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in regards to the Jewish-shapeshifting-Psychic alien virus organization known as (((O9A))) <


Oct 9, 2023
(((O9A))) People are literally possessed by some kind of variant of the Jewish spirit <

said (((O9A))) alien psychic Virus spreads itself and attacks through different ways, the most famous one is the (((sinister))) path, which is all about Evil for the sake of evil (unlawful LHP) <

then there's the, (((hebdomian))) path (lawful LHP).....And lastly, the (((numinous))) path(RHP) which is designed to destroy the earth by making people tolerate the (((god's UNCHOSEN People))) and their programs such as (((xianity and islam)))...ushering in a Collapse through meekness and Tolerance, basically <

the difference here compared to most RHP Cults, is that they indeed know what they are doing,even though they do not admit it,publicly...how (((sinister))) it is, to be Tolerant and how it can be used for (((sinister))) purposes <

The end result is that the (((Numinous))) is (((sinister))), but Lawful and more socially accepted , but still the same trash... the RHP variant is just as anti-cosmic and misanthropic as it's LHP variant, Indeed, when seen from a truly satanic perspective <

From what i've seen on social medias,(there are many of em' on twitter, unfortunately) most people involved in all of this, seems to be generally quite misanthropic and into the (((Sinister))), and they don't really care about building anything new that would advance humanity and the gentiles,but rather, actually, the opposite, infact they wanna empower those mysterious "dark gods" which are seemingly very anti-cosmic, and has literally nothing to do with our gods, that's for sure...and the few (((numinous/Hebdomian))) ones i have encountered , overall acts in weird ways, almost like they are devoid of humanity, Excessively cold and detached <

therefore , it's clear to me, that most people involved in said organizations are jewish-gray Hybrids, together with some highly misguided n' possessed gentiles <

as a further proof, here's a screenshot from one of their pages , which i do not link since i don't want to Spread their Alien jewish trash <

they literally talk about Baphomet as being a Shapeshifting blood sucking alien, and same thing for the coven of Similar creatures which are mentioned in said screenshot of a (((O9A))) text <



Aside from that, if you look at the (((sinister))) Tarot cards of the (((O9A))) (which i won't be posting here,of course), you can definitely feel a very negative kind of energy, that only an Enemy of the gentile spirit would be able to enjoy <

Luckily,this (((sinister))) alien cult is dying,for a variety of reasons, and there's no way it's gonna recover from that <

May All the other (((Fake Satanists/nefarious alien cults))) be subjected to a similar fate,aswell, and be forgotten forever <

i truly wish that, and the gods too <
Damn thats an outstanding example of a set up organization of these repto/grey creeps to catch gentile souls and suck them.

The Baphomet Symbol can be interpreted differently accoding to the level of conciousness and there are quite some but this just beyond words and not even worth to be mentioned as an interpretation in any way.

Purely hostile, and as said an outstanding example if you want a view into the reptilian mind and how they corrupt and twist anything positive. And here they say openly what they are and label it "satanic".

And a quick shortcut about your LHP and RHP which is pretty accurate imho and maybe helps someone, it would have helped me several years ago:
LHP and RHP is the spiritual equivalent to left- and rightwing politics. Same game different conciousness. And none of it is the head.
I have never heard of this. But you are correct in the sense that jewish energy is extremely alien, violent and unsettling.

lol, this was supposed to be a bit of a CURSE-POST Directed at all that Trash, because i am surrounded by those people on X, So making it clear in such a public way, that they are all Jews/possessed and deserves to be Completely annihilated psychically , definitely helps in regards to fighting all those specimens , through various ways... <

and i can tell ya...they won't survive <

just like the Jews, those (((fake-satanists))) are gradually losing all their powers <

and you're lucky that you have never heard of em' ...i generally don't stick close enough and long enough to the forums, and i simply venture a lil' bit too much outside of that, so i get exposed to all the Fake trash you can possibly imagine... but , it's also true, that i'm naturally a 🐺lone-Wolf🐺 , so i'm not exactly made for group interactions, and albeit i do recognise the extreme importance of the JOS nowadays, which is the only group that deserves support...still, considering my characteristics, it is kind of inevitable for me, to have a relatively low amount of interaction on the forums, and focus instead on advancing the cause in various ways,in relative silence, mostly outside the forums...and that's fine... that's my natural role, and i shall just focus on that, that's what i can do best <

so to conclude...

