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I tried to summon Satan, it worked, I have questions.


New member
Oct 28, 2017
I have been a spiritual satanist/pagan for over 5 years, with JoS being one of my main groups; but this is my first time making a thread. Last year in the spring of 2016 I had some information dumped on me by demons (maybe Baal) or Satan, I was told an incredible amount of things with a few months of waiting in between. In spring of this year I decided to summon Satan, because I wanted to show that I'm not scared of doing so and I also didn't know a demon to summon. Imagine thinking the world was one way and the next day you wake up with your entire world being upside down.. All of this is told telepathically and it feels like they are my own thoughts, but it's subjects that I would have never thought about, it just sort of appears in my mind.

I have been told the history of my family, the secrets of my childhood friends, many answers to questions on health and food.. It's been alot these past 6 months. But many of these things that I'm told raises questions - Why wasn't I told? Why was this kept secret from me? What should I do moving forward? But when I ask questions like this I never get any answers. I have found out that I need to go somewhere, meet someone and do/learn something - but when I ask questions about that I receive no information.. It is very annoying because I never get to ask many questions, only be given information that creates new questions. It's not a discussion, it's more like "Hey dude, look at these things over there. Bye."
When this started I didn't have any candles or pentagrams, I was just in my room and read a summoning spell from another website. Last night I tried to summon Satan again, with candles, but nothing happened - I think the reason is because I was asking for guidance and I never get answers for that. I did find out that I should maybe get a specific tattoo, but that could be a coincidence.

So now I come to JoS forums asking the questions that I should have asked here all along; why is this happening to me and how do I learn to communicate with demons and Satan easier? Is there a way to ask my questions to Him and find the answers?
From what I gather, I believe its a case of: Satan has given you what you need to know and now you must progress off of your own accord. Idk whether or not you meditate regularly as a spiritual Satanist but it should be in your prerogative to build your own soul as Satan desires all of us to do so, as well as to remove any and all (what the HP's call) "dross" from said soul. You definitely need to read the JoS again, familiarise yourself with the more meditation-y side of things and dedicate yourself to a program. Now is the best time to do it especially as we are nearing Samhain, I myself also have issues to do with self-discipline and am doing the same to reignite the drive I had when I first became a Satanist.

For your questions, I can't answer them myself. All I know is you will develop your own means of successfully communicating and easing your view of the world through power meditation. The fact your "world had turned upside down" probably means that for the past 5 years you haven't been meditating on your soul that much, as that tends to ease itself if you are. I also wouldn't bother with trying to contact the demons/ anything to do with "witchcraft". Absolutely everything there can be accomplished off of your own merit through power meditation, no need for ouija boards, pendulums and all that crap. An altar is somewhat necessary but you honestly don't have to worry about shit like your Guardian Demon and what the Gods can do/answer for you. Its more about what you can do for the Gods(and thus Humanity), yourself and what they can repay you with for living in a way that evolves you- essentially a win-win-win for you and a win for the Gods. Progress now, ask later is my advice summed up to you in a pinch friend XD.

Saytan Abbrasa
Summoner said:
I have been a spiritual satanist/pagan for over 5 years, with JoS being one of my main groups; but this is my first time making a thread. Last year in the spring of 2016 I had some information dumped on me by demons (maybe Baal) or Satan, I was told an incredible amount of things with a few months of waiting in between. In spring of this year I decided to summon Satan, because I wanted to show that I'm not scared of doing so and I also didn't know a demon to summon. Imagine thinking the world was one way and the next day you wake up with your entire world being upside down.. All of this is told telepathically and it feels like they are my own thoughts, but it's subjects that I would have never thought about, it just sort of appears in my mind.

I have been told the history of my family, the secrets of my childhood friends, many answers to questions on health and food.. It's been alot these past 6 months. But many of these things that I'm told raises questions - Why wasn't I told? Why was this kept secret from me? What should I do moving forward? But when I ask questions like this I never get any answers. I have found out that I need to go somewhere, meet someone and do/learn something - but when I ask questions about that I receive no information.. It is very annoying because I never get to ask many questions, only be given information that creates new questions. It's not a discussion, it's more like "Hey dude, look at these things over there. Bye."
When this started I didn't have any candles or pentagrams, I was just in my room and read a summoning spell from another website. Last night I tried to summon Satan again, with candles, but nothing happened - I think the reason is because I was asking for guidance and I never get answers for that. I did find out that I should maybe get a specific tattoo, but that could be a coincidence.

So now I come to JoS forums asking the questions that I should have asked here all along; why is this happening to me and how do I learn to communicate with demons and Satan easier? Is there a way to ask my questions to Him and find the answers?

