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How To Interpret & Understand The Messages Of The Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are a few SS who are experiencing problems often-times with communication, understanding of the Gods, interpreting their will, or in essence merely communicating with the Gods spiritually in a more direct way.

These problems can range from direct enemy interference, to natural astral interference, but there is an overlooked topic that most people seem to neglect. This problem is primarily centered around the self and one's inner balances.

In the Joy of Satan website, the writings of High Priests are describing the methods and advanced methodology on how one can communicate with Demons. There are more than one ways. Yet, one must understand that none of this is an one shot deal.

In fact, this takes time, effort and training to truly achieve. Presently, many things are done quickly and everyone expects quick results, but communication with the Gods done on a very serious level is something the practitioner can attain with training and persistence.

There are also many levels and layers to attaining communication. One must never get discouraged, but keep trying and advancing spiritually to finally attain this understanding. In the process of this development, one not only grows spiritually, but gains the interest of the Gods themselves. The Gods do enjoy and take pride when we try to develop spiritually and reach them.

The primary obstacle that most people seem to experience, is not so much that one cannot communicate with the Gods, but rather, the willingness to follow what the Gods are requiring of someone or indicating one must do.

In certain cases where one's mind is adjusted to a situation where one is used to certain things, such as routines, a way of living life, or stuck in the rut of perpetual ignorance, communication can be made very difficult. Ignorance can be a very important factor in blocking certain influences out of ourselves.

Meditation works to change this over time and step by step.

One's "Mind", can also act as a block for most communication. For this reason, the Gods often times send messages in omens or through other means of divination. Still, even if the message is received, one might not interpret this clearly, since one's mind is not open to interpretation.

While the Gods know the best ways to communicate with someone or anyone, the core of the issue here has to do with the soul, it's hygiene, and the cleanliness of the mind itself. By mind, we define here also the mental construct, the mental restraints, the things one does or does not want to accept, everything that makes up the individual's "mind".

Without a mind and heart set to the direction of the Gods, or without much willingness, one will have a lot of obstacles in understanding the will of the Gods or walking into the path of the purer light.

By direction of the heart, we mean alignment of one's emotions and inner drives - ie, if you do constantly the things that would oppose this undertaking, then you will divide yourself from it.

An example here would be feelings that one is arrogantly believing one has the rights to attain this based due to impatience or arrogance, intense fear, or a feeling that one cannot communicate at all [depressive feelings]. Either of these, in either side, can cause considerable problems in communication with the Gods.

By direction of the mind, we mean the mental programmings, such as doubts or fears, that might keep one back. An example here, would be a stuck belief in one's mind that the Gods do "not exist", or that "you know best", or other delusional fallacies such as that you are already ultimately wise in yourself and whatever other nonsense.

These fallacies are of stupid levels that will disallow strongly the ability to communicate with the Gods. Beliefs like this can act as limiting factors in communication.

In either of these categories, it sounds easy and one might arrogantly believe that they have "escaped", simply because they attained communication by coincidence or some correct communications, but the above is way harder than it looks like on the surface. It is doable, but the above merely is circumvented only by serious advancement of the Soul, ie, the mind and the heart included within the soul.

The above is fixed and regulated by mostly being a balanced being and soul. The above is easier said than done and certainly far more complex than the few words related above will explain. Specifically, this has to do also with the balance and cleanlinesses of the soul itself.

An unstudied or arrogant mind, or a mind that does not try to evolve itself, cannot properly decipher the messages of the Gods. It does not matter what certain people might believe. If anything was caught, it will be fragmented, incomplete, and not lead to proper understanding.

The path to learning, understanding, deciphering, and above all the wisdom to be a real partaker of such communication instead of a deluded person, is a long path. Regardless, it's the most rewarding of all paths as the Gods can help someone advance as a being and transform them.

Before any actual examples of true, sound and healthy astral communication, the above issues have to be set in order. To set the above issues in order, your instructions are in the Joy of Satan website, with all the tools given there.

Unless the above are applied with loyalty and adhered to seriously, then one will still receive communications, but jumbling, confusion and other similar forces will take the wheel far more often than one being an able captain, able to navigate the sea of knowledge to reach for communication.

To the very trained mind, the natural or astral or even enemy interference, will fall secondary or of no influence and one will be able to communicate anyway. Regardless, because of the deceptive nature of the dimension we are currently into, one must always take in very serious consideration to filter out what one believes is communication, in order to receive proper guidance.

For those who are receiving this, then you must further this and not let this go. In other words, one must try to keep this communication going. One way is prayer.

Additionally, workings to specifically unfold this ability, can help. But only within the context of a balanced and regular meditation schedule, but also inner temperance that guides someone to true understanding away from imbalances and illnesses of the behaviour and the soul.

As communication implies, we have not only verbal communication, but often times it will be omens, thoughts, or other guidance one will receive, often times given in ways that will propel you to advance, rather than to stumble upon a given answer from which you have gained nothing.

One very important thing to understand is that since not everyone is the same being, or on the same level, the Gods will likewise adjust this with your Guardian Demon and Demons so that you receive communications in the level that you can understand.

If one cannot understand something, then one must insist and stay on with the Demons, until one can finally grasp it.

If you fail at this, be honest, and try again.

In general, it is better to avoid that one has not understood a full idea, or had issues communicating, rather than being arrogant or foolish that one understood everything at once. Either of these states can be partly detrimental in one's growth through the Demonic Communication.

