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How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide

Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a guide I've been having to quote quite a lot lately, so I figured I might as well repost it here entirely as a thread. I thought of doing this before but for some reason didn't. I've been encouraged to do so.

Note: I did not create this guide and hold no credit for it, I am simply reposting it here. This guide helped me to find my own Guardian Demon when I was new several years ago and to this day I am still strongly connected with him.


If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon
By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member

The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija
board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably won‟t work
for you. Using a Ouija board or pendulum takes SKILL and PRACTICE. When you‟re new, you must
be in a trance and completely disconnect yourself from the board or you will end up talking to yourself,
which is a very common occurrence. There is also a chance a negative entity might interfere with
communication or fool you into believing they‟re a Demon and give you false information. So as you
can see, a lot can go wrong here if you aren‟t already skilled in these areas.

So, how do you find your Guardian? There are many reliable ways, such as Astral Projection, Astral
Merging, using a black mirror, or invoking the Demon. But all these are advanced methods which most
people are unable to do until they are at least on the intermediate level. So for beginners, here are a few
things you can do to narrow down the list.

Go look through ALL the Demons listed on joyofsatan.com, even the “High Ranking Gods and
Crowned Princes of Hell” section because hey, you never know. Also, don‟t forget the section
underneath the S - Z Demons titled “More Gods”. Not everyone‟s Guardian Demon is going to be one
of the 72 Goetic Demons, but that doesn‟t mean your Guardian is any less special. Pazuzu, for example,
is not one of the 72 Goetic Demons, but he is very powerful and is a great protector. Write down the
names of the Demons who interest you, the ones you really like. Once you have a complete list of
Demons who attract you, apply these tips:

*Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most. You do not need experience
with invoking the elements to figure out which one is your favorite. To read information on each one,
see the section “Advanced Meditations”, in the Joy of Satan website.


Now that you‟ve narrowed down your list (but please remember that the above tips are not set in stone
and might not apply to everyone) ask yourself these questions:

“Am I truly comfortable with the idea of _____________ being my Guardian Demon?” When I was
new, there were several Demons I thought looked very cool and kick ass, but when I thought about it
after a few days, I realized the idea just didn‟t feel quite right.

“Do I love absolutely everything about ______________?” This is self-explanatory. There may be a
Demon that you really like and respect, but if you embrace the idea of him/her as your Guardian and you
feel a consistent longing to keep looking at other Demons, then he/she probably isn‟t the one. When you
find your true Guardian, you should feel a strong bond, an unquestioning love. Most people have been
with their Guardian in many other lifetimes, which is where that feeling comes from.

And finally, “Is there any reason to believe ______________ would not suit me as a Guardian?” Don‟t
just take the information listed about the Demon into account. You‟re probably not going to have
everything in common with your Guardian. For example, someone with Bifrons as their Guardian might
be very interested in necromancy and astrology, but not in learning the magical properties of herbs and
stones. Use your intuition with this question.
By now you should have narrowed down your list to only one or two Demons. Now comes the part
where you figure out if He/She is really your Guardian:

Get yourself into a deep trance.

Vibrate the name of the Demon 30 - 40 times. (Ex: Amon. A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N).

After a while, you should feel his/her energy. Connect with the Demon as best you can.
Ask _____________ if he/she is your Guardian. You will probably not see or hear anything if you are
not psychically open, but you should FEEL their response.. Interpreting energy like this might be
difficult at first, and if you don‟t understand the response, then tell them you don‟t understand and ask
for a stronger signal. If you receive a very warm, positive signal then you‟ve probably found your
Guardian. If not, go back over your list and try again.

