Harry said:
If no, so what should i do next?
The Kundalini will rise by itself when your body and soul are ready, there is no specific meditation that is rising the Kundalini, but the advancement of the entire soul is contributing to this, firstly than you have to open all the chakras and the Sushumma channels as "wide" as possible for the snake to raise safely, and secondly for you to be able to handle that energy.
What you shoud do now from my side is:
- Do at least once per day the aura cleaning and protection meditations
- Meditate daily on all the main chakras
- Meditate daily on the aura
- Hatha and Kundalini Yoga daily - you don't have to do 108x where is required if you are new, you can do 36 or 55 or whatever according also to your free time, same on Hatha Yoga instead of 1 minute where required you can start with 30 seconds.
- Meditate daily on the soul - basically concentrate on your inner/inside and vibrate a power word or inspire energy in or Raum meditation etc. while visualizing your entire being glowing in white-gold energy
- Meditate daily on your astral senses (astral projection, clairvoyance, clairaudience)
- last but definitely not the least, free your soul from karmic problems and all the negative and hostile resentments that sticked to your soul during the lifetimes, problems like money lack, anger on certain persons etc.
If I remember right, it has been said that the Kundalini cannot raise properly if you got major problems embedded in your soul and not dealt with. This would be to negative complications.
Beside this, you should really focus on the following 6 mounths program to prepare your soul for more advanced meditations.
Another way is to follow the Astaroth's Eight-Fold Path on spiritual advancement
Now is up to you to decide what fits better for you and your time. The last advice that I give you is to never skip meditations, if you set yourself to do 100 vibrations in the soul for whatever meditation or area, if there is one day when you are completely tired or have no time to meditate, for one day do 9 or 18 reps instead of 100, is definitely better than nothing/skipping the entire meditation. 9/18 reps should take no more than 3-4 minutes. Though keep in mind that it's only for one day when is neccesary and don't do this everyday if you have time and energy for it. The above is just an example anyway, 100 reps is too much for you for the beggining, better really start with 9 reps for any vibration you will do to get used to the energy and increase gradually. With the time you will discover where you are weaker / or need to put more energy and attention in, so you will feel when to change meditations or add new ones in order to empower yourself in all areas of the soul.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.