The Gods can send Demons to also instruct you and guide you by invisible means, so that you are guided to information. One major example is in the forums, or an answer. That counts as valid communication as any, and verbal or auditory or visual communication is not the sole deciding factor of the value of communicating. One's inquiry has been answered in the above very obvious case.

As a conclusive note, the most difficult wall anyone who truly seeks communication with the Gods must skip, is also a wall that many do not understand, and that is the wall of one's own individual self. A major obstacle in communication can be one's own need to deceive one's self or one's own incapacity to accept something, for example.

One just needs to go online to see what many claim is "Angels, Gods, Higher Beings" talking to them, just to read a heap of garbage and nothing else. One can avoid this and really move towards them, by applying what is said through this post. No serious Satanist must spend time trying to decipher or waste their life in this garbage. Anyone who also habitually does that, is generally there only to waste your time. That will teach you nothing.

Lastly, the highest the degree of self honesty and closeness to the level of "Sat" or True Consciousness, the more one will receive from this and understand the will and messages of the Gods. This takes time and evolution of the soul to achieve, but its very much doable and within the grasp of anyone who focuses on meditation.

It also has to be stated that "in potential", all human beings, due to the nature of the soul, could be partakers in this. Yet, this will be decided from the fact that if one works on their mind and soul or not.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this great post :). I remember you writing another sometime back about how seeing certain numbers that belonged to a specific Demon or other things can be forms of communication, symbolism and such. It is true the Gods want to communicate with us in ways we understand and can just "feel". For those who are not completely open, recieving things like omens or being led to things seems to be the first go to of communication until one is open enough to "hear". Being led to answers in these forums, or anything when reading, seeing numbers and specific types of symbolism ect have often occurred for me, with the very occasional accurate verbal perhaps once or twice. Thoughts such as just a feeling about something, an idea as Maxine said can be the result of a Demon looking out for you. If you are the type to hear music in your head a lot or get song stuck in your head, if you reach out and ask something or other you could suddenly start hearing a song with lyrics pertaining to the subject that seems to answer. Dreams are another way, but like with anything they can be misinterpreted as noted here. I have often felt my Guardian talks to me through the meanings of stones and plants as well as many of the above methods.
From day one of my spiritual progression, I've always gone out of my way to "talk" with the Gods. I've always allowed myself to be vocal and communicative in my relationship with the Gods. I acutely remember, back in the day, a lot of newer forum members saying things like "oh you shouldn't hassle the Gods. In fact, don't speak to them at all, they're scary/busy/other dumb reasons", and other spurious claims like you're hogging a one-way phoneline. Throughout my entire progression, this has never been the reality I've experienced. On the contrary, the Gods have shown me they are better, more patient listeners than any mortal person I've known, by leagues and miles, and my vocality with them has been the backbone of how well they've guided me over the years.

As I've developed, the nature of how they've interacted with me has evolved also. Take my word for it, don't believe for a second you need to outright hear their words to have near perfect guidance with the Gods. For me, it has definitely been a case of them knowing them better than I knew myself. I've had messages and visions delivered to me literal years ago, that only make true sense with the context and understanding I have now. This to me, is the wisdom of the Gods. The tapestry they've laid out over the years has enabled me to find new answers in old messages, as if they knew, years ahead of time, the questions I would come to ask. There are other factors as well, including the Gods being aware that our motivation for following the path can change. One thing I can definitely say is, they've been excellent in keeping the wind in my sails.

Best of all, as I have grown, the methods of communication have evolved. The Gods are keen to demonstrate to you your own advancement, and as the years have tracked by, I've experienced my own development firsthand. Once, it was simple dreams of visitation to coax my interest, and being lead to sources of information. But as I grew, I began to experience visions. More and more, a better picture of my own future began to form as I needed it most. At first, these were simple premonitions of my life and times ahead, reassuring glances that the skies weren't falling when life was at its hardest and I was at my most novice. As more years passed, these visions of tomorrow grew more elaborate, spiritual and beautiful, and I knew in my heart I was catching glimpses of what laid ahead, further yet up the ladder of my own development, and the changing astral reality of our collective efforts.

All in all, I can say two things with confidence for those who are just beginning their journey. People have, for some reason, often portrayed the Gods as callous, and at most, only willing to part with what's absolutely essential and nothing more. On the contrary, as much as I have indeed gotten what I've needed, there have been points where the Gods have chosen to encourage me, simply because I asked kindly and yearned for inspiration during harder moments. Even though I may have not technically needed this, the Gods yet chose compassion, and their kindness and patience still humbles me to this day. Second of all, the penultimate truth of all this is, it's honestly hard to describe their methods and contacts in simple words. As you grow, how the Gods choose to interact with you are going to be very personal, feelings and energies and signs that you and only you will be able to interpret, with your own soul's perspective. As strange as it will sound to someone yet to truly commit themselves, the key to the development of my understanding of the Gods' messages has ultimately stemmed from gradually coming to understand my self. The more I've embraced who I am, and ceased burying aspects of my persona or lying to myself about what I'm searching for, the more the Gods' messages have made sense, and as they've seen me understand myself further, the more they've entrusted me with seeing greater degrees of their larger picture. It's humbling looking back. There are gut instincts and beliefs I had as a child which ended up being more true and relevant than the notions I forced myself to have as a young adult for the sake of falling in line with the masses. Generic and overwrought as it sounds, follow your heart. The rest will come in time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was thinking for a long time why I did not understand the message of the gods and this article helped me a lot thanks
Ive always been an aethiest and never been into signs. It wasnt until Corona hit that things changed for me. I remember sensing a huge amount of negative energy in the air when corona came to the point it overwhelmed me and for about 2 weeks I was super depressed. It was such a heavy feeling I had never experienced anything like that before. Then after a couple weeks out of nowhere that feeling lifted and it felt like everything was going to be OK.

