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VoiceofEnki said:

Thank you for clarifying further. We are in agreement. This will probably be good to reference if need be in the future as a healthy reminder.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Ramier108666 said:
One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong.

I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).
One Wire Phenomenon?

More like,

One Wired Braincell


P. S. Good thing I blocked you after you revived that stupid thread regarding astral spiders. Like really, what were you going for after you joked lightly after insulting lil 'ol me?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lunar Dance 666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Ramier108666 said:
One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong.

I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

I don’t think he grasped in regards to what I was referring to. I made it apparent in another reply to him. Honor for the right reasons should be defended.
However I was referring to the thread on this particular topic that got derailed into a bunch of bickering ends still with the same problem. Ones wrong that one places onto another cannot right the wrong one of another. They will have to deal with their wrong. I don’t say turn the other cheek, I say observe and make that choice if it has the correct outcome that will be of benefit for both parties. Senseless bickering gets nowhere.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aside from that on a side note, i truly do not understand the purpose of many members being needlessly rude and arrogant. Like just why would you be like that. Why would you decide to always be egotistical and start fights. this place is literally the only pathway and bridge of communication that the gods have with their disciples.

Simple answer, as we progress and gain power our egos get bigger than being surrounded by NPCs the ego inflates further knowing you're above the average mass and until ego death happens an inflated ego is hard to keep in check, especially when emotions r invested.
NinRick said:
And you think you need to teach me?


NinRick said:
Aren’t you passive aggressive pretty frequently?

I'm not passive aggressive. I'm aggressive aggressive.

NinRick said:
Aren’t you arguing many times?

Constantly. The difference is I don't start them.

NinRick said:
What do you want to accomplish?

I want to make you and others like you understand that the basis of civil behavior is keeping one's emotions and ego in check when communicating with others. And make you understand that there is a reason why you find yourself in heated arguments. Which is you start them with your behavior whether you realize it or not.

There is a reason why members such as Blitzkrieg often disagree with others, convey information and even criticisms, and yet it is extremely rare to see Blitzkrieg being a contributor to a circus thread. Which is no matter what is the subject matter, members like the above approach situations and conversations with a modicum of respect towards other members which prevents them from becoming overly emotional and start a pointless argument.

And if you refuse to acknowledge this and instead wish to continue enacting and enabling ape behavior, I'll be first in line to behave like an ape towards you also. I am better at it than you and will out talk you every time so I would recommend you instead just start wording your posts in non inflammatory fashion which is the reason why a majority of arguments happen.

Arguments which would otherwise not happen had such criticisms and information been conveyed in a civil and respectful manner. The shitshow in this thread is 100% caused by you considering the member who started behaving like a clown is repeating behavior he saw from you when you were being a cunt to him for no reason.

Also unrelated but simply feedback on your posting activity. Consider avoiding making posts which contain no informative or educational content and instead consist solely of personal criticisms such as what is seen in the goggles thread. Such posts accomplish nothing and are likely to start arguments where there are none.
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise
Lunar Dance 666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Ramier108666 said:
One wrong does not excuse another’s wrong.

I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

While I can't attest to what he means by honor he does make a good point. Honor is a very loose term and it means something different to different people, but it is important for one to preserve their own mental image of themselves, or "self esteem".

A person's self esteem is a very important component of the human psyche and a healthy soul. Needlessly insulting, demoralizing and demeaning others with the intent to dismantle their self esteem can actually be quite damning especially for people who allow such thoughts to run rampant and taint their mental health.
Smile and wave said:
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise

Why would you be dross? Referring to people as dross means their character loyalty is not aligned with the Gods, for whatever reason. It is less about having a specific character flaw, but whether you want and are trying to do the activities mentioned to help our struggle, plus advance yourself.

As far as your personal expression, if it goes against JOS, then you cannot be surprised when people start to conflict with you. This happens not because we hate you personally, but because many of our lives have been improved from the material on JOS, so we love and defend it.

Any group of people will have a herd mentality, otherwise, they wouldn't be a group. Yet, it shouldn't restrict personal expression to the point of causing pain. However, the situation at JOS has to deal with realities such as enemies who wish to purposely corrupt us.

If you catch hate as an enemy, when in reality you simply wanted to express yourself, then this is just the unfortunate reality that we are dealing with it. How you deal with this, and how you let this alter your relationship with the Gods, is what determines where you are dross or not.

Even if I fought with everyone here, I would never stop meditating, doing RTR's, and spreading JOS knowledge. This is because I am aligned with the core principles. Making friends here is only a secondary goal because you can make friends anywhere. Yet our Satanic path is unique and not found elsewhere; nothing can replace it.

