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Dark Lawyer

Jul 18, 2021

I say goodbye to the forum.

Unfortunately, my problems have not been solved - in fact, the situation is worse - and I have neither the energy nor the time to keep trying.

Thanks for the helpful and constructive comments from everyone - special mention to Henu the Great and Blitzkreig. I hope I have contributed something to the forum with a few posts. You all keep fighting and keep improving, it is great what you are doing.
Én itt új vagyok, de láttam hogy nagyon sok hozzászólásod volt. Milyen problémáif nem oldódtak meg?
I will write in Hungarian,because the translator doesn't render it the way it should.If you want to know what I'm writing, use a translator.

Aki tud magyarul és olvassa a következő szöveget,akkor kérem kapcsolja ki a webfordítót,mert a magyar szöveget is félrefordítja,nem úgy adja vissza,ahogyan eredetileg írtam.

If you know Hungarian and read the following text,please turn off the web translator, because it also translates the Hungarian text wrongly, not as I originally wrote it.

Én se vagyok valami spirituálisan fejlett tag és hasonló cipőben járok,mint te.
De azért megpróbálok segíteni.

Először is ezeket próbáltad?:
„Mindig nagyon motivált vagyok, és mindig minden nap meditálok.”

"Mindig van időm minőségi meditációkra."

"Tökéletes a koncentrációm."

"Mindíg könnyedén transzba tudok menni"

„Pozitívan elfogadom a meditáció új szokását az életemben, és tudom, hogy ez pozitív számomra.”

„Méltó vagyok és megérdemlem az életben a legjobbat. Tisztelem magam, és mindig javítom az életemet a számomra előnyös módon.”

"Teljesen szabad vagyok önmagam büntetésétől és megbocsátok magamnak."
Ezeket a megerősítéseket lefekvés előtt 20-25x 40 napon keresztül,hogy a lélekbe vésődjön,de az is jó ha napközben eszedbe jut és ehhez transz se szükséges se nagy koncentráció.Én már amikor kimondom,akkor érzem a megerősítések hatásait.És tényleg semmi kedven ezekhez sem,de mégis csinálom.

Amit mondtál többször is ha jól emlékszem,hogy nem érzed a meditáció hatásait.Ha ezeket a megerősítéseket csinálod,akkor valószínűleg jobban kinyit téged az energia érzékelésre és az asztrálra.

Én se érzem tökéletesen a meditáció hatásait és problémáim vannak vele.Számtalanszor próbálkoztam már életem során,de mindíg utólért a kudarc,mert szarul csináltam és nem túl határozottan,főleg az ellenség is folyamatosan manipulálja a godnolataimat.Nagyjából már 10 éve próbálkozok.Persze jogosan kilehet jelenteni,hogy ha 10 év alatt nem tudtam spirituálisan előrelépni,akkor sose fogok előrelépni spirituálisan.De valahogy soha nem tudtam feladni és folyamatosan próbálkozok.Egyszerűen nem tudom,hogy kell feladni.

Egyébként számos bejegyzésedet néztem(nem mindet)és azt kell mondjam,hogy elég inteligens vagy.Sok tényt és jó kérdéseket szoktál közölni,például ez is egy jó érvelés:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=374280#p374280 és ez is:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=336649#p336649.
Láttam Stormblood-al folytatott beszélgetéseidet.Hát meg kell mondjam nem voltál semmi,egy ilyen nagy tag,mint Stormblood se tudott megcáfolni téged és nem tudott legyőzni,mint vitapartner,pedig ő egy elég komoly tagnak számít.

Én Magyarként büszke vagyok rád,mint Magyar SS testvéremre.Kérlek,ne hagyd el a fórumot és ne add fel.
Az ellenség is csak nagy örömmel örvendene és nevetne,ha feladod.És ezt akarják.
Dark Lawyer said:

I say goodbye to the forum.

Unfortunately, my problems have not been solved - in fact, the situation is worse - and I have neither the energy nor the time to keep trying.

Thanks for the helpful and constructive comments from everyone - special mention to Henu the Great and Blitzkreig. I hope I have contributed something to the forum with a few posts. You all keep fighting and keep improving, it is great what you are doing.

And what else is there to do? It is not like your only options are an SS lifestyle or not at all? At some point, you may find yourself in a situation that magic could easily solve and wish you had developed those abilities.

I know you were working on your routine and learning things, but also trying to exercise. You said you had a small amount of time. I believe you should focus on the basic activities only. For example: 5 minutes of void, 2 minutes of visualizing, 5 minutes of aura cleaning with Surya, 10 minutes of chakra opening + spinning, 30 reps of Algiz for a protective aura, 40 reps of Fehu to attract wealth and opportunity for yourself. Total time is about 45 or 50 minutes.

If you want to do more, then look at the hatha yoga pdf. You can do this in about 15-20 minutes. Do not do regular exercise like cardio or weight lifting if you are not doing yoga. Yoga is the first priority.

The above routine covers all the basics and will give you success. It also includes a Fehu working to resolve your problems with wealth. If have other issues, please elaborate on them.
As a SS you will suffer on your path countless times, but the satisfaction of living a positive life is incomparable. Learn to take the bad days and you will find there is nothing so bad that can put you down. The last post from HP Hooded Cobra, "How to be a man" should help you in this way
Don't just right away burn the bridges behind you.

Just take a moment with yourself, it is ok if you need time to think and deal with the things bothering you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375221 time=1658025225 user_id=21286]

1. I have no wife.

2. No child. Of course, I am nowhere near in a financial position to have child. And even if I had the money, at 40 I would be very cautious about having children. Of course, that certainly wouldn't be an issue now, because the world and my country are in freefall. I have no desire to be a father, but it's strange to be faced with this branch of the family dying out with me (no siblings, my cousin's children carry on the family name).

3. No relationship.

4. I am 39 years old and have never had a long-term relationship.

5. I have almost no experience of meeting, dating, women, sex life. This is an extreme phenomenon at 39, which of course discourages women. And makes it very likely that I will never find a partner. Of course, there are many other reasons for this. I am theoretically bisexual, which reinforces my inhibitions. I have a strong and entrenched fetish, which reinforces my inhibitions. I was an alcoholic 3 years ago, which makes any sober social life difficult. I have serious self-doubt about my appearance. And over the years (especially when I was still an alcoholic) I became quite sensitive and tired "down there" because of all the compulsive "lonely sex." Because of this I am also inhibited about how I would cope with a real, normal, meaningful sex life at 40 after such a lifestyle.

6. I have no financial savings.

7. I earn minimum wage, which is currently 335 euros (133.000 HUF). I have been working here for 5.5 years, no pay rise, the job requires 8 years of primary school. A trained chimp could do my job. Depressing, boring and demotivating. I get up at 04.40 in the morning, sometimes spending 4x11 hours at work from Monday to Friday. And 90% of forumers don't realise that when someone asks a question, they are listing things that only a 16 year old can fit into their agenda, but only if they spend 20 out of 24 hours awake. :roll:

8. I have been working in this type of job for 13.5 years. I have never worked in anything but this useless job. This is where my youth passed. I've been around stupid, evil, illiterate people for many years. (There have been a few honorable exceptions.) The work is deeply below my abilities, and deeply below my opportunities. I was awarded the title of dr. a year ago, and I go to work every day hoping not to run into anyone I know. My classic career as a lawyer (judge, prosecutor, defence lawyer, notary public, legal counsel) is no longer an option. These would require 3 years of internship (in a job that officially counts as internship), and then gigantic specialised exams that my brain, age and lifestyle no longer allow for. (Again, unlike the average, I have self-awareness and situational awareness, so don't start with the "defeatist thinking" chatting.)

So I no longer have a realistic chance of a career and financial security. I could have had it all, and this was confirmed by my instructors, because I excelled in the university, even compared to full-time students. As a general lawyer, my maximum option for the future is to push files in a mediocre job in an office of the administration. But I don't mind that either, and I was happy to prepare for it. But... See next point.

9. I studied correspondence course at university and worked while studying. I paid my tuition fees from my low wages. There is no internship for correspondence course students, so I can't even put that much on my CV. Because I worked and prepared for all the exams to the maximum, I finished university in 11 years instead of the 5 years required by the model curriculum. This took 6 years (I could have graduated from another university in that time) away from what I could have spent building my life. And employers don't like that when they read it on my CV.

After I got my degree, many more months passed without me being able to look for a job. Because here in my city, they were looking for lawyers mainly in the public sector, and the whole public sector was required to have 2 or 3 vaccines. Now it is not compulsory, but wherever I apply, I don't even get an interview. Not even for jobs requiring a secondary education. (I don't look down on jobs that don't require a degree). They don't even invite me to the university, even though I got my degree there and have been working at the university for 5.5 years in a shitty minimum wage job. I live a few metres from the university, I have applied twice for a job as a lawyer there, and I have not even been invited to interview. I graduated summa cum laude from them, which maybe 3-4 people besides me did. To another job I applied 4 times and they didn't even interview me once. I was not invited for an interview for a job in the next street, where I applied for a job requiring a secondary education, while a close relative supposedly "helped" me...

