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How to develop your relationship with your Guardian Demon


Active member
May 18, 2019
I hadn’t planned for this post to be so long. I apologize for that. I had doubts about writing this and then I thought it might be helpful for beginners and/or those who already know who their Guardian Demon is but don’t know what to do from there.

I start talking about my experience in the first few paragraphs. For those who want to get straight to the point, you can start reading from “Basically” (the word is in bold, down below)

What I’m writing comes from my own experience and perspective.

For those who want to find out who their Guardian is, I suggest reading this post here, which is very helpful and contains some great ideas: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=165227#p165227

Now that you know who your GD is, you’re probably wondering “now what?” What happens next? I had the same question and it took me some time to realize the answer is really simple: reconnect with them.

Of course it takes time, but the only way this is going to work is if you start building your relationship with your Guardian. After all, they made the first step by helping you discover their name, so the second step is up to us.

I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I neglected to develop my relationship with my GD. I remember asking them questions about a certain matter and receiving accurate answers. And then… blank… nothing. I just stopped talking to them for some reason (although I kept talking to Satan regularly).

Maybe every 3 months or so, I’d start talking to my GD again; and I don’t remember my question at the time, but the answer I received was “meditate.” And I kept getting that message over and over again (Of course it was around that time when I hadn’t focused on cleaning my aura and chakras, so I was surrounded by negative thoughts from the enemy).

Sometimes, when I received guidance, I ignored it (and later I’d realize my mistake). I was so used to be deceived by the enemy that it was a bit hard for me to “trust” (even though I completely knew I could trust my GD but I guess it has to do with how the mind is programmed by the enemy). There was even one time when I thought my GD left me. One night, I was feeling so down, I called their name and felt them instantly by my side and realized they never left.

Once I finally decided to be serious about meditations, I knew what my GD meant. I had to meditate so I could better connect with them.

The enemy gets pissed off when we meditate but we make our Gods proud when we do it.

Basically, I learned how important it is to meditate: our soul has accumulated so much dross over many lifetimes. Add to that the curses we’ve been receiving for centuries, maybe more.

Start by cleaning your aura and chakras and you’ll see things differently. Remove curses from your soul.

You won’t develop a relationship with your Guardian in one day. It takes time. Also, you have to be willing to put in the effort. But the reward you receive is something those that are without will NEVER experience.

If you have your Guardian's sigil, you can focus on it. if you don’t feel anything the first few times you do this, that’s okay. Even if you’re not advanced enough to hear them, that’s okay. Make the time for your GD. Talk to them every day if you want to. They’ll notice.

Other ideas you can try: you can write a poem, a story or a song for them etc. Don’t be afraid to get creative here. As long as it comes from the heart, they’ll see it.

I regret I didn’t take enough time for my GD sooner. I know it’s important to develop a relationship with Father Satan. But it is also important to develop your relationship with your Guardian Demon. Think about it this way: you have a wonderful God by your side, who is there to guide and protect you, and who chose to do so.

Those who are without don’t have that chance. They have no one. Remember what it was like to be without? What did you feel like before you dedicated? I know for me, life sucked. I was unable to attract things to myself because I didn’t know how to. I let “destiny” control my life. I felt so lost. Life was so confusing. The best decision I made in my life so far, was my dedication to Satan.

And once you start meditating, you can't go back to who you were. Once you open that door, the only thing left for you to do is to explore this new world and move forward. But you're never alone.

I was lucky enough to discover who my GD was pretty quickly after my dedication. The name came very naturally to me. I instantly knew. Unfortunately, after that wonderful discovery, I neglected to develop my relationship with them. Don’t make that same mistake. I know if I would have asked for their advice/guidance sooner, the outcome of some of my decisions would’ve turned out to be completely different.

I hope this will be helpful to some of you out there.

If you have some insights, or other ideas, or if you simply want to share your experience, I’d love to read about it.

Take care everyone. And don’t forget to meditate ;)

Hail Satan and the powers of Hell!
This is a well written post.

Every dedicated Satanist does have a Guardian Demon assigned to them. This happens both during dedication but this also extends before that for those who have been with Satan. In all cases, one is in their attention.

In cases of extremely close bonds [one may not remember but some people do] a deep fascination with the given Demon may arise at once when reading about them, or at once even from an early age, as early as 5.

You could be watching a show obsessively for example that had the God Anubis in it, and this fascination may have grown into someone.

