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Influencers, millionaire, and everyday people talking about the "Elitist" problem.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hey, everyone.
With an unprecedented influx of people now talking about the "jewish" problem, the state of the world, etc. People seem to be waking up bit by bit talking openly about stuff that was pure conspiracy theory a couple of years back.

Stuff that would've gotten you cancelled and assasinated is talked about by many examples like Kanye West, Andrew Tate (Not the best version of this approach in my opinion), and more and more.

The best approach I have seen to this is the recent mini-documentary upload by Iman Gadzhi. It's extremely damaging and brings light to various topics NPCs had no idea about.

The JoS needs to support acts and people like this.

Check it out. Although, watching the complete video is important as the first 10 minutes just seem like the usual bs that sounds like an AD.


Also, you'll get the usual remarks about Nazism or Hitler so you don't get too far for the Joos. But nothing negative was actually said.
mercury_wisdom said:
The JoS needs to support acts and people like this.

Each and every one of the Hebrew letters has lost all of its power in every way, totally, permanently, and completely.

The Hebrew alphabet is now dead in every way.

what a perfect video
i imagine it has the same impact as when kanye west spoke, but it will be gradual, something of that caliber in our group agenda, what a coincidence :geek:

pluto in aquarius, where are you in maximum power?
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, everyone.
With an unprecedented influx of people now talking about the "jewish" problem, the state of the world, etc. People seem to be waking up bit by bit talking openly about stuff that was pure conspiracy theory a couple of years back.

Stuff that would've gotten you cancelled and assasinated is talked about by many examples like Kanye West, Andrew Tate (Not the best version of this approach in my opinion), and more and more.

The best approach I have seen to this is the recent mini-documentary upload by Iman Gadzhi. It's extremely damaging and brings light to various topics NPCs had no idea about.

The JoS needs to support acts and people like this.

Check it out. Although, watching the complete video is important as the first 10 minutes just seem like the usual bs that sounds like an AD.


Also, you'll get the usual remarks about Nazism or Hitler so you don't get too far for the Joos. But nothing negative was actually said.

Guess they're starting to just give up on constantly Shutting everything down due to how information travels so quickly on social media. Also I think they're getting too overconfident with themselves.

People like Kanye West that are pretty high tier in social status cant just get assassinated so easily because it would obviously raise eyebrows and throw the 'conspiracy theory' world into complete chaos. Even if the jews killed him and made it look like a complete and utter accident people would still know what was up. Canceling him and labeling him as an anti semite and racist was the best that they could do to safely not raise so much suspicion against them. If it was someone like an average youtuber or influencer that hasn't even reached over a million followers/subscribers or rather not even close to that than they would just get shut down, forgotten about and also most likely hunted down and assassinated because of the information they knew (If they knew too much about the jewish agendas).

To be honest I think he just said all those things just because he got divorced from the plastic jew bitch Kim and was throwing a temper tantrum. Because he was a very famous musician and a billionaire he also had a lot to lose from saying all those things and knew he would get shut down by jews for saying such things. It wasn't too long ago he was back on social media saying that 'he likes jews again' after watching 21 Jump Street or something. Probably making an attempt to save himself. Although the jews never 'assassinated' him now, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't try it in the near future a few years down the line.

I always viewed Andrew Tate as a complete and utter moronic piece of shit that does nothing but flash his wealth to the world and brags about what he has. He's nothing but the definition of 'toxic masculinity' and a complete narcissist. He says and does enraging and stupid things on purpose just to piss people off and make them 'envy' him. He also obviously skulks around on these forums too, but always blames Satan for problems in the world and he also steals ideas from JoS. I think there's already a topic on here saying he has his own 'War Room' thing and his official Twitter handle is also cobratate, sooo.. lol.

I also believe many high-tier people on the social ladder know about JoS as well, including A-tier 'celebrities' and social media Influencers and people like that, be them jewish or not. Its because JoS offers some of the most advanced Occult knowledge and teachings available to the public, if not THE most advanced knowledge. In fact I believe it would be stupid to think that a lot of them don't know about JoS or visit the forums often. But sadly the vast majority of higher tier Influencers and Celebrities are jews themselves or aligned with the jewish agenda. If they're not then its next to impossible to ever get into a position in society these days like that. Even if most influencers that aren't jewish knew about JoS they would rather keep all the power and info for themselves and never attempt to share it with the public even if it wasn't dangerous at all. The world is still ran by Greed these days, especially in the world of social media influencers.