I've just had a well-attended, encouraging interview for what would have been a dream job. I had done everything I could, and all I needed was a little nudge from Satan to stop me from facing hopeless misery. And yes, I took your advice and told Satan all about it. It was absolutely useless for me to think so carefully, write down and then explain my situation and my thoughts. Unfortunately your advice, and Blitzkreig's advice didn't work. I'm about to turn 40, and here in Hungary employers don't like late career changes. Especially not when someone has always "worked" in a street-sweeper category job, and then at 40 starts sending in CVs saying he wants to be a lawyer. This is common and natural in many countries, but in ours it is unfortunately an extreme oddity. And the structure and attitude of society will unfortunately not be helped by 40 days of vibration. I mean, I am now at the point where it is doubtful whether I will ever work as a lawyer for a single day. But that's all I know how to do, that's what I'm good at, that's what I like. And it makes me cry to think how many years, how much energy and struggle, how many weekends and holidays studying, how much time off work (sometimes unpaid leave) I have put into university, but will probably never work in the profession.

10. As I said, I live on the breadline. I paid about 4-5 thousand euros for university, which will apparently never come back.

This means that by the age of 40 I am still living in the back flat of my parents' house. A tiny 3 premise apartment that literally fits my cat and me. (I did the aura cleaning in the toilet, etc.) And the stuff barely fits. The design of the house is such that although the apartment is separate, I have no privacy. And the apartment is so cluttered that I literally could almost not seat a guest. Please don't even get me started on moving. I won't be bringing in strange tenants to live with my 70-something parents and our elderly dog. I, on the other hand, would only be able to pay rent if I rented out the apartment in the back that I have now. Besides, I don't want to be 40 years old and have to pay, pay, pay for a sublet, but will never be mine. And can be sent toat any time (it's happened in my life). If I were suddenly would be sent to, I would literally have nowhere to go with my cat if my tenants were still in the back apartment. (And it would be difficult even to find an sublet where I could go with a cat.) And I would hate to expose my street rescued cat to another move.

So this point 10 is about my independence and autonomy being zero. I can't meet people, I can't date, I can't bring anyone into my apartment. The flat is falling apart, it's in pretty bad shape and I don't have the money for any major investment. But it doesn't matter. Point 10 is all the same, because my young years when I could really make the most of my independence and autonomy are over. When it would have meant something and I could have put it to good use. It's all the same now, my hair is turning grey like snow. :) Therefore, I did not ask Satan to correct point 10 (nor did I ask him to correct most of the points listed), and I told Him why I did not burden Him with such unnecessary requests. Before you say I beg for gifts like a christian.

11. Even if I had one hand up my ass, I could solve many of the problems that some people here on the forum are complaining about. I got rid of alcoholism three and a quarter years ago. Without medication, without a support group, without a specialist and - now get this - without runes and astrology.

I was working 16 hour shifts for shit money, at work from 6am to 10pm. I had no weekends, no holidays because I was either at university or at work. And guess what: I was able to pay my tuition fees without any money magic, and people didn't like to take the exam right after me, I was so good. You'll be shocked: I didn't even have to do yoga or burn incense to get a summa cum laude. I write these down because Henu says that physical action in itself is meh. :lol: I will add, of course, that although I didn't do magic at the time, Satan and my Guardian Demon helped me a lot.

I worked in a catholic church institution for 8 years, I was a xian, xians were my friends. I broke with everything and everyone, I did a 180 in my life. I have read, researched, written my own papers (hundreds of pages), while here on this forum people ask the most obvious nonsense for the hundredth time.

In a vaccine-obsessed country I have successfully resisted social blackmail for 2.5 years. I have not registered for vaccination and have not been vaccinated. I voted for the only anti-vaccine party in the election. I put my name and face undertook: I participated in a demonstration and signed a petition. I drafted a legal document to help people I didn't know for free against compulsory vaccination in the workplace. I actively campaigned online against vaccination in several forums. I did not spend a day clowning around in "home office". And I often didn't wear a mask at work, even though it was mandatory. I made a personal sacrifice: I stayed in the minimum wage putri with a fresh degree, so that I could not be blackmailed in a new job with vaccination. I wonder how many people on this forum have done all that? Because HP Cobra likes to write about anonymous heroes fighting jewtrix („Once In A Lifetime Opportunity: Working For Satan and The Powers Of Hell” topic). I put my face and name to the fight. :) The result: in vain I asked, in vain I told everything to Satan, didn't help.

I've been a prepper for 2,5 years and I had a clear idea of how to prepare before Hungary collapses like Argentina. I'm writing this because Henu told me I wouldn't know what to do with the money. :roll: You can't imagine what we have here: 2,5 euro for bread (1000 HUF out of 133.000 minimum wage) and the gypsies are already hunting because their welfare has not increased. From September, the government will abolish the cuts in rationing, and then the total subsidy on rationing. I don't know how we will pay for gas, electricity etc in winter. I repeat: being forward thinking, I had my plans in place to prepare. I did not want survival as a free gift. All I needed was the only help: to get hired at the job where I interviewed so well. Instead, I now wait in helpless dread for winter to come in a few months and what will happen to my elderly parents, the dog and cat, and me. And the only person important to me, to whom I could give security if I had achieved anything in my life.

The thinker who has influenced me most in my life so far has been Emile Cioran. Now that I'd lost everything with this failed job opportunity - all the signs were that I was going to be hired - I was "reassured". The greatest famine in modern history is coming, which is not a "scenario" but a reality of history and the structure of the world economy. I envy Henu for wanting to stop it with vibrations, but neither vibrations nor fences, nor armed border guards will stop it, because that is not his nature. It is another matter that few on this forum understand these processes. In case I survive the times ahead, I console myself with Cioran's thought: in my old age, suicide will still be a theoretical possibility. Before I'm slaughtered as a defenceless target by the gypsies, who by then will have flooded Hungary like a biological weapon. (I explained this in more detail here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=40687&p=269535#p269535

A word that may be unfamiliar to you: pragmatism. It means that what one person personally experiences does not work, one no longer puts energy into. And time out of the very little time he has in a day.

You're trying to pull something on me that suggests I'm against you. But then you didn't read the first post of this topic.

And I said to Satan: I do not deny Spiritual Satanism and I do not "retract" my initiation. Unlike many, I have indeed researched and found many, many new connections from JoS's writings. I am not just repeating what I have read.

But I have told Satan - and now I am telling you - that I cannot continue. Not long after I told Satan all about my situation, I was called in for that interview. I thought it was His help. That job would have meant the world to me. Of course I know that when I applied for the job, I could have done a 40-day energetic work. But I've never done anything like that before, I'm glad I started the FRTR and KT. And I didn't take it seriously, I'm so rarely invited for interviews.

The point is that for me, it was the last straw. I've struggled a lot and I'm tired. During the epidemic circus, with lockdowns and job insecurity, I took gigantic state exams - for nothing. (Accompanied by OCD and fucking tinnitus.) And I've been completely alone for years, with no real relationship with anyone. I agree with the SS-road, and I don't deny. I quit because I can't do it anymore. I can't do it, I've run out of energy. Of course, in my initiation I promised not to make any reservations and not to expect any help. Nevertheless, I received a lot of help. But it would be unfair of me to hide my doubts and insecurities like a xian. Or hide the fact that I was needed this job like a bite of bread. And I don't know how I will go to work tomorrow. And why should I go in when the minimum wage is worth almost nothing in Hungary. Of course Henu says I want a cake slice. But I just wanted to stock up on tinned food and the like for my loved ones, and of course for myself. And buy some clothes so I could wear something when I went to work. :) But I don't want anything anymore. All I ask of Satan is that if I have earned it by my actions so far, he will protect the few people and animals that are important to me.

Neked mint honfitársamnak, külön is köszönöm a biztatást. Itt vagyok SS-ként, 2019-ben végeztem el a beavatásomat. Több mint 3 éve megszabadultam a piálástól - tény hogy ebben Sátán segített. Sokan el se akarják hinni, hogy csak úgy letettem az italt. Felszámoltam a keresztény életemet (ott dolgoztam 8 évig, keresztények voltak az ismerőseim, még pap is akartam lenni stb.) Elvégeztem a sulit munka mellett, önköltségen. 5 év helyett 11 év alatt izzadtam ki, de összejött a summa. :) Szóval láthatod, hogy nem vagyok az a feladós fajta. Két és fél éve nem tudnak megzsarolni semmivel, hogy beadassam az oltást. Nemrég még a kávéról is leszoktam. :)

Szóval tudom hogy segítő szándékkal ajánlják itt nekem a "Hogyan legyünk férfiak" topicot, de sok újat nem tudnak mondani. Eddig bírtam. Egy éve doktoráltam, először az oltások miatt nem találtam állást, most meg azért nem mert interjúra se hívnak be sehova. Ráment 11 év a fiatalságomból, hétvégéken vagy a suliban ültem vagy a munkahelyen, tanultam karácsonykor és mindig, erre ment el az összes munkahelyi szabadságom (meg fizetetlenek). A semmiért. Ha lesz még villany decemberben, akkor sem tudom hogy miből fogjuk fizetni, de itt biztatnak, hogy "Sátán biztosan nem fog éhezni hagyni". Még egyetlen ember nem tudott válaszolni HP Cobra topicjában, hogy vajon hogyan állítják meg rúnákkal a negyedmilliárd éhező afrikait. Meg láthatóan fogalmuk sincs arról, hogy mi van itt Magyarországon.

