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Jan 3, 2025
I am from Morocco. I am satanic and want to develop my spirituality and communicate with demons. What is the first step I should take? (I have never meditated before and have no experience in it).

Note: My English is very weak, and I only speak Arabic well. Can I translate invocations and prayers into Arabic and recite and write them in Arabic?
I am from Morocco. I am satanic and want to develop my spirituality and communicate with demons. What is the first step I should take? (I have never meditated before and have no experience in it).

Note: My English is very weak, and I only speak Arabic well. Can I translate invocations and prayers into Arabic and recite and write them in Arabic?
Hello. JoS is being translated in Arabic as we speak

If your English isn't very good it is not a good idea to translate from English as you will not understand the text very well. You need to meditate consistently before any real communication with a Demon can occur. I would say realistically the best course of action is to start learning English as there are endless lessons online to get started and also to study the Joy of Satanas site
مرحباً، يتم ترجمة JoS إلى اللغة العربية أثناء حديثنا

إذا لم تكن لغتك الإنجليزية جيدة جدًا، فليس من الجيد أن تترجم من الإنجليزية لأنك لن تفهم النص جيدًا. تحتاج إلى التأمل باستمرار قبل أن يحدث أي اتصال حقيقي مع شيطان. أود أن أقول بشكل واقعي أن أفضل مسار للعمل هو البدء في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية حيث توجد دروس لا حصر لها عبر الإنترنت للبدء وأيضًا لدراسة موقع Joy of Satanas
عندما يتعلق الأمر بفهم النصوص، فأنا أترجمها بدقة لفهمها بالكامل. أما بالنسبة للتأمل، سيدي، فليس لدي خبرة فيه. هل هو ضروري لأداء طقوس التكريس؟

ما رأيك في البدء ببرنامج السحر للمبتدئين المتوفر على الموقع قبل أداء طقوس التكريس؟
عندما يتعلق الأمر بفهم النصوص، فأنا أترجمها بدقة لفهمها بالكامل. أما بالنسبة للتأمل، سيدي، فليس لدي خبرة فيه. هل هو ضروري لأداء طقوس التكريس؟

ما رأيك في البدء ببرنامج السحر للمبتدئين المتوفر على الموقع قبل أداء طقوس التكريس؟
Hello. You need to perform the dedication ritual before starting any meditations. The dedication ritual is an initiatory "rite of passage" in front of the Gods where you officially become a Spiritual Satanist. Only once this step is done is safe to start meditating.
Then to start off easily and gradually you can do he 40 days meditation program
I am from Morocco. I am satanic and want to develop my spirituality and communicate with demons. What is the first step I should take? (I have never meditated before and have no experience in it).

Note: My English is very weak, and I only speak Arabic well. Can I translate invocations and prayers into Arabic and recite and write them in Arabic?
Welcome, happy to have you here.👋

Good luck on your journey and path with Father Satan.
I am from Morocco. I am satanic and want to develop my spirituality and communicate with demons. What is the first step I should take? (I have never meditated before and have no experience in it).

Technically the advanced answer would be this, but even though it is advanced there is a reason why I agree with it even though you said you have never meditated:
The meditations I've done are the ones on the JoS. I just kept at it, working on chakras, the Veil of Isis mantra (EE-SS-EE-SS) HPS Maxine wrote in the yahoo groups, INANNA, trance. But make sure to never fry yourself, you can go in cycles and not constantly. I took time off from empowerment meditations and my senses developed further from focusing more on cleaning.

Don't push yourself too hard, but be consistent, at least in cycles. Like 90 days of a mantra to open psychic senses, then some time off, then do it again. That's how I did it.

Another thing I feel was useful, is working with colors. Breathing the colors into each chakra, seeing the colors. This gives practice with astral sight.

As you can see in the advanced answers there are several things that can be done. The FIRST of these is precisely the work on the chakras (cleaning them, opening them, strengthening yourself, etc. on the website that perhaps they have already linked to you of joyofsatan.org you will find everything by studying it, don't worry: the information is WELL available!).

The next meditations are more specific to your purpose of seeing and feeling the Gods. You will feel it when it is time to include them in your daily schedule. You will feel it by the fact that there will come a time when you are mature enough to understand that including them is no longer just a wish or an enthusiasm, but will actually make A LOT of sense in your head.

