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How to know if you're a Jew?


New member
Jan 2, 2018
The Astral
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
The all familiar psychic attack from the enemy.

AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
Those thoughts come from the enemy do not pay attention to them !I was thinking about myself to but come on now !If you do not hate gentiles ,hoy talk with our gods and have all the seven chakras that we the gentiles have how can you be a Jew!They are idiot thoughts!Do a lot to e more meditation and do many repetitions of final ritual!Those thoughts would be. A problem with!It took me about a weak stop thinking those thoughts but then I wasn't meditate every day and we didn't have the final ritual then so for you it will take only a couple of days to stop thinking such idiot thinks!
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
The "Am I Jewish" attack is one of the enemy's favorites. If you didn't feel sick while dedicating or doing RTRs, then you're not a jew. Satanic rituals and meditation feel very unnatural to the jewish soul. If you've made it this far, you're not jewish. Let me say it again: YOU'RE NOT JEWISH! :D

Enemy astral entities want to convince you that you're jewish to stop you from doing RTRs.
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan

But if you have had one good experience with Satan and the gods or for coming here, then you're not a kike. :) Maybe, try asking the gods yourself and tell us what reaction you get. Or just do an Othala working so you can confirm through the results on your own.

Hope this helps.

Eat moar porc and listen to Biilly Idolz
Thanks everyone, you're right. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have in Spiritual Satanism if I was a Jew. I appreciate the help, I feel much better about it. Hails!
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
The "Am I Jewish" attack is one of the enemy's favorites. If you didn't feel sick while dedicating or doing RTRs, then you're not a jew. Satanic rituals and meditation feel very unnatural to the jewish soul. If you've made it this far, you're not jewish. Let me say it again: YOU'RE NOT JEWISH! :D

Enemy astral entities want to convince you that you're jewish to stop you from doing RTRs.
Sometimes this attack makes as still feel sick even when we are doing the rituals!When I get attacked first time with this curse I believed so !such that I was a Jew that when I was doing the I wanted to vomit!Fortunately one day that my xian parents went for shopping I did very much repetitions of Shema and 72 names RTR that I felt ok !It was quiten a beautiful feeling I felt a thousand kilos went away from me!
HP Mageson666 said:
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do you want to kill me by laughter lol
HP Mageson666 said:
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
It's time for another round
HP Mageson666 said:
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
Just a normal day in the life of Shlomo Shekelberg
That place is run by jews and its come out they fuck with DNA tests of White People.
Astral enemy entities have screwed with me the first thing it said to me was "Jew" (calling me a jew) so go figure.
Satan cares about me and so do the other gods so hell no, you're not jewish because we wouldn't talk to a mischling either.
HP Mageson666 said:
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
Dude just by seeing the sloth made me lmao I knew this had to be good
I also had this attack. I'm glad I'm not alone. But my attack was a bit diffrent from yours. I got an ancestry DNA test a few years ago and it confirmed that I don't have any Jewish blood in me. But recently after reading this site, the enemy began attacking me mentally, by telling me that my results are wrong. But at the same time I have no Jewish ancestors, and I have no Jewish genes. I've also been told by two diffrent spiritualists that I have Satan's "Mark" on me and that I have all my chakras. How could I possibly be a jew? The enemy is very intelligent and he knows my weaknesses. And I can now see that he is using my weaknesses against me so that I'll feel ashamed to come to satan. But even now as I'm typing I can feel Satan's love, he never left me. There's no way in hell that I'm a jew. And neither are you. Hail satan!
The Proud Gentile said:

It's a very, very, VERY common psychic attack by the enemy and I can't tell you how many times those of us who've been part of JoS for several years have seen people completely losing their shit over fear of them possibly being jewish. Even I dealt with the attack several times when I was new. After a while with education and time the attacks just won't work on you anymore because you'll know better.
Sinistra said:
It's time for another round
HP Mageson666 said:
If someone drops a nickel in the desert and you look for it for forty years you might be a jew.
Just a normal day in the life of Shlomo Shekelberg
I know that this is old but i just thought that another way to see if you are a jew is to see if you like shit lol if you take a shit and then love the smell and you are obsessed to look inside the toilet to see your holy jewish dumb then ((congratulation)) you are 100% jewish!!!
And also my grandparents say my great great grandparents say there last name was Prinz and says they where Jewish I need help I don't look like one I have a feeling to Egypt and Rome and Greece but not the Jewish shit and I don't look like one and I don't have those sickness that jews get and I don't feel sick when I do satanic rituals and mediate and do rtrs it actually makes me feel fresh and strong and energetic so please anyone any of the high priest or priestess I need help would it be possible that my supposed Jewish great great great grandfather adopted a gentile or kidnapped and raised him. I need help please.
Naziss3.0 said:
And also my grandparents say my great great grandparents say there last name was Prinz and says they where Jewish I need help I don't look like one I have a feeling to Egypt and Rome and Greece but not the Jewish shit and I don't look like one and I don't have those sickness that jews get and I don't feel sick when I do satanic rituals and mediate and do rtrs it actually makes me feel fresh and strong and energetic so please anyone any of the high priest or priestess I need help would it be possible that my supposed Jewish great great great grandfather adopted a gentile or kidnapped and raised him. I need help please.