Nekem ez az állás volt az utolsó lehetőség, hogy fel tudjak készülni a túlélésre. Minden jel arra mutatott hogy felvesznek, álom meló lett volna. Azt hittem, hogy Sátán segített hogy végre behívjanak valahova interjúra. És én éltem is a lehetőséggel, mert nem várok el ingyenes ajándékokat. Jól sikerült az interjú. És nem költök luxus dolgokra, tudtam volna hogy miket kell vásárolnom az új fizetésből ahhoz, hogy felkészüljünk a nehéz időkre. Nem csak a sült galambot vártam volna.

Nem jött össze, tudomásul vettem. Továbbra is csak azt tudom mondani, hogy ne térj le az SS útjáról. Ezt fura lehet tőlem olvasni ebben a topicban, de komolyan gondolom. Nekem viszont nincs több lendületem, ez az állás mozgósította az utolsó motivációimat és reményeimet, és ez volt az utolsó csepp a pohárban. Itt maradok a szarban, és várom az Éhezők Viadalát.
Henu the Great said:
His issue stems from mindset of failure and he has not turned it into mindset of success. Had he taken your money, who knows what might have happened as he had no foundation to use it from.

His situation is his fate playing out and his refusal to fight back and change it. Bending over, quitting and essentially giving the finger to the two of us does not excactly invalidate our effort, even though you would like to think so.

Henu, I am patient, but can you slowly let go of this thread? :) At the end of the interview, the interviewer was satisfied that "we had a good talk". At university, I was the only one who got an A in a particular teacher/subject. No one else got an A that semester. Surely the "failure mindset" is the reason why about four of our class graduated summa - including me. And the "failure mindset" makes recovering alcoholics disbelieve that I put the drink down on my own and have been sober in this shit ever since. And I finished university in 11 years instead of 5. Probably because I have a habit of giving up on my ambitions and believing in failure. :lol: I also gave up coffee recently because I'm always focused on failure. I think if you saw the picture on my CV, you would not mention the "failure mindset".

Please try to change your perspective, you are looking in the wrong place.
Dark Lawyer said:
Thanks for taking time to describe the situation. I was actually sensing that it's somewhat like this, but since I did not know for sure I could not recommend freeing of the soul workings for your issues. Hampered love life, related hangups and such would be rather easily fixed by various cleanings and freeing of the soul workings. The same goes for your financial and work related issues. It is of no surprise you are facing such obstacles given the fact that you have accumulated all sorts of detrimental ties to people and karmic seeds from your own actions, extending even into your past lifes.

All in all the situation is dire and complex, yet, some methods would alleviate your woes in short to medium term and others long term to future life/lives (freeing of the soul workings, cleaning your chakras and aura, protection meditations and reverse torah rituals). If anything, lessening future suffering would be a wise option instead of totally giving up.

Now, it seems you are at your wits end and just want to give up. But I urge you to think about your personal future and how things can be shaped. Like I said before, being completely at the whims of your fate is worse than partially thrown around like a ragdoll. The choice is yours.

I write these down because Henu says that physical action in itself is meh.
Not true. I have written in multiple occasions and even to you directly that a healthy balance is needed. Both spiritual and physical actitivies compliment each other and are needed. Despite mostly talking about spirtual practices I do not ignore this in my own life. Perhaps I should start mentioning this more often again here. I just take it for granted that we live our lives and do things, and boost them with spiritual means. To me this seems obvious.
Henu the Great said:
Not true. I have written in multiple occasions and even to you directly that a healthy balance is needed. Both spiritual and physical actitivies compliment each other and are needed. Despite mostly talking about spirtual practices I do not ignore this in my own life. Perhaps I should start mentioning this more often again here. I just take it for granted that we live our lives and do things, and boost them with spiritual means. To me this seems obvious.

Answer #1

Henu the Great said:
Just to clarify.

Doing rtrs = okay!

Doing rtrs and physical activities against jewish nwo = super nice!

Doing only physical activities = meh!

Answer #2

I know exactly what will happen if your writing makes me feel better and I decide to continue.

Tomorrow I get up at 04.40. Feed my cat etc. I will not have time to meditate. If I do, it will be rushed and low quality. I will go to work. I will listen to the daily ramblings of semi-illiterate idiots. And I know exactly that I'm wasting another day for nothing. Because I should have been working as a lawyer for over a year.

Before lunch my hair will be standing on end from boredom and bitterness. Then, after spending at least 11 hours there, I come home empty, enervated and tired. I will have no one to talk to in the evening except my cat, and the last thing I will feel like doing and have the energy to do is meditate.

And all the while I'm constantly dreading what will happen in the winter. Because I haven't been hired to work anywhere in 1 year, and the prime minister is exercising decree government, so he can reintroduce compulsory vaccination at any time without justification.

I can only repeat myself: time is running out. To date no one has answered my question on the HP Cobra thread: how will rtr's stop 250 million Africans? Or how will we feed our countries without petroleum, fertilizer and store-bought feed?

I am sorry, but I know that for me to continue would only be a moment of enthusiasm. I worry about the people I love, I worry about myself. And I know I'm completely helpless, and I could have done a lot in the last 12 months on a mid-level lawyer's salary. And Satan is no help, I have to admit that. Luckily I stopped taking Xanax after 2 days, I don't like drugs. But with such frustration, anger and sadness there is no way I can do quality meditation. And Blitzkreig says 45-50 minutes as an absolute minimum... Plus yoga, etc, etc, etc, etc.

I repeat: I have another side. Everything would be different if I had been hired for that job. I can mobilise enormous strength and enthusiasm. I talked to a friend of mine for six months and she is now Spiritual Satanist, she has done his own initiation. I don't need luxury. Believe me, if I could get into normal circumstances, I would do rtr like a steam engine. But with this constant anxiety I can't do spiritual work in the long run. I have planned ahead how I will use that money, month by month, to gradually put our life back in order before the country collapses.

And I repeat: for me, that was the last straw. I've never had a feeling of crying at work, never taken a single Xanax, etc. And I'm alone and I can't get up from this now. It must be Satan's mercy that I haven't started drinking alcohol again at this point.

I told Satan that I hoped one day I would really be the Satanist I had the potential to be in my soul. Maybe in my current life. But now I am helpless. I struggled a lot, and when I finally got the result (the degree), it only got worse. Enough, tired.

But thank you for your reply, of course, and I'm interested in a more detailed explanation. However, I understand if you don't write it, because it's a waste of your time if I'm not going to apply it.
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
Not true. I have written in multiple occasions and even to you directly that a healthy balance is needed. Both spiritual and physical actitivies compliment each other and are needed. Despite mostly talking about spirtual practices I do not ignore this in my own life. Perhaps I should start mentioning this more often again here. I just take it for granted that we live our lives and do things, and boost them with spiritual means. To me this seems obvious.

Answer #1

Henu the Great said:
Just to clarify.

Doing rtrs = okay!

Doing rtrs and physical activities against jewish nwo = super nice!

Doing only physical activities = meh!
So, what is your point? I still stand behind both posts. The context for the first is that you can not achieve greater success without employing spiritual means. Just as our enemy has done... The context in personal development is the same, best results are achieved when spiritual means are included in the whole.

You have shown severe lack of understanding while having claimed having read through copious amounts of material. Something does not add up. Even using vibrations seems foreign to you. So are you for real or are you trying to pull some dirty tricks here by making claims that methods provided by JoS do not work?
Henu the Great said:
So, what is your point? I still stand behind both posts. The context for the first is that you can not achieve greater success without employing spiritual means. Just as our enemy has done... The context in personal development is the same, best results are achieved when spiritual means are included in the whole.

You have shown severe lack of understanding while having claimed having read through copious amounts of material. Something does not add up. Even using vibrations seems foreign to you. So are you for real or are you trying to pull some dirty tricks here by making claims that methods provided by JoS do not work?