Confused by these feelings I began my research. I probably spent like a good solid 6 months researching going down every rabbit hole there is. And one thing I noticed was it all felt like bs. Like I could see straight through it. So much stuff didn't make sense especially the crap from the Bible. Not to mention I never ever sensed anything bad about Hitler. To me he always had an extremely brilliant presence about him.

Eventually came across the JoS and have never looked back. I did my dedication and things have been going well for me ever since. Through this journey i can see more and more that I am being guided and helped by the gods and that they have been watching over me already for some time.

I never believed in signs prior to becoming an SS. But soon as i dedicated within a couple weeks there was things that started to happen that was slightly freaky but totally awesome at the same time. Some of the signs I've had from them have been ridiculous to the point it blows me away how they can do this sort of stuff. I may eventually write a post going more in depth about these but one of the most consistent ones is often when I'm in deep thought about something and have questions a post or sermon just happens to pop up days later addressing my exact thoughts.

It honestly does feel like we are all interlinked and it's wonderful. I know I'm new and have a long way to go but that's fine I am here now and will never leave.

Through the combined efforts from the gods and the members here you helped me and many others break free and see the truth. And for that I will be forever greatful to you all.
Thank you for the post. In my case, sometimes when i face challenges, l love how the Gods use music to motivate me.

I feel like meditation is the key for one to improve ones communication with the Gods. The more seriously you take spiritual Satanism the more the Gods “ gets closer to you” and hence you communicate frequently.

Projects can be helpful also. Start a project for example writing articles you share on the internet helping people see the truth or exposing the enemy and then find a God to work with. This will help learn how to communicate with them.
These are my experiences but post by our high priest addressed the issue so well.

Hail Astarte our lovely Goddess forever and ever
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods can send Demons to also instruct you and guide you by invisible means, so that you are guided to information. One major example is in the forums, or an answer. That counts as valid communication as any, and verbal or auditory or visual communication is not the sole deciding factor of the value of communicating. One's inquiry has been answered in the above very obvious case.

That's very true in my experience too. Quite often when I ask Father Satan a question, I recieve the answer on the forum. Usually HP Cobra posts a new sermon with exactly what I was looking for. Or I just get a thought in my head with a word usually and when I search the forum with that word, I'd find the answers from sermons or posts from even years ago. It's amazing.
Also I noticed that whenever I ask Father Satan something, for answers or for guidance, I recieve Father's guidance either very quickly, sometimes instantaneously or within 2 days. A lot of times I recieve guidance on the 2nd day of me asking. I'm not sure what the significance of it is yet. But it seems that Father Satan sends me his guidance always within 2 days.
Very important sermon, HP Cobra. Thank you for writing this.

Anytime we need help, the Gods will give us guidance, or tell us. As you said. But we need to put in the effort to work on our astral senses, and also to just sit and think things over. Not just assume the answer, or jump to a conclusion about it, or take whatever we heard or saw at face value.

One psychic dream I had, I had to mull it over for a few weeks before I figured out what it was about. I guess I could've asked for clarification soon after, now that I think of it.

Hail Satan!
I was a flat earther. When I asked father satan about the earth, I understood the truth. The signs of the spherical earth became clearer to me day by day, the dear gods helped me to discover the truth of the earth and I know that the earth is sphere.
I was also vegan, I asked the gods about vegan and a few days later I found out vegan is a Jewish project, then I left vegan.
I also asked the gods for help with my studies and university too, and they helped me.
hail satan and astaroth and my guardian demon and the gods of hell.
This cannot be stated enough and I personally think you should add this to the JoS as newbies are often confused by HPS Maxine's natural telepathic ability. People need to understand that it is not normal to receive verbal communication until levels of high advancement.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are a few SS who are experiencing problems often-times with communication, understanding of the Gods, interpreting their will, or in essence merely communicating with the Gods spiritually in a more direct way.
I doubt this is a message from the Gods but for years I keep seeing 911 everywhere nearly daily. The most often happens with the hour 09:11 in the morning or variations like 19:11 or 21:11 (which is same 09:11) or simply seeing the number in random places. I don't think this is a message from the Gods though because this is a date of sad remembrance for humanity, it is most likely not a coincidence neither. I normally ignore it all the time.
If it's too late to do all this? If your mistakes are so big? What else can you do? Should you give up? But ... You can't give up ... What else can you do? .
One of the biggest things for me has just been wrapping my mind around the things they they tell and show me. I have reached a point where just about every day i will hold a conversation with Andras, Gusion and a few other demons.

There's times I've been shown extremely interesting things. One of the first times I formally met Asmodeus he had me flip through a book while remote viewing, and showed me very complicated schematics for things I asked about previously, and he showed me Syria in a very old time period, I remember seeing people walking around, dining, and a giant castle fortress he showed me which was beyond beautiful.

I remember walking into a giant satanic cathedral while in deep meditation. All the Gods around me, hearing beautiful music, and so many other interactions.

