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How the jews destroyed Africa and killed innocent Africans

Kyrique B

Jan 7, 2011
[/IMG]salaam[/I] it undeniably and screamingly deserves. Much has been written about Africa’s plight being a product of Western aggression and Western racism but this is only a partial truth, as is so often the case when a discussion of world events and world history is initiated in the modern era of media domination, manipulation and disinformation. There are hidden hands behind every bit of genocide and suffering in Africa, past and present alike. 

In the groundbreaking works The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume OneThe Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume Two - How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy and Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, based 100% on Jewish (oftentimes rabbinical) and philo-Semitic sources, unequivocally demonstrates that the torturous, inhuman and genocidal Transatlantic Slave Trade was an endeavor dominated by Jews, going back to the very beginnings of it in Brazil and Surinam. Despite a systematic smear campaign still going on to this day, the Jewish-Zionist Power Configuration has failed miserably in refuting the scholarly volumes because of the meticulous sourcing. What makes this revelation all the more intriguing, as well as disturbing, is that this hegemony wasn’t only material and physical, with Jews operating as both slave owners and slave traders; it was also ideological, with Jews passing down their dehumanizing religious beliefs to their Anglo partners in human misery. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The Talmud:  Judaism's holiest book, where anti-Gentile hatred is emphatic; it is here where the anti-African  fable known as the "Curse of  Ham" was born. [/TD]
In the Jewish religion, as ordained by the Babylonian Talmud, Blacks are eternally cursed through the channel known as “The Curse of Ham.” Though the curse originated in Chapter 9 of Genesis in the Bible, no racial identity was applied to Ham, son of the prophet Noah, and there was certainly no anti-Black prejudice. The racist origins of The Curse of Ham originated within the ‘wise’ rabbinic pages of the Talmud, which damned Blacks to an infinite existence of enslavement. Stated the rabbis, “Ham is told by his outraged father that, because you have abused me in the darkness of night, your children shall be born black and ugly; because you have twisted your head to cause me embarrassment, they shall have kinky hair and red eyes; because your lips jested at my expense theirs shall swell; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked (1).” Moses Maimonides, Judaism’s most celebrated rabbinic ‘sage,’ has written that Blacks are “irrational animals” who are “below mankind but above monkeys (2).” 

Maimonides’ views are central to the overall Jewish view of Black people, as his name among Jews is an infallible and holy one. Talmudic rabbis have deepened The Curse of Ham over time, attributing bestiality as a regular engagement among Blacks, concocting depraved sexual fantasies of Ham fornicating with dogs and ravens and thus, having his skin damned with even more blackness for his perversion (3). Sick would be an understatement; demented wouldn’t even begin the description. And when the usurping Zionist regime’s policies towards Ethiopian Jews are examined in depth, and they are nothing short of emphatically deplorable, as well as Jewish discrimination against Blacks in the United States due to the disproportionate Jewish accumulation of wealth (4),it is as clear as the sky is dark when the sun falls that these hideous Talmudic beliefs are very much intact today, in the main blocs of Jewish life. 

The Rothschild family, the infamous and monstrously powerful Jewish dynasty of bankers, socialites and philanthropists who are rightly considered to be the godfathers of the criminal Zionist entity, are also linked to profiting from the Transatlantic Slave Trade (5). The Rothschild family was also fervently Talmudist, a tradition dating back to the family’s grandsire, Mayer Amschel himself, who was described by one S.J. Cohen in an unofficial, albeit accurate, admiring and authoritative biography of the Jewish financier entitled, “The Exemplary Life of The Immortal Banker Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild,” as a “zealous believer in the Talmud and chose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions (6).” Therefore, it shouldn’t be one bit astonishing that the Rothschild family would take part in such a cruel, murderous practice as slavery, as their Jewish beliefs dictated to them that it was perfectly okay to do so; their halfwit, nonsensical apologies notwithstanding. The Rothschild dynasty’s beliefs are also intrinsic to the spread of British and French colonialism throughout the African continent. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The House of Rothschild: Talmudist Jewish banking dynasty that financed the colonial rape of Africa. [/TD]
As the courageous polemical poet and hero Ezra Pound once said, “Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know nothing whatever of politics, you know nothing whatever of history, you know nothing of international wrangles.” The British and French governments would have not have carried out and could not have carried out their blood-soaked colonial adventures in Africa without an elephantine amount of money, which they indeed did receive from their central banks in London and Paris respectively, as is properly acknowledged by history. What isn’t discussed or dare it even be said, what is ignored for fear of what lies beneath the surface, is that the these central banks, according to a cornucopia of Jewish sources, were under Rothschild dominion, with James Mayer in Paris and Nathan Mayer, described frequently in his time as “King of the Jews,” in London. Millionaires of Jewish extraction were very much the power of France’s financial scene and all of them were surrogates of the House of Rothschild. Jews of socialist, imperialist and republican political backgrounds all worked for the same cause: the furtherance of Rothschild power. As for Britain, the vast majority of the imperial power’s financial transactions were handled by the Rothschild dynasty (7). 

