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I need to know something about Satan and his followers...

Tanner Bonnell

New member
May 5, 2014
Hello, Since my name will be posted on the thread anyways I'll introduce myself, I am a 16 year old going into his junior year of high school. I'm not new to Satanism as I have dedicated a few months ago. I've lied to myself for a long time and I'm ready to take action. I want to know if any of this is real, I don't know why, but every time I want to meditate or even think about it I suddenly find myself saying "This is ridiculous" or "Why should I?" 
Why I have this mindset I have no idea. I've read through Joy of Satan many times and have recently read Maxien's recent post 'Why there is suffering' I just recently found myself becoming an active user in the thread, yet I keep asking myself if I should even try anymore. I've been given a lot of chances in my life and I believe I may be on my last one, with Father at least.
I want to know that this is real, that I'm not just wasting my time... If I could get an answer that'd be great. The information enough made me dedicate, but after that day I suddenly stopped caring and just fell of the Spiritual path altogether.
If someone could maybe post there routine/daily meditation schedule that'd be great. If it's personal and supposed to be unique I could mix up a few and make my own routine that I know I could follow. I've been apart of this family for over a year, and I'm still stuck in the beginning. Whether it's Greys or just my gigantic procrastination tick, I don't know, but I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for someone to feed me. 
A good way for me to start is here. Eventually I hope to truly fall into place among the true Spiritual Satanists.
Thank you, Tanner B. 
It can suck at first.  I think somebody or something is messing with me.  It's hard to overcome.  I feel that something is doing everything in its power to try to get me to not meditate.  Like right now, its late and I need to go to work tomorrow and I need to go meditate.  Make it your number one daily priority above that of eating.  You'll either meditate or lose weight.
Its real
Hmmmm...am trying to think of an appropriate response but am stuck..yet i really do want to enlighten you..
Let me begin by asking you...
Ever since you dedicated(try to remember..) aren't there any changes in your life, aren't you more happier...doesn't life seem alittle more easier than it was before the dedication? The moment we dedicate our souls to satan hes definitely starts to watch over us...naturally..even without us aking for somethings like guidence or protection.   Try to pay some attention...and you will see
Otherwise there's no other way to assure you.
You can also ak father to make you see.....ask for his help in something..test him and then you will see how real it gets.
There's also a reason why its been ayear long but you still come around and check the jos site..i believe that's alittle push from father trying to direct you on da ryt path. And or..before trying to believe in satan try to believe in your self. Hail satan
Hail all hell
On Feb 7, 2015 2:52 AM, "Tanner Bonnell tmine1125@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello, Since my name will be posted on the thread anyways I'll introduce myself, I am a 16 year old going into his junior year of high school. I'm not new to Satanism as I have dedicated a few months ago. I've lied to myself for a long time and I'm ready to take action. I want to know if any of this is real, I don't know why, but every time I want to meditate or even think about it I suddenly find myself saying "This is ridiculous" or "Why should I?" 
Why I have this mindset I have no idea. I've read through Joy of Satan many times and have recently read Maxien's recent post 'Why there is suffering' I just recently found myself becoming an active user in the thread, yet I keep asking myself if I should even try anymore. I've been given a lot of chances in my life and I believe I may be on my last one, with Father at least.
I want to know that this is real, that I'm not just wasting my time... If I could get an answer that'd be great. The information enough made me dedicate, but after that day I suddenly stopped caring and just fell of the Spiritual path altogether.
If someone could maybe post there routine/daily meditation schedule that'd be great. If it's personal and supposed to be unique I could mix up a few and make my own routine that I know I could follow. I've been apart of this family for over a year, and I'm still stuck in the beginning. Whether it's Greys or just my gigantic procrastination tick, I don't know, but I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for someone to feed me. 
A good way for me to start is here. Eventually I hope to truly fall into place among the true Spiritual Satanists.
Thank you, Tanner B. 
the first thing you should realize is that you are tired of being feed. That's a good motivator is this spiritual world. I been like you in the beginning, I could have been part of this family and I put it out. Anyways. Routines, my count as well as many others count is 6,6,6. Inhale, holding, exhale. A counts for you too do in meditations. And that feeling of why i am doing this. Is only and concept of the xians. Which gives complete control of you don't realize that what is here is all true. Nothing of lies, lies within here. Remember, the truth never contradict itself only lies.

May your journey in the Satanic realm be blessed.

