The EU is not the USA, it's a continent divided by states, to move you're gonna need to be self employed or have a sponsor or whatever else requisite the state you choose requires, and you're gonna have to learn the language of the state if you want to have a good time in said state.
Other than Nordic countries, other countries offer a much lower income compared to what you could make in the USA. And while in the USA you have legal blacks living there, in Europe most blacks are illegals and you can compare them to USA ghetto ones.
Eastern Europe is also very white, but also very poor, so it's better to go there only if you have an income that comes from literally any other country.
Also keep in mind that America is not that bad.. The USA is gigantic, you have access to so much land at very good prices. An acre in the USA can cost 10.000-20000$, in developed EU countries that is gonna cost 3x-4x more, and in some countries you literally can't homeschool your kids and pay shitload of taxes.