To be clear, the House of Rothsch[/IMG]goyim[/I] as they were meant to do as “God’s chosen people,” as confirmed so hatefully and vividly by this Babylonian Talmud excerpt, BT Baba Bathra 54b, “Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it (8).”  The Rothschilds were the active disseminators of colonialism and imperialism and there is no clearer evidence of this than Cecil Rhodes, perhaps the most famous advocate of British world domination and considered to be a pioneer of the British colonial enterprise. This assessment however is quite deceptive as since the early 1880s, Cecil Rhodes was nothing but a proxy for the Rothschild family, who had a “substantial financial hold” over him. Rhodes, who with Rothschild capital established supremacy over the African diamond trade, reported directly to Nathan Mayer himself (9). 

It was the Rothschild frontman Cecil Rhodes who, in accordance with the hegemonic plans of his Talmudist masters, established the genocidal colony of Rhodesia, just north of South Africa, setting off a century of tumultuous conflict and unnecessary bloodshed. Rhodesia would go from colony of the Rothschild Empire, to the sadistic apartheid regime of Ian Smith from 1965-1980, to the nation known today as Zimbabwe, and it is here, where the introduction will end and the study shall begin. The Jewish exploitation of Africa has not ended; it has simply changed faces from the Talmudic financial expansionism of the House of Rothschild to the Zionism of the usurping Jewish entity in Palestine. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Ruth Feigenbaum and Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft: Zionist agents attempting to impose Jewish cultural [/IMG]Infiltrated Zimbabwe: Cultural Zionism Spreads Under The Guise Of “Humanitarianism”

On March 1st, 2012, a curious article appeared in the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), the self-described “Global News Service of the Jewish People,” entitled,  “In face of desperate African poverty, Ruth Feigenbaum provides a beacon of hope (10).” Feigenbaum, according to the JTA, became involved in human rights activities in Zimbabwe after her gardener (read: servant) was diagnosed with HIV and subsequently passed away three days later. The entire ordeal “deeply upset” Feigenbaum. Described as a “major player” in Zimbabwe, Feigenbaum used her “international Jewish connections” to build up charities inside Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest city.

One such group that assisted her was the World Jewish Relief of London, an organization with a heavy hand in Africa and funded by a  who’s who of Zionist consulting firms and Jewish fashion magnates including, but by no means limited to, Marks and Spencer, PO Ltd and Paula Ohrenstein Ltd, Lucy Wernick and Associates, Barry Finer, Majesta Ltd and the Jacobson Group (11).  Some of the World Jewish Relief of London’s notable partners are  B’nai B’rith, the institution of exclusively Jewish Freemasonry that the Zionist spy nest known as the Anti-Defamation League is intrinsically attached to, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a group originally founded as a distribution channel for funds used in the Jewish-Zionist plot to steal Palestine, Lyceum Shaalavim, an Orthodox Jewish school that specializes in Talmudist teachings and the Jewish Forum of Ukraine, a group tied to Zionist fundraising groups throughout the Eastern European nation (12). 

Apart from the alarming connections of the World Jewish Relief of London to the international Zionist criminal network and the racist core of Orthodox Jewry, the real reason why Feigenbaum is bouncing around Zimbabwe is revealed by her words, and it isn’t “humanitarianism.” Feigenbaum, referring to Zimbabwean children that she works with, said,  “They have learned something about Jews and Judaism from me (10).”  Assuredly, what these precious, innocent and unsuspecting children “learned” wasn’t the Curse of Ham or the teachings of Maimonides. 

