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I have made a huge mistake....


Sep 23, 2017

So, I've made a huge mistake....

... of wasting my time.

For some reason, I wanted to see what Reddit says about JOS. For some reason. Let's call it "for research".

So, I went there, I searched and sorted by date, and, well.....

Literally what the hell?

So, there's pages about Satanism, even one of them is called joyofsatan. Or two, can't remember. But, browsing general Satanic reddit pages, groups or whatever they're called, there's several things I've noticed that sort of keep happening.

Those are:

- disrespecting and spreading false information about JOS. ONA is also included but I am not sure how truthful it is, because I know nothing of ONA. But I will assume it's false as well.
- Calling us "nazi" racists. So, first of, I always hated that jew term "nazi", it's either National-Socialist or German (or whatever nationality you want to put in this modern time). So, we're the bad guys because we hate the jews. How interesting.
- Absolute hate for HP Maxine. I can only imagine it comes either from jews or jewish-christians, and no wonder why.
- Mocking of our fighting efforts. That was kinda obvious.
- Calling anyone in JOS delusional, or psychopathic because we believe in whatever thoughtform HP Maxine created herself
- Calling us crazy for calling out jews and jewish-christians.

And more.

In case someone may think I am making this up:


So, what I gathered so far swimming in this sludge of crap is the following:

- JOS are the bad guys for calling out the jews, jewish-christians, noticing coincidences and fighting back. We are directly responsible for everything
- They actually make effort to protect jews and jewish-christians and do not tolerate any resistance
- For example, no "satanist" is calling out the guy corrupting the 13 yo poster when telling him to go back to jewish-christianity. Sure, it's not the satanic forum per se, but there's like... zero resistance...
- When it comes to HP Maxine:
a) They call her crazy for creating JOS. But, what have they created?
b) They call her crazy for creating instructions with meditations, rituals, resurrecting lost knowledge, and creating Satanic community. But, what have they created?
c) They call her crazy for pointing out just too many coincidences, for exposing the jews and jewish-christians, but what have they done, except for actually taking their side and calling us evil?
d) They call all of us collectively crazy and dangerous, but, why? All we do is meditate and do rituals. How is that a bad thing? And trying to reverse jewish influence is also bad? It's like they're resisting any attempt to resist the planetary jewish-reptilian occupation. At least how it looks to me.
e) With JOS, there's knowledge, history and more. Including but not limited to activism. What do they do, except sharing dark scary videos such as this one?
This thing gives me the creeps? Imagine someone new, vanilla, wanting to research what Satanism is truly about and sees this video? For what purpose?

In conclusion, I have:

- learnt nothing useful while having reddit browsing session
- noticed it is taboo to hold jews and jewish-christians accountable for all their lies and crimes
- for such a Satanic group, they really seem to hate us and yet they seem not only to tolerate jews and jewish-christians, but openly accept as... normal?
- serious doubts that they have written, created or shared anything of value in terms of knowledge or spirituality. There's... nothing?
- found that they especially hate HP Maxine with all their strenght. Considering how HP Maxine worked day and night to ensure JOS is available to all, shared knowledge and research, I can only imagine of one (or two) particular group(s) who would have such hate for her. It could be just jealousy, but feels much more intense.
- determined that there's no real alternative to JOS. Again, ONA was also negatively mentioned, and again, I know nothing on them.

So, there you go.

I had to get this out from my chest, and kind of feel sad that someone who could be considered as our "kind" would do such things. In my case, I will never trust anyone who does not call out those responsible publicly.

If anyone has time and will to share their experience, please do, we all learn that way.
The last place you want any actual objective and accurate opinion on anything is plebbit 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You saw the filth in humans and stupidity. Basically, that place and many others are a vortex of human stupidity gathered among themselves.

Compared to those that have no idea about JoS, these people desired their nothingness. It is idiotic by choice.
They are making mistakes and not you. Just a matter of time until they figure that out.
Having looked at the site though; probably forever.
Welcome to the internet.

Please refrain from spending too much time on these websites. If you lack solid knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Satanism and your mind is weak, you can easily become endlessly confused.

Within these websites, you will encounter a range of individuals, including genuine idiots and losers who do what losers do which is to bring others down with them.

However, some "testimonials" are strategically placed there to serve a specific purpose - they are meticulously crafted to sow seeds of doubt in your mind and exploit it. These testimonials skillfully manipulate advanced psychological factors, preying on vulnerabilities.

