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I think sexual abstinence is a beneficial and healthy thing for the body, mind and spirit.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2019

Many men after prolonged sexual abstinence for a few years manifest psychological problems and bad behaviour towards women and in the worst cases become the totally stupid and wrong thing that is paedophilia.

They have these mental problems because they know nothing about the mind, how it works and how to control and manage it properly.

Controlling the mind means controlling conscious and unconscious, controlling thoughts; emotions, instincts, impulses, desires and moods.

If you control the desire for sex (which of course involves instincts and impulses), you cannot behave and do wrong things towards women because this can no longer command you.

It is a low and inferior thing to be commanded by the unconscious (or subconscious, it is the same thing). The conscious, i.e. willpower and logic must have command and control.

In Iran they do a very bad practice to control bestial behaviour, specifically, erection. When Iranian men go out, if they get turned on by women or men, what they do to stop their erection is to beat their penis. And it often happens that they break the penis with serious bleeding given the constitution of this organ.

The master of the physical body is the mind. Where the mind goes, the organs follow it. If you want to control the body and the soul, you have to control the king of bodies that is the mind.

The best way to control thoughts and their by-products; emotions, imaginations, instincts, impulses, desires, etc., is through detachment and disidentification and through indifference (depriving them of attention).

The limited view of biology is insufficient, a subtle understanding of sexuality is also required.

Sunny said:

If you want more sexual energy, all you need to do is work on your Mars energies. If you have problems with women, or other bad behaviors, this is why karma-freeing workings are to be done.

Trying to purposely restrict your sexuality will only cause hangups that prevent Kundalini ascension, which is a worse crime against health than any prevention can bring.

Yes, I have tried nofap before and this only brings an increase in Kidney yang energy, but I reaped the same benefits by increasing my Mars energy, even when increasing the frequency of orgasms.

We are "allowed" to enjoy the fruits of all aspects of life, including sexuality. These links you provide are from people who have no idea how to empower their soul in any manner, therefore they default to harmful methods for improving their kidney energy.

A few days of nofap, such as 1-3 days, is generally ok. This can be done for men who have weaker Mars/Aries energies and who feel tired after ejaculation. However, the problem is not the ejaculation itself, but the lack of Mars energy to restore the sexual fluids.

If you target ejaculation itself, as you have done by connecting the idea of poor health to it, then this creates a mental blockage that may hinder the kundalini itself, which will make you very sexual as it rises.

Instead of adopting a poverty mindset of trying to preserve a tiny amount of sexual energy, we can instead simply increase our sexual energy, allowing both an active sex life and health to exist simultaneously. Detaching yourself from your sexuality is otherwise ruinous, just as detaching yourself from the body, or other strange things New Age people may attempt.

Compare the benefits of these articles with the following placement and you will see it is the same:
"Mars in Aries
Those with Mars in Aries are confident, highly competitive, aggressive, courageous, enthusiastic, bold, honest, and are never afraid to take a stand. Never one to back down, as a rule, they are hotheaded and often irate about something. Though the temper is hair trigger temper; their anger does not last long. Mars in Aries can offset low self-esteem aspects and shyness in a chart. This placement also gives health, much energy, and strong vitality, but is common with having headaches. If there are other Aries planets in the chart and/or an emphasis on fire signs, there can be much self-centeredness and a lack of awareness regarding the needs of others. These people are fighters and enjoy combat and friction. They are born leaders. Mars in Aries is bossy and pushy, often with a big mouth, especially if prominently placed. An emphasis on water signs can offset these tendencies. "
There is no 'good, advanced' way of practicing sexual abstinence (outside of cases of people wth sex or porn addiction, even then it doesn't address the root problem and without workings will just lead to resumption of the behavior down the line) as it always ends in total disaster other than those who are truly asexual who don't need to 'abstain'. Very moderate abstinence to conserve a few days or up to a week is fine, but beyond that - no.

maxine.dietrich666 said:
There are a lot of different posts, opinions, etc, in the e-groups and the forums. I can't impress this enough: IN SATANISM, ALL CONSENTING SEX BETWEEN 2 OR MORE ADULTS IS TOTALLY PERMISSIBLE. This also includes watching and/or reading pornography, and related. Your sex life is your own personal business and you are free to indulge yourself. Enforced celibacy has caused the human race extreme damage and atrocious harm. It is a sad fact that humanity has huge hangups regarding sex. Forced celibacy is extremely unhealthy, mentally, physically, psychologically, and is very harmful to one's overall being. The repressed sex drive comes out in very warped and unhealthy ways. Repressing the sex drive is against nature. This just doesn't go away.