Hopefully, that makes you feel better in some way.
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.
<o> said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aside from that on a side note, i truly do not understand the purpose of many members being needlessly rude and arrogant. Like just why would you be like that. Why would you decide to always be egotistical and start fights. this place is literally the only pathway and bridge of communication that the gods have with their disciples.

Simple answer, as we progress and gain power our egos get bigger than being surrounded by NPCs the ego inflates further knowing you're above the average mass and until ego death happens an inflated ego is hard to keep in check, especially when emotions r invested.

LMAO why do people keep tagging my name with things i never said or posted wtf 😂 🤣
<o> said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aside from that on a side note, i truly do not understand the purpose of many members being needlessly rude and arrogant. Like just why would you be like that. Why would you decide to always be egotistical and start fights. this place is literally the only pathway and bridge of communication that the gods have with their disciples.

Simple answer, as we progress and gain power our egos get bigger than being surrounded by NPCs the ego inflates further knowing you're above the average mass and until ego death happens an inflated ego is hard to keep in check, especially when emotions r invested.

Oh wait nevermind Ol argedco's name tag and mine got twisted in place of each other. :lol:
The Outlaw Torn said:
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.

Hello CNN.
The Outlaw Torn said:
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.

Look in the list of all their posts and do a search for "Jack"

For Tabby, it is 74 out of 485 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 15.3% of all posts.

For Jrvan, it is 203 out of 1251 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 16.2% of all posts.

If you look at Jack's posts, he has mentioned Jrvan 32 times and he has mentioned Tabby 20 times. 10 of these times are mentioning both of them. So total individual times he mentioned either of them was 42 times. Out of  4034 total posts by him so 1% of his posts. And between both of them, they are 6.6 times more likely to mention him than he is to mention either of them.

Jrvan has been here for 20 months and has mentioned Jack 203 times for an average of more than 10 times per month or approximately once every three days. Tabby has been here for 16.5 months and has mentioned Jack 74 times for an average of 4.5 times per month or more than once per week.

These people really are obsessed with him to an insane level and I doubt there is any way to justify such a disproportionately high number. And he has never even mentioned either of them anywhere near the same number of times. It really does look ridiculous. Please check my math in case I made a mistake but I don't think I did.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

While I can't attest to what he means by honor he does make a good point. Honor is a very loose term and it means something different to different people, but it is important for one to preserve their own mental image of themselves, or "self esteem".

A person's self esteem is a very important component of the human psyche and a healthy soul. Needlessly insulting, demoralizing and demeaning others with the intent to dismantle their self esteem can actually be quite damning especially for people who allow such thoughts to run rampant and taint their mental health.

It's easy for Ramier108666 to have a holier-than-thou attitude when he isn't personally involved. One is not doing a "wrong" to defend himself. It's not "bickering."
While I agree that people should seek to stop fighting and de-escalate, I believe that the fighting should stop with the defender giving the last blow, not the attacker.

It's quite clear to me that there's a fight going on between Ol argedco luciftias, VoiceofEnki VS Dahaarkan, jrvan.
Sometimes fighting starts because of power play and sometimes it's because of a misunderstanding. After a prolonged fight, it doesn't matter anymore who started it and why. The fight will go on until one party or the other is made to submit or is eliminated, or is broken up by third parties.
Both parties' honors are on the line. The one that loses is fucked and ostracized from the community, because the other members of the community don't want to get into a fight with the winner(s).
I can sense that jrvan is naive, he's genuinely interested in the truth and the uplifting of the community, which is seen as weakness and thus an opportunity to attack (power play), or it's seen as an attempt to gain power (misunderstanding).

I think it's the latter (misunderstanding) and I'll explain why I think that is the case:
In jrvan's mind, since he's trying to help others, he gives himself the right to be more direct in his approach. As he's not trying to gain anything and he doesn't care if one takes his help or not (he's doing it out of a sense of duty), why tip-toe around a subject? He tries to help, gets attacked, then gets hurt and frustrated. It's like a betrayal to him and a knife in the back. But the frustration doesn't end there and it usually lasts for days, months if not years, which he unconsciously brings into the next exchange, which then leads to misunderstandings and more frustration. The difference this time around is that when he got attacked, he didn't just let it slide. He's not turning the other cheek anymore.

I think that HPHC should get involved and de-escalate the situation without any party suffering loss of reputation and honor because that's what's on the line now.
Smile and wave said:
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise

For those who might read, this is the self admitted infiltrator One Wire Phenomenon who has said openly they are a jew. As with all jews, respecting anything of the Gods of the goy is impossible, so he had to make up his shit argument that is filled with lies on how he loses sleep over the JoS having reacted to his trolling of being a jew, in Beelzebul's thread.