But gladly the jewish agendas are getting more and more exposed as the days go by. Pluto is in Aquarius and will retrograde back into Capricorn and transit back into Aquarius again by 2024. That's when the true Age of Aquarius begins. We can already see the affects of Pluto in Aquarius right now. AI is all the hype and I've also noticed many social media articles about people trying to experiment with human Immortality. That's just some examples.

Also the jews are constantly slipping and exposing themselves as well. Getting back to Kanye West and the plastic jew Kim, there was a social media post that Kim Kardashian made shorty after that whole Kanye West controversy where she literally said "Just remember who becomes the black sheep also becomes the Goat" or something like that. Can't remember it word for word but she was obviously talking about the 'Goat of Azazel' shit that the jews do to attack and slander Azazel.
Her post was then quickly deleted shortly afterwards.

Also other celebrities and musicians are now openly admitting that they're jewish as well.
I believe they're just starting to get too overconfident and with themselves and feeling too 'big and powerful' to really care about what they say, which will ruin them in the end.

Amdusias told the ministry in 2003 "just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."

Cant wait to see all of these jewish Influencers, Celebrities and social media Liars and Con artists finally get exposed and crumble into nothing.
The real problem with "elites" is that no one has the ability or the will to take these positions of power and steer the world in a better direction.

You know, it's better to complain all day against "the elite" and never do anything, waiting for someone to save you or something.

The fact that people are waking up a little bit is good, but it is not enough.

You have to win certain positions to make a difference.
I think this is the task of every SS, so you can create an effective network to better direct the world.

Although I disagree with some of Tate's views, I believe he is extremely aware of certain things. I do not believe he was deliberately put in place to promote Islam, however, he became trapped in the "matrix" he tried so hard to escape. This is very sad, actually. I have no doubt that if he was able to fully grasp Satanism without any preconceptions, he would have accepted it as the ultimate Truth and it would have allowed him to tap into his true potential, instead he gets dumber by the day.

Gadzhi is one of my favorite influencers, even though he (intentionally or not) treated Hitler as yet another evil doer absolutely ignoring the Good that he has done to the world, this video is truly remarkable and a powerful blow to the jews which he indirectly attacks. If one does research on these names, the majority of them are jews. I wouldn't be surprised if there were consequences for this, certainly hope not. He will definitely come across the JoS if he hasn't already.

Obviously some of these influencers are attempting to entice you to purchase their courses on how to make money, but these may not necessarily be as successful as they promise and what makes them rich IS selling the course, not the contents of it, such as Andrew Tate's school. However, individuals such as Gadhzi are genuinely helping and providing valuable information to others. I have not personally tried his course, yet the free material I have accessed appears to be legitimate.

We should consider that all these millionaires are warning that time is running out.

Never before in human history has it been so easy to become extremely rich, yet the door seems to be closing, we should seize this unique chance and acquire massive amounts of wealth so that we can prepare collectively and individually.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Never before in human history has it been so easy to become extremely rich, yet the door seems to be closing, we should seize this unique chance and acquire massive amounts of wealth so that we can prepare collectively and individually.
What do you mean?

Doors are about to open instead, considering how the Jews will be ousted.
BlackOnyx8 said:

Although I disagree with some of Tate's views, I believe he is extremely aware of certain things. I do not believe he was deliberately put in place to promote Islam, however, he became trapped in the "matrix" he tried so hard to escape. This is very sad, actually. I have no doubt that if he was able to fully grasp Satanism without any preconceptions, he would have accepted it as the ultimate Truth and it would have allowed him to tap into his true potential, instead he gets dumber by the day.

Gadzhi is one of my favorite influencers, even though he (intentionally or not) treated Hitler as yet another evil doer absolutely ignoring the Good that he has done to the world, this video is truly remarkable and a powerful blow to the jews which he indirectly attacks. If one does research on these names, the majority of them are jews. I wouldn't be surprised if there were consequences for this, certainly hope not. He will definitely come across the JoS if he hasn't already.

Obviously some of these influencers are attempting to entice you to purchase their courses on how to make money, but these may not necessarily be as successful as they promise and what makes them rich IS selling the course, not the contents of it, such as Andrew Tate's school. However, individuals such as Gadhzi are genuinely helping and providing valuable information to others. I have not personally tried his course, yet the free material I have accessed appears to be legitimate.

We should consider that all these millionaires are warning that time is running out.