Furthermore, Feigenbaum was assisted in her efforts by a South African rabbi named Moshe Silberhaft, who provided her with books for the children that she works with and who a library in her community would be named after. The JTA report noted that, “In her work with local Zimbabweans, Feigenbaum has introduced some Jewish teachings. During the library dedication, she had tears in her eyes watching the orphans sing songs in the two main indigenous Zimbabwean languages, Shona and Ndebele, as well as in English and Hebrew.” Feigenbaum also made mention that,  “They greet me on every visit with a ‘shalom’ and thank me by saying ‘todah rabah.’ At Pesach time, with the matzah sent to us by Rabbi Moshe, I arrange a third seder so they can learn a little about our customs (10).”
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://3.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The African Jewish Congress is an outpost of Zionism that is vital to "Israeli" hegemony over the African continent. [/TD]
What was conspicuously absent from the JTA report, information that confirms who Feigenbaum really is and what her truly sinister intentions are is that  she is a member of the African Jewish Congress (13),  a Zionist Lobby group which helps African Jews  “retain their links with World Jewry” and which maintains organizational goals of “fighting anti-Semitism” and promoting the interests of the usurping Zionist entity. The African Jewish Congress is an affiliate of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies and the World Jewish Congress (14),  one of the most powerful Jewish-Zionist groups on the planet. The executive director of the African Jewish Congress is none other than Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Feigenbaum’s partner in Zimbabwe,  who was rabbinically ordained in occupied al-Quds and is a citizen of the criminal Zionist entity (15).  To repeat, Feigenbaum is no “humanitarian,” no “human rights activist”; she is a cultural Zionist imposing cultural Zionism (also known as Jewish cultural imperialism) on a native population. 

The legendary Nigerian revolutionary and musical renegade Fela Kuti famously declared that European cultural imperialism was the biggest enemy of the African and was the thing most vital for him to fight against. In this spirit, an addendum should be added that Jewish cultural imperialism (Cultural Zionism) is an enemy just as deadly to the African if not more so due to Jewish religious teachings and Zionist occupation policy (which is rooted in Judaic “wisdom”) both being inherently anti-Black. Cultural Zionism will install in its African victims a brutal cognitive dissonance in which they vehemently despise racism but also love Zionists, despite their abyssal and ancient supremacist beliefs, specifically in regards to the African, who, in their Judaic worldview, is eternally damned to slavery and “blackness” because of the Curse of Ham. 

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://1.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg: Jewish supremacist and founder of Cultural Zionism. [/TD]
Cultural Zionism was created and developed by Jewish supremacist and educated Talmudist  Ahad Ha’am (real name: Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg), who viewed the criminal Zionist project as a means of founding a “spiritual center for World Jewry (16),”  the indigenous Palestinian people be damned. What Africans need to know is that at the very heart of Cultural Zionism is the destruction of everything that is not Jewish for the furtherance of Jewish interests, as evidenced by the “Greater Israel” doctrine (17). Ruth Feigenbaum’s advances in Zimbabwe are merely the beginning of something far more sinister, far more dangerous, like the early Jewish-Zionist settlers in Palestine before her, advancing Jewish cultural imperialism slowly and cunningly.

An integral part of Cultural Zionism is spying and reconnaissance, understanding the indigenous culture before encroaching upon it and destroying it, and fifth columnists for the usurping Zionist entity is exactly what Feigenbaum, Silberhaft and the African Jewish Congress are. It is not coincidental that their activities have heightened at a time not too long after the Zimbabwean government of President Robert Mugabe stood defiantly against international Zionism and its proxies in Washington D.C. and London by vowing to provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with uranium for its peaceful program, despite crippling economic aggression. Indeed, Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi pointedly declared, “Restrictions against the two countries {Zimbabwe and Iran} are not accidental. Western states follow the approach of sanction towards countries which do not yield to their domination and act against their interest (18).” 

The cruel sanctions against the Islamic Revolution are well-known. The Western economic war against Mugabe’s Zimbabwe however is a hidden truth, the root cause of the hardships currently being struggled against by the Zimbabwean people and one that was also deliberately absent from the JTA report on Fiegenbaum and her Zionist “activism.”  