Due to the immense complexity of Satanism, newcomers without sufficient knowledge and experience can easily be led astray by these individuals.

I know this from experience, when I was younger and lacked understanding of certain things, I allowed myself to be consumed by this confusion. It took me a long time to figure everything out on my own and clear any doubts in my head.

More recently, a couple of years ago, I had a friend whom I was trying to teach about Satanism. This person was someone I knew personally and was very close to. It turned out that he was actually working for an enemy organization and had been deceiving me all along. He attempted to plant seeds of doubt in my head for months until I finally realized his true intentions. Fortunately, his efforts had no effect on me whatsoever, as I had already surpassed the point where such tactics could work. However, this experience provided me with a close observation of how these individuals operate and the tactics they employ to deceive others. They possess advanced knowledge of human psychology and know precisely which buttons to push in order to create doubt and manipulate weak people.
Shadowcat said:
The last place you want any actual objective and accurate opinion on anything is plebbit 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Well, my original objective, mixed with curiosity, was to research "alternative" opinion on JOS. And, well, I don't know if I succeeded or failed, because my overall experience was negative, injected with disappointment. Sure, can't have expectations, but still, something bare minimum is to be expected.....

NakedPluto said:
You saw the filth in humans and stupidity. Basically, that place and many others are a vortex of human stupidity gathered among themselves.

Compared to those that have no idea about JoS, these people desired their nothingness. It is idiotic by choice.

I believe it was just due to lack of education as a primary factor for manipulation against us, coupled with select few who push strong opinion so that others follow, lack of actual research and believing anything that is served for public consumption.

Now, they call us a cult, dangerous, etc, but, again, what research did they do? Not once did I see anyone make a list of points on what and why we are wrong. Not a single item. Not even "meditations are wrong technique, wrong description on Gods, wrong information here and there", nothing like that, just blanket accusation without backing it up.

Yurei said:
What did you expect from those soy bug men?

That's actually a pretty good question. See, you kind of expect at minimum to have one person of that group to just present information and anything to back it up. But, not a single one. In fact, it's even worse than that, them backing up the enemy that curses them every single day was mind-blowing of them all.
Imagine being a sheep and loving a butcher with a knife about to kill you. That's the comparison here. I mean, it doesn't even have to be spiritually in sync 100%, but it's not even logical at this point.

Henu the Great said:
Reddit can be great for so called normie needs. When you want information about a video game, or help for using a software, and so on. Otherwise, avoid the place. The ignorance of anything higher than what should I eat today is through the roof.

I think I will agree with what you said 100%. It's like a containment for one specific agenda, one way of thinking, one way of doing things for anything higher than what you wrote.

xlnt said:
They are making mistakes and not you. Just a matter of time until they figure that out.
Having looked at the site though; probably forever.

I guess the "making mistake" part in my OP was about wasting time [was like less than 30 minutes, but still!].
However, in my younger days, I used to be xian and over time I started noticing something ain't right. I slowly started to develop this natural resistance to the whole thing and back in 2009 I started researching actual religions. Not one seemed to "stick" with me until I found JOS. And when I started to read every day and every night, I cried for days for being so manipulated from early age, and brainwashed into believing that this jewish discount judaism was the "good guys" and Satanists were bad. It hit me real hard. But as I continued reading, things started making sense. HP Maxine, and eventually others like HP Cobra, everything they write, they back it up with sources that you can verify yourself.

Take xianity, any part, ask 10 experts, you'll get 10 interpretations which are different. Ask a xian whether to take the whole story literally or figuratively, and watch them recoil. Ask them to remove every jewish name, every jewish city, every jewish ritual, practice, rites and celebrations, and after all that, what remains for the Gentile? Watch them scrambling to justify how jews are actually aryans, yeshua was actually european, he actually called jews dogs and not the gentiles, etc, etc..... Lie after lie after lie.... Which is characteristic for a jewish thing, they do that all the time.

However here, everything is covered for us, humans, gentiles, and given tools and knowledge to fight, to advance, to be free. I would not bet on everyone eventually figuring it out, but some will.

BlackOnyx8 said:
Welcome to the internet.

Please refrain from spending too much time on these websites. If you lack solid knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Satanism and your mind is weak, you can easily become endlessly confused.