Can a another persons Demon tell that person who another guys Demon is? I mean if you ask your Demon what the name of my Demon is will He/She tell you? And do all Satanists Have gardian demons? a Lot of things had and still do happen in my life that is almost undeniably due to my Gaurdian,but im not certain and i want to be certain..
This guide really helped. I'm an earth person but i like the element air and everything associated with air. And when i followed this guide to find my guardian today, after posing all the questions to myself only Agares was the one left. And the name Agares kept appearing in my life ever since i learnt reading and, when i vibrated her name and and connected with her as instructed, i felt like shedding tears of happiness and joy and fulfillment. I have no further doubt that she is the one.
Hello everybody. I'm new. Can anyone call me to explain how and what. I have a desire to get in touch with Google translate with demons. Please, if someone is from the Balkans, so he knows Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian? I tried to call, I just felt the energy but I had no answers. :(
Here is how I found my GD today :D :D :D
So I started by calling my GD to help me find out her name and asked if I can feel her energies so I know that she is here and immediately felt it.

So I followed this guide and as I was starting from letter A I instantly felt positive energy so I asked my GD is the first letter A, answer was positive energy as I'm still not really open and I asked her if she can respond with energies.

Then I wrote every demon name that starts with letter A and I started going : "Is my GD name Asmodeus?" And so on. In the beginning I felt energy from every God I asked and it was a bit confusing so I did it again. I didn't feel it from some so I removed those from the list.

2nd time I didn't feel the energy from the Gods I felt it first time so I removed them from the list as well.

And then I found her :D
When I asked first time is she my GD I heard YES in my head but but because I am not quite open enough I didn't really ignore it but I wanted to make sure that its her so I continued with the list and came back to her and asked her couple more times is she my GD. I felt positive energies moments after and then I knew that she is my GD

I've read that sometimes we think that we are feeling God's energies but its actually our own's but I started to cry when I found out she is my GD so I believe it :D

Her name is Agares and I am thankful to her for being by my side all this time.
I hope that some will try and use this to find who their GD is.
Alexa666 said:
Hello everybody. I'm new. Can anyone call me to explain how and what. I have a desire to get in touch with Google translate with demons. Please, if someone is from the Balkans, so he knows Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian? I tried to call, I just felt the energy but I had no answers. :(

To all the mods, I will try and help him in croatian, thats all.

Pozdrav, ja sam iz hrvatske pa možemo lako komunicirati.
Ako si skroz novi ovdje, treba tu napraviti malo više prije nego se može komunicirati sa demonima. Ne znam koliko si poznat sa JoS stranicom i forumima pa bi ti preporučio da kreneš čitati JoS stranicu.
Ako želiš komunicirati sa demonima, prvo što se treba napraviti je posvetiti se satanismu, ima na glavnoj JoS stranici "Dedicate your soul to Satan".
Tek tada će ti Satan pridijeliti GD ili ti guardian demon koji čuvaju sve koji su u Satanismu.
Ako želiš samo komunicirati sa demonima onako, za priču, nažalost to tako ne ide jer su oni jako zauzeti i nemaju vremena za priče.

Kažem, ne znam dali si novi ili već neko vrijeme pa nisam siguran o ćemo trebaš pomoć.
Tu sam pa samo pitaj na hrvatskom ako treba što. Ima nas više sa balkana ovdje al svi većinom na engleskom komuniciraju.
Alexa666 said:
Hello everybody. I'm new. Can anyone call me to explain how and what. I have a desire to get in touch with Google translate with demons. Please, if someone is from the Balkans, so he knows Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian? I tried to call, I just felt the energy but I had no answers. :(
You must speak to the gods in your own language. The language that you understand best. And the gods will understand you because they see your soul.
I just wanna say thank you!! I was looking for my GD for weeks. I tried a lot but I couldn't managed to find my GD. I always felt so good about Prince Amon, as you can see my nick :) I felt so close to him, all the informations about him were fitted me exactly! But deep down, I knew he wasn't my GD. After I had read your writing, I guess I found him!! I came across Lord Glasya and the informations about him were almost same with Prince Amon's!! I was so exciting and there was a really strong feeling about him. I know he is my GD. I can feel it. I found my GD thanks to you. Thank you 🖤
Shadowcat said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Jack said:

This is true, I've found a lot of information on Andras as Andraste The Goddess of War. I found it particularly interesting that he was said to be heavily involved in the old Britons of whom I'm actually biologically descended from and born in this life-time of the very country largely founded by these same Britons. He was greatly involved in the British Isles, in particular Wales and England which was a huge involvement in my past-life. Perhaps the British Isles or somewhere very close to them was one of his domains in the ancient past?