In a healthy society, there should be government controlled brothels. Nazi Germany knew this and had a government controlled Red Light District in Berlin, and provided special brothels for the SS. With brothels, there are trained professionals who have experience in indulging fetishes and providing satisfying sex. The sex drive is the life force. It must be relieved. Suppressing the sex drive will cause all kinds of both physical and psychological problems. If one cannot find a partner, then masturbation is essential. If the sex drive is not relieved, then it will manifest in ones sleep. It doesn't go away. In Satanism, you are free to be yourself. Satan accepts us as we are. He is interested in our spiritual development and the evolution of our souls. I know of cases where there are a few people with very low sex drives. No one should be forced into anything sexual. To each his/her own. We are all individuals.

Now, on another note, before closing, I also want to add here that pedophilia is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. There are those who will (as always) try to make excuses for Christianity. In the Protestant sects where marriage is permitted, there is still prolific rape and sexual molestation of children, animals, and much more than likely, worse. This also includes Jewish rabbis who are encouraged to marry.

The deal with the above is followers of these most hideous, odious and nefarious programs tie into evil energies. The Christian is forever preying upon innocent victims. Especially children and teens. Islam, as we know is even more rotten. These programs are designed to impress extreme guilt among their followers. Sex, being the most powerful component of life after air, food and water, is intentionally manipulated. It is very normal to have frequent sexual thoughts. Of course with these programs, just for the thoughts alone, one is a "sinner" and guilt is impressed upon the individual. This bleeds over into feeling sorry. When one feels sorrow and guilt, one opens the door to successfully being cursed and damned. I already wrote an article on this a while ago. Feeling sorry and guilt opens the door to be accepting of punishment.

Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations. Then, of course, homosexuality is a serious "sin" with these programs. More guilt. More being sorry. It's all to get victims under control, so the Jews can be "God." They throw a curse at the sorry one, it hits easily and hard. Again, your sex life is your own business. No one should have to slavishly worship anyone or anything. Satan doesn't expect slavish worship. As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. Again, all consenting sex between 2 or more adults is totally permissible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need.

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam?

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

HPS Maxine went into this endless, countless times that sexual abstinence is extremely dangerous for the soul, especially the Sacral Chakra. Hence why the enemy promoted sexual abstinence in every single program it ever had before 1963. Sexual union with someone else (maithuna) is a necessity for the vast majority of human souls. Yes, a few are genuinely asexual and a very slim few can cope with celibacy (I would wager very few of these are male and most are probably post-menopausal women, sorry), but no more.

Hatred of women and 'bestial behavior' like constant erections in public comes from suppressing the sex drive at all times by 'using the mind' which then turns into wanton male cruelty, keeping women away and then it spills over into sexually assaulting young boys as women cannot be dated in public and all kinds of filth. This is the result. If you think Muslim men don't deploy sophisticated and seemingly 'profound' methods of trying to will their erections away, you are wrong. It is such an obsession, even intellectually, that it takes up a large chunk of islamic life.

This is not just true of pisslam but everywhere this is 'taught', including ANY monastery where interaction with the opposite sex is forbidden, middle ages Europe and China before the West intervened which had been corrupted by buddhist/Confucian crap for centuries of female harems kept under lock and key which other men could not access. It is life-denial - nothing more.

Furthermore, after my GD explained to me certain things about the enemy's anatomy, their soul and what is designed for, all of these sexual programs are basically the jew pulling the Gentile beneath the surface as it drowns. The jew is terrified of the moment when Gentiles realize sex may not just lead to procreation or enjoyment but can have a strong Magickal component as well. The jew does not have this and never will.

This also goes for them corrupting the 'sexual revolution' (this could never ever be avoided when Pluto in Leo came of age) to be ugly and shitty using kikes like Madonna, reducing it to baubles, twerking and shekels.


