This
school, which closely resembled the Bacchus and Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece
or the Egyptian rites of Isis and Osiris, is justly designated the Druidic
Mysteries. There has been
much speculation concerning the secret wisdom that the Druids claimed to

`The mysteries of Demeter[Eleusinian Mysteries] promised blissful immortality.
The Hymn to Demeter declares: "Happy is he among mortals who has beheld these
things and he that is uninitiate, and hath no lot in them, hath never equal lot
in death beneath the murky gloom." Pindar, writing in the fifth century,
declared that the happy survival of the soul is possible only for those who have
"by good fortune, culled the fruit of the rite that releaseth from toil'' (The
Dirges), that is, the Eleusinian, concerning which he continues: "Blessed is he
who hath seen these things before he goeth beneath the hollow earth; for he
understandeth the end of mortal life, and the beginning of a new life given of
god'' (Fragments, p. 137).

Isocrates, 436-338 B.C.E., declared that Demeter enabled mankind to rise above
the status of beasts by conferring "the fruits of the earth;" and that she
instituted "the holy rite which inspires in those who partake of it sweeter
hopes regarding both the end of life and all eternity''
(Panegyrics, p. 27).'

"In Dionysus[Bacchus] we have yet another solar hero, born of a virgin on
"December 25th" or the winter solstice, performing miracles and receiving divine
epithets, being killed, giving his blood as a sacrifice, resurrecting from the
dead after three days in Hades/Hell, and ascending into heaven. `D.M Murdock

" The meager information extant concerning the secret initiations of the Druids
indicates a decided similarity between their Mystery school and the schools of
Greece and Egypt. HU, the sun God, was murdered and, after a number of ordeals
and mystic rituals, was restored to life."- Albert Pike

This is identical to the story of Osiris in Egypt.

`The few [Druids] who passed this third degree were said to have been "born
again," and were instructed in the secret and hidden truths which the Druid
priests had preserved from antiquity.'-Hall.

`The Druid candidate was buried in a coffin, as symbolic of the death of the Sun

So was the candidate in Egypt and parts of Greece.

`The Druidic trinity was composed of three "Beli" (cf. the Semitic Baal, Bal or
Bel). Interestingly, "Yesu" (also "Hesus") was the name of the Druid "coming
Saviour of the future.'-DM. Murdock

`Mr. Higgins informs us that the Celtic Druids represent their God Hesus as
having been crucified with a lamb on one side and an elephant on the other, and
that this occurred long before the Christian era. Also that a representation of
it may now be seen upon "the fire-tower of Brechin."

In this symbolical representation of the crucifixion, the elephant, being the
largest animal known, was chosen to represent the magnitude of the sins of the
world, while the lamb, from its proverbial innocent nature, was chosen to
represent the innocency of the victim (the God offered as a propitiatory
sacrifice). And thus we have "the Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world"

symbolical language used with respect to the offering of Jesus Christ. And here
is indicated very clearly the origin of the figure. It is evidently borrowed
from the Druids. We have the statement of the above writer that this legend was
found amongst the Canutes of Gaul long before Jesus Christ was known to history.
(See Anac. vol. ii. p. 130.)
Peculiarity noticed in some of the Irish Pre-Christian illustrations of the
Crucifix is the absence of nails; the legs being bound with cords at the ankles
It is singular that the dress of one crucified figure, as worn about the loins,
corresponds with that of the fabled crucified Christna.' -James Bonwick, Irish
Druids and Old Irish Religions

The Elephant is only native to the East.

What were the insignias of these Serpent Kings? "The three, five, seven,
nine-headed snake is the totem of a race of ruler, (Brahmins/ Naddreds/Druids)
who presided over the Aryan Hindus."-J.H. Baecker.

What is the esoteric meaning of the rites of the Druidic mysteries then?

`The completion of the work, what is known in alchemy as the "Magnum Opus" has
its foundation in the kundalini. The kundalini serpent lies coiled at the base
of the spine. Through meditation, the fiery serpent ascends. This is what is
known as "Raising the Devil." There are 33 vertebrae in the in the human spinal
column. We often hear the term "33rd degree Mason" or that the fictitious
nazarene lived 33 years. The kundalini serpent ascends the 33 vertebrae of the

The main title of the Druidic Order was Naddred's meaning Serpent Priests.

Druid comes from the Sanskrit druh vid meaning "knower of the tree." As the
human soul was shown in the symbol of the World Tree with the trunk being the
spinal column and the branches representing the 144,000 Nadis energy pathways of
the soul. And its worlds being the charka centers. We can see the kundalini
serpent wrapped around the World Tree in many images.

The suffix of Vid is the root word of "Wise" the title of Druid also denotes
the reference to wise in the sense of the state of awareness that comes with
activating/raising this serpent energy and opening the "Eye of Wisdom" the
center[Pineal Gland] of heightened awareness representing the ability to see
things clearly when fully activated by raising the Kundalini to the crown.
Another famous term for this state is Gnosis[Janna in Sankrit]. Hence their main
symbol of a Serpent wrapped around a rod. The rod represents the spine also
symbolized as Mount Meru axis in the East.

This is why we have a "Christmas" tree at Yule it represents the fully
illuminated soul with the star being the halo of the risen kundalini energy and
the lights or candles being the illuminated nadis channels. Representing the
eternal life and the all knowing state of gnosis.

A note on Witchcrafts origin:

Witch is the Anglicized term for Druid, thus true Witchcraft is the act of
awakening the kundalini power and raising it to the crown of the head which
activates the dormant one third of the brain and unites both hemispheres opening
up all the centers of psychic power and fully awakening the other psychic
centers along the spine.

This was called seidr in old Norse which means to "Heat up" or "boil" the
Serpent of fire is just that.

The Druid trinity represents the 3 knots of the soul the root, heart and head
that must be open for the Kundalini to pass thought to the crown fully.

`The crucifixion symbolizes the Magnum Opus: the torture, the death, and the
resurrection. Origins that symbolize this work include the Egyptian phoenix
(born again from the ashes), the Egyptian God Set, who was crucified on a furka,
the tale of Isis and Osiris, where Osiris was mutilated into some nine parts and
was resurrected by Isis.'

The cross and the Tree are both symbols of the human soul Hesus as Surya the
Vedic Sun God where both carpenters which is an allegory for Craftsmen in the
Craft of spiritual transformation of the soul to perfection, the Gold in the
Work. This all comes originally from the Vedic scriptures.

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root,
separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."

We can see look into the Eastern Vedic texts to understand the esoteric meaning
of the Druids rites:

"Tantric Yoga is the Vedic Yajna internalized; a worship of the inner fire of
the kundalini with pranayama, mantra and meditation. The worship of Shiva also
maintains many Vedic forms, using the Vedic fire, Vedic mantras and Vedic like
communion with nature.....The Rudram the most famous chant to Shiva, which is
found in the Yajur-Veda, makes Shiva's identity with the Vedic sacrifice very

Siva is the famed God of the Tantra, and Rudra is the Vedic or early version of

"Before becoming a God himself Rudra was an epithet of Agni"…. Acharya S: "Suns
Of God"

And we know Agni was also EA of the Sumerians who is known to as Satan today.

Outer Vedic ritualistic practices mirror inner Yoga practices balancing the fire
and water, Agni and Soma within us. Vedic literature contains the secrets of the
practice of Yoga, including the ascending of the Kundalini-fire force and the
descent of the Soma nectar that open all the chakras. The practice of Yoga
itself arose from the inner Vedic sacrifice in which speech, mind and prana were
offered to the immortal Divine Fire present within our own hearts. Vedic deities
reflect a profound psychological and spiritual symbolism relative to the
practice of Yoga and meditation, not just outer ritualistic concerns."-Frawley

What do the Tanta's which as stated are the inner or esoteric aspect of the
Vedic rituals state themselves?

Siva first words speak to the goals of every tantric practitioner: "Eternal
youth, immortality of the body and the attainment of an identity of nature with
Siva. that is , liberation in the body."

"Liberation arises from gnosis(jnana), gnosis arises from the maintenance of the
vital breaths. Therefore. where there is stability mercury is empowered and the
body is stabilized. Thought the use of mercury obtains a body that is unaging
and immortal.

Supernatural powers and bodily immortality, the goals of the tantric

`So the soul penetrated by initiation [Kundalini fully risen] obtains Siva-hood"

`Therefore the breath overflowing bursting into the medial channel this surely
brings immortality'

The piercing of the cakras effects a stadial resorption of implosion of the
lower elements into their higher emanates. Thus, when the second cakra is
pierced, the element earth whose support is the lowest, the muladhara cakra
becomes imploded into the element water, the second element on the hierarchy,
and so on, until nothing remains but ether in the cranial vault…. The cranial
vault, the locus of the ether-both the site at the Siddha techniques for
penetration end and that at which mundane existence first begins, when the
absolute first penetrates the human microcosm-is the zero point at which the two
infinites meet, the point at which "black holes" issue into "Whites holes" This
is the precisely the "end" of the process for the creation of the Alchemical
Man….when all that remains of the practitioner is the fifth element, ether, in
the cranial vault, he arises-out of the cauldron in which his lowering had been
dissolved and imploded into its higher emanates –as a massive, powerful,
perfected Siddha...

The more general phenomenon of penetration or piercing that
occurs within the yogic body when the breath, energy, and seed of the yogin
embodied in the female kundalini serpent-pierce the six cakras-called
cakra-vedhana or cakra –bhedana-is also a sexual penetration of sorts, albeit
with sexual polarities reversed, given that It is a female kundalini who
awakens, stiffens, rises, even rushes upwards towards the cranial vault, the
cavity that is the place of the passive male Siva. As the kundalini pierces each
of the cakras, great quantities of heat are produced, which refine and gradually
transmute the seed that is the stuff of her body: it is this transformed semen
that becomes the nectar that immortalizes the yogin who holds in his cranium.

The ancient symbol for this penetration is the:
`TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart
and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to
ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy
piercing through the three granthis.'

The nectar of immorality produced is the Soma wine of the Veda's.

"Yet Soma was not just an outer plant but an inner practice. The Vedic science
of Soma included ways of accessing our own sacred plant or inner set of energies
through the spine, brain and nervous system. Indeed the original Soma was not a
single plant but an entire science of inner and outer healing, with outer Soma
plants having their correspondence in the inner yogic Somas of mantra, Pranayama
and meditation. Such yogic Somas are more important than the plant Somas and
more crucial for not only accessing but remaining in higher states of awareness.

Note plant here is an allegory for chakra such as the plants of birth mentioned
in the ancient texts.

