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How to become taller

Pretia libertatis

New member
Apr 2, 2019
I saw long time ago a reply when a HPs mentioned somebody can become more taller with meditation/yoga ?
I am 180cm but I want to be taller for example 185 or even 190.. If somebody know how should I do it, can somebody help me with it? :) Thank you
If you’re less than 30 years old then you might still grow.
I am going to explain the science of growth in a very short post. If you want more info tag me and I can explain or link you articles and biology studies and such.

Anyways, How tall a person will grow is determined by two factors.

1. How much HGH released by the pituitary gland
2. When the growth plates fuse

HGH(Human growth hormone) is a hormone released by the pituitary gland and regulates how tall we are as well as muscle mass, frame, and some other stuff. At around the age of 14-18 most people stop the ability to grow taller due to the growth plates fusing. Growth plates are essentially soft material that allow your bones to grow longer and stronger, Once they fuse they become hard and the ability to grow more in terms of bone length is lost. There is no way to undo the growth plates either(That would be like asking to turn refined steel into iron ore). There is only one way to "grow taller" and that is to increase your spinal strength against gravity.

Over time our spine compresses with the weight of gravity. You can see examples of this with the two twin brothers. One went to space and came back a couple inches taller due to gravity not having an effect on his spinal cord.

What yoga does physically is a lot of beneficial and helpful things. One of them is making your spinal cord stronger and more flexible. This is the reason when once does yoga they can "grow" taller. All you are doing is releasing spinal compression. Also on the topic of HGH there are people who have injected it to attempt to grow taller after their growth plates fused and all they did was make their bones thicker and fuck up their biological systems because your bones no longer have the ability to extend lengthwise.
Well you know only smal people can work in a submarine.
and this is a pretty cool job. I would say be proud as you are. fokus on becoming a god.

But I also found this:

"The luminary of leg lengthening
The Bone Breaker

Men come to him mostly. Little men like Leo. The accident surgeon Augustin Betz extended his legs by ten centimeters. Now Leo is in a lot of pain, but he is happy. By Marco Lauer

There are people who say that what Augustin Betz does is completely superfluous. It is better for the doctor to take care of those who really need his help. But not people who would not otherwise have any real problems in life. Just spinning.

Those who say something like that are people who only make a quick judgment about problems they have no idea about, Professor Betz says calmly and with a sonorous voice. They didn't want to hear that some of his patients were already thinking about putting an end to their lives. Others are less desperate, says Betz. But everyone has one wish in common: they want to grow bigger.

Because nature has no longer measured them up. Because the distribution of beauty and also of greatness, of everything external, does not seem fair to them. "What it has never been and never will be," says Betz. That is why he wants to help nature.

Like he did with Leo. Who was once 1.66 meters small. And now is in the last growth phase. The operation was a good two months ago. He is already 1.74 metres tall. 1.76 meters he will become. He would like to have a drink again. But he still has to take painkillers. Especially before going to bed. Because the tension in his legs is strongest when he is lying down. And because "everything becomes exponentially harder from the fifth centimeter of growth". The body rebels against its change.

Insulted as a poison dwarf

We meet Leo in a café somewhere in Germany. The place should not be in the newspaper. Nor Leo's real name. Only the age may be mentioned. He is 29 years old. A young man with a narrow face. His body is trained and slim. "You can lose weight yourself," says Leo. But he thought he would never be able to change his size. "When I first met him, no one ever took me seriously." Then Leo heard from a doctor who could change that.

Professor Augustin Betz, 58 years old, 1.79 metres tall, gentle eyes, trained accident surgeon, father of three children. He can make people taller. He lengthens their legs. Up to ten centimeters on the thigh in a first procedure. Up to ten centimetres, if you haven't had enough, in a second operation on your lower leg.

"Life is exhausting when you're small," says Betz. "Especially for men. Many patients tell us that those who are smaller than average have to do far more than others to be recognised. If the little one strives harder than the older ones, he is quickly regarded as biting and overambitious. As a poison dwarf. The little one, says Betz, has to fight more for success - in his job, with women. He often lacks the self-evidence of the grown-ups. The immutability of the situation destroys many.

Betz has already operated on more than 300 people "for cosmetic reasons" since 1997, after twenty years as an accident surgeon, he began to pull legs apart instead of joining them together. But basically these are psychological reasons, says Betz. "With my scalpel, I can sometimes solve mental problems better than a psychologist."