Has no way of having sex as no one is interested, has done horrible things to people using sex as weapon (guilt ensues), or is a jew ------> stop having sex ------> make celibacy into a lifestyle ----> think one is superior to and 'healthier' than those who have sex (based on extreme cases like AIDS victims or furry fetishists on leashes in supermarkets), or 'Chad and Stacey', when this has nothing to do with reality whatsoever ------> think not having sex is a mark of 'profundity' just because OnlyFans whores, porno gooners or whatever phenomena exist

The same goes for vegans, anorexics, 'no fun allowed' and the rest. Before anyone says anything, YES, this does also apply to what the enemy encourages in the west now too, like people who sleep around with a laundry list longer than a phonebook, use sex as therapy for borderline personality disorder symptoms, get HIV or 100 sexual diseases, and then when someone voices concern or fear, they immediately need a 'Slut Walk' or whatever to 'correct the Nazi scum telling me what to do with my bodaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'. Same with the obese and 'fat positive'.

All of this crap whether moralizing over restriction or excess develops from defensiveness against outsiders pointing out your lack of balance. The solution is to SOLVE THE PROBLEM causing this and create balance. That is what Libra deals with.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427147 time=1677415364 user_id=21286]
Sunny said:

If you want more sexual energy, all you need to do is work on your Mars energies. If you have problems with women, or other bad behaviors, this is why karma-freeing workings are to be done.

Trying to purposely restrict your sexuality will only cause hangups that prevent Kundalini ascension, which is a worse crime against health than any prevention can bring.

Yes, I have tried nofap before and this only brings an increase in Kidney yang energy, but I reaped the same benefits by increasing my Mars energy, even when increasing the frequency of orgasms.

We are "allowed" to enjoy the fruits of all aspects of life, including sexuality. These links you provide are from people who have no idea how to empower their soul in any manner, therefore they default to harmful methods for improving their kidney energy.

A few days of nofap, such as 1-3 days, is generally ok. This can be done for men who have weaker Mars/Aries energies and who feel tired after ejaculation. However, the problem is not the ejaculation itself, but the lack of Mars energy to restore the sexual fluids.

If you target ejaculation itself, as you have done by connecting the idea of poor health to it, then this creates a mental blockage that may hinder the kundalini itself, which will make you very sexual as it rises.

Instead of adopting a poverty mindset of trying to preserve a tiny amount of sexual energy, we can instead simply increase our sexual energy, allowing both an active sex life and health to exist simultaneously. Detaching yourself from your sexuality is otherwise ruinous, just as detaching yourself from the body, or other strange things New Age people may attempt.

Compare the benefits of these articles with the following placement and you will see it is the same:
"Mars in Aries
Those with Mars in Aries are confident, highly competitive, aggressive, courageous, enthusiastic, bold, honest, and are never afraid to take a stand. Never one to back down, as a rule, they are hotheaded and often irate about something. Though the temper is hair trigger temper; their anger does not last long. Mars in Aries can offset low self-esteem aspects and shyness in a chart. This placement also gives health, much energy, and strong vitality, but is common with having headaches. If there are other Aries planets in the chart and/or an emphasis on fire signs, there can be much self-centeredness and a lack of awareness regarding the needs of others. These people are fighters and enjoy combat and friction. They are born leaders. Mars in Aries is bossy and pushy, often with a big mouth, especially if prominently placed. An emphasis on water signs can offset these tendencies. "

Thank you for your reply Blitzkreig. I don't like this limited idea either. I don't know how, why and how much sexual energy is lost through ejaculation, but if this can be recovered then it's not a problem. Maybe these New Age people or whatever they are, teach this because they haven't made much spiritual progress, plus the huge corruption and limitation of the enemy of course.