I have listed some serious results that I have personally achieved in my own life, with zero magic. That's all I said. No more, no less. And it logically follows that this statement of yours is not true: "Doing only physical activities = meh!" It's really just logic, I have no ulterior motive. A law degree or recovery from alcoholism is not "meh". Serious and big achievements that didn't take any magic.

But I have written repeatedly that Satan has clearly contributed to these results. For example, I dreamed up my exam theme. Of course, I don't know exactly what Satan did. I was just doing physical activity. That I do know.

I don't understand the rest of what you wrote. I just recently posted in the other topic that I managed to see trees with my third eye using Blitzkreig's method. I never said that JoS methods don't work.


"Even using vibrations seems foreign to you." :?: How much do you think I should know about vibrations? If I vibrate the Satanas mantra, for example, I can roughly visualize vibrating the right letter into the right chakra with the right position and colour. Physically, it's harder for me to feel that the vibration is actually happening there, but sometimes I can.
Dark Lawyer said:
I have listed some serious results that I have personally achieved in my own life, with zero magic. That's all I said. No more, no less. And it logically follows that this statement of yours is not true: "Doing only physical activities = meh!" It's really just logic, I have no ulterior motive. A law degree or recovery from alcoholism is not "meh". Serious and big achievements that didn't take any magic.

But I have written repeatedly that Satan has clearly contributed to these results. For example, I dreamed up my exam theme. Of course, I don't know exactly what Satan did. I was just doing physical activity. That I do know.

I don't understand the rest of what you wrote. I just recently posted in the other topic that I managed to see trees with my third eye using Blitzkreig's method. I never said that JoS methods don't work.


"Even using vibrations seems foreign to you." :?: How much do you think I should know about vibrations? If I vibrate the Satanas mantra, for example, I can roughly visualize vibrating the right letter into the right chakra with the right position and colour. Physically, it's harder for me to feel that the vibration is actually happening there, but sometimes I can.
You took what I said out of context. No one ever said achieving things without magick is impossible or "meh". It's called life. I said that only physical activities without magick is less so than physical + magickal. Likewise, part of life is overcoming and achieving with magickal practices, which is more so than simply without. Your issues could be solved with such measures. Knowledge such as this which many emotionally crippled people would desperately need to apply to their lives instead of using pills to improve their condition. You included, based on what you shared.

I made a statement on your lack of understanding based on your recent posts where you tie into the mass mind and do not see how RTR would solve complex issues, such as food shortages, or immigration. Altough I do not claim reversing Jewish kabbalistic magick as the sole factor, it's is key to taking back our planet, little by little.

There is no dispute between us.

Until the basic physical conditions of life are given, I cannot do spiritual work. I would do it for a few days or weeks, and then it would be the same as it is now.

I repeat: this is me. There are people who would take up yoga even if they had a law degree and had been working as a street cleaner for 1 year, were destitute and worried about their loved ones. I don't. I can't say any more about that. It wouldn't make any sense to do it for 1 week and then collapse again from hopelessness.

Warning: the basic physical conditions is not the same as a slice of cake, a spa hotel, and all the other things that some of you mock without knowing my life situation. As I write this, I'm wearing my only pair of (leaky) jeans at workplace. Most of the points I listed in my long post I am not very interested in, and I do not burden Satan with them. But without basic physical conditions, anxious and worried, I don't devote my already limited time and energy to spiritual practices. I am too sad for that.

Perhaps the only disagreement between us is that I think a total collapse of the world is more likely, and therefore I'm not really motivated by FRTR etc.

Theoretical example:

1. There is no food in Hungary. (In the spring, despite export restrictions, agricultural produce was exported from the country at a rapid pace. The Prime Minister can easily betray the Hungarian people at any time.)

2. There is no food, but there are a fucking lot of starving gypsies and Africans.

3. There is no possibility of self-defence firearms. (This is the subject of a chapter in my thesis.)

If this theoretical example comes true, it is simply Walking Dead World.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375221 time=1658025225 user_id=21286]

I don't know what the future holds. At this point I am helplessly adrift, unsure of what to do. I agree with what Stormblood said:

"It is inevitable that some form of wide-scale destruction needs to manifest so we can rebuild a positive, healthy and uplifting society, because the current system is too cancerous to be salvaged. I am not sure there is a single element that is worth salvaging and, if there is, the poison has already corrupted vital parts to the point that even what would be worth salvaging cannot be salvaged."

But I am uncertain about Blitzkreig's words:

"The Gods are always available to help, such as guiding you on what steps you should take. They can do this despite your advancement level or communicative abilities. They will most certainly not let you starve."

But I wish Blitzkreig was right. All I know is that once again, I didn't get a job after a job well done interview. I'm doing my best but I can't find a job for over 1 year, I'm destitute and without money I can't prepare for the hard times. And without preparation, survival is "mission impossible".

The world is going to collapse and who is Satanic and who is not will not matter in survival. If there is no food, there is no food. Satan will not create from nothing, and those who cannot produce for themselves will starve very quickly. But this is not a narrowly spiritual topic, so opinions may differ. I am not as optimistic as some on this forum.


However, I hope that although I am now helplessly drifting and feeling hopeless, I might not leave the SS path. This gave me a little strength:

"There is no greater blasphemy to the Catholic/Christian Church and its false 'God' and company, than that of the Runes."

It's a "good" thing I was a Christian because it gives me a healthy hatred of yhwh. :cool:

I would therefore like to ask 3 technical questions. I would be honoured if you could answer them.

1. On the purification of the Satanic Rosary, Henu wrote: "You could also try to chant Surya while engulfing the mala in white-golden light." Is there an optimum duration, number of repetitions, or planetary hour? (And I assume it is best to do the cleansing close to the new moon, and certainly not during void moon.) In addition, I would also like to do an FRTR and KT to cleanse the rosary. For this, the hour of Saturn is the most ideal, and should I choose a time close to the new moon? As I understand it, such cleansing is best done during a waning moon, as close to the new moon as possible.

2. What I am always unsure about. What is safe to suggest to a person who is not a Satanist? But does not follow a hostile agenda. Of course yoga can be suggested. But for example, can such a person cleanse their own aura? Can he work on building a protective aura? Can empty meditation or 40 days of work with runes be recommended for him? Can he cleanse and protect his pets and loved ones?

3. A complex situation has arisen. The rich neighbours might buy our family house. My parents would buy a smaller house for themselves from the same neighbour. And with the remaining money we could buy me my own apartment. This would solve my independence. But an apartment is not a good choice if a SHTF situation arises. But that may not be as significant an issue because we would be in the same city and could congregate at my parents' house in case of SHTF.

Of course, it is not all the same what kind of apartment I could buy and where. For example, I wouldn't want to live in a 10-storey block of flats in a gypsy neighbourhood with my cat. But with more expensive apartment, the question is whether I could maintain it on the crappy minimum wage with inflation.

So it is a complex issue. Perhaps it would be easiest to use the FEHU and ÖDHAL runes to ensure that everyone involved makes a decision that is best for my family and me, and that all circumstances are optimal? And I understand that it would be ideal to start this when the Moon is in Cancer and the Moon is in waxing? The Moon enters Cancer on July 23, but that's waning Moon. Then the Moon re-enters Cancer on August 22, but it is also a waning Moon. What would be the optimal time to start this 40-day work? I chose runes and the sign of Cancer because of real estate. And what I haven't found yet: What determines on which planetary clock and how many repetitions a given rune is effective to vibrate?
Dark Lawyer said:

Hello! You might have not seen me around but I think I might give you a different perspective on Your perspective, eh? Why not try?

I like practical people, the physical. People spending too much time "in the air" with their heads in the clouds, frankly suck to talk to. Zero grounding in reality. I will NOT be begging you to stay or do invocations or runes or whatever the fuck. I want to try and Help You. I cannot offer you advice how to turn your life around (do this, or go do that or blah blah blah). None of that. Instead, let me hold up a mirror of yourself and then invert that mirror within another mirror.

You seem like a typical INTP (1 in 10 men are). Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test to find out what your archetype is? It was developed to follow the archetypes Carl Jung observed in people. If you ARE an INTP, as I suspect, you will probably be skeptical about how "muh personality test" can give you any "real" insight into your person. It is a "starting point", not the end destination. This leads into what may be your biggest problem:

"I care Too Much about the end destination". <--- This is you 100%. From marriage, to sex, to financial, to jobs, to relationships, to housing, etc. Every single, and valid, complaint you have said about your life up until now is about "I am unhappy because I am not where I think I should be". This is false. You are EXACTLY where you should be. Not because you haven't tried to do what you "think" is best for you, but because you are fighting against circumstances that are ultimately... out of your control. You said it yourself. You are helpless. Yes! Yes you are and so is EVERYONE ELSE. One day, no matter how much you meditate or accumulate power, you could be hit by a bus and that would be that. I'm not saying you cannot control your destiny, it's just that destiny also controls you back. "I am not okay because I cannot control the things around in my life". Which now leads me to the next thing:

"I want control of things". <--- Here's a real kick in the balls. You can't. You can never have ultimate control. Even if you're asking for a "little", if the control is on the outside (work, people, stuff, situations, etc) you will Fail. The ultimate truth is that the only thing you can control is YOU. PERIOD. You didn't get that job you wanted/needed? It's okay. You don't have a wife at the age of 40? It's okay. You don't have your own place? That's okay. You don't have time to spend hours on hours stumbling through meditations you yourself have doubts in? That's OKAY. What doesn't "make" all of this "okay" is YOU. YOU make it "not okay". I'm not saying it's all in your head, but this is a bitter truth and here, I'll give you a nice redpill.