From the moment of Zimbabwean independence from the Rothschild Empire, Mugabe, himself imprisoned by the apartheid regime for a decade (1964-1974), initiated a program of land reform aimed at redistributing the land confiscated by the Rhodesian settlers back to their rightful owners: native Zimbabweans. The British government, an agent for Rothschild interests, entered into an agreement with Mugabe that it would take care of the Rhodesian settlers. Typically, it reneged, in a deliberate attempt to break the back of the Zimbabwean government and send the country into chaos. Mugabe, who built excellent programs of national health care and education, resulting in a literacy rate of 95% among indigenous Zimbabweans, the highest in Africa, as compared to an abysmal 39% during the apartheid years, resisted in the name of his people. And as a result of his sincere resistance to the Western plot, the American and British governments, as well as the IMF, an institution dominated by Zionist Jewry, imposed devastating sanctions on his country.  The sanctions have prevented the Mugabe government from importing raw materials, laying the agricultural and industrial sectors of Zimbabwe to waste (19). 
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://1.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Robert Mugabe has been steadfast in defending his nation from Western aggression and Jewish exploitation. [/TD]
Because of Mugabe’s historical principled stance on Palestine, and his courageous efforts to stop Jewish monopolization of Zimbabwe’s clothing and textile sectors (20),  the usurping “Israeli” regime has joined in the economic aggression against the southern African nation of Resistance. The Zionist regime’s Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry, along with the Kimberley Process, an “Israeli”-run forum that fronts as a “human rights” group interested in stopping the flow of blood diamonds onto global markets, and Human Rights Watch,  the notorious NGO funded by billionaire Zionist mega criminal George Soros to the tune of $100 million (21), teamed up to  punish Zimbabwe for alleged (read: non-existent) human rights abuses and corruption (22). 

The utter egregiousness aside, what makes the matter so pathetically farcical and so laughably hypocritical, is that the  largest exporter of diamonds in the world is “Israel,” and every diamond it produces is a blood diamond due to the fact that it stands accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, apartheid and extrajudicial executions inside and outside of its (ever-expanding) territory. The Zionist entity uses the money it procures from its blood diamonds to fund the criminal 64-year occupation of Palestine (23).  And, in a stunning twist of fateful irony, just recently, an  “Israeli” pilot named Shmuel Kainan Klein was caught by Zimbabwean immigration officials in an attempt to smuggle diamonds to Tel Aviv (24).  The Zionist assault on the Zimbabwean people isn’t a new phenomenon either. While Mugabe was fighting the  Rhodesian apartheid regime of Ian Smith, “Israel” was advising it, assisting it and arming it, with its patented “Uzi” machine guns and refurbished US helicopters (25). 

With reports abound in the Zionist media about  Mugabe’s failing health, all of which, for the record, are false and likely planted by enemy intelligence agencies (26),  the African Jewish Congress’ Ruth Feigenbaum still operating and his nation’s relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran gaining more ground with each passing day, it is certain that for the foreseeable future, Zimbabweans will not know peace, as they haven’t since the first day the Rothschild stooge Cecil Rhodes illegally stepped foot on their land.

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] The Kony2012 campaign just  unbearably reeks of Z[/IMG]A Zionist Plot In Uganda: Kony2012 Sensationalism and Disinformation Galore

On March 5th, 2012, the worldwide web was set ablaze by a glossy, emotional and deceptive video called “Kony2012” about a Central African rebel group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and its leader Joseph Kony. Produced by a group called Invisible Children, the Kony2012 campaign attracted celebrities from across the (Jewish-run) Hollywood spectrum and garnered major attention from the Zionist media. If these weren’t suspect enough, the red flags were solidified upon examining the campaign poster, which featured Joseph Kony alongside Osama Bin Laden and National Socialist Germany’s Adolf Hitler. 

Slamming a leader as “Hitler,” his country as “Germany” and his people as “Nazis” is a common, tiresome, ad hominem and reprehensibly slanderous attack that the Jewish Power Matrix has utilized incessantly since the horrific fall of National Socialism at the hands of the genocidal Allied Axis during WW2, most specifically against the German people themselves, Palestinians and Iraqis. And Osama Bin Laden of course, has been the boogeyman used by international Zionism to justify its ongoing Orwellian “war on terror.” The matter was quite reminiscent of the “Save Darfur” farce, a campaign that began as an exclusive project of the American Jewish community, with hardline Zionist groups like the American Jewish World Service and Jewish Community Relations Council leading the way in the propagandistic assault on the government of Sudan. More than half of the $100 million raised ended up in “Israeli” banks to fund illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank (27). 