Surrounded by an ocean of (((fakeness))),the only thing that still feels true to me is the JOS and the Gods...drops of truth, in the ocean <

may what i feel that is true, remain true forever and...may said truth, become the ocean <
This shit hits me hard.. because they are making fun of the Shakti goddess!
And the Baphomet combining the two and making a joke of the occult world. By creating a whole different occult world. Using the judicial Christian, Hebrew/ Islonic bullshit. And adding as much garbage to it as possible! Making it very misleading even for people like us. And they are building it up as much as they can with as much Hollywood bullshit they can gather. This seems to me like it was created by a bunch of fucking crackheads in social groups all over. Lubing in a world of their own fucked up on drugs. And you can see that a lot of that is nonsense. Deliberately created by the enemy and these individuals on purpose. And I see this kind of garbage all over Facebook all the time. The sad part about it is.. that a lot of people buy into that. With all of this vampire hoopla, and people believe it. And it generate these groups more and more with their ideas. Blowing things that are proportionate more and more. I don't know how in the hell anybody can take the time to follow these groups and believe their nonsense? But I got into a lot of arguments with these people in the past! And needless to say! These people are very cruel and vile and they don't know when to stop once you get them going. And they promote all kinds of bullyism and terroristic Acts. And people get hurt and they do get attacked mentally and spiritually and yes they do hack into your profile and your accounts! And take it's still whatever information they can get a hold of. And they try to come after you and every direction. A lot of people follow these colds and believe in them and support them. And they are just as bad as the FBI and at the CIS. They also can get information not only from you and what you have on your account but they can also go as far as looking up your families information and these people also carry weapons as well.
LHP and RHP is the spiritual equivalent to left- and rightwing politics. Same game different conciousness. And none of it is the head.
Looking at our current politicians, parties, and overall situation from a European perspective I would say "hardly". What these two represent are the two sides of the same coin, much like communism and capitalism whereas the so-called left-hand path presented by Joy of Satan is above and beyond both of these descriptions. But I do understand some people having the need to use this terminology as it speaks to certain kinds of backgrounds.
Looking at our current politicians, parties, and overall situation from a European perspective I would say "hardly". What these two represent are the two sides of the same coin, much like communism and capitalism whereas the so-called left-hand path presented by Joy of Satan is above and beyond both of these descriptions. But I do understand some people having the need to use this terminology as it speaks to certain kinds of backgrounds.
when thinking about the JOS, i generally put it In the middle, neither RHP Nor LHP.... Perfectly balanced we can say, and it focuses on doing what is necessary to maintain said balance , at least, that's the way i see it <
Looking at our current politicians, parties, and overall situation from a European perspective I would say "hardly". What these two represent are the two sides of the same coin, much like communism and capitalism whereas the so-called left-hand path presented by Joy of Satan is above and beyond both of these descriptions. But I do understand some people having the need to use this terminology as it speaks to certain kinds of backgrounds.
Except that we are neither Left Hand nor Right Hand nor any Hand for that matter neither any side but rather all sides, horizontal and vertical. We are Black Spectrum Political Opposition in opposition to everyone else even Fascism as we are technically anti-fascist like Anti-Fa in a gentle way. We use Fascism to Nato/Soviet bloc control communism and the comiturn. But we are not eye to eye with Fascism especially considering Classical Fascism is more of totalitarian properties and Nazism is Authoritarian plus because Fascism is control by the state, Hitler would be appalled at that concept rather he believes in Control by the Volk or People. Not unlike the American system albeit using a dictatorship of Authoritarian property i.e. Fuhrertum or Leadership.

As Hitler states at the Nuremberg rally. I recall this from History Channel in 1997-1998 time period but Andkom's Reich translates it in a more eloquent way. And I wonder what artifical intelligence would state in translation.

"The State does not control the State. Rather the People control the State. Thus the State belongs to the People".

As Colion Noir states, there are four branches of the U.S. Government Executive, Judicial, Congressional, and the People. Where is the people's voice. As Hitler puts it vote for me democratically.

We are not just Black Spectrum but we are Triple-A against all authority except our own. Unless a exterior nation practices a system of peace and prosperity like classical liberalism and on some level Libertarianism despite being fully engaged by (((Theodore Roosevelt))). We must understand that as Hitler states in the English AI translated speech America for Americans, Germany for Germany, and basically Nation for Nation hence O.R.I.O.N. i.e. Our Race Is Our Nation or Our Nation Is Our Race.

As Hitler puts it in Mein Kampf (Dr. Dalton 1939 edition), "The Goddess of Peace walks along the path assured the God of War is ready to bring his end of the bargain". Hitler would hate the kosher "If you seek Peace, prepare for War". Hitler would love, not just Kane from Command and Conquers, Peace Through Power. But to add to the Dalton Mein Kampf edition he would agree with, "If your ready to break the Peace, prepare for War".