Within these websites, you will encounter a range of individuals, including genuine idiots and losers who do what losers do which is to bring others down with them.

However, some "testimonials" are strategically placed there to serve a specific purpose - they are meticulously crafted to sow seeds of doubt in your mind and exploit it. These testimonials skillfully manipulate advanced psychological factors, preying on vulnerabilities.

Due to the immense complexity of Satanism, newcomers without sufficient knowledge and experience can easily be led astray by these individuals.

I know this from experience, when I was younger and lacked understanding of certain things, I allowed myself to be consumed by this confusion. It took me a long time to figure everything out on my own and clear any doubts in my head.

More recently, a couple of years ago, I had a friend whom I was trying to teach about Satanism. This person was someone I knew personally and was very close to. It turned out that he was actually working for an enemy organization and had been deceiving me all along. He attempted to plant seeds of doubt in my head for months until I finally realized his true intentions. Fortunately, his efforts had no effect on me whatsoever, as I had already surpassed the point where such tactics could work. However, this experience provided me with a close observation of how these individuals operate and the tactics they employ to deceive others. They possess advanced knowledge of human psychology and know precisely which buttons to push in order to create doubt and manipulate weak people.

I agree with you.

Now, when it comes to enemy programs and Satanism, one thing is interesting. Jews being evil is exposed. Jews controling everything from politics, media, finances, etc, and creating discount judaism like xianity and islam, I mean, I couldn't go to those programs knowing what they do. Basically promoting spiritual death and worshiping jews and Israel. It's like a natural barrier which is like a wall, with a huge sign that tells me there's nothing good out there. Pain, suffering and slavery, and marketing that all of those things are actually a good thing. In fact, why would I want to put back the chains when I worked so hard to have them removed? For what purpose? It's not just a spiritual thing, it's a logical thing.
To replace original Gentile Gods, entire history and culture, knowledge and everything what makes us humans, humans, and replace all that to something so strange, so alien, so evil, just doesn't make any sense.

Our Gods teach us to be proud of who we are, pushing us to be better, stronger, faster, to be free, and on the other side, woshipping a thing that didn't even exist, stolen from our Gods and made into obedient servant slavish woship to the jews and Israel? No.

Besides, looking at the whole jewish program, it's all false and lies anyway, stolen from our history, religions and cultures, they just changed the names and sold it as their own. Why would I even consider something which is false from the start?

Logic and Truth are on the side of Satanism, and Truth does not fear investigation.
Try to ask xians some questions, and most you'll get is "you don't understand, it's not literal, it's "gods" word, who are you to think, etc...".

That tells me everything I need to know....
GakunGak said:
NakedPluto said:
You saw the filth in humans and stupidity. Basically, that place and many others are a vortex of human stupidity gathered among themselves.

Compared to those that have no idea about JoS, these people desired their nothingness. It is idiotic by choice.

I believe it was just due to lack of education as a primary factor for manipulation against us, coupled with select few who push strong opinions so that others follow, lack of actual research and believing anything that is served for public consumption.

Now, they call us a cult, dangerous, etc, but, again, what research did they do? Not once did I see anyone make a list of points on what and why we are wrong. Not a single item. Not even "meditations are wrong technique, wrong description on Gods, wrong information here and there", nothing like that, just blanket accusation without backing it up.

Absolutely. The value of their opinion is close to none, other than the reflection of accumulated brainwashing and lack of ability, in intelligence and any other endeavour.

They spend 5 seconds if even that, and automatically, as they are automatons and instinctive animals, decide (not even that, but react) to say some very dumb things. Anything goes.
NakedPluto said:
Absolutely. The value of their opinion is close to none, other than the reflection of accumulated brainwashing and lack of ability, in intelligence and any other endeavour.

They spend 5 seconds if even that, and automatically, as they are automatons and instinctive animals, decide (not even that, but react) to say some very dumb things. Anything goes.

I would agree with you.

And it makes the whole situation interesting when comparing it to, say, an alternative image board, which is infested with anything having 3 letters, or just certain shills pushing the same thing over and over again, along with bots.

But you can recognize real people who, after considering what you write, start to think for themselves and do research.
And when coincidences start to be noticed, and you dig in deep, well, it hits them like a ton of bricks.
At that moment, they become hungry for knowledge, and at the same time, gradually become to hate.... them...

