ConsistentMeditator said:
What you said about the Kaaba originally being engraved with pagan idols sounds convincing since even the Qu'ran admits the Kaaba is a stolen artifact, but I do think that it shows what is going on here.
If I am not mistaken, it was (is) the Kaaba ("great mosque of jizzlam") in Mecca which has been engraved with hebrew letters/words, as well. This has supposedly being debunked, but
of course it "would be".
Even if it just means the Jews named their Kabbalah after totally stolen Pagan ideas, i do think the name similarity is not a coincidence.
Oh, definitely it is not a coincidence or accident. More like a cohencidence i.e. deliberate but seeming to be accidental and done by the jew, naturally. The jew knows that there needs to be a connection; i.e. like I said the cube for islam and the cross which folds into/out of a cube for christianity. They are very similar/practically the same, and it must be connected. I do suspect, that since Satan (Satanas (I think it's Satanas, as opposed to Satanama, but either way)) is Satan's actual name, that the variations, such as Wodan/Wotan, Odin, etc., (and the religions/practices thereof) were slow-but-sure corruptions over the centuries to inch further and further away from the actual, correct name, this being dissimilation, and then as always the jew used dissimilation further to "change" the meaning of the word/name, trying to destroy and/or hide/corrupt original Sanskrit and pretend that hebrew is a werry aynshunt langwidge.
But rather than for any good purpose like the Kaaba might've been originally intended for, they are basically meant to bind everyone into being part of what is effectively the Borg from Star Trek.
Did you see NASA's images of an actual Borg-like Borg Cube-type effort of cube ship near the Sun? This has been documented in real life, not just a sci-fi fantasy. Also see "Jesus of Borg" (on this page; scroll down to see -