Im deeply affected by slave morality, my brain always makes me unwillingly subservient to others. It seems that I'm always going to be the last in every matter.
I took the time to reflect on my situation and I noticed that it is actually easy to persuade, yet I still lack the means to properly assert myself.
I want to rule over them, I will be their master and they will be the good little slaves that they are and they want to be.
First of all, as I know by personal experience the meaning of being enslaved, mentally and emotionally, I express my sadness for your words. For some people it is a though task, posting those personal facts on here, good you have done it.
As others said, you are not a slave in itself, but you may have "educated" - better said programmed - to be subservient in a passive way.
Most often this is due to childhood education, if you have constantly been exposed to xian programming, or similar stuff, you may have developed a slave attitude. Worst is the scenario, like for me, when you may have suffered verbal / phyisical / sexual abuse, as this may lead to a slave mentality.
This is NOT your fault of you being "wrong". Imagine your mind is a computer, that have been (wrongly) programmed to be "subservient". Where is the fault ? In the computer or in the program/virus that OTHERS, not you, loaded into your mind! You have the answer here.
I often say inner dialogue is very important to correct thus, by talking to your inner selves, if any, who are responsible for lack of assertion.
Reading posts by others here, I remind all of this is better done with "self-hypnosis", that is not that far from inner dialogue in itself.
It's like, re-educating yourself as if you are a child again, in a way.
I hope this helps.
Oh I forgot. So many people think they are the only one with this problem, sometimes people feel they are defective and others are "good". Nothing can be further from reality. In truth, I think the majority of people have similar damages, so you are not the only one not alone in this - I am just a living proof of this.
My best encouragement for your healing, if you attempt it.