And that is why anyone risks getting banned for 2 days if:
- challenging judaism, jewish-xianity or jewish-islam
- pointing out contradictions, corruption, stolen material and other things
- exposing jewish curses against gentiles
- asking the "denounce the talmud" operatives to actually curse jews, israel and their dieties
- asking any xian to use their bible as a reference and construct a curse against jews and israel, or blessings for gentiles
- and many other stuff like just pointing out to a website or even RTR

They know they have to push absolute mind control on everyone to keep the charade going, and fear and terror are their tools. And when challenging all those things, and destroying them completely in a debate, they either ban you, let the thread archive, spam so that it reaches post limit or just plain delete it.

But the next day, it's the same old story, like nothing happened. I guess Hitler had similar experience "with the jew not remembering what happened last night and pretended he won".

I sometimes wonder if it's worth trying anything with that crowd and just let fate bring someone to the place of logic and information like I was eventually, or persist no matter what and let fate sort them out.
GakunGak said:
NakedPluto said:
Absolutely. The value of their opinion is close to none, other than the reflection of accumulated brainwashing and lack of ability, in intelligence and any other endeavour.

They spend 5 seconds if even that, and automatically, as they are automatons and instinctive animals, decide (not even that, but react) to say some very dumb things. Anything goes.

I would agree with you.

And it makes the whole situation interesting when comparing it to, say, an alternative image board, which is infested with anything having 3 letters, or just certain shills pushing the same thing over and over again, along with bots.

But you can recognize real people who, after considering what you write, start to think for themselves and do research.
And when coincidences start to be noticed, and you dig in deep, well, it hits them like a ton of bricks.
At that moment, they become hungry for knowledge, and at the same time, gradually become to hate.... them...

And that is why anyone risks getting banned for 2 days if:
- challenging judaism, jewish-xianity or jewish-islam
- pointing out contradictions, corruption, stolen material and other things
- exposing jewish curses against gentiles
- asking the "denounce the talmud" operatives to actually curse jews, israel and their dieties
- asking any xian to use their bible as a reference and construct a curse against jews and israel, or blessings for gentiles
- and many other stuff like just pointing out to a website or even RTR

They know they have to push absolute mind control on everyone to keep the charade going, and fear and terror are their tools. And when challenging all those things, and destroying them completely in a debate, they either ban you, let the thread archive, spam so that it reaches post limit or just plain delete it.

But the next day, it's the same old story, like nothing happened. I guess Hitler had similar experience "with the jew not remembering what happened last night and pretended he won".

I sometimes wonder if it's worth trying anything with that crowd and just let fate bring someone to the place of logic and information like I was eventually, or persist no matter what and let fate sort them out.

I agree too, that breakthrough moment is very precious and gives meaning to everything. That’s why intrinsically the battle of this is filled with war, anger and hate and exchanges that are uncomfortable, sometimes for some people.

It is a war that goes on and the people that are breaking out need assistance and knowledge like water, and they are worthy of it because they are accepting of this regardless of the time.

You get banned for anything right now, there’s no freedom to do anything in the systems they designed and while slaves repeat the systems orders. However, I believe that deep down, and much much more than it is known, a lot of people are aware and silently getting fed up with everything jew related. But for this, you need to overcome the artificial veil of these social spaces and look at humanity as humans and inner organisms that we are. We are designed to strive for the truth. The faulty lines need only repairing.
NakedPluto said:
I agree too, that breakthrough moment is very precious and gives meaning to everything. That’s why intrinsically the battle of this is filled with war, anger and hate and exchanges that are uncomfortable, sometimes for some people.

It is a war that goes on and the people that are breaking out need assistance and knowledge like water, and they are worthy of it because they are accepting of this regardless of the time.

You get banned for anything right now, there’s no freedom to do anything in the systems they designed and while slaves repeat the systems orders. However, I believe that deep down, and much much more than it is known, a lot of people are aware and silently getting fed up with everything jew related. But for this, you need to overcome the artificial veil of these social spaces and look at humanity as humans and inner organisms that we are. We are designed to strive for the truth. The faulty lines need only repairing.

It would appear to me that either you speak from experience, or you have observed what is going on in great detail.
Whatever the case, your input and point of view is definitely very useful here.