For this reason this crap is being moved.
There is no "fight" between me and any other member. I simply have a habit of mirroring people's tone when responding. If you are disrespectful to me or other members then I will be disrespectful to you also. The purpose of this is as I have stated in an earlier post, the dismantling of the bubble of self importance which makes people think they have a right to disrespect others with impunity.

As disrespecting others is largely tolerated by forum rules, we the members must speak out against what behaviors we accept as a group, and which behaviors we don't. I doubt many will disagree with me when I am simply requesting that people be more calm and respectful in their posts as to avoid arguments, and avoid having me respond to you in kind.

There is no reason why new or inexperienced members should have their self esteem constantly under bombardment from self important members. I must say however, things are dramatically improving and the trend is almost dead.

As for the fight statement, there is no fight between me or anybody else. I can and have disagreed many times with many members like VoE, Ol, Stormblood etc etc. There is no malice or hostility from me towards them because more often than not these are misunderstandings. And when our views differ we simply agree to disagree and go on about our lives.

There's only one character who vehemently attempted to dismantle all my attempts at contributing to this library, who has since stopped this infantile behavior and I hold no grudge against him going forward.

I do think jrvan is overly passionate in his attempts to make the forums are more comfortable and welcoming place, which is more or less the same I'm doing. Although I think he sees malice where there is none. I really don't see any malice from Ol and VoE, just differing views and misunderstanding most of the time.

I would really recommend jrvan and Ol have a private 1on1 conversation away from this noise and all these external intentions. You guys must be surprised at how differently that will go.
The Outlaw Torn said:
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.

Even in a post that has absolutely nothing to do with me, you still have to include me. I'm flattered really, I've never had such dedicated fans before.

Also, rent just went up.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.

Look in the list of all their posts and do a search for "Jack"

For Tabby, it is 74 out of 485 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 15.3% of all posts.

For Jrvan, it is 203 out of 1251 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 16.2% of all posts.

If you look at Jack's posts, he has mentioned Jrvan 32 times and he has mentioned Tabby 20 times. 10 of these times are mentioning both of them. So total individual times he mentioned either of them was 42 times. Out of  4034 total posts by him so 1% of his posts. And between both of them, they are 6.6 times more likely to mention him than he is to mention either of them.

Jrvan has been here for 20 months and has mentioned Jack 203 times for an average of more than 10 times per month or approximately once every three days. Tabby has been here for 16.5 months and has mentioned Jack 74 times for an average of 4.5 times per month or more than once per week.

These people really are obsessed with him to an insane level and I doubt there is any way to justify such a disproportionately high number. And he has never even mentioned either of them anywhere near the same number of times. It really does look ridiculous. Please check my math in case I made a mistake but I don't think I did.

Your mathematical calculations are not complete as they do not do not include any times when nicknames and slander and other references have replaced direct mention of ones username. Unfortunately, that is not something a simple search will bring up to be easily counted unless you are aware of entire conversations or arguments that occur between the separate persons involved.

Otherwise the count for either parties would be significantly different than your statistics here.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

While I can't attest to what he means by honor he does make a good point. Honor is a very loose term and it means something different to different people, but it is important for one to preserve their own mental image of themselves, or "self esteem".

A person's self esteem is a very important component of the human psyche and a healthy soul. Needlessly insulting, demoralizing and demeaning others with the intent to dismantle their self esteem can actually be quite damning especially for people who allow such thoughts to run rampant and taint their mental health.

It's easy for Ramier108666 to have a holier-than-thou attitude when he isn't personally involved. One is not doing a "wrong" to defend himself. It's not "bickering."
While I agree that people should seek to stop fighting and de-escalate, I believe that the fighting should stop with the defender giving the last blow, not the attacker.

It's quite clear to me that there's a fight going on between Ol argedco luciftias, VoiceofEnki VS Dahaarkan, jrvan.
Sometimes fighting starts because of power play and sometimes it's because of a misunderstanding. After a prolonged fight, it doesn't matter anymore who started it and why. The fight will go on until one party or the other is made to submit or is eliminated, or is broken up by third parties.
Both parties' honors are on the line. The one that loses is fucked and ostracized from the community, because the other members of the community don't want to get into a fight with the winner(s).
I can sense that jrvan is naive, he's genuinely interested in the truth and the uplifting of the community, which is seen as weakness and thus an opportunity to attack (power play), or it's seen as an attempt to gain power (misunderstanding).