Makes you wonder just how deep the 'racial soul' goes, it could potentially be narrowed down to quite the letter. So going into the obscure information in researching can definitely help for more info.

well this supports what i have experienced even more as well. I remember you saying someplace Andras was your guardian. From my fathers side, lebanese share 93 percent DNA with the ancient canaanites and phonecians and they worshipped Beelzebub and Astaroth. After His name spelled out during a ouija session, later on even remaining skeptical for a long time, got numerous other signs. One was during the race awakening ritual. I didnt want to miss the hour of mars so i did it in the car when i was driving. right at the end of the last afirmation i saw a car whose middle liscense plate numbers were 666 and two other cars that promptly drove by whose first numbers were 50. When i tried summoning him i recieved a number of other signs as well, including seeing 50 everywhere and having bugs near me all the time, and i mean in places and times that seemed like they looked for me or that was out of place or wrong time of day for them. one time i was outside meditating and thought of a ladybug and dragonfly randomly...3 seconds later both landed right in front of me lol. funnily enough after i saw his name spell out in a ouija session i read the artical about how to find your GD and that for most people ouija wouldnt work. yet the coincidences and signs that would coincide with sessions for me was and remains truly remarkable, (if they are only coincidences) including many dreams..yet what was described as what would make a Demon more likely to be someones guardian already matched to a t for me, and of course because of much of the above, ive gotten to the point where i would be suprised to find out one day i was wrong.

I love the Lebanese (well I am one, so :p) happy to find you have Lebanese roots as well.
Osiris Silvio said:
Shadowcat said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
This is true, I've found a lot of information on Andras as Andraste The Goddess of War. I found it particularly interesting that he was said to be heavily involved in the old Britons of whom I'm actually biologically descended from and born in this life-time of the very country largely founded by these same Britons. He was greatly involved in the British Isles, in particular Wales and England which was a huge involvement in my past-life. Perhaps the British Isles or somewhere very close to them was one of his domains in the ancient past?

Makes you wonder just how deep the 'racial soul' goes, it could potentially be narrowed down to quite the letter. So going into the obscure information in researching can definitely help for more info.

well this supports what i have experienced even more as well. I remember you saying someplace Andras was your guardian. From my fathers side, lebanese share 93 percent DNA with the ancient canaanites and phonecians and they worshipped Beelzebub and Astaroth. After His name spelled out during a ouija session, later on even remaining skeptical for a long time, got numerous other signs. One was during the race awakening ritual. I didnt want to miss the hour of mars so i did it in the car when i was driving. right at the end of the last afirmation i saw a car whose middle liscense plate numbers were 666 and two other cars that promptly drove by whose first numbers were 50. When i tried summoning him i recieved a number of other signs as well, including seeing 50 everywhere and having bugs near me all the time, and i mean in places and times that seemed like they looked for me or that was out of place or wrong time of day for them. one time i was outside meditating and thought of a ladybug and dragonfly randomly...3 seconds later both landed right in front of me lol. funnily enough after i saw his name spell out in a ouija session i read the artical about how to find your GD and that for most people ouija wouldnt work. yet the coincidences and signs that would coincide with sessions for me was and remains truly remarkable, (if they are only coincidences) including many dreams..yet what was described as what would make a Demon more likely to be someones guardian already matched to a t for me, and of course because of much of the above, ive gotten to the point where i would be suprised to find out one day i was wrong.

I love the Lebanese (well I am one, so :p) happy to find you have Lebanese roots as well.