You overcame alcoholism all by yourself? HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZING! (Btw, alcoholism is nothing but the body, mainly liver, craving sugars so if you EVER have the desire to drink again, eat something with a lot of sugar but please no soda as that destroys teeth) You say that you didn't need nothing nor no one to do it. Bro, do you have any idea how completely amazing that it? I will say it again, YOU have the power to change yourself and only yourself, and with your alcoholism, you did. Is that proof enough for you? Change the way you look at your situation in life and you will see, it's not that fucking bad. Yeah, you will moan, it's pretty bad but I will say, "by who's standards?" By Your standards? Where did you get those from? The sage will tell you that life is about the journey and not the destination. And considering that you do not want advice as you may not even take it, well how about living by these words instead? Easy, right? No scheduling, no restrictions, just words. "Let it be and you will be happy no matter what". And on that note, here's another kick in the balls for you:

"If I only had gotten this or that, I would be happy". Ha ha ha ah no, you wouldn't. Everyone thinks that "if only I could get this job, everything will be okay and I will be happy again". This is false. Why? Because it's another thing on the outside of you that you believe can make you happy when in reality, it will not. Only You can make you happy. Nothing on the outside will do. It might make life "easier" or more "bearable" but at the end of the day, you will still have to live with yourself and if yourself is always bitter, anxious, unhappy, looking to "better things" in life, can you say that you could be happy? You may think "I only need a little, man, really!" Nope, you're now talking like a drug addict. There are many people who are homeless and are completely happy with having little to nothing and then you have rich bitches who are psychopaths and want to murder their loved ones for Moar money that are Unhappy. See what I'm saying? Of course you do, you're almost 40, you should.

You have said "I don't want anything anymore". What a good attitude to have, I mean it! Just be You. Just "be". Exist, like any other innocent creature that walks this earth. That's all. Look out your window and fill your lungs with air and *feel* how good that is. From what I can gather, you have little experience with energy in the body. I'll give you a "cheat" to feel it inside of you. Ready? When ever you are angry, where does that anger originate in the body? The stomach? The chest? What about sadness or anxiety? What about happiness or joy? Where in the body does it spring from? No, not from your "head", your brain only processes the emotion circuitry coming from the body and it is not an originator of the emotion. It only "translates" the emotion so your conscious mind can process it. Now, I ask again, where does this anger come from? Do you feel it? If you do, congratulations, you have felt your body's energy or Qi. It's that simple. Most people will think that their emotions come from the head, like I stated, it does not so the concept of "energy movement" in the body is foreign to them because they are not IN their bodies, they are in their heads. Up in the clouds and ungrounded like I said before. Emotions are directly tied to Qi in the body. If you want to know more, just look up Taoism and have fun.

Anyway, I hope I have put a new spin on your situation and have not said shit you already knew. Sometimes, you have to throw a stone in the lake to see ripples. If that's what you want, an end to "stagnation", either change the outlook of your life and make it a "good" thing OR physically change your surroundings. (have you ever thought of just camping outside for a few days, even if you have to go to work? Try Anything and everything if you crave for "movement".) There is only one rule to life and that is 0 and 1, breathing in and breathing out, charge and discharge. What moment of your life are YOU in? Charge, or discharge? From discharge comes charge and from charge comes discharge over and over and over again.

Just "be" and you will be fine. No matter where or what you are, I want You to go find what will make you happy and I've already given you the map. Peace be with you, brother, and good luck. o7
You just got a ticket out of your parents house and a possibility to have some freedom and you cannot see the Gods behind it. The only thing you see is fear.

What will be if X happens??

You probbably can't get a new job even if you Ace the interviews, because all your energy is going into what will happen when SHTF.

All your life (now) is focused to prep(this is what i understood from your posts), and what better way to prep for when SHTF, then to live in poverty and despair.

How this Universe works,(where your focus is there goes your energy) is not ideal(because there are alot of people who can only focus on negativity since their life is shit), but hey atleast you got the knowledge to change your life( even if it is really fucking hard).

Try to focus on something positive, I know its hard but the moment you get out of your negative mindset, things will change for the better.

But I also see that you got motivated to do some workings and that is a great thing, trust me don't give up, it can only get better.

I wish you whatever you wish for yourself Brother!

Dark Lawyer said:

Also, if my post before didn't settle with you, it is because I don't know your archetype. I just took what you said and condensed it into its essence and nothing more. It's a general overview. If you want a more "in depth" explanation about yourself, just find out your what your MBTI type is and say it. From there, I will be able to concisely communicate with you on a level you can understand and utilize without wishy-washy bullshit. You might be an INTJ and they are Very different to talk to and thus my explanations would be different. I just want to make sure you get the understanding you need from someone with just as much life experience as yourself.

Also, have this:
F_For_Flamingo said:
You just got a ticket out of your parents house and a possibility to have some freedom and you cannot see the Gods behind it. The only thing you see is fear.

What will be if X happens??

You probbably can't get a new job even if you Ace the interviews, because all your energy is going into what will happen when SHTF.

All your life (now) is focused to prep(this is what i understood from your posts), and what better way to prep for when SHTF, then to live in poverty and despair.

How this Universe works,(where your focus is there goes your energy) is not ideal(because there are alot of people who can only focus on negativity since their life is shit), but hey atleast you got the knowledge to change your life( even if it is really fucking hard).

Try to focus on something positive, I know its hard but the moment you get out of your negative mindset, things will change for the better.

But I also see that you got motivated to do some workings and that is a great thing, trust me don't give up, it can only get better.

I wish you whatever you wish for yourself Brother!


That felt good. Thank you very much.

And yes, I was just thinking that maybe this opportunity to move was given to me by Satan. So I don't want to make the same mistake again that I made when I applied for the job, which was not doing any spiritual work for the cause.

Many helpful comments have been made in this topic, thank you all.
Dark Lawyer said:
Warning: the basic physical conditions is not the same as a slice of cake, a spa hotel, and all the other things that some of you mock without knowing my life situation.
I did not mock you by saying that you complain about your piece of cake, in other words, of your piece in this world, at the moment. Simple statement, however as not pleasantly put, was simply stating your conduct.

Your total misinterpretations on multiple occasions has lead me to believe that figure of speeches should not be used in a reply for you.

What has been relayed on the post above is what I was referring to with my previous posts, albeit my style was crude back then due to frustration. Consider your state of mind: How and what you think as it has a huge impact not only on how you perceive things, but also how you impact those around you and they in turn around impact you.

Thanks again. I feel like I'm getting back in the saddle.

Unfortunately, my "depressed" days have been more intense lately, and it seems to be taking me longer to get out of them. I really need some normal stability in my circumstances.
Dark Lawyer said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
You just got a ticket out of your parents house and a possibility to have some freedom and you cannot see the Gods behind it. The only thing you see is fear.

What will be if X happens??

You probbably can't get a new job even if you Ace the interviews, because all your energy is going into what will happen when SHTF.

All your life (now) is focused to prep(this is what i understood from your posts), and what better way to prep for when SHTF, then to live in poverty and despair.

How this Universe works,(where your focus is there goes your energy) is not ideal(because there are alot of people who can only focus on negativity since their life is shit), but hey atleast you got the knowledge to change your life( even if it is really fucking hard).

Try to focus on something positive, I know its hard but the moment you get out of your negative mindset, things will change for the better.

But I also see that you got motivated to do some workings and that is a great thing, trust me don't give up, it can only get better.

I wish you whatever you wish for yourself Brother!


That felt good. Thank you very much.

And yes, I was just thinking that maybe this opportunity to move was given to me by Satan. So I don't want to make the same mistake again that I made when I applied for the job, which was not doing any spiritual work for the cause.

Many helpful comments have been made in this topic, thank you all.

Im glad you are feeling better brother!

Never forget that this path is a marathon!

Keep walking!
Dark Lawyer said:

Thanks again. I feel like I'm getting back in the saddle.

Unfortunately, my "depressed" days have been more intense lately, and it seems to be taking me longer to get out of them. I really need some normal stability in my circumstances.

