Sex is natural so living a life without sex, seems a bit extreme and yes it may be a loss (unless very specific situations or persons).
Why are you asking this ? It seems you have some sort of fear.
I am no psychologist, but I read several books on the mind and I learned that love patterns we express in life are often built in childhood, depending on how we have been loved by parents and caregivers.
Unloved child, or child who felt they were not loved for lack of manifestation by their parents, may grow unable to feel love. I am one and I am still in the process or pulling out from my mind, some kind of emotions I cannot fully feel because I have been educated without those feelings.
This may or may not have to do with sex, but you seem to associate them. You may also have sex without love, it is attraction between to humans, but this depends on your Natal Chart, so depends on how you feel about this.
If you are young, exploring sex is natural and healthy, not necessarily connected with deep love.