There are several things going into what gives a planet prominence, some of them written about and some of them not so much, others are currently completely unclear to many, for valid reasons of course. I'm going to list here some of the things I know and have seen myself, reiterate some knowledge on the JoS and add in some things that I have surmised, all with examples.
Now firstly, aside of the Chart ruler which we figure out from the sign of the Ascendant, there are also 3 other important ruler planets. The ruler of the 4th house, 7th house and 10th house. I would call these the Mind house, Love house and Career house in that order. This is what they rule. The rulers of these 3 other houses are way more important than the rulers of any of the other houses aside of the 1st, for the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th for these are the Angular houses.
The cusps of the Angular houses are very important and crucial, It's written on Azazel's Astrology that If a planet is conjunct or opposite an Angular house cusp (opposite would mean if it were the AC, it would be opposite it on the DC and thus conjunct also the DC) it has more prominence in the chart, but it also states that if a planet is aspecting an angular house cusp, it also becomes more prominent. This applies to minor aspects, too. Following this, we can say that people may have a chart ruler which is not so prominent, but other planets which are prominent.
Another factor in prominence is planetary aspects themselves, tighter aspects being moreso. The most prominent types of aspects in order go from conjunction, opposition, square, over to the trines, sextiles and into the long list of minor aspects. If they are within 0-2 degrees orb, you know this is the critical zone already. If one person was to have 2 or 3 planets in a conjunction/square/opposition, even a combination of these and/or minor aspects, falling on one or both angular house cusps, this would indicate prominence of at least a number of those planets. Then's the challenge of figuring out which one is more out of them? XD.
To gauge this, we must look at the 4 Cardinal Angular houses again. If any one of those planets in the arrangement is the ruler of an Angular house, this is the more prominent. If one of those planets is in a home or exalted sign, it is prominent. If a planet is retrograde it demands prominence and attention put to it. If it rules multiple houses (as in 2 house cusps located in the planet's single sign) it is prominent. If there is only one or 2 lone planets involved with the Angular house cusps, these rules also apply to them.
If you have planets which make aspects or are located on the cusps of the other houses,
Succedent- 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th
Cadent- 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th
Planets in Cadent houses are usually pretty removed unless they make tight aspects and are prominent like I said above.
Then in the order of Angular, Succedent, Cadent you downgrade the prominence of that aspect/placement. If one has an isolated chart ruler in a cadent house, but other planets in tight stelliums (groupings of 3) on their Angular houses, on the cusps, the stellium is more prominent than the ruler. The head of the stellium would be the planet in it which rules multiple or more significant houses, it would also be the planet which is in its best position, in a home sign and so on.
If a planet is retrograde and in a cadent sign, it is harder to work on the faults of the retrograde but also less important and failing if you don't. If a retrograde planet is with or involved with the Angular houses or their cusps, it can be making life or death of that planet's rulerships and thus there is a lot more initiative to actually pick up the characteristics associated with that planet. Uranus retrograde is mostly irrelevant, but when it's involved with the Angular houses, It makes it's issues and their hangups personal to the chart and not removed. Hence why the first house descriptions have the stronger nature of being OF YOU, the 7th house descriptions being OF OTHERS and LOVE etc. The 9th house for example, rules random philosophy. It's opposite the 3rd is the subtleties and variations of ones communication, so they're not crucial in of themselves. 1st house IS the self lol, the other Angular houses are also things which deeply and directly pertain to how the self forms. Uranus over the 1st means Uranus fucking up screws you in directly, so you deal with it as an important part of your life. Uranus in the 12th fucking up, messes over some aspects of your mind, but it's hidden and doesn't equate the bigger part of you so it shouldn't matter so much. The 3 outer planets are usually benign in charts, but they and their retrogrades become significant in a chart if they are involved with the Angulars like this. This on top of Chart rulers, is how you can judge whether an outer planet is prominent and significant in your chart or not. If a personal planet (all planets up to Saturn) is like this, this will be a driving force in how you are as well.
