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If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating?


New member
Jan 24, 2021
[email protected]
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating? Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean. The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours and I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent. Please don't take offense I'm a Spiritual Satanist but everything to do with this religion looks to be intimidating, mean and toxic on purpose.
Nyan said:
follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent.
Yes it’s true, there were 60 kabillion Jews gassed and masturbated to death in Satan’s very malevolent looking summer camps.
Black and red colorite is from old Egypt and in my opinion it is beautiful. What about National Socialism. What race are you, white, black or asian? When you are white do you really support jews and thair agenda to destroy white race? When you are black did you know that jews were behind slave trade? When you are asian did you know that jews created communist China?
Are you meet with jews in real or have you jewish "friends". have you ever feel that jewish energy is toxic?

Jewish soul lacking parts
I would also like to add here just how spiritual this is.

There are racial differences in the soul. The Jews have completely alien souls. Their koshas (layers of the soul) for one are not normal. The Vijnanamaya, which has to do with conscious feeling in the way of healthy compassion for worthwhile life is more than likely missing. This would be necessary in order to have a mind hive, which they are. Ever know a Jew who isn’t a communist?

Many, many years ago, I worked a Halloween party as a psychic, Tarot reader, etc. It was in this expensive condo in the penthouse. There were other psychics with me. The party was nothing but Jews. I was very young, but I knew.

The Jewish aura is flat and sucks energy like a parasite. I could feel this. This definitely indicates certain parts of the soul are missing.

I left very late and got on the bus to go home. I spotted a Gentile woman on the bus ride home dressed in a Halloween costume and she was vibrant with positive energy. After getting out of that Jewish party, this was blatant and I will never forget it.

HP Hooded Cobra told me how Satan told him that one normally reincarnates into the same race. The enemy has been destroying our White race through genocide, and this impacts that there will be drastically fewer White bodies for White souls to reincarnate into.

In addition to this, Lilith told me more than once, that the ability to achieve physical immortality has to do with how White one is, in the way the White race has genes and potential from the Nordic Gods, that is not present in the other races.

Thoth also stated “People of the Blood” meaning Whites. Once the White seed is lost, what is remaining will be damned.

– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Hitler was not bad, did you know that Hitler invented Animal Welfare Act. Yolocaust did not hapened, all death camps was in USSR land, USSR lied about everything, they even tried to hide Chernobyl disaster.
I know that Hitler is not really a bad person but couldn't you not do what the Christians did in killing off their religion, I know what a Jew is in your description but couldn't you just do something different, like imprisoning them, it looks bad the way you did it like you tortured them in gas chambers.
Nyan said:
follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent.

Jews are malevolent.



Nyan said:
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating? Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean. The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours and I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent. Please don't take offense I'm a Spiritual Satanist but everything to do with this religion looks to be intimidating, mean and toxic on purpose.

Hail Satan,
I ask you counter question why does abrahamic religions have everything to do with mass murders, rape, imposing their thoughts unto others, taking away free will of men, destroying civilisations, incorporating their theology into different pagan religions, and of course plagiarisms ..... I can go on and on... If these fucking things are so peaceful and non intimidating then why don't you just give up your body like jewsus did...? What about Jewish Islamic witchcraft when they purposely throw curses and hexes upon us do we harm them or do they bring Jewish Jesus, and Moses, Muhammad on our door posts ???? And what you are saying about the colours used... Why do fucking Jewish cunts use the red coloured strings for Kabbalah??? If red is so dirty for you......?
Nyan said:
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating?

It may look that way to you only if you have Christian programming in your mind.

Nyan said:
Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean.

If we deal with trolls or enemies there's no mercy to them. But if you're someone who is sincere and honest instead of looking to troll and harass people you'll find nothing but good behavior from people. Satanism isn't about turning the other cheek. More on that below.

Nyan said:
The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours

These colors are friendly if you aren't programmed by Christianity. This has been explained in the website.

The colors RED, WHITE, and BLACK date back not only to Ancient Egypt, but to their origins in the Far East. Egypt was known as the "Black and Red Land" and was the center of Alchemy. Alchemy is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. Through this transformation, we complete Our Creator Satan's unfinished work. The colors red, white and black are of the three major nadis of the human soul. The Ida is black, the Pingala is red, and the Sushumna is white.

Nyan said:
I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent.

You may have misconceptions about Satan and Satanism and what "good" really means. It surely doesn't mean loving everyone, as tolerating injustice and horrible people is the opposite of good.

He is good in the pre-Christian Pagan sense of being a just warrior and honorable and that he's pro-humanity, not in the deranged Christian sense of loving everyone and being a zombie-like saint. In Satanism hate is important as much as love, and hating unjust enemies is a good thing. Satanism has nothing to do with Christian morality of loving everyone and thinking hate is bad somehow. Loving his people and hating his enemies makes Satan good.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Yes it’s true, there were 60 kabillion Jews gassed and masturbated to death in Satan’s very malevolent looking summer camps.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Nyan said:
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating? Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean. The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours and I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent. Please don't take offense I'm a Spiritual Satanist but everything to do with this religion looks to be intimidating, mean and toxic on purpose.

First read everything on here: www.satanisgod.org

Index of all our websites on top of that study Blacks For Satan on the links section on main JoS. Why do I emphasis this as we are not a Whites-only organization.



First of all we are not Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis = kosher supervised version of National Socialism. For example American History X is a perfect example of kosher supervision. Since jews and shabbos are communist why give good propaganda to your enemy then everyone who understands you wants to be National Socialist. It's okay if in the past people looked up to these versions of NatSoc as positive and good. It makes them easier to segway into normal original National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism. As in my case I grew up in typical Neo-Nazi ways, mostly an infatuation and admiration of WW2. And funny enough that kept my shields up till I studied JoS even then I still had to go through many years of self contemplation to realize the greatness of National Socialism. Unfortunately like many we are NatSoC in name only. Not because we don't understand it but we don't understand it completely or there are several holes in our ruling system whereby the enemy made damn sure to rip apart and tarnish National Socialism.

We are O.G. National Socialists.

On top of that since you don't know what National Socialism is all about. Simply put National Socialism is the end product of evolution. National Socialism's philosophy is the application of science to inanimate objects, animals, but through mankind himself. National Socialism demands racial separation and segregation but not in the style of Americana-version from the beginnings of the nation leading to various de-racialization well into the 1950s and 1960s. Again this isn't hate wanting to produce a better human through eugenics and racial preservation. Racial Separation and Segregation creates diversity unlike the clumping jews and shabbos enforce on societies like the kalergi plan.

Let's just say that IF many people knew what National Socialism was there wouldn't be that much animosity towards it. I mean just recently spike lee stated "Trump will be remembered as the likes of Hitler." Again this is pure retardation at it's finest you NEVER attack the Man of the Century as a properly educated NatSoC individual would not only defend Hitler but in fact make that person go "Oh shit I was wrong maybe Hitler isn't so bad, maybe I can learn from him." So spike lee's words are full of ignorance, and ignorance both creates evil and kills.

Anyways Nyan about your other question these aren't bad things Red and Black are wonderful positive colors. Sure in spirituality they have a dual-role both positive and negative. But that doesn't mean they are evil or malefic or whatever it just means various things. Depending on the context of the situation.

Also Satan doesn't "create" situations like that. I mean if you want to get technical if jews are the enemy of Satan and not the children of Satan. Then creating evil against them is merely attacking your enemy. Nothing wrong with that. It's akin to israeli secret intelligence services, or ISIS, going around and committing terrorist attacks and then getting offended and communicating with various war tribunals stating the U.S. is attacking us and killing terrorists tell them to stop that offends us, they should be turning the other cheek. Again you don't want to be nice nor play nice with your enemy rather you just wish to crush them decisively.

No this religion has nothing to do with being intimidating, toxic, and or mean. Well I mean against your enemy I can understand. But your completely wrong in everything your stated. Also just because you read certain people who might be trolls or certain people expressing themselves negatively isn't wrong. HP.Cobra sometime around April/May of 2020, mentioned in one of his sermons people need to vent and thus some people's posts are gonna come through. Also meditation brings up things depending on the person so you might go negative or have issues and need to vent and or require information to help you out.