I think it's the latter (misunderstanding) and I'll explain why I think that is the case:
In jrvan's mind, since he's trying to help others, he gives himself the right to be more direct in his approach. As he's not trying to gain anything and he doesn't care if one takes his help or not (he's doing it out of a sense of duty), why tip-toe around a subject? He tries to help, gets attacked, then gets hurt and frustrated. It's like a betrayal to him and a knife in the back. But the frustration doesn't end there and it usually lasts for days, months if not years, which he unconsciously brings into the next exchange, which then leads to misunderstandings and more frustration. The difference this time around is that when he got attacked, he didn't just let it slide. He's not turning the other cheek anymore.

I think that HPHC should get involved and de-escalate the situation without any party suffering loss of reputation and honor because that's what's on the line now.

I believe you got the wrong idea. I’m not holier than though.

1. This thread at first was the Jew One Wire Phenomenon coming out into the light about his Jewishness and how he deceived us. Hardly for that matter. Many of us were already past the point of caring per se. Only thing wasted was talking to it, but for those that could benefit and keep going, all is fine and well.

2. This fight escalated because some of the members thought it appropriate to go into battle mode about other grievances. I am not about going into long drawn meaningless debates and egotistical feelings of idiocy just because one may feel that way. “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant”— Harlan Ellision.

3. As a member of the JoS, it is also my duty to help keep infighting to a nil and to iron things out. Will that always be the case? No. But endeavor must be done or we risk a a lot of wasted time that could be shared elsewhere and slot of grudges could be averted and/or finished so that it can be a learning curve to others who may run into this.

4. My question to you. Where are you helping to be of benefit? What makes you the proper SS in the Gods eyes that is an example for others? Blitzkrieg and VoiceofEnki are high standing members. Are they not also doing the same thing that I’m doing? Trying to help de-escalate a compounding problem?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Smile and wave said:
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise

For those who might read, this is the self admitted infiltrator One Wire Phenomenon who has said openly they are a jew. As with all jews, respecting anything of the Gods of the goy is impossible, so he had to make up his shit argument that is filled with lies on how he loses sleep over the JoS having reacted to his trolling of being a jew, in Beelzebul's thread.

For this reason this crap is being moved.

Yes i immediately knew intuitively that this new weird account is One Wired Braincell. Thanks for confirming that 🤣🖤♥️💙
I notice that people here are arguing after OwP's post. Honestly, he's from the enemy, he confessed, so why bicker here, especially in a post where he confessed to being the enemy's man? He wanted to start a fight and he succeeded.

Let's not fall for it and let the real SS get into an argument over such a pointless post. Let's not give him the pleasure of provoking us. Calm down, comrades SS.
BrightSpace666 said:
I notice that people here are arguing after OwP's post. Honestly, he's from the enemy, he confessed, so why bicker here, especially in a post where he confessed to being the enemy's man? He wanted to start a fight and he succeeded.

Let's not fall for it and let the real SS get into an argument over such a pointless post. Let's not give him the pleasure of provoking us. Calm down, comrades SS.

Where is this talk of fighting coming from?

Who's fighting?

People are simply expressing themselves and disagreeing on certain things. It's a mostly respectful conversation I don't really see anybody heated or insulting each other besides the person who was addressed and stopped said behavior.

It's a pretty chill discussion all things considered. This is healthy. People do not have to agree on everything, and do not have to like each other. Sometimes they express how they feel about each other. I don't really see anybody going overboard so what's the issue?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
tabby said:
I have mentioned Jack exactly three times to you in our "conversation" here
You people are obsessed. He shouldn’t have been mentioned once. Everything you and jrvan accuse other of doing to you, you do to Jack. Everyone sees it when you write long unhinged paragraphs about him on topics where it is irrelevant. The only thing it can be called is JDS (Jack derangement syndrome). I won’t even get started on the landlord.

Look in the list of all their posts and do a search for "Jack"

For Tabby, it is 74 out of 485 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 15.3% of all posts.

For Jrvan, it is 203 out of 1251 posts that are mentioning Jack or about 16.2% of all posts.

If you look at Jack's posts, he has mentioned Jrvan 32 times and he has mentioned Tabby 20 times. 10 of these times are mentioning both of them. So total individual times he mentioned either of them was 42 times. Out of  4034 total posts by him so 1% of his posts. And between both of them, they are 6.6 times more likely to mention him than he is to mention either of them.

Jrvan has been here for 20 months and has mentioned Jack 203 times for an average of more than 10 times per month or approximately once every three days. Tabby has been here for 16.5 months and has mentioned Jack 74 times for an average of 4.5 times per month or more than once per week.

These people really are obsessed with him to an insane level and I doubt there is any way to justify such a disproportionately high number. And he has never even mentioned either of them anywhere near the same number of times. It really does look ridiculous. Please check my math in case I made a mistake but I don't think I did.