Me, speaking from experience, it is not easy to be proven wrong. When I discovered JOS for the first time, it was scary first few minutes because of xian indoctrination, and at the time, black background with red text was intimidating for me, however that was probably what I needed at a time. Reality check like a slap on the face. And the more I used to be into that xian crap before, the harder it was the realization that everything that I've been told to, taught about and convinced about, was a total lie. Like, literally everything. My people, my ancestor were Slavic Pagan, and the way xians did was intentionally created famine [maybe it was war or something] and the people were starving. So the xians said something to the form of "If you convert to xianity, you'll get to eat. If you don't, starve and die". And so, those that survived, well, they did convert. Or rather, forced to. But nowadays this generation says it was a good thing, to do something like that ,like a blessing. And even with all the material theft, child abuse and real estate ownership [some priests have businesses like hotels, restaurants, money loan and such], people would rather kill their own child for questioning the whole xian thing, than actually ask questions themselves. It's like mass hypnosis of sorts. I guess it goes well with fear and terror "If you step back you'll go to hell".

When you experience realization with all this, and have "better late than never" moment and see the world for what it really is, to me a dedication ritual as a date is more important and more significant than my own birthday. Although both can be considered victories for life in their own way, a new life and a new begining.

The moment people stop being afraid, and start asking questions, and start finding the answers for themselves, the jewish grip of control has already lost and is never coming back.

Already less and less people are not going to these jewish churches, and those young xians are not even into "praying" into jewish vortex anymore. Only old people are still going and financially helping out this cartel of death. I hope to live long enough to see Pagan temples rise again where they used to be, and people actually start respecting the nature and going back to their roots.
Pumpkin671 said:
Oh yikes dude..don't do that to yourself. Best to keep out of that shit hole.

Yeah, I know that now. I just wanted to see what's it like out there, you know, in the wild.
However, your advice is indeed the best solution here, along with what everyone has said.
Religion is a deeply philosophical subject. To objectively debate religion and religious history to a decent degree (i.e. a degree where debate is actually informative and constructive, not just the regular "my religion is the real religion" crap) requires years of studying philosphy, history and religions. As far as I am aware Reddit's members are mostly general people that do not have a background in any of the above, so the degree of objecitvity and understanding of these people towards JoS in particular is limited by their very narrow spectrum of knowledge they have, mostly shadowed by christian programing, ignorance (refusing to research information in-depth).

Most of these people are clueless about spirituality, ancient paganism and the connections with JoS, religions in general, history etc. It is the least expected to find well-informed and objective opinions among these people. Put on top of this, the people from Reddit that might fully understand what JoS is but they are enemies and deliberate attackers, infiltrating these places to slander and prevent our people or others in general to have a more objective or even remotely "pro-JoS" viewpoints. Also the platform itself most likely doesn't allow positive opinions about JoS to me publicized. Automatically when in a place you have negative, neutral and positive standpoints about something (which is the most normal and correct), if you censor the neutral and positive standpoints then you remain only with the negative ones, i.e. attacks, slander, defamation etc. which can all be easily debunked but there is no freedom for us on their platform to debunk those negative opinions.

Unlike these people, HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra actually did spend years studying religions, philosophy and history (and a lot more than this) and this is reflected in the enormous amount of knowledge that they have put together in forming JoS. Most people won't read in their entire lives even 20% of what HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra have written over the years.
They never gave any effort to learn from the JoS.

You can't offend a group without knowing what they know.

The first they see anything related to national socialist they are gone, and write a shitty opinion on reddit of the JoS. If I wouldn't know what is National Socialism, I would have left the JoS because of the false knowledge of NS. Since I tooked the trouble to read about NS I haven't left, and won't left. They are weakened by the enemy, and Im sure on that they haven't speek with any of the gods.

(However it is worthy to note that, the gods do not care what we do in our personal life. If somebody is not blaphemous with the gods, they can be 100% with the gods withouth being in the JoS. However There is a very slightly chance of people being a true satanist without being a JoS member. I have seen 1-2 groups in Hungary that they aren't identified as a JoS Satanist, however they are not do blaphemous things, and they are realy a true satanist as they practice the meditations and the rituals from the JoS. They are most likely a JoS Satanist withouth any politics.)

The idea of a thoughtform blinding us is just confirms the stupidity of these people. gropus like these will never be competent in spirituality.