Hail Satan
& Demons of the Goetia
Hello Tanner, i had a similar problem like yours, first time i was introduced to satanism and joyofsatan i was fooling around on Ouija board with bunch of people, fortunately we was so careful and respectful, and we talked with a demon (who's now my lovely guardian demon) and he introduced us well to satanism, i was atheist at that time and had wrong informations about Satan and demons, it was a strange experience, just imagine how everything you believed and was sure that didn't exist was wrong, that's why i had a little bet of troubles until i believed i Satan, even though i talked much more with demons and such on Ouija board there was still a small voice in my head that's telling me that i'm just imagining, and also a smaller voice was saying if Satan exists then what Islam said is true (i come from Islamic background) but that didn't stop me because i was witnessing "miracles" and "extraordinary" things from Satan and his demons, which made me believe in him more, but that wasn't enough for my programmed brain, because i didn't "see" or "touch" Satan.
at that time i really wanted to shut up that small voice, and i was worrying that Satan might start to get upset because i dedicated to him even though that voice was still there, i was worrying that i'm wasting my time and Satan's time, and i felt bad.
I'm pretty sure Satan understands what i was getting through, we all got through the same thing because the shitty stupid religions programmed our minds to not believe and stay in the darkness.then i started reading and studying joyofsatan (which the stupid old me didn't read enough of it before dedicating my soul to father Satan)
reading joyofsatan helped me a lot, but it wasn't enough, so i started meditating again (again i was foolish when i dedicated my soul, and meditated for a couple of weeks then i stopped) and everyday i was becoming more powerful and more understanding, and here i am after a year and half meditating every day for one hour and half at least, never been happier, and now i 100% believe in Satan.
don't lose faith in Satan, he's not like the foolish "god", he understands and cares and will give us enough time for believing and getting red of the false informations that's programmed in our minds. try not to waste much time. stand for your self, believe me this will be the most amazing decision you made in you life.
i feel ashamed of wasting more than one year, and for taking this long to finally stand beside Satan in this war.
don't expect from Satan and his demons to help you and just appear in your life without moving your ass, and don't expect them to feed you power and protection all the time if your not doing anything in return, all what Satan asks us in return is to meditate daily if possible and empower our selfs, and believe me you'll get so much presents from Satan when you're really serious about your meditations and advancing in them.
i hope i helped you some how, at first you might not experience anything but with time you'll see. the road might appears long and hard, but you don't have to look at all of it when you're walking it, just look where you're stepping and you'll be fine.

sorry for grammatical errors, as you can see English isn't my first language.

about meditations check this links:
if you're really serious about meditating here's a long promising road: Hell's Army 666
and here's programs from beginners here's the 60 days of meditation:
https://booksforsatanspeople.files.word ... 202011.pdf 

there's still 40 days of meditation but i can't find it right now. HAIL ENKI!!HAIL ALL GODS OF HELL!

---In [email protected], <tmine1125@... wrote :

Hello, Since my name will be posted on the thread anyways I'll introduce myself, I am a 16 year old going into his junior year of high school. I'm not new to Satanism as I have dedicated a few months ago. I've lied to myself for a long time and I'm ready to take action. I want to know if any of this is real, I don't know why, but every time I want to meditate or even think about it I suddenly find myself saying "This is ridiculous" or "Why should I?" 
Why I have this mindset I have no idea. I've read through Joy of Satan many times and have recently read Maxien's recent post 'Why there is suffering' I just recently found myself becoming an active user in the thread, yet I keep asking myself if I should even try anymore. I've been given a lot of chances in my life and I believe I may be on my last one, with Father at least.
I want to know that this is real, that I'm not just wasting my time... If I could get an answer that'd be great. The information enough made me dedicate, but after that day I suddenly stopped caring and just fell of the Spiritual path altogether.
If someone could maybe post there routine/daily meditation schedule that'd be great. If it's personal and supposed to be unique I could mix up a few and make my own routine that I know I could follow. I've been apart of this family for over a year, and I'm still stuck in the beginning. Whether it's Greys or just my gigantic procrastination tick, I don't know, but I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for someone to feed me. 
A good way for me to start is here. Eventually I hope to truly fall into place among the true Spiritual Satanists.
Thank you, Tanner B. 
Here you go lad, this is the 40 day meditation program, and in regard of your problem in really believing all of this, perhaps you should try to get in contact with Satan or any of the crowned gods, for example I started with Occultism then Spirit Science which is a great source of information, if you know how to filter the information, and then I found Joy of Satan.I don't know why but in that same night I invited Astaroth to my astral realm which I have built in many meditations, and She answered to me :) (I just felt like it's the right thing, that feeling was weird but pleasant). The experience was amazing and after that a lot of information has come to me and i see all in a more logical and complex way, although i am really struggling with my meditations, I also live in a christian house and i don't have that much privacy, although i could meditate but something keeps me from doing it every day.At this point I really wonder why Astarath came to me, but i'll get an answer eventually. http://webzoom.freewebs.com/satanismgr/ ... stries.pdf
Hail Satan!
All I have to say to you is be patient. Dedication was just step one, meditate everyday, open all your chakras found on the opening of the soul page on JoS, and then meditate on your clairvoyance and clairaudience points and you should be able to hear and see demons as you would a chair or a human being. If you were taught of the false judeo/christian god as many of us were you know what its like to live on an entirely faith based religion, what's a little bit more time for ACTUAL results and proof? It may take weeks, months, or even a year, but don't forget the already irrefutable proof of Satan and the gods of hell's existence. Stay true to yourself and stay strong in hard times.
Not sure I can help you. To begin with, you have an extremely negative attitude. Know this though -- SATAN IS REAL! I have heard HIS voice
more than once. And I have seen some wonderful things since I dedicated. However, my spiritual eyes were opened BEFORE I dedicated.
I was in Wicca for a long time before. And I was raised in a Xtian family. Still, many family members were psychic. And I inherited some
of it. If you really want this, you are going to HAVE TO MEDITATE! Don't try to force yourself to see or feel anything. To begin with, simply
relax. In the beginning. Just practice on relaxing and clearing your mind when you meditate. Imagine yourself falling backwards, but with no
fear. Sweep the old fears and doubts out of your mind. FATHER SATAN is our true GOD! I honestly believe HE will help you if you truly
and honestly want this. Try not to think anything. Try not to have thoughts. Just make your mind a clear blackboard, so to speak. And do
your best to relax. And don't worry about not getting anywhere. We all are different. And we all have our own experiences.

