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How to improve voice/vocal cords?


New member
Jan 28, 2024
I’ve always disliked my voice and it’s very hard for me to speak loudly and strongly or to be able to sing pleasantly and i do speak soft, but i just think it sounds awkward. do you know any ways or mantras or anything how to make your voice smoother and more attractive and how to sing ? i have mercury in cancer in 12th maybe this has something to do with it but biologically i just don’t think i was born with a good voice or vocal cords to begin with
Use venusian Runes (workings of 40 days cycles) or perform Venus squares, affirming your desired result.
Specificity with Workings and Affirmations - Blitzkreig [JG]
Always look to the astrological conditions when you begin a working.

I also advise you to work on your diction, which will make your speech and the perception of your voice, more elegant and charismatic.
Slower, more relaxed speech is more musical and attractive.
A faster and more immediate speech, on the other hand, keeps attention high and is convincing.
Learn to manage silences and the rhythm of your speech.
I believe that you need more confidence. Try working on your Solar chakra.
Solar 666 Chakra Meditation
This is it.
Solar chakra is a main tool in the craft of singers and actors. That's why singers and especially opera singers say they are singing with their diaphragm. When you hear a beautiful singing or see an actor and immediately see only a character he is playing and forgetting he is an actor, its because they are projecting large amounts energy from their solar chakra at the audience. There is also a saying that kingship has its origin in the belly which directly relates to solar chakra - again its about diaphragm. When you vibrate runes or vowels like in "Satanama" mantra, try to find a lower tone of your voice that carries most energy - it means creates a vibration in your body that you strongly feel and see with closed eyes when it propagates inside you. Its easiest to practice with only vowels when lying in bed on your back in straight position in dark room or with a band on your eyes. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your vocal cords hydrated and flexible, allowing for a smoother and potentially deeper voice. Air humidifier for your room may help also, but be sure to keep it clean according to user manual, or it will start spraying bacteria and fungi. Analogically smoking is bad. I also heard that drinking kogel-mogel is good for health of vocal cords, and that singers do this.

This video is pretty much on the spot, despite it's silly formula

Also this one
мне очень помог квадрат Меркурия и аффирмация для голоса. Каждый день я чувствовала как я могу управлять своим голосом, как он кажется другим. это волшебство). Солнечная чакра да ее надо усиливать тоже. Медитация Раум сделает вас более остроумным, Вы всегда сможете найти быстро ответ в своей голове. The Mercury square and the affirmation for the voice helped me a lot. Every day I felt how I could control my voice, how it seemed to others. It was magic. The solar chakra needs to be strengthened. Raum meditation will make you more witty, You will always be able to quickly find the answer in your head.
I'm new to spiritualism but I'm an active musician and singer. Definitely work on using your diaphragm. Don't breathe by puffing out your chest. Expand your lungs by breathing in through your nose, filling the bottom of your lungs to the top. Push your stomach out by pushing your diaphragm down.

Confidence is key! No one likes how their voice sounds in the beginning. It's like learning anything, you're not going to be very good at first. Practice projecting your voice while you're alone if that helps you. But you're never going to get good if you don't try and practice. Make your you open your mouth and vocal chords. It makes a big difference.

I hope this helps!
In addition to the spiritual methods, vocal cords can be trained as any other part of the body. My work often requires explaining technical things to other people who are often old and don't hear very well and over the years I managed to make my voice deeper and louder simply by training on other people.

Of course using this method won't help you overnight or even in a week, but it's always good to combine physical and spiritual as one affects the other.
I felt the same about my voice once. In addition to the advice others have already given here, try to understand what it is that you dislike. Is your voice nasal, for instance? Then you can teach yourself to speak with the "correct resonators". You have to learn what it feels like, and then make yourself do it until it's normal and habitual.
If you want to reduce an accent, you have to understand how it sounds different from the standard dialect, and adjust.
Also, for singing, it helps to know your range, and find singers with a similar range to imitate. I thought my singing voice was so ugly, because I was trying to be a soprano when I am a contralto. But there are magnificent singers in every range!
Good luck and best wishes! I've been improving my voice for a while, and have worked hard, so I've seen
that progress is absolutely possible. You're not "stuck with" a voice you don't like.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