The JoS provides ancient meditations, and practices, which after a time will make someone strong enaugh to not to be able to be blinded by any thoughtform. ALSO HOW THE FUCK WOULD A THOUGHFORM BLIND 75K+ PEOPLE?????? IDIOTS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They can't think logically wtf is up with these people :lol: :lol:
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=443874 time=1684535207 user_id=1057]
Religion is a deeply philosophical subject. To objectively debate religion and religious history to a decent degree (i.e. a degree where debate is actually informative and constructive, not just the regular "my religion is the real religion" crap) requires years of studying philosphy, history and religions. As far as I am aware Reddit's members are mostly general people that do not have a background in any of the above, so the degree of objecitvity and understanding of these people towards JoS in particular is limited by their very narrow spectrum of knowledge they have, mostly shadowed by christian programing, ignorance (refusing to research information in-depth).

Most of these people are clueless about spirituality, ancient paganism and the connections with JoS, religions in general, history etc. It is the least expected to find well-informed and objective opinions among these people. Put on top of this, the people from Reddit that might fully understand what JoS is but they are enemies and deliberate attackers, infiltrating these places to slander and prevent our people or others in general to have a more objective or even remotely "pro-JoS" viewpoints. Also the platform itself most likely doesn't allow positive opinions about JoS to me publicized. Automatically when in a place you have negative, neutral and positive standpoints about something (which is the most normal and correct), if you censor the neutral and positive standpoints then you remain only with the negative ones, i.e. attacks, slander, defamation etc. which can all be easily debunked but there is no freedom for us on their platform to debunk those negative opinions.

Unlike these people, HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra actually did spend years studying religions, philosophy and history (and a lot more than this) and this is reflected in the enormous amount of knowledge that they have put together in forming JoS. Most people won't read in their entire lives even 20% of what HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra have written over the years.

You seem to have expanded in great detail that closely describes this situation.
Basically, you summarized the whole point of this topic. Impressive, respect.

I guess that a place like reddit with strong "moderation" censorship policy in place would limit the spread of actual useful information to people. And reddit is "well known", so if they read about JOS on Reddit instead of our website, and presented with one sided information, that really does damage to the reputation. However, even a person who is not spiritual, if they read our website, it just makes sense logically. And compared to the other side which has "holy secrets" which are for "elite" and not shared with people, contradictions and interpretations, and actual crimes against children and worse, we basically provide a blueprint of how-to spirituality. Actual spirituality. And zero supervision, no middle man, no "priest or pope" to control anything. Total freedom [with responsibility].

Problem is, it's not just reddit, it's also MSM and other forums and platforms, word of mouth, etc....
If we had even 10 percent of the enemy media capability, this viewpoint would be the whole another story.

I guess we would need to host our own news media, social media, video sharing platform, messaging platform, etc to make a nuclear impact on people's mind....

AFODO said:
They never gave any effort to learn from the JoS.

You can't offend a group without knowing what they know.

The first they see anything related to national socialist they are gone, and write a shitty opinion on reddit of the JoS. If I wouldn't know what is National Socialism, I would have left the JoS because of the false knowledge of NS. Since I tooked the trouble to read about NS I haven't left, and won't left. They are weakened by the enemy, and Im sure on that they haven't speek with any of the gods.

(However it is worthy to note that, the gods do not care what we do in our personal life. If somebody is not blaphemous with the gods, they can be 100% with the gods withouth being in the JoS. However There is a very slightly chance of people being a true satanist without being a JoS member. I have seen 1-2 groups in Hungary that they aren't identified as a JoS Satanist, however they are not do blaphemous things, and they are realy a true satanist as they practice the meditations and the rituals from the JoS. They are most likely a JoS Satanist withouth any politics.)

The idea of a thoughtform blinding us is just confirms the stupidity of these people. gropus like these will never be competent in spirituality.

The JoS provides ancient meditations, and practices, which after a time will make someone strong enaugh to not to be able to be blinded by any thoughtform. ALSO HOW THE FUCK WOULD A THOUGHFORM BLIND 75K+ PEOPLE?????? IDIOTS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They can't think logically wtf is up with these people :lol: :lol:

Yeah, the hardest job of trying to debate with someone is changing their belief that the person, group or nation that they think is evil is actually ... good.

Go to any public place, and try to argue that NS and Hitler were right, and with all the evidence in the world, and photos, videos, documents, audio recordings and the like, and most will still refuse to listen, let alone consider.