Anyways Nyan please type up a proper post on main forums to answer your questions i.e. create a new post. And ask away pretty sure your desire to investigate us is a desire to understand the so-called "Greatest of Evil". Just because the Axis powers rebelled against kosher supervision means "Oy vey ebil debil goyim". No wonder they label their enemies in said way. If they do that why can't we do that towards the jews and other enemies whom deem themselves good when in reality they are not.
I apologize for the comments of my colleagues up here.
It is true that many of the posts on these forums are very "aggressive", but I would like to explain. Most of the people who write the post are high priests who see a little more of the horizon of a normal person like you and me. We are currently in a war, and in the war there is sweat, blood, chaos among other things, that explains the inattentive aggressiveness of the people who are here, it is to be expected from a military man. But we do not all have the same temperament, there are people who focus Satanism in other areas. You can always approach some demon that shares the area with you, for example I approached Andrealphus who is a scientist (Chemist).
As for the doubts you have, you can investigate more on the JoS pages, there comes a large part of the information. Anything else I can help with I'm happy to do.
Nyan said:
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating? Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean. The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours and I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent. Please don't take offense I'm a Spiritual Satanist but everything to do with this religion looks to be intimidating, mean and toxic on purpose.
so i can see that you read what hooded cobra said, yes we throw curses at the big nose losers because they throw curses at us, like hooded cobra said they destroyed everything we had and killed many of us in the past theres proof of that just go to jos website and go to exposing Christianity read it if you want to. There's nothing intimidating about what we do, your just seeinb it that way because your new i was in the same mindset when i was new, we arent about throwing curses only throwing curses is just necessary to defend ourselves from the enemy, its like if you get punched in the face your not just gonna stand there and turn your cheek like a christian. So when they curse us we curse them they threw the first hit we throw it back its basic survival instincts and common sense. But besides throwing curses Satan and the god and goddesses help us make our life more beautiful and for us to succeed for peace. So what im trying to say is you cant have peace if you dont whoop the bullies ass. But Satan Stands for good and justice if you think thats someho intimidating then you should look at the ugly filthy Christian god that tell you your going to hell for even liking anime or the disgusting muslim God that tells his followers to blow themselves up saying allah akbar like retards. Or the god of the jews yaweh that tells its ugly ass jews to make us like slaves etc etc. Now what sounds more intimidating now that i told you how evil these other fake "gods" are. Most definitely not Satan or his demons
Are you really sympathize to jewish? I highly recommend you to read and search some history. This kind of situations and thoughts cannot be gone without information. Why should we mercy to the reptilians? Imprisoning them??? This is a spiritual war. They have been poisoining us for centuries, dirtying our beautiful energies and making sick our brains, our thoughts. Althought all the things that they have been done, "we would still sympathize them." This is their game already.
Fine I will be good to Satan as long as everyone gets proper mercy after what they have done (being evil and Jewish), like being able to have the truth and be able to be equal to everyone as if they never committed no misdeeds.
Nyan said:
Fine I will be good to Satan as long as everyone gets proper mercy after what they have done (being evil and Jewish), like being able to have the truth and be able to be equal to everyone as if they never committed no misdeeds.
you dont seem to understand that we cant show mercy to them because ounce you have your back turned they will stab it. Hitler tried hard making peace with the jews you know what they did? They caused world war 2 and made america kill ppl for no reason because they lied. You want more information please go to the website and read whats on there because we dont have time going back and forth we have lives not being rude either. And BTW it is your choice if you like Satan or not if you dont like him make sure to come up with something that maked sense ill tell you with all the care in my heart because I assume your someone who wants to actually join us, Satan doesnt hate ppl for no reason he doesn't care if there jewish or not if your evil wether jewish or genitile he will show no mercy, because like the good he stands for justice your not gonna show mercy to someone who killed your family would you? Or how about someone who who just keeps stabbing you after you showed them that sweet sugary mercy with a cherry on top eh? Idk how old are you and sorry if i come by as an little tough but that just how the world is, its filled with ugly unmerciful bad and disgusting ppl stop blaming Satan for being unmerciful to ppl who are unmerciful as well, Eye for an eye I hope you learn that soon.
Nyan said:
Fine I will be good to Satan as long as everyone gets proper mercy after what they have done (being evil and Jewish), like being able to have the truth and be able to be equal to everyone as if they never committed no misdeeds.

Mercy for what they have done? Why? To continue doing these things and worse? Jews deserve no such thing, no mercy as long as they still exist. They are enemies of humanity by their nature. Satan didn't create jews, he created all gentiles/non-jews and jews were created by his enemies. So you shouldn't expect him to care for them at all. He cares for all non-jews and loves them, especially if they become Satanists. A jew can't become a Satanist, he won't be accepted.

Whey do you care about jews anyway? Are you a jew? If you are a jew you shouldn't be here as you're not welcome.

If are a non-jew but you want to be a jew-sympathizer or a politically correct drone you shouldn't be here either. Political correctness and leftism are cancer. It's okay to hate your enemies with all your heart and nothing wrong about it.

We're not a kumbaya hippie group where we're supposed to love and forgive everyone and treat everybody equally. We're more like honorable warriors who defend our people and destroy our enemies (nothing illegal implied by that), like many Pagan cultures like the Greeks, Celts or the Samurai were. Equality is an enemy myth. If you seek to find such a hippie group then look somewhere else.
Gear88 said:
Nyan said:
If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating? Like the people here no offense, I just want to break the ice sound very toxic and mean. The website is made up of red and black two really ''friendly'' looking colours and I just don't get why Satan is a beautiful God and everything to do with him curses, talks inappropriately, follows Neo-Nazis and Satan creates things that look very malevolent. Please don't take offense I'm a Spiritual Satanist but everything to do with this religion looks to be intimidating, mean and toxic on purpose.

First read everything on here: www.satanisgod.org

Index of all our websites on top of that study Blacks For Satan on the links section on main JoS. Why do I emphasis this as we are not a Whites-only organization.



First of all we are not Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis = kosher supervised version of National Socialism. For example American History X is a perfect example of kosher supervision. Since jews and shabbos are communist why give good propaganda to your enemy then everyone who understands you wants to be National Socialist. It's okay if in the past people looked up to these versions of NatSoc as positive and good. It makes them easier to segway into normal original National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism. As in my case I grew up in typical Neo-Nazi ways, mostly an infatuation and admiration of WW2. And funny enough that kept my shields up till I studied JoS even then I still had to go through many years of self contemplation to realize the greatness of National Socialism. Unfortunately like many we are NatSoC in name only. Not because we don't understand it but we don't understand it completely or there are several holes in our ruling system whereby the enemy made damn sure to rip apart and tarnish National Socialism.

We are O.G. National Socialists.

On top of that since you don't know what National Socialism is all about. Simply put National Socialism is the end product of evolution. National Socialism's philosophy is the application of science to inanimate objects, animals, but through mankind himself. National Socialism demands racial separation and segregation but not in the style of Americana-version from the beginnings of the nation leading to various de-racialization well into the 1950s and 1960s. Again this isn't hate wanting to produce a better human through eugenics and racial preservation. Racial Separation and Segregation creates diversity unlike the clumping jews and shabbos enforce on societies like the kalergi plan.

Let's just say that IF many people knew what National Socialism was there wouldn't be that much animosity towards it. I mean just recently spike lee stated "Trump will be remembered as the likes of Hitler." Again this is pure retardation at it's finest you NEVER attack the Man of the Century as a properly educated NatSoC individual would not only defend Hitler but in fact make that person go "Oh shit I was wrong maybe Hitler isn't so bad, maybe I can learn from him." So spike lee's words are full of ignorance, and ignorance both creates evil and kills.

Anyways Nyan about your other question these aren't bad things Red and Black are wonderful positive colors. Sure in spirituality they have a dual-role both positive and negative. But that doesn't mean they are evil or malefic or whatever it just means various things. Depending on the context of the situation.

Also Satan doesn't "create" situations like that. I mean if you want to get technical if jews are the enemy of Satan and not the children of Satan. Then creating evil against them is merely attacking your enemy. Nothing wrong with that. It's akin to israeli secret intelligence services, or ISIS, going around and committing terrorist attacks and then getting offended and communicating with various war tribunals stating the U.S. is attacking us and killing terrorists tell them to stop that offends us, they should be turning the other cheek. Again you don't want to be nice nor play nice with your enemy rather you just wish to crush them decisively.

No this religion has nothing to do with being intimidating, toxic, and or mean. Well I mean against your enemy I can understand. But your completely wrong in everything your stated. Also just because you read certain people who might be trolls or certain people expressing themselves negatively isn't wrong. HP.Cobra sometime around April/May of 2020, mentioned in one of his sermons people need to vent and thus some people's posts are gonna come through. Also meditation brings up things depending on the person so you might go negative or have issues and need to vent and or require information to help you out.