Still, we Satanists
who have been here for a while, KNOW FATHER IS REAL! Some of us have seen HIM. I know my life changed drastically after I dedicated --
for the better! Both my oldest son and my youngest daughter and I that I was having problems with, are now on good terms after a very long time.
FATHER let me have a very special trip I had wanted for years. And my guardian accompanied us on the entire trip. And when we arrived home,
He was here waiting in our front yard, letting me know that He had made sure we arrived home safe. Now that is an AWESOME GOD! I still don't know my guardian's name. But I have seen his white wings more than once. And I saw HIS white wings that night when we arrived home. From what I've read on
the Joy of Satan website, females usually have a male guardian, and males a female,unless one is gay. Still, that is not concrete. Since I can only see
my guardian's white wings, I cannot be absolutely certain of his or her name. But I am very grateful to FATHER AND TO MY GUARDIAN for all they have done for me and my family.

Yes-- FATHER SATAN is real. And it well worth the effort. Just believe...as HE once told me when I was asking a question about magic.
On Fri, 2/6/15, Tanner Bonnell tmine1125@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] I need to know something about Satan and his followers...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, February 6, 2015, 3:30 PM


Since my name will be posted on the thread anyways I'll
introduce myself, I am a 16 year old going into his junior
year of high school. I'm not new to Satanism as I have
dedicated a few months ago. I've lied to myself for a
long time and I'm ready to take action. I want to know
if any of this is real, I don't know why, but every time
I want to meditate or even think about it I suddenly find
myself saying "This is ridiculous" or "Why
should I?" 
Why I have
this mindset I have no idea. I've read through Joy of
Satan many times and have recently read Maxien's recent
post 'Why there is suffering' I just recently found
myself becoming an active user in the thread, yet I keep
asking myself if I should even try anymore. I've been
given a lot of chances in my life and I believe I may be on
my last one, with Father at least.
I want to
know that this is real, that I'm not just wasting my
time... If I could get an answer that'd be great. The
information enough made me dedicate, but after that day I
suddenly stopped caring and just fell of the Spiritual path
If someone
could maybe post there routine/daily meditation schedule
that'd be great. If it's personal and supposed to be
unique I could mix up a few and make my own routine that I
know I could follow. I've been apart of this family for
over a year, and I'm still stuck in the beginning.
Whether it's Greys or just my gigantic procrastination
tick, I don't know, but I'm tired of sitting around
and waiting for someone to feed me. 
A good way
for me to start is here. Eventually I hope to truly fall
into place among the true Spiritual Satanists.
you, Tanner

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Dude, you have gotta learn how to hide in plain sight if necessary. I live in a xian household, and do it constantly. I mean, if they see you meditating, they'll just think you're laying down9try laying down and doing it but you'll need to keep yourself from falling asleep). I've been caught multiple times and that was the result.

As for anything related to being a Satanist, and or the JoS, I also hide in plain sight a lot...
Take the character from Death Note Light Yagami for instance. He learned how to hide in plain sight as easily as I did. You have to get creative. You'll have to learn how to sooner or later anyway, or at least that's what I think.

Hell, I basically do almost everything I want in plain sight. First things first, you MUST always act casual/nonchalant, if you look like you're being normal, chances are people won't assume much of anything, if they think at all. I'll leave the rest of the thinking to you as your situation is specific to you.

I'm just sayin'.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
