loki88 said:
oral hygiene:
wait 45 minutes to 1 hour post meal:
1)rinse/swish mouth with water--->spit--->2)brush with all natural toothpaste with solar panel brush exposing teeth /mouth to light (sun or artificial)--->3)rinse with toothpaste/spit--->4)floss/rinse--->5)oil pull (5 minutes)/spit/rinse
[use gum stimulator inside and outside of gums 1 time per week; visit a biological dentist semi-annually]
No offense, but this is not very time efficient. I am not saying it is wrong, as I know you did your research and all the aspects of this benefit the body in some way, but it is just that it is an inefficient means of boosting the health of the cells of the dental area. Placing these restrictions and additional steps hampers what little free time you may have left after work and family obligations. This free time is best used on spiritual pursuits to boost bioenergy, not physical means.
Anything related to bioenergy is always best pursued through yoga and meditation, not from purely physical habits like waiting after a meal, oil pulling, gum stimulator, etc. The shoulderstand/headstand, for example, both increase energy and blood to the teeth and gums, along with many other benefits, so the cells there would not be in need of an additional 15 minutes of dental habits. Additionally, meditation on the chakras increasing their input of energy into the body, thereby nourishing the cells.
The only thing, in my opinion, that the physical realm can do better, for health, is for stuff that is happening too quickly for the spiritual to prevent in the same moment. The best example of this is bleeding out, where a piece of guaze is the best solution, not a healing working. However, preventative spiritual work would allow one to avoid this scenario in the first place, even during high-risk scenarios like physical combat.