Anyways Nyan please type up a proper post on main forums to answer your questions i.e. create a new post. And ask away pretty sure your desire to investigate us is a desire to understand the so-called "Greatest of Evil". Just because the Axis powers rebelled against kosher supervision means "Oy vey ebil debil goyim". No wonder they label their enemies in said way. If they do that why can't we do that towards the jews and other enemies whom deem themselves good when in reality they are not.
I wouldn't say this is a O.G National Socialist only group, considering most people here haven't read HItlers and the Nazis works and only know him from a fantastical perspective from the documentaries. Most would'nt even agree with his ideas if it was presented to them because of their deep liberal identity. Its an american thing.

Having being brought up in a decadent liberal nation, National Socialism is a very antithetical thing to accept because its totally opposite to their core identity. Many people claimed that i was a misogynist when i posted Adolf Hitler and others quotes about womens role in a society and said that i had christian programming even though i was never raised christain. I was literally regurgitating the Nazi ideology as it is written and they claimed that it was somehow not nazi ideology.

I have noticed almost in all argument, they bring up "free choice" in an argument about society which is a bullshit libertarian concept used by jews when they want to do illegal activities and justify it as "muh private company". It only led to the destruction of the family and decline in birth rate, manufactured by jewish social scientists. A big degree of deprogramming would be required if you have to remove the ideology of free choice and feminism from their core identities. They don't understand what nation above all means.

A lot of this "liberal" freedom would have to be sacrificed in an attempt to create a strong community.
Jack said:
I wouldn't say this is a O.G National Socialist only group, considering most people here haven't read HItlers and the Nazis works and only know him from a fantastical perspective from the documentaries. Most would'nt even agree with his ideas if it was presented to them because of their deep liberal identity. Its an american thing.

Having being brought up in a decadent liberal nation, National Socialism is a very antithetical thing to accept because its totally opposite to their core identity. Many people claimed that i was a misogynist when i posted Adolf Hitler and others quotes about womens role in a society and said that i had christian programming even though i was never raised christain. I was literally regurgitating the Nazi ideology as it is written and they claimed that it was somehow not nazi ideology.

I have noticed almost in all argument, they bring up "free choice" in an argument about society which is a bullshit libertarian concept used by jews when they want to do illegal activities and justify it as "muh private company". It only led to the destruction of the family and decline in birth rate, manufactured by jewish social scientists. A big degree of deprogramming would be required if you have to remove the ideology of free choice and feminism from their core identities. They don't understand what nation above all means.

A lot of this "liberal" freedom would have to be sacrificed in an attempt to create a strong community.

You adamantly claimed that poverty was a virtue that builds character, and now you try to suggest that you alone are 100% free of xian/jewish programming. Get real.
jrvan said:
You adamantly claimed that poverty was a virtue that builds character, and now you try to suggest that you alone are 100% free of xian/jewish programming. Get real.
There is a difference between being born in and growing up in poverty or doing what jewsus says and selling all of your possessions to follow him. There is no honor is being a rich kid brat, but if someone is (relatively) wealthy it doesn’t automatically make them a bad or dishonorable person.
Jack said:
I wouldn't say this is a O.G National Socialist only group, considering most people here haven't read HItlers and the Nazis works and only know him from a fantastical perspective from the documentaries. Most would'nt even agree with his ideas if it was presented to them because of their deep liberal identity. Its an american thing.

Having being brought up in a decadent liberal nation, National Socialism is a very antithetical thing to accept because its totally opposite to their core identity. Many people claimed that i was a misogynist when i posted Adolf Hitler and others quotes about womens role in a society and said that i had christian programming even though i was never raised christain. I was literally regurgitating the Nazi ideology as it is written and they claimed that it was somehow not nazi ideology.

I have noticed almost in all argument, they bring up "free choice" in an argument about society which is a bullshit libertarian concept used by jews when they want to do illegal activities and justify it as "muh private company". It only led to the destruction of the family and decline in birth rate, manufactured by jewish social scientists. A big degree of deprogramming would be required if you have to remove the ideology of free choice and feminism from their core identities. They don't understand what nation above all means.

A lot of this "liberal" freedom would have to be sacrificed in an attempt to create a strong community.

Thank you for posting that information. Again it just confuses me more so. I've considered myself a NS since as far back as 1997 watching history channel and using internet to study WW2 since 1999.

I guess you can say in my ignorance I'm a WW2 buff who sided with the Axis powers.

When I state O.G. NS. I meant we aren't (((Neo-Nazis))). In the sense that we hate other races except the white race except slavics and sometimes the old Neo-Nazi joke I recall a long while ago that some branches of the U.S. don't consider Italian and certain Southern Aryan sub-races as to be removed from society. In other words what I meant was that we don't advocate violence or killing or any negative anti-social activities. Many in Europe get strangled by the mainstream Government like in Germany or Scandinavia for being violent or they are being "glowed" by feds and basically like the old joke the FBI has the KKK and Neo-Nazis are training grounds for FBI agents to prevent something.

I meant we aren't kosher hollywood Neo-NS people is what I meant.

But...returning to the topic on hand. I STILL don't know what National Socialism is. I'm not bothered by the semi-elimination of individualism. I believe individualism can only exist in a proper God-society with Gods around safeguarding the population. One of the things I always hated about other people is just how much fucking deathgrip they have on being individuals. Often times I have found myself wanting to be with like minded people and not individually stick out. Perhaps I'm being incorrect, in fact I'll readily admit I might be. But this hyper-over-dedication to individualism in Americana perspective is downright an issue the jews just love to exploit. Be a special snowflake fagot and you can become king of the World.

Oh the whole "free choice". I forgot which family member or which person said this but I recall overhearing someone mention: "The very fact freedom of choice is also a form of slavery and a form of control is proof enough we need some guidance in our lives". As a matter of fact it coincides with a lower level of spiritual development like "Free Will". If your a mere mortal who is told you have free will and can do whatever it's probably a bad idea. Again your not a God or with Gods your not developed to higher levels. What kind of free will can you have if your doing stupid repetitive historical misakes, History repeats itself situation. Again I'd say leave the "Free Will" to those who really know what they are doing.

Now that's not how the person said it just paraphrasing cause they said it in Spanish and it was like 2004 when they said it so a long time ago.

But again [@member: Jack(formerly Jack the good guy)]. I'll repeat again. I STILL don't know about National Socialism is. You have no idea how many times I've debated with myself in my head and debated with people on NS. Only to be thrown arguments like "Dude your doing the same thing as communists do. One crushes their people and centers their wealth on elites and oligarchs and the other helps their people while centralizing the wealth unto an elite that throws the population a few bones". Like this one person said "Capitalism is the ultimate form of economy no wonder the allies won against Germany. Germany was financially collapsing nothing Hitler did saved or helped Germany in the long run only through warfare and conquering other lands did they acquire more resources so Germany was helpless in comparison to the U.S. and it's capitalist system".

I know I shouldn't debate with ignorant motherfuckers but sometimes I do it just to test their merits.

As for women yeah you might sound xtian if your like "Women cook, clean, and promote the children".

But in my personal opinion as a Cancarian male. I see no issues with what it is. SURE you could be told your xtianistic but like the video of Hitler on Women and Feminism he clearly outlined no ifs and or buts about it. The best role for a woman is being a mother.

With that said I believe it's just the nature of the beast and because we live without the Gods. Maybe had the enemy not attacked 15K-12K-10K-5776 years ago. We may have developed into a God society that works properly unlike our very shaky grounds we have Governments at.

Anyways I wish to continue but honestly I have no idea what NS. For example I only recently thanks to a mega account someone posted. The Terramare translation company explaining the difference between collectivist/planned economy, open/free market Americana style, and the NSDAP Directing Economy.

Never knew the Germans employed such heavy Government planning through their 15 organizations that direct the economy. Much like how Trump was using the goals of Capitalism to express the factor of "The Government has the right to interfere in private market".

Anyways Jack thanks again for helping me out. Just one more piece of the puzzle to understand.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
You adamantly claimed that poverty was a virtue that builds character, and now you try to suggest that you alone are 100% free of xian/jewish programming. Get real.
There is a difference between being born in and growing up in poverty or doing what jewsus says and selling all of your possessions to follow him. There is no honor is being a rich kid brat, but if someone is (relatively) wealthy it doesn’t automatically make them a bad or dishonorable person.

Coming to Jack's rescue again? Tell me Southern, why do you think rich kids are honorless brats? Also, "relatively?" What's wrong with being a millionaire? You have too many hangups to count.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I wouldn't say this is a O.G National Socialist only group, considering most people here haven't read HItlers and the Nazis works and only know him from a fantastical perspective from the documentaries. Most would'nt even agree with his ideas if it was presented to them because of their deep liberal identity. Its an american thing.