The Betz Institute in Lebach is a tiny building with a façade made of exposed aggregate concrete. It is the kiosk of the district hospital on the outskirts of the 14,000 inhabitant city in Saarland, which has been converted into a practice. There are small square platforms in the conference room. They are of different heights. One is four centimetres high - six, eight, ten others. At the end of the preliminary talk about the operation, Betz asks all patients to stand on one of the pedestals. They should see what it could actually feel like if they were taller.

But Betz also tells them that the way to their desired size is no walk in the park. "This is the hardest procedure in plastic surgery," he says. His sentences always come in the typical singsong of the Saarland dialect. This is also how the greatest agony that his patients have to undergo sounds, usually not as bad as it used to sound, but rather like a spoken pat on the back.

Nevertheless, Leo first had to swallow when he heard what was coming his way. But now he was already with the professor. Shortly before the goal. "You don't give up there,' he says. He wanted to grow ten centimetres and stood on the highest platform. "Madness," he kidnapped.

Then came the operation. As a rule, both thighs are operated in three hours. After the patients have been put under general anesthesia, Betz uses a scalpel to cut a small hole in the back of the hip. Using the "opening tool", he drills another hole along the bone, deep down to the point where he had been inserted.

Use the "opening tool" to drill another one along the bone, deep down to the point where he wants to cut it. Then the physician pushes a tiny special saw with a long shaft through the hole and saws the bone. This simulates a fracture in each leg. This is about equivalent to the consequences of a serious traffic accident. The only difference is that the patient retains his healthy skin and does not lose any blood.

Instead of allowing the bones to grow together again as quickly as possible, Betz inserts a nail at the point of fracture. The nail pulls the bones apart. The device in the brochure of the Betz Institute is called a "telescopic nail" because it can be extended like a telescope after the operation. A maximum of one millimeter per day. And by a maximum of ten centimeters in total. They are reached after about a hundred days. The first of which can only be tolerated with strong painkillers. And the following do not become much easier. Patients have to lie down a lot and receive three hours of physiotherapy a day. At least. They are only allowed to walk on crutches a little, if at all. Because in the beginning only the nail carries the body load. Only slowly does the new bone substance grow. It takes one and a half to two years for a bone to adjust completely to the new length and for the nail to be finally removed in a second operation. Only then is it possible to break and stretch the calf and tibia bones for another ten centimetres in a second step.

Because Betz is one of the few specialists in the world who can make leg extensions, his patients come from all over the world. They have tried many things before. They took growth hormones. They wore platform shoes hidden under wide trousers. They bought special insoles for their shoes - some up to six centimeters thick.

When Leo wanted to go to the disco with his friends, they were often asked: "Is the short one there too? What was supposed to be fun was unbearable for Leo. "Because you hear something about you that you can't change." When a woman is small, Leo says, it might not be so pleasant. But a woman can be small and still desirable. She triggers a protective instinct. A man must protect against it. That is why size is much more important for men than for women. "A man simply has to be tall," says Leo. Otherwise he would not be taken for full. Even French President Nikolas Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi are laughed at because of their height. Although the two men actually made it to the top.

According to the latest statistics, only 0.5 percent of all men in the USA, Germany and the rest of Central Europe are less than 1.60 metres tall. Eleven percent lie between 1.60 and 1.69 meters; 19 percent between 1.70 and 1.75 meters and more than two thirds are larger than 1.75 meters. The male patients of Betz are between 1.57 meters and 1.75 meters. They almost always have to look high. They are almost always looked down on. For them, leg lengthening is an investment in the future.

Stretching the thighs costs 40,000 euros. Once again as much for the lower legs. The German Institute for Economic Research came to the conclusion in a study that every additional centimetre of body height brings on average 0.6 percent more gross pay. US studies show that women prefer men who are at least five centimeters taller than themselves and that smaller men stay single longer, later become fathers and are more loyal - for lack of opportunities.

Until he was about 20 years old, Leo says, he didn't much care that he was smaller than most other young men. At school, he was only sometimes called a dwarf in quarrels. "I must have thought I was still growing." But at some point he realized that nothing would come of it. "That was crappy," he says. Because he did not feel small in character, but self-confident, he could hardly come to terms with his appearance. As if he was in the wrong body.

Again and again he tells himself that there are more important things in life than being big or at least not small. But consolation did not always work. Especially on weekends, when the whole world goes out and shows itself, he felt bad. Then it was always as if he had to go into battle. "Just when you want to have fun." He made himself chic and he liked himself quite well. His girlfriend meanwhile slipped into the shoes with the high heels, "because I like that like every man". What she grew from 1,70 to 1,78. When she then had to kneel down slightly to kiss him, "the evening was over for me again".