I would think that both Satanism and AH/NS are in the equally difficult position to prove their case in a court of public opinion, against the hardest accusations of all: being guilty of actually being good and doing nothing wrong.

And how can you defend yourself against that which refuses to listen to evidence and/or accept it?

AFODO said:
They never gave any effort to learn from the JoS.


Isn't that what the jewish-christianity did to half a planet?
GakunGak said:
AFODO said:
They never gave any effort to learn from the JoS.


Isn't that what the jewish-christianity did to half a planet?

A few Hundred Thousand jews started this, and as they grew more thousands and thousands people joined and they managed to reach billions... This is way more different from what one person or lets say a few hundred person could do, and they still couldn't manage to blind everyone.

Blindig someone who is advanced would not work, and simply you can't blind everyone by affirming that you are blinding everyone who is in the JoS.

These people even admit that the JoS has top notch meditations.
AFODO said:
A few Hundred Thousand jews started this, and as they grew more thousands and thousands people joined and they managed to reach billions... This is way more different from what one person or lets say a few hundred person could do, and they still couldn't manage to blind everyone.

Blindig someone who is advanced would not work, and simply you can't blind everyone by affirming that you are blinding everyone who is in the JoS.

These people even admit that the JoS has top notch meditations.

I may have accidentally used the word blind instead of bind in this context.

When it comes to xianity, it is my understanding that they used binding magic (death magic, corruption of pagan/gentile prayers, etc) with thoughtform (Israel, Yeshua, jews, cursing of gentiles and calling them dogs) and through power of numbers (they got more and more people into it though blackmail, genocide, wars, economic slavery) is what kicked xianity off everywhere, even in Rome when just yesterday they almost genocided the jews. And the more people they have "praying" and sending energy to them and their jewish crap is how they get stronger.

And rituals we do basically reverses all that against them, the exact thing they did to gentiles, with RTR is coming back to them.

And it's logical HP Maxine clearly defined in her RTR's what is being done, how, why and when, and what is the outcome of every working and meditation, clear as day.

All I wrong in this assessment?
GakunGak said:
I may have accidentally used the word blind instead of bind in this context.

When it comes to xianity, it is my understanding that they used binding magic (death magic, corruption of pagan/gentile prayers, etc) with thoughtform (Israel, Yeshua, jews, cursing of gentiles and calling them dogs) and through power of numbers (they got more and more people into it though blackmail, genocide, wars, economic slavery) is what kicked xianity off everywhere, even in Rome when just yesterday they almost genocided the jews. And the more people they have "praying" and sending energy to them and their jewish crap is how they get stronger.

And rituals we do basically reverses all that against them, the exact thing they did to gentiles, with RTR is coming back to them.

And it's logical HP Maxine clearly defined in her RTR's what is being done, how, why and when, and what is the outcome of every working and meditation, clear as day.

All I wrong in this assessment?

You may missunderstood me from the beginning.

These fake Satanists say that Maxine blinding us with a thoughtform.

For that I said, how would she blind 75k people, and you said, well christians did this to half of the planet, and I said well thats different because they are in a big number and still, they aren't so strong.

So yes what you are saying is right.
AFODO said:
You may missunderstood me from the beginning.

These fake Satanists say that Maxine blinding us with a thoughtform.

For that I said, how would she blind 75k people, and you said, well christians did this to half of the planet, and I said well thats different because they are in a big number and still, they aren't so strong.

So yes what you are saying is right.

Right, I agree.

Well, she can't because there's no thoughtform involved whatsoever in HP Maxine case. Just meditations for personal development, communication with Gods and spiritual defense against the enemy.

In the "fake" one's case, seeing how they seem to be very tolerant and accepting towards xians [who hate them], I am not so sure they're without a thoughtform influence.

As for xians not being strong, they are strongly present everywhere, still, but over the past few years have been losing influence. That thing they sell to the people, less and less people are buying into it.

Even in some "anonymous" boards where you can't use VPN, Proxy or other anonymous services, even there where xianity is pushed with resident preachers and copy-paste verses which have no relation to the conversation at all, "not all jews" crowd, etc, even there there's a massive loss of influence, respect, so much so that not even fear and terror works.

There used to be so many rituals from before like going after Vatican and others, it's still in the Encyclopedia, wish planets would align in such a way where we could have a specific working every week or two, like from evilgoy.com about media, finances, politics, etc, just bombarding from all sides and bringing the system down continuously.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