Having being brought up in a decadent liberal nation, National Socialism is a very antithetical thing to accept because its totally opposite to their core identity. Many people claimed that i was a misogynist when i posted Adolf Hitler and others quotes about womens role in a society and said that i had christian programming even though i was never raised christain. I was literally regurgitating the Nazi ideology as it is written and they claimed that it was somehow not nazi ideology.

I have noticed almost in all argument, they bring up "free choice" in an argument about society which is a bullshit libertarian concept used by jews when they want to do illegal activities and justify it as "muh private company". It only led to the destruction of the family and decline in birth rate, manufactured by jewish social scientists. A big degree of deprogramming would be required if you have to remove the ideology of free choice and feminism from their core identities. They don't understand what nation above all means.

A lot of this "liberal" freedom would have to be sacrificed in an attempt to create a strong community.

You adamantly claimed that poverty was a virtue that builds character, and now you try to suggest that you alone are 100% free of xian/jewish programming. Get real.
I didn't say that poverty is a virtue, I said that it builds character in a general sense. Before every Leader of the people and great revolutionaries were born there was mass poverty, like in hyperinflation Weimar Germany.

Character is born through trials and tribulations and they went through all that in an extreme form. You can't create fanatical revolutionaries with nothing to lose while simultaneously engaging in various creature comforts.

What I was saying is contrasting in a general sense the view about economics and its relationship with birth rate which most people don't understand. If you just search this now you will find that economically stable people tend to have less children (not more) and the economically stronger nations tend to have less children (Europeans and Japanese are examples.) So I was trying to contrast this with the example of growing up in poverty which shapes the Character.

This is just how the world works. You can simply look at history to see if in right or wrong. It moves in cycles. Only through great suffering were heroic leaders and revolutionaries born ,which is what we need. They then create a glorious civilization which others lead towards decadence and then during the fall another civilization is born from the chaos.

It's no different this Time around in history with the economic collapse and the great reset.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I wouldn't say this is a O.G National Socialist only group, considering most people here haven't read HItlers and the Nazis works and only know him from a fantastical perspective from the documentaries. Most would'nt even agree with his ideas if it was presented to them because of their deep liberal identity. Its an american thing.

Having being brought up in a decadent liberal nation, National Socialism is a very antithetical thing to accept because its totally opposite to their core identity. Many people claimed that i was a misogynist when i posted Adolf Hitler and others quotes about womens role in a society and said that i had christian programming even though i was never raised christain. I was literally regurgitating the Nazi ideology as it is written and they claimed that it was somehow not nazi ideology.

I have noticed almost in all argument, they bring up "free choice" in an argument about society which is a bullshit libertarian concept used by jews when they want to do illegal activities and justify it as "muh private company". It only led to the destruction of the family and decline in birth rate, manufactured by jewish social scientists. A big degree of deprogramming would be required if you have to remove the ideology of free choice and feminism from their core identities. They don't understand what nation above all means.

A lot of this "liberal" freedom would have to be sacrificed in an attempt to create a strong community.

You adamantly claimed that poverty was a virtue that builds character, and now you try to suggest that you alone are 100% free of xian/jewish programming. Get real.
I didn't say that poverty is a virtue, I said that it builds character in a general sense. Before every Leader of the people and great revolutionaries were born there was mass poverty, like in hyperinflation Weimar Germany.

Character is born through trials and tribulations and they went through all that in an extreme form. You can't create fanatical revolutionaries with nothing to lose while simultaneously engaging in various creature comforts.

What I was saying is contrasting in a general sense the view about economics and its relationship with birth rate which most people don't understand. If you just search this now you will find that economically stable people tend to have less children (not more) and the economically stronger nations tend to have less children (Europeans and Japanese are examples.) So I was trying to contrast this with the example of growing up in poverty which shapes the Character.

This is just how the world works. You can simply look at history to see if in right or wrong. It moves in cycles. Only through great suffering were heroic leaders and revolutionaries born ,which is what we need. They then create a glorious civilization which others lead towards decadence and then during the fall another civilization is born from the chaos.

It's no different this Time around in history with the economic collapse and the great reset.

This is the very exact thing jews promoted since millenias ago during their constant "re-creation". As one member recently put it as a reply to my statements and questions. The jew is a creator of civilization, they know what builds it but also know and basically always implement then negatives i.e. civilization destruction on their enemies i.e. goyim(Gentiles). Another example the crash of 2008 using zero-interest rates through the FedRes and cranking up the interest slowly overtime to build bubbles and crashes/bursts later on.

So in essence history repeats itself or cyclical or whatever shape you wish to use or bar graph or something. It's always the same the jew promotes from the shadows, things move in, they become more open slowly(many times with failures along the way), and then continue and continue and continue AND continue. Until said civilization is "re-created" in (((their))) image.

Example like Hp.Cobra said "Had the xtians knew burning down Rome and destroying it is a bad idea maybe if they weren't stupid sheep under the influence of jews. They'd probably realize burning down Roman society is a bad idea".

In essence Jack is right about civilizations and again the problem lies squarely with the Gods. They aren't around for everyone to see. Thus it's like the old Roman/Spartan/Grecian story: A jewish kid sneaks around a bunch of military personnel and starts a fight among them by throwing a rock at one of them on the head and causing them to infighting between each other.

Had a being of higher power been around physically and or spiritually they'd go "Fellow Gentile, look around the corner at who threw the rock". "Huh, someone threw a rock?", *checks the corner* sees a kikette roflmao and then the gladius comes out and basically shanks the jewish kid.

I don't recall where I learned that but basically it's like the same thing with the multi-cultural statement. You throw the rock and hide the hand meme while also pretending to be innocent.

I apologize if some people feel like I'm blaming the Gods. No nothing could be further from the truth. I also know I'm making it seem like ONLY the Gods can help us. No again there's smart intelligent people out there perhaps not everywhere but in key locations. But honestly with the way everything is I can't help but think what-Ifs.

I'm probably gonna have a dislike of this message. But I'm sure deep down some are stating "You do make a point". We need the Gods more than ever in great presence.
jrvan said:
Coming to Jack's rescue again?
I defend ideas not people.
Tell me Southern, why do you think rich kids are honorless brats?
Because I have never met one that wasn’t. You have just been added to that list.

Also, "relatively?" What's wrong with being a millionaire? You have too many hangups to count.
Maybe since you had your butler read this to you aloud it wasn’t very clear so I will reiterate.

if someone is (relatively) wealthy it doesn’t automatically make them a bad or dishonorable person.

Let’s see how Aristotle interprets this comment.

Being wealthy doesn’t mean you are bad= swg hates all rich people? You really can’t go one post without turning what I said on its head.

And I know you think this is a personal thing but it’s not. It doesn’t matter to me if it was you or any other member making that comment, I would have responded in the same way.

Back in the swamp you go.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I defend ideas not people.
Fanboying over Jack's ideas is a foolish mistake. But neither of you can form a proper argument without 6 million cognitive biases and false interpolations so... understandable. "x=y because I say it does, trust me I'm an expert lololo." =Jack
Tell me Southern, why do you think rich kids are honorless brats?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Because I have never met one that wasn’t. You have just been added to that list.
You should reconsider because that's very poor reasoning. How many people have you even met? I'd be so very delighted to look upon such a small sample size as direct proof of your claim. *eye roll*

Also, "relatively?" What's wrong with being a millionaire? You have too many hangups to count.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Maybe since you had your butler read this to you aloud it wasn’t very clear so I will reiterate.
Dude, I wish I had a butler.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Let’s see how Aristotle interprets this comment.
I still don't understand this little meme of yours. First you call me a high priest, then you compare me to Aristotle. What is it about my speaking style that intimidates you so, little one?

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Being wealthy doesn’t mean you are bad= swg hates all rich people? You really can’t go one post without turning what I said on its head.
You're the one who constantly misinterprets peoples' messages, not me. I simply highlight the flaws in your arguments. You literally put a limitation on wealth by putting the word relatively in parentheses. Oh well, I don't blame you too much. Most of your bullshit is unconscious after all.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
And I know you think this is a personal thing but it’s not. It doesn’t matter to me if it was you or any other member making that comment, I would have responded in the same way.
I didn't think so until you said it just now.
Jack said:
Character is born through trials and tribulations and they went through all that in an extreme form.
There's other ways to build character.
Jack said:
You can't create fanatical revolutionaries with nothing to lose while simultaneously engaging in various creature comforts.

