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Oct 30, 2018
Study: Coronavirus Infections DECREASE After Lockdown Ends!

67,000 Criminals Released from Jail “Because of Corona,” NYC Shootings Up 21%, Break-Ins Up 38%

New York Times Lists Black Who Died in a Homicide as a Coronavirus Death

Like number 6? Jordan Haynes Was murdered and The Times has his death as Covid related. Stunning journalism from the Old Gray Lady. Probably traumatic for the family to now have his death revisited. pic.twitter.com/fuLJnIrC1x

— Shannon Wallace (@Shannon70798106) May 24, 2020

According to the claims of the lying healthcare establishment, 100,000 people have died from this virus in America. However, the NYT couldn’t find 1,000 who they could confirm as having died from the virus.

As we’ve outlined 100,000 times, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have openly admitted that they have ordered hospitals to record anyone who dies with a cough, weakness or shortness of breath as having died from coronavirus. Madam Birx herself said at a press conference that anyone who has coronavirus and dies is listed as a coronavirus death, even if their death is caused by something else.

Texas Rallies Against “Contact Tracing” Surveillance Plot

Texans Rally At State Capitol In Protest Of Contact Tracing https://t.co/Y1JILkxY2a

— America Rising (@AmericaRising7) May 23, 2020

America is rising up against these fiends!

Many people (I can’t tell how many, but more than dozens) gathered at the Texas State Capitol on Saturday to demand that the cruel terrorist Governor Greg Abbott AKA “Texas Big Momma” open everything. They also demanded he shut down his insane “contact tracing” surveillance program.


Suicide Hotline Calls Soar 600%, Routine Medical Care Postponed – Physicians Describe “Mass Casualty Incident”



Media Scaring People Into Believing That Using Cash Will Help Spread the Coronavirus
(creation of digital currency )


US Signs $1.2 Billion Deal for 300 Million Vaccine Doses by October; 29% of Americans “Not Interested”

Pictured: Big Pharma BTFOing Big Oil with Big Line

Donald Trump is continually talking about using the military to vaccinate people. I don’t have any idea what he means by this, but obviously when you hear “military” you think of “force.”

A quarter of Americans have little or no interest in taking a coronavirus vaccine

In the Midst of Total Economic Collapse, US Government Vows to Continue Sending Billions to Israel


CDC Planning Document Reveals “Best Estimate” Case Fatality Rate: 0.26%, Same as 1957 Flu

In their seven-page document “Coronavirus Pandemic Planning Scenarios,” uploaded a few days ago, they estimate an overall symptomatic case fatality ratio of 0.004.

That is 0.4% of symptomatic cases, and heavily weighted towards people over 65 years of age.

Furthermore, their best estimate is that 35% of cases are asymptomatic.

If you add the symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, this gives you a total case fatality rate of 0.26%.
CDC, 5/21/20 https://t.co/tgHPRpK769, concedes infection fatality ratio (IFR of) “Covid19/Wuhan flu” is = 0.27%*, almost= to 1957-58 pandemic H2N2 flu in U.S., i.e., 0.26%** h/t @ElonBachman BUT NO "LOCKDOWNS" in 1957-8! (1/3)… pic.twitter.com/ZcW4uezLax

— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) May 22, 2020

3/3 Henderson also observed, re: 1957-8: “Measures were generally not taken to close schools or recommend wearing masks; Quarantine was obviously useless because of the large number of travelers & frequency of mild or inapparent cases” https://t.co/cXtiA2xkBT

— Andrew Bostom (@andrewbostom) May 22, 2020

American Billionaire Wealth has Already Climbed 15% During Lockdown Misery

Trump Declares an Opening of the Churches,Mosques and Synagogues




The Hill Says US Supreme Court Can Make Vaccine Mandatory

Releated : Harvard Professor Says Coronavirus is Perfect opportunity to Abolish the Constitution


UK: Judges Say Kids Can be Taken from Their Parents and Forced-Vaccinated

UK: “Immunity Certificate” Social Interaction Licenses Coming Soon

Useless Lockdown: Face Masks Decrease Coronavirus Transmission Rate by 75%

It’s Over: California Finally Does Random Coronavirus Antibodies Testing, Infection Rate 50 Times What They Claimed

France: Cops Raid Antifa Bomb Factory in Paris

12.5% of Moscow has Antibodies – With 1,934 Deaths, Fatality Rate is 0.12%

UK: Lockdown Saved No Lives and It May Have Actually Cost Lives, Says Nobel Laureate

US Military Cancels $1 Billion Iron Dome Project After Israelis Refuse to Share Source Code Americans Paid For

The US Army said it was curbing its plans to adopt the Iron Dome missile defense system due to concerns about its compatibility with existing US technologies, scrapping its plans to buy two more batteries and explore long-term integration of the Israel-developed system.