Do not worry much about finding their "Name" immediately. Some people more open may get this, some may not. But everyone has a Guardian. And you don't need to understand this immediately. You can pray to them as "My Guardian Demon of Satan, help me with this if you can. Thank you".

They will slowly build up their relationship with you as Ara says. As you meditate, then this is when you'll become more open.

Every so often, you can go on the Demons section and look up there. Some Names may speak to you or draw you in.

There is also something else that people have said, which is that if one is male, their GD maybe a female, and vice versa. This is oftentimes the case, because people may need to become more in tune of the energies of the other side. And people generally seek the energies which they are not, for example, males seek the female.

But that is not always the case.

So in general, meditate, and have an open mind. They are here for everyone. It's just a matter of opening up the mind.
What a nice story Ara n.n
(sorry in advance for my bad english)

I found my guardian demon very quickly, Andrealphus.

I remember the pdf with the names of the demons in "AdE" ("JoS" in Spanish).
It was full of demons and demonesses. of many ranges, but I remember that in the recommendations of the same pdf you needed specific reasons to call a demon, and I did not feel identified with a large number of demons.

For example, Azazel always caused me a certain fear, I see him as a great military general, I understand that he is the chief of staff of the infernal army.

In my thoughts I always kept that idea that he is a firm and strict military man, it scared me. I was with that idea for a long time and on a certain day in a dream I saw it, very similar to the photos that are in JoS, it looked happy, with a smile, I remember that I approached and felt a feeling of being hugged, since then I've never been afraid of him again.

I found my guardian demon quite quickly, an idea came to my mind, for some reason I knew that my guardian demon was related to silver, and that's right, I found Andrealphus, not only did the silver data coincide, but also his Sacred days of the calendar (February 9-13) with my birthday, (February 11) also called my attention his name with great force and that we share the passion for Chemistry and science in general.

I began to call him with his symbol and in my mind, but I was not very open psychically, I meditated and advanced spiritually and then I was able to establish a closer communication with him, I began to talk to him and he listened to me, sometimes he was busy and better I waited for him. A more opportune moment, I knew that he was listening to me because when I spoke in my mind towards him, my pineal gland was activated and I had a very strong sensation between the eyebrows, but at times I did not have this sensation in my forehead or warmth in general.

In my beginnings I spoke with Andrealphus in a simple way, I agreed that increasing that sensation between my two eyebrows was a "Yes" and to stop causing that sensation meant a "No", I calibrated this system until it was optimal, and then we managed to have a more precise communication.

It's nice to talk to him and Father Enki, but I know both Andrealphus and Father Enki are just as busy as a human being, so I don't do it very often, I know I can be annoying. The idea in Satanism is to gain power yourself, so I regulate my contact with them, and I prefer not to bother, and I know that they understand my reason. Even if I am not in contact with them, it does not mean that I am far from Satanism. Every day I do an RTRx18 + The ritual of reversing the tetragrammaton, I do it without fail, (I feel like another soldier of the Wehrmacht n.n) when I cannot do it it is because I am sick or some force majeure reason. And they are there to help me.

I am very happy with them, and I am thinking of a project of sound waves with specific frequencies to help in the activation of the chakras in conjunction with meditation, I want to work under the supervision of andrealphus, and apply satanism from a scientific perspective, but I feel that I need to study the subject more about it.

It was nice to read your experience and also share mine. A kiss!
Thank you very much to you and HP Hooded Cobra for for posting this and what he said, I bielieve I might just found out who my GD now for sure after reading these. Thanks again :)
Ara666 said:

Thank you for writing up this post. I'm a newly dedicated SS. This is golden reassurance and encouragement for me, and I'm sure for other new SS as well.

Being that I am new, still finishing up 40 day, and am learning from the files on the JoS website, I have yet to try to find out who my GD could be. It's crossed my mind for a few seconds, but I also thought since I'm new and still learning the different meditations, that I should save getting to know who it is until I inwardly feel good to go on the journey to know who it is and get to know him/her (I think my GD is a male, something just tells me so.....).

On to hearing and sensing them, I was taken immediately to a distant memory of my childhood when I'd stay up in the middle of the night in the darkness, looking out the window into the yard and up at the night sky. I remember several occasions during the night as such hearing distant voice, sounds like a whisper or sometimes faint voice. Maybe it was my GD comforting me? My childhood was living through the trauma of domestic violence so being up during the middle of the night was the only time of the day where I had felt at ease and not anxiety. Who knows if that was my gd. But anyway, I thought of that period of time of my life.