Your false memes about us won't stick anymore. I've made sure of that.

It's a nice attempt, but you've failed.
Smile and wave said:
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise
I have not said it for ages but my attitude is/has been that it can be religious here. It is to be expected, though - we've been programmed for years, decades, centuries, so it is not easy to be individual. It's a forum - many people join, and a lot of those are similar in some ways, so the religiousness and herd mentality will continue for a while, regardless.

You probably don't care, but I skip over the drama. This thread here I have skipped over most of, and the same with other threads of-like.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Smile and wave said:
Let me guess im the dross?

Hahaha this place proves things to me i never expected. Im not even sure if its natural. Not talking about the jew part but the heard mentality. Mob justice reminds me of Christians deep down.

Im not against the JoS at all and the only threat stopping me is you. I hate feeling not being able to express myself or say it as it is.

I feel invincible otherwise
For those who might read, this is the self admitted infiltrator One Wire Phenomenon who has said openly they are a jew.
I presumed so.

BrightSpace666 said:
I notice that people here are arguing after OwP's post. Honestly, he's from the enemy, he confessed, so why bicker here, especially in a post where he confessed to being the enemy's man? He wanted to start a fight and he succeeded.

Let's not fall for it and let the real SS get into an argument over such a pointless post. Let's not give him the pleasure of provoking us. Calm down, comrades SS.
Likewise to what I said above - with many newcomers, and repeated-comers, this is to be expected. I doubt it will stop for a long while yet. We can't expect brand new newbs to behave as we wish them to behave. There's about 8 billion people to wish that upon - and good luck with that struggle!
AgainstAllAuthority said:
It's easy for Ramier108666 to have a holier-than-thou attitude when he isn't personally involved. One is not doing a "wrong" to defend himself. It's not "bickering."
While I agree that people should seek to stop fighting and de-escalate, I believe that the fighting should stop with the defender giving the last blow, not the attacker.

It's quite clear to me that there's a fight going on between Ol argedco luciftias, VoiceofEnki VS Dahaarkan, jrvan.
Sometimes fighting starts because of power play and sometimes it's because of a misunderstanding. After a prolonged fight, it doesn't matter anymore who started it and why. The fight will go on until one party or the other is made to submit or is eliminated, or is broken up by third parties.
Both parties' honors are on the line. The one that loses is fucked and ostracized from the community, because the other members of the community don't want to get into a fight with the winner(s).
I can sense that jrvan is naive, he's genuinely interested in the truth and the uplifting of the community, which is seen as weakness and thus an opportunity to attack (power play), or it's seen as an attempt to gain power (misunderstanding).

I think it's the latter (misunderstanding) and I'll explain why I think that is the case:
In jrvan's mind, since he's trying to help others, he gives himself the right to be more direct in his approach. As he's not trying to gain anything and he doesn't care if one takes his help or not (he's doing it out of a sense of duty), why tip-toe around a subject? He tries to help, gets attacked, then gets hurt and frustrated. It's like a betrayal to him and a knife in the back. But the frustration doesn't end there and it usually lasts for days, months if not years, which he unconsciously brings into the next exchange, which then leads to misunderstandings and more frustration. The difference this time around is that when he got attacked, he didn't just let it slide. He's not turning the other cheek anymore.

I think that HPHC should get involved and de-escalate the situation without any party suffering loss of reputation and honor because that's what's on the line now.

The way one goes about defending themselves, even when unjustly attacked, can de-escalate a situation as well. Although you may not be seen as the initial aggressor, you would still be liable for not taking appropriate de-escalation actions, by way of your words.

I understand this is not easy, and for many requires additional spiritual development. Just know that it is possible to both defend yourself and reduce the aggression in an interaction. If your opponent continues, then they will only make a fool out of themselves.


As far as Jrvan, yes this is true. There are plenty of different emotions involved, and I also believe some karmic patterns as well. Most of the time, it seems like minor disagreements become inappropriately amplified. I have noticed times where Jrvan has been too aggressive, yet others times where he wasn't.

It is not reasonable to sift through a giant thread, trying to "follow" all aspects of the argument to see who is right and who is wrong. Both parties need to recognize when their interaction is getting out of control.


Lastly, although Ramier was not directly involved, the position of a third party is useful for the ability to be more impartial in their judgment of the situation.

Bickering, in this case, is defined as unnecessary fighting, which is different from merely defending oneself.
Smite said:
And also people need to settle out their differences, the grunge's they have had with each other need to come out, like I said it is healthy if they brought it out and addressed it on the table. As everybody here is different and may not agree on some things which is fine.
It is better you leave them alone to vent out and and address any issues and release any tension, that is the only way they can get past it, not acting like a holier than thou who want everyone to just keep quiet and get along.

