Are you sure this is due to meditation? I’ve not heard of anything like this, for meditation to actually fry nerve endings unless there was a serious build up or blockage, it would probably be possible. If you’ve used any drugs that have hampered your senses or if you have been poisoned by heavy metals or other medications, that can be harmful to senses. If this is the case, the crown chakra meditation on the JoS page would be beneficial. A healing working as well could bring restoration to this.
Blocked energy in the head often will drown out my senses and make me feel off or anxious. If this is the case, exhale excess energy and give it to Satan or your GD through the heart and crown, or other chakras too. Just imagine it being all of the excess. Do it for one or two breaths and see how you feel. Should work immediately. As it builds up again, it may need to be repeated. Don’t ever over-do anything past this point.
If you actually fried your senses with energy, give it some time to come back and don’t repeat the mistake that caused this.