*13th_Wolf Theory time* (*Gets slightly unrelated to the post title time*)
Now to figure out what is occurring in the mind you would look at your Moon and probably Mercury right? Well why when we are looking at ourselves in our chart we don't look at Mars, but only the Chart ruler? Mars being of the 1st house should count for all the things the first house does at least partially
(Mars being also split by Scorpio into the 8th house)
Mars is the spark, the Fire which summates a human soul. The nature of this spark in a person is characterised by the 1st house, but the natural ruler of the 1st house is also very important surely? I believe Mars equates to what we're bound to achieve on pure passion alone, however it's placed.
Similarly in the case of the Moon, we should give the ruler of the 4th house the same credence in understanding the Family, Mind and so on because the 4th house is also to do with those things.
Mercury rules the relation to thoughts and ideas, 3rd and 6th is them in the life themselves, but they aren't the Mind itself, the Pineal gland and so on. The nervous system is all thin and wispy compared to the brain, but is what makes up the brain. The charge or Cardinal force behind Mercury, is the Moon. This is why we reject ideas, because the Moon can if it is exalted by a proper family and education.
If someone has their Moon in the 4th house, everything's normal. Put it anywhere else and it makes a different type of family, more diverted type of a mind. Types of families which spend a lot of time when talking with eachother, about their friends and what other's are doing (11th house moon) rather than actually doing fun family stuff with eachother, for example. Put the Moon in the 6th house, and the family nature characterising that person is work, they work, do lots of jobs and do many other labour focused things to show their appreciation for their family, but may actually underestimate or be completely unaware of the sensitivity or emotional aspect to their them- going underappreciated and other stuff.
The ruler of the 4th house is the actual nature characterising the family, mother and so on, whether or not there is fights, fortune, misfortune or other numbers of things. The start of potential mental richness or insanity. The Moon should be actual and existing mental richness or insanity. Whatever the 4th house and it's ruler are doing though- show how the family actually is, the Moon is the energy which relays to the person in their actual chart. The Moon is how the person reacts to the family, the 4th house IS the family?
Saturn is how the person reacts to authority, 10th house IS the authority built up around the person?
Venus is how the person reacts to love and friendships, 7th house IS love and friendships (hence the fated stuff of it)?
Mars is how their force of assertion is dictating what they do every morning when they wake up. 1st house IS the person?
Maybe I should do quizzes. That would be implying that I'm not a noob though, when I totally am I'm just an astrology teacher's pet, nerd kind of noob.
Now firstly, aside of the Chart ruler which we figure out from the sign of the Ascendant, there are also 3 other important ruler planets. The ruler of the 4th house, 7th house and 10th house. I would call these the Mind house, Love house and Career house in that order. This is what they rule. The rulers of these 3 other houses are way more important than the rulers of any of the other houses aside of the 1st, for the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th for these are the Angular houses.
The cusps of the Angular houses are very important and crucial, It's written on Azazel's Astrology that If a planet is conjunct or opposite an Angular house cusp (opposite would mean if it were the AC, it would be opposite it on the DC and thus conjunct also the DC) it has more prominence in the chart, but it also states that if a planet is aspecting an angular house cusp, it also becomes more prominent. This applies to minor aspects, too. Following this, we can say that people may have a chart ruler which is not so prominent, but other planets which are prominent.
Another factor in prominence is planetary aspects themselves, tighter aspects being moreso. The most prominent types of aspects in order go from conjunction, opposition, square, over to the trines, sextiles and into the long list of minor aspects. If they are within 0-2 degrees orb, you know this is the critical zone already. If one person was to have 2 or 3 planets in a conjunction/square/opposition, even a combination of these and/or minor aspects, falling on one or both angular house cusps, this would indicate prominence of at least a number of those planets. Then's the challenge of figuring out which one is more out of them? XD.
To gauge this, we must look at the 4 Cardinal Angular houses again. If any one of those planets in the arrangement is the ruler of an Angular house, this is the more prominent. If one of those planets is in a home or exalted sign, it is prominent. If a planet is retrograde it demands prominence and attention put to it. If it rules multiple houses (as in 2 house cusps located in the planet's single sign) it is prominent. If there is only one or 2 lone planets involved with the Angular house cusps, these rules also apply to them.
If you have planets which make aspects or are located on the cusps of the other houses,
Succedent- 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th
Cadent- 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th
Planets in Cadent houses are usually pretty removed unless they make tight aspects and are prominent like I said above.
