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I want a friend to dedicate, but..


New member
Dec 6, 2006
I want a friend of mine to dedicate. She is being harrased badly by an enemy thoughtform. But I don't want her to dedicate to merely get rid of the thoughtform. I want her to WANT to dedicate, or I fear Satan would not accept her. But this thoughtform is extremely stubborn and it's attacking her crown chakra and third eye almost constantly.
I also want to add that she's in a relationship with a Jew.... I don't want her to tell that vile humanoid about this (she might...)
If she is going to let this Jew get the better of her, you cannot let her get the better of you.  Satan will never trust, let alone accept ANY Jew, OR anyone who even so much as has ANY sympathies or positive relations with them.  So be careful, and have the heart and soul of a Satanic Warrior.  There is no compromising here.
High Priest Jake Carlson

You can't help someone who can't help themselves. I'm sorry but telling her you are a Satanist and trying to get the person to swallow the big pills first sounds like a really bad idea.
Thank you everyone that replied!!! Yeah... she didn't even read the website thoroughly. But I don't want her to get hurt or worse. She's telling me that many spirits are visiting her, warning her that "if I don't renounce Satan, everyone I love will suffer severely." And that they're proctecting both of us right now, but can't forever. This person is very dear to me. Very. But I can't and won't leave Satan!! I can't deny that I'm a bit nervous though, since I've been worrying about Satan leaving me. It's a big mess.

Yes I don't like that (or any) jew. And when the time is right I plan to do a banishing working to get that thing out of our lives.
just relax,take your mind off these things,draw play an instrument watch tv, but dont stress out, you are letting the enemy get to you.
do not renounce satan, you will actually regret that HAIL SATAN!!!
he is our real and true creator god so fuck those aliens who want us dead, also stop communicating with those enemies,you are letting them inside you that way.

Sounds like you need to find a new friend, and get back on your path!!! You are waisting your time, and your flip flopping feelings are only going to get you hurt. Your friend sounds kinda nuts by the way... I’m just sayin. If you are real SS you need to pull up your britches and be stronger then this.  

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On Oct 1, 2017, at 10:46 PM, pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  How do I know if the enemy is taking advantage of me? This is a very serious and possibly life threatening sittuation. Ive been asking Satan for help, but haven't felt anything yet. Only "you'll regret it" (in regards to me not renouncing Satan). And I'm not developed enough to know who that's coming from. I also want to add I have been attacked by the enemy severely for the past few days. This has never happened before...
I'll never renounce Satan, EVER. The enemy is trying to instill so much fear into me. But it won't work. It's just every time I try to meditate, or do something Satanic I'm being viciously attacked to the point I can't do it. The people around me are being attacked as well and this has never happened before. I've NEVER and will NEVER leave Satan no matter what happens, but I'm worried he left me.
Don't worry they have not left you… they're just super busy… there are only so few of them and so many of us and we're all being attacked guy! So don't feel so left out!
Why He woule have? If you havent done anything seriously bad for our cause or blasphemed Father Satan and done meditation and RTRs, He is PROUD of you. You can ask father Satan to protect your loved ones. And you can put protective auras around them as well. So dont worry. Father Satan is PROUD of you if anything.
Why are you even thinking that Father Satan would leave you?! He doesn't leave anyone unless they want him to. This s***t of a thought "if I sin he will leave me so I will be a pretty little sheep" is an xian idea to keep their human cattle at bay. Satanism doensn't work like that. He loves every single one of us and will never leave us. He just can't be everywhere at the same time and might be busy with something else.

As for your friend: Do your 100 % best and try to help her if u want. But if she doesn't take your helping hand, leave her. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. It would just destroy you too. I know that sounds very harsh, but sadly it's the reality... Hope this helps :)

Hail Satan!
@Pinkteabunny, True here. I sometimes get scolded for "jumping into the fire" too much. I'm somewhat a risk taker too. Someone when I get fed up, will not care to end my misery by doing anything he can. I get real tired and sick of the enemy's shenanigans too. They are trying to control and replace my thoughts with enemy thoughts. And sometimes, they screw with my affirmations when doing workings. And when I see them in my room, I always have to use electric blue fire at them. Or Satan's sigil. Since the black sun symbol emmits energy, can't we use that too to defend ourselves?