I don't understand what exactly sexual energy is. What is this Mars energy? Is sexual energy the energy of the sacral and/or base chakra? Or are sexual energy and vital energy the same thing?
months ago with me trying not to cum too often, i just couldn't sleep and always full of energy more than i already am, i had to contact satan every night to fetch a lot of energy to spare and send it to hell, i imagine that was helpful :lol:

this is not for me at all, and i disagree with the post
Karnonnos said:
There is no 'good, advanced' way of practicing sexual abstinence (outside of cases of people wth sex or porn addiction, even then it doesn't address the root problem and without workings will just lead to resumption of the behavior down the line) as it always ends in total disaster other than those who are truly asexual who don't need to 'abstain'. Very moderate abstinence to conserve a few days or up to a week is fine, but beyond that - no.

maxine.dietrich666 said:
There are a lot of different posts, opinions, etc, in the e-groups and the forums. I can't impress this enough: IN SATANISM, ALL CONSENTING SEX BETWEEN 2 OR MORE ADULTS IS TOTALLY PERMISSIBLE. This also includes watching and/or reading pornography, and related. Your sex life is your own personal business and you are free to indulge yourself. Enforced celibacy has caused the human race extreme damage and atrocious harm. It is a sad fact that humanity has huge hangups regarding sex. Forced celibacy is extremely unhealthy, mentally, physically, psychologically, and is very harmful to one's overall being. The repressed sex drive comes out in very warped and unhealthy ways. Repressing the sex drive is against nature. This just doesn't go away.

In a healthy society, there should be government controlled brothels. Nazi Germany knew this and had a government controlled Red Light District in Berlin, and provided special brothels for the SS. With brothels, there are trained professionals who have experience in indulging fetishes and providing satisfying sex. The sex drive is the life force. It must be relieved. Suppressing the sex drive will cause all kinds of both physical and psychological problems. If one cannot find a partner, then masturbation is essential. If the sex drive is not relieved, then it will manifest in ones sleep. It doesn't go away. In Satanism, you are free to be yourself. Satan accepts us as we are. He is interested in our spiritual development and the evolution of our souls. I know of cases where there are a few people with very low sex drives. No one should be forced into anything sexual. To each his/her own. We are all individuals.

Now, on another note, before closing, I also want to add here that pedophilia is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. There are those who will (as always) try to make excuses for Christianity. In the Protestant sects where marriage is permitted, there is still prolific rape and sexual molestation of children, animals, and much more than likely, worse. This also includes Jewish rabbis who are encouraged to marry.

The deal with the above is followers of these most hideous, odious and nefarious programs tie into evil energies. The Christian is forever preying upon innocent victims. Especially children and teens. Islam, as we know is even more rotten. These programs are designed to impress extreme guilt among their followers. Sex, being the most powerful component of life after air, food and water, is intentionally manipulated. It is very normal to have frequent sexual thoughts. Of course with these programs, just for the thoughts alone, one is a "sinner" and guilt is impressed upon the individual. This bleeds over into feeling sorry. When one feels sorrow and guilt, one opens the door to successfully being cursed and damned. I already wrote an article on this a while ago. Feeling sorry and guilt opens the door to be accepting of punishment.

Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations. Then, of course, homosexuality is a serious "sin" with these programs. More guilt. More being sorry. It's all to get victims under control, so the Jews can be "God." They throw a curse at the sorry one, it hits easily and hard. Again, your sex life is your own business. No one should have to slavishly worship anyone or anything. Satan doesn't expect slavish worship. As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. Again, all consenting sex between 2 or more adults is totally permissible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need.

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam?

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

HPS Maxine went into this endless, countless times that sexual abstinence is extremely dangerous for the soul, especially the Sacral Chakra. Hence why the enemy promoted sexual abstinence in every single program it ever had before 1963. Sexual union with someone else (maithuna) is a necessity for the vast majority of human souls. Yes, a few are genuinely asexual and a very slim few can cope with celibacy (I would wager very few of these are male and most are probably post-menopausal women, sorry), but no more.

Hatred of women and 'bestial behavior' like constant erections in public comes from suppressing the sex drive at all times by 'using the mind' which then turns into wanton male cruelty, keeping women away and then it spills over into sexually assaulting young boys as women cannot be dated in public and all kinds of filth. This is the result. If you think Muslim men don't deploy sophisticated and seemingly 'profound' methods of trying to will their erections away, you are wrong. It is such an obsession, even intellectually, that it takes up a large chunk of islamic life.