Never before in human history has it been so easy to become extremely rich, yet the door seems to be closing, we should seize this unique chance and acquire massive amounts of wealth so that we can prepare collectively and individually.
So true brother.

As for Tate, I never felt he was any special type of person or wise person. He does have noble qualities which are masculinity and warrior mentality going through many obstacles and winning and his material success and smarts. But nothing substantial than that. The stuff he says about the matrix means nothing and he says nothing and just feels like a marketing scheme and putting a vague common enemy. Iman actually named "those who shall not be named".

As for the stuff Iman said about Hitler. He quite literally can't say Hitler did something good or even hint at it. That would be too far for the narrative.

What I've noticed is that he says some sarcastic remarks but any negativity is directed at the source, "the elitists" not Hitler. He also didn't call Hitler anything negative either just called him the Enemy of the alllies or the other side of the war basically.
Henu the Great said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Never before in human history has it been so easy to become extremely rich, yet the door seems to be closing, we should seize this unique chance and acquire massive amounts of wealth so that we can prepare collectively and individually.
What do you mean?

Doors are about to open instead, considering how the Jews will be ousted.
It won't open just like that and gentiles will all be rich and happy. This is a war and we're quite literally fighting for our riches and success.

Most NPCs won't have doors open to them because the jews won't magically disappear and they won't dissappear without a fight. Those that will fight will get rewarded. Those that will put on their VR headset and talk dirty to their chat GPT gf will get none. As a result of their karma.

Yes, I agree. That will be the inevitable outcome and all the Gentiles will finally be able to be wealthy and free from this system.

But at the same time, I believe that the global economic situation will become worse before it gets any good and those who are unprepared may suffer significantly.
Vira_ said:
The real problem with "elites" is that no one has the ability or the will to take these positions of power and steer the world in a better direction.

You know, it's better to complain all day against "the elite" and never do anything, waiting for someone to save you or something.

The fact that people are waking up a little bit is good, but it is not enough.

You have to win certain positions to make a difference.
I think this is the task of every SS, so you can create an effective network to better direct the world.
The reason any jews became elites in the first place was because of a mass lack of awareness, mass ignorance, and general blindeness.

Awareness of the problem is the first step to fix it in my opinion and mass awareness. Just like mass ignorance. Of course that comes with time. Waking up bit by bit.

As for SS, they will and they should. It is in most of our karmas anyway to reach positions of power. Although, it comes with time and advancement.

I have watched many videos from Andrew Tate, while he sometimes says some dumb and generalized stuff that everyone knows already, on some of his podcasts he has proven to be very intelligent, and very aware of what's going on with the world. But yeah Iman actually went one step further and put actual names on these accusations and that was very noble of him. These are very sensitive topics and he already pushed it way too far. It would be suicidal to push it further.

As for Tate, I personally believe he is a genius when it comes to making money. His Hustler's University was very well put together. This allowed him to generate massive wealth for himself through different business models within the same niche. If you look on how it was created, and how it was spread around the world, how it still stands, it was very clever.

Of course, he's not getting most of his money from doing those things he's teaching, but my point is the HU is cheap and it works if you work hard, perform exceptionally well, and if you are able to scale on any of these models, you'll truly escape the jewtrix and can even be an actual millionaire. So he's helping a lot of people out there who have had no idea where to start and is getting richer at the same time.

I understand why he may be drawn to Islam, but I'm sure a man like him will eventually learn what it truly stands for and pursue other avenues, which will undoubtedly lead him to this place. But if he allows himself to be consumed by it, the consequences of such actions are already evident and self-explanatory.
BlackOnyx8 said:
The Untold Truth About The Great Reset.

New impressive video from Iman Gadhzi. It is truly brave of him to share these facts on YouTube for the public to see.

The real question here is, are the commenters on the video aware that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are evil religions those very "elites" are members of?
DisillusionedCitizen said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
The Untold Truth About The Great Reset.

New impressive video from Iman Gadhzi. It is truly brave of him to share these facts on YouTube for the public to see.

The real question here is, are the commenters on the video aware that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are evil religions those very "elites" are members of?

I was just thinking that, about these guys who are exposing the "matrix". Most of them are still trapped, and specially their followers who are even more deluded. I

'm sure they know the jews are behind this, though.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
The Untold Truth About The Great Reset.

New impressive video from Iman Gadhzi. It is truly brave of him to share these facts on YouTube for the public to see.

The real question here is, are the commenters on the video aware that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are evil religions those very "elites" are members of?
Not yet, I don't think so. Many are calling onto Shit jesus and filth Allah.