While I agree with you in principle (when it's done with the desire for a productive outcome and understanding on both sides), I have to say I think Ramier has nothing but good intentions here. I don't believe he is trying to step on anyone's toes, I really didn't get that impression at all. He's allowed to have his say same as anyone, and he is trying to help by giving advice and defusing the situation. He doesn't have any obligation to spend his time trying to help adults stop acting like children and taking things too far in such a petty fashion. It's definitely beneath him, but he does it anyway because he cares about us and wants the best for the forums just like we all should.

Holier-than-thou would be closer to Ninrick's style, in my opinion. Ninrick is very judgmental and seems to look down his nose at people. Ramier doesn't do that.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
10 out of 10 points for infiltrating

Even Cobra can admit to that


Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=349667 time=1651400778 user_id=21286]
Lastly, although Ramier was not directly involved, the position of a third party is useful for the ability to be more impartial in their judgment of the situation.

Bickering, in this case, is defined as unnecessary fighting, which is different from merely defending oneself.

The word "bickering" is certainly different than "unnecessary fighting." The former tries to elevate oneself and belittle others.
If HPHC got into a fight with someone else, would you write a post saying that he's just "bickering?" No. It's a lack of respect.
Smite said:
And also people need to settle out their differences, the grunge's they have had with each other need to come out, like I said it is healthy if they brought it out and addressed it on the table. As everybody here is different and may not agree on some things which is fine.
It is better you leave them alone to vent out and and address any issues and release any tension, that is the only way they can get past it, not acting like a holier than thou who want everyone to just keep quiet and get along.

Once again the words are taken as holier than thou responses. That is your perception and that is how you view it. That is fine, but that is not the realistic approach I’m coming from. I don’t think that they should be getting along. What I’ve said plenty of times so far, is be tactful of your response. We set an example. If newcomers see us bickering like idiots because of feelings that will come and go, how will that set the example and respect we have for ourselves and the Gods. We will be seen as any other group.

I don’t think we’ll always get along, but how we go about our responses beforehand even makes things a lot easier with how we take our delivery and vice versa.

I’m not going to waste anymore time for this topic as it’s showing who is being tactful and who is just an antagonistic fool without looking at the bigger picture. I believe Blitzkrieg and VoiceofEnki can take care of this.

Hail Satan
Dahaarkan said:
Even in a post that has absolutely nothing to do with me, you still have to include me. I'm flattered really, I've never had such dedicated fans before.
You are part of the JDS mafia that’s why you were mentioned.
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
I find it detestable to say that one is doing something wrong for defending himself. That's what xians do.
One's honor is sacred and it is recognized under the law that one has the right to defend his honor, even going as far as killing another person if that's the only way to restore honor.

It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

While I can't attest to what he means by honor he does make a good point. Honor is a very loose term and it means something different to different people, but it is important for one to preserve their own mental image of themselves, or "self esteem".

A person's self esteem is a very important component of the human psyche and a healthy soul. Needlessly insulting, demoralizing and demeaning others with the intent to dismantle their self esteem can actually be quite damning especially for people who allow such thoughts to run rampant and taint their mental health.

You have a point there and that is correct.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Dahaarkan said:
Even in a post that has absolutely nothing to do with me, you still have to include me. I'm flattered really, I've never had such dedicated fans before.
You are part of the JDS mafia that’s why you were mentioned.

You really think you're pulling some shit like anybody is going to take your bait and escalate arguments needlessly.

Most of your activity consists of buzzing into argument threads posting bait hoping it will blow over even further. You're not fooling anyone lol

You're one of the most transparent and obvious trolls to ever come into the group.
Dahaarkan said:
I would really recommend jrvan and Ol have a private 1on1 conversation away from this noise and all these external intentions. You guys must be surprised at how differently that will go.

I would be comfortable with having a private conversation with you, but I don't have enough trust built up with Ol Argedco to feel safe having one with him. I would be too guarded while worrying about him trying to use the conversation against me. I trusted him when I first came here, and I even looked up to him and a few others. But they've ruined that trust and respect and their relationships to me. They treated me with suspicion like I was an enemy from early on, and they still look at me that way even if they won't admit it. It's kind of crushing sometimes, but I persist here out of love for my Gods because I know they want me here for whatever reasons that I can't understand personally. I do my best, and my best isn't ever going to be good enough to satisfy certain regulars here that I'm not an enemy. It is what it is. If at any time the Gods no longer wanted me here then I would go, but I decided a while ago after trying to leave once that I'm not going to leave for anyone other than the Gods whom I love so much. I do what I do for them. Every time I log onto the forums with something to say, I look at the image of Father Satan with the pentagram at the top of the page, and I reflect on whether I'm doing the right things and doing right by him, and if my actions are against him or not. I don't want to let him down. I want to preserve his domain here, and I want to continue to try my best to help make it better alongside everyone else. It would be nice if people stopped doubting my intentions so much, but I don't expect this to change any time soon. People are how they are. It's all been said before at this point so I'll try to change my reactions.
As for jack I don't see why he's relevant to the conversation. I don't even agree with continuing to gun for this person. I already said all I had to say about jack and hold no grudge going forward.