That and they repeatedly told me, led me to information about who I was in a past life. It was someone of influence, in the ancient world. I had trouble believing thus, but they were very stern and insistent on me accepting this.

They then led me to research and i found alot of remaining evidence on this person, how he died at a young age, was sickly for alot of his life, and had a similar bone and facial structure to me, even the hair was about the same, everything was so similar, as he looked almost exactly as I do now.

Literally felt like my eyeballs were just going to fall out and roll away with the amazing things I've been told, seen and made to comprehend at times.

That's the biggest thing that's been hard for me. Fully accepting the things I am shown, because I know often people can be deluded, hence why I stay extremely humble and take time to decipher what I am told.

This sermon was very insightful and meaningful Commander Hooded Cobra, thank you.
I really needed this sermon, thank-you HPC. I relate so much to what was said, like being closed off due to my own ignorance or delusion. Sometimes I just "know" what my GD would say yet I rationalize it to better suit my psychological processes to cope with my choices and never end up listening in the first place. Not saying I always do this but for certain scars on my soul I can be subconsciously unwilling to heal.

I want to listen to her always.

I find recently she has communicated with through images. I asked her what I needed to do first to advance at the most expediated rate, she showed me an image of my sacral and throat chakra. This makes sense has I have such terrible affliction attached to those two chakra rulerships.
Thanks for the sermon. About an hour ago I asked who is talking to me in my mind. Seldomly I notice thoughts that are unlikely to belong to me. Received a name. I was afraid that I’m deluding myself and there is no one speaking. Then I came here and saw the very name at someone’s signature, ‘‘hail x’’. When I went back to the main forum page there was your sermon. It seems like I should work on my mind more diligently to be sure.
Thank you for this sermon.

I have noticed that the Gods communicate by putting ideas in my mind as if I thought them, since I do not have my astral senses open. One night I had a headache after meditating and out of nowhere I thought "child's position" would never have occurred to me as I am quite ignorant about yoga.

They have also put in my mind the idea of ​​practicing a certain sport, since I am totally oblivious to the subject.
I forgot to say that in my little experience the meditation of emptiness is essential and helps a lot to capture the messages of the Gods, since by having control of your mind you can know which thought is yours and which is not.

The grays have also put ideas into my mind that are so foreign to my real ideas that they have been easy to identify, such as that I shouldn't meditate because it doesn't work or that I have larvae in my brain and that every time I meditate on my pineal in reality are larvae what I feel. I also saw a gray inside my mind when I was meditating. All these things happened on a Saturday, anyway...

I reinforced my protection aura and my room with blue flames and they haven't bothered me.
Satanic Truth said:
This cannot be stated enough and I personally think you should add this to the JoS as newbies are often confused by HPS Maxine's natural telepathic ability. People need to understand that it is not normal to receive verbal communication until levels of high advancement.

Thank you for this, yes, many posts need to be added. I have written hundreds that can address many fundamental questions that are not answered in JoS. This one was added in quick update. Many more need to be put up there, it's all planned out. We are currently finishing other works and then I will focus exclusively on this. I am always dragged in numerous directions unfortunately.
Many very wise and important replies into this thread, but also many thought provoking statements to further this conversation as well. Thanks for those who want to reply, experiences here describe things very vividly.
Florina 22 said:
If it's too late to do all this? If your mistakes are so big? What else can you do? Should you give up? But ... You can't give up ... What else can you do? .

Why would it be too late? Everyone has made their own mistakes. The way you solve this is by moving forward, not dwelling in the past.

Even if you murdered someone, you could fix this problem in yourself, then help 1000 people to make up for this. To do this, however, you first need to work on advancing yourself. So this is a good place to start.

If your mind is wild, use breathing techniques or safely programmed earth energy. Also, do hatha yoga asanas. These will all help, in addition to void meditation, until you can do a more permanent working.
I hear them when I need to hear them and sometimes I can get what they are trying to say just by the way they try to reach me like when you posted up the warfare schedule this time I got a golden mirage effect happening and I was like hmmm they are trying to reach me so I was like yes probably a new warfare schedule has been posted it should be due for that time again so I pulled out my phone and took a look low and behold a new warfare schedule I sent back an message received and the glowy gold experince slowly fades away.

Pretty much they will make themselves heard if they really want you to hear them but Uranus placement and Jupiter placements give me powerful claiuraudience and intuition so they don't have to try very hard to get a message through to me I also try not to bother them with too much bullshit either I think they appreciate my ability to suck it up rather then whining all the time.

And if it's something that isnt important I'll send them like I'd like to talk to you when you have time not urgent and they always get back to me eventually sometimes you just gotta take a ticket and wait
Great post!!🔥💗 I needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing!!🙏
Shadowcat said:
Thank you for this great post :). I remember you writing another sometime back about how seeing certain numbers that belonged to a specific Demon or other things can be forms of communication, symbolism and such. It is true the Gods want to communicate with us in ways we understand and can just "feel". For those who are not completely open, recieving things like omens or being led to things seems to be the first go to of communication until one is open enough to "hear". Being led to answers in these forums, or anything when reading, seeing numbers and specific types of symbolism ect have often occurred for me, with the very occasional accurate verbal perhaps once or twice. Thoughts such as just a feeling about something, an idea as Maxine said can be the result of a Demon looking out for you. If you are the type to hear music in your head a lot or get song stuck in your head, if you reach out and ask something or other you could suddenly start hearing a song with lyrics pertaining to the subject that seems to answer. Dreams are another way, but like with anything they can be misinterpreted as noted here. I have often felt my Guardian talks to me through the meanings of stones and plants as well as many of the above methods.