Jack said:
What I was saying is contrasting in a general sense the view about economics and its relationship with birth rate which most people don't understand. If you just search this now you will find that economically stable people tend to have less children (not more) and the economically stronger nations tend to have less children (Europeans and Japanese are examples.) So I was trying to contrast this with the example of growing up in poverty which shapes the Character.
I blame marxist school programming and tv propaganda for this one. A while back, wealthy households would have big families.

Jack said:
This is just how the world works.
Because of jews.
Jack said:
You can simply look at history to see if in right or wrong. It moves in cycles.
Because of jews.
Jack said:
Only through great suffering were heroic leaders and revolutionaries born ,which is what we need.
Heroic leaders existed among the wealthy, but the jews tend to kill them off. So yes, you're right in a wrong sort of way. RIGHT NOW heroic revolutionary leaders come from poverty because EVERYONE comes from poverty. If you haven't noticed, the jews don't let us have wealth.
Jack said:
They then create a glorious civilization which others lead towards decadence and then during the fall another civilization is born from the chaos.

Jack said:
It's no different this Time around in history with the economic collapse and the great reset.
It is different. We're stopping them this time.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Character is born through trials and tribulations and they went through all that in an extreme form.
There's other ways to build character.
Jack said:
You can't create fanatical revolutionaries with nothing to lose while simultaneously engaging in various creature comforts.

Jack said:
What I was saying is contrasting in a general sense the view about economics and its relationship with birth rate which most people don't understand. If you just search this now you will find that economically stable people tend to have less children (not more) and the economically stronger nations tend to have less children (Europeans and Japanese are examples.) So I was trying to contrast this with the example of growing up in poverty which shapes the Character.
I blame marxist school programming and tv propaganda for this one. A while back, wealthy households would have big families.

Jack said:
This is just how the world works.
Because of jews.
Jack said:
You can simply look at history to see if in right or wrong. It moves in cycles.
Because of jews.
Jack said:
Only through great suffering were heroic leaders and revolutionaries born ,which is what we need.
Heroic leaders existed among the wealthy, but the jews tend to kill them off. So yes, you're right in a wrong sort of way. RIGHT NOW heroic revolutionary leaders come from poverty because EVERYONE comes from poverty. If you haven't noticed, the jews don't let us have wealth.
Jack said:
They then create a glorious civilization which others lead towards decadence and then during the fall another civilization is born from the chaos.

Jack said:
It's no different this Time around in history with the economic collapse and the great reset.
It is different. We're stopping them this time.
I don't disagree with anything you say and nothing you say discards anything I say. It is not the 1950s and the values of 1950s don't exist at this time so yes, due to marxist feminism rich people and countries tend to have less children. And yes everything about all of this is Jewish. But you can't expect anything different until you physically remove the Jews from this planet. Nothing will change until we do that.

Listen to my prediction here and tell yourself in your mind at the Time it will happen, if I was correct or not. I'm giving you a time frame so it won't be enigmatic - 5 years.

You won't be able to stop the collapse of the economy in a situation not seen in this century in any western nation.

It will happen and you won't be able to stop it, because it is required. Its not a matter of opinion. And a group of fanatics already exist which will only increase during this 5 years. The polarization will increase and go into physical conflict.

And it's not because anyone personally deserves any of this. This is just the way society was manufactured. And not because of jews,only. It was Also because of the weakness of humanity that we have.

I'm just a fool who knows a lot. Don't believe me but you'll believe your eyes and emotions when you experience all this.
jrvan said:
Fanboying over Jack's ideas is a foolish mistake. But neither of you can form a proper argument without 6 million cognitive biases and false interpolations so... understandable. "x=y because I say it does, trust me I'm an expert lololo." =Jack
That’s actually you. I debate from reason, you debate from emotion and morality.
You should reconsider because that's very poor reasoning. How many people have you even met? I'd be so very delighted to look upon such a small sample size as direct proof of your claim. *eye roll*
A fair amount. But you think you are a special boy that is exempt from the rules.

I still don't understand this little meme of yours. First you call me a high priest, then you compare me to Aristotle. What is it about my speaking style that intimidates you so, little one?
You speak with such an unwarranted smug tone. You walk around as if we are nothing without your beta male wisdom, Aristotle.

You're the one who constantly misinterprets peoples' messages, not me. I simply highlight the flaws in your arguments. You literally put a limitation on wealth by putting the word relatively in parentheses. Oh well, I don't blame you too much. Most of your bullshit is unconscious after all.
No one mentioned the word millionaire except you. Relatively means, you have a big house and can afford nice things. Wealth is relative. If you are in a place like NYC where everything is expensive than that wealth won’t be worth as much as it would in a poorer area.
Jack said:
I don't disagree with anything you say and nothing you say discards anything I say. It is not the 1950s and the values of 1950s don't exist at this time so yes, due to marxist feminism rich people and countries tend to have less children. And yes everything about all of this is Jewish. But you can't expect anything different until you physically remove the Jews from this planet. Nothing will change until we do that.

Listen to my prediction here and tell yourself in your mind at the Time it will happen, if I was correct or not. I'm giving you a time frame so it won't be enigmatic - 5 years.

You won't be able to stop the collapse of the economy in a situation not seen in this century in any western nation.

It will happen and you won't be able to stop it, because it is required. Its not a matter of opinion. And a group of fanatics already exist which will only increase during this 5 years. The polarization will increase and go into physical conflict.

And it's not because anyone personally deserves any of this. This is just the way society was manufactured. And not because of jews,only. It was Also because of the weakness of humanity that we have.

I'm just a fool who knows a lot. Don't believe me but you'll believe your eyes and emotions when you experience all this.

Your defeatism is incredible. You've been loudly despairing on the forums for quite some time now while being completely oblivious to the kind of effect that would have on people who take you seriously (too many in my opinion). Especially having spiritually advanced yourself, your words and reactions have a magnified impact on those of less spiritual advancement, and even more so if they have shaky foundations. If you want to prove you're right and manifest the doomsday scenario that you speak of then keep on doing what you're doing because it's the right way to go. The jews will love you for it.
Seriously it's so weird. In one breath you scream at people "DO THE FREAKING RTR!" and then in the next you're all like "WEZ ALL D00m3d!1!"

I for one reject your prophecy, and I'm going to do my best in the group rituals to overturn it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
That’s actually you. I debate from reason, you debate from emotion and morality.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A fair amount. But you think you are a special boy that is exempt from the rules.
Lol. Which rules exactly?

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You speak with such an unwarranted smug tone. You walk around as if we are nothing without your beta male wisdom, Aristotle.
You have a problem with rich people, you have a problem with "smug" people (people who sound smarter than you), you have a problem with males defying magazine norms that have nothing to do with true manhood. Honestly you seem to have a problem with everyone who isn't you. You're just a miserable, angry little boy, and unless you manage to snap out of your programmed perceptions then you're going to either die alone, or next to someone who is as toxic and miserable as you are. No healthy, self respecting person would ever want to be with you.
As for me, I will continue to contribute what I can to my family in Satan, and if immature redneck caricatures like you think I sound "smug" while doing so then fine. Think what you want, fool.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
No one mentioned the word millionaire except you. Relatively means, you have a big house and can afford nice things. Wealth is relative. If you are in a place like NYC where everything is expensive than that wealth won’t be worth as much as it would in a poorer area.
Not even going to touch this. You're so confused.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I don't disagree with anything you say and nothing you say discards anything I say. It is not the 1950s and the values of 1950s don't exist at this time so yes, due to marxist feminism rich people and countries tend to have less children. And yes everything about all of this is Jewish. But you can't expect anything different until you physically remove the Jews from this planet. Nothing will change until we do that.

Listen to my prediction here and tell yourself in your mind at the Time it will happen, if I was correct or not. I'm giving you a time frame so it won't be enigmatic - 5 years.

You won't be able to stop the collapse of the economy in a situation not seen in this century in any western nation.

It will happen and you won't be able to stop it, because it is required. Its not a matter of opinion. And a group of fanatics already exist which will only increase during this 5 years. The polarization will increase and go into physical conflict.

And it's not because anyone personally deserves any of this. This is just the way society was manufactured. And not because of jews,only. It was Also because of the weakness of humanity that we have.

I'm just a fool who knows a lot. Don't believe me but you'll believe your eyes and emotions when you experience all this.

Your defeatism is incredible. You've been loudly despairing on the forums for quite some time now while being completely oblivious to the kind of effect that would have on people who take you seriously (too many in my opinion). Especially having spiritually advanced yourself, your words and reactions have a magnified impact on those of less spiritual advancement, and even more so if they have shaky foundations. If you want to prove you're right and manifest the doomsday scenario that you speak of then keep on doing what you're doing because it's the right way to go. The jews will love you for it.
Seriously it's so weird. In one breath you scream at people "DO THE FREAKING RTR!" and then in the next you're all like "WEZ ALL D00m3d!1!"