"However, we must remember that the real Soma is a secretion in the brain from
spiritual practices of Yoga, pranayama, mantra and meditation (an elixir
prepared from the Tarpak Kapha or form of Kapha lubricating the nervous system
in Ayurvedic though). Soma at a yogic level refers to the crown chakra, which is
opened by Indra (yogic insight) and releases a flood of bliss throughout the
body. This inner Soma is the main subject of the Vedic hymns, though outer Somas
were also important. The Vedic Yoga centers on how to prepare ."

"The open cup-like shell was extremely important in the Kala tradition since it
was directly associated with the collection of a Suvasini fluid which the
Sanskrit mystic song of the Sama Veda refers to as Amrita-a divine nectar of
sacred waters known as the "the "fountain of youth." In ancient India the
receptacle for collecting Amrita was not a shell, but a curled triangular bhuja

"In the Tantric tradition, Amrita-the dew of the lily and nectar of the
goddess-had been called `the ambrosia of immortality' and the fountain of

Sidhe was an ancient Gale title for an advanced Druid:

"Thus it can be seen that Sidhe and Siddhi/[Siddha] are one and the same." - Sir

More on the Druid mysteries:

The Druids it was listed could change the weather, fly thought the air,
prophesy, see into the future, speak directly to the Gods and eve raise the
dead. These are all Siddhi's list in the Eastern texts.

`In their Temple center of Snowdon in modern day Wales the Serpents founded the
"ambrosial city of Emrys" Emrys is also remembered as "Dinas Affaraon," the
"place of Higher Powers," i.e the place where a Druid could achieve the apex of
his or her spiritual powers and consciousness"(The Godhead of spiritual and
physical perfection and immorality along with all the powers the perfected
Godhead contains).

"A Welsh alchemical verse within the Book of Talieson, known as The Spoils of
Annwn, defines both Kerridwen and her Cauldron as intimately related to the
alchemical serpent power. The allegory contained in the poem recounts the
journey of King Arthur and his Knights as they journey though Annwn, the
underworld and discover the Cauldron of Kerridwen in the" Four Cornered Castle
in the Isle of the Strong Door." This is a cryptic allusion to Kerridwen's
Cauldron being the British version of the serpent power Kundalini which lies
deep within a person(their underworld ) in the four-petal root charka(the Four
Corned Castle) at the entrance to the Sushumna energy meridian(the Strong Closed

Emrys was the headquarters of the "Dragons of Beli" and the Goddess Kerridwen.
The alchemical initiation of the Pheryllt( thus the entire Serpent Order)
involved an elixir of immortality that was decanted from a chalice shaped like a
crescent moon called the Cauldron of Kerridwen, or the "Cauldron of
Inspiration." To partake of this elixir of Kerridwen's Cauldron lead the
initiate into a inner death and rebirth, (by awaking the inner serpent power and
raising towards the crown leading to the subsequent awakening of gnosis.) The
Druids referred to this state as Awen meaning "inspiration."

"Awen was also the primal sound and equivalent to the Sanskrit AUM.-" High
Priestess Zildar Raasi

Aum is the mantra of the serpent power used by the yogins to open the "threshold
of Brahma" and to cause to flower the "centers of life" in regeneration…" -Evola

Science of Godhead:

Enki/Agni is the supreme ruler of this alchemical realm in the ancient Veda's as
a whole His sacred fire is the that of the kundalini alchemy that takes us to
the personal Godhead of enlightenment. Even the Waters of Life he rules are the
kundalini energies of the soul.

Vedic literature portrays an ancient solar religion of Yoga and enlightenment,
such as was once common throughout the entire world. The Sun is a symbol of the
higher Self, the Atman or Purusha of yogic thought. This Vedic religion of
lights a religion of consciousness, which is the supreme form of light."-

The Druid center Glastonbury

In the center of Glastonbury the Serpents built a mound known as Glastonbury
Tor, "the Spiral Castle," which is comprised of the serpentine number of seven
levels or tiers. Also known as the home of the Dragoness Keridwen, the Tor
contains polar opposite red and whites springs that circulate and unite to
produce the power and wisdom of the serpent which vibrates throughout the Tor.

"Megalithic stones found on the summit of Glastonbury Tor point its use as
center for rituals. It has been suggested that during the most energetic days of
the years, the Sabbats and Esbats, special rites where performed by the Serpents
on Glastonbury Tor."
More on Serpents sites:

"One of their (Druids) temples in the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, bears
evident signs of their skill in the science of astronomy. Every stone in the
temple is placed astronomically. The circle consists of twelve equidistant
obelisks denoting the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four cardinal points of
the compass are marked by lines of obelisks running out from the circle, and at
each point subdivided into four more."

Debunking Christian claims on Glastonbury:

`Christianity copied and incorporated countless elements of numerous religions
within the Roman Empire and beyond. Moreover, per the Catholic missionary Huc,
who traversed India, Tibet and other parts of Asia, "Yesu" was also a name of
the expected avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, of which Krishna was an avatar."

The Druidic inhabitants of "Glastonbury Lake Village" were highly skilled
woodworkers and carpenters; hence, their god was a woodworker and carpenter
named Yesu/Esus/Hesus, long prior the Christian era.

In addition, the first "church" at Glastonbury was supposedly "circular…with the
twelve huts of the other disciples forming a circle around it." (Capt, 42) Many
Pagan temples had a similar astrological blueprint, i.e., the circle of the
Zodiac, and it is clear that Glastonbury's sanctuary was appropriated by the
mythical Christ and fictive Twelve, as the original Druid "church" was likely
founded in the name of their patron carpenter god, Yesu/Hesus, long prior to the
alleged advent of the Jewish savior. Indeed, Christianity is but a Judaized
rehash of Paganism, with the astrotheological pagan gods turned into the Jewish
Son of God, his disciples and a slew of saints."-D.M Murdock

.'At dawn of the 25th day of December, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated.
The secret teachings of the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with
Pythagorean philosophy. The Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child
in her arms, who was sacred to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was
resurrected at the time of the year corresponding to that at which modern
Christians celebrate Easter. Both the cross and the serpent were sacred to the
Druids, who made the former by cutting off all the branches of an oak tree and
fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken
cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun,
moon, and stars. The moon received their special veneration….' Hall

`Prior to Christianity, history shows that the cross was an auspicious and
mystical symbol amongst the Druids….Tertullian, as late as 211 CE, wrote that
the Christians neither adored nor desired crosses, and criticized pagans for
doing so and for putting a man on the cross, too. For pagans a cross was a sign
of eternity….It was not until the 6th synod of Constantinople that it was
decided that the symbol of Christianity, which was confirmed by Pope Adrain I,
would be represented from that time on as a man crucified on the cross. In fact,
the earliest instances of any artwork that illustrates Jesus on the cross can be
traced back only to the eight or ninth century. Thus, the Christians adopted the
crucifixion as a symbol from the pagans.'-Knapp

`Here are two crucifixes, one with the wood, and the other without it. Fig. 65
is the old Irish cross at Tuam, erected before Christian times, and is obviously
Asiatic; Fig. 66 is from an old Nubian temple at Kalabche, long anterior to the
Christian era…"

On Druid Society

The Druids of Europe: "Built a Gnostic civilization with a fluid caste system
composed of commoners, at its lowest, followed by the warriors and then
themselves the Serpents Priests, who could be male of female." Within the Arya
society class was based upon spiritual evolution thus a fluid caste existed
where a individual may rise, fall or exist as they like. With those who desire
to achieve spiritual enlightenment evolving themselves to the top, thus ensuring
society has the highest conscious beings governing its course and mentoring the
next generation of the Folk with it.

"At the pinnacle of the Serpents caste was the Arch-Druid and below him where
the Druid Elders, who administered an unwritten law know as the "Tara" and sat
as lawmakers and judges in Councils of Twelve. The high Druids were the final
word in all matters relating to divine law[divine in the Aryan world was cosmic
or eternal laws of nature understanding the universe and it's order or laws of
life as divine] and justice; they were the "Supreme Court" of a tribe and
co-ruled it with a specially chosen warrior or divinely chosen king. "

This Priest King was the PenDragon this is of the Dragon or Grail Blood lines.

Much has been wrote on the Holy Grail Blood lines and the magic Power of the
blood in reality they deal with the powerful Aryan Monarchs or Priest Kings who
maintained the power of the Grail "Serpent energy" as the "blood" is the energy
of the Kundalini and also the DNA Helix carries the level of enlightenment or
Serpentine Power which is passed down generation after generation, this also
means the Grail Blood Line is the literal living blood line of Satan and the
Demons as each White person is of direct descent from a living Nordic Demon or
God and we are of Satan's blood line. These blood lines upon study go back to
the East, the homeland of the Aryan Race. Many of the beings mentioned in the
later Grail Legends are actual humanized Gods and Goddesses.

Kundalini and the DNA are connected as the main Serpentary network is the macro
of the DNA helix, the DNA. On the spiritual or quantum level is a vibrational
information code that as higher amount of vibration floods the body the
vibration changes thus the code changes morphing the individual to a higher
level of transformation. DNA is an vibrational information code when a higher
current goes thought you, the DNA literally morphs as the information code
changes to correspond to the new vibration. This is the origin of bio-morphic
field it's the light body part of the information field that is connected into
the DNA and extended from it and the ancients called it the Ren. When you look
at DNA on the quantum level it's vibration and light energy.

