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Importance of Astrology

Kareem Zedan

New member
Mar 2, 2011
*The following was inspired to me to be written by Azazel, and the content from beginning to end is of Azazel's great wisdom and knowledge, Hail Azazel!*  Interpreting your own personal birth chart is something of extreme importance. Something that I find appaling in the current educational system is that astrology is not taught to students from when they're young. It's something people have learnt to forget and disregard as unimportant. I think it's one of the most important things for the soul.  Not only does understanding your own chart mean knowing your purpose, it also makes you understand your realationship with the planets of our solar system. Whether people want to believe it or not, our psychological system is so closely attached to the movement of the planets that it is as close to us as breath and water.  The Gods have guided me towards understanding myself through my own personal birth chart. I did not do this at a professional's, I did it myself, along with the guidance of my gaurdian demon. I have been told through that certain weak points in my soul that I need to work on in this life time to achieve the purpose of this reincarnation.  The universe is extremely intelligent (in fact, there is nothing more intelligent), and it is ulitmately put together making up a very close-knitted system, we influence it and it influences us. The energies are emitted by us through thought and, progressively action. We recieve the energies from the universe through our psyche. Therefore, in order to fully understand our very own selves, we are required to fully understand the universe and the way it operates.  My own birth chart is simply a map. When I fully interpret the map through my conscious mind, the unconcious part of my soul becomes obvious to me, I can then focus on what I want to change, and understand in what direction I should program my energies. The only natural thing to do is to point these energies towards overcoming self dimishing obstacles, which in turn will cause the soul to flourish and to fulfill it's natural desire easily, and that it is, ultimately, reaching the godhead.  Through the birth chart I have clearly began to see all this. I do not believe that this realization could have been possible without the help of my gaurdian at this time, Azazel, who is an extremely amazing being. His brilliance cannot be described in words.  Not knowing our own purpose through our own natural alignment with the planets diminishes our souls down to insignificance.  What I have learnt about myself:  I am happy to say that I have been blessed with some positionings of my planets. The most evident of these blessings is my Sun being in conjuction with my Ascendant, which also happens to be in Leo, this also means that all of Sun's aspects in my chart are greatly enhanced. I've also got some nasty oppositions in my chart, which I really do need to work on ASAP.  I have learnt that I have got some naturally great energies, but some of my weaknesses cover over them. I have learnt a very important thing as well through my chart, the importance of money.  With the Sun also shining over my second house (the one that rules over one's relationship with money and financial matters) I have got a naturally realistic view about money, but I have been highly manipulated by the enemy in the past, that some of these natural views have been distorted by lies. Once one becomes a proper magician, one realizes that money is the manifesting catalyst of the physical dimension.  Paper notes themselves do not represent it, in the past before the jewish filth, people owned their own gold, and the coins or the paper notes were the direct representation of that gold, but now through the jewish movement and their creation of the federal reserve, paper money is simply the illusion of it's worth.  This does not mean however, that the paper money we hold in our pockets nowadays isn't a source of power, since though it is an illusion there is the undeniable fact that it is the representation of physically magical power (this is in one aspect, ofcourse all the energies reside in the astral before any physical manifestation happens, but this is merely what one sees before one's eyes on the physical plane).  Through money we can turn our souls wants and desires to manifest in the physical dimension as we want, it is also a powerfull tool if this money is used in the right way, money isn't just about spending it on whatever we want, money is our wands, and we use it to manifest what we need to fulfill our own soul's purposes. Realizing this is also a way to change your psychology about money and therefore attracting it more easily into your day to day life, this is absolute power over the physical.  Christianity and Islam have taught us that money is a burden, and that it's the root of all evil, which is the furthest from the truth. Obviously these beliefs were engraved into our souls from birth by the very people who want to enslave us. The jews know the truth about money, since the jews don't own most of it just to buy themselves stuff but to take that power away from their host (the pagan race).  