After reading your post, I feel an urge to get to know who my GD is. I'll take it as a sign :) and I thank you so much for writing this up.

Hail Satan and the Gods/Goddesses of hell.
Our Guardians are the most wonderful gift. Through the most difficult periods of life, and at times when I thought I was all but a lost cause, the relationship with my Guardian had kept me going and inquiring to know more. I’m very thankful we had found each other before the lowest points and difficulties arose.
Well done, keep it up. I am very proud and happy to hear this. Thank you! :D
is there a relation between your guardian demon and your natal chart?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for the inisght HPHC.

Some people may be fascinated with Egyptian, Greek or Roman mythology. They may have been attracted to the name Apollo for example, and later find out he is their GD.

Shanti Sananda said:

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it :)

Odiura465 said:

Thank you for sharing your experience. It was nice to read about it!

You know, even if they're busy when you call them, or talk to them, they always go back to you when they have more time. This is just incredible because if you make time for them, they'll do the same for you.

Take care.

hailourtruegod said:
You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear it helped you. It's a good thing I pressed that "submit" button then.

Kinnaree said:

You're welcome and thank you for reading this.

Did you feel a positive energy when you heard those whispers? If you felt comforted, it's a good sign.

You know, you can ask Father to guide you to your GD. Even if you're not astrally open enough, he'll send you some clear signs. Maybe even your GD will reveal themselves to you. Who knows?

Sundara said:

I agree. It's a true gift that we have our GD by our sides to help and guide us.

ValentineCHL said:
Glad you enjoyed it. Don't worry, you will advance in this path.

I don't know if you write about your experiences on a notebook or something, but for example, you can write your first impressions about who you think your GD is; and once you have the confirmation and you're slowly building you relationship with them, you can look back at what you wrote in about 6 months, and just see how much your relationship has evolved. This will convince you even more that your GD was right there with you since the very beginning. Just an idea.

Master said:
You're welcome.
Ara666 said:

Keeping a black book/journal is crucial too. Write down whatever message you receive. With the attacks or even human tendency we can forget easily or mess up what was originally meant. I have several times asked them same questions I have been answered to hear " not again".
sonnenkraft said:
is there a relation between your guardian demon and your natal chart?


Yes, there can be some major signs which can appear in one's Natal chart in regards to one's connection to a Demon and Satan, as signature aspects.
Is the God Amon Ra the one and the same with the the Ra entity from "The Law of One" books channeled by Carla Rueckert?

Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.


The material covers some interesting topics like density harvest, energy centers, reincarnation & veiling, but the way they speak about Orion being the bad guys and using the bible while channeling makes me somehow doubt the messages and yet it speaks of Egypt and pyramids as well...mixed feelings about this one
Immortal said:
Is the God Amon Ra the one and the same with the the Ra entity from "The Law of One" books channeled by Carla Rueckert?

Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.


The material covers some interesting topics like density harvest, energy centers, reincarnation & veiling, but the way they speak about Orion being the bad guys and using the bible while channeling makes me somehow doubt the messages and yet it speaks of Egypt and pyramids as well...mixed feelings about this one

For every one of these mediums, there are endless retarded stories to follow them.

No, it's definitely not Ra. Even what this thing "channels" here, shows it to not be the case. It tries to at once deceive individuals in hiding it's true identity.

Actual Gods like Amon Ra will not sit with Carla so she can write irrelevant crap. I read a verbatim book years ago about another xian insane woman who said "Angels" got her to do the same. Most of them are almost a copy of one another, and they all follow the same pattern or mixing New Age and re-shaping xianity in more and more forms.

All this crap also, always writes Christian undertones in it. "There is only ONE god" and all the rest of this garbage.

I pressed a random thing online, here is what I found: "We have opened our hearts in radiation of love to the entire creation. Approximately 90 percent of the creation is at some level aware of the sending and able to reply. All of the infinite Logoi are one in the consciousness of love."

Typical new age meme without any substance and wisdom. Just feel good bullshit overall. These should instantly ring one's bells and they move away from these things. They are only the enemy's pattern in another clothing.

"Orion is the bad guys and reptilians" is a consistent meme that the enemy heaps around. Then you look at every Ancient Monument, it holds Orion in high regard.

Garbage in, Garbage out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Immortal said:
Is the God Amon Ra the one and the same with the the Ra entity from "The Law of One" books channeled by Carla Rueckert?

Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.