Such energy and abilities being passed down via the blood is why the Catholic
Church would wipe the whole family of the one tried for Witchcraft out, to
remove the power transmitted in the blood line [blood is from an ancient
Germanic term meaning "Sacred"] and can be still viewed today as many people
born with spiritual abilities had close family members usually a Parent with
them. A famous Serpent ruling family was the Merovingians who where wiped out by
the Vatican and replaced with a Papal backed kosher proxy:


"Merlin does seem to be very similar to Thoth, with the Alchemy and everything.
I know according to one version of the Legend, Arthur is born when Merlin casts
a "spell" that causes Uther PenDragon (Uther the Dragon) to look like the
husband of the Lady of Tintagel, Igraine, who was supposed to have been of a
very powerful Ancient bloodline. He then sleeps with her and she falls pregnant,
thus Arthur was born a really strong and beautiful child because he possesses
the blood of PenDragon and that of his mothers Ancient line, this is why he
possesses the ability to pull the sword from the Stone and thus become King. I
know these Legends have been re written and christianized, sadly, and A LOT of
rubbish has been added in where it did not exist before, but it is really
interesting and seems to tell an Ancient and noble tale of the Aryan Race and
loyalty to the blood. Then there is a very large Allegorical side to it, where
PenDragon represents the Kundalini and the lineage, the Aryan blood of the Gods,
the stone the Soul and the sword the Power and so on. I still want to look
further into this. It has been corrupted into stories of the "blood line of
jewsus" and all that shit, but it is still easy to see the True meaning behind
it. Avalon, or the Isle of Apples where Arthur is taken upon death (Alchemical
Allegory of death and rebirth here), obviously relates to Immortality. Apples
have always been a symbol of Immortality, back to the Far East and even in
Ancient Greece with the Legend of Hercules and the Golden Apples of Hesperides
as one of His 12 Labours, which really means 12 steps of the Magnum Opus, and so
on. Also where xianity stole the "Tree of Knowledge" from and twisted it
totally."- High Priestess Zildar Raasi

Druids Where Not Pacifists
`The following description of the band of Cathbus Druids occurs in the epic
tale, the Tain bo Cuailnge: The attendant raises his eyes towards heaven and
observes the clouds and answers the band around him. They all raise their eyes
towards heaven, observe the clouds, and hurl spells against the elements, so
that they arouse strife amongst them and clouds of fire are driven towards the
camp of the men of Ireland. We are further told that at the court of Conchobar
no one had the right to speak before the Druids had spoken. In other texts the
Druids are able to produce insanity. `

`The Druids were known to enter into battle and decimate entire armies. The
Druid Mog Ruith, for example, is famous for entering his battles with a bull's
hide cloak wrapped around his shoulders and a white speckled bird headdress upon
his head.

It is recorded that when the Romans and Christians landed in Britain the magical
Druids used some of their ancient spells to create deadly tempests, floods, and
heavy snowfalls in order to repel the invaders.' This dispels the nonsense
claims they where pacifist, the Druids commanders where the only ones to ever
defeat Caser in war.

Druid System

`The school of the Druids was divided into three distinct parts, and the secret
teachings embody therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed
under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry. The lowest of the three divisions
was that of Ovate (Ovydd). This was an honorary degree, requiring no special
purification or preparation. The Ovates dressed in green, the Druidic color of
learning, and were expected to know something about medicine, astronomy, poetry
if possible, and sometimes music. An Ovate was an individual admitted to the
Druidic Order because of his general excellence and superior knowledge
concerning the problems of life. The second division was that of Bard (Beirdd).

Its members were robed in sky-blue, to represent harmony and truth, and to them
was assigned the labor of memorizing, at least in part, the twenty thousand
verses of Druidic sacred poetry. They were often pictured with the primitive
British or Irish harp--an instrument strung with human hair, and having as many
strings as there were ribs on one side of the human body. These Bards were often
chosen as teachers of candidates seeking entrance into the Druidic Mysteries.
Neophytes wore striped robes of blue, green, and white, these being the three
sacred colors of the Druidic Order. The third division was that of Druid
(Derwyddon). Its particular labor was to minister to the religious needs of the
people. To reach this dignity, the candidate must first become a Bard Braint.

The Druids always dressed in white--symbolic of their purity, and the color used
by them to symbolize the sun. In order to reach the exalted position of
Arch-Druid, or spiritual head of the organization, it was necessary for a priest
to pass through the six successive degrees of the Druidic Order. (The members of
the different degrees were differentiated by the colors of their sashes, for all
of them wore robes of white.) Some writers are of the opinion that the title of
Arch-Druid was hereditary, descending from father to son, but it is more
probable that the honor was conferred by ballot election. Its recipient was
chosen for his virtues.'-Hall

The symbol of the Harp meaning is the power of vibration to empower the soul as
well as Vates who played the roles of diviners, and those who served as priests,
judges and advisors to the ruling kings…..Although all priestly Druids were of
the same status. One sub-sect of them known as the Pheryll, appear to have been
one of the most advanced."

The major position of many Serpents was to oversee the massive Temple school's
the largest of which existed in Ireland and the British Isle. Such as the one
mention as Snowdon in modern Wales.

According to one ancient manuscript, the earliest of Druid schools in Britain
was grounded by the Pheryllt I an area near Oxford University. A second
important school of Druidism in Britain, and perhaps the greatest, was later
established on the Island of Anglesey, which was anciently referred to as
Muinendh, `the Island of Teaching.' Anglesey was located directly across the
water from Emrys, the `ambrosial city' of the Pheryllt alchemists, so its
curriculum was no doubt strongly influenced by thee early adepts. Another
renowned mystery academy of the Druids was eventually founded on Innis nan
Druidhneah the "Island of the DRUIDS." This school was later converted into a
Christian monastery by St.Columbo.

The Druid Diviciacus a Celtic priest whom Caesar met in Gaul, told the Roman
general that Druid training sometimes required up to 20 years to complete and
included a curriculum of myth, grammar, law philosophy and poetry. Of all these
subjects, the most important was poetry. The Druids encoded all the secret of
the universe, including the origins of the cosmos and the path to salvation,
into their poetic verses. Supposedly at one time there war as many as 20,000 of
these sacred verses since writing was discouraged, the sacred verses required
memorization by the student of Druidism.'

`Caesar… says, speaking of the Druids that they did not think it lawful to
commit the secret of their religion to writing." This means that in the way they
passed down their knowledge to they kept the Vedic oral tradition. Sanskrit
learning was always committed to memory prior to it being written. And to keep
it in memory, the Druids used to regularly chant.'

"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls,
among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required
twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge." The reason for the
time, was it took around 20 or more years to fully ascend the serpent(thus
becoming a full qualified Priest) this is seen in many ancient traditions and
mentioned today by teachings from India(in fact due to removal of knowledge many
are lucky to ever achieve it, as it has extend to several of more decades at all
if they obtain it.) One such center in Ireland housed 300,000 import texts,
these Temple centers where destroyed by the Catholic church over several decades
of pulling them down stone by stone and recycling them into other buildings.

`Speaking of the Gaul's, Caesar says, that they had all the same
language[Sanskrit], with some little variation in their dialects. But he says it
was usual with them to pass over to Britain to improve themselves in the
discipline of the Druids.'

What about Druids themselves? "(Druids) a caste incorporating all the learned
professions, philosophers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians,
physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors." -P.
Berresford Ellis (The Druids)

"As one of their leading dogmas, they (Druids) include this: that souls are not
annihilated, but pass after death from one body to another, and they hold that
by this, men are much encouraged to valor, throught disregarding the fear of

They also discuss and impart to their young many things concerning the heavenly
bodies and their movements, the size of the world and our earth, natural
sciences, and the influence and power of the immortal Gods."-Julius Caesar

From the old Irish texts, one gathers that the Druids were concerned, above all
things, with Truth...this notion of truth as the highest principal and
sustaining power of creation pervades the Irish literature." -Peter Berresford

"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls,
among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required
twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge... Natural philosophy,
astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, jurisprudence, medicine, poetry, and oratory
were all proposed and taught, the first two with severe exactitude. The system
of astronomy inculcated had never varied, being the same as taught by
Pythagoras, now known as the Copernican or Newtonian."
"In the Druidic order indeed centered, and from it radiated to the whole world
civil and ecclesiastical knowledge of the realm: they were its statesmen,
legislators, priests, physicians, lawyers, teachers, poets; the depositories of
all human and divine knowledge; its Church and parliament; its court of law its
colleges of physicians and surgeons; its magistrates, clergy and bishops."

"Druids appear as healers in many Irish and Welsh tales. And in the Sagas we
find many male and female physicians. ...The Druidic physicians appear in native
sources as being skilled with herbs as well as surgery and among their
operations they perform Caesarean sections, amputations and brain surgery...We
are told that a whole medical corps accompanied the army of Conchobhar mac Nessa
during the Tain wars."

It appears that part of their Temples where also used as free hospitals for the
populace, i.e. free health care.


Initiation according to Spence's scholarly reconstruction of a Druid initiation
The Mysteries of Britain, the sacred event would being at a Temple of Keridwen
where a Pheryllt adept of Druid priest, along with three attendants would
ceremoniously meet the candidate at the entrance. After perfunctory
introductions, the Druid candidate was sent to the nearest body of water to
purify the physical body.

Given the fact the Templar's where direct descendants of the Druids it's a
reality that they initiation was identical and given the fact same initiation is
still done in the Vedic East.


During initiation the Knights kissed each other on the mouth, the navel, the
base of the spine, and the penis.

These articles are identical to the custom of Traditional Witchcraft Covens in
Europe during initiation ceremonies into the Coven and Craft:

"Templar Kiss which according the Knights own testimonies occurred between an
incoming Knight and a high ranking Knight priest. The kisses which were planted
by the elder Templar on the new Knight's mouth, navel and base of the spine,
where to done to specifically activate Kundalini, since most of these parts of
the body are known by the Tantric's as seats of the power. The Templar kiss
ostensibly involved blowing into the new initiate mouth the breath of life,
which was saturated with the elder Knight's own kundalini energy. And awakened
the seats of Kundalini in initiates body."

Author M. Giles , an expert on the secret Templar rites of the Rules, compares
the Templar kiss to a similar eastern rite of initiation:

"The Templar kisses….had nothing obscene about them, because they symbolized the
transmission of the breath of Life of the Order, and Power of the Order as was
the custom in most ancient initiations."

The Pranic kiss is still done in the East into initiation into the Charka[Sacred
Circle] the Eastern Tantric version of the Coven:

"The two lower regions have for ages been recognized in the East as dwelling
places of the Kundalini, and both are often touched of kissed by gurus today to
awaken the indwelling Serpent Power. Typically, an initiating guru transmits a
spark of his own Kundalini into the initiate, so the process is described as:

"one candle lighting another." Eastern gurus transmit their alchemical power
through their breaths, which they do by blowing of kissing parts of the body,
including the face and mouth."

A thirteenth Century manuscript, entitled The Secret Tule, provided proof that
the Templar's' infamous initiation kisses were not sexually motivated, but
designed to awaken the inner force. One of the many "Articles" contained within
the manual states:

"Article 11.Ritual of Reception of the Brothers-Elect: Oath to guard the secret
of the Order, the least indiscretion being punishable by death. The Receiver
shall kiss the Neophyte successively on the mouth, to transmit to him the
breath; on the sacral plexus[base of the spine], which commands the creative
force; then on the umbilicus, and finally on the virile member, image of the
masculine principle."

"The Templar once initiated would have began the process of rebuilding Solomon's
Temple" the Knight's Kundalini would work to ascended up the spine to the top of
his head a Templar would gradually become full of the Holy Spirit or Kundalini
energy while being transformed, the Serpent would then enter the Holy of Holies,
the skull of the Knight , and activate the Ajna Chakra of Third eye
of spiritual sight along with the remaining two-thirds of his brain power, to
bring forth the state of Gnosis."