1) work out
2) dress well, be clean, smell nicely, have a good haircut
3) improve your financial situation
4) Date chicks that are 28-38, lie about relationships.
5) Go in for the kill, and guide where the relationship goes. Even if you never did this, be more „aggressive“ in a sense that you take what you want from women.
NinRick said:
1) work out
2) dress well, be clean, smell nicely, have a good haircut
3) improve your financial situation
4) Date chicks that are 28-38, lie about relationships.
5) Go in for the kill, and guide where the relationship goes. Even if you never did this, be more „aggressive“ in a sense that you take what you want from women.

Thanks. Points 1-2 are fine. I am working on point 3 on an ongoing basis. :) It is possible that I will do energy work (Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah). Gradual progress forward.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Im glad you are feeling better brother!

Never forget that this path is a marathon!

Keep walking!

We do not know each other, and yet how many of you have taken the time to write to me and encourage me.

What else can I do to thank you than to get back in the saddle and have already done today's FRTR and KT. :)
Dark Lawyer said:
NinRick said:
1) work out
2) dress well, be clean, smell nicely, have a good haircut
3) improve your financial situation
4) Date chicks that are 28-38, lie about relationships.
5) Go in for the kill, and guide where the relationship goes. Even if you never did this, be more „aggressive“ in a sense that you take what you want from women.

Thanks. Points 1-2 are fine. I am working on point 3 on an ongoing basis. :) It is possible that I will do energy work (Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah). Gradual progress forward.

And just by following 1 and 2 you are a handsome mfer
Dark Lawyer said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Im glad you are feeling better brother!

Never forget that this path is a marathon!

Keep walking!

We do not know each other, and yet how many of you have taken the time to write to me and encourage me.

What else can I do to thank you than to get back in the saddle and have already done today's FRTR and KT. :)
Now you just have to treat women, like a man treats women and u will make a lot of Progress.
I know I don't have the right to say these words, but I still want you to hear them.
I live in China and the worst here is far worse than what you said.
1.Some factories in China are only 6RMB (1 USD) per hour,If you work 12 hours tomorrow with no rest for a month, it's only $360.Maybe that might seem like more than your salary, but that sometimes doesn't cover a day's worth of food.And the labor in these factories is very tiring and dirty, and no matter how bad the lawyer job you do, it is more decent than these factories.(There will be a lot of accidents in the factory, if these workers unfortunately die, they will only give compensation to their families about $10,000, which is a person's life) :|
2.House prices in China are very expensive, with independent villas priced above 10 million RMB ($1,482,000,),The average apartment dwelling is priced at around 4 million RMB ($592,800).Combined with the previous point, some people cannot afford to buy a house in their entire life, and can only rent a house with their monthly salary, or live in a factory.
3.In China, there are very many poor people between the ages of 40 and 50 who do not have a spouse.
Maybe your country is not very rich, but the price is not too high. You can look at us here, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.There are many people who meet the above three points at the same time, and they are still trying to make a living.In your country, you can protest and march against vaccines; in my country, if you say "no" to vaccines, the police and some statisticians will come to you and ask why. If you don't have a reason to convince them, not only will you be forced to get vaccinated, but you'll lose your job because of it.As for protests and marches, the police simply don't give people a chance to shout in the streets.
Maybe I can't stop you from leaving here, but I hope you don't lose faith in life, there will always be people in this world more miserable than yours, and if they don't give up, you shouldn't either.
I think you might be able to change your mind about the way you work.
Finally, have a nice day!I hope one day in the future, to see you come back with good news of victory! :)

holy crap that's appauling 590,000 for a house i assume thats USA money too 858,884$ australian money WTF!!!!! man so basically its impossible to own your own home in china unless you leave and get the money up then return and buy a house why the hell you'd ever want to return is beyond me that is bullshit i could pay you less then 1 hr wage in my country and you would make 8 dollars more an hour then you do all day can i help you out some how
STanBlank said:
I know I don't have the right to say these words, but I still want you to hear them.
I live in China and the worst here is far worse than what you said.
1.Some factories in China are only 6RMB (1 USD) per hour,If you work 12 hours tomorrow with no rest for a month, it's only $360.Maybe that might seem like more than your salary, but that sometimes doesn't cover a day's worth of food.And the labor in these factories is very tiring and dirty, and no matter how bad the lawyer job you do, it is more decent than these factories.(There will be a lot of accidents in the factory, if these workers unfortunately die, they will only give compensation to their families about $10,000, which is a person's life) :|
2.House prices in China are very expensive, with independent villas priced above 10 million RMB ($1,482,000,),The average apartment dwelling is priced at around 4 million RMB ($592,800).Combined with the previous point, some people cannot afford to buy a house in their entire life, and can only rent a house with their monthly salary, or live in a factory.
3.In China, there are very many poor people between the ages of 40 and 50 who do not have a spouse.
Maybe your country is not very rich, but the price is not too high. You can look at us here, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.There are many people who meet the above three points at the same time, and they are still trying to make a living.In your country, you can protest and march against vaccines; in my country, if you say "no" to vaccines, the police and some statisticians will come to you and ask why. If you don't have a reason to convince them, not only will you be forced to get vaccinated, but you'll lose your job because of it.As for protests and marches, the police simply don't give people a chance to shout in the streets.
Maybe I can't stop you from leaving here, but I hope you don't lose faith in life, there will always be people in this world more miserable than yours, and if they don't give up, you shouldn't either.
I think you might be able to change your mind about the way you work.
Finally, have a nice day!I hope one day in the future, to see you come back with good news of victory! :)

Sorry, I missed your post. I guess I didn't get a notification.

Thank you very much, because you have written some very thought-provoking things. You have confirmed me, and as you can see, I have not left the forum. :)

Stay strong in China!
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
Hello! You might have not seen me around but I think I might give you a different perspective on Your perspective, eh? Why not try?

I like practical people, the physical. People spending too much time "in the air" with their heads in the clouds, frankly suck to talk to. Zero grounding in reality. I will NOT be begging you to stay or do invocations or runes or whatever the fuck. I want to try and Help You. I cannot offer you advice how to turn your life around (do this, or go do that or blah blah blah). None of that. Instead, let me hold up a mirror of yourself and then invert that mirror within another mirror.

You seem like a typical INTP (1 in 10 men are). Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test to find out what your archetype is? It was developed to follow the archetypes Carl Jung observed in people. If you ARE an INTP, as I suspect, you will probably be skeptical about how "muh personality test" can give you any "real" insight into your person. It is a "starting point", not the end destination. This leads into what may be your biggest problem:

"I care Too Much about the end destination". <--- This is you 100%. From marriage, to sex, to financial, to jobs, to relationships, to housing, etc. Every single, and valid, complaint you have said about your life up until now is about "I am unhappy because I am not where I think I should be". This is false. You are EXACTLY where you should be. Not because you haven't tried to do what you "think" is best for you, but because you are fighting against circumstances that are ultimately... out of your control. You said it yourself. You are helpless. Yes! Yes you are and so is EVERYONE ELSE. One day, no matter how much you meditate or accumulate power, you could be hit by a bus and that would be that. I'm not saying you cannot control your destiny, it's just that destiny also controls you back. "I am not okay because I cannot control the things around in my life". Which now leads me to the next thing:

"I want control of things". <--- Here's a real kick in the balls. You can't. You can never have ultimate control. Even if you're asking for a "little", if the control is on the outside (work, people, stuff, situations, etc) you will Fail. The ultimate truth is that the only thing you can control is YOU. PERIOD. You didn't get that job you wanted/needed? It's okay. You don't have a wife at the age of 40? It's okay. You don't have your own place? That's okay. You don't have time to spend hours on hours stumbling through meditations you yourself have doubts in? That's OKAY. What doesn't "make" all of this "okay" is YOU. YOU make it "not okay". I'm not saying it's all in your head, but this is a bitter truth and here, I'll give you a nice redpill.

You overcame alcoholism all by yourself? HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZING! (Btw, alcoholism is nothing but the body, mainly liver, craving sugars so if you EVER have the desire to drink again, eat something with a lot of sugar but please no soda as that destroys teeth) You say that you didn't need nothing nor no one to do it. Bro, do you have any idea how completely amazing that it? I will say it again, YOU have the power to change yourself and only yourself, and with your alcoholism, you did. Is that proof enough for you? Change the way you look at your situation in life and you will see, it's not that fucking bad. Yeah, you will moan, it's pretty bad but I will say, "by who's standards?" By Your standards? Where did you get those from? The sage will tell you that life is about the journey and not the destination. And considering that you do not want advice as you may not even take it, well how about living by these words instead? Easy, right? No scheduling, no restrictions, just words. "Let it be and you will be happy no matter what". And on that note, here's another kick in the balls for you:

"If I only had gotten this or that, I would be happy". Ha ha ha ah no, you wouldn't. Everyone thinks that "if only I could get this job, everything will be okay and I will be happy again". This is false. Why? Because it's another thing on the outside of you that you believe can make you happy when in reality, it will not. Only You can make you happy. Nothing on the outside will do. It might make life "easier" or more "bearable" but at the end of the day, you will still have to live with yourself and if yourself is always bitter, anxious, unhappy, looking to "better things" in life, can you say that you could be happy? You may think "I only need a little, man, really!" Nope, you're now talking like a drug addict. There are many people who are homeless and are completely happy with having little to nothing and then you have rich bitches who are psychopaths and want to murder their loved ones for Moar money that are Unhappy. See what I'm saying? Of course you do, you're almost 40, you should.