A central problem was Israel’s refusal to provide the US military with Iron Dome’s source code, hampering the Americans’ ability to integrate the system into their air defenses.

Biotech Firm Moderna Hypes “Promising” Coronavirus Vaccine Trials as Executives Dump Millions in Stock
Moderna’s CEO Stephane Bancel was on CNBC promoting the news early in the week.
“This is very exciting data.” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel discusses the biotech company’s early-stage coronavirus vaccine trial. https://t.co/HYWi8MVsvi pic.twitter.com/wlwCQlVImF

— CNBC (@CNBC) May 18, 2020
The virus fraudster Anthony Fauci was even on CNN saying that he was “cautiously optimistic” about the Moderna trial results.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says positive early results from the phase 1 study of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine are a good sign, “because it reached, and went over, an important hurdle in the development of the vaccine. That’s the reason why, I am cautiously optimistic about it.” #CNNTownHall pic.twitter.com/oqstmfQ6HD

— CNN International (@cnni) May 22, 2020
But just as the company announced the promising news, some of the firm’s top executives including the firm’s Chief Medical Officer were dumping millions of dollars in Moderna stock.
Moderna's chief financial officer and chief medical officer executed options and sold nearly $30 million of shares combined on Monday and Tuesday, SEC filings reviewed by CNN Business show https://t.co/hRI30ljYdH

— CNN (@CNN) May 23, 2020

Moderna announced promising vaccine results…..and the executives then sell 30 million in stocks.

Something smells funny! #COVIDー19 pic.twitter.com/UZz8ql80Ql

— Joseph Sakran (@JosephSakran) May 22, 2020
It turns out that Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer is an Israeli Jew by the name of Tal Zaks. He was actually promoting the vaccine news on Israeli television before dumping a bunch of his shares.
And after their data was more carefully scrutinized, the stock plunged in value.

It appears Moderna's disclosure practices … a-hem … could be better. "Vaccine experts say Moderna's Covid-19 data leave big questions" MRNA https://t.co/Az5aFugoHC

— Probes Reporter® (@probesreporter) May 19, 2020

1) Moderna announces vaccine results. 2) Everyone says, whoa, that was early. 3) CEO says nah. 4) Turns out CEO and other executives had stock sales pre-planned for this week. Everyone says . . .https://t.co/NS4F4CuI3L

— Stephen Gandel (@stephengandel) May 23, 2020

Italy: Leaks Show Magistrates Prosecuting Salvini Knew He Didn’t Break Any Law
There’s no lockdown for the invaders
Well, the good news is he wasn’t really going to jail anyway, and the idiots actually gave his poll numbers a boost, so him and his buddies will probably get a comfortable majority in the next parliament.

Let’s hope they actually do something about all these vermin in the justice system when that happens.

UK: People Don’t Want to Go Back to Work, Fear Lockdown is Being Eased Too Fast

I was feeling kinda bad but then they put me in lockdown and took all my freedoms away and now I feel like $10 trillion in new money straight off the printer. Darnedest thing.

UK: Teenage Girl Walks Into Police Station, Shows Wounds, Denounces Pakistani Sex Gang

UK: Primary School Reveals Insane Social Distancing Playground Circles for Kids


Media Planning a Total Redesign of All Office Spaces Because of Coronavirus



Former Apple Contractor Blows Whistle on “Wiretapping Entire Populations”

Malign Hobbit Greta Thunberg Gives $100,000 to Refugee Kids, Urges People to Believe in Science

Old People Lack Tech Knowledge and Suffer More from the Isolation That’s Meant to Protect Them
Millions of elderly people are feeling more isolated than ever during the coronavirus pandemic due to a lack of tech knowledge, a study has claimed.

Vice Media Laying Off 155 Employees


Pew Research: Mental Health Fallout of Corona Will Kill 75,000 in US

UK Issues New Projections on the Number of People Who Will Die as a Result of the Lockdown
But more than three times this number – 675,000 – will die from the collateral effects of the lengthy lockdown measures.

Fresh Air and Sunshine Help Prevent Viruses Spreading, But Everyone’s Locked Inside

France: Kids are Forced to Play Away from Each Other in Isolated Areas Marked with Chalk


New Problem: Scared Workers in the UK Don’t Want to Work, Prefer to Get Government Money

Bungled ZOG Plot to Overthrow Venezuela’s Government was Incomprehensibly Insane and Stupid
At first i was like,

But then i got captured and i was like,

But hey,gotta spread that democracy .