Peace, Qibballah as the Egyptians stated. Not pacisfism and turn the other cheek but a warrior code. Full S.C.L.A.S.S. (Sclass) Spiritual, Cyber, Land, Air, Sea, and Space. Much of our civilization was constructed for a spiritual purpose then came cyber or communication(corporeal or non-corporeal) and finally we fought on Land, Air, Sea, and finally Space.

Although my concept of triple-A sounds anarchistic we must understand Nazis by Hitler is in essence Anarchy. As Hitler puts it to Feder's writing. Hitler and Feder make a two-point process.

1) Hitler: When National Socialism is firmly established on Earth, we abolish the Government.

Perhaps drastic in current times and especially with the Gods as to how Satan commands and controls. Perhaps not the 666IQ Government of the Gods. But certainly thinking the 300IQ and outside the box. My assumption is the tribal aspect only on steroids. In fact if Varg Vickerns were to study this stuff he'd either blow a circuit or understand.

Again Humanity = Progress and Evolution; ruralization of the past is over even farmers will seek greater technology for farming or techniques. For example the Bashk AI from Halo that commands the planet whereby farming is done and has done such an automated job that in 30 to 40 years they began transporting food to other planets due to how effective and efficient he controlled the farming.

2) Gottfried Feder: A taxless Utopia no more paying taxes we only pay by face value.

Interesting perspective and perhaps most cryptic and confusing. Much like the NSDAP 25-point property. One of them = Abolish basis rent.

What does Abolish Basis Rent mean to them? Renting was fine and red controlled 30-50% rent cuts for anything that is done by most lower income housing. Except if the property goes up it loses rent control status. So you can rent a 30,000 dollar home and pay 300 dollars rather than 1,200 or 1,400 dollars. In fact funny enough renting, landlord was a job and encouraged. This is similar to the Hitler Houses which I'm sure Hitler understood Fugger a lot. And as the VHO website which spoke to the great Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle which has him state if you made below a certain amount you pay about 38 dollars if you earn above a certain amount you pay 58 dollars for rent.

Here is the thing after carefully evaluating National Socialism and how political people should be and how Hitler completely forwent economics and went full political until Gottfried Feder explained Federian Economics to him i.e. the power of Directing Economy, not quite planned but not quite free market. Rather DIRECTED or regulated to a degree allow some freedoms along with some restrictions. For example allowing privatization, mostly with a bit of nationalization or for example in America we got a problem of over-regulation that are redtape bureaucratic nightmare for companies. Because the Neo-Lib/Neo-Con and the forces of politics demand inasmuch some form of crony, state almost further marxized organizational capitalism especially now a days with automation, robotics, and in the future androids to move capitalism to Investment Capitalism.

Investment Capitalism = Everyone invests in the stock market a Global one. Many jobs are held away from people or minor amount of people much are supported by automation. And finally everyone just makes money from either an easy job in some programming or something and invests in various markets. Sounds nice when you realize everything is as Feder states the 4 scourges of economics. Market Speculation, Currency Speculation, International Speculation, and Big Loan Capital.

Nwabudike Morgan from Alpha Centauri. Would be proud of investment capitalism hell as much as people dislike capitalism from seeing recent postings on TechPowerUp and other websites showing how late-stage capitalism is collapsing, some of these people literally should be told pay attention to National Socialism or at the very least be more like Thailand with classical capitalism even if Capitalism from the very beginning = God's slave kingdom on Earth. As Adam Smith states something along the lines of, Money is a power of God and how it's transmitted to others we need to inasmuch be under this understanding to move money around.

Gottfried Feder shows up and we go Mr. Feder what is money? Money = Simply a voucher for completed labor, whether that labor is goods, services, and or the very labor itself, nothing more, nothing less. As Feder posts in Collected Writings Gentiles have two afflictions:

Funny with my invention people loathe socialism and for Spread the Wealth. Wealth = material possessions whether valuable or sentimental.

Spread the MONEY = Spread the Medium of Exchange or E.O.T.M.O.E. = Exchanage of the Medium of Exchange.

Why spread wealth when you can spread money so people can purchase wealth and make more money. Why is socialism of the marxist variety spreading Jesus on the Gospel of Rich people who enter heaven is akin to a bull traversing the eye of a sewing needle. In other words Xesus Xhrist goes fuck the rich uppity bugger Gentiles and let the money and wealth be in the hands of my kikeshkopfs. Promise goyim yall enter heben and be under kosher rule it's gut 'n' sheit.