My grandpa was from Tyre :D. his parents were born in 2 villages next to each other called Naffageyeh and Dhirghayeh. not sure if i spelled them right lmao. Dad was born in Beruit. Grandma was born in Jaffa but had lebanese and italian origins. fun fact: our phonecian ascestors in Jaffa used to drown jews in droves in the harbor :twisted:
Shadowcat said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Shadowcat said:
well this supports what i have experienced even more as well. I remember you saying someplace Andras was your guardian. From my fathers side, lebanese share 93 percent DNA with the ancient canaanites and phonecians and they worshipped Beelzebub and Astaroth. After His name spelled out during a ouija session, later on even remaining skeptical for a long time, got numerous other signs. One was during the race awakening ritual. I didnt want to miss the hour of mars so i did it in the car when i was driving. right at the end of the last afirmation i saw a car whose middle liscense plate numbers were 666 and two other cars that promptly drove by whose first numbers were 50. When i tried summoning him i recieved a number of other signs as well, including seeing 50 everywhere and having bugs near me all the time, and i mean in places and times that seemed like they looked for me or that was out of place or wrong time of day for them. one time i was outside meditating and thought of a ladybug and dragonfly randomly...3 seconds later both landed right in front of me lol. funnily enough after i saw his name spell out in a ouija session i read the artical about how to find your GD and that for most people ouija wouldnt work. yet the coincidences and signs that would coincide with sessions for me was and remains truly remarkable, (if they are only coincidences) including many dreams..yet what was described as what would make a Demon more likely to be someones guardian already matched to a t for me, and of course because of much of the above, ive gotten to the point where i would be suprised to find out one day i was wrong.

I love the Lebanese (well I am one, so :p) happy to find you have Lebanese roots as well.

My grandpa was from Tyre :D. his parents were born in 2 villages next to each other called Naffageyeh and Dhirghayeh. not sure if i spelled them right lmao. Dad was born in Beruit. Grandma was born in Jaffa but had lebanese and italian origins. fun fact: our phonecian ascestors in Jaffa used to drown jews in droves in the harbor :twisted:

Now pissrael is constantly threatening Lebanon, deteriorating the economy, and throwing toxins in its sea. I believe the Lebanese politicians are all in cahoots with pissrael.
Osiris Silvio said:
Shadowcat said:
Osiris Silvio said:
I love the Lebanese (well I am one, so :p) happy to find you have Lebanese roots as well.

My grandpa was from Tyre :D. his parents were born in 2 villages next to each other called Naffageyeh and Dhirghayeh. not sure if i spelled them right lmao. Dad was born in Beruit. Grandma was born in Jaffa but had lebanese and italian origins. fun fact: our phonecian ascestors in Jaffa used to drown jews in droves in the harbor :twisted:

Now pissrael is constantly threatening Lebanon, deteriorating the economy, and throwing toxins in its sea. I believe the Lebanese politicians are all in cahoots with pissrael.

I know my dad hates it. Said he wanted to shoot them lol. Like almost every country the government there is now also full of jews. Goddammit we are canaanites. Their alien God told them to kill our ancestors all off and take the land. I can't wait till we are back there rolling down tel ashit with out tanks! All of present day canaan, from Lebanon to Palestine ,Jordan and Syria has been fucked between Mohammed and Moses. Urdrub udrub tel Aviv!

Lol I saw this and I laughed my ass off. Song of canaan since 2000 some years ago!

How will the part of making an oath in the name of the devil? and Is there any chance that I could be tricked in the oath part?
sorry i'm new to the forum, i guess i don't get an answer when i dont tag it :?

Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a guide I've been having to quote quite a lot lately, so I figured I might as well repost it here entirely as a thread. I thought of doing this before but for some reason didn't. I've been encouraged to do so.

Note: I did not create this guide and hold no credit for it, I am simply reposting it here. This guide helped me to find my own Guardian Demon when I was new several years ago and to this day I am still strongly connected with him.


If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon
By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member

The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija
board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably won‟t work
for you. Using a Ouija board or pendulum takes SKILL and PRACTICE. When you‟re new, you must
be in a trance and completely disconnect yourself from the board or you will end up talking to yourself,
which is a very common occurrence. There is also a chance a negative entity might interfere with
communication or fool you into believing they‟re a Demon and give you false information. So as you
can see, a lot can go wrong here if you aren‟t already skilled in these areas.