As for the idea that I am somehow obsessed with jack this is simply obvious bait from the human beetle to try to resurrect a dead topic. I hold no malice against jack I've stated my criticisms and suspicions and have no further reason to discuss him or his activity unless he gives me a reason to. And have not discussed about or to him since.

Others should likewise be wary of this creature outlaw torn whose only purpose in life is to try to draw out and prolong conflicts between members in this group. He is forever present in any disagreement posting bait and provocation attempting to pit members against each other for his own entertainment. I know I made the point several times that one should be respectful when discussing things but there's no polite way to put it.

If you take this human beetle seriously you're an idiot, and furthermore if you take his bait and let yourself be baited by him into conflict with other members you should consider working on your third eye. His intentions are rather obvious.

Outlaw turd doesn't actually have an opinion on anybody, he will simply shift his opinion so long as it is useful to his intention of creating and prolonging conflicts. He was first in line to suck my dick because at one time I was criticizing some offmod members. Then when it becomes apparent I'm not aligned with his agenda shifts to going against me.

Likewise outlaw tard will offer to lick your asshole clean and then turn on you when you are no longer useful to his little game of creating/prolonging conflict. His opinion and views shift and change depending on when it is appropriate to create conflict between members.

There is a reason why what was for the most part a civil conversation about behavior within the forums is devolving into more personal and pointless discussion of dead topics and arguments that have been settled long ago. There is also a reason why outkike torn is in every discussion that devolves this way.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Dahaarkan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is obvious that you come from a region ruled by islam.
Honor killings are a disgrace. You should think about the value of a life first and foremost.
Not that you can do whatever and be a total scumbag and have it validated because "Muh honor".

Its the kind of religion where dating multiple men at once as a woman or where having sex before marriage can get one killed. Even if a woman was raped she'd get killed because "disgrace on the honor of the family".

Even if polygamy is in that individuals natal chart.

Other than that, good point (talking about the first 2 sentences).

While I can't attest to what he means by honor he does make a good point. Honor is a very loose term and it means something different to different people, but it is important for one to preserve their own mental image of themselves, or "self esteem".

A person's self esteem is a very important component of the human psyche and a healthy soul. Needlessly insulting, demoralizing and demeaning others with the intent to dismantle their self esteem can actually be quite damning especially for people who allow such thoughts to run rampant and taint their mental health.
While I agree that people should seek to stop fighting and de-escalate, I believe that the fighting should stop with the defender giving the last blow, not the attacker.
Both parties' honors are on the line. The one that loses is fucked and ostracized from the community, because the other members of the community don't want to get into a fight with the winner(s).
I can sense that jrvan is naive, he's genuinely interested in the truth and the uplifting of the community, which is seen as weakness and thus an opportunity to attack (power play), or it's seen as an attempt to gain power (misunderstanding).

I think it's the latter (misunderstanding) and I'll explain why I think that is the case:
In jrvan's mind, since he's trying to help others, he gives himself the right to be more direct in his approach. As he's not trying to gain anything and he doesn't care if one takes his help or not (he's doing it out of a sense of duty), why tip-toe around a subject? He tries to help, gets attacked, then gets hurt and frustrated. It's like a betrayal to him and a knife in the back. But the frustration doesn't end there and it usually lasts for days, months if not years, which he unconsciously brings into the next exchange, which then leads to misunderstandings and more frustration. The difference this time around is that when he got attacked, he didn't just let it slide. He's not turning the other cheek anymore.

I think that HPHC should get involved and de-escalate the situation without any party suffering loss of reputation and honor because that's what's on the line now.

There are arguments in which "dealing the last blow" is completely impossible. Not because you are wrong but because the opposing party decides to troll the fuck out of you.

I think you're still rather naïve and inexperienced in this area.
Secondly, no one is going to take sides with winners or losers. This isnt kindergarten.
People may not speak out but just like in real life, you have people that will agree or disagree with you or those who are just "keeping up appearances".