It was stated after the Druid candidate had imbibed the Cauldron of Keridwen
[Kundalini awaking] they would spent a year in a monastic area where they where
subjected to the rigid discipline[Yoga] and studied the rites of the doctrines
of the Druids.

With each successive degree the Druid was given a different colored sash to tie
around his or her white gown and a Gleiniau Naddred, or `Serpent's Egg,' to
hang. The "egg" a blue green glass bead set in gold, was strung on leather and
indicated the level of serpent wisdom and power attained. The most powerful
Druid Adders revealed themselves by displaying the most Serpent Eggs over their
breasts. An Adder who succeeded in acquiring seven "eggs" became an Arch DRUID,
A FULLY PERFECTED Master. Such a Druid had united the polarity, merged with the
transcendental Solar Sprit within, and become a clear vessel of serpent power
and wisdom. The ceremonial regalia of these Arch Druids reflected their power.

Upon their heads was set a golden crown with projecting rays to represent the
Sun, symbol of the Solar Spirit, while within their hands was a Moon-shaped
scepter, symbol of the female principle and serpent power which emanated from
their hands. At any given time the office of Arch Druid was held by only three
divinely elected seekers and each had his headquarters in the "Magical Isles
"which surrounded Britain. One Arch Druid had his seat on the Isle of Anglesey;
another was established upon the Isle of Man; and the third was situated upon
the Isle of Wight, anciently known a "The Dragon's Isle."

From Wellcome's Ancient Cymric Medicine.
The most striking adornment of the Arch-Druid was the iodhan moran, or
breastplate of judgment, which possessed the mysterious Power of strangling any
who made an untrue statement while wearing it. Godfrey Higgins states that this
breastplate was put on the necks of witnesses to test the veracity of their
evidence. The Druidic tiara, or anguinum, its front embossed with a number of
points to represent the sun's rays, indicated that the priest was a
personification of the rising sun. On the front of his belt the Arch-Druid wore
the liath meisicith-- a magic brooch, or buckle in the center of which was a
large white stone. To this was attributed the power of drawing the fire of the
gods down from heaven at the priest's command This specially cut stone was a
burning glass, by which the sun's rays were concentrated to light the altar
fires. The Druids also had other symbolic implements, such as the peculiarly
shaped golden sickle with which they cut the mistletoe from the oak, and the
cornan, or scepter, in the form of a crescent….'-Hall

`The Druids had a great number of feast days. The new and full moon and the
sixth day of the moon were sacred periods. It is believed that initiations took
place only at the two solstices and the two equinoxes. At dawn of the 25th day
of December, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated. The secret teachings of
the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with Pythagorean philosophy. The
Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child in her arms, who was sacred
to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was resurrected at the time of the year
corresponding to that at which modern Christians celebrate Easter. Both the
cross and the serpent were sacred to the Druids, who made the former by cutting
off all the branches of an oak tree and
fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken
cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun,
moon, and stars. The moon received their special veneration….'

"The Druids were priests and physicians, curing by magnetism and charging
amylets with their fluidic influence. Their universal remedies were mistletoe
and serpents' eggs, because these substances attract the astral light in a
special manner. The solemnity
with which mistletoe was cut down drew upon this plant the popular confidence
and rendered it powerfully magnetic…..The progress of magnetism will some day
reveal to us the absorbing properties of mistletoe.

We shall then understand the secret of those spongy growths which drew the
unused virtues of plants and become surcharged with tinctures and savors.
Mushrooms, truffles, gall on trees,
and the different kinds of mistletoe will be employed with understanding by a
medical science, which will be new because it is old… but one must not move
quicker than science, which recedes that it may advance the further. " Not only
was the mistletoe sacred as symbolic of the universal medicine, or panacea, but
also because of the fact that it grew upon the oak tree. Through the symbol of
the oak, the Druids worshiped the Supreme Deity[ as we have seen that is
Enki[Satan]; therefore, anything growing upon that tree was sacred to Him[the
tree is the symbol of the human soul]. At certain seasons, according to the
positions of the sun, moon, and stars, the Arch-Druid climbed the oak tree and
cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle consecrated for that service. The
parasitic growth was caught in white cloths provided for the purpose, lest it
touch the earth and be polluted by terrestrial vibrations."

Main Sources
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Pinkham Young
Proof Of Vedic Cultures Global Existence, Knapp Steve
The Alchemical Body, Gordon, White
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall's, Manly

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 11:59:12 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Info about the Vedas

  This post is mostly for the clergy,who have the time to answer,but all reply's are welcome.I have been reading a book,that I bought many years before joining the family of Satan.It is called,Indian Philosophy.It is written by two authers,one being Sarvenpalli Radhakrishnan,and the other is Charles A. Moore.

First off,I was wondering just how corrupt it is,and the other question is,who are the Gods in the Vedas,in relation to our Gods,such as Indra,Agni.....Don't get me wrong,I have learned how important it is to read anything Satanically of course,but is anyone familiar with this book,and its validity, and I could use a guide to use as I study the Vedas.Incidentally,I am not ready the authors foot notes,only the scriptures themselves.
Hail Satan

Thanks H P Don,but do you have any information on the other Gods in the Vedas,or is there a link you could sent to me.Hail SatanBrian

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Info about the Vedas

  Satan [/IMG]</var>   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/239     The Druids

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at
root,separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."- Ellis

Where did the Druids originally come from?

`It is almost certain that the Druidic Mysteries were not indigenous to Britain
or Gaul, but migrated from one of the more ancient civilizations.'-Hall

"The Pheryllt were Druids of the Cymry people who arrived in the British Isles
from "Defrobani" which is a Welsh of Taprobana, a name for Sri Lanka. It is said
that the Cymry where guided from Sri Lanka to the British Isles by the Welsh
cultural hero, Hu Gadarn, and proof of their Westward journey is the Welsh
language, which is full of Sanscrrit root words.Hu Gadran founded what many
believe to have been the incipient sect of Druids, the Pheryllt, a term meaning
"Alchemists."-M. Pinkham

Atlantis East not West:

Other connections to Vedic East as point of origin:

"The Yezidis, who now reside in Northern Iraq….before coming to Iraq they had
resided in India" The Yezidi God is Melek Taus who symbol like Murrugan in Sri
Lanka is the Peacock and the Serpent. Within the Yezidi writings Melek Taus
makes mention of Shambhalla the sarced place of the East and to the Lotus
another Eastern spiritual theme.

The Yezidi People state they came into the Middle East from India in the ancient

The Peacock the sacred symbol to the Yezidi, Mandean and Hindu alike , is native
only to the Far East not the Middle East or Europe and nowhere else on the
planet. The Peacock was a sacred bird in Europe to the Goddess Hera and the God
Dionysus(of whom the serpent is also sacred) as we known Melek Taus or Satan was
also worshipped as ENKI.

Kumarai Nadu that once stretched across the Pacific Ocean, most of this primeval
continent sank to the bottom of the ocean except for those parts of it that
became islands, such as Sri Lanka, the paradise currently recognized by much of
the Arab world as not part of the primal Garden, but the Garden of Edin (Edin
means abode of the Gods in English). Melek Ta'us is worshipped by the Sri
Lankans as Murrugan and center in English means "Place of the Peacock.

Melek Taus as the Yezidi texts stated in the ancient tradition is Satan. The
Peacock as well as the Serpent is one of His ancient symbols. Satan in the East
is also Sanat[an anagram for Satan] Kumara, the Lord of Shambhala. And is as
noted still worshipped on Sri Lanka as well under different alias and also does
have a shine to Him as Sanat Kumar in Katargama Sri Lanka.

The British Museum of London has an exhibit of a peacock mosaic that had been
dug up in the British Isles. Thought the peacock belongs to tropical regions and
is considered sacred, and is also the mount of goddess Saravati and Lord Murugan
in the Vedic tradition. This is one of the visual proof of the Vedic past of
Great Britain.-S. Knapp, Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence

The term Britain itself comes out of two sources the ancient Sanskrit word
Bharat and Brihat-sthan meaning a great place of many Islands. Bharat today is
still used as the ancient name for India but as L.A Waddel and ancient Eastern
sources show Maha Bharat encompassed the entire Aryan world from the
Indus,though the Near East and on in the very ancient world.

L.A Waddel also wrote on the fact the same deity symbols found in the Indus
where the same as those on the ancient monuments of Great Britain.

On London's ancient roots:

`Its ancient name was Nandanium, which is Sanskrit for "a pleasing habitation.In
Roman times it was misspelled "Londonium."-S.Knapp

The Druid that is the Brahmin system of superstition in ancient Britain. This I
contend was the first Eastern colony settled in these British islands.-Reverend
Maurice Antiquities of India

There are deep connections between Druidic and Vedic thought on many subjects
including karma, rebirth and the immortality of the soul.-D. Frawley

`Caesar… says, speaking of the Druids that they did not think it lawful to
commit the secret of their religion to writing." This means that in the way they
passed down their knowledge to they kept the Vedic oral tradition. Sanskrit
learning was always committed to memory prior to it being written. And to keep
it in memory, the Druids used to regularly chant.'

The name "Ireland" is connected with the Sanskrit term Aryasthan, meaning land
of the Aryans.

"The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise across the
East."-E.Keneanly, the Book of God

It is well known that the Sanskrit language is the root language of the

Lt. Gen Charles Vallencey in his work Collectania De Rebus Hibernicus states:

"The Druid religion of the Britons was founded on that of the ancient Irish,
which was in great part that of the Brahmins….by no other means could the
deities of the Brahmins have been recorded in the Irish manuscripts….'

Sir William Jones allows the Irish language great affinity with the Sanskrit…..

The Irish and Welsh complain of the devastation of their manuscripts by the
first Christian missionaries, ….The Pagan Irish had most of the deities of the
Hindus…. Their altars still exist in Ireland under their names `'''."

Near Killarney in the county of Kerry is an Aghadoe Church. It has an imperfect
Ogham inscription obviously disfigured by Christian invaders. The deity's name
inscribed is Som. As in India, that was a Somnath temple of Ireland. It is
currently looked upon as a church. –Oak's World Vedic Heritage

The name Killarney is Sanskrit, the term Killaarnav it connotes a fort
commanding the sea or close to the sea.