You have said "I don't want anything anymore". What a good attitude to have, I mean it! Just be You. Just "be". Exist, like any other innocent creature that walks this earth. That's all. Look out your window and fill your lungs with air and *feel* how good that is. From what I can gather, you have little experience with energy in the body. I'll give you a "cheat" to feel it inside of you. Ready? When ever you are angry, where does that anger originate in the body? The stomach? The chest? What about sadness or anxiety? What about happiness or joy? Where in the body does it spring from? No, not from your "head", your brain only processes the emotion circuitry coming from the body and it is not an originator of the emotion. It only "translates" the emotion so your conscious mind can process it. Now, I ask again, where does this anger come from? Do you feel it? If you do, congratulations, you have felt your body's energy or Qi. It's that simple. Most people will think that their emotions come from the head, like I stated, it does not so the concept of "energy movement" in the body is foreign to them because they are not IN their bodies, they are in their heads. Up in the clouds and ungrounded like I said before. Emotions are directly tied to Qi in the body. If you want to know more, just look up Taoism and have fun.

Anyway, I hope I have put a new spin on your situation and have not said shit you already knew. Sometimes, you have to throw a stone in the lake to see ripples. If that's what you want, an end to "stagnation", either change the outlook of your life and make it a "good" thing OR physically change your surroundings. (have you ever thought of just camping outside for a few days, even if you have to go to work? Try Anything and everything if you crave for "movement".) There is only one rule to life and that is 0 and 1, breathing in and breathing out, charge and discharge. What moment of your life are YOU in? Charge, or discharge? From discharge comes charge and from charge comes discharge over and over and over again.

Just "be" and you will be fine. No matter where or what you are, I want You to go find what will make you happy and I've already given you the map. Peace be with you, brother, and good luck. o7

Sorry, I just noticed your two posts. I read them, but will have time to read them more carefully later. Thank you and I will write a reply!

Any ideas on these three questions, Henu? Sorry to ask again. I think I've got the basics together, but for the remaining technical questions I don't know where to look for the info.

1. On the purification of the Satanic Rosary, you wrote: "You could also try to chant Surya while engulfing the mala in white-golden light." Is there an optimum duration, number of repetitions, or planetary hour? (And I assume it is best to do the cleansing close to the new moon, and certainly not during void moon.) In addition, I would also like to do an FRTR and KT to cleanse the rosary. For this, the hour of Saturn is the most ideal, and should I choose a time close to the new moon? As I understand it, such cleansing is best done during a waning moon, as close to the new moon as possible.

2. What I am always unsure about. What is safe to suggest to a person who is not a Satanist? But does not follow a hostile agenda. Of course yoga can be suggested. But for example, can such a person cleanse their own aura? Can he work on building a protective aura? Can empty meditation or 40 days of work with runes be recommended for him? Can he cleanse and protect his pets and loved ones?

3. A complex situation has arisen. The rich neighbours might buy our family house. My parents would buy a smaller house for themselves from the same neighbour. And with the remaining money we could buy me my own apartment. This would solve my independence. But an apartment is not a good choice if a SHTF situation arises. But that may not be as significant an issue because we would be in the same city and could congregate at my parents' house in case of SHTF.

Of course, it is not all the same what kind of apartment I could buy and where. For example, I wouldn't want to live in a 10-storey block of flats in a gypsy neighbourhood with my cat. But with more expensive apartment, the question is whether I could maintain it on the crappy minimum wage with inflation.

So it is a complex issue. Perhaps it would be easiest to use the FEHU and ÖDHAL runes to ensure that everyone involved makes a decision that is best for my family and me, and that all circumstances are optimal? And I understand that it would be ideal to start this when the Moon is in Cancer and the Moon is in waxing? The Moon enters Cancer on July 23, but that's waning Moon. Then the Moon re-enters Cancer on August 22, but it is also a waning Moon. What would be the optimal time to start this 40-day work? I chose runes and the sign of Cancer because of real estate. And what I haven't found yet: What determines on which planetary clock and how many repetitions a given rune is effective to vibrate?
Dark Lawyer said:
I say goodbye to the forum.
I wouldn't slam the door just yet. Hold your horses for a while longer.

You may not believe this but I've been there, too.

All this happy-smiley positive horseshit aside, the Runes and vibrations will only get you this far. I guess I am one of those who can't find 60+ minutes daily for lenghty vibrations. Spoiled lazy brats in western nations could afford this but most of them even don't care. For me, it's either lack of time, lack of energy to stay awake or lack of privacy.

I can only tell you what I did to gain a more in-depth understanding of my own situation: I took the time and compiled my birt chart (the planets, signs, houses and major aspects between planets). Then I began to interpret them using the Azazels Astrology. Every single problem in my life was described there in black and white (the childhood, employment, relationships with others, education, personality etc). Once I had these topics laid out in front of me, I had a good starting point. Also my attitude changed. If you are unaware of your planetary situation, you just go with the flow like the rest of the sheeple, complaining, drinking and whatnot. Now I'm aware (at least partially).

If some planets cast doom on your life, you can deliberately use certain instruments like the planetary squares to alleviate problems one by one. Please also note that the discontentedness you feel is a strong force if channeled correctly. Instead of all the negatives, focus your anger on finding ways out of this shitty mess. To paraphrase an old anecdote: you can't be angry at the Gods for not giving you a jackpot if you didn't bother going out and buying the lottery tickets.

In addition to that, be aware that some of the limitations in your life may be self-imposed, like when you believe that a career change at 40+ is considered a bad thing in your country. If they close the door, breach the fucking window and try again, considerately of course. I have had positive things happen in my life that everyone else believed to be impossible. I just had to believe, channel the mental energy, take the necessary physical actions and follow through. Planetary timing and void Moon are extremely important, check the Satanic calendar for your timezone. And yes, you have to carefully plan the timing of important things, even job applications.

This is my .02 cents. Take care, hope to see you around.
Dark Lawyer said:
But I am uncertain about Blitzkreig's words:

"The Gods are always available to help, such as guiding you on what steps you should take. They can do this despite your advancement level or communicative abilities. They will most certainly not let you starve."

But I wish Blitzkreig was right. All I know is that once again, I didn't get a job after a job well done interview. I'm doing my best but I can't find a job for over 1 year, I'm destitute and without money I can't prepare for the hard times. And without preparation, survival is "mission impossible".

The world is going to collapse and who is Satanic and who is not will not matter in survival. If there is no food, there is no food. Satan will not create from nothing, and those who cannot produce for themselves will starve very quickly. But this is not a narrowly spiritual topic, so opinions may differ. I am not as optimistic as some on this forum.

Yes, the statement about the Gods is completely true. They have been aware of the current situation we face for at least 100 years, but probably more. With that being said, they are fully prepared to ensure at least our basic survival during these times. Perhaps you may feel unworthy, so think of it from a utilitarian perspective: If we die, how can Satanism progress in the future? Therefore, the Gods protect their investment.

In regards to how the Gods can do this, or how you can do this, the energy creates situations that manifest in your life. Those who have received direct support from the Gods can get it in the form of literally finding money. In a broader sense, they can engineer the conditions in which you can receive food and water.

As Stormblood said, yes there will be massive damage to our society, but RTR's mitigate this by removing curses on Gentiles, and more importantly, backfiring all of this onto the enemy. From the ashes, the Gentile world will come out stronger than before, free from the corrupting influence of the enemy. Most who perish can be reincarnated.

We are fighting a battle, and our leadership has told us to hold firm and that reinforcements are on the way. Yet, if we decide to freak out and run out of the trench, rather than continuing with our spiritual efforts and warfare, our situation will become dramatically worse. In history, the majority of battle casualties happen when morale collapses and a route occurs. Discipline is required to prevent this, and that is represented by the Nauthiz rune.


When you use these energies of wealth, like Fehu, Sowilo, Sun, Jupiter, or Venus, you are creating the vibrations literally of abundance, prosperity, and wealth into your soul and life. Imagine the energies pulsing out like a signal or magnet attracting wealth to you. Yet, if you somehow doubt this process, you are sending out contradictory signals which ruin this.

The above is why people who are naturally confident attract better outcomes. The Sun relates to wealth, but also our ego. Someone with a strong Sun will naturally think of themselves as worthy and able to be successful wherever they go. Spiritually, this is like constantly sending out signals of wealth and success.