But it's a step forward. The truth comes in steps.

Although, people are retarted even those that think they know any truth they really know nothing. If they knew the truth all their beliefs and lives would turn out to be a big fat lie and people get defensive over their identity.
mercury_wisdom said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
The Untold Truth About The Great Reset.

New impressive video from Iman Gadhzi. It is truly brave of him to share these facts on YouTube for the public to see.

The real question here is, are the commenters on the video aware that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are evil religions those very "elites" are members of?
Not yet, I don't think so. Many are calling onto Shit jesus and filth Allah.

But it's a step forward. The truth comes in steps.

Although, people are retarted even those that think they know any truth they really know nothing. If they knew the truth all their beliefs and lives would turn out to be a big fat lie and people get defensive over their identity.

I wouldn't even call it a step forward when those Youtube commenters are praying for Jewsus and Allah and Dongha (Buddha) to help them find the truth. When the chaos is over, these shitbag commenters will go right back to being ignorant, complacent sheep. Those youtube commenters need to know that the political and economic problems are red herrings; sure, the governments (controlled and influenced by the Jews, of course) are the ones employing all these draconian policies and cause the economic collapse as the result, but Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are NOTHING without their legal protection and tax exemptions and it wouldn't take long to expose them as the criminal religions they really are. The youtube commenters on Iman's video still think it's just the governments that are destroying agriculture and cause poverty (among the list of the other things) when the Jewish programs ("Abrahamic" religions) have been indirectly influencing government decisions for who knows how long.

When those commenters on the video BlackOnyx posted are praying for Jesus, Allah and Buddha to help them find the truth, they already doomed themselves to a lie just for the sake of moral comfort.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
mercury_wisdom said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
The real question here is, are the commenters on the video aware that Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are evil religions those very "elites" are members of?
Not yet, I don't think so. Many are calling onto Shit jesus and filth Allah.

But it's a step forward. The truth comes in steps.

Although, people are retarted even those that think they know any truth they really know nothing. If they knew the truth all their beliefs and lives would turn out to be a big fat lie and people get defensive over their identity.

I wouldn't even call it a step forward when those Youtube commenters are praying for Jewsus and Allah and Dongha (Buddha) to help them find the truth. When the chaos is over, these shitbag commenters will go right back to being ignorant, complacent sheep. Those youtube commenters need to know that the political and economic problems are red herrings; sure, the governments (controlled and influenced by the Jews, of course) are the ones employing all these draconian policies and cause the economic collapse as the result, but Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are NOTHING without their legal protection and tax exemptions and it wouldn't take long to expose them as the criminal religions they really are. The youtube commenters on Iman's video still think it's just the governments that are destroying agriculture and cause poverty (among the list of the other things) when the Jewish programs ("Abrahamic" religions) have been indirectly influencing government decisions for who knows how long.

When those commenters on the video BlackOnyx posted are praying for Jesus, Allah and Buddha to help them find the truth, they already doomed themselves to a lie just for the sake of moral comfort.
Well no shit. This has been the state of the world for thousands of years. Why are you getting surprised now?

Did you expect they will ask Satan or the pagan Gods for guidance on youtube comments or something? Maybe call on to Hitler the anti-christ to save them while they're at it?

The truth comes in levels and awareness too. It's like peeling an onion.

I know that when I used to be a muslim years ago I knew there were evil people I called the illuminati, masons, or even Satanists and I would pray to "God" to show me the truth. The more aware I became the more I realised how the fuck our whole lives are a lie.

But it's a snowball effect. The more you know and the more you want to know, the more you are shown.
mercury_wisdom said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Not yet, I don't think so. Many are calling onto Shit jesus and filth Allah.

But it's a step forward. The truth comes in steps.

Although, people are retarted even those that think they know any truth they really know nothing. If they knew the truth all their beliefs and lives would turn out to be a big fat lie and people get defensive over their identity.

I wouldn't even call it a step forward when those Youtube commenters are praying for Jewsus and Allah and Dongha (Buddha) to help them find the truth. When the chaos is over, these shitbag commenters will go right back to being ignorant, complacent sheep. Those youtube commenters need to know that the political and economic problems are red herrings; sure, the governments (controlled and influenced by the Jews, of course) are the ones employing all these draconian policies and cause the economic collapse as the result, but Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are NOTHING without their legal protection and tax exemptions and it wouldn't take long to expose them as the criminal religions they really are. The youtube commenters on Iman's video still think it's just the governments that are destroying agriculture and cause poverty (among the list of the other things) when the Jewish programs ("Abrahamic" religions) have been indirectly influencing government decisions for who knows how long.