The reason I quoted you such a seemingly advanced answer is because I thought this: if you have a desire, and it is a truly beautiful desire like wanting to relate to our Gods (I don't think there is anything more sacred in Satanism and this desire in itself already includes the things that are most sacred), I would really like you to be strong in this love for the Gods. Of course don't think "hmm a few months", it could actually take years (even several).

The important thing is that you stick to what is realistic. Work on the chakras. Starting "from the bottom", i.e., for example, from the Inanna meditation, would really make no sense and would result in failure like someone trying to learn an advanced counterattack in martial arts, but hasn't even mastered the simple guard position first...

My English is very weak

Yes, I understand the concern. But "where there is a will, there is a way". There are actually many online translators that will make you understand if not all the words, at least the meaning of the sentences you read on the site. Some of these translators (like Google Translate) are even incorporated into the same pages opened by search engines and it is enough to click on "Translate Page". And anyway we live in the Age of Artificial Intelligence that has many applications in online translations. So do not be discouraged.
مرحبًا بك، يسعدني أن أراك هنا.👋

أتمنى لك حظًا سعيدًا في رحلتك و
مرحبًا. يجب عليك أداء طقوس التكريس قبل البدء في أي تأملات. طقوس التكريس هي "طقوس مرور" تمهيدية أمام الآلهة حيث تصبح رسميًا شيطانيًا روحانيًا. بمجرد القيام بهذه الخطوة فقط يكون من الآمن البدء في التأمل.
ثم للبدء بسهولة وتدريجيًا يمكنك القيام ببرنامج التأمل لمدة 40 يومًا

مسارك مع اب الشيطان
Thank youuuu🖤
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻
Hello. You need to perform the dedication ritual before starting any meditations. The dedication ritual is an initiatory "rite of passage" in front of the Gods where you officially become a Spiritual Satanist. Only once this step is done is safe to start meditating.
Then to start off easily and gradually you can do he 40 days meditation program
Understood, sir. I will perform the consecration ritual and then follow the meditation program you sent. I have a question: regarding the name I will write on the paper for the consecration ritual, should I use the name my father gave me along with the family name as it appears on my national ID card, knowing that it is an Islamic name that I do not feel honored by? Or should I choose a new name (I thought of the names Solomon,Noxvera) and keep the family name as it is?
Thank you for your help🙏🏻
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻
من الناحية الفنية فإن الإجابة المتقدمة ستكون هذه، ولكن على الرغم من أنها متقدمة هناك سبب يجعلني أتفق معها على الرغم من أنك قلت أنك لم تتأمل أبدًا:

كما ترى في الإجابات المتقدمة، هناك عدة أشياء يمكن القيام بها. أول هذه الأشياء هو على وجه التحديد العمل على الشاكرات (تنظيفها، وفتحها، وتقوية نفسك، وما إلى ذلك) على الموقع الإلكتروني الذي ربما ربطوه لك بالفعل joyofsatan.org، ستجد كل شيء من خلال دراسته، لا تقلق: المعلومات متوفرة جيدًا!

إن التأملات التالية أكثر تحديدًا لغرضك المتمثل في رؤية الآلهة والشعور بها. ستشعر بذلك عندما يحين وقت تضمينها في جدولك اليومي. ستشعر بذلك من خلال حقيقة أنه سيأتي وقت تنضج فيه بما يكفي لفهم أن تضمينها لم يعد مجرد أمنية أو حماس، بل إنه في الواقع سيشكل معنى كبيرًا في ذهنك.

السبب الذي جعلني أقتبس لك هذه الإجابة التي تبدو متقدمة هو أنني فكرت في هذا: إذا كانت لديك رغبة، وهي رغبة جميلة حقًا مثل الرغبة في التواصل مع آلهتنا (لا أعتقد أن هناك أي شيء أكثر قدسية في الشيطانية وهذه الرغبة في حد ذاتها تشمل بالفعل الأشياء الأكثر قدسية)، أود حقًا أن تكون قويًا في حبك للآلهة. بالطبع لا تفكر "هممم بضعة أشهر"، فقد يستغرق الأمر في الواقع سنوات (أو حتى عدة سنوات).

الأمر المهم هو أن تلتزم بما هو واقعي. اعمل على الشاكرات. البدء "من الأسفل"، أي على سبيل المثال، من تأمل إنانا، لن يكون له أي معنى وسيؤدي إلى الفشل مثل شخص يحاول تعلم هجوم مضاد متقدم في فنون القتال، لكنه لم يتقن حتى وضعية الحراسة البسيطة أولاً...