Kony2012 is no less fraudulent as Joseph Kony is wrongfully depicted as this supremely influential warlord who has built up a massive, murderous army through the widespread physical, psychological and sexual abuse of child soldiers. Nowhere in the video does it mention that Kony’s LRA was originally comprised of the Acholi people, an ethnic group repressed and enslaved by the Rothschild-financed British colonialists. Nor does it mention that the LRA was formed to combat discrimination and resist the military dictatorship of Yoweri Museveni, who receives $45 million yearly from the US government to assist the fight against Al-Shabab, the Islamic Resistance of occupied Somalia. Conveniently, it also doesn’t mention that the LRA hasn’t been active in Uganda or anywhere else in Central Africa since 2006 and Kony himself has been AWOL for some time.  The video is a con, pure and simple, and a dangerous one at that, as it attempts to create a pretext (capturing Kony) to justify American military aggression against Uganda and deepen the already-troublesome presence of AFRICOM on the continent (28).  

<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://2.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] Invisible Children is a  proxy of USAID, the  odious next of spies and organ of international Zionism. [/TD]
Despite all of the hype however, Kony2012 is now in shambles. Jason Russell, co-founder of Invisible Children and the driving force behind the viral video,  has brought disgrace to the initiative after melting down in public by swearing and screaming to himself, behaving lasciviously and pounding the sidewalk with both hands, all while being in the nude (29). Moreover, Invisible Children  has been caught spying for the brutal Museveni regime and backing US-intelligence-led Ugandan military operations that left scores of innocent men, women and children dead (30).  In the most devastating blow, and what is now absolute corroboration of previous analytical deductions that pegged Invisible Children as an organ of the arrogant powers,  it has been revealed that the NGO is being funded and supported through the Northern Uganda Transition Initiative of USAID (31),  the State Department apparatus so often associated with CIA-type operations and spying,  as evidenced most recently by its activities of infiltration in educational institutions across Lebanon (32).  

And it is here where the Zionist ball of yarn seriously and uncontrollably unravels. The Deputy Administrator of USAID is Donald Steinberg, a lifetime diplomat who has served in multiple high-level positions in the US government including, most notably, Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council (1994-95) and senior advisor to President Clinton on all African issues, as well as Principal Deputy Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department (2001-2003), where he intimately assisted Secretary of State Colin Powell with the reconstruction of occupied Afghanistan. Steinberg is also a devoted Zionist  who has played a key role in maintaining the status quos of the criminal occupations of Palestine and Kashmir through the Zionist-dominated “peace process” and its ugly sister, “conflict resolution (33).” 
<td style="text-al[/IMG] http://1.bp.blo[/IMG [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] USAID chief Donald K. Steinberg: lifelong devotee of imposing the Zionist agenda upon Africa. [/TD]
Steinberg is hated across the African continent for his role in the Rwandan Genocide,  in which he advised the Jewish-run, philo-Semitic, war criminal Clinton administration to ignore the terrible bloodshed that would unfold. Steinberg now serves as Deputy President of the International Crisis Group (34),  a mightily influential Zionist think tank founded by neoconservative hawk Morton Abramowitz and the aforementioned George Soros. Despite his “humanitarian credentials,” it is clear from his positions and associates that Steinberg is a top rank agent of the Cultural Zionism project in Africa. And as a commander of the powerful USAID, there is no doubt that Steinberg ensures a policy that grants loans only to those groups who are willing to pursue the Zionist agenda. 

U[/IMG]  The meeting was organized by Rafi Eitan, the infamous former Palmach commander and Mossad operations director, who is now setting up business operations in Uganda (undoubtedly for further “Israeli” penetration) with the help of Museveni (35).  [/B]

It must be stated that it is quite possible, nay, quite highly probable that Yoweri Museveni wouldn’t be in power today if wasn’t for the Zionist entity due to the usurping regime’s intimate involvement in the downfall of former Ugandan leader, the misunderstood and demonized Idi Amin, who reigned from 1971-1979. During the opening months of his presidency, Amin had close ties with the Jewish supremacist entity, forging economic and military alliances with it. “Israeli” military advisors set up training camps for the Ugandan air force and infantry and there were routine meetings between Zionist occupation and Ugandan officials. The Zionist entity sold Amin jets, tanks and guns of all kinds, while its companies became involved in building Uganda’s infrastructure, including houses and roads.  In exchange, Amin agreed to assist Zionist efforts to fragment Sudan (36). 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