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On Tuesday, October 3, 2017, 12:10:26 PM GMT+8, pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I'll never renounce Satan, EVER. The enemy is trying to instill so much fear into me. But it won't work. It's just every time I try to meditate, or do something Satanic I'm being viciously attacked to the point I can't do it. The people around me are being attacked as well and this has never happened before. I've NEVER and will NEVER leave Satan no matter what happens, but I'm worried he left me.
I've never tried the black sun symbol. So maybe? I've tried blue Satanic fire, Satan's sigil and none of those work too long and only sometimes. I really really need to find a job and move out. But I can't meditate now because here are some really strong entities attacking my crown and third eye and arms relentlessly. And I hesitate to use vinasa sometimes because it backfires or I worry if they're human spirits. my friend said they're "protecting me" and I don't appreciate them keeping me from Satan if that's true. They said "stay away from "the ancient" and it's not what I think" which is totall bullshit. These enemies aren't from Satan, and since they didn't say Satan's name, I'm very suspicious. But I don't want to loved ones etting hurt, BUT I want to meditate and be with Satan. Even now I can feel something preventing me from reaching out to Satan. And this is wanted that friend to dedicate. So she could be safe. But she's proven to be an idiot. And now I can't meditate or do rituals and it's a shitshow. Which is why I'm so concerned if Satan left me.

I know he wasn't too happy with me kinda before this all started, there was (what I suspected) to be an enemy. And I got fed up, it was 5am and I was grumpy being woken up by them. So I did the 72 ritual a total of 144 vibrations which took 3 hours. The entity eventually left, but I felt Satan was pisses of at me. It DID take a lot out of me and I heard something about it "destroying my soul" which scared me. but I really wanted that entity gone and vinasa just wasn't enough... so I think that might of been the last straw for Satan. I'm still unsure about everything that's going on. Even now, I can feel an entity and I can't tell what or who it is. I just feel burning heat behind me, on my head and arms. Sometimes it makes me shake. so enemy, human spirit, or a very mad Satanic entity.. I can't tell.. but I never wanted to, would or ever will leave Satan.
Okay, look sister (I assume you are a sister, if not, forgive me).
Lol. But first off: Satan will NOT leave you! He never has left you.
You're cutting your own throat with all this worry and stress. You
need to stop it, and relax! Satan loves you, and you are most precious
in his sight. We all are, those who dedicate. We are beloved by him.
Satan is NOT mad at you! Why would he be? Think on that...he is our
good Father. You know this. These 'spirits' are clearly not any of
your loved ones. I speak from personal experience here, trust me! They
are fucking angelics! Think about it logically; why would family
members of yours be hounding you to renounce Father? That makes no
sense at all. So, next and most logical option, they are angels. And
angels love to confuse and torment, specially dedicated Spiritual
Satanists. Bottom line; the only way Satan will leave you is if you
tell him to. He told me that once himself. Well, he was referring to
me personally, because I was worried about that same thing myself.
And, whilst he was speaking about myself, I know that this applies to
all dedicated SS, I know that it does. As long as you try, and remain
true to him, he will never, ever leave your side! You may not know
he's there, but trust me...he is there! Satan is the Father Who Never
Forsakes! Satan is the Breaker, the Mender and the Binder! Trust him,
and trust yourself!

As to how to actually remedy your present dilemma...I recommend using
the 'Severing the enemy links' exercise, which sadly I do not have the
link for. Maybe a kind Brother/Sister could post. Or it could be on
the forums, or you could just try to use YahooSearch or whatever. Oh,
and I definitely, 1000% recommend using the Black Sun to kill these
fuckers. They ain't your family hon. A Daemon of Satan would never,
ever hurt you, no matter how mad they might be at you, so you need to
get those thoughts out of your head. It's filthy angels...and the
Black Sun burns angels. I know; I've used it on the bastards a few
times. One of my Daemon Guardians is the Lord Sorath, and he told me
that the Black Sun can be used to both create and destroy (his words).
You can kill with it, or heal with it, all depends on your intent. Use
your will! Sorath taught me a little trick: with the Black Sun,
visualize the thing best you can. I personally just imagine it like a
swirling, black vortex. Then, and this is kinda hard to explain, so
just bear with me. Absorb the essence into you. Take the Black Sun
into yourself. Like, breathe it in, I mean. As you would regular solar
energy. Then, use your will and direct it at your enemies, and see
them burning and dying, consumed in Hell's righteous dark flames, the
flames of the Fire that Makes and Unmakes! Be strong! You are a child
of Satan, and you know it. Now act like it! Make him proud! Fight like
a lion! He loves you, and you ARE worthy of his love, always...because
you are his child. He chose you. As he has chosen all of us. Be
strong! Arise! You got this! Hail Lord/Father Satan always! Hail
Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras!