Prior to the English developing as a separate language it is well know that the
British spoke the same language as the French. That was because the language or
languages spoken all over Europe were variations of Sanskrit.-Oak's World Vedic

Speaking of the Gaul's, Caesar says, that they had all the same
language[Sanskrit], with some little variation in their dialects. But he says it
was usual with them to pass over to Britain to improve themselves in the
discipline of the Druids, which almost proves the two countries had the same
language. And Tacitus says expressly, that the language of the Gaul and Britain
was not very different."- G.Higgins, The Celtic Druids'

In Ireland today the sacred Tara mounds still exist "Arya Tara" is a Goddess
still worshipped in the East and was also known in Egypt.

Who was the God most Worshipped in the Druid Temples?

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root,
separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."

Describing the temples of the Druids, Charles Heckethorn, in The Secret
Societies of All Ages & Countries, says:

"Their temples wherein the sacred fire was preserved were generally situate on
eminences and in dense groves of oak, and assumed various forms—circular'….

I worship the Sacred Fire (Agni) that is chief priest, the deity of the
sacrifice, who works according to the seasons, the invoker, best to grant the
treasure. The Sacred Fire honored by the ancient sages is invoked again by the
new. For us he manifests all the Gods. To you, oh Fire, day by day, by dawn and
by dusk we come bearing our offering of surrender, the king of the sacred rite,
the guardian of truth, flourishing in his own nature.- Rig Veda I.1.1, 2, 7.

Agni is the first word of the first hymn of the Rigveda

`The Goat is primarily the vehicle of the Fire God Agni….Almost every mandala or
division in the RigVeda starts with a hymn to Agni. The Vedic hymns praise him
copiously often describing him as the Supreme God and Creator. Agni along with
Indra Lord of the Heavens and Surya Lord of the Skies constitute the first
trinity of Vedism their places where later assigned to Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva….He is often invoked with Indra of whom He shares the passion for Soma

`The original Vedic triad Agni-Indra-Surya,'

What other name is Agni also known by?

The most striking similarity was found between the Vedic god of the Fire Agni
and the Mesopotamian Enki (Sumerian) or Ea (Akkadian). We will first present the
iconographic representations of Enki/Ea in the cylinder-seals of Mesopotamia
(Sumer, Akkad and Assyria) and then turn to the images used to describe Agni in
the Veda:

Agni/Enki was the God most honored in the Druid Temples.

"Before becoming a God himself Rudra was an epithet of Agni"…. Acharya S: "Suns
Of God"

It is well known that Siva is a later form of the Vedic God Rudra.

"Lord Siva's prototype in the Rig Veda is Rudra."-Acharya S: "Suns Of God"

The Druid Mysteries what where they?

Since the Druidic mysteries where the same as those of the civilizations of
Egypt and Greece we can see what they contained and their meaning by looking at
all three.

`Information extant concerning the secret initiations of the Druids indicates a
decided similarity between their Mystery school and the schools of Greece and

The Druidic Pantheon includes a large number of Greek and Roman deities. This
greatly amazed Cesar during his conquest of Britain and Gaul, and caused him to
affirm that these tribes adored Mercury, Apollo, Mars, and Jupiter, in a manner
similar to that of the Latin countries. It is almost certain that the Druidic
were not indigenous to Britain or Gaul, but migrated from one of the more
ancient civilizations.

"One of the names of their[Druids] God was "Esus" or "Hesus" the carpenter or
woodcutter….Hesus's name in Irish is Aesar, evidently related to the Egyptian
Ausar (Osiris).

-Acharya S "Sons of God."

`The Druids were initiates of a secret school that existed in their midst. This
school, which closely resembled the Bacchus and Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece
or the Egyptian rites of Isis and Osiris, is justly designated the Druidic
Mysteries. There has been
much speculation concerning the secret wisdom that the Druids claimed to

`The mysteries of Demeter[Eleusinian Mysteries] promised blissful immortality.
The Hymn to Demeter declares: "Happy is he among mortals who has beheld these
things and he that is uninitiate, and hath no lot in them, hath never equal lot
in death beneath the murky gloom." Pindar, writing in the fifth century,
declared that the happy survival of the soul is possible only for those who have
"by good fortune, culled the fruit of the rite that releaseth from toil'' (The
Dirges), that is, the Eleusinian, concerning which he continues: "Blessed is he
who hath seen these things before he goeth beneath the hollow earth; for he
understandeth the end of mortal life, and the beginning of a new life given of
god'' (Fragments, p. 137).

Isocrates, 436-338 B.C.E., declared that Demeter enabled mankind to rise above
the status of beasts by conferring "the fruits of the earth;" and that she
instituted "the holy rite which inspires in those who partake of it sweeter
hopes regarding both the end of life and all eternity''
(Panegyrics, p. 27).'

"In Dionysus[Bacchus] we have yet another solar hero, born of a virgin on
"December 25th" or the winter solstice, performing miracles and receiving divine
epithets, being killed, giving his blood as a sacrifice, resurrecting from the
dead after three days in Hades/Hell, and ascending into heaven. `D.M Murdock

" The meager information extant concerning the secret initiations of the Druids
indicates a decided similarity between their Mystery school and the schools of
Greece and Egypt. HU, the sun God, was murdered and, after a number of ordeals
and mystic rituals, was restored to life."- Albert Pike

This is identical to the story of Osiris in Egypt.

`The few [Druids] who passed this third degree were said to have been "born
again," and were instructed in the secret and hidden truths which the Druid
priests had preserved from antiquity.'-Hall.

`The Druid candidate was buried in a coffin, as symbolic of the death of the Sun

So was the candidate in Egypt and parts of Greece.

`The Druidic trinity was composed of three "Beli" (cf. the Semitic Baal, Bal or
Bel). Interestingly, "Yesu" (also "Hesus") was the name of the Druid "coming
Saviour of the future.'-DM. Murdock

`Mr. Higgins informs us that the Celtic Druids represent their God Hesus as
having been crucified with a lamb on one side and an elephant on the other, and
that this occurred long before the Christian era. Also that a representation of
it may now be seen upon "the fire-tower of Brechin."

In this symbolical representation of the crucifixion, the elephant, being the
largest animal known, was chosen to represent the magnitude of the sins of the
world, while the lamb, from its proverbial innocent nature, was chosen to
represent the innocency of the victim (the God offered as a propitiatory
sacrifice). And thus we have "the Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world"

symbolical language used with respect to the offering of Jesus Christ. And here
is indicated very clearly the origin of the figure. It is evidently borrowed
from the Druids. We have the statement of the above writer that this legend was
found amongst the Canutes of Gaul long before Jesus Christ was known to history.
(See Anac. vol. ii. p. 130.)
Peculiarity noticed in some of the Irish Pre-Christian illustrations of the
Crucifix is the absence of nails; the legs being bound with cords at the ankles
It is singular that the dress of one crucified figure, as worn about the loins,
corresponds with that of the fabled crucified Christna.' -James Bonwick, Irish
Druids and Old Irish Religions

The Elephant is only native to the East.

What were the insignias of these Serpent Kings? "The three, five, seven,
nine-headed snake is the totem of a race of ruler, (Brahmins/ Naddreds/Druids)
who presided over the Aryan Hindus."-J.H. Baecker.

What is the esoteric meaning of the rites of the Druidic mysteries then?

`The completion of the work, what is known in alchemy as the "Magnum Opus" has
its foundation in the kundalini. The kundalini serpent lies coiled at the base
of the spine. Through meditation, the fiery serpent ascends. This is what is
known as "Raising the Devil." There are 33 vertebrae in the in the human spinal
column. We often hear the term "33rd degree Mason" or that the fictitious
nazarene lived 33 years. The kundalini serpent ascends the 33 vertebrae of the

The main title of the Druidic Order was Naddred's meaning Serpent Priests.

Druid comes from the Sanskrit druh vid meaning "knower of the tree." As the
human soul was shown in the symbol of the World Tree with the trunk being the
spinal column and the branches representing the 144,000 Nadis energy pathways of
the soul. And its worlds being the charka centers. We can see the kundalini
serpent wrapped around the World Tree in many images.

The suffix of Vid is the root word of "Wise" the title of Druid also denotes
the reference to wise in the sense of the state of awareness that comes with
activating/raising this serpent energy and opening the "Eye of Wisdom" the
center[Pineal Gland] of heightened awareness representing the ability to see
things clearly when fully activated by raising the Kundalini to the crown.
Another famous term for this state is Gnosis[Janna in Sankrit]. Hence their main
symbol of a Serpent wrapped around a rod. The rod represents the spine also
symbolized as Mount Meru axis in the East.

This is why we have a "Christmas" tree at Yule it represents the fully
illuminated soul with the star being the halo of the risen kundalini energy and
the lights or candles being the illuminated nadis channels. Representing the
eternal life and the all knowing state of gnosis.

A note on Witchcrafts origin:

Witch is the Anglicized term for Druid, thus true Witchcraft is the act of
awakening the kundalini power and raising it to the crown of the head which
activates the dormant one third of the brain and unites both hemispheres opening
up all the centers of psychic power and fully awakening the other psychic
centers along the spine.

This was called seidr in old Norse which means to "Heat up" or "boil" the
Serpent of fire is just that.

The Druid trinity represents the 3 knots of the soul the root, heart and head
that must be open for the Kundalini to pass thought to the crown fully.

`The crucifixion symbolizes the Magnum Opus: the torture, the death, and the
resurrection. Origins that symbolize this work include the Egyptian phoenix
(born again from the ashes), the Egyptian God Set, who was crucified on a furka,
the tale of Isis and Osiris, where Osiris was mutilated into some nine parts and
was resurrected by Isis.'

The cross and the Tree are both symbols of the human soul Hesus as Surya the
Vedic Sun God where both carpenters which is an allegory for Craftsmen in the
Craft of spiritual transformation of the soul to perfection, the Gold in the
Work. This all comes originally from the Vedic scriptures.

"The Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root,
separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era."

We can see look into the Eastern Vedic texts to understand the esoteric meaning
of the Druids rites:

"Tantric Yoga is the Vedic Yajna internalized; a worship of the inner fire of
the kundalini with pranayama, mantra and meditation. The worship of Shiva also
maintains many Vedic forms, using the Vedic fire, Vedic mantras and Vedic like
communion with nature.....The Rudram the most famous chant to Shiva, which is
found in the Yajur-Veda, makes Shiva's identity with the Vedic sacrifice very

Siva is the famed God of the Tantra, and Rudra is the Vedic or early version of

"Before becoming a God himself Rudra was an epithet of Agni"…. Acharya S: "Suns
Of God"

And we know Agni was also EA of the Sumerians who is known to as Satan today.