Don't worry my friend, if you were jewish you wouldn't have been here, you wouldn't have dedicated your soul to Father Satan , so no you're not jewish
Naziss3.0 said:
And also my grandparents say my great great grandparents say there last name was Prinz and says they where Jewish I need help I don't look like one I have a feeling to Egypt and Rome and Greece but not the Jewish shit and I don't look like one and I don't have those sickness that jews get and I don't feel sick when I do satanic rituals and mediate and do rtrs it actually makes me feel fresh and strong and energetic so please anyone any of the high priest or priestess I need help would it be possible that my supposed Jewish great great great grandfather adopted a gentile or kidnapped and raised him. I need help please.

lol Do not worry too much about it, you are a gentile... no you are a SATANIST!
My last name is considered to be jewish aswell but I am a gentile just as you are.
They always attack new members with the "Am I a Jew" attack we have all been through this, do not worry.
AstralSnowfall666 said:

The blonde hair is not a sign of not being jewish. There are jews with blonde hair and blue eyes, i.e, jews with nordic features, as they might have nordic gentile blood in their ancestry. I saw myself a jewess with light white skin and light blonde hair (it might be dyed also). When I saw her name (Gertz) I told myself that she's definitely jewish. She was also in a relationship with another jew so this was enough to confirm it.

The jewish mother also is not an exclusive sign of being jewish. It was said many times before that one is jewish if he/she has any jewish ancestor. I think this goes deep to the extent when the jewish genes are lost by breeding with gentiles during generations. I don't know how many generations are required to eliminate the jewish genes from a gentile family.

And as it was said above multiple times, the enemy loves to embbed in new spiritual satanists mind that they might be jews. I went through this myself. The reptilians know very well that jews are disguisting and parasitic as they are a "humanoid" reflection of themselves. Is a tactic to keep gentiles away from Satan by convincing them that they are the enemy of the Gods.

My advice is, just be normal. Do meditate and do RTRs as you like and fits best for you and see how the things are evolving. If you feel good from them, then the answer should be obvious. Jewish soul is alien from ours. Our meditations are toxic for them and their spirituality is toxic and very dangerous for us. After they stolen the egyptian Kabbalah and other pagan spiritual documents, they have modified the meditations to be benefic for their souls, corrupting the mantras and other power words and turning them into hebrew versions to use for themselves. So if you feel good with the satanic meditations, then it shows that you aren't jewish.
Thank you all for helping me stop and fix this attack the enemy did to me I am still recovering from it but ya that makes since
Hail Satan
Hail Andras
Hail to the Gods of Hell
If you're terrorized for being a jew there is very low probability that you can be a jew.

If you wish to punch a reptilian or a grey in the face you just don't are a jew lol :lol:
Just because you have some physical traits that are usually associated with Jews doesn't mean you are a Jew. There have been strong SS figures in history accused of that by the "media" because they, apparently, have such traits - the work of the fucking jews, as you can imagine.

Having a long face or a bigger nose or smaller eyes doesn't make you a Jew. There are plenty of gentiles out there with these traits. As long as you don't have the huge hook nose and you have been getting positive signs as a SS, I don't see why you should worry that much.

I've also suffered this attack and I know how much it sucks. But you wouldn't have been here for so long if you were jewish.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
The "Am I Jewish" attack is one of the enemy's favorites. If you didn't feel sick while dedicating or doing RTRs, then you're not a jew. Satanic rituals and meditation feel very unnatural to the jewish soul. If you've made it this far, you're not jewish. Let me say it again: YOU'RE NOT JEWISH! :D

Enemy astral entities want to convince you that you're jewish to stop you from doing RTRs.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan
The "Am I Jewish" attack is one of the enemy's favorites. If you didn't feel sick while dedicating or doing RTRs, then you're not a jew. Satanic rituals and meditation feel very unnatural to the jewish soul. If you've made it this far, you're not jewish. Let me say it again: YOU'RE NOT JEWISH! :D

Enemy astral entities want to convince you that you're jewish to stop you from doing RTRs.

Thanks for saying that I’m 5 years in and I can’t advance out of this absolutely morbid fear. I read How to Recognize and Identify a Jew pdf, but I’m so scared — I can’t any of these features in my family pics 6 generations back, but what if....I drew the devil reversed when I asked Satan. Thank you! I feel it’s true what you say. I fight hard, but not without misery. RTR and dedication feel very good!
Wildfire said:
AstralSnowfall666 said:
I am very worried that I might be a Jew. I have a bigger nose and apparently some Germans told my dad that my last name sounds like a german last name that A jew would have had (it's "Isensee"). I don't have the hooknose and by mom's side is Anglo-saxon. My hair is naturally a "dirty blonde" so that gives me some hope but I do have brown eyes. I know that traditionally your mother has to be a Jew but I don't know if that even matters outside of orthodox Judaism.

I am very dedicated to Father Enki. I do rituals (including RTRs) and meditation every night and I'm getting in to the practice of yoga. I don't know what I would do with myself if I found out I'm a kike. I want to be pure and worthy in the eyes of Lord Lucifer.

If anyone has information on a free way to learn about your family tree/ancestry I would be beyond grateful.
Best wishes to all of you
Hail Satan

But if you have had one good experience with Satan and the gods or for coming here, then you're not a kike. :) Maybe, try asking the gods yourself and tell us what reaction you get. Or just do an Othala working so you can confirm through the results on your own.

Hope this helps.


Ok thanks for stating this. I summoned Marchosias in 2015 through JoS and she put her glowing blue gold aryan white arm through my back and into my chest to clear a blockage. I saw it with my third eye and not my normal eyes. It was a very soothing loving feminine touch. I am extremely susceptible to fearing being Jewish, even though I feel better after RTRs and power meditation. I convinced myself that it was just the math I was on at the time and nothing more than an illusion or a thought form of Marchosias. I summoned her in October during the correct time and she came to me two days later. No amount of math could ever make me experience something like that. I’ve done enough to know that it’s effects are not like THAT. I now feel like that experience is valid actually.
AstralSnowfall666 said:
Thanks everyone, you're right. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have in Spiritual Satanism if I was a Jew. I appreciate the help, I feel much better about it. Hails!

I am so happy for you fam, it’s such a miserably scary feeling to not know! Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
