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How do I stop being a slave


New member
Mar 22, 2025
Im deeply affected by slave morality, my brain always makes me unwillingly subservient to others. It seems that I'm always going to be the last in every matter.
I took the time to reflect on my situation and I noticed that it is actually easy to persuade, yet I still lack the means to properly assert myself.
I want to rule over them, I will be their master and they will be the good little slaves that they are and they want to be.
Im deeply affected by slave morality, my brain always makes me unwillingly subservient to others. It seems that I'm always going to be the last in every matter.
I took the time to reflect on my situation and I noticed that it is actually easy to persuade, yet I still lack the means to properly assert myself.
I want to rule over them, I will be their master and they will be the good little slaves that they are and they want to be.
It seems mental, try to deprogram yourself, go into trance and do affirmations about what you want to get rid off, or what you want to build.

"I am completely free and deprogrammed [ecc...] in the most healthiest and positive way for me, now and forever".

You must personalize these of course.

You can also do these before going to bed and after you wake up from sleep.
Create your list of affirnations.

About mastering people, it's not like abusing and torturing everyone, nothing like that. It's about true and genuine rulership and leadership.

Being well founded in the Zevist Virtues is a must.

As Zevists, being rulers and leaders is one of our aim, first of ourselves and then to our community.

Lord Zeus is the ruler of the whole universe. And we try to emulate Him.
Im deeply affected by slave morality, my brain always makes me unwillingly subservient to others. It seems that I'm always going to be the last in every matter.
I took the time to reflect on my situation and I noticed that it is actually easy to persuade, yet I still lack the means to properly assert myself.
I want to rule over them, I will be their master and they will be the good little slaves that they are and they want to be.

Here you go:
You have normal instinct, live your life and mature, do not be a victim and learn the virtues of ToZ.
Im deeply affected by slave morality, my brain always makes me unwillingly subservient to others. It seems that I'm always going to be the last in every matter.
I took the time to reflect on my situation and I noticed that it is actually easy to persuade, yet I still lack the means to properly assert myself.
I want to rule over them, I will be their master and they will be the good little slaves that they are and they want to be.
First of all, as I know by personal experience the meaning of being enslaved, mentally and emotionally, I express my sadness for your words. For some people it is a though task, posting those personal facts on here, good you have done it.

As others said, you are not a slave in itself, but you may have "educated" - better said programmed - to be subservient in a passive way.
Most often this is due to childhood education, if you have constantly been exposed to xian programming, or similar stuff, you may have developed a slave attitude. Worst is the scenario, like for me, when you may have suffered verbal / phyisical / sexual abuse, as this may lead to a slave mentality.
This is NOT your fault of you being "wrong". Imagine your mind is a computer, that have been (wrongly) programmed to be "subservient". Where is the fault ? In the computer or in the program/virus that OTHERS, not you, loaded into your mind! You have the answer here.

I often say inner dialogue is very important to correct thus, by talking to your inner selves, if any, who are responsible for lack of assertion.
Reading posts by others here, I remind all of this is better done with "self-hypnosis", that is not that far from inner dialogue in itself.
It's like, re-educating yourself as if you are a child again, in a way.

I hope this helps.
Oh I forgot. So many people think they are the only one with this problem, sometimes people feel they are defective and others are "good". Nothing can be further from reality. In truth, I think the majority of people have similar damages, so you are not the only one not alone in this - I am just a living proof of this.
My best encouragement for your healing, if you attempt it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
