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"Hundreds of Ex-Satanists Saved"...From Fake Satanic Event "SatanCon"

Jun 2, 2022
Get your doggy bags, and get ready to barf, or get a punching bag with rabbi yeshua picture on it. The video posted at the end of this post popped up in my news feed.

So supposedly, this year, about some hundred "Satanists" "found the light and accepted rabbi jebu" after being targeted "on their home turf" (SatanCon).

"SatanCon", as well as all, if not most well-known surface "Satanic organizations and conventions" have already been exposed on JoS as being fakes. The nature of these events is extremely typical to everything that Satan and HP Maxine warned again, namely the promotion of emo, leftist, anti-patriotic, horror-type, blood sacrifice, blood-pouring blood drinking shit (according to the moron pastor in the YouTube vid, they poor blood on people - even if that claim was true, blood-drinking, blood sacrifices, let alone being ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL, is NOT a JoS or a true Satanic tradition or practice but 100% Jewish).

The people behind these "Temples" or "Satanic events" have already admitted to NOT actually believing Father Satan are a real God, the Creator God of Mankind (Whites and Blacks at least - Other Gods/Demons created other races such as Beelzebub with Asians and etc).

Now Christian evangelists are boasting about how Christian protestors they supposedly turned "Satanists" back to rabbi yeshua after protesting SatanCon.

The issue is...given to the nature of these fake Satanist events and conventions, these so-called "repentant ex-Satanists" were NEVER Satanic to begin with, as about 99.9% of all "ex-Satanist" testimonies, those that actually did follow occultism prior to being Xian were already following Xian-filtered Jewish "Safe Satanism". They very likely collaborated with the entire hoax too. Anyone can put on a scary mask and say "I'm a Satanist" and kiss rabbi jebo's ass and claim to have "found the light". In the South....people do that all the time, rabbi jebo ass-kissers who go around wearing Satanic-themed heavy metal shit on their biker jackets or vests, also while talking and babbling about "being patriots" and then talking about taking down Washington D.C. for abandoning that hoax of a religion.

Reminder to newcomers, you will NEVER find JoS hosting any types of these rallies, as forming surface organizations and events is at this point, against JoS advice, though yes - there will come a point when Christianity-fascism is on an extreme decline, that we can openly "evangelize".

Yes, there are indeed, covens and groups who do follow SS teachings, but they are fringe, and will never at this point, form any surface organizations. Just look what happened to the origin Masons, and all the original Satanic brotherhoods and all the ancient civilizations that have existed not only in America, but everywhere. All it takes is some Jew to show up at your doors, claim to be interested, and before you know it....you'll be a prisoner in your own temple.

Also let this be a message anyone claiming :roll: "JoS should ally with XYZ organization" :roll: like Order of 9 Angles or other bullshit like that, we do not, will not and have not any associations or "alliances" with these organizations. (a little side-note about Order of 9 Angles, they are a terrorist organization.....we don't go around calling for Whites to murder other none-White Gentiles, give to how close I feel to Beelzebub, it's why I feel so much sympathy for his people, the Asians).

So no Xians....you won nothing. No problem for us, since we SS were never, and are never, and will never be part of these hoaxes to begin with.

But don't worry...your time will come when we will be able to safely honor Satan publicly and openly, and every single church will be void of all of its Xian BS and be filled with Satan's sigils. Won't be today or tonight, but it is coming...in Satan's name.

Truly indeed, Satancon has been a huge Xian misery.

Whoever thinks that by being with the fake Satanists will be a good thing then they are sure stepping out in a more difficult spiritual battle than ever before.

It is the tactic of the Enemy to let fake Satanists such as the ones in Church of Satan to preach the false doctrine of Atheistic Satanism only to control the populace and by rejecting the Spirit of Satan by embracing the Atheistic Satanic doctrine, the individual is even more controlled than before.

Who would ever believe that those are real Satanists anyways :roll:


They even have their "merchandise" for sale *pukes in total indignation*
patrioticgentile_666 said:
So no Xians....you won nothing. No problem for us, since we SS were never, and are never, and will never be part of these hoaxes to begin with.

Xians are known to lie about conversions (see the numerous lies they've told about famous atheists like Christopher Hitchens who supposedly converted to xianity on their deathbed and which all have been disproven, to the point that Richard Dawkins said that he will have people videotape him when he dies to make sure that xians won't lie about him converting to xianity) so I doubt any of them were "saved" in the first place.

Caratacus said:
It is the tactic of the Enemy to let fake Satanists such as the ones in Church of Satan to preach the false doctrine of Atheistic Satanism only to control the populace and by rejecting the Spirit of Satan by embracing the Atheistic Satanic doctrine, the individual is even more controlled than before.

At least Laveyans have a unique philosophy which is about the triumph of the strong over the weak and the clever over the strong, not turning the other cheek, focusing on individual strength and power and many other things to troll xians.