Yeah...right? right? Jesus is good and jews lulz those pepples are hotty, holly, 'n' sheit. And then shit hits the fan and your civilization implodes and explodes to the history books where all the good guys won funny enough. Holy shit history is won by winners. Cool beans!

1) Mammonistically Poisoned Gentiles, they believe money is almighty over the Kin Altruism of National Socialistic Worldview of Racial Comradery and Individual family unit both the race of the nation and the people of your kin i.e. tribal law as Rockwell goes "We are Tribal" or as JoS states, Satan and the Gods are in tribal existence.

2) Gentiles wish to be spiritual semites or spiritual jews and put these people above all compared to their own Gentilekind. i.e. in modern speak these people believe in literal reptilian DNA'd biblical encoded aliens whom posses different views of the Universe and are constructed with the mind, body, and soul of a most alien and strange people. Whom call our Gods strange or bash into people that spirituality and Gods are fanciful goyish things that don't exist and are stupid. Meanwhile their zealotry and fanatism of Elyon, Shehameforsh, and other biblical constructs made out of transmogrified Pagan/Satanic technologies further transmogrified by their creators and their very religious ranks. It's akin to nothing short of phenomenal. They literally shit on other civilizations even Elon Musk jew or not is a chaotic force that wants to be cool and in the club. But keeps getting bashed around look at the recent Don Lemon interview.

I'm surprised Tucker Carlson doesn't capitalize on it and interview Musk and get the almost 400 million people who watch Carlson get onboard with Musk. As much as I hate some of things he does like Neuralink we should be delving into Psytronic or Psychic-electronic devices. If we can create a gamma knife to target cancer I'm pretty sure we can build psyamplifiers and psytronic devices to harness spiritual technologies not meditations of which yes but spiritech i.e. physical 3rd dimensional objects that communicate and interface with our mind, body, and soul through wireless and non-invasive ways i.e. the powers of the mind, body, and soul i.e. bio-spiritual properties.

In fact the funniest thing is the jews are just bitting at everyone jew or not typical stratagem they've employed especially these last 300-400 or so years especially with the Renasciance and the scientific properties of Mankind.

As Nikolai Tesla stated, If science were to study the Unknown in 10 years they'd know more than the 300 years of scientific inquiry since the Renasciance.

Smith's literally promotes the ever continuous factor of Shehameforash or Elyon(God's creator) i.e. the only single sentence in the Old Testament that speaks of the incorrectly worded Polytheistic system Daniel Edwin Barker states in his book, God the most unpleasent character in all of fiction. He meant Hetonist or Monotheistic Ruler with a Polytheistic cast.

Sheer fact is Smith promotes the "We wuz slav's 'n' sheit thus we must be slav's 'n' thrallz 'n' sheit cuz muh heb viruz in muh mind". In other words the intelligentsia of Smith is brilliant but the application is based on a layer of xtianity and cucking to the kosher masters as Gods among mere mortals.

A good example is how some companies create highly restricted items due to the the burdensome restrictions an example would be Trump deregulating train industry and being bashed in the head for East Palestine train incident.

Sheer fact is there needs to be reductions in MANY things. Almost 70% of our laws are utter non-sense. I understand rules, laws, and regulations but as Azazel Helios Apollo Metanoia states in his Metanoia or Founder or Purveyor of City-States states, Build enough justicial laws, rules, and regulations to provide harm reduction but don't overly restrict your freedoms to oppress people.

A Happy Medium not too much, not too little. As Soujner states, An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere.

Sheer fact is we are an all-wing system. We requires Reactionary Right, Revoluionary Left, Moderate, Center, Progressive and everything in between horizontally and above and below vertically.

In fact the fact you put labels and use the enemy languages and modes is proof enough that people can't see the forest for the trees nor smell the shit on their knees.

We need EVERYTHING Good, Bad, and Neutral.

It's like someone said jews emit such violent and evil or bad energies and whatnot. Okay maybe but why do you care where is your bad energy and your evil and your deathly energy.

This thread almost makes me think they want to be little angels to appease Satan. No you need to learn to study the full bredth of your emotional pallet.

For example ever had malicious thoughts of taking someone out explore it study it learn from it.

The Good, The Bad, and The Neutral should be studied.