His girlfriend never had a problem with his size. Loved him anyway less for his body than for what was in it. Riet to him

Loved him less for his body than for what was inside anyway. Even dissuaded him when he told her that there was a doctor in Saarland who could lengthen his legs. He was crazy, she said. But if it makes him happy again, then he should do it. He said: absolutely.

"Most women," says Leo, "either look away from you or look away with this mixture of amusement and compassion." That only the inner values mattered, "that's bullshit. The masculine, the hard, the cool, what women feared, but at the same time often wanted, were never taken away from him. Before him, his girlfriend had only been with larger men.

He is glad that he went to Saarland after all and did the surgery. Despite all the pain. "Pain passes", says Leo. But the new size remains - "for life". Leo had saved years for his dream car - "the money is in here now" he says, tries to laugh and taps his thighs with his hands. He has fulfilled a dream and will soon leave millions of men among him.

But nobody should know how the miracle came about. Only his parents and his girlfriend initiated Leo. This is what most of Professor Betz's patients do.

Those who go to him usually already have a strategy in mind as to how they want to conceal the operation in the circle of colleagues, friends or family. Nobody should notice it and yet everyone should see the change.

It's like winning the lottery

Many then say they have had a serious accident. Others go on a fictitious world trip for their friends. Some even separate from their partners because they do not understand the desire for greatness or because there are no more witnesses for the transformation from small to big. Many patients quit their job because they wouldn't get a few months vacation without having to give up the real reason. Only the older ones around forty, who have already made a hard-earned career and who do not want to give up, torture themselves back into the company after a few weeks. And grow in front of their colleagues.

Leo quit his job as a mechanical engineer and told everyone about a traffic accident. He disappeared and could only be reached by telephone. He did not believe that his immediate surroundings would notice that he had grown ten centimeters when he reappeared.

At 1.76 metres he was still not exactly tall, he thought. And since most of them knew nothing about the operation, no one would think about it. Professor Betz had already told him this during the first conversation before the operation: "Man thinks that what cannot be does not exist.

Two days after the operation Leo felt liberated and the ten centimetres in advance. "It was like winning the lottery," he says and strokes his legs with his hands. What gives him the strength to get through the difficult time he's going through on crutches? In a few weeks - "when I'm fully grown" - Leo wants to reward himself and have his height corrected on his identity card. In a year, when the bones are stable again, Leo wants to go out a lot and show himself to everyone.

"The people who have been with me get used to their new size pretty quickly," says Professor Betz. "One who reaches 1.77 or 1.82 meters feels after a while as if he is so naturally tall." Many of his patients later didn't even want to remember the operation.

That's how Leo sees it. "Now a new life begins for me.""


I like this subject
Aquarius said:
Louis Cyphre said:
180 cm tall isn't small ;p
Was thinking the same.

My answer was more of a general answer, someone told me around 170 cm is the limit for submarine people.
and if you did serve in some countrys 20 years in a submarine you get pension. like you start with 20 and with 40 you are free to enjoy your live.
I went for Alexander Technique lessons and I gained a few inches.

They claim people who take up the Alexander Technique gain a couple of inches.

I must add that although I was taller I seem to have lost some of that gained height since stopping the lessons. And its also because I'm not using myself correctly and have slipped back into bad habits.

I still lie on the floor on my back in the semi supine position every day for 20 minutes to relax and lengthen my spine.

What the Alexander Technique is...Its not a posture. It's about holding a neutral position and going about without using excess tension.

The premise is that we should leave ourselves alone so that the right thing can do itself.

What that means is not slouch over to eat or drink. To bring the food or drink up to your mouth.

Also with reading or looking at mobiles we hunch forward. Leave yourself alone keeping an upright posture and bring what you're doing up towards you.

When you become aware of bad posture you'll realise it's an epidemic and so widespread and everywhere. I sometimes look and think shame the people don't know anything anymore. They can't even carry their bodies properly.

The Alexander Technique people state that the muscular skeletal deterioration in old age is not natural or necessary. That it's perfectly possible to have full height and good posture in advanced years.

The head weighs 10 pounds or about 4.5kg which is heavy. And years of stooping forward causes the bent over posture of old age. It we stop all of this leaning forward unnecessarily and bending from the waist instead of hip, knee and ankle joints. We will enjoy better health and less muscular skeletal problems.

Get an Alexander Technique book and check out some YouTube vids.

It's something I'm interested in and practice myself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