The Satanic temple on the other hand have no unique beliefs but they just follow the mainstream leftist narrative like good programmed NPCs and do what the jews tell them, being controlled "activists" that work for the exact things that the mainstream leftists want. The only difference is they are a bit edgier and do things like "abortion rituals".
Shadowmage said:

Caratacus said:
It is the tactic of the Enemy to let fake Satanists such as the ones in Church of Satan to preach the false doctrine of Atheistic Satanism only to control the populace and by rejecting the Spirit of Satan by embracing the Atheistic Satanic doctrine, the individual is even more controlled than before.

At least Laveyans have a unique philosophy which is about the triumph of the strong over the weak and the clever over the strong, not turning the other cheek, focusing on individual strength and power and many other things to troll xians.

The Satanic temple on the other hand have no unique beliefs but they just follow the mainstream leftist narrative like good programmed NPCs and do what the jews tell them, being controlled "activists" that work for the exact things that the mainstream leftists want. The only difference is they are a bit edgier and do things like "abortion rituals".

That is 100% true like I have always felt that The Satanic Temple is a controlled opposition movement.

Still, I think they are more on the Right Hand Path rather than LHP honestly but tend to camouflage this under the fact that they are edgier with all those abortion rituals going on.

For example, to perhaps harvest the power of gay people they even have a Satanic gay mass. The best one can do is to avoid joining The Satanic Temple as it is not bringing any good to them.
Shadowmage said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
So no Xians....you won nothing. No problem for us, since we SS were never, and are never, and will never be part of these hoaxes to begin with.

Xians are known to lie about conversions (see the numerous lies they've told about famous atheists like Christopher Hitchens who supposedly converted to xianity on their deathbed and which all have been disproven, to the point that Richard Dawkins said that he will have people videotape him when he dies to make sure that xians won't lie about him converting to xianity) so I doubt any of them were "saved" in the first place.

Caratacus said:
It is the tactic of the Enemy to let fake Satanists such as the ones in Church of Satan to preach the false doctrine of Atheistic Satanism only to control the populace and by rejecting the Spirit of Satan by embracing the Atheistic Satanic doctrine, the individual is even more controlled than before.

At least Laveyans have a unique philosophy which is about the triumph of the strong over the weak and the clever over the strong, not turning the other cheek, focusing on individual strength and power and many other things to troll xians.

The Satanic temple on the other hand have no unique beliefs but they just follow the mainstream leftist narrative like good programmed NPCs and do what the jews tell them, being controlled "activists" that work for the exact things that the mainstream leftists want. The only difference is they are a bit edgier and do things like "abortion rituals".

Interesting, now that you mention Anton Zandor LaVey, there's also a lot of cuck xians idiot claims about LaVey on his deathbead, claiming that he tried to repent after "seeing firey hell" or some bullshit like that.

Or claiming to "see visions" from many noted yoga/meditation masters "from hell" just to scare and fool the non-spiritually discerned Gentile that the occult is evil.

Now obviously, I'm not proponent of CoS, but yes I have noticed there is more "truth" in his teachings than other "Satanic temples". If he didn't go around putting that hebrew garbage sigils on Satan's sigil he may have very well been the first Pope of Satan - i feel when CoS started putting hebrew trash led to their spiritual downfall.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Or claiming to "see visions" from many noted yoga/meditation masters "from hell" just to scare and fool the non-spiritually discerned Gentile that the occult is evil.

My favorite one is a Burmese xian who claims he saw the Buddha in hell in a NDE even though according to official xian doctrine, "Hell" didn't exist until Jesus died. :lol: :lol:

Caratacus said:
Still, I think they are more on the Right Hand Path rather than LHP honestly but tend to camouflage this under the fact that they are edgier with all those abortion rituals going on.

Just because they are edgier doesn't make them more LHP.

The two aspects of LHP are antinomianism (going against the current and identifying with things considered as "evil" by the status quo) and self-deification (working to transform yourself into a God instead of giving your power to an external being).

The Satanic Temple may troll xians, but xians aren't really the ones who have the most power in society. Have you ever seen digital monopolies like Google cater to xians or censor anyone who criticize them, or the TV being full of xian ads? Of course not: they all cater to the woke left with ads full of gay or interracial couples, anti-White messaging, Google doodles dedicated to the birthday of brown lesbian marxists whom nobody knows instead of xian holidays... Then, what is considered "evil" in our society? What attacks xianity? Of course not. Nazis are the ultimate evil. So to be a true antinomian you have to be a Nazi and a "conspiracy theorist"/"anti-vaxxer"/"climate denier" (they love using these term to slander those who don't buy their BS).
I absolutely hate when xians associate us with morons who do stupid things such as animal sacrifice. Seriously, if the website says to DON'T DO BLOOD RITUALS and a person does, how can he be a "member" that "represents us all"?