Therefore it is mandatory that every satanist re examine his thoughts about money and related financial matters, learning to attract money through magic is essential, since it is the only way to gain money in this current world without being a jew or a devout christian or something of the filthy like. Money is power if seen through one's natural eye. It's as obvious as black and white.  Inspired Points (of my own writing and influenced by the Gods) :  - "Unity through diversity rather than unity through equality":  As a Pagan race we are together in spirit as a unity, although because each and everyone of us is an individual, we are blessed as a race because our Gods (who created our race from their own genetics) show us that our spiritual maturity and what puts us together as a race is our own strong sense of individuality, which is why this has been the attacking point of the jew, because without being able to understand that we are all individuals (rather than equal) we are weak and can never unite as a race (and subsequently, as pagan nations).  - "Pluto in scorpio generation will rule":  Those who were born with Pluto in Scorpio are those who have got the Age of Aquarius's energy in them, this planetary placement destroys existing structures, causes immense changes in the earth's energies. We are the ones that have the energy in us to destroy everything in our way together to create our pagan utopia. Nazism is the ideoligy we have to embrace as satanists born under this planetry position, because we are the earth's liberators, which we can acheive by uniting our mentalities and energies towards the destruction of the current communist based world society structure (jewish structure), and towards the building of our pagan utupia through the ideals of Nazism. The strongest way to defeat a parasite, is to erase the parasites hold over our mentality. We as a race have suffered for a very long time due to the existense of the parasitic jewish race who have controlled the media, and inherently have the weak of us in their grips. The weak of us will learn the truth in due time, but for those of us who know the truth and are sitting cross armed are to act upon it and inflict their suppressed rage onto the bollocks society of the jew that we live in. We cannot stand their society and filth anymore, and we need to start acting. We need to get angry.  - "The structures of society and examining them is natural, what is the right form of society":  There are many flaws in our societies nowadays, which can be easily noticed by the pagan soul if it is awakened enough, we all know that the world we live in today is very very wrong, and that the fact that something that's so under our noses has been managed to be hidden from us for so long shows how much of a deceiptful and slithery race our enemies really are.  Constant meditation everyday will develop the leaders of us who are meant to lead, everyone should know his own purpose in this energetical shift we are experiencing before us, through meditation we discover our own roles in this shift. The Gods will be giving each warrior his responsibilities for this lifetime, which is a very honourable thing.  - "We need to improve our mentalties as satanists and properly unite to utilize our natural strength and fulfull our purpose, nature selects the strongest, and we by nature are the strongest":  We as a people can study nature and understand this, nature has no time for the weak, not at this stage. The weak will be pushed aside and the strong of us will take control. We Spiritual Satanist are a force that cannot be reckoned with, nature knows of our strength and acts to glorify those of us who are strong, the reason why nature is selecting the strong of us is because the selected ones will be the birth-givers of the new age, the age of Satan!!!!  All this is evident once we sense the energies of our own home planet around us, it's what the Earth wants and what the Earth yearns for, the Satanic Force wants the strong but deluded ones of us to snap out of their fucked up hypnosis and to open up to the realization of their true power.  We as a race are natural magicians, we have got powerful intellectual abilities as a white race, and above all, as a Pagan race.  Our celestial Gods (the planets) are helping us always, and through meditation we can develop a better understanding of our Celestial Gods, and the lessons they are teaching us as well as the messages they are sending us.  To summarize, the fight is already happening, and the only time to join, is to join now.  More Notes:  "We will unite ourselves through our diversity and unite through magic, we will become the most adept in magic and rule the world (which is our cosmic right, whether you want to believe it or not)."  "We will hold the image of our Gods high and always tune into their energies for guidance, the Gods are already working on our own unity through each of our own natural individual identity, individuality and singularity."  "Unity is through singular formations, equality makes us weak, diversity makes us strong, an army of complete equals is much weaker than a small battalion of powerfully diverse individuals (who are constructively a unity through their own natural powerful sense of 'me'ness, that is, a clear and healthy sense of identity)." 