The material covers some interesting topics like density harvest, energy centers, reincarnation & veiling, but the way they speak about Orion being the bad guys and using the bible while channeling makes me somehow doubt the messages and yet it speaks of Egypt and pyramids as well...mixed feelings about this one

For every one of these mediums, there are endless retarded stories to follow them.

No, it's definitely not Ra. Even what this thing "channels" here, shows it to not be the case. It tries to at once deceive individuals in hiding it's true identity.

Actual Gods like Amon Ra will not sit with Carla so she can write irrelevant crap. I read a verbatim book years ago about another xian insane woman who said "Angels" got her to do the same. Most of them are almost a copy of one another, and they all follow the same pattern or mixing New Age and re-shaping xianity in more and more forms.

All this crap also, always writes Christian undertones in it. "There is only ONE god" and all the rest of this garbage.

I pressed a random thing online, here is what I found: "We have opened our hearts in radiation of love to the entire creation. Approximately 90 percent of the creation is at some level aware of the sending and able to reply. All of the infinite Logoi are one in the consciousness of love."

Typical new age meme without any substance and wisdom. Just feel good bullshit overall. These should instantly ring one's bells and they move away from these things. They are only the enemy's pattern in another clothing.

"Orion is the bad guys and reptilians" is a consistent meme that the enemy heaps around. Then you look at every Ancient Monument, it holds Orion in high regard.

Garbage in, Garbage out.

Is it Amon Ra's ego, is it the channeler's confirmation bias, is our bloodlines diluted, or is it a psychic block on the populace?

It's a slippery slope to assume Amon Ra won't spend the energy to keep his name clean.

There are billions of people on earth that are quite hostile to our gods. Sure most would never amount to anything, but they are on Orion's doorstep. Even if a fraction of them decide to fly out to space and "explore/exterminate" that poses a serious problem.

Maybe those people are ants to our Gods and not worth correcting, what about those less advanced? Their energy and mindset is contagious, let alone hostile.

I guess it's an evolutionary trait we need to learn. Either protect yourselves to the fullest extent or be removed. Of which the enemy is well versed in.
I didn't dedicate myself to Satan yet but my pendulum says I have a Guardian Demon. Is this possible?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also something else that people have said, which is that if one is male, their GD maybe a female, and vice versa. This is oftentimes the case, because people may need to become more in tune of the energies of the other side. And people generally seek the energies which they are not, for example, males seek the female.

But that is not always the case.
I think I have also read that it depends on your sexuality, so if you're homosexual then you would, or might, have a Guardian the same sex as you, and I think I also read the opposite, for sexuality, as well.
I have been neglecting my relationship with my GD and father myself as well, I think that this is mainly because of my youth. As i have always been alone and lonely in my life i pushed everything and everyone away, So this has made it very difficult for me to make contact with the gods or anyone else in that regard.

The first 2.5 years or so as a dedicated satanist i wanted to do everything myself without the help of the gods, I didn't feel like i deserved the time and help of the gods. As you can guess that was a very stupid thing to think, I was having trouble all of those 2.5 years to even do the basic meditations, Every day it seemed like a chore to meditate or make contact with the gods.

Since 8 months or so i stopped looking at myself as if i was nothing, Not worthy of anything. This is when i finally asked my GD for help, This was my question: I feel lonely and i wish to fill that hole, I don't know how exactly but maybe it would help if i gained good friends or a girlfriend..... Man was this a good decision to finally make, I have not felt lonely since, And for the first time in my life i felt a form of pride in myself.

Everything has become easier for me, Meditating feels natural, Even contacting the gods has become easier (i must admit that i don't make contact with the gods often enough yet). Making contact with other people is way easier as well, But i did not make any good friends or find a girl of my own but that's totally fine, Because the closer bond that i have gained with the gods and with myself feels way more beautiful and rewarding.
Is it possible for one to be put under the guidance of a different GD, after a period of time?

My GD took me under her wing on the day I dedicated, but it was only a few months after that when I discovered who she was, and began to form a bond. Throughout the years, she has helped me immensely, and saved me countless times in many ways that I could swear I'd have suffered under if it hadn't been for her protection. She's helped me with spiritual advancement, and presented solutions to issues that I was always lost on.

However, for quite some time now, I have felt incredible, undeniable energy from another Demon's name. When I tried to meditate on the special feeling I always receive when thinking about my GD, it was still present, but I had begun receiving thoughts and feelings that strongly suggested that I was, from then on, being put under another Demon's guidance. I meditated on the new Demon's name, asking her if she was my GD, among other things, and surely enough, I began receiving unmistakable signs that confirmed everything I had sensed.