Yes actually. First time i tried to communicate with my guardian demon i used the Ouija board, it was difficult. It showed " C " after some time. I immediately went to the demons section of JoS and used every demons sigil and my pendulum and checked every one beginning with C and the first one was Camio/ Caim. Camio himself did move the pendulum when i asked if he was my guardian demon, and it swayed back and forth rather strongly. And a few days after, he led me to this:

So yeah. Im proven he is my guardian. One time i randomly acquired a green candle for no reason, this was before i knew camio was my guardian because i had the initial thought that queen Astarte could have been my guardian :lol: . And guess what. His candle color is green. I have been communicating with him using Tarot ever since. Camio is expert on hydromancy and divination. And im good with the Tarot.

On a side note, what book or article do you recommend for finding out the real truth and meaning of plants and rocks? I have heard they can also relate to the different planets which is very interesting.
Shining Force said:
Ive always been an aethiest and never been into signs. It wasnt until Corona hit that things changed for me. I remember sensing a huge amount of negative energy in the air when corona came to the point it overwhelmed me and for about 2 weeks I was super depressed. It was such a heavy feeling I had never experienced anything like that before. Then after a couple weeks out of nowhere that feeling lifted and it felt like everything was going to be OK.

Confused by these feelings I began my research. I probably spent like a good solid 6 months researching going down every rabbit hole there is. And one thing I noticed was it all felt like bs. Like I could see straight through it. So much stuff didn't make sense especially the crap from the Bible. Not to mention I never ever sensed anything bad about Hitler. To me he always had an extremely brilliant presence about him.

Eventually came across the JoS and have never looked back. I did my dedication and things have been going well for me ever since. Through this journey i can see more and more that I am being guided and helped by the gods and that they have been watching over me already for some time.

I never believed in signs prior to becoming an SS. But soon as i dedicated within a couple weeks there was things that started to happen that was slightly freaky but totally awesome at the same time. Some of the signs I've had from them have been ridiculous to the point it blows me away how they can do this sort of stuff. I may eventually write a post going more in depth about these but one of the most consistent ones is often when I'm in deep thought about something and have questions a post or sermon just happens to pop up days later addressing my exact thoughts.

It honestly does feel like we are all interlinked and it's wonderful. I know I'm new and have a long way to go but that's fine I am here now and will never leave.

Through the combined efforts from the gods and the members here you helped me and many others break free and see the truth. And for that I will be forever greatful to you all.

Of course. You are welcome. After all it is our duty. And yours too since you have dedicated i assume. Nevertheless we are at war and we must put maximum pressure and destruction to the enemy.
And yes, when i was a child i saw our Fuhrer on TV for the first time...and i did not feel any sort of fear, intimidation or anything. I couldnt feel the anxiety from looking at for example a jew creep up on me and throughout my life i have never had any strong opinions on him. Now i realize why that was so. He is truly the bravest of us all.
If you have any questions make sure to read the JoS ( especially the library ) throughly and if you dont find it, use the search function in the forums. If you still cant find it then make a thread ( Joy Of Satan 666 )and ask your questions. You could also try asking the gods themselves.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are a few SS who are experiencing problems often-times with communication, understanding of the Gods, interpreting their will, or in essence merely communicating with the Gods spiritually in a more direct way.
I doubt this is a message from the Gods but for years I keep seeing 911 everywhere nearly daily. The most often happens with the hour 09:11 in the morning or variations like 19:11 or 21:11 (which is same 09:11) or simply seeing the number in random places. I don't think this is a message from the Gods though because this is a date of sad remembrance for humanity, it is most likely not a coincidence neither. I normally ignore it all the time.

I see 9:11 and 11:11 also frequently. From what i have read they have negative energy ( not 111 though that number relates to the sun i think ) and could indicate an enemy attack. Ignoring them is the best option with raisibg the defenses of your aura. Whenever i raise my aura of protection completely i dont see them at all.
Shadowcat said:
Thank you for this great post :). I remember you writing another sometime back about how seeing certain numbers that belonged to a specific Demon or other things can be forms of communication, symbolism and such. It is true the Gods want to communicate with us in ways we understand and can just "feel". For those who are not completely open, recieving things like omens or being led to things seems to be the first go to of communication until one is open enough to "hear". Being led to answers in these forums, or anything when reading, seeing numbers and specific types of symbolism ect have often occurred for me, with the very occasional accurate verbal perhaps once or twice. Thoughts such as just a feeling about something, an idea as Maxine said can be the result of a Demon looking out for you. If you are the type to hear music in your head a lot or get song stuck in your head, if you reach out and ask something or other you could suddenly start hearing a song with lyrics pertaining to the subject that seems to answer. Dreams are another way, but like with anything they can be misinterpreted as noted here. I have often felt my Guardian talks to me through the meanings of stones and plants as well as many of the above methods.
I have felt my Guardian, particularly at night, when studying with my black candles lit
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
This cannot be stated enough and I personally think you should add this to the JoS as newbies are often confused by HPS Maxine's natural telepathic ability. People need to understand that it is not normal to receive verbal communication until levels of high advancement.