Excellent post.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 2:10 PM PDT Kareem Zedan wrote:

*The following was inspired to me to be written by Azazel, and the content from beginning to end is of Azazel's great wisdom and knowledge, Hail Azazel!*
Interpreting your own personal birth chart is something of extreme importance. Something that I find appaling in the current educational system is that astrology is not taught to students from when they're young. It's something people have learnt to forget and disregard as unimportant. I think it's one of the most important things for the soul.
Not only does understanding your own chart mean knowing your purpose, it also makes you understand your realationship with the planets of our solar system. Whether people want to believe it or not, our psychological system is so closely attached to the movement of the planets that it is as close to us as breath and water.
The Gods have guided me towards understanding myself through my own personal birth chart. I did not do this at a professional's, I did it myself, along with the guidance of my gaurdian demon. I have been told through that certain weak points in my soul that I need to work on in this life time to achieve the purpose of this reincarnation.
The universe is extremely intelligent (in fact, there is nothing more intelligent), and it is ulitmately put together making up a very close-knitted system, we influence it and it influences us. The energies are emitted by us through thought and, progressively action. We recieve the energies from the universe through our psyche. Therefore, in order to fully understand our very own selves, we are required to fully understand the universe and the way it operates.
My own birth chart is simply a map. When I fully interpret the map through my conscious mind, the unconcious part of my soul becomes obvious to me, I can then focus on what I want to change, and understand in what direction I should program my energies. The only natural thing to do is to point these energies towards overcoming self dimishing obstacles, which in turn will cause the soul to flourish and to fulfill it's natural desire easily, and that it is, ultimately, reaching the godhead.
Through the birth chart I have clearly began to see all this. I do not believe that this realization could have been possible without the help of my gaurdian at this time, Azazel, who is an extremely amazing being. His brilliance cannot be described in words.
Not knowing our own purpose through our own natural alignment with the planets diminishes our souls down to insignificance.
 What I have learnt about myself:
I am happy to say that I have been blessed with some positionings of my planets. The most evident of these blessings is my Sun being in conjuction with my Ascendant, which also happens to be in Leo, this also means that all of Sun's aspects in my chart are greatly enhanced. I've also got some nasty oppositions in my chart, which I really do need to work on ASAP.
I have learnt that I have got some naturally great energies, but some of my weaknesses cover over them. I have learnt a very important thing as well through my chart, the importance of money.
With the Sun also shining over my second house (the one that rules over one's relationship with money and financial matters) I have got a naturally realistic view about money, but I have been highly manipulated by the enemy in the past, that some of these natural views have been distorted by lies. Once one becomes a proper magician, one realizes that money is the manifesting catalyst of the physical dimension.
Paper notes themselves do not represent it, in the past before the jewish filth, people owned their own gold, and the coins or the paper notes were the direct representation of that gold, but now through the jewish movement and their creation of the federal reserve, paper money is simply the illusion of it's worth.
This does not mean however, that the paper money we hold in our pockets nowadays isn't a source of power, since though it is an illusion there is the undeniable fact that it is the representation of physically magical power (this is in one aspect, ofcourse all the energies reside in the astral before any physical manifestation happens, but this is merely what one sees before one's eyes on the physical plane).
Through money we can turn our souls wants and desires to manifest in the physical dimension as we want, it is also a powerfull tool if this money is used in the right way, money isn't just about spending it on whatever we want, money is our wands, and we use it to manifest what we need to fulfill our own soul's purposes. Realizing this is also a way to change your psychology about money and therefore attracting it more easily into your day to day life, this is absolute power over the physical.
Christianity and Islam have taught us that money is a burden, and that it's the root of all evil, which is the furthest from the truth. Obviously these beliefs were engraved into our souls from birth by the very people who want to enslave us. The jews know the truth about money, since the jews don't own most of it just to buy themselves stuff but to take that power away from their host (the pagan race).
Therefore it is mandatory that every satanist re examine his thoughts about money and related financial matters, learning to attract money through magic is essential, since it is the only way to gain money in this current world without being a jew or a devout christian or something of the filthy like. Money is power if seen through one's natural eye. It's as obvious as black and white.