I for one reject your prophecy, and I'm going to do my best in the group rituals to overturn it.
I never said we're all Doomed. I for one am not even concerned about myself or the people who depend on me because I trust in my ability to save myself and them.

Doing the RTR is not going to prevent the massive suffering and poverty that is coming. If you think that is what the RTR is intended to do, then you have a fundamentally flawed understanding about spiritual warfare and our world and your place in it.

The RTR is used to facilitate energies in such a way that instead of the Jews, we use events to our cause. The economy has already collapsed. You don't know it yet because there is massive money printing on an industrial scale and the US is still recognized as the Global Reserve Currency. The central banks have made it abundantly clear many times over that this lockdown hoax was a ruse to create said collapse and usher in the one world currency which they are poised to do.

Nothing you can do will change the trajectory of something that has already happened. However what the RTR can do is use the mass suffering as a tool to turn the masses against the jews. This is not fantasy land. You can't save everyone and maintain an already destroyed civilization. It's a decadent thing that was long overdue . I welcome the coming times so people will get to despair and realize that the things they cared about were useless and realize their real place in this world.

Stop being delusional and realize how much trouble we are in. This is not q anon and the people have no plan. We are inside a highly sophisticated technocratic system of transformation. The only hope we have is that people will physically revolt after so much of their rights have been stripped away and they suffer so much that they physically start resisting en masse at a scale the system collapses. Everything that the Globalist plan dictates has already happened. The jews were successful in taking over all major countries and they successfully created the lockdown hoax to successfully crash the dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. They've already started a war against whites which they say will escalate further into physical confrontations. The only thing both they and us are waiting for, is the effects of hyperinflation to become apparent and start the mass polarization of the country so that the people start physically resisting en masse. Everything else has already happened. Preparation for the coming times can mean the difference between life and death.

These Globalists call this, "The Final Revolution ". They are prepared to die for their cause ,and they've already anticipated that a massive amount of the population will be agitated to turn violent against them. They've had decades to prepare for this and they've anticipated all of what's happening. They are fanatics who will stop at nothing. What we are yet to see is how quickly the masses will start physically resisting. There is no constitutional path forward and there is no judicial path forward. The only thing that can happen is a revolution. I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't want to sound alarmist. But surely you must know it's not going to be solved without trials and tribulations ? Majority of Humans live inside their heads selfishly caring only for themselves and are delusionally ignorant of the situation in the world and their place in it. They need a shock so great that they are permanently awoken by force.
jrvan said:
You have a problem with rich people
Rich people have a problem with me.

you have a problem with "smug" people (people who sound smarter than you),
Yeah people that SOUND smarter than me, that doesn’t mean they actually are. If you notice lots of people on the side of the enemy are very smooth talkers and use language that easily deceives stupid people. I’m the opposite of that. I enjoy it very much when people underestimate me. If you could hear me talk you would think listen to this idiot, but you just made a big mistake. You have left yourself open for me to mindfuck you. That’s why many people can’t deal with me. I see though everyone.

you have a problem with males defying magazine norms that have nothing to do with true manhood.
This is not a tabloid magazine. I have a problem with weakness. I want Jrvan to be able to kick my ass if I were to mess with him, not roll over or be nice.

Honestly you seem to have a problem with everyone who isn't you.
You seem to have a problem with everyone that doesn’t act like Socrates. There’s no reason to be something you’re not.

You're just a miserable, angry little boy, and unless you manage to snap out of your programmed perceptions then you're going to either die alone, or next to someone who is as toxic and miserable as you are. No healthy, self respecting person would ever want to be with you.
I may die alone but not for the reason you think.

As for me, I will continue to contribute what I can to my family in Satan, and if immature redneck caricatures like you think I sound "smug" while doing so then fine. Think what you want, fool.
Thank you Socrates. I was afraid you were going to stop distributing your wisdom to all of us little people.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I don't disagree with anything you say and nothing you say discards anything I say. It is not the 1950s and the values of 1950s don't exist at this time so yes, due to marxist feminism rich people and countries tend to have less children. And yes everything about all of this is Jewish. But you can't expect anything different until you physically remove the Jews from this planet. Nothing will change until we do that.

Listen to my prediction here and tell yourself in your mind at the Time it will happen, if I was correct or not. I'm giving you a time frame so it won't be enigmatic - 5 years.

You won't be able to stop the collapse of the economy in a situation not seen in this century in any western nation.

It will happen and you won't be able to stop it, because it is required. Its not a matter of opinion. And a group of fanatics already exist which will only increase during this 5 years. The polarization will increase and go into physical conflict.

And it's not because anyone personally deserves any of this. This is just the way society was manufactured. And not because of jews,only. It was Also because of the weakness of humanity that we have.

I'm just a fool who knows a lot. Don't believe me but you'll believe your eyes and emotions when you experience all this.

Your defeatism is incredible. You've been loudly despairing on the forums for quite some time now while being completely oblivious to the kind of effect that would have on people who take you seriously (too many in my opinion). Especially having spiritually advanced yourself, your words and reactions have a magnified impact on those of less spiritual advancement, and even more so if they have shaky foundations. If you want to prove you're right and manifest the doomsday scenario that you speak of then keep on doing what you're doing because it's the right way to go. The jews will love you for it.
Seriously it's so weird. In one breath you scream at people "DO THE FREAKING RTR!" and then in the next you're all like "WEZ ALL D00m3d!1!"

I for one reject your prophecy, and I'm going to do my best in the group rituals to overturn it.
I never said we're all Doomed. I for one am not even concerned about myself or the people who depend on me because I trust in my ability to save myself and them.

Doing the RTR is not going to prevent the massive suffering and poverty that is coming. If you think that is what the RTR is intended to do, then you have a fundamentally flawed understanding about spiritual warfare and our world and your place in it.

The RTR is used to facilitate energies in such a way that instead of the Jews, we use events to our cause. The economy has already collapsed. You don't know it yet because there is massive money printing on an industrial scale and the US is still recognized as the Global Reserve Currency. The central banks have made it abundantly clear many times over that this lockdown hoax was a ruse to create said collapse and usher in the one world currency which they are poised to do.

Nothing you can do will change the trajectory of something that has already happened. However what the RTR can do is use the mass suffering as a tool to turn the masses against the jews. This is not fantasy land. You can't save everyone and maintain an already destroyed civilization. It's a decadent thing that was long overdue . I welcome the coming times so people will get to despair and realize that the things they cared about were useless and realize their real place in this world.

Stop being delusional and realize how much trouble we are in. This is not q anon and the people have no plan. We are inside a highly sophisticated technocratic system of transformation. The only hope we have is that people will physically revolt after so much of their rights have been stripped away and they suffer so much that they physically start resisting en masse at a scale the system collapses. Everything that the Globalist plan dictates has already happened. The jews were successful in taking over all major countries and they successfully created the lockdown hoax to successfully crash the dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. They've already started a war against whites which they say will escalate further into physical confrontations. The only thing both they and us are waiting for, is the effects of hyperinflation to become apparent and start the mass polarization of the country so that the people start physically resisting en masse. Everything else has already happened. Preparation for the coming times can mean the difference between life and death.

These Globalists call this, "The Final Revolution ". They are prepared to die for their cause ,and they've already anticipated that a massive amount of the population will be agitated to turn violent against them. They've had decades to prepare for this and they've anticipated all of what's happening. They are fanatics who will stop at nothing. What we are yet to see is how quickly the masses will start physically resisting. There is no constitutional path forward and there is no judicial path forward. The only thing that can happen is a revolution. I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't want to sound alarmist. But surely you must know it's not going to be solved without trials and tribulations ? Majority of Humans live inside their heads selfishly caring only for themselves and are delusionally ignorant of the situation in the world and their place in it. They need a shock so great that they are permanently awoken by force.

You're incorrect to assume my lack of understanding. I do and have understood the severity of the situation for months now. I know people are going to suffer because I'm reading the same posts that you are. However, just because the financial system collapses doesn't mean the nation itself is destroyed. It might undergo a turbulent transformation like it has in the past, but I believe people will be flying the same US flag when all is said and done. After all, the entire reason for peoples' lack of wealth is because they don't own their labor. Once the jews are cast out, suddenly people will have money again because labor is money. Things will rebuild, and especially fast because of the current level of innovativeness, industry, and all. It's not like all the machines we have are going anywhere (we're literally entering the age of Aquarius = technology to the max). Rebuilding after all jewish debts have been de facto canceled is going to be a breeze. Every nation has always gotten better after the jews were banished.