My previous GD's name still feels beautiful to my senses even now, and I'm grateful to have had her with me for years. I'm not particularly sure as to why I had been placed under a new GD now, but the Gods know what's best for us.
Thank you for this post. I haven't actually communicated with my Demon but I know he/she is with me. I often talk to them just to let them know I know they are with me. I know they are there because I've heard them whistle. The first time it happened was when I was doing my first ritual to Satan. I've had a lot of hardship in my life and was crying as I talk to Satan about it. I heard a whistle behind me and thought... Is that a bird? Then I heard it again as if to let me know... no, I'm not a bird.

My son's been a Satanist for about 10 years and introduced me to Satanism. I wanted to tell him what happened so while I was doing dishes, I was trying to whistle the way I had heard it. Then right behind me, again, I heard the familiar whistle, letting me know ..."this is what you heard". :D
SSinHeartandSoul said:
Somehow I felt that way too. I didn't want to bother, thinking they were too busy or something. But I think that's the wrong way to look at it. When I think of all the times I struggled with certain things, I think to myself, I could've asked my GD for advice and I would've known what to do. But instead, I did things on my own, and realized things didn't work out as well as I thought...

You did a good thing asking your GD for help, and I'm glad things are better for you now.

OhNoItsMook said:
Is it possible for one to be put under the guidance of a different GD, after a period of time?

I get the feeling that this might be possible, but I'm not sure about this.

Thanks for sharing your experience. This was nice to read.
Its been quite a few years, i still haven't found out who my gd is. Iv tried about everything, but no luck just yet. One pulls my attention, not for sure tho. Its been sence 2007.
princeamon said:
I didn't dedicate myself to Satan yet but my pendulum says I have a Guardian Demon. Is this possible?
If you have dedicated yourself in a past life, yes. But you still have to do the dedication ritual in this life as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a well written post.

Every dedicated Satanist does have a Guardian Demon assigned to them. This happens both during dedication but this also extends before that for those who have been with Satan. In all cases, one is in their attention.

In cases of extremely close bonds [one may not remember but some people do] a deep fascination with the given Demon may arise at once when reading about them, or at once even from an early age, as early as 5.

That's exactly what happened to me with Astarte, I always felt deeply attracted to several of her avatars like Athena or Freya, even when I was a child there was a video game called Illusion of Time where the main character had psychic powers and his guardian was the goddess Gaia and I got nostalgic and thought if I had a guardian too, now I know that she was already trying to communicate with me long before I was a SS and she was the one who guided me to the JOS.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also something else that people have said, which is that if one is male, their GD maybe a female, and vice versa. This is oftentimes the case, because people may need to become more in tune of the energies of the other side. And people generally seek the energies which they are not, for example, males seek the female.

But that is not always the case.
I think I have also read that it depends on your sexuality, so if you're homosexual then you would, or might, have a Guardian the same sex as you, and I think I also read the opposite, for sexuality, as well.

I think for homosexuals the principle of "need to become more in tune with the energies of the other side" is true. Some may have a male guardian, some female one.
I feel like I put myself in an unusual situation regarding GDs. when I lived in an xian household I felt I could never quite develop the relationship with who I though my GD was. I was always too afraid to summon or bother her in case I had assumed wrong. But upon leaving my past living situation behind I summoned Paimon for specific things and now regard him as my Patron.
Has anyone else encountered a situation similar? Becoming closer to a Demon summoned than the actual guardian who took us in at our dedication ritual? If so, so you have a relationship with your GD and have a separate Patron/Matron?
Here's my GD story. It just happened yesterday. I have nobody to talk to so y'all are it. I'm alone. A bit about me first. I'll try to keep it short but it leads somewhere. I'm *** years old so I'm getting long in the tooth. I'm facinated about Egyptian things. My dad who was a naval officer brought back some Egyptian things on his trip through Egypt in the 50's. They are now part of my altar. My avatar is a pic of a portion of one of those things.
I was a bartender, then owner of a popular college bar for many years. We sold more beer than anybody. 15 years ago I became a certified Master herbalist . This was because Dr's failed me. I'm a songwriter , musician and music teacher. I'm now semi retired. I moved to a small town 13 years ago and began feeding the birds everyday. They know me. I dedicated myself 2 months ago. Things are moving fast but time has slowed down. I meditate everyday and do my RTR's. I became telekinetic real quick as far as moving an object on a string. I recently started using a pendulum I made myself. I've yet to get a wrong answer though sometimes I get no answer. I always do a ritual and ask Satan to bless my tools and even the eye of Horus ring I wear. I've been acknowledging my GD everyday and thank him/her everyday for looking out for me. Like everybody I'm curious who it might be. I used my pendulum to find out. I went to the Demon page which I have not really studied.I went through a bunch of names and the pendulum kept saying no. Then At the bottom I found the alphabetical order and started at the top. I was prepared to go through the list but shoulder wasn't. It kept saying no till I got to Bathin. I asked if I was pronouning her name correctly and she said no. She was ok with Nephthys (nef-this). I told her her I was honored. The things that are similar are uncanny. From herbalist , birds , beer , Egyptian things .. Before I go I have a story . My 3rd eye has been open for years. Right at the point of falling asleep my eyes opened and I watched Anubis materialize out of my TV like a genie. He was huge. His clothes were golden and multi colored. He reminded me of a general. I was still a gnostic xian and told him he wasn't welcome. He dematerialized and left. Looking back ,I now know that was Nephthys son. I apologized for that.