On 10/3/17, pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I've never tried the black sun symbol. So maybe? I've tried blue Satanic
fire, Satan's sigil and none of those work too long and only sometimes. I
really really need to find a job and move out. But I can't meditate now
because here are some really strong entities attacking my crown and third
eye and arms relentlessly. And I hesitate to use vinasa sometimes because it
backfires or I worry if they're human spirits. my friend said they're
"protecting me" and I don't appreciate them keeping me from Satan if that's
true. They said "stay away from "the ancient" and it's not what I think"
which is totall bullshit. These enemies aren't from Satan, and since they
didn't say Satan's name, I'm very suspicious. But I don't want to loved ones
etting hurt, BUT I want to meditate and be with Satan. Even now I can feel
something preventing me from reaching out to Satan. And this is wanted that
friend to dedicate. So she could be safe. But she's proven to be an idiot.
And now I can't meditate or do rituals and it's a shitshow. Which is why I'm
so concerned if Satan left me.

I know he wasn't too happy with me kinda before this all started, there was
(what I suspected) to be an enemy. And I got fed up, it was 5am and I was
grumpy being woken up by them. So I did the 72 ritual a total of 144
vibrations which took 3 hours. The entity eventually left, but I felt Satan
was pisses of at me. It DID take a lot out of me and I heard something about
it "destroying my soul" which scared me. but I really wanted that entity
gone and vinasa just wasn't enough... so I think that might of been the last
straw for Satan. I'm still unsure about everything that's going on. Even
now, I can feel an entity and I can't tell what or who it is. I just feel
burning heat behind me, on my head and arms. Sometimes it makes me shake. so
enemy, human spirit, or a very mad Satanic entity.. I can't tell.. but I
never wanted to, would or ever will leave Satan.
Thank you son much! Your words are very reassuring. I had started severing enemy links today, actually. And it felt good to do so. I'm also worried about bothering Satan too much. I know they're very busy and crying about not getting help can get really annoying really fast. So I'll stop doing that. It's just this year was my first year interacting with astral entities and even one of our Gods. So I've made many mistakes because of miscommunications, stupidity and confusion, almost constantly throughout the year. And I feel I've let the powers of hell down because of that. So I mean, it's not like they would just get mad at me for no reason.
Good post, except you withheld the fact and the truth that Satan, Sorath, and other Demons DO, in fact, shut the doors to anyone who in any way supports the Jewish people, especially if one knowingly does so.  So don't expect them to be accepting and tolerating towards anyone who accepts or even tolerates the Jewish people or race-mixing.  Satan and his Demons never promise "unconditional love"or even "parenthood" towards those who aren't willing to give what they expect in return.  Sorry. Christianity is a universal "religion" that accepts and tolerates anyone who is serious about it.  Satanism--the REAL thing--has much higher standards. Anyone who knows about the Jewish people, but in any way tolerates them, has crossed the line in Satan's eyes.  Forget this, and you are living under your own ego and not Satan's personal desires.
"Angels" are GREYS, I might add.  The only "other angels" are nothing but Jewish thought-forms.

High Priest Jake Carlson

There come some times when they stop harassing you. 3 of them are:

<ol d[/IMG][*]when you stop feeding them energy - simply by being annoyed or whatever with them, or complaining about them, is feeding them,</li>[*]when you build your Aura of Protection to protect and deflect, and practice your Void enough, and</li>[*]when they have planted a seed and you have fed it enough to allow it to grow, so it takes on a life of its own - you might be so comfortable in it now, and your fuse has become so short that it gets you very easily</li></ol>
I knew it!!! THE BLACK SUN IS REALLY THAT FUCKIN POWERFUL!!! ELECTRIC BLUE BURNING BLACK SUN ALL THE WAY!!!*Que's in fantasy heaven rip off with black suns.* (I might have done too much right here...I'm sorry)

