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I have a doubt...


New member
Jan 23, 2020
Dominican Republic
I have been reading about this site for a while and the truth is that I am quite interested in it, to tell the truth.

I have felt quite interested in these issues.

So I want to ask a question that may be taken badly by many, and it is not my intention that anyone be offended.

I am only genuinely curious, and somewhat nervous as a young teenager (who I am) who wants to approach but feels nervous to do so.

The question is: how can I really check if this is the right way? Or rather, how do I know that demons/gods are real?

I repeat, my intention is not to doubt or offend these beliefs; I just want to get closer before deciding to do my dedication ritual
Keep learning and keep reading. All the information in the whole world only fits together in one way, like a big puzzle where every bit of information is one piece. It only fits together in one way because it is the truth, and it is reality, and the only true historical story is the one that really happened. Every little bit of evidence from all of history all tells part of the same story, and when you learn a lot of this, you see the way that it fits together. And every bit of knowledge and evidence all makes the picture more clear. So we don't need you to believe us, and you shouldn't think anything just because anyone else said it. You have to learn and understand for you own self, and make your own judgement.
It is not unusual to have these doubts. For me these doubts were not quelled until I put into practice the teachings and meditations of the Joy of Satan sites. It may take time, months, for me, but years are not unheard of, but you will soon see results. There is nothing more evident of the Gods existence to my young mind, as a Satanist, than the fact that their teachings are felt, are real, and are unquestioning in their practice and use. Be warned however, it is best to dedicate to Satan as he protects us as we advance. Hostile entities may threaten those who practice Satan's teachings, without his protections. The Gods protect us when we are new and learning.
I was a teenager just like you when I found JoS, and it felt too good to be true to have found the truth, so I asked Satan to give me a sign and the sign that he gave me was enough for me to understand that it’s the real deal.
Read the JoS site and test the meditations yourself. The whole idea is to better yourself and in the end help us remove the obstructions(jews) that prevent others from being able to do the same. You don't have to believe everything you read but you should try to consistently work on meditating and protecting yourself if you can. The worst that could happen is you feel nothing at all. Feeling anything else is evidence there is something worth investigating.
I understand how you feel. I have doubts myself at times, despite personally knowing some powerful and advanced Spiritual Satanists myself. I believe it is natural for anyone new or anyone who can't yet speak with demons to have their doubts.

What sets Spiritual Satanism aside from any other spiritual or religious beliefs in my eyes is that at its core, Spiritual Satanism is all about improving yourself. It's about growing in every aspect and searching for answers yourself instead of relying on a single higher being for all the answers. We don't pray mindlessly for help; we meditate, work out, better ourselves, and strive to be self sufficient so that we can help ourselves. We aren't reliant on others or false gods with comforting lies. We do the work ourselves so that in time, we can communicate with our Gods and Demons who will guide us as we grow.

This is why I believe Spiritual Satanism must be the right answer because we put in actual work. We don't pray and beg that the world will get better, we do the Final RTR to make the world better by destroying any and all jewish influence. We don't let our bodies waste away idly believing it is the true nature of humanity, we do yoga and strive to be fit because we know the truth.

The most powerful Satanist I know studied the website and meditated for a few years before dedicating. You could do that as well, but I don't know how fast one might advance without the assistance and protection of Satan and his Demons.

Do you feel any different after cleaning your aura for a few days? For me, I can tell a difference if I go a day without cleaning mine and that shows me that whatever I am doing is working.

You can definitely ask for signs as well, but you have to keep an eye out for them. I cannot show you that the Gods are real, no one can prove it. All we have are our own experiences to go by, which others can choose to believe or not.

The way I see it is, you found this website for a reason. You are speaking to these people who believe in this for a reason. How do the values of Spiritual Satanism resonate with you? If you agree with these values, understand that you are on the right path and guidance from the Gods will come in time, along with communication from them directly. They may have even guided you to the website in the first place.
When I found the JOS, things just fell into place for me. It felt right. The JQ, our origins, the traditions we lost, the fake programs of abrahamism, spiritual sciences, "conspiracy theories", other worlds and ET species, etc, it all just came together and made sense. It was an opening of the eyes, although it was a little uncomfortable at first since I never saw anything like it(I wasn't "redpilled" or dabbling in new age or anything, even though I knew of the JQ and a tiny bit of spirituality from boards on 4chan and other places and I looked a little into 9/11 and sandy hook and other rigged crises outside of that). It all just tied together and appealed to something on the inside.

That said, of course there were still doubts and skepticism. I usually don't trust any source to tell me how things are anyway unless I can verify them myself, and although I wasn't practicing any religion I could see and sense that SS was more life affirming and in line with nature and my values and just more "real" than anything on the RHP could ever be and whatever leeriness there was largely came from the outside, like through conditioning.

When I set the intent to do the dedication the feelings of doubt came up harder but they also seemed hollow. They melted away when I went through with the ritual. It felt very freeing and I got an unquestionable sign that this is the way for me and that it is the real deal.

So, stick around for a while, do some reading, ask questions if you need to, and see how you feel and what you think about it all. No need to rush into anything. I don't know what to tell you to become 100% clear cut on whether SS is for you, other than do the above and try the ritual with honest intentions, get started on the path and see what happens. It's what I did.
I must admit that it was a long time ago that I entered these forums to review. The university and everything have driven me crazy and have not given me time to relax, without a doubt, but that does not mean that I have stopped reading and researching.

I thank everyone who answered my questions, especially those who also shared their experiences. They have helped me a lot and have encouraged me in addition to deciding to take this path seriously. I hope to be useful to Satan and to all of you in the future in the cause.

(PD: sorry for my bad english, I'm not english speaking native)
Faladim said:
I have been reading about this site for a while and the truth is that I am quite interested in it, to tell the truth.

I have felt quite interested in these issues.

So I want to ask a question that may be taken badly by many, and it is not my intention that anyone be offended.

I am only genuinely curious, and somewhat nervous as a young teenager (who I am) who wants to approach but feels nervous to do so.

The question is: how can I really check if this is the right way? Or rather, how do I know that demons/gods are real?

I repeat, my intention is not to doubt or offend these beliefs; I just want to get closer before deciding to do my dedication ritual

It is not enough to know the path BUT to walk the path is the best evidence you'll receive. There are numerous articles on how Satanism has changed many of our lives for the better. Satan has given you a golden opportunity but it is up to you to seize it. Do the meditations and you will see for yourself. Just by focusing on Satan or any of our gods I can feel their energy and am overcome with love and positive emotions.

I teach and guide those who follow my instruction. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort. - Al Jilwah Chapter I

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