So, how do you find your Guardian? There are many reliable ways, such as Astral Projection, Astral
Merging, using a black mirror, or invoking the Demon. But all these are advanced methods which most
people are unable to do until they are at least on the intermediate level. So for beginners, here are a few
things you can do to narrow down the list.

Go look through ALL the Demons listed on joyofsatan.com, even the “High Ranking Gods and
Crowned Princes of Hell” section because hey, you never know. Also, don‟t forget the section
underneath the S - Z Demons titled “More Gods”. Not everyone‟s Guardian Demon is going to be one
of the 72 Goetic Demons, but that doesn‟t mean your Guardian is any less special. Pazuzu, for example,
is not one of the 72 Goetic Demons, but he is very powerful and is a great protector. Write down the
names of the Demons who interest you, the ones you really like. Once you have a complete list of
Demons who attract you, apply these tips:

*Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most. You do not need experience
with invoking the elements to figure out which one is your favorite. To read information on each one,
see the section “Advanced Meditations”, in the Joy of Satan website.


Now that you‟ve narrowed down your list (but please remember that the above tips are not set in stone
and might not apply to everyone) ask yourself these questions:

“Am I truly comfortable with the idea of _____________ being my Guardian Demon?” When I was
new, there were several Demons I thought looked very cool and kick ass, but when I thought about it
after a few days, I realized the idea just didn‟t feel quite right.

“Do I love absolutely everything about ______________?” This is self-explanatory. There may be a
Demon that you really like and respect, but if you embrace the idea of him/her as your Guardian and you
feel a consistent longing to keep looking at other Demons, then he/she probably isn‟t the one. When you
find your true Guardian, you should feel a strong bond, an unquestioning love. Most people have been
with their Guardian in many other lifetimes, which is where that feeling comes from.

And finally, “Is there any reason to believe ______________ would not suit me as a Guardian?” Don‟t
just take the information listed about the Demon into account. You‟re probably not going to have
everything in common with your Guardian. For example, someone with Bifrons as their Guardian might
be very interested in necromancy and astrology, but not in learning the magical properties of herbs and
stones. Use your intuition with this question.
By now you should have narrowed down your list to only one or two Demons. Now comes the part
where you figure out if He/She is really your Guardian:

Get yourself into a deep trance.

Vibrate the name of the Demon 30 - 40 times. (Ex: Amon. A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N).

After a while, you should feel his/her energy. Connect with the Demon as best you can.
Ask _____________ if he/she is your Guardian. You will probably not see or hear anything if you are
not psychically open, but you should FEEL their response.. Interpreting energy like this might be
difficult at first, and if you don‟t understand the response, then tell them you don‟t understand and ask
for a stronger signal. If you receive a very warm, positive signal then you‟ve probably found your
Guardian. If not, go back over your list and try again.
Thanks for this post. I have had issues finding out for certain who my guardian is. I will try these methods as I've tried the pendulum method and gotten different answers as I'm likely inexperienced at pendulum use. I was once visited on the astral by an entity that appeared as green light body energy and had long black hair and was definitely female. When I asked if she was of Satan, she smiled in a reassuring way, then touched me on my back and gave me one of the most unforgettable energy surges I've ever felt. I used to think it was Tara Maa as I've done alot of Kali Mantras and have a strong love and adoration for Kali Maa. I look foward to finding clarity on this as I feel I will grow immensely after I find my guardian. Is it possible that my guardian could be Kali? Or peehaps just resonance from practicing Her Mantras?
Is there any other methods i can try ?

I tried that method twice but it didnt work for me.

I think it was a year ago before i saw this method, when i tried the pendulum method. After that and during it, An image of Azazel kept appearing strongly and repeatedly in my mind's vision.

It kept appearing for months during meditation, or when i close my eyes or before i sleep or whenever.