I take Satanism dead serious. It's not a game . Be humble , be serious and be smart . They know who their soldiers are.
RAH55 said:
Here's my GD story. It just happened yesterday. I have nobody to talk to so y'all are it. I'm alone. A bit about me first. I'll try to keep it short but it leads somewhere. I'm *** years old so I'm getting long in the tooth. I'm facinated about Egyptian things. My dad who was a naval officer brought back some Egyptian things on his trip through Egypt in the 50's. They are now part of my altar. My avatar is a pic of a portion of one of those things.
I was a bartender, then owner of a popular college bar for many years. We sold more beer than anybody. 15 years ago I became a certified Master herbalist . This was because Dr's failed me. I'm a songwriter , musician and music teacher. I'm now semi retired. I moved to a small town 13 years ago and began feeding the birds everyday. They know me. I dedicated myself 2 months ago. Things are moving fast but time has slowed down. I meditate everyday and do my RTR's. I became telekinetic real quick as far as moving an object on a string. I recently started using a pendulum I made myself. I've yet to get a wrong answer though sometimes I get no answer. I always do a ritual and ask Satan to bless my tools and even the eye of Horus ring I wear. I've been acknowledging my GD everyday and thank him/her everyday for looking out for me. Like everybody I'm curious who it might be. I used my pendulum to find out. I went to the Demon page which I have not really studied.I went through a bunch of names and the pendulum kept saying no. Then At the bottom I found the alphabetical order and started at the top. I was prepared to go through the list but shoulder wasn't. It kept saying no till I got to Bathin. I asked if I was pronouning her name correctly and she said no. She was ok with Nephthys (nef-this). I told her her I was honored. The things that are similar are uncanny. From herbalist , birds , beer , Egyptian things .. Before I go I have a story . My 3rd eye has been open for years. Right at the point of falling asleep my eyes opened and I watched Anubis materialize out of my TV like a genie. He was huge. His clothes were golden and multi colored. He reminded me of a general. I was still a gnostic xian and told him he wasn't welcome. He dematerialized and left. Looking back ,I now know that was Nephthys son. I apologized for that.

I take Satanism dead serious. It's not a game . Be humble , be serious and be smart . They know who their soldiers are.
Sounds great. :D Bathin is one of my favorite goddesses. She is so nice. :D
I've been dedicated for a long time and have yet to have a relationship with my GD. I've noticed the help I've received and have tried quite a few times to figure it out who it was. I've even used divination in the past with mixed results. There are many things I can relate to or appreciate about them and trying not to let my biases get involved always leaves me undecided. To me they are the hidden protector and I am okay with that because I feel the same way when I do the RTR to help people who can't do the RTR themselves.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
RAH55 said:
Thanks Ol argedco Luciftias ! I've already started to change a few things in the altar room to accommodate Nephthys . :D
Sounds great. :D Bathin is one of my favorite goddesses. She is so nice. :D
Man i just find this website earlier, can you reccomending something to learn for 100% newcomer?
Can anyone provide further information about Lady Agares? She is my GD and I want to know more about her, the only information outside of JOS is Jewish.

I know she was the Giant Argus in Greek Mythology.

Please anyone who can help
GoldenxChild1 said:
Can anyone provide further information about Lady Agares? She is my GD and I want to know more about her, the only information outside of JOS is Jewish.

I know she was the Giant Argus in Greek Mythology.

Please anyone who can help

I would love to know more as well.
I found out yesterday she is my guardian.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