Outer Vedic ritualistic practices mirror inner Yoga practices balancing the fire
and water, Agni and Soma within us. Vedic literature contains the secrets of the
practice of Yoga, including the ascending of the Kundalini-fire force and the
descent of the Soma nectar that open all the chakras. The practice of Yoga
itself arose from the inner Vedic sacrifice in which speech, mind and prana were
offered to the immortal Divine Fire present within our own hearts. Vedic deities
reflect a profound psychological and spiritual symbolism relative to the
practice of Yoga and meditation, not just outer ritualistic concerns."-Frawley

What do the Tanta's which as stated are the inner or esoteric aspect of the
Vedic rituals state themselves?

Siva first words speak to the goals of every tantric practitioner: "Eternal
youth, immortality of the body and the attainment of an identity of nature with
Siva. that is , liberation in the body."

"Liberation arises from gnosis(jnana), gnosis arises from the maintenance of the
vital breaths. Therefore. where there is stability mercury is empowered and the
body is stabilized. Thought the use of mercury obtains a body that is unaging
and immortal.

Supernatural powers and bodily immortality, the goals of the tantric

`So the soul penetrated by initiation [Kundalini fully risen] obtains Siva-hood"

`Therefore the breath overflowing bursting into the medial channel this surely
brings immortality'

The piercing of the cakras effects a stadial resorption of implosion of the
lower elements into their higher emanates. Thus, when the second cakra is
pierced, the element earth whose support is the lowest, the muladhara cakra
becomes imploded into the element water, the second element on the hierarchy,
and so on, until nothing remains but ether in the cranial vault…. The cranial
vault, the locus of the ether-both the site at the Siddha techniques for
penetration end and that at which mundane existence first begins, when the
absolute first penetrates the human microcosm-is the zero point at which the two
infinites meet, the point at which "black holes" issue into "Whites holes" This
is the precisely the "end" of the process for the creation of the Alchemical
Man….when all that remains of the practitioner is the fifth element, ether, in
the cranial vault, he arises-out of the cauldron in which his lowering had been
dissolved and imploded into its higher emanates –as a massive, powerful,
perfected Siddha...

The more general phenomenon of penetration or piercing that
occurs within the yogic body when the breath, energy, and seed of the yogin
embodied in the female kundalini serpent-pierce the six cakras-called
cakra-vedhana or cakra –bhedana-is also a sexual penetration of sorts, albeit
with sexual polarities reversed, given that It is a female kundalini who
awakens, stiffens, rises, even rushes upwards towards the cranial vault, the
cavity that is the place of the passive male Siva. As the kundalini pierces each
of the cakras, great quantities of heat are produced, which refine and gradually
transmute the seed that is the stuff of her body: it is this transformed semen
that becomes the nectar that immortalizes the yogin who holds in his cranium.

The ancient symbol for this penetration is the:
`TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart
and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to
ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy
piercing through the three granthis.'

The nectar of immorality produced is the Soma wine of the Veda's.

"Yet Soma was not just an outer plant but an inner practice. The Vedic science
of Soma included ways of accessing our own sacred plant or inner set of energies
through the spine, brain and nervous system. Indeed the original Soma was not a
single plant but an entire science of inner and outer healing, with outer Soma
plants having their correspondence in the inner yogic Somas of mantra, Pranayama
and meditation. Such yogic Somas are more important than the plant Somas and
more crucial for not only accessing but remaining in higher states of awareness.

Note plant here is an allegory for chakra such as the plants of birth mentioned
in the ancient texts.

"However, we must remember that the real Soma is a secretion in the brain from
spiritual practices of Yoga, pranayama, mantra and meditation (an elixir
prepared from the Tarpak Kapha or form of Kapha lubricating the nervous system
in Ayurvedic though). Soma at a yogic level refers to the crown chakra, which is
opened by Indra (yogic insight) and releases a flood of bliss throughout the
body. This inner Soma is the main subject of the Vedic hymns, though outer Somas
were also important. The Vedic Yoga centers on how to prepare ."

"The open cup-like shell was extremely important in the Kala tradition since it
was directly associated with the collection of a Suvasini fluid which the
Sanskrit mystic song of the Sama Veda refers to as Amrita-a divine nectar of
sacred waters known as the "the "fountain of youth." In ancient India the
receptacle for collecting Amrita was not a shell, but a curled triangular bhuja

"In the Tantric tradition, Amrita-the dew of the lily and nectar of the
goddess-had been called `the ambrosia of immortality' and the fountain of

Sidhe was an ancient Gale title for an advanced Druid:

"Thus it can be seen that Sidhe and Siddhi/[Siddha] are one and the same." - Sir

More on the Druid mysteries:

The Druids it was listed could change the weather, fly thought the air,
prophesy, see into the future, speak directly to the Gods and eve raise the
dead. These are all Siddhi's list in the Eastern texts.

`In their Temple center of Snowdon in modern day Wales the Serpents founded the
"ambrosial city of Emrys" Emrys is also remembered as "Dinas Affaraon," the
"place of Higher Powers," i.e the place where a Druid could achieve the apex of
his or her spiritual powers and consciousness"(The Godhead of spiritual and
physical perfection and immorality along with all the powers the perfected
Godhead contains).

"A Welsh alchemical verse within the Book of Talieson, known as The Spoils of
Annwn, defines both Kerridwen and her Cauldron as intimately related to the
alchemical serpent power. The allegory contained in the poem recounts the
journey of King Arthur and his Knights as they journey though Annwn, the
underworld and discover the Cauldron of Kerridwen in the" Four Cornered Castle
in the Isle of the Strong Door." This is a cryptic allusion to Kerridwen's
Cauldron being the British version of the serpent power Kundalini which lies
deep within a person(their underworld ) in the four-petal root charka(the Four
Corned Castle) at the entrance to the Sushumna energy meridian(the Strong Closed

Emrys was the headquarters of the "Dragons of Beli" and the Goddess Kerridwen.
The alchemical initiation of the Pheryllt( thus the entire Serpent Order)
involved an elixir of immortality that was decanted from a chalice shaped like a
crescent moon called the Cauldron of Kerridwen, or the "Cauldron of
Inspiration." To partake of this elixir of Kerridwen's Cauldron lead the
initiate into a inner death and rebirth, (by awaking the inner serpent power and
raising towards the crown leading to the subsequent awakening of gnosis.) The
Druids referred to this state as Awen meaning "inspiration."

"Awen was also the primal sound and equivalent to the Sanskrit AUM.-" High
Priestess Zildar Raasi

Aum is the mantra of the serpent power used by the yogins to open the "threshold
of Brahma" and to cause to flower the "centers of life" in regeneration…" -Evola

Science of Godhead:

Enki/Agni is the supreme ruler of this alchemical realm in the ancient Veda's as
a whole His sacred fire is the that of the kundalini alchemy that takes us to
the personal Godhead of enlightenment. Even the Waters of Life he rules are the
kundalini energies of the soul.

Vedic literature portrays an ancient solar religion of Yoga and enlightenment,
such as was once common throughout the entire world. The Sun is a symbol of the
higher Self, the Atman or Purusha of yogic thought. This Vedic religion of
lights a religion of consciousness, which is the supreme form of light."-

The Druid center Glastonbury

In the center of Glastonbury the Serpents built a mound known as Glastonbury
Tor, "the Spiral Castle," which is comprised of the serpentine number of seven
levels or tiers. Also known as the home of the Dragoness Keridwen, the Tor
contains polar opposite red and whites springs that circulate and unite to
produce the power and wisdom of the serpent which vibrates throughout the Tor.

"Megalithic stones found on the summit of Glastonbury Tor point its use as
center for rituals. It has been suggested that during the most energetic days of
the years, the Sabbats and Esbats, special rites where performed by the Serpents
on Glastonbury Tor."
More on Serpents sites:

"One of their (Druids) temples in the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, bears
evident signs of their skill in the science of astronomy. Every stone in the
temple is placed astronomically. The circle consists of twelve equidistant
obelisks denoting the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four cardinal points of
the compass are marked by lines of obelisks running out from the circle, and at
each point subdivided into four more."

Debunking Christian claims on Glastonbury:

`Christianity copied and incorporated countless elements of numerous religions
within the Roman Empire and beyond. Moreover, per the Catholic missionary Huc,
who traversed India, Tibet and other parts of Asia, "Yesu" was also a name of
the expected avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, of which Krishna was an avatar."

The Druidic inhabitants of "Glastonbury Lake Village" were highly skilled
woodworkers and carpenters; hence, their god was a woodworker and carpenter
named Yesu/Esus/Hesus, long prior the Christian era.

In addition, the first "church" at Glastonbury was supposedly "circular…with the
twelve huts of the other disciples forming a circle around it." (Capt, 42) Many
Pagan temples had a similar astrological blueprint, i.e., the circle of the
Zodiac, and it is clear that Glastonbury's sanctuary was appropriated by the
mythical Christ and fictive Twelve, as the original Druid "church" was likely
founded in the name of their patron carpenter god, Yesu/Hesus, long prior to the
alleged advent of the Jewish savior. Indeed, Christianity is but a Judaized
rehash of Paganism, with the astrotheological pagan gods turned into the Jewish
Son of God, his disciples and a slew of saints."-D.M Murdock

.'At dawn of the 25th day of December, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated.
The secret teachings of the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with
Pythagorean philosophy. The Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child
in her arms, who was sacred to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was
resurrected at the time of the year corresponding to that at which modern
Christians celebrate Easter. Both the cross and the serpent were sacred to the
Druids, who made the former by cutting off all the branches of an oak tree and
fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken
cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun,
moon, and stars. The moon received their special veneration….' Hall

`Prior to Christianity, history shows that the cross was an auspicious and
mystical symbol amongst the Druids….Tertullian, as late as 211 CE, wrote that
the Christians neither adored nor desired crosses, and criticized pagans for
doing so and for putting a man on the cross, too. For pagans a cross was a sign
of eternity….It was not until the 6th synod of Constantinople that it was
decided that the symbol of Christianity, which was confirmed by Pope Adrain I,
would be represented from that time on as a man crucified on the cross. In fact,
the earliest instances of any artwork that illustrates Jesus on the cross can be
traced back only to the eight or ninth century. Thus, the Christians adopted the
crucifixion as a symbol from the pagans.'-Knapp

`Here are two crucifixes, one with the wood, and the other without it. Fig. 65
is the old Irish cross at Tuam, erected before Christian times, and is obviously
Asiatic; Fig. 66 is from an old Nubian temple at Kalabche, long anterior to the
Christian era…"

On Druid Society

The Druids of Europe: "Built a Gnostic civilization with a fluid caste system
composed of commoners, at its lowest, followed by the warriors and then
themselves the Serpents Priests, who could be male of female." Within the Arya
society class was based upon spiritual evolution thus a fluid caste existed
where a individual may rise, fall or exist as they like. With those who desire
to achieve spiritual enlightenment evolving themselves to the top, thus ensuring
society has the highest conscious beings governing its course and mentoring the
next generation of the Folk with it.