Then in the order of Angular, Succedent, Cadent you downgrade the prominence of that aspect/placement. If one has an isolated chart ruler in a cadent house, but other planets in tight stelliums (groupings of 3) on their Angular houses, on the cusps, the stellium is more prominent than the ruler. The head of the stellium would be the planet in it which rules multiple or more significant houses, it would also be the planet which is in its best position, in a home sign and so on.
If a planet is retrograde and in a cadent sign, it is harder to work on the faults of the retrograde but also less important and failing if you don't. If a retrograde planet is with or involved with the Angular houses or their cusps, it can be making life or death of that planet's rulerships and thus there is a lot more initiative to actually pick up the characteristics associated with that planet. Uranus retrograde is mostly irrelevant, but when it's involved with the Angular houses, It makes it's issues and their hangups personal to the chart and not removed. Hence why the first house descriptions have the stronger nature of being OF YOU, the 7th house descriptions being OF OTHERS and LOVE etc. The 9th house for example, rules random philosophy. It's opposite the 3rd is the subtleties and variations of ones communication, so they're not crucial in of themselves. 1st house IS the self lol, the other Angular houses are also things which deeply and directly pertain to how the self forms. Uranus over the 1st means Uranus fucking up screws you in directly, so you deal with it as an important part of your life. Uranus in the 12th fucking up, messes over some aspects of your mind, but it's hidden and doesn't equate the bigger part of you so it shouldn't matter so much. The 3 outer planets are usually benign in charts, but they and their retrogrades become significant in a chart if they are involved with the Angulars like this. This on top of Chart rulers, is how you can judge whether an outer planet is prominent and significant in your chart or not. If a personal planet (all planets up to Saturn) is like this, this will be a driving force in how you are as well.
*13th_Wolf Theory time* (*Gets slightly unrelated to the post title time*)
Now to figure out what is occurring in the mind you would look at your Moon and probably Mercury right? Well why when we are looking at ourselves in our chart we don't look at Mars, but only the Chart ruler? Mars being of the 1st house should count for all the things the first house does at least partially
(Mars being also split by Scorpio into the 8th house)
Mars is the spark, the Fire which summates a human soul. The nature of this spark in a person is characterised by the 1st house, but the natural ruler of the 1st house is also very important surely? I believe Mars equates to what we're bound to achieve on pure passion alone, however it's placed.
Similarly in the case of the Moon, we should give the ruler of the 4th house the same credence in understanding the Family, Mind and so on because the 4th house is also to do with those things.
Mercury rules the relation to thoughts and ideas, 3rd and 6th is them in the life themselves, but they aren't the Mind itself, the Pineal gland and so on. The nervous system is all thin and wispy compared to the brain, but is what makes up the brain. The charge or Cardinal force behind Mercury, is the Moon. This is why we reject ideas, because the Moon can if it is exalted by a proper family and education.
If someone has their Moon in the 4th house, everything's normal. Put it anywhere else and it makes a different type of family, more diverted type of a mind. Types of families which spend a lot of time when talking with eachother, about their friends and what other's are doing (11th house moon) rather than actually doing fun family stuff with eachother, for example. Put the Moon in the 6th house, and the family nature characterising that person is work, they work, do lots of jobs and do many other labour focused things to show their appreciation for their family, but may actually underestimate or be completely unaware of the sensitivity or emotional aspect to their them- going underappreciated and other stuff.
The ruler of the 4th house is the actual nature characterising the family, mother and so on, whether or not there is fights, fortune, misfortune or other numbers of things. The start of potential mental richness or insanity. The Moon should be actual and existing mental richness or insanity. Whatever the 4th house and it's ruler are doing though- show how the family actually is, the Moon is the energy which relays to the person in their actual chart. The Moon is how the person reacts to the family, the 4th house IS the family?
Saturn is how the person reacts to authority, 10th house IS the authority built up around the person?
Venus is how the person reacts to love and friendships, 7th house IS love and friendships (hence the fated stuff of it)?
Mars is how their force of assertion is dictating what they do every morning when they wake up. 1st house IS the person?
Maybe I should do quizzes. That would be implying that I'm not a noob though, when I totally am I'm just an astrology teacher's pet, nerd kind of noob.