نعم، أتفهم القلق. ولكن "حيثما توجد إرادة، توجد وسيلة". في الواقع، هناك العديد من المترجمين عبر الإنترنت الذين سيجعلونك تفهم، إن لم يكن كل الكلمات، على الأقل معنى الجمل التي تقرأها على الموقع. حتى أن بعض هؤلاء المترجمين (مثل Google Translate) مدمجون في نفس الصفحات التي تفتحها محركات البحث ويكفي النقر فوق "صفحة الترجمة". وعلى أي حال، نحن نعيش في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي الذي له العديد من التطبيقات في الترجمات عبر الإنترنت. لذا لا تيأس
Thank you very much for this information about meditation, but I heard that I must first perform the consecration ritual.
I want to ask, when doing the meditations, after years have passed, will the connection with demons and gods become direct? Also, when can I summon one of the demon gods?
Hello. You need to perform the dedication ritual before starting any meditations. The dedication ritual is an initiatory "rite of passage" in front of the Gods where you officially become a Spiritual Satanist. Only once this step is done is safe to start meditating.
Then to start off easily and gradually you can do he 40 days meditation program
I want to ask, when doing the meditations, after years have passed, will the connection with demons and gods become direct? Also, when can I summon one of the demon gods?
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻🔥
Technically the advanced answer would be this, but even though it is advanced there is a reason why I agree with it even though you said you have never meditated:

As you can see in the advanced answers there are several things that can be done. The FIRST of these is precisely the work on the chakras (cleaning them, opening them, strengthening yourself, etc. on the website that perhaps they have already linked to you of joyofsatan.org you will find everything by studying it, don't worry: the information is WELL available!).

The next meditations are more specific to your purpose of seeing and feeling the Gods. You will feel it when it is time to include them in your daily schedule. You will feel it by the fact that there will come a time when you are mature enough to understand that including them is no longer just a wish or an enthusiasm, but will actually make A LOT of sense in your head.

The reason I quoted you such a seemingly advanced answer is because I thought this: if you have a desire, and it is a truly beautiful desire like wanting to relate to our Gods (I don't think there is anything more sacred in Satanism and this desire in itself already includes the things that are most sacred), I would really like you to be strong in this love for the Gods. Of course don't think "hmm a few months", it could actually take years (even several).

The important thing is that you stick to what is realistic. Work on the chakras. Starting "from the bottom", i.e., for example, from the Inanna meditation, would really make no sense and would result in failure like someone trying to learn an advanced counterattack in martial arts, but hasn't even mastered the simple guard position first...

Yes, I understand the concern. But "where there is a will, there is a way". There are actually many online translators that will make you understand if not all the words, at least the meaning of the sentences you read on the site. Some of these translators (like Google Translate) are even incorporated into the same pages opened by search engines and it is enough to click on "Translate Page". And anyway we live in the Age of Artificial Intelligence that has many applications in online translations. So do not be discouraged.
As for English, I translate it accurately using artificial intelligence. My question was, can I, for example, write the ritual words in Arabic or recite the incantations in Arabic?
but I heard that I must first perform the consecration ritual.
Yes. What you heard is true. That ritual is the first step.

after years have passed, will the connection with demons and gods become direct?
It depends, on your commitment. :)

Also, when can I summon one of the demon gods?
You can always pray the Gods for any guide you seek, or call upon the Gods for serious reasons. And they will find the most suitable way to let you know things, depending on how open you are psychically (of course, a little openness always serves as a starting point for this). Also if you can see and hear them yet.
Understood, sir. I will perform the consecration ritual and then follow the meditation program you sent. I have a question: regarding the name I will write on the paper for the consecration ritual, should I use the name my father gave me along with the family name as it appears on my national ID card, knowing that it is an Islamic name that I do not feel honored by? Or should I choose a new name (I thought of the names Solomon,Noxvera) and keep the family name as it is?
Thank you for your help🙏🏻
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻
You need to use your current, official name as in your ID. Many of us have christian or islamic names but in reality most of these have been corrupted from ancient, older names that existed before christianity and islam.
نعم، ما سمعته صحيح، هذه الطقوس هي الخطوة الأولى.