As for the RTRs, it's literally canceling the manifestations of their plans. I feel very comfortable because I know that once upon a time they had the ability to nuke us, and now they don't. I'm not worried about a little bit of a temporary flirt with communism that's only going to last a couple of years. Especially since I know that the Gods have my back, my Creator has my back, my entire family in Satan has my back. We're all in this together, and we've already won. Now it's just a matter of keeping up with the rituals to ensure that things the jews continue to try don't manifest. Never before in history have we had the upper hand to this extent. That's why I say it's different this time because it IS. You're the one who can't see that, and you did say we're doomed so don't fucking lie. I'll show you your own comment. One of them was conveniently deleted from your signature quotes. Here's the other:
Jack said:
Its OVER. Trump finally Conceded after Republicans and the VP didn't object to the certification. The Purge of Patriots imminent.

In fact, I'll throw in one more for good measure.
Jack said:
And this is just the beginning. The people let these Jews take away their fundamental rights - and they are NEVER coming back. They plan on going on an absolute rampage with shock and awe tactics to disorient the population into total submission. Which they will do beginning with the inauguration. There are planning Year Zero on a scale that hasn't been done in any communist revolution previously. Its a nostalgic moment as I'm able to communicate with you about this because soon they will totally shut down any form of communication where you can say the truth.

You don't have resources, money or organizational capability. But you have the most precious resources of People. But random uncoordinated action will only damage the Nationalist struggle. They took away your ability to coordinate and will soon come after every alternative media. This is the most sophisticated communist takeover (after learning from various research) till date.

Every single Nationalist needs to be prepared to go to jail or a fema camp because otherwise, there is nothing politically that you can do. You need to forget about what you were or what you wanted to become and become fanatics against the system.

Until 80 million people take to the streets and refuse to leave until they overthrow the government, regardless of Q anon false flags ,regardless of going to jail. Because in this precarious moment there is no hope for anything left other than going all in.

Until people have fear in their hearts - fear of having their jobs taken away and their material lives destroyed, fear of persecution, fear of jail time, fear of death. Until you have fear, the Jews hold you hostage and there is no way to let go. A non violent civil disobedience movement can do great damage to them.

You're afraid, Jack. It's so evident in the way you've been talking for months. If you don't have faith in what we're all doing, in all of the colossal efforts put forth by HPHC, and by HPS Maxine, and everyone else who has made massive contributions, then at the very least you can refrain from leaking your fear over into your brothers and sisters. It's counterproductive, and it's harmful.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Rich people have a problem with me.
Thanks for the laugh. This is hilarious.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Yeah people that SOUND smarter than me, that doesn’t mean they actually are. If you notice lots of people on the side of the enemy are very smooth talkers and use language that easily deceives stupid people. I’m the opposite of that. I enjoy it very much when people underestimate me. If you could hear me talk you would think listen to this idiot, but you just made a big mistake. You have left yourself open for me to mindfuck you. That’s why many people can’t deal with me. I see though everyone.
If you say so.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This is not a tabloid magazine. I have a problem with weakness. I want Jrvan to be able to kick my ass if I were to mess with him, not roll over or be nice.
I'm not going to physically harm my family. And you do act like men are supposed to all conform to the same trope. You just recently tried to speak for the entire male sex by saying we're all horny freaks who will fuck anything. You don't see it, but you're like a miniature Charlie Sheen. It's kind of funny now, but back when I was taking you seriously I found it offensive.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You seem to have a problem with everyone that doesn’t act like Socrates. There’s no reason to be something you’re not.
OH, I'm SOCRATES now! Yes, I say, the unexamined life is not worth living! You can hang me, but I shall never die hahaha.
I am the way I am, and if I sound like a philosopher then that's merely a coincidence rather than me trying to be something I'm not. I don't have a problem with other people not sounding like a philosopher. I like seeing new people with their uniqueness. I don't however like being called a cuck by my family. I really did think better of you before you did that. I even stood up for you one time.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I may die alone but not for the reason you think.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Thank you Socrates. I was afraid you were going to stop distributing your wisdom to all of us little people.
Don't mention it.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Your defeatism is incredible. You've been loudly despairing on the forums for quite some time now while being completely oblivious to the kind of effect that would have on people who take you seriously (too many in my opinion). Especially having spiritually advanced yourself, your words and reactions have a magnified impact on those of less spiritual advancement, and even more so if they have shaky foundations. If you want to prove you're right and manifest the doomsday scenario that you speak of then keep on doing what you're doing because it's the right way to go. The jews will love you for it.
Seriously it's so weird. In one breath you scream at people "DO THE FREAKING RTR!" and then in the next you're all like "WEZ ALL D00m3d!1!"

I for one reject your prophecy, and I'm going to do my best in the group rituals to overturn it.
I never said we're all Doomed. I for one am not even concerned about myself or the people who depend on me because I trust in my ability to save myself and them.

Doing the RTR is not going to prevent the massive suffering and poverty that is coming. If you think that is what the RTR is intended to do, then you have a fundamentally flawed understanding about spiritual warfare and our world and your place in it.

The RTR is used to facilitate energies in such a way that instead of the Jews, we use events to our cause. The economy has already collapsed. You don't know it yet because there is massive money printing on an industrial scale and the US is still recognized as the Global Reserve Currency. The central banks have made it abundantly clear many times over that this lockdown hoax was a ruse to create said collapse and usher in the one world currency which they are poised to do.

Nothing you can do will change the trajectory of something that has already happened. However what the RTR can do is use the mass suffering as a tool to turn the masses against the jews. This is not fantasy land. You can't save everyone and maintain an already destroyed civilization. It's a decadent thing that was long overdue . I welcome the coming times so people will get to despair and realize that the things they cared about were useless and realize their real place in this world.

Stop being delusional and realize how much trouble we are in. This is not q anon and the people have no plan. We are inside a highly sophisticated technocratic system of transformation. The only hope we have is that people will physically revolt after so much of their rights have been stripped away and they suffer so much that they physically start resisting en masse at a scale the system collapses. Everything that the Globalist plan dictates has already happened. The jews were successful in taking over all major countries and they successfully created the lockdown hoax to successfully crash the dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. They've already started a war against whites which they say will escalate further into physical confrontations. The only thing both they and us are waiting for, is the effects of hyperinflation to become apparent and start the mass polarization of the country so that the people start physically resisting en masse. Everything else has already happened. Preparation for the coming times can mean the difference between life and death.

These Globalists call this, "The Final Revolution ". They are prepared to die for their cause ,and they've already anticipated that a massive amount of the population will be agitated to turn violent against them. They've had decades to prepare for this and they've anticipated all of what's happening. They are fanatics who will stop at nothing. What we are yet to see is how quickly the masses will start physically resisting. There is no constitutional path forward and there is no judicial path forward. The only thing that can happen is a revolution. I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't want to sound alarmist. But surely you must know it's not going to be solved without trials and tribulations ? Majority of Humans live inside their heads selfishly caring only for themselves and are delusionally ignorant of the situation in the world and their place in it. They need a shock so great that they are permanently awoken by force.

You're incorrect to assume my lack of understanding. I do and have understood the severity of the situation for months now. I know people are going to suffer because I'm reading the same posts that you are. However, just because the financial system collapses doesn't mean the nation itself is destroyed. It might undergo a turbulent transformation like it has in the past, but I believe people will be flying the same US flag when all is said and done. After all, the entire reason for peoples' lack of wealth is because they don't own their labor. Once the jews are cast out, suddenly people will have money again because labor is money. Things will rebuild, and especially fast because of the current level of innovativeness, industry, and all. It's not like all the machines we have are going anywhere (we're literally entering the age of Aquarius = technology to the max). Rebuilding after all jewish debts have been de facto canceled is going to be a breeze. Every nation has always gotten better after the jews were banished.

As for the RTRs, it's literally canceling the manifestations of their plans. I feel very comfortable because I know that once upon a time they had the ability to nuke us, and now they don't. I'm not worried about a little bit of a temporary flirt with communism that's only going to last a couple of years. Especially since I know that the Gods have my back, my Creator has my back, my entire family in Satan has my back. We're all in this together, and we've already won. Now it's just a matter of keeping up with the rituals to ensure that things the jews continue to try don't manifest. Never before in history have we had the upper hand to this extent. That's why I say it's different this time because it IS. You're the one who can't see that, and you did say we're doomed so don't fucking lie. I'll show you your own comment. One of them was conveniently deleted from your signature quotes. Here's the other:
Jack said:
Its OVER. Trump finally Conceded after Republicans and the VP didn't object to the certification. The Purge of Patriots imminent.