Thank you for this, yes, many posts need to be added. I have written hundreds that can address many fundamental questions that are not answered in JoS. This one was added in quick update. Many more need to be put up there, it's all planned out. We are currently finishing other works and then I will focus exclusively on this. I am always dragged in numerous directions unfortunately.
What do you think about using Tarot to comunicate with the Gods?
And I was thinking that my mind has led me in the right direction all those times :lol: ... because surely many have happened to do strangely right things for us with thoughts that don't seem like yours ... I once had a question for a certain time in the my mind, about where was the house of a person I had an appointment, and unexpectedly some of my friends who wanted to take this person home told me do you want to come too? ... I'm not sure what happened but the situation it was in my favor :D
Arcadia said:
From day one of my spiritual progression, I've always gone out of my way to "talk" with the Gods. I've always allowed myself to be vocal and communicative in my relationship with the Gods. I acutely remember, back in the day, a lot of newer forum members saying things like "oh you shouldn't hassle the Gods. In fact, don't speak to them at all, they're scary/busy/other dumb reasons", and other spurious claims like you're hogging a one-way phoneline. Throughout my entire progression, this has never been the reality I've experienced. On the contrary, the Gods have shown me they are better, more patient listeners than any mortal person I've known, by leagues and miles, and my vocality with them has been the backbone of how well they've guided me over the years.
I can very much relate to what you wrote. This is exactly what I wanted to share. Many people on this forum, including advanced members, think we should not waste the Gods' time by trying to speak with them or that speaking with them, in any method possible, is a super-heroic achievement.

The Gods have sent me messages in my dreams many times. In one of those dreams, there was a petrified serpent. My guardian Demon analyzed this vision and said that energy is getting trapped inside my body because I was skipping hatha yoga. "Don't waste time. Go home and practice hatha yoga," I heard him say in my mind.

As for seeing recurrent numbers, I have been frequently seeing the number 33, too often for coincidence. Osiris told me what it meant; it was indeed trying to tell me something.

My clairaudience is slow at evolving. After months of opening my 17 clairaudience chakras, sometimes I can hear subtle things telepathically, other times such messages are more direct and audible. Currently I most often decipher the messages of the Gods through some sort of inspiration, as in claircognizance, or a soft voice in my head like an afterthought. I once breathed the "666" breath into each one of my psychic chakras then chanted Inanna's name 88 times, repeating a relavent affirmation eight times; I thereafter heard Astaroth's voice. This was one of the rare experiences that I've had. Her voice gave me goosebumps. It was very soft, like a brilliant flute full of sweetness and purity.

Sometimes I speak with a certain deity, such as Europa, Lilith, or even Satan. When I focus on hearing them, I sometimes hear nothing but get strong shivers instead. This means they have put a spell on me for protection or something else.

Hermes/Thoth is the God who rules psychic communication. Chanting Hermes (the H is airy and guttural, as in the Arabic ح. Herm-Eh-SS) can empower the clairaudience and clairvoyance. Thoth can guide us into opening these senses. Doing the above mentioned Inanna meditation everyday, should, I believe, also empower our psychic hearing and sight to an advanced level.

This is a good post. A few months ago I was annoyed that many members are afraid of and reluctant to speak with the Gods, thinking it is a rare privilege exclusive to a few. That is harmful, because Satan does lead through a book, as it were, but through direct communication with those who reach for him. Many meditations are incomplete, which one's Guardian Demon is supposed to elaborate and correct, and much information is not shared to the public. The best thing that JoS can offer us is guidance into reaching this level of communicating with the Gods, which is a nightmare of the Jews'.
Does anyone knows if the fifth (throat) is crucial for astral hearing? I am thinking of doing a (spiritual) Venus Square for this purpose, and I would like to know if it might be worth it.
Thank you for this beautiful sermon, HP Cobra, and for everyone who shared their experiences with the Gods, I will also try to describe mine.

When I started I did not pay the necessary attention to this subject, and I also felt I was sort of wasting their time if I was constantly praying to them. On top of that, due to some mistakes I did in the past, for a long while I did not consider myself worthy of their attention... Consequently, this mindset created even more restrictions in the communication. Not to mention all sorts of other self imposed limitations.

For a while now, it has been part of my daily routine to tune in and try to establish a connection with the Gods on a consistent basis, and this has indeed opened me to various forms of communication.

I can relate to some of the experiences described, others I cannot. Though the characteristics of the signs are universal, such as certain numbers or other things related to the specific Gods/Goddesses, the circumstances where these apply are unique to each person, I believe.

Sometimes I communicate something to the Gods, and I only get confirmation the message was received, and over time I am guided to the information I asked for. Sometimes the answer comes shortly after.

A great deal of open mindedness and intuition is needed to successfully decipher details, unless it is something blatant, which sometimes happen as well. I have been working on my astral senses and over time the signs have been getting more and more elaborate.

I believe sometimes thoughts and ideas may be planted in my mind but I usually don't consider them as done by the Gods, I tend to have some level of skepticism when it comes to this, and therefore sometimes I make incorrect judgements on these, and therefore sometimes opportunities are missed. I later realize the idea to which I was brought upon was in fact a message from the Gods, which may also get confirmation through other means. I need to find the balance somehow. I believe void meditation may be of great help.