My mind was even obsessed with his name. Some other night, i even repeatedly said his name in my sleep.

I didnt know why.

I did ask if he was my guardian a few times, but didnt felt an answer or what signs to look for.

When i did the method, i felt i had alot in common with Beelzebub.

Like i was very serious and into martial arts and was into Asian culture and obsessed with it.
And weather magic was my first choice when i became Pagan before i came to Satanism.
I loved storms and was born with the obsession with Tornadoes.
Right now I'm into storm magic and wind magic.
And i have had an obsession with bugs my whole life. But too scared of spiders. People think I'm weird bug person.
I had times, where I'll ask a beetle in my mind to visit me. 2 big of my favorite ones came flying around me and payed interest in me.
Also with bumble bees.

And my dominant element is Air. My second one is fire.

And the color black has being my favorite color my whole life. But now i love black and blue together for years now. They make a great couple.

But just dont have similiar zodiac positions or planets and so on. My favourite metal as a kid was mercury. Still fancy it.

Even though i asked Beelzebub but didnt felt a yes or something.

I also asked Abaddon a few times, because when i first contacted him for the first time about something else before doing this method, i suddenly felt intense strong love for him like with a close bond. I didnt know why. So i felt i must've had a close bond with him many lifetimes ago.

He makes me the happiest and cant imagine my life without him. And i always tell him I love him. Love him more than anything. Even i wanted a tattoo of his name xd

But i didn't felt a yes or anything when i asked him.

I did ask a few gods but still found nothing though. And right now i feel very confused, frustrated and dont know what else to do.

Unless do i wait maybe 5 years later and then try again ? Perhaps I'm not open enough yet.
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.
I just wanted to confirm that this is indeed a very helpful. When I saw this for the first time, I was very sceptical. However, it does work!
My chart ruler is on the astrological ruling point of my GD. Just wanted to throw this out there.
NinRick said:
My chart ruler is on the astrological ruling point of my GD. Just wanted to throw this out there.

what's an astrological ruling point of a GD?
r2vven said:
NinRick said:
My chart ruler is on the astrological ruling point of my GD. Just wanted to throw this out there.

what's an astrological ruling point of a GD?
BATHIN, aka BATHYM, MARTHIM **Bathin is the Egyptian goddess Nephthys [See High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell]

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini
June 16th-21st
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
Candle color: Purple
Plant: Mistletoe
Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Metal: Lead/Uranium
Element of Air
Rank: Duke
Bathin is a Day Demon and rules over 30 legions of spirits
Bathin reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones. She helps one obtain astral projection, and can take anyone wherever they want to go.

With Bathin it is 25-29 Degrees of Gemini, this is not a method to prove who your GD is btw.

But this can be displayed in the Natal Chart of an individual, in one way or another.
DarkSwan said:
r2vven said:
NinRick said:
My chart ruler is on the astrological ruling point of my GD. Just wanted to throw this out there.

what's an astrological ruling point of a GD?
BATHIN, aka BATHYM, MARTHIM **Bathin is the Egyptian goddess Nephthys [See High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell]

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini
June 16th-21st
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
Candle color: Purple
Plant: Mistletoe
Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Metal: Lead/Uranium
Element of Air
Rank: Duke
Bathin is a Day Demon and rules over 30 legions of spirits
Bathin reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones. She helps one obtain astral projection, and can take anyone wherever they want to go.

With Bathin it is 25-29 Degrees of Gemini, this is not a method to prove who your GD is btw.

But this can be displayed in the Natal Chart of an individual, in one way or another.

But what's the actual ruling point? Saying "point" means that it must be singular. Is it the planet which rules the astrological sign of the Demon?
r2vven said:
DarkSwan said:
r2vven said:
what's an astrological ruling point of a GD?
BATHIN, aka BATHYM, MARTHIM **Bathin is the Egyptian goddess Nephthys [See High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell]

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini
June 16th-21st
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
Candle color: Purple
Plant: Mistletoe
Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Metal: Lead/Uranium
Element of Air
Rank: Duke
Bathin is a Day Demon and rules over 30 legions of spirits
Bathin reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones. She helps one obtain astral projection, and can take anyone wherever they want to go.

