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Ideas about a series of bad dreams


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Hi, everyone who is worth saying hi to.

I wouldn't have posted this, but seeing as I had reasd Syntax's dream post, I thought I'd might as well.

Some of you might know my usual response to dream-interpretation posts being made, that "we are not you so we cannot tell you what it means" and "it's not very wise to share an idea of what your dream might or might not mean, if it means anything at all"...BUUUT a while ago I had a similar type of dream which I have had twice before, years ago (that I can remember; I rarely remember my dreams).

A bit about my dreaming type first. My dreams tend to be more as if I am watching a programme or a film, cutting from scene to scene, with no logical sense nor connection. In this way, it can make sense because film and programme stories tend to do that a lot (but hopefully they do have sense and connection); however, in the dream, while that also makes sense, when waking up back into real-life, the...sense of sense fades, and the things...well, just don't make as much sense while my Brain is waking up to the waking world, as I consider what I dreamt. It's as if one is in a drunken stupour which makes sense, but then when sober, one realises, "The fuck? That didn't make sense". These dreams below, or a part of them which I can remember, seemed to flow more properly.

I forgot the order in which these first 2 dreams below happened, so either they are in this order I am posting them in, or in the reverse order I am posting them in. I don't think it matters at all, though.

Ages and ages ago, I had a dream about being in quite a nice, posh house somewhere. It wasn't mine. I might have been a guest there, or it could have been like a posh person's house who no longer lives there who opened it up to the public. On the outside, you can see what the house looks like and its size, but on the inside it seemed bigger. I was going through different rooms and either me as the character of Me in my dream...or me as the 'observer', 'watching' the dream as an audience member, knew that something wasn't right about going into a certain upstairs or higher (ground, first, second floors) room. While the size of the house should have been whatever it was, this upper-floor room seemed to break the laws of physics and 'fit in' to the house size. (Perhaps, from the angle viewed outside, I couldn't see the full size of the house.) For some reason, either the character Me or the audience member me knew that I should not go upstairs onto a floor/into a room. It was a bit like a horror film, with evil spirit-type things in there, all frightening and scary.

Another dream I had was very similar. I think it was in like a tower block building, maybe like a hotel or an office building. I can remember being in a place similar to what a construction site looks like with girders and no walls/cladding, etc., but this was more like a basement or perhaps crawl space in/under a bulding, which was complete with full building works being finished. Perhaps it was like a storage room, quite dark and gloomy, or like a much larger room area of the bottom a lift shaft. I hope this helps you understand the type of place I was in. Strangely, I was climbing up/down a ladder or girder-type things, through the inside of the building, or like outside of the rooms of the building but inside like a bulkhead/service-type area, which shouldn't be occupied by uncertified and non-qualified persons. Similar to the dream above, I knew that I shouldn't have gone into a particular higher-floor room or attic/loft because there were evil, malevolent spirits and things there, which were scary and frightening.

I think in both of these two dreams, I knew I shouldn't go up but I was curious and wanted to know. These two dreams I had ages ago. This next dream I had much more recently.

I was in a terraced or semi-detached house of a christian couple I used to know (after waking up, it seemed like I knew where the house was), but the owners/occupiers of the house were not the same people as who I knew lived there in real-life. I was at the front door inside the hallways near the stairs, and I moved to the side of the stairs to look at something on the wall. The female occupier/owner of the house decided she wanted to go upstairs for something, but I just knew that she shouldn't (I can't know if I knew because of what happened to the Me character in the previous 2 dreams, or if I, as the audience observer knew, from what happened to the character I was waching of/as Me). I tried grabbing her as she want upstairs, but as is typical in dreams and horrors, I couldn't quite reach her and I missed her, and she went up...to encounter scary, evil, malevolent spirits which were very frightnening, and I couldn't do anything about that. When I was in the hallways, some seemed to 'come up' from the ground around me.

I have a bit of an imagination, and so while typing this I kept getting cold shivers down my spine and I started imagining silly thoughts only a young Child would have about this, considering it is pitch black outside at the moment! The first two dreams I had long before I knew about Spiritual Satanism, but this third was was much more recent.

Again - I know you're not me and you can't know what it means, if it means anything at all, but from being able to remember these, this is the 3rd time I have had a dream, twice ages ago and once more recently, about going upstairs/to a higher floor and having, or someone else encountering, evil, scary, frightening things.

Considering that rarely do I remember my dreams, I would say these are more like nightmares, but I was more uneasy than shit scared upon waking up. What might you think about these recurring dreams/nightmares?

The last one especially, it seems like something really bad happened to her in that room. And that energy from the event still exists there astrally. And you sensed that energy when you were asleep floating around.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