 Inspired Points (of my own writing and influenced by the Gods) :
- "Unity through diversity rather than unity through equality":
As a Pagan race we are together in spirit as a unity, although because each and everyone of us is an individual, we are blessed as a race because our Gods (who created our race from their own genetics) show us that our spiritual maturity and what puts us together as a race is our own strong sense of individuality, which is why this has been the attacking point of the jew, because without being able to understand that we are all individuals (rather than equal) we are weak and can never unite as a race (and subsequently, as pagan nations).
- "Pluto in scorpio generation will rule":
Those who were born with Pluto in Scorpio are those who have got the Age of Aquarius's energy in them, this planetary placement destroys existing structures, causes immense changes in the earth's energies. We are the ones that have the energy in us to destroy everything in our way together to create our pagan utopia. Nazism is the ideoligy we have to embrace as satanists born under this planetry position, because we are the earth's liberators, which we can acheive by uniting our mentalities and energies towards the destruction of the current communist based world society structure (jewish structure), and towards the building of our pagan utupia through the ideals of Nazism.
The strongest way to defeat a parasite, is to erase the parasites hold over our mentality. We as a race have suffered for a very long time due to the existense of the parasitic jewish race who have controlled the media, and inherently have the weak of us in their grips. The weak of us will learn the truth in due time, but for those of us who know the truth and are sitting cross armed are to act upon it and inflict their suppressed rage onto the bollocks society of the jew that we live in. We cannot stand their society and filth anymore, and we need to start acting. We need to get angry.
- "The structures of society and examining them is natural, what is the right form of society":
There are many flaws in our societies nowadays, which can be easily noticed by the pagan soul if it is awakened enough, we all know that the world we live in today is very very wrong, and that the fact that something that's so under our noses has been managed to be hidden from us for so long shows how much of a deceiptful and slithery race our enemies really are.
Constant meditation everyday will develop the leaders of us who are meant to lead, everyone should know his own purpose in this energetical shift we are experiencing before us, through meditation we discover our own roles in this shift. The Gods will be giving each warrior his responsibilities for this lifetime, which is a very honourable thing.
- "We need to improve our mentalties as satanists and properly unite to utilize our natural strength and fulfull our purpose, nature selects the strongest, and we by nature are the strongest":
We as a people can study nature and understand this, nature has no time for the weak, not at this stage. The weak will be pushed aside and the strong of us will take control. We Spiritual Satanist are a force that cannot be reckoned with, nature knows of our strength and acts to glorify those of us who are strong, the reason why nature is selecting the strong of us is because the selected ones will be the birth-givers of the new age, the age of Satan!!!!
All this is evident once we sense the energies of our own home planet around us, it's what the Earth wants and what the Earth yearns for, the Satanic Force wants the strong but deluded ones of us to snap out of their fucked up hypnosis and to open up to the realization of their true power.
We as a race are natural magicians, we have got powerful intellectual abilities as a white race, and above all, as a Pagan race.
Our celestial Gods (the planets) are helping us always, and through meditation we can develop a better understanding of our Celestial Gods, and the lessons they are teaching us as well as the messages they are sending us.
To summarize, the fight is already happening, and the only time to join, is to join now.
 More Notes:
"We will unite ourselves through our diversity and unite through magic, we will become the most adept in magic and rule the world (which is our cosmic right, whether you want to believe it or not)."
"We will hold the image of our Gods high and always tune into their energies for guidance, the Gods are already working on our own unity through each of our own natural individual identity, individuality and singularity."
"Unity is through singular formations, equality makes us weak, diversity makes us strong, an army of complete equals is much weaker than a small battalion of powerfully diverse individuals (who are constructively a unity through their own natural powerful sense of 'me'ness, that is, a clear and healthy sense of identity)."
Very interesting! I wonder what is the purpose of the Pluto in Saggitarius and Capricorn generation? People born in these generations I think should also help in taking down the current world order. Changes in religion + changes in government = what we need.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