"At the pinnacle of the Serpents caste was the Arch-Druid and below him where
the Druid Elders, who administered an unwritten law know as the "Tara" and sat
as lawmakers and judges in Councils of Twelve. The high Druids were the final
word in all matters relating to divine law[divine in the Aryan world was cosmic
or eternal laws of nature understanding the universe and it's order or laws of
life as divine] and justice; they were the "Supreme Court" of a tribe and
co-ruled it with a specially chosen warrior or divinely chosen king. "

This Priest King was the PenDragon this is of the Dragon or Grail Blood lines.

Much has been wrote on the Holy Grail Blood lines and the magic Power of the
blood in reality they deal with the powerful Aryan Monarchs or Priest Kings who
maintained the power of the Grail "Serpent energy" as the "blood" is the energy
of the Kundalini and also the DNA Helix carries the level of enlightenment or
Serpentine Power which is passed down generation after generation, this also
means the Grail Blood Line is the literal living blood line of Satan and the
Demons as each White person is of direct descent from a living Nordic Demon or
God and we are of Satan's blood line. These blood lines upon study go back to
the East, the homeland of the Aryan Race. Many of the beings mentioned in the
later Grail Legends are actual humanized Gods and Goddesses.

Kundalini and the DNA are connected as the main Serpentary network is the macro
of the DNA helix, the DNA. On the spiritual or quantum level is a vibrational
information code that as higher amount of vibration floods the body the
vibration changes thus the code changes morphing the individual to a higher
level of transformation. DNA is an vibrational information code when a higher
current goes thought you, the DNA literally morphs as the information code
changes to correspond to the new vibration. This is the origin of bio-morphic
field it's the light body part of the information field that is connected into
the DNA and extended from it and the ancients called it the Ren. When you look
at DNA on the quantum level it's vibration and light energy.

Such energy and abilities being passed down via the blood is why the Catholic
Church would wipe the whole family of the one tried for Witchcraft out, to
remove the power transmitted in the blood line [blood is from an ancient
Germanic term meaning "Sacred"] and can be still viewed today as many people
born with spiritual abilities had close family members usually a Parent with
them. A famous Serpent ruling family was the Merovingians who where wiped out by
the Vatican and replaced with a Papal backed kosher proxy:


"Merlin does seem to be very similar to Thoth, with the Alchemy and everything.
I know according to one version of the Legend, Arthur is born when Merlin casts
a "spell" that causes Uther PenDragon (Uther the Dragon) to look like the
husband of the Lady of Tintagel, Igraine, who was supposed to have been of a
very powerful Ancient bloodline. He then sleeps with her and she falls pregnant,
thus Arthur was born a really strong and beautiful child because he possesses
the blood of PenDragon and that of his mothers Ancient line, this is why he
possesses the ability to pull the sword from the Stone and thus become King. I
know these Legends have been re written and christianized, sadly, and A LOT of
rubbish has been added in where it did not exist before, but it is really
interesting and seems to tell an Ancient and noble tale of the Aryan Race and
loyalty to the blood. Then there is a very large Allegorical side to it, where
PenDragon represents the Kundalini and the lineage, the Aryan blood of the Gods,
the stone the Soul and the sword the Power and so on. I still want to look
further into this. It has been corrupted into stories of the "blood line of
jewsus" and all that shit, but it is still easy to see the True meaning behind
it. Avalon, or the Isle of Apples where Arthur is taken upon death (Alchemical
Allegory of death and rebirth here), obviously relates to Immortality. Apples
have always been a symbol of Immortality, back to the Far East and even in
Ancient Greece with the Legend of Hercules and the Golden Apples of Hesperides
as one of His 12 Labours, which really means 12 steps of the Magnum Opus, and so
on. Also where xianity stole the "Tree of Knowledge" from and twisted it
totally."- High Priestess Zildar Raasi

Druids Where Not Pacifists
`The following description of the band of Cathbus Druids occurs in the epic
tale, the Tain bo Cuailnge: The attendant raises his eyes towards heaven and
observes the clouds and answers the band around him. They all raise their eyes
towards heaven, observe the clouds, and hurl spells against the elements, so
that they arouse strife amongst them and clouds of fire are driven towards the
camp of the men of Ireland. We are further told that at the court of Conchobar
no one had the right to speak before the Druids had spoken. In other texts the
Druids are able to produce insanity. `

`The Druids were known to enter into battle and decimate entire armies. The
Druid Mog Ruith, for example, is famous for entering his battles with a bull's
hide cloak wrapped around his shoulders and a white speckled bird headdress upon
his head.

It is recorded that when the Romans and Christians landed in Britain the magical
Druids used some of their ancient spells to create deadly tempests, floods, and
heavy snowfalls in order to repel the invaders.' This dispels the nonsense
claims they where pacifist, the Druids commanders where the only ones to ever
defeat Caser in war.

Druid System

`The school of the Druids was divided into three distinct parts, and the secret
teachings embody therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed
under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry. The lowest of the three divisions
was that of Ovate (Ovydd). This was an honorary degree, requiring no special
purification or preparation. The Ovates dressed in green, the Druidic color of
learning, and were expected to know something about medicine, astronomy, poetry
if possible, and sometimes music. An Ovate was an individual admitted to the
Druidic Order because of his general excellence and superior knowledge
concerning the problems of life. The second division was that of Bard (Beirdd).

Its members were robed in sky-blue, to represent harmony and truth, and to them
was assigned the labor of memorizing, at least in part, the twenty thousand
verses of Druidic sacred poetry. They were often pictured with the primitive
British or Irish harp--an instrument strung with human hair, and having as many
strings as there were ribs on one side of the human body. These Bards were often
chosen as teachers of candidates seeking entrance into the Druidic Mysteries.
Neophytes wore striped robes of blue, green, and white, these being the three
sacred colors of the Druidic Order. The third division was that of Druid
(Derwyddon). Its particular labor was to minister to the religious needs of the
people. To reach this dignity, the candidate must first become a Bard Braint.

The Druids always dressed in white--symbolic of their purity, and the color used
by them to symbolize the sun. In order to reach the exalted position of
Arch-Druid, or spiritual head of the organization, it was necessary for a priest
to pass through the six successive degrees of the Druidic Order. (The members of
the different degrees were differentiated by the colors of their sashes, for all
of them wore robes of white.) Some writers are of the opinion that the title of
Arch-Druid was hereditary, descending from father to son, but it is more
probable that the honor was conferred by ballot election. Its recipient was
chosen for his virtues.'-Hall

The symbol of the Harp meaning is the power of vibration to empower the soul as
well as Vates who played the roles of diviners, and those who served as priests,
judges and advisors to the ruling kings…..Although all priestly Druids were of
the same status. One sub-sect of them known as the Pheryll, appear to have been
one of the most advanced."

The major position of many Serpents was to oversee the massive Temple school's
the largest of which existed in Ireland and the British Isle. Such as the one
mention as Snowdon in modern Wales.

According to one ancient manuscript, the earliest of Druid schools in Britain
was grounded by the Pheryllt I an area near Oxford University. A second
important school of Druidism in Britain, and perhaps the greatest, was later
established on the Island of Anglesey, which was anciently referred to as
Muinendh, `the Island of Teaching.' Anglesey was located directly across the
water from Emrys, the `ambrosial city' of the Pheryllt alchemists, so its
curriculum was no doubt strongly influenced by thee early adepts. Another
renowned mystery academy of the Druids was eventually founded on Innis nan
Druidhneah the "Island of the DRUIDS." This school was later converted into a
Christian monastery by St.Columbo.

The Druid Diviciacus a Celtic priest whom Caesar met in Gaul, told the Roman
general that Druid training sometimes required up to 20 years to complete and
included a curriculum of myth, grammar, law philosophy and poetry. Of all these
subjects, the most important was poetry. The Druids encoded all the secret of
the universe, including the origins of the cosmos and the path to salvation,
into their poetic verses. Supposedly at one time there war as many as 20,000 of
these sacred verses since writing was discouraged, the sacred verses required
memorization by the student of Druidism.'

`Caesar… says, speaking of the Druids that they did not think it lawful to
commit the secret of their religion to writing." This means that in the way they
passed down their knowledge to they kept the Vedic oral tradition. Sanskrit
learning was always committed to memory prior to it being written. And to keep
it in memory, the Druids used to regularly chant.'

"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls,
among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required
twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge." The reason for the
time, was it took around 20 or more years to fully ascend the serpent(thus
becoming a full qualified Priest) this is seen in many ancient traditions and
mentioned today by teachings from India(in fact due to removal of knowledge many
are lucky to ever achieve it, as it has extend to several of more decades at all
if they obtain it.) One such center in Ireland housed 300,000 import texts,
these Temple centers where destroyed by the Catholic church over several decades
of pulling them down stone by stone and recycling them into other buildings.

`Speaking of the Gaul's, Caesar says, that they had all the same
language[Sanskrit], with some little variation in their dialects. But he says it
was usual with them to pass over to Britain to improve themselves in the
discipline of the Druids.'

What about Druids themselves? "(Druids) a caste incorporating all the learned
professions, philosophers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians,
physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors." -P.
Berresford Ellis (The Druids)

"As one of their leading dogmas, they (Druids) include this: that souls are not
annihilated, but pass after death from one body to another, and they hold that
by this, men are much encouraged to valor, throught disregarding the fear of

They also discuss and impart to their young many things concerning the heavenly
bodies and their movements, the size of the world and our earth, natural
sciences, and the influence and power of the immortal Gods."-Julius Caesar

From the old Irish texts, one gathers that the Druids were concerned, above all
things, with Truth...this notion of truth as the highest principal and
sustaining power of creation pervades the Irish literature." -Peter Berresford

"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls,
among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required
twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge... Natural philosophy,
astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, jurisprudence, medicine, poetry, and oratory
were all proposed and taught, the first two with severe exactitude. The system
of astronomy inculcated had never varied, being the same as taught by
Pythagoras, now known as the Copernican or Newtonian."
"In the Druidic order indeed centered, and from it radiated to the whole world
civil and ecclesiastical knowledge of the realm: they were its statesmen,
legislators, priests, physicians, lawyers, teachers, poets; the depositories of
all human and divine knowledge; its Church and parliament; its court of law its
colleges of physicians and surgeons; its magistrates, clergy and bishops."