The Gods definitely do reward those who trust, have faith in them and show them true love and appreciation with pure honesty and humbleness without unfounded expectations. I have been blessed with beautiful experiences and I have seen some true miracles happen before my eyes. I have grown in ways I never thought to be possible, by opening myself to the guidance of the Gods.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you for this great post :). I remember you writing another sometime back about how seeing certain numbers that belonged to a specific Demon or other things can be forms of communication, symbolism and such. It is true the Gods want to communicate with us in ways we understand and can just "feel". For those who are not completely open, recieving things like omens or being led to things seems to be the first go to of communication until one is open enough to "hear". Being led to answers in these forums, or anything when reading, seeing numbers and specific types of symbolism ect have often occurred for me, with the very occasional accurate verbal perhaps once or twice. Thoughts such as just a feeling about something, an idea as Maxine said can be the result of a Demon looking out for you. If you are the type to hear music in your head a lot or get song stuck in your head, if you reach out and ask something or other you could suddenly start hearing a song with lyrics pertaining to the subject that seems to answer. Dreams are another way, but like with anything they can be misinterpreted as noted here. I have often felt my Guardian talks to me through the meanings of stones and plants as well as many of the above methods.

Yes actually. First time i tried to communicate with my guardian demon i used the Ouija board, it was difficult. It showed " C " after some time. I immediately went to the demons section of JoS and used every demons sigil and my pendulum and checked every one beginning with C and the first one was Camio/ Caim. Camio himself did move the pendulum when i asked if he was my guardian demon, and it swayed back and forth rather strongly. And a few days after, he led me to this:

So yeah. Im proven he is my guardian. One time i randomly acquired a green candle for no reason, this was before i knew camio was my guardian because i had the initial thought that queen Astarte could have been my guardian :lol: . And guess what. His candle color is green. I have been communicating with him using Tarot ever since. Camio is expert on hydromancy and divination. And im good with the Tarot.

On a side note, what book or article do you recommend for finding out the real truth and meaning of plants and rocks? I have heard they can also relate to the different planets which is very interesting.

I would definately suggest the one Lydia mentioned. The crystal bible By Judy Hall. I have yet to buy it as well :
Before it appeared this is writing,about 2 hours before that I asked Satan,that I can't interpret the signs and there is a problem communicating .This writing encourages even more spiritual development.
Perfect post at the perfect time,thanks.

A few days ago one night(exactly one week ago) I went for a walk,to ventilate my head and relax,but there was one my intuition,to turn back perform rituals(RTR's).Unfortunately I was not cared with intuition,because I thought that only the enemy harass me.Of course a little time after I knew and felt it that this is not the enemy.I regretted it that I didn't follow this my intuition.
I have yet to develop must myself spiritually.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
This cannot be stated enough and I personally think you should add this to the JoS as newbies are often confused by HPS Maxine's natural telepathic ability. People need to understand that it is not normal to receive verbal communication until levels of high advancement.

Thank you for this, yes, many posts need to be added. I have written hundreds that can address many fundamental questions that are not answered in JoS. This one was added in quick update. Many more need to be put up there, it's all planned out. We are currently finishing other works and then I will focus exclusively on this. I am always dragged in numerous directions unfortunately.
What do you think about using Tarot to comunicate with the Gods?

It is a good discipline and requires a lot of practice. It can definitely work. Lydia has experience on the subject. I can definitely answer many questions. Personally, I only partially have invested time in the Tarot. It can be a great tool.
Shadowcat said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you for this great post :). I remember you writing another sometime back about how seeing certain numbers that belonged to a specific Demon or other things can be forms of communication, symbolism and such. It is true the Gods want to communicate with us in ways we understand and can just "feel". For those who are not completely open, recieving things like omens or being led to things seems to be the first go to of communication until one is open enough to "hear". Being led to answers in these forums, or anything when reading, seeing numbers and specific types of symbolism ect have often occurred for me, with the very occasional accurate verbal perhaps once or twice. Thoughts such as just a feeling about something, an idea as Maxine said can be the result of a Demon looking out for you. If you are the type to hear music in your head a lot or get song stuck in your head, if you reach out and ask something or other you could suddenly start hearing a song with lyrics pertaining to the subject that seems to answer. Dreams are another way, but like with anything they can be misinterpreted as noted here. I have often felt my Guardian talks to me through the meanings of stones and plants as well as many of the above methods.

Yes actually. First time i tried to communicate with my guardian demon i used the Ouija board, it was difficult. It showed " C " after some time. I immediately went to the demons section of JoS and used every demons sigil and my pendulum and checked every one beginning with C and the first one was Camio/ Caim. Camio himself did move the pendulum when i asked if he was my guardian demon, and it swayed back and forth rather strongly. And a few days after, he led me to this:

So yeah. Im proven he is my guardian. One time i randomly acquired a green candle for no reason, this was before i knew camio was my guardian because i had the initial thought that queen Astarte could have been my guardian :lol: . And guess what. His candle color is green. I have been communicating with him using Tarot ever since. Camio is expert on hydromancy and divination. And im good with the Tarot.

On a side note, what book or article do you recommend for finding out the real truth and meaning of plants and rocks? I have heard they can also relate to the different planets which is very interesting.

I would definately suggest the one Lydia mentioned. The crystal bible By Judy Hall. I have yet to buy it as well :

Thanks 🖤♥️💙
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you for this, yes, many posts need to be added. I have written hundreds that can address many fundamental questions that are not answered in JoS. This one was added in quick update. Many more need to be put up there, it's all planned out. We are currently finishing other works and then I will focus exclusively on this. I am always dragged in numerous directions unfortunately.
What do you think about using Tarot to comunicate with the Gods?