يعتمد ذلك على التزامك.:)

يمكنك دائمًا أن تصلي للآلهة من أجل أي مرشد تبحث عنه، أو أن تستعين بالآلهة لأسباب جدية. وسوف يجدون الطريقة الأكثر ملاءمة لإخبارك بالأشياء، اعتمادًا على مدى انفتاحك نفسيًا (بالطبع، القليل من الانفتاح يعمل دائمًا كنقطة بداية لهذا). أيضًا إذا كان بإمكانك رؤيتهم وسماعهم بعد.
شكرا جزيلا 🙏🏻
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻
Hello. You need to perform the dedication ritual before starting any meditations. The dedication ritual is an initiatory "rite of passage" in front of the Gods where you officially become a Spiritual Satanist. Only once this step is done is safe to start meditating.
Then to start off easily and gradually you can do he 40 days meditation program
There is someone I know through Facebook who told me that two years ago he tried to summon Beelzebub (through your website) and succeeded. He said the name Beelzebub appeared written in blood on the wall of his house, and then he was pushed against the wall so hard it almost broke his back. When he spoke to the priestess Maxine, she told him that the reason was that he hadn't performed the dedication ritual first. He also told me that he cannot serve anyone (of course, he deserved what happened to him because he didn’t respect the rules).

As for me, I am ready to dedicate my life to serving the gods. My question is: how was he able to summon Beelzebub while being a beginner? Can I also do it (after performing the dedication ritual and training), or is he just lying?
There is someone I know through Facebook who told me that two years ago he tried to summon Beelzebub (through your website) and succeeded. He said the name Beelzebub appeared written in blood on the wall of his house, and then he was pushed against the wall so hard it almost broke his back. When he spoke to the priestess Maxine, she told him that the reason was that he hadn't performed the dedication ritual first. He also told me that he cannot serve anyone (of course, he deserved what happened to him because he didn’t respect the rules).

As for me, I am ready to dedicate my life to serving the gods. My question is: how was he able to summon Beelzebub while being a beginner? Can I also do it (after performing the dedication ritual and training), or is he just lying?
It is not a good idea at all to perform evocation of the Demons or Gods without being dedicated, for the most part the Gods have no reason whatsoever to take seriously someone who is not even at least dedicated. And also this thing with Baalzebul's name written in blood on the wall, this is extremely silly stuff that has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. You don't need any "blood" to get in contact with the Gods once you are dedicated. What you do need however first and foremost is to meditate and advance yourself and develop the psychic abilities required to interact with the Gods.
My question is: how was he able to summon Beelzebub while being a beginner? Can I also do it (after performing the dedication ritual and training), or is he just lying?
He was probably lying or delusional, watched too many horror movies. A name appearing in blood? That doesn't happen.
It is not a good idea at all to perform evocation of the Demons or Gods without being dedicated, for the most part the Gods have no reason whatsoever to take seriously someone who is not even at least dedicated. And also this thing with Baalzebul's name written in blood on the wall, this is extremely silly stuff that has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. You don't need any "blood" to get in contact with the Gods once you are dedicated. What you do need however first and foremost is to meditate and advance yourself and develop the psychic abilities required to interact with the Gods.
Thank youuu🙏🏻
Ave Satanas 🤘🏻🖤
He was probably lying or delusional, watched too many horror movies. A name appearing in blood? That doesn't happen.
Yeah,even I think he's just a liar...

So, you are the High Priestess. I am glad to meet you. I hope you can tell me about the powers of the gods and your experience with them. 🙏🏻
It is not a good idea at all to perform evocation of the Demons or Gods without being dedicated, for the most part the Gods have no reason whatsoever to take seriously someone who is not even at least dedicated. And also this thing with Baalzebul's name written in blood on the wall, this is extremely silly stuff that has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. You don't need any "blood" to get in contact with the Gods once you are dedicated. What you do need however first and foremost is to meditate and advance yourself and develop the psychic abilities required to interact with the Gods.
Thank you. Regarding the development of psychic abilities, will the program you sent be sufficient for now?
Thank you. Regarding the development of psychic abilities, will the program you sent be sufficient for now?
Hello. You can practice that one to get started but meditation in the most ideal case has to be done daily. Once you finish the 40 days program you can create your own program that needs to contain aura of protection part 1 and 2 from the Beginner meditation section, breathing exercises and meditation on the chakras and soul as a minimum.

Alternatively, from the 6 months meditation program from JoS, since that 40 days program pretty much contains Months 1 and 2, once you finish that you can start doing Month 3:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