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On Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 11:39:31 AM GMT+8, pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Thank you son much! Your words are very reassuring. I had started severing enemy links today, actually. And it felt good to do so. I'm also worried about bothering Satan too much. I know they're very busy and crying about not getting help can get really annoying really fast. So I'll stop doing that. It's just this year was my first year interacting with astral entities and even one of our Gods. So I've made many mistakes because of miscommunications, stupidity and confusion, almost constantly throughout the year. And I feel I've let the powers of hell down because of that. So I mean, it's not like they would just get mad at me for no reason.
Everyone's reply was super helpful. Things are fine now, I've just done my meditations and rituals with no problem.(thank you for the advice and confidence) I knew i was being harrased by a thoughtform/angel, I just didn't know how to get rid of it properly. And since it started attacking people around me and it threw off my ability to distinguish who was who on the astral, I panicked. But it's attempts to scare me away from Satan obviously wouldn't work. Thank you all again, lesson learned.
You know what, I was also attacked, sometimes I think about stuff in the past when I was still a Xtian. Yesterday, I was attacked, I knew I was attacked, I focused on it and I banished them. I shouted at them "you are going to loose, ha! Are you desperate so you atrack me like this?! just go die or get the hell out of here!!"And the attack was gone, instantly. You should try it ?

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On Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 6:53 PM, pinkteabunny@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Everyone's reply was super helpful. Things are fine now, I've just done my meditations and rituals with no problem.(thank you for the advice and confidence) I knew i was being harrased by a thoughtform/angel, I just didn't know how to get rid of it properly. And since it started attacking people around me and it threw off my ability to distinguish who was who on the astral, I panicked. But it's attempts to scare me away from Satan obviously wouldn't work. Thank you all again, lesson learned.
I have been doing meditations for almost 2years now. The only thing that has changed for me is that i strongly believe in saitan. Not even my third eye is open though. I feel am doing it all wrong. Can someone guide me
What HP Jake says is true. You really do need to ditch the kike. I
actually meant to say that in my post earlier, but I guess I forgot.
Don't let the angelics get to you. And yes, I do know they are greys.
Though, aren't some of them actually enemy nordics? Or is that wrong?
I thought Maxine said that on the site somewheres. But any way you
fucking slice it, whatever the fuck one calls them, they're fucking
bad news. They always lie, and they love nothing more than to confuse
dedicated SS, and get them to doubt Father and themselves, and draw
away from Satan, our true Father. I hate all of them! Fucking ruinous

On 10/5/17, kinyua_a@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I have been doing meditations for almost 2years now. The only thing that has
changed for me is that i strongly believe in saitan. Not even my third eye
is open though. I feel am doing it all wrong. Can someone guide me
Adam, This is a Militaristic term. Think Roman 'Legions'. 
"Ten Cohorts would be co[/IMG][/IMG]le[/IMG]le[/IMG]le[/IMG]Ro[/IMG]legion[/B] contained four lines, or groups, of soldiers."

The Gods have legions following them because they are Members of Hells Army as Commanding Officers, so in that sense we follow them under Satans Direction. Satan is the ONE True God whom we all look to and work for. Even the other Gods.
Why do peopl-- sheeple follow (((celebrities)))?...
No, the Gods/Goddesses are not (((celebrities))); they are the true Celebrities (if that is not offensive to say).
The Gods/Goddesses with legions might have made such legions to be thoughtforms and/or elementals; they could also be other entities, either physical and/or astral; some in these legions might have decided that they want to follow a particular God/Goddess and are happy to work for/with them; there may be a Race of being or beings whose karma is that they are...maybe "servants" is not the correct word...but willing servants; etc.
Good for you kiethnightmare0. Always have strong commitment to Satan!  Satan never leaves his people even in situations we think is impossible to handle. A lot of us go through tough times being Satanists in dealing with his enemies.You're not alone and there are people here to support and help you. Please always remember this. As for your meditation issues try doing an aura of protection meditation which can be found here as guided..
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html

You could also perform this meditation as well found here that can help you detach the nasty entities of the enemy that are attacking you. Ask for Satan to send you a Guardian Demon to help you if you are still having trouble with doing these meditations suggested to you...
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ching.html


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