Clip of “Alt-Right” Leader Richard Spencer Endorsing Vaccine and Praising Fauci Goes Viral
I give you the remnants of the "Alt-right" https://t.co/nzyBQVE1W3

— Henrik Palmgren (@Henrik_Palmgren) May 14, 2020

All of the Alt-Right is Supporting the Government





If I had the time to pull the quotes, we could play a “who said it: Mike Enoch or Rachel Maddow?” game. But it would be a pointless game, because these two individuals are saying the exact same thing. Their statements are interchangeable.


Meanwhile, one of the other leaders of the neo-Nazi movement, Matt Heimbach, renounced “white supremacy” and joined antifa last month, in the middle of the lockdown.

As Tucker Carlson revealed earlier this week, the massive spending bill that the Democrats in the House have put together, the “Heroes Act,” not only includes mass amnesty for illegal immigrants and money to bring in immigrants and to fund the marijuana industry, but also contains measures to censor speech on the internet (neo-Nazis apparently support all of that too, given that they are opposed on principle to questioning anything the government does to ostensibly manage the scary flu).
Clown Planet At Work.

Letting out 67,000 goddamn fucking criminals because of "Corona".

Honestly, what are the jews doing, they have freed out their comrades and mafia buttons from prison with this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clown Planet At Work.

Letting out 67,000 goddamn fucking criminals because of "Corona".

Honestly, what are the jews doing, they have freed out their comrades and mafia buttons from prison with this?

And putting normal law-abiding citizens in. :x
The Centres for Disease Control and - allegedly - Prevention also said that le cOrOnAvIrUs doesn't spread easily on surfaces. We know that will not change much, quickly, anytime soon.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clown Planet At Work.

Letting out 67,000 goddamn fucking criminals because of "Corona".

Honestly, what are the jews doing, they have freed out their comrades and mafia buttons from prison with this?

And putting normal law-abiding citizens in. :x

Person 1 rape and homicide. Oy vey free him cuz Corona.

Person 2 went to protest and held a flag has been a good person all their lives. Oy vey they are questioning us imprison immidiately terrorist danger etc.

The Clown world is real and honks around everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clown Planet At Work.

Letting out 67,000 goddamn fucking criminals because of "Corona".

Honestly, what are the jews doing, they have freed out their comrades and mafia buttons from prison with this?
Same thing that happened weeks ago in Italy, many Mafia Boss and other criminals have been released because of the virus...The media almost did not talk about this, the started talking about it because right-wing politicians screamed about it everywhere. It's disgusting. The guy who is mainly responsible for this look like a jew and he is free and nothing bad happened to him -.- and then they go and arrest someone just because he is walking alone under the sun.
This is why Jews have been "persecuted"through out history when a society wakes up to their shenanigans in fact it's not "persecution"it's just Gentiles defending themselves like during the Bubonic plague in Europe when they were poisoning Wells with diseased dead bodies the people rose up against them and slaughtered a number of them they were just defending themselves.....
likman666 said:
This is why Jews have been "persecuted"through out history when a society wakes up to their shenanigans in fact it's not "persecution"it's just Gentiles defending themselves like during the Bubonic plague in Europe when they were poisoning Wells with diseased dead bodies the people rose up against them and slaughtered a number of them they were just defending themselves.....
Anti-semitism is a Natural reaction by Gentiles AKA Pagans AKA Nazis AKA non-j00z, just like the Body fighting off illnesses is Natural.
They already had them in prison under control. It's so easier to isolate or manage this quarantine thing when they are there.

I know this is the usual Jewish bullshit.

But for the people who buy this: I fucking hate them!
Is that guy Matt Heimbach the same Matthew Heimbach from the NS documentary where he goes "It's all bullshit" in reference to anti-NSDAP 20s-30s-45 allied propaganda?

(In Europa: The Last Battle(11 hour documentary) he is in the documentary clipped from the original documentary sometime in the first or second hour of the video.)

Also, it seems funny but it shows you (((Neo-Nazism))) is nothing more than a kosher stepping game as controlled opposition. Everyone and their mother should know JoS is by far the only game in town. It's a shame other Satanists don't unite with us they think the NS is too scary. If your a Satanist why would you be scared of the political aspect of your religion.

Fellow Satanists Y U no want to be Spiritual nor Political(N.S.)

National Socialist-Gentile logic: United we stand, divided we fall.

Zionist-jewish logic: Divided we stand, united we fall.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
and USA is STILL giving billions to pissrael :evil:
America is in bed with jizzrael, so it won't not help, plus as long as the jew has a foothold, things won't stop.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
