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How does one grow taller?


New member
Jan 7, 2018
I'm fifteen years old at the moment, and I stand at 5' 6". I'm almost 16 and my height never changed from when I was 14.

Is there any way I could grow taller? My peers are around 5'8/5'10", so I'd love to get a little bit taller.

Note: I sleep late and with some lights on in my room which I think disturbs the growth hormones in my body, as I heard that the room I'm in needs to be pitch black for the growth hormones to act properly.
Sero said:
I'm fifteen years old at the moment, and I stand at 5' 6". I'm almost 16 and my height never changed from when I was 14.

Is there any way I could grow taller? My peers are around 5'8/5'10", so I'd love to get a little bit taller.

Note: I sleep late and with some lights on in my room which I think disturbs the growth hormones in my body, as I heard that the room I'm in needs to be pitch black for the growth hormones to act properly.

Regarding the pitch black room.

I sleep in a pitch black room too, still at the same height (5'2 feet) and I want to be like (6 feet) at least.

Sorry to butt in on your post, I want the same results, like to grow taller.
I don't have a answer for getting taller but as a short person myself being 19 and 5'4 I know the feeling of all your friends being taller. You said your almost 16 which is still plenty of time to keep growing I wouldn't worry about it besides it can always be worse my sister is 25 and is 4'9.
Despite growth charts and whatnot I'm pretty sure people can get taller into their twenties. I'm 23 and still feel growth pains in my knees sometimes. I learned today that the famous basketball player "The Professor" was 5'0 in his senior year of highschool and he made it to 5'10. It's hard to predict height, I think it's very genetics-dependent. Keep a positive attitude and do some workings.. create your own! Eat healthy, exercise.. oxygen is related to the size of organisms as well - more is better.
Where I live I was one of the shorter guys of my graduating class (despite being 5 feet 10 inches), without giving away too much I'd say most people are getting taller because of hormones and chemicals in the food they eat. Heck, I'm naturally over weight for my height (probably due to dense bones, if my teeth are any indicator). But I have little visible fat, and am solidly built through and through.

Biokinesis is one way to grow taller, but honestly we're all different for certain reasons. And to advance to the godhead you have to learn to accept yourself for who you are.

Of course, nobody is going to stop you or criticize you for wanting to grow taller (partly because everyone wants to be over 6' for some reason, even me lol). But outside of biokinesis, or a natural growth spurt / production of HGH I don't know of another way to grow taller :(

Regarding HGH though (Human Growth Hormone); I heard months back that high intensity interval sprinting / running was a way to get your body to release HGH, but I haven't looked into that :/
Poweredbythesun said:
I heard months back that high intensity interval sprinting / running was a way to get your body to release HGH, but I haven't looked into that :/

All forms of high intensity training result in an increased release of anabolic hormones, as training itself constitutes catabolic stress. In order to maintain the body's homeostasis, anabolism must always
follow after catabolism.

Anabolism itself requires an intake of energy: food. Minerals and vitamins are also required for the maintenance of bone mass, since the bones are subject to constant changes in mass ( both loss and growth ).
Many people fail to realize that bones constitute living tissue.

Poweredbythesun said:
But outside of biokinesis, or a natural growth spurt / production of HGH I don't know of another way to grow taller

There are two time frames of growth: the early ossification, and the late synostosis.
hGH is only useful during either time of growth. With the completion of the synostosis ( meaning the closure of the epiphyseal plates ), the interstitial growth ( length) stops as a result of the loss of the secondary osseous nuclei contained inside the epiphyses ( and apophyses ).

This usually happens upon exceeding a certain age threshold. Estradiol also facilitates the closure of the epiphyseal plates, which is why women are usually shorter than men.
If the growth plates are already closed, hGH cannot help with the interstitial growth anymore. Only with appositional growth ( girth ), which is definitely not what you had in mind.

Here is a list of some bones with their individual synostotic time span ( +/- 1, add a certain margin of error and the factor of genetics ):

- Scapula: 19-25 y.
- Clavicle: 20-25 y.
- Humerus ( prox. ): 20-22 y.
- Humerus ( dist. ): 15-17 y.
- Radius and ulna: 20-22 y.
- Pelvis: 19-21 y.
- Femur ( prox. ): 17-19 y.
- Femur ( dist. ): 19-20 y.
- Tibia ( prox. ): 19-21 y.
- Tibia ( dist. ): 17-19 y.
- Fibula ( prox. ): 19-20 y.
- Fibula ( dist. ): 17-18 y.

Prox. means close to the body, dist. means away from the body.

After this threshold, it is no longer possible to grow in length by natural means.

As for you Sero, you still have some really good chances after all. Try to make the most of it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
