Blue_Turtle said:
With the Third Eye, the only thing you need to feel is a light pressure sensation on your forehead where it's located. I would recommend to move onwards to your 6th chakra and start the work to open it.
Refer to the specific pages on
Opening the Chakras for the individual effects that you need to feel in order to know when the chakra is opened properly.
Even as you move on now to the next chakra, make sure to keep working on your third eye in some way or another. Consistent daily work is needed for