With Bathin it is 25-29 Degrees of Gemini, this is not a method to prove who your GD is btw.

But this can be displayed in the Natal Chart of an individual, in one way or another.

But what's the actual ruling point? Saying "point" means that it must be singular. Is it the planet which rules the astrological sign of the Demon?

A point, as a Zero-Dimensional attribute, is infinitely small, and is used to understand mathematical relationships. Can you think of something real and material, that is infinitely small?
No, because there isn‘t anything like that. It was just a wrong phrase.
Zodiac position would be more fitting, astrological influences aren’t something that only affect a certain point, but a fluent spatial angle (orb).

Even an orb of 1 Degree would still be a spatial angle of 1 Degree, not a point.
DarkSwan said:
r2vven said:
DarkSwan said:
BATHIN, aka BATHYM, MARTHIM **Bathin is the Egyptian goddess Nephthys [See High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell]

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini
June 16th-21st
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
Candle color: Purple
Plant: Mistletoe
Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Metal: Lead/Uranium
Element of Air
Rank: Duke
Bathin is a Day Demon and rules over 30 legions of spirits
Bathin reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones. She helps one obtain astral projection, and can take anyone wherever they want to go.

With Bathin it is 25-29 Degrees of Gemini, this is not a method to prove who your GD is btw.

But this can be displayed in the Natal Chart of an individual, in one way or another.

But what's the actual ruling point? Saying "point" means that it must be singular. Is it the planet which rules the astrological sign of the Demon?

A point, as a Zero-Dimensional attribute, is infinitely small, and is used to understand mathematical relationships. Can you think of something real and material, that is infinitely small?
No, because there isn‘t anything like that. It was just a wrong phrase.
Zodiac position would be more fitting, astrological influences aren’t something that only affect a certain point, but a fluent spatial angle (orb).

Even an orb of 1 Degree would still be a spatial angle of 1 Degree, not a point.

I never thought I'd be called up to debate precise mathematical definitions on the Joy of Satan forums, especially because I am more than sure that you're aware that we use many terms colloquially without paying notion to their attributed definition. A point in this instance being contextualized simply as a planet (there's a finite number of them in our solar system, and he said the point, not a point).
Meteor said:
I noticed that my Neptune placement is within the astrological degrees of my Guardian. It could just be a coincidence though, since Neptune is a slow-moving planet. But I've heard some negative things about Neptune, so I hope it's not a problem.
Neptune, just like any other planet has their positive and negative manifestations.

Neptune rules, if I recall correctly, altered states, meditation, deception, drugs/poisons, and music among other things.

With these things we have variability, say, good and decent music, and absolute dogshit. Same with everything else.

With Satans Serpent this can be "overridden" by being in control of these forces instead of these forces controlling us. There are degrees to this, since people can "bend" these forces to their wants and needs even without rising their Serpent.
r2vven said:
DarkSwan said:
r2vven said:
But what's the actual ruling point? Saying "point" means that it must be singular. Is it the planet which rules the astrological sign of the Demon?

A point, as a Zero-Dimensional attribute, is infinitely small, and is used to understand mathematical relationships. Can you think of something real and material, that is infinitely small?
No, because there isn‘t anything like that. It was just a wrong phrase.
Zodiac position would be more fitting, astrological influences aren’t something that only affect a certain point, but a fluent spatial angle (orb).

Even an orb of 1 Degree would still be a spatial angle of 1 Degree, not a point.

I never thought I'd be called up to debate precise mathematical definitions on the Joy of Satan forums, especially because I am more than sure that you're aware that we use many terms colloquially without paying notion to their attributed definition. A point in this instance being contextualized simply as a planet (there's a finite number of them in our solar system, and he said the point, not a point).