First off, how psychically open are you? In astral hearing, sight, feeling, and smell? Are you sure it was Satan and not your Guardian Demon that came to you?

Satan is not to be summoned. He is very important, and he is our Creator god. He comes to whom he chooses. Also, Lilith is not to be summoned either. She also comes to whom she chooses.

That's why I have trouble believing you that you successfully summoned Satan. Either you had mistaken someone else (like your Guardian Demon) for Satan or an enemy spirit (like a Grey, enemy Nordic or Reptilian) showed up and told you things.

Many Satanists outside of Joy of Satan write in their books, websites, make Youtube videos and blogs on how to summon Satan/Lucifer and what to expect when he is nearby, or enters your body, or whatever else. They also get his appearance wrong, pretty much all of the time.

He does *NOT* have huge black or red bat wings, or black long claws for nails, or is a monstrous looking being. Not once, in my wanderings across social media and the Internet have they gotten his appearance right when they thought that he came to them through a summoning. No, an enemy spirit came to them and impersonated Satan.

These people are either not astrally open enough, or they are open to some degree and the enemy projects a moving, speaking, even a smelling projection into that person's mind's eye or lets them feel/see it with their physical eyes or their third eye on the physical realm. This is what I figured out from reading their writings. Obviously they have made these writings and videos out of ignorance and misunderstanding. Or they absolutely refuse to believe that Satan cannot be summoned.

Satan and the Demons/Gods of Hell *DO* destroy the enemy spirits that impersonate them and declare that they are x or y Demon, or are Satan himself, to a DEDICATED SPIRITUAL SATANIST.

This is just my understanding on the matter.

Maybe I am wrong?

If a JoS clergy member could step in, or a more experienced member speak up, regarding if Satan can or cannot be summoned, that would be great.

Hail Satan.
Reading the OP, you can tell it's full of bullshit. First of all, he claims to be in other groups as well as JoS. Everyone here knows that all other Satanic groups are all corrupted, either run by jews or run by those working for the jews. The JoS is the only Satanic group approved and protected by our Gods.

Next, he used a summoning spell from another site. Not the one on the JoS. Why? Because this is how all fence-hoppers and occult dabblers are. They can't see the truth, so they mix all they find on the internet.

As well, he claims to be dedicated for over 5 years. Anyone dedicated for that long doesn't feel the need to summon Satan "because I wanted to show that I'm not scared of doing so" :roll:

As for being told secrets of childhood friends... our Gods have way more important things than secrets of childhood friends. If you did happen to pick on any such things, then it was your own psychic abilities, not from the Gods.
It is not commonplace for Satan or his demons to give vague answers and make you run around in circles, at least in my experience this is more commonly done by the enemy.

You should only ask for Satan's aid when you absolutely have to. I personally have had very few experiences with Satan or any demons over my 4 year course as a Satanist. I avoid it as much as possible as I think it shows respect to be mindful of their time and try not to waste it.

I didn't like being called on my phone almost daily by some dipshit fake Satanist I met always asking me basic questions and stupid shit he could learn on his own if he wanted to, this is probably much more aggravating if you are a god with lots of...god stuff to do I guess?

I'd say Satan's level of patience with us is generous. But you should avoid testing it anyway.
The explanation given by Lydia drives one point home,You use a Corrupted Spell From a Corrupted Source,what do you expect to get in return?Corrupted results ofcourse!& honestly why would you Summon Father Satan to prove you ain't afraid of 'this things?'And its under my understanding that HP Maxine has made it very clear that those who dabble in Satanism never get too far.
Ave Satanas!
If father truly came to you he would have been more than capable of making his intentions known. If any question you had you would be searching your own soul, to ask them of yourself and reflecting on the experience, not posting here.
The point, among the other obvious ones of "summoning Satan" and "not being afraid" to prove...what point?!, that I noticed was "secrets of childhood friends". As Lydia said, Satan has not only more important things to do but actual important things to do. Not to mention I don't think Satan is into gossip and revealing people's intimate privacies. That is a rude and abusive thing to do if they are your "friend".

Yes, I would love to know anyone's deepest, darkest secrets for whatever friendly or perverse or attacking or defensive reason/s you might want to conjure up, but if I was bothered enough, I'd learn to do it myself. If Satan wouldn't trust one with important secrets that He has, then why would He do something as petty and childish as revealing friends' secrets without their permission? That's not to say that Satan and other Gods/Goddesses might do so, but that's their own decision, and I doubt, very seriously, that they would do it for trivial, immature reasons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