In fact, I'll throw in one more for good measure.
Jack said:
And this is just the beginning. The people let these Jews take away their fundamental rights - and they are NEVER coming back. They plan on going on an absolute rampage with shock and awe tactics to disorient the population into total submission. Which they will do beginning with the inauguration. There are planning Year Zero on a scale that hasn't been done in any communist revolution previously. Its a nostalgic moment as I'm able to communicate with you about this because soon they will totally shut down any form of communication where you can say the truth.

You don't have resources, money or organizational capability. But you have the most precious resources of People. But random uncoordinated action will only damage the Nationalist struggle. They took away your ability to coordinate and will soon come after every alternative media. This is the most sophisticated communist takeover (after learning from various research) till date.

Every single Nationalist needs to be prepared to go to jail or a fema camp because otherwise, there is nothing politically that you can do. You need to forget about what you were or what you wanted to become and become fanatics against the system.

Until 80 million people take to the streets and refuse to leave until they overthrow the government, regardless of Q anon false flags ,regardless of going to jail. Because in this precarious moment there is no hope for anything left other than going all in.

Until people have fear in their hearts - fear of having their jobs taken away and their material lives destroyed, fear of persecution, fear of jail time, fear of death. Until you have fear, the Jews hold you hostage and there is no way to let go. A non violent civil disobedience movement can do great damage to them.

You're afraid, Jack. It's so evident in the way you've been talking for months. If you don't have faith in what we're all doing, in all of the colossal efforts put forth by HPHC, and by HPS Maxine, and everyone else who has made massive contributions, then at the very least you can refrain from leaking your fear over into your brothers and sisters. It's counterproductive, and it's harmful.
I am referring the end of the American Empire which happened on January 20th after which your rights were taken away. The American Empire I.e the American constitution and the rights guaranteed from it are infact NEVER coming back.

That is to say the Republican demoracy system will never come back in an official form.

I don't however believe that our entire war effort is over, just because America has been taken over. Empires collapse, but the people still remain. I have hope that people will revolt and overthrow the government after a revolution.

But the next form of government will be hierarchical like NS in nature, not constitutional Republicanism. I do believe they won't be able to manifest their entire plan and will be defeated after a historic struggle, so I think its just miscommunication and we agree on all this.
jrvan said:
Thanks for the laugh. This is hilarious.
It’s not hilarious. Once someone has a certain amount of wealth they turn into a shell of themselves that only cares about getting more money.

I'm not going to physically harm my family.
You should if they try to harm you. You suffer from the Christian mentality of turn the other cheek.

And you do act like men are supposed to all conform to the same trope.
Not all men have to be the exact same BUT everyone should be striving towards the same goal as a man.

You just recently tried to speak for the entire male sex by saying we're all horny freaks who will fuck anything.
I am a male so I have the right to speak for the male sex. Sometimes it’s seems like you aren’t one based on some of these hysterical replies. “All men are horny freaks muh dikkk” is that seriously all you got out of my comment? I thought Socrates was supposed to be great at examining the bigger picture. Let’s see what you said on that post.

jrvan said:
I used to weigh over 300 pounds
Obesity=Low testosterone. This is why you take issue with my comment. If you were to go a month without masturbation it would be surprising to see what you are attracted to, but since you possibly suffer from a porn addiction you only like the pornstar body type while I find beauty in all of our women whether regardless of if they are short or tall, blonde, brown or red haired and yes even thin or curvy. Who is the bad one here?

Also, ignore InsensitiveWhiteDouchebag. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
I don’t know I’m talking about because I just told this girl how she shouldn’t Fret over thinking her body is unappealing because there will be someone that likes it. What better advice could there be? Would YOU like to speak for the entire male sex and say that we only enjoy one type of body and that yes she is fat ugly and unloveable? And you call me the insensitive one.
You don't see it, but you're like a miniature Charlie Sheen.
Do not compare me to such a cretin, though like Charlie I am WINNING.

It's kind of funny now, but back when I was taking you seriously I found it offensive.
Take me however you want. I’m not here for anyone’s approval. If you think what I said is offensive than we will have a discussion like we are right now.

I like seeing new people with their uniqueness. I don't however like being called a cuck by my family.
Still upset over that comment like a scorned woman. Get over it already. I thought there was an understanding reached on that post.

I really did think better of you before you did that. I even stood up for you one time.
I don’t recall. But I have a pair of arms and legs and a head on my shoulders. I can fight for myself. I’m not a swamp creature that needs a mob behind me ready to attack.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
It’s not hilarious. Once someone has a certain amount of wealth they turn into a shell of themselves that only cares about getting more money.
Wrong. You can't assert that as a truth because it doesn't apply to everyone.

I'm not going to physically harm my family.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You should if they try to harm you. You suffer from the Christian mentality of turn the other cheek.
In the first place, my family isn't going to try to physically harm me. If they hypothetically did then I would defend myself naturally.

And you do act like men are supposed to all conform to the same trope.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Not all men have to be the exact same BUT everyone should be striving towards the same goal as a man.
I can't even. This is too fucking stupid. Anyone who reads this will know for themselves how foolish you are.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I am a male so I have the right to speak for the male sex.
NO you DON'T. NO ONE does. Once again you say something that completely highlights your stupidity.

jrvan said:
I used to weigh over 300 pounds
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Obesity=Low testosterone. This is why you take issue with my comment. If you were to go a month without masturbation it would be surprising to see what you are attracted to, but since you possibly suffer from a porn addiction you only like the pornstar body type while I find beauty in all of our women whether regardless of if they are short or tall, blonde, brown or red haired and yes even thin or curvy. Who is the bad one here?
Don't bring my weight into this you asshole. I worked hard to change my life. I lost 140 pounds, and I'm still working on it. You're a really low piece of shit to go there. I don't have a porn addiction, you're just making things up about me. I also don't tell women what they should look like, you're lying.

Also, ignore InsensitiveWhiteDouchebag. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I don’t know I’m talking about because I just told this girl how she shouldn’t Fret over thinking her body is unappealing because there will be someone that likes it. What better advice could there be? Would YOU like to speak for the entire male sex and say that we only enjoy one type of body and that yes she is fat ugly and unloveable? And you call me the insensitive one.
You're insensitive because you didn't even understand what she was talking about, and you made it about relationships. She's depressed because she is socially isolated, not because she can't attract a partner. She wants to be healthier, and she feels slightly insecure about the shape of her body. There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance.
And you also assumed she was into guys when she already stated that she's strictly attracted to women.

I don't make the mistake of assuming all men want the same thing. Stop lying.

I like seeing new people with their uniqueness. I don't however like being called a cuck by my family.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Still upset over that comment like a scorned woman. Get over it already. I thought there was an understanding reached on that post.
No, I'm not letting that go, and I never will. It's permanently on your record because you refused to take responsibility for the things you said, and you kept doubling down in your insults towards me. I'm not ever going to forget it. I might accept a proper apology one day when you mature, but I won't forgive you. It's too late for forgiveness.

I really did think better of you before you did that. I even stood up for you one time.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I don’t recall. But I have a pair of arms and legs and a head on my shoulders. I can fight for myself. I’m not a swamp creature that needs a mob behind me ready to attack.
Then don't ever join the military now or in the future because you would get your teammates killed. Be the loner piece of shit that you are, and never talk about National Socialism again because you clearly don't embody its teachings. You're more adapted to radical individualism, and if NS rolled around then you wouldn't be able to handle it.
Jack said:
I am referring the end of the American Empire which happened on January 20th after which your rights were taken away. The American Empire I.e the American constitution and the rights guaranteed from it are infact NEVER coming back.

That is to say the Republican demoracy system will never come back in an official form.

I don't however believe that our entire war effort is over, just because America has been taken over. Empires collapse, but the people still remain. I have hope that people will revolt and overthrow the government after a revolution.

But the next form of government will be hierarchical like NS in nature, not constitutional Republicanism. I do believe they won't be able to manifest their entire plan and will be defeated after a historic struggle, so I think its just miscommunication and we agree on all this.

Okay, I see now. I was only worried about the way your reactions would affect others because whether you're aware of it or not, I have observed that you have a lot of influence on the forums here. Some people seem to look up to you, and listen to what you say. I believe being mindful of the way you use your voice is also important for the war efforts, possibly more than you realize. If they see you losing your cool, or if it looks like you're losing your cool even if you're not, well that's detrimental. Morale is really important.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