When those commenters on the video BlackOnyx posted are praying for Jesus, Allah and Buddha to help them find the truth, they already doomed themselves to a lie just for the sake of moral comfort.
Well no shit. This has been the state of the world for thousands of years. Why are you getting surprised now?

Did you expect they will ask Satan or the pagan Gods for guidance on youtube comments or something? Maybe call on to Hitler the anti-christ to save them while they're at it?

The truth comes in levels and awareness too. It's like peeling an onion.

I know that when I used to be a muslim years ago I knew there were evil people I called the illuminati, masons, or even Satanists and I would pray to "God" to show me the truth. The more aware I became the more I realised how the fuck our whole lives are a lie.

But it's a snowball effect. The more you know and the more you want to know, the more you are shown.

I'm surprised because I don't get information like locally (not from family members, not from , but then again, with people rapidly, near-mindlessly eating up positive thoughtforms like it's candy (for lack of a better description of the Jewish deception), I'm don't have high expectations.

As for your question, I sure as fuck wasn't expecting them to do what you described, but pointing out the real source of the problem could make them realize that Christianity, Islam, Buddhism are not altruistic religions in any sense of the word.

I agree with you on the snowball effect, though I do hate how slow it's going
DisillusionedCitizen said:
mercury_wisdom said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
I wouldn't even call it a step forward when those Youtube commenters are praying for Jewsus and Allah and Dongha (Buddha) to help them find the truth. When the chaos is over, these shitbag commenters will go right back to being ignorant, complacent sheep. Those youtube commenters need to know that the political and economic problems are red herrings; sure, the governments (controlled and influenced by the Jews, of course) are the ones employing all these draconian policies and cause the economic collapse as the result, but Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are NOTHING without their legal protection and tax exemptions and it wouldn't take long to expose them as the criminal religions they really are. The youtube commenters on Iman's video still think it's just the governments that are destroying agriculture and cause poverty (among the list of the other things) when the Jewish programs ("Abrahamic" religions) have been indirectly influencing government decisions for who knows how long.

When those commenters on the video BlackOnyx posted are praying for Jesus, Allah and Buddha to help them find the truth, they already doomed themselves to a lie just for the sake of moral comfort.
Well no shit. This has been the state of the world for thousands of years. Why are you getting surprised now?

Did you expect they will ask Satan or the pagan Gods for guidance on youtube comments or something? Maybe call on to Hitler the anti-christ to save them while they're at it?

The truth comes in levels and awareness too. It's like peeling an onion.

I know that when I used to be a muslim years ago I knew there were evil people I called the illuminati, masons, or even Satanists and I would pray to "God" to show me the truth. The more aware I became the more I realised how the fuck our whole lives are a lie.

But it's a snowball effect. The more you know and the more you want to know, the more you are shown.

I agree with you on the snowball effect, though I do hate how slow it's going
Yeah, I get how you feel.
Wow, what a climax to this series.

Unbelievable, genuine, and astoundingly brave.
The part in the end is seriously heartfelt. He even said this migh hurt his business, and even his relationships. But he doesn't care he wanted to do this. I have even noticed some people who used to be his "friends" remove their podcasts together suddenly. Ffs I love this man.

No course to buy at the end or some $50 university to escape the matrix either as a cheap CTA. This definitely doesn't happen everyday in clown world.
Both are fucking horrible examples of humanity, but more will come and I am excited to see who is going to speak up next.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, everyone.
With an unprecedented influx of people now talking about the "jewish" problem, the state of the world, etc. People seem to be waking up bit by bit talking openly about stuff that was pure conspiracy theory a couple of years back.

Stuff that would've gotten you cancelled and assasinated is talked about by many examples like Kanye West, Andrew Tate (Not the best version of this approach in my opinion), and more and more.

The best approach I have seen to this is the recent mini-documentary upload by Iman Gadzhi. It's extremely damaging and brings light to various topics NPCs had no idea about.

The JoS needs to support acts and people like this.

Check it out. Although, watching the complete video is important as the first 10 minutes just seem like the usual bs that sounds like an AD.


Also, you'll get the usual remarks about Nazism or Hitler so you don't get too far for the Joos. But nothing negative was actually said.

I'm sure they would know the tricks of the trade.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