This is not just true of pisslam but everywhere this is 'taught', including ANY monastery where interaction with the opposite sex is forbidden, middle ages Europe and China before the West intervened which had been corrupted by buddhist/Confucian crap for centuries of female harems kept under lock and key which other men could not access. It is life-denial - nothing more.

Furthermore, after my GD explained to me certain things about the enemy's anatomy, their soul and what is designed for, all of these sexual programs are basically the jew pulling the Gentile beneath the surface as it drowns. The jew is terrified of the moment when Gentiles realize sex may not just lead to procreation or enjoyment but can have a strong Magickal component as well. The jew does not have this and never will.

This also goes for them corrupting the 'sexual revolution' (this could never ever be avoided when Pluto in Leo came of age) to be ugly and shitty using kikes like Madonna, reducing it to baubles, twerking and shekels.


Has no way of having sex as no one is interested, has done horrible things to people using sex as weapon (guilt ensues), or is a jew ------> stop having sex ------> make celibacy into a lifestyle ----> think one is superior to and 'healthier' than those who have sex (based on extreme cases like AIDS victims or furry fetishists on leashes in supermarkets), or 'Chad and Stacey', when this has nothing to do with reality whatsoever ------> think not having sex is a mark of 'profundity' just because OnlyFans whores, porno gooners or whatever phenomena exist

The same goes for vegans, anorexics, 'no fun allowed' and the rest. Before anyone says anything, YES, this does also apply to what the enemy encourages in the west now too, like people who sleep around with a laundry list longer than a phonebook, use sex as therapy for borderline personality disorder symptoms, get HIV or 100 sexual diseases, and then when someone voices concern or fear, they immediately need a 'Slut Walk' or whatever to 'correct the Nazi scum telling me what to do with my bodaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'. Same with the obese and 'fat positive'.

All of this crap whether moralizing over restriction or excess develops from defensiveness against outsiders pointing out your lack of balance. The solution is to SOLVE THE PROBLEM causing this and create balance. That is what Libra deals with.

Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.

I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.
Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.

I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.

I'm not trying to come off too harshly but, nearly everyone who commented on here told you why sexual abstinence is bad for you, and unhealthy, and unsafe. Yet you want to use yourself as some sort of guinea pig and try it anyway? You are missing the point of the above posts. There is literally no reason to try this. It's dangerous, If it's something the Gods wouldn't recommend doing, if it's something our Hps and Guardians wouldn't recommend doing, why even do it? It will only lead you into some sort of pain and insanity. I strongly do not advise you to try this.. The only effects it will do will be harmful. We don't need you to try it and report back to us of the harmful actions you are causing yourself. We would much rather see you helping yourself, and advancing, and reporting the good effects from that.
SapphireDragon said:
Sunny said:
Thank you for your reply Karnonnos. I will do an experiment, I will do sexual abstinence for one year starting today 27.02.2023 - 27.02.2024. I will see the effects on the mind and body and report back here if you like.

I will not have girlfriend soon, I have other commitments and expectations first. Also, I may not have woman and children at all because of the expectations and responsibilities involved, I will see in the future.

I'm not trying to come off too harshly but, nearly everyone who commented on here told you why sexual abstinence is bad for you, and unhealthy, and unsafe. Yet you want to use yourself as some sort of guinea pig and try it anyway? You are missing the point of the above posts. There is literally no reason to try this. It's dangerous, If it's something the Gods wouldn't recommend doing, if it's something our Hps and Guardians wouldn't recommend doing, why even do it? It will only lead you into some sort of pain and insanity. I strongly do not advise you to try this.. The only effects it will do will be harmful. We don't need you to try it and report back to us of the harmful actions you are causing yourself. We would much rather see you helping yourself, and advancing, and reporting the good effects from that.

I don't like to masturbate anymore and I don't want to have girlfriend now, so I want to do this. If there are negative effects I will stop abstinence, if there are no problems I will continue with abstinence until I settle other things in life and finally have girl or if I decide not to have girl at all I will do sexual abstinence for life.
nebu said:
months ago with me trying not to cum too often, i just couldn't sleep and always full of energy more than i already am, i had to contact satan every night to fetch a lot of energy to spare and send it to hell, i imagine that was helpful :lol:

this is not for me at all, and i disagree with the post

Do what you want and what is best for you of course.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