My point is - da-dum-tssss!
Just refer to the information provided on the Joy of Satan. You should only rely on those information and not too much about what other people say, because of misunderstandings.
newsatanist said:
can you have satan as a guardian demon ?
But He will guide you anyway as He guides others.
Luz said:
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.

How did you found your Guardian Demon my friend ? Im so new this army. Can you explain ? Thank you so much:)
Alexa666 said:
Hello everybody. I'm new. Can anyone call me to explain how and what. I have a desire to get in touch with Google translate with demons. Please, if someone is from the Balkans, so he knows Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian? I tried to call, I just felt the energy but I had no answers. :(

Hi, I'm a bit confused as to what you are needing help with. I have Montenegrin family in Niksic. I'll help if I can as I'm quite new to SS
Astaroth ☆ said:
Luz said:
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.

How did you found your Guardian Demon my friend ? Im so new this army. Can you explain ? Thank you so much:)

Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
Luz said:
I found my Guardian Demon pretty quickly. Looking at the list of demons, i felt an attraction, and indescribable feeling for Valefor and i always know that was my Guardian Demon, and confirmed this to me when i asked him.

How did you found your Guardian Demon my friend ? Im so new this army. Can you explain ? Thank you so much:)

Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.

Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
How did you found your Guardian Demon my friend ? Im so new this army. Can you explain ? Thank you so much:)

Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.

Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?

Hello. Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. You can add this method together with the others that have been said here in order to discard the options until you find your guardian. Make a list of the Gods you like the most and ask yourself, do I need to learn something from him? And so on.
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
How did you found your Guardian Demon my friend ? Im so new this army. Can you explain ? Thank you so much:)

Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.

Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?

For example: there is a God who teaches charisma and making friends, something that has cost me my whole life, my weak point. Coincidentally one of its 2 planets is in my 7th house and the other is the ruler of my ascendant
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.

Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?

For example: there is a God who teaches charisma and making friends, something that has cost me my whole life, my weak point. Coincidentally one of its 2 planets is in my 7th house and the other is the ruler of my ascendant

Thank u thank u so much. I get it right now.
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hello, someone in the forum said that you can check the planets that you have in the 7th house (and in the 11th house I don't remember why), since it is the house of relationships. I don't know if it's true, but at least in my case it is, because there I have a planet that corresponds to the God that I suspect is my GD.

If you don't have any planets in the seventh house, you can check the planet that rules the astrological sign you have there. Example: If you have Capricorn in your seventh house, the ruler would be Saturn.

Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?

Hello. Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. You can add this method together with the others that have been said here in order to discard the options until you find your guardian. Make a list of the Gods you like the most and ask yourself, do I need to learn something from him? And so on.

Well, there is a god that I love very much and that our characteristics and interests match, but our elements are different. Would this be a problem? Based on what you have said, I narrow down the list.
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hello, let's say the planet of my 7 houses is saturn, then do I need to look at the gods whose planet is saturn?

Hello. Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. You can add this method together with the others that have been said here in order to discard the options until you find your guardian. Make a list of the Gods you like the most and ask yourself, do I need to learn something from him? And so on.

Well, there is a god that I love very much and that our characteristics and interests match, but our elements are different. Would this be a problem? Based on what you have said, I narrow down the list.

Well, here they have said that it is not necessary that the elements match.

At least in my case, the element of my supposed GD is an element that I almost totally lack. The same logic of "he has something I don't have that he could help me with" could apply here. They are only my assumptions.
Hypatia666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hello. Yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. You can add this method together with the others that have been said here in order to discard the options until you find your guardian. Make a list of the Gods you like the most and ask yourself, do I need to learn something from him? And so on.

Well, there is a god that I love very much and that our characteristics and interests match, but our elements are different. Would this be a problem? Based on what you have said, I narrow down the list.

Well, here they have said that it is not necessary that the elements match.

At least in my case, the element of my supposed GD is an element that I almost totally lack. The same logic of "he has something I don't have that he could help me with" could apply here. They are only my assumptions.

Thank u so much for your amazing help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