It remind me when a website (that recently has shutdown) attempted to demonize us with a kike who killed and raped two women and later commit suicide in order "to meet Father Satan". He was of course not an SS, as we have to stay alive in order to reach the Magnum Opus. I remember that the site also recycled the fake news against Maxine made by an ex-KKK pastor who was paid by the kikes.
Nimrod33 said:
I absolutely hate when xians associate us with morons who do stupid things such as animal sacrifice. Seriously, if the website says to DON'T DO BLOOD RITUALS and a person does, how can he be a "member" that "represents us all"?

You see, xians really believe that the JoS and all other Satanic organizations somehow have a "secret inner circle" where they commit sacrifices, ritual murders e.t.c. even though they say they are law abiding and good in public and that people can somehow meet with this "inner circle" and do these stupid things. Don't laugh, that's what xians really believe even though there's zero evidence and there are many posts discouraging meeting with others and sharing personal information.

Source: when I was new I was excited and wanted to share the JoS site with my friends. My best friend who was a xian told me that "although they try to present a good public image, they do all horrible things behind the scenes". Of course he had never heard of JoS, he just made this up. When I told him that they discourage meeting with anyone and it's just an online site and group he was still not convinced and thought someone might "brainwash" me in order to have me meet with others and do sacrifices e.t.c. Yes, really.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Other Gods/Demons created other races such as Beelzebub with Asians and etc).

Unrelated to this thread, but I saw you claim this a long time ago on another thread. Do you have a reason for believing this?
Shadowmage said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Or claiming to "see visions" from many noted yoga/meditation masters "from hell" just to scare and fool the non-spiritually discerned Gentile that the occult is evil.

My favorite one is a Burmese xian who claims he saw the Buddha in hell in a NDE even though according to official xian doctrine, "Hell" didn't exist until Jesus died. :lol: :lol:

Caratacus said:
Still, I think they are more on the Right Hand Path rather than LHP honestly but tend to camouflage this under the fact that they are edgier with all those abortion rituals going on.

Just because they are edgier doesn't make them more LHP.

The two aspects of LHP are antinomianism (going against the current and identifying with things considered as "evil" by the status quo) and self-deification (working to transform yourself into a God instead of giving your power to an external being).

The Satanic Temple may troll xians, but xians aren't really the ones who have the most power in society. Have you ever seen digital monopolies like Google cater to xians or censor anyone who criticize them, or the TV being full of xian ads? Of course not: they all cater to the woke left with ads full of gay or interracial couples, anti-White messaging, Google doodles dedicated to the birthday of brown lesbian marxists whom nobody knows instead of xian holidays... Then, what is considered "evil" in our society? What attacks xianity? Of course not. Nazis are the ultimate evil. So to be a true antinomian you have to be a Nazi and a "conspiracy theorist"/"anti-vaxxer"/"climate denier" (they love using these term to slander those who don't buy their BS).

You're right. Xians don't have much power in society as they are ultimately low vibrational, but the entity they collectively worship is unfortunately highly vibrational in terms of energetic worshipping.

Like Maxine described the Enemy entity: a vortex residing in the astral which has a strong force of absorbing the xians that are worshipping it, eventually killing up them and taking their energy to serve the enemy God Jewsus.
Facebook and Twitter is loaded with fake Satanist. They make a lot of money with their bragging and their stories. And a lot of these people are famous singers and songwriters and pop artists. And a lot of the fake satanists are people that are growing up adults who should know better. Who are giving their children the wrong method of what Satanism is in their mind. And yes these people do have their own workshops where they sell their own merchandise toys Etc and other things. A lot of these people make a lot of money and a lot of these people are pretty famous as well. And you can see that the enemy is programmed into their mind with the type of Satanism they're into. Which is heavily laced with Marxism. And every from of adultery you can think of. And abuse on all levels. And a lot of young adults and teenagers buy into it and are stupid enough to believe in it.
To explain it is actually simpler than it sounds. Access to true wisdom and knowledge, which allow true evolution, can only begin after the Dedication to Satan, where those doors open to you.

To go further you still need to prove yourself worthy and ready, I think it also has to do with the Ritual of Power of Neberius.
However, the starting point is the dedication.

If you are not dedicated you are cut off from it, and you aren't a Satanist, maybe a lurker if you are interested o you have done something, but still, you aren't a Satanist.

Here is the dedication ritual:

However, just because some people talk about Satan or say they are Satanists, doesn't mean they are more intelligent than others. These organisations only provide a place and a context in which the most degenerate people can manifest all their madness, in a manner not unlike how an addict can look for all possible excuses to continue his negative behaviour instead of improving.

Feminism is also the same thing, it gives excuses why people can feel justified in being the worst people in existence, thus refusing to face reality and the real problems they are afraid of.

Joy of Satan is the one and only Satanism, the rest is just a big joke that leads nowhere.

If there have been cases of people from those degenerate places discovering the truth by finding JoS, leave your experience and testimony, I think it will be very helpful.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