This is a wonderful example of how people are stuck with old tired worn out ideas and are utterly apalled at negativity in an almost I'm inucent lolz kekeke. As Hitler states and others you need to fight fire with fire. As George Lincoln Rockwell states We National Socialists are Idealogical, Idealist and Fanatical. Ironically enough the Communists are also Fanatical. You will be destroyed you are being destroyed if you don't build a counter-fanatical force to counter their fanaticism. If you believe in Evolution, Science, and the Truth you gotta be a Nazi if you think long and hard about.



9 hours ago (edited)

5:04 "Because to do otherwise would be to essentially surrender use of language to people who are deliberately misusing it."Thank you for stating this so concisely.

I don't claim to be a political expert. But I invent my own style and roll with it. I view National Socialism as not the George Carlin joke of American Dream, American Lucid Dream, nor American Astral Projection. But the American REALITY.

I view myself as someone of absolutionist freedom with a caveat to some restrictions that are akin to Apollo Metanoia and the Gods as they founded cities.

Freedom to breath but do know some things are bad.

For example As Feder Puts it Sov-Fi = Sovereign Fincances.

Why are the Nations of the World bowing down to the Rothschilds and other banking gangster international globalist clique. Their money is destroyed they fleece billions and trillions.

Look at Uganda found 14.7 trillion dollars worth of Gold and potentially more. Wanted to buy oil in Gold and grabbed 30 to 60 billion or more from the International Monetary Fund.


Your gonna be even more in debt. What is it about these people they act like the Koreans of the Subprime Home Loan scam.

Many Koreans bought 300,000-700,000+ housing. How the fuck did you pay that off?

Students with 80,000-150,000 dollars in debt Subprime lending to get 300-500K homes. WTF? how are you gonna pay that off if your in debt already.

Sheer fact is this World can use a repree. Unfortunately National Socialism was so thoroughly destroyed our best hope is classical capitalism, civic nationalism, classical liberal, and an-cap style like Milei who is a hardcore revolutionary reformer more revolutionary while Trump is more moderate reformer.

As Milei states, No le de un milimetro a los communistas/leftistas son MIERDA!
English = Never give the communist/leftist a milimeter they are UTTER SHIT!

But is it gonna work?

No eventually it'll crash and burn it's a small surgery and treatment for cancer. But the cancer requires deep surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation.

Sheer fact is Henu and all not claiming I'm a political expert.

But fuck every label. We are all wing. We all in Gentile form.

If the jews judify everything and transmogrify it to their actions for doom and gloom.

Might as well do the same for us Gentiles. Gunz 'b' bat 'n' sheit. Well no Guns are neutral they are neither bad nor good. It just depends on who uses it much like knowledge and truth. In fact like the Stoics, Knowledge = neutral it just depends on who uses it.

We do it our way, they do it their way. Even communism has political and economic properties from older systems and whatnot.

We've been playing the kosher rat race and hamster wheel for a long time. I think it's time to think outside the box.

As the old uncomplete statement Arbiect Macht Frei but also Frei Macht Arbeit. Work brings Freedom, Freedom brigns Work.

Perhaps a better view is Freedom Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Technological requires work and freedom.

Freedom = Work, Work = Freedom.

You must work eternal struggle for freedom. As one Founding Father states,(think Jefferson), Sometimes new blood needs to be spilled to restore our freedoms. And as people have stated the tree is mighty parched.

Please people think outside the box. National Socialism is simply do Good and help and bring everything to bear to eliminate bad.

Simply do Good and Neutral things and avoid the bad. Not unlike the Gods who allowed us some freedoms to dictate our spiritual society in the past but also had to kinda guardrail us at times to upgun our civilization.

As Absurds - Asgardrei album, Leben is krieg, Krieg is Leben.

The Eternal War/Struggle of a better life for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Except that we are neither Left Hand nor Right Hand nor any Hand for that matter neither any side but rather all sides, horizontal and vertical.
Like I said, it is terminology that appeals to certain people. In my other recent reply regarding the same topic I also mentioned that the purpose of Spiritual Satanism for an individual is to unite the two sides of the soul in unison.
Like I said, it is terminology that appeals to certain people. In my other recent reply regarding the same topic I also mentioned that the purpose of Spiritual Satanism for an individual is to unite the two sides of the soul in unison.
Yes exactly it's a 'Spiritual Property'. In other words think the 300IQ - 666IQ property.

Sheer fact is it's been divested to a physical literal property. Your absolutely right muh fe fes, muh feels. I don't understand why people need to pursue labels.

Simply be all-wing without the negativity. Good and Neutral properties but we really need to get people's heads out of their ass and echo chamber.

I simply as it should be said by people, care about my nation and it's progress and evolution.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