People here are individuals and probably more opinionated and stronger than the average person. Sometimes this leads to clashes. But usually not so much of the "arrogant prick" kind of..
Dahaarkan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Dahaarkan said:
Even in a post that has absolutely nothing to do with me, you still have to include me. I'm flattered really, I've never had such dedicated fans before.
You are part of the JDS mafia that’s why you were mentioned.

You really think you're pulling some shit like anybody is going to take your bait and escalate arguments needlessly.

Most of your activity consists of buzzing into argument threads posting bait hoping it will blow over even further. You're not fooling anyone lol

You're one of the most transparent and obvious trolls to ever come into the group.

I personally believe this person is „GG Alin“.
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan said:
I would really recommend jrvan and Ol have a private 1on1 conversation away from this noise and all these external intentions. You guys must be surprised at how differently that will go.

I would be comfortable with having a private conversation with you, but I don't have enough trust built up with Ol Argedco to feel safe having one with him. I would be too guarded while worrying about him trying to use the conversation against me. I trusted him when I first came here, and I even looked up to him and a few others. But they've ruined that trust and respect and their relationships to me. They treated me with suspicion like I was an enemy from early on, and they still look at me that way even if they won't admit it. It's kind of crushing sometimes, but I persist here out of love for my Gods because I know they want me here for whatever reasons that I can't understand personally. I do my best, and my best isn't ever going to be good enough to satisfy certain regulars here that I'm not an enemy. It is what it is. If at any time the Gods no longer wanted me here then I would go, but I decided a while ago after trying to leave once that I'm not going to leave for anyone other than the Gods whom I love so much. I do what I do for them. Every time I log onto the forums with something to say, I look at the image of Father Satan with the pentagram at the top of the page, and I reflect on whether I'm doing the right things and doing right by him, and if my actions are against him or not. I don't want to let him down. I want to preserve his domain here, and I want to continue to try my best to help make it better alongside everyone else. It would be nice if people stopped doubting my intentions so much, but I don't expect this to change any time soon. People are how they are. It's all been said before at this point so I'll try to change my reactions.

I prefer aggressive people over passive aggressive people. Passive aggressive tactics have always been off putting to me. Someone that is aggressive is more honest but naive. Passive aggressive people know this, so they provoke naive people which react in an aggressive fashion. Unfortunately the low IQ crowd can't pick up on that and will think that the aggressive person started the fight. Due to this, one has to use passive aggressive tactics as well to defend himself from passive aggressive tactics, try to get the other person to react aggressively, which can then be taken out with ridicule, shaming, lies, straw mans, logical fallacies and a endless list of character assassination tools.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
jrvan said:
Dahaarkan said:
I would really recommend jrvan and Ol have a private 1on1 conversation away from this noise and all these external intentions. You guys must be surprised at how differently that will go.

I would be comfortable with having a private conversation with you, but I don't have enough trust built up with Ol Argedco to feel safe having one with him. I would be too guarded while worrying about him trying to use the conversation against me. I trusted him when I first came here, and I even looked up to him and a few others. But they've ruined that trust and respect and their relationships to me. They treated me with suspicion like I was an enemy from early on, and they still look at me that way even if they won't admit it. It's kind of crushing sometimes, but I persist here out of love for my Gods because I know they want me here for whatever reasons that I can't understand personally. I do my best, and my best isn't ever going to be good enough to satisfy certain regulars here that I'm not an enemy. It is what it is. If at any time the Gods no longer wanted me here then I would go, but I decided a while ago after trying to leave once that I'm not going to leave for anyone other than the Gods whom I love so much. I do what I do for them. Every time I log onto the forums with something to say, I look at the image of Father Satan with the pentagram at the top of the page, and I reflect on whether I'm doing the right things and doing right by him, and if my actions are against him or not. I don't want to let him down. I want to preserve his domain here, and I want to continue to try my best to help make it better alongside everyone else. It would be nice if people stopped doubting my intentions so much, but I don't expect this to change any time soon. People are how they are. It's all been said before at this point so I'll try to change my reactions.

I prefer aggressive people over passive aggressive people. Passive aggressive tactics have always been off putting to me. Someone that is aggressive is more honest but naive. Passive aggressive people know this, so they provoke naive people which react in an aggressive fashion. Unfortunately the low IQ crowd can't pick up on that and will think that the aggressive person started the fight. Due to this, one has to use passive aggressive tactics as well to defend himself from passive aggressive tactics, try to get the other person to react aggressively, which can then be taken out with ridicule, shaming, lies, straw mans, logical fallacies and a endless list of character assassination tools.

Okay my little Aquarius, chill haha
I agree with you, but we should not waste our time on arguments.
We do not have to agree with everyone and we don’t have to like everyone.
However, we are all in the same boat so to speak, just do what you must, and keep moving forward.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