If you do a working specifically for wealth, you are therefore imprinting these positive karmic factors of prosperity onto you. So yes, the world will undergo trouble, but your soul will remain prosperous regardless. That is why it is important for you to not give up now, while there is still time to set up these necessary preparations.

The Sun will soon go into Leo, giving a good time for starting either a Sun Square or Sun-based regular working. By the way, such an important working should not be restricted to just 40 days. Extend it out 120 days and reap the large rewards that come with that.
After having read your post and being around the block for a long time as a satanist i have a few things to say

The reason why the gods do not give us the lottery numbers is simple you need to learn to not give in and do this crap again to each other later on to let Jews or people of similar mind sets do the whole pyramid scheme bullshit with us they are more then capable of snapping their fingers and making the Jews pop out of existence they wouldn't even need to do that to all of them just the ones who know their shit about the spiritual and they would instantly die and collapse they don't do this because this would teach us nothing and the idea of communism and Christianity still live on here.

we need to realize that this way is not the way and the best lessons are often the hardest taught.

you can make mistakes the idea is to not repeat them stop beating yourself up for making mistakes find out why you made the mistake and correct the error so you stop doing it.

if you want to leave the forum then do so if you want to stay then do so allow me to enlighten you even if your whole world falls apart and you decide even to commit suicide it won't make the pain go away you will die and if you are not of any one particular faction you will likely be stuck in your body or be prey for other spirits you will not ever be in a better situation until you make it so, you can do 100 lifetimes from now and suffer the exact same things the same way forever it won't change until you change until you correct the error until you make the change so you may as well stop with the quitting talk it doesn't make it any easier and the only way it gets easier is to move forward and you are moving forward with small things.

the reduction of alcohol and drugs is an obvious sign that you are beginning to change if you want the gods help if you want them to even give you a sideways glance dedicate properly get yourself into training now there is a 40 day program on the site find it do it stop making excuses that your tired we are all tired sometimes and some of our situations are easier and some of our situations are harder deal with it accept that this is the fact of the matter.

Then also accept the fact that if your at rock bottom which you are beginning to drift upwards and away from then there is only one place you can go and that is up I'm not going to baby you as others on here might in the forum and I'm not going to make you a bunch of bullshit promises that i can't keep but i will say to you it gets better.

I have slept on a park bench at the age of 17 because my dad didn't want anything to do with me because he was a self absorbed piece of shit and my mom said she couldn't afford to have me translation didn't want me messing up her new relationship i got work where i could i slept in the cold in the rain on a bench i got myself the work i got myself a car and i got myself back on track nobody helped me till i was already going then all of sudden they all wanted to help all of a sudden they wanted to be parents.

Fast forward 8 years and this year i bailed out my mom who said she couldn't afford me financially i said to her lucky im able to afford you she understood the reference it was by far one of the most satisfying moments in my life to put her in her place like this now her mind set is very different and she is one of us and my relationship with my dad has improved a lot to hard to not respect you when you are the one who takes time off work to go take him down to the hospital to get surgery and still keep your finances going strong and i have a house deposit sitting around in between all my investments and accounts not once did i say my gods did nothing for me or that i blamed them for my situation i just asked them to point me in the right direction and i held tight to the gods because that's what kept me warm at night when i was crying about my situation in the rain on park bench atleast i wasn't alone.

Stop saying you can't because you can.

I re-read both your posts. Thanks for your thorough reply! I don't have much to add. I agree with many of your thoughts.

I'll just add that you didn't mention that I worry about some of the people and animals that are important to me.

However much we philosophise, the reality is that I could have done a lot for their safety in the last 1 year if I had found a job. I understand what you are writing, and of course, for example, I feel good while running, etc. This does not change the fact that I would not be normal if I threw away my concerns about the people I care about and lulled myself into some illusion of "happiness". I am a human being, not an ostrich. Not many people are important to me, but They are important. And already now, in the next few months, 20-50 million hungry migrants are coming to Europe. (Europe could accommodate around 4 million migrants in its current situation.) - https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/the-coming-chaos

And here we come to a misunderstanding. When I wrote about how much I needed the job, it wasn't because the job was needed for my happiness. Or rather, not primarily because of happiness. I feel good with a book, a film, etc. The work is urgent mainly because the money I get for it is a tool to do things for safety before winter. Sure I like the law, it would be nice to have social esteem, talk to smarter people, not be bored at work, etc. And of course I'm not an ascetic, I desire, for example, a wonderful Fatbike (which is extremely expensive). :) But this is not the priority. The priority is that work (= money) would be a tool for survival. That is why I wrote that I am not very interested in the other points I listed. But as long as I can see what's coming - and this is not a case where there's a hypothetical possibility of a bus - and I can't do anything, I can't be calm. (And even if I get hit by a bus, the food I collect, etc. will still benefit my loved ones. The problem is that I can't collect.)

Thanks for the tip, I will check my MBTI type and write it. I know that of the 4 personality types, I am strongly and quite clearly of the melancholic type.

Thank you for your thorough and constructive reply. Fortunately I was only on the floor for a few days. I am doing spiritual warfare again. (I did the 40 day program last year.)

I'm usually stable, but I was devastated not to be hired for the job I wrote about. I felt that after 1 year this was the last straw for me. But after a few days I was able to stand up again, and all of you on this topic helped me a lot, thank you.

"the reduction of alcohol and drugs is an obvious sign that you are beginning to change"

I haven't had any alcohol at all for almost 3.5 years. And I have never once tried drugs, nothing. :)
Dark Lawyer said:
Any ideas on these three questions, Henu? Sorry to ask again. I think I've got the basics together, but for the remaining technical questions I don't know where to look for the info.

1. On the purification of the Satanic Rosary, you wrote: "You could also try to chant Surya while engulfing the mala in white-golden light." Is there an optimum duration, number of repetitions, or planetary hour? (And I assume it is best to do the cleansing close to the new moon, and certainly not during void moon.) In addition, I would also like to do an FRTR and KT to cleanse the rosary. For this, the hour of Saturn is the most ideal, and should I choose a time close to the new moon? As I understand it, such cleansing is best done during a waning moon, as close to the new moon as possible.

2. What I am always unsure about. What is safe to suggest to a person who is not a Satanist? But does not follow a hostile agenda. Of course yoga can be suggested. But for example, can such a person cleanse their own aura? Can he work on building a protective aura? Can empty meditation or 40 days of work with runes be recommended for him? Can he cleanse and protect his pets and loved ones?

3. A complex situation has arisen. The rich neighbours might buy our family house. My parents would buy a smaller house for themselves from the same neighbour. And with the remaining money we could buy me my own apartment. This would solve my independence. But an apartment is not a good choice if a SHTF situation arises. But that may not be as significant an issue because we would be in the same city and could congregate at my parents' house in case of SHTF.

Of course, it is not all the same what kind of apartment I could buy and where. For example, I wouldn't want to live in a 10-storey block of flats in a gypsy neighbourhood with my cat. But with more expensive apartment, the question is whether I could maintain it on the crappy minimum wage with inflation.

So it is a complex issue. Perhaps it would be easiest to use the FEHU and ÖDHAL runes to ensure that everyone involved makes a decision that is best for my family and me, and that all circumstances are optimal? And I understand that it would be ideal to start this when the Moon is in Cancer and the Moon is in waxing? The Moon enters Cancer on July 23, but that's waning Moon. Then the Moon re-enters Cancer on August 22, but it is also a waning Moon. What would be the optimal time to start this 40-day work? I chose runes and the sign of Cancer because of real estate. And what I haven't found yet: What determines on which planetary clock and how many repetitions a given rune is effective to vibrate?
1. Any time is okay since it is one off kind of deal, not a working. Ideally during the day when the Sun is at its highest during the hour of Sun. Doing it during Void of Course Moon is okay, but not when you decide to make a working out of it. It's simply cleaning, it will not be nullified by doing it during VoC.

2. Yoga is safe and healthy for all of us. Well, technically all the practices on JoS, but the thing is that people who are not dedicated are not under direct protection of Gods. That would be risky due to people drawing the attenttion of enemy upon them and getting attacked. Not having the knowledge, protection, nor guidance can be devastating. So someone practicing something, like raising energy with runes and cleaning aura, and next thing they know they are under psychic distress which ends up them quitting what they did, setting them back. Other than that, I would not see any large problems. The main problem however, is a very large one. That being said, I do not hold anyone from trying the above practices, but the risks should be aknowledged. Safest options would be Yoga and void meditation, I think.

3. Both of those runes are okay. Waxing Moon would be the time to do such working. Cancer Moon is not the only one which suits the objective, although it would be very good time. Planetary hour of Sun, Venus and Jupiter would be great. Repetitions such as 36, 50, 88, 100, 111 and 216 all are okay, but not limited to this. Ideally you would want to choose good planetary hour and the amount of repetitions, but not doing so is better than not doing the working in the first place (as long as you start during Waxing Moon and during okay or good sign).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
