That's a nice thought, but not everyone can reincarnate outside of Earth. Earth is where we belong, other worlds that have been freed and are collectively practising meditation and advancing themselves are on a much much higher plane of existence and vibration.
A human soul is too weak to reincarnate there, it literally cannot survive. Kind of like a human walking up to an active volcano, they will very quickly perish as they are not acclimatised to the conditions, even though, there are many animals that not only live but thrive in such conditions.
Have you ever wondered why VIP souls still reside in the astral planes of hell and haven't been reincarnated yet into a world that is not hostile to them like Earth?
Earth is where we advance to move up, it is our home, the Gods won't always be here to wipe our asses every time we let the jew thrash our planet, whether it be toxic train derailment or nuclear war, we must do everything in our power to keep the Earth safe.