"Druids appear as healers in many Irish and Welsh tales. And in the Sagas we
find many male and female physicians. ...The Druidic physicians appear in native
sources as being skilled with herbs as well as surgery and among their
operations they perform Caesarean sections, amputations and brain surgery...We
are told that a whole medical corps accompanied the army of Conchobhar mac Nessa
during the Tain wars."

It appears that part of their Temples where also used as free hospitals for the
populace, i.e. free health care.


Initiation according to Spence's scholarly reconstruction of a Druid initiation
The Mysteries of Britain, the sacred event would being at a Temple of Keridwen
where a Pheryllt adept of Druid priest, along with three attendants would
ceremoniously meet the candidate at the entrance. After perfunctory
introductions, the Druid candidate was sent to the nearest body of water to
purify the physical body.

Given the fact the Templar's where direct descendants of the Druids it's a
reality that they initiation was identical and given the fact same initiation is
still done in the Vedic East.


During initiation the Knights kissed each other on the mouth, the navel, the
base of the spine, and the penis.

These articles are identical to the custom of Traditional Witchcraft Covens in
Europe during initiation ceremonies into the Coven and Craft:

"Templar Kiss which according the Knights own testimonies occurred between an
incoming Knight and a high ranking Knight priest. The kisses which were planted
by the elder Templar on the new Knight's mouth, navel and base of the spine,
where to done to specifically activate Kundalini, since most of these parts of
the body are known by the Tantric's as seats of the power. The Templar kiss
ostensibly involved blowing into the new initiate mouth the breath of life,
which was saturated with the elder Knight's own kundalini energy. And awakened
the seats of Kundalini in initiates body."

Author M. Giles , an expert on the secret Templar rites of the Rules, compares
the Templar kiss to a similar eastern rite of initiation:

"The Templar kisses….had nothing obscene about them, because they symbolized the
transmission of the breath of Life of the Order, and Power of the Order as was
the custom in most ancient initiations."

The Pranic kiss is still done in the East into initiation into the Charka[Sacred
Circle] the Eastern Tantric version of the Coven:

"The two lower regions have for ages been recognized in the East as dwelling
places of the Kundalini, and both are often touched of kissed by gurus today to
awaken the indwelling Serpent Power. Typically, an initiating guru transmits a
spark of his own Kundalini into the initiate, so the process is described as:

"one candle lighting another." Eastern gurus transmit their alchemical power
through their breaths, which they do by blowing of kissing parts of the body,
including the face and mouth."

A thirteenth Century manuscript, entitled The Secret Tule, provided proof that
the Templar's' infamous initiation kisses were not sexually motivated, but
designed to awaken the inner force. One of the many "Articles" contained within
the manual states:

"Article 11.Ritual of Reception of the Brothers-Elect: Oath to guard the secret
of the Order, the least indiscretion being punishable by death. The Receiver
shall kiss the Neophyte successively on the mouth, to transmit to him the
breath; on the sacral plexus[base of the spine], which commands the creative
force; then on the umbilicus, and finally on the virile member, image of the
masculine principle."

"The Templar once initiated would have began the process of rebuilding Solomon's
Temple" the Knight's Kundalini would work to ascended up the spine to the top of
his head a Templar would gradually become full of the Holy Spirit or Kundalini
energy while being transformed, the Serpent would then enter the Holy of Holies,
the skull of the Knight , and activate the Ajna Chakra of Third eye
of spiritual sight along with the remaining two-thirds of his brain power, to
bring forth the state of Gnosis."

It was stated after the Druid candidate had imbibed the Cauldron of Keridwen
[Kundalini awaking] they would spent a year in a monastic area where they where
subjected to the rigid discipline[Yoga] and studied the rites of the doctrines
of the Druids.

With each successive degree the Druid was given a different colored sash to tie
around his or her white gown and a Gleiniau Naddred, or `Serpent's Egg,' to
hang. The "egg" a blue green glass bead set in gold, was strung on leather and
indicated the level of serpent wisdom and power attained. The most powerful
Druid Adders revealed themselves by displaying the most Serpent Eggs over their
breasts. An Adder who succeeded in acquiring seven "eggs" became an Arch DRUID,
A FULLY PERFECTED Master. Such a Druid had united the polarity, merged with the
transcendental Solar Sprit within, and become a clear vessel of serpent power
and wisdom. The ceremonial regalia of these Arch Druids reflected their power.

Upon their heads was set a golden crown with projecting rays to represent the
Sun, symbol of the Solar Spirit, while within their hands was a Moon-shaped
scepter, symbol of the female principle and serpent power which emanated from
their hands. At any given time the office of Arch Druid was held by only three
divinely elected seekers and each had his headquarters in the "Magical Isles
"which surrounded Britain. One Arch Druid had his seat on the Isle of Anglesey;
another was established upon the Isle of Man; and the third was situated upon
the Isle of Wight, anciently known a "The Dragon's Isle."

From Wellcome's Ancient Cymric Medicine.
The most striking adornment of the Arch-Druid was the iodhan moran, or
breastplate of judgment, which possessed the mysterious Power of strangling any
who made an untrue statement while wearing it. Godfrey Higgins states that this
breastplate was put on the necks of witnesses to test the veracity of their
evidence. The Druidic tiara, or anguinum, its front embossed with a number of
points to represent the sun's rays, indicated that the priest was a
personification of the rising sun. On the front of his belt the Arch-Druid wore
the liath meisicith-- a magic brooch, or buckle in the center of which was a
large white stone. To this was attributed the power of drawing the fire of the
gods down from heaven at the priest's command This specially cut stone was a
burning glass, by which the sun's rays were concentrated to light the altar
fires. The Druids also had other symbolic implements, such as the peculiarly
shaped golden sickle with which they cut the mistletoe from the oak, and the
cornan, or scepter, in the form of a crescent….'-Hall

`The Druids had a great number of feast days. The new and full moon and the
sixth day of the moon were sacred periods. It is believed that initiations took
place only at the two solstices and the two equinoxes. At dawn of the 25th day
of December, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated. The secret teachings of
the Druids are said by some to be tinctured with Pythagorean philosophy. The
Druids had a Madonna, or Virgin Mother, with a Child in her arms, who was sacred
to their Mysteries; and their Sun God was resurrected at the time of the year
corresponding to that at which modern Christians celebrate Easter. Both the
cross and the serpent were sacred to the Druids, who made the former by cutting
off all the branches of an oak tree and
fastening one of them to the main trunk in the form of the letter T. This oaken
cross became symbolic of their superior Deity. They also worshiped the sun,
moon, and stars. The moon received their special veneration….'

"The Druids were priests and physicians, curing by magnetism and charging
amylets with their fluidic influence. Their universal remedies were mistletoe
and serpents' eggs, because these substances attract the astral light in a
special manner. The solemnity
with which mistletoe was cut down drew upon this plant the popular confidence
and rendered it powerfully magnetic…..The progress of magnetism will some day
reveal to us the absorbing properties of mistletoe.

We shall then understand the secret of those spongy growths which drew the
unused virtues of plants and become surcharged with tinctures and savors.
Mushrooms, truffles, gall on trees,
and the different kinds of mistletoe will be employed with understanding by a
medical science, which will be new because it is old… but one must not move
quicker than science, which recedes that it may advance the further. " Not only
was the mistletoe sacred as symbolic of the universal medicine, or panacea, but
also because of the fact that it grew upon the oak tree. Through the symbol of
the oak, the Druids worshiped the Supreme Deity[ as we have seen that is
Enki[Satan]; therefore, anything growing upon that tree was sacred to Him[the
tree is the symbol of the human soul]. At certain seasons, according to the
positions of the sun, moon, and stars, the Arch-Druid climbed the oak tree and
cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle consecrated for that service. The
parasitic growth was caught in white cloths provided for the purpose, lest it
touch the earth and be polluted by terrestrial vibrations."

Main Sources
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Pinkham Young
Proof Of Vedic Cultures Global Existence, Knapp Steve
The Alchemical Body, Gordon, White
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall's, Manly

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 11:59:12 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Info about the Vedas

  This post is mostly for the clergy,who have the time to answer,but all reply's are welcome.I have been reading a book,that I bought many years before joining the family of Satan.It is called,Indian Philosophy.It is written by two authers,one being Sarvenpalli Radhakrishnan,and the other is Charles A. Moore.

First off,I was wondering just how corrupt it is,and the other question is,who are the Gods in the Vedas,in relation to our Gods,such as Indra,Agni.....Don't get me wrong,I have learned how important it is to read anything Satanically of course,but is anyone familiar with this book,and its validity, and I could use a guide to use as I study the Vedas.Incidentally,I am not ready the authors foot notes,only the scriptures themselves.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Brian" <briangibbons20@... wrote:
This post is mostly for the clergy,who have the time to answer,but all reply's are welcome.I have been reading a book,that I bought many years before joining the family of Satan.It is called,Indian Philosophy.It is written by two authers,one being Sarvenpalli Radhakrishnan,and the other is Charles A. Moore.

First off,I was wondering just how corrupt it is,and the other question is,who are the Gods in the Vedas,in relation to our Gods,such as Indra,Agni.....Don't get me wrong,I have learned how important it is to read anything Satanically of course,but is anyone familiar with this book,and its validity, and I could use a guide to use as I study the Vedas.Incidentally,I am not ready the authors foot notes,only the scriptures themselves.
Hail Satan
I read the book for a class here at University. It's pretty good at giving a general overview but still corrupt. Does the edition you have have a chapter on Karma and it's place in Hindu thought? Mine does and it's pretty cool to see how Karma first began as an idea from the Brahmin class.

Hail Satan
Not sure,have to get back to you on that wormwood,but I thought it was corrupt,thanks for getting back to me with the info.Hail SatanBrian

From: wormwood1689 <wormwood1689@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 10:12 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Info about the Vedas


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Brian" <briangibbons20@... wrote:

This post is mostly for the clergy,who have the time to answer,but all reply's are welcome.I have been reading a book,that I bought many years before joining the family of Satan.It is called,Indian Philosophy.It is written by two authers,one being Sarvenpalli Radhakrishnan,and the other is Charles A. Moore.

First off,I was wondering just how corrupt it is,and the other question is,who are the Gods in the Vedas,in relation to our Gods,such as Indra,Agni.....Don't get me wrong,I have learned how important it is to read anything Satanically of course,but is anyone familiar with this book,and its validity, and I could use a guide to use as I study the Vedas.Incidentally,I am not ready the authors foot notes,only the scriptures themselves.
Hail Satan

I read the book for a class here at University. It's pretty good at giving a general overview but still corrupt. Does the edition you have have a chapter on Karma and it's place in Hindu thought? Mine does and it's pretty cool to see how Karma first began as an idea from the Brahmin class.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