It is a good discipline and requires a lot of practice. It can definitely work. Lydia has experience on the subject. I can definitely answer many questions. Personally, I only partially have invested time in the Tarot. It can be a great tool.
I found that it resonates the best with me but I have not used it to comunicate with the Gods, just for divination.
Osiris Silvio said:
Arcadia said:
From day one of my spiritual progression, I've always gone out of my way to "talk" with the Gods. I've always allowed myself to be vocal and communicative in my relationship with the Gods. I acutely remember, back in the day, a lot of newer forum members saying things like "oh you shouldn't hassle the Gods. In fact, don't speak to them at all, they're scary/busy/other dumb reasons", and other spurious claims like you're hogging a one-way phoneline. Throughout my entire progression, this has never been the reality I've experienced. On the contrary, the Gods have shown me they are better, more patient listeners than any mortal person I've known, by leagues and miles, and my vocality with them has been the backbone of how well they've guided me over the years.
I can very much relate to what you wrote. This is exactly what I wanted to share. Many people on this forum, including advanced members, think we should not waste the Gods' time by trying to speak with them or that speaking with them, in any method possible, is a super-heroic achievement.

The Gods have sent me messages in my dreams many times. In one of those dreams, there was a petrified serpent. My guardian Demon analyzed this vision and said that energy is getting trapped inside my body because I was skipping hatha yoga. "Don't waste time. Go home and practice hatha yoga," I heard him say in my mind.

As for seeing recurrent numbers, I have been frequently seeing the number 33, too often for coincidence. Osiris told me what it meant; it was indeed trying to tell me something.

My clairaudience is slow at evolving. After months of opening my 17 clairaudience chakras, sometimes I can hear subtle things telepathically, other times such messages are more direct and audible. Currently I most often decipher the messages of the Gods through some sort of inspiration, as in claircognizance, or a soft voice in my head like an afterthought. I once breathed the "666" breath into each one of my psychic chakras then chanted Inanna's name 88 times, repeating a relavent affirmation eight times; I thereafter heard Astaroth's voice. This was one of the rare experiences that I've had. Her voice gave me goosebumps. It was very soft, like a brilliant flute full of sweetness and purity.

Sometimes I speak with a certain deity, such as Europa, Lilith, or even Satan. When I focus on hearing them, I sometimes hear nothing but get strong shivers instead. This means they have put a spell on me for protection or something else.

Hermes/Thoth is the God who rules psychic communication. Chanting Hermes (the H is airy and guttural, as in the Arabic ح. Herm-Eh-SS) can empower the clairaudience and clairvoyance. Thoth can guide us into opening these senses. Doing the above mentioned Inanna meditation everyday, should, I believe, also empower our psychic hearing and sight to an advanced level.

This is a good post. A few months ago I was annoyed that many members are afraid of and reluctant to speak with the Gods, thinking it is a rare privilege exclusive to a few. That is harmful, because Satan does lead through a book, as it were, but through direct communication with those who reach for him. Many meditations are incomplete, which one's Guardian Demon is supposed to elaborate and correct, and much information is not shared to the public. The best thing that JoS can offer us is guidance into reaching this level of communicating with the Gods, which is a nightmare of the Jews'.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. You have given me a different perspective for communication with the Gods.
Btw is the S hissed while chanting Hermes?
Very good sermon, HP. HoodedCobra666.

What I always have in communications with the gods is. I get an idea or some short words, and it helps me all the time, and when I get an answer I know for certain that it comes from the gods.

Hail Satan
You put knowledge and experience in words, in extraordinary ways, and I am here to adore this and be extremely proud of such high-quality lessons for all of us.

Superb sermon and couldn't agree more. This is exactly the way to naturally, realistically advance, and connect. Nobody should also worry, the journey in itself is full of personal rewards, and the direct verbal communication you might expect, might not be at all times sustainable for you. I admit, the first time I was addressed verbally by a God, I was so shocked and amazed, the shocking in itself cut me off from a deep trance and connection. And lost also the message, and the more important the meaning. Happened many times, and I started to count on other ways of communication, which to me, I prefer extremely visual communication and also energy - electromagnetic, which when induced and meditated upon, will reveal things in your mind.

For verbal communication, you need to meditate each day. In deep trance for continuous connection. Without a really solid trance, nothing will come through. This is for me, in my experience. To other might be different. Also, a direction or technique might be told, given the meditation you do or what spiritual activity you do.

Also, not all Demons who will visit, will communicate to you. Some Demons appear in a circle movement, in and out in less than a second. Taking or cleaning energy. My Kundalini experiences involved many times a Demon coming to help and just that, nothing more.
Whenever I try to communicate with the gods/goddesses I always vibrate them a mantra to give them energy while focusing on their sigil. Then I greet them, ask questions, and ask for assistance if need be. I worked on my astral senses quite considerably a while ago (especially with unblocking the 6th chakra granthis) and noticed my communication with them would always be through my thoughts and feelings. Now I do not always doubt what they say isnt them but they overall give me very positive messages and/or communicate in such ways that like I feel and know this is right and thats what they said. Is that their actual communication, do they use my thoughts to convey the message? Sometimes its so overall positive and fits with what I believe that I can get behind thinking perhaps that maybe i'm influencing or steering it that way because it fits right with me because thats what i would WANT to hear?

Ofcourse the best advice for me would to be to continue cleaning and empowering my astral senses, but i'm genuinely confused wether i have a big part in steering the advice they give me because it fits with what i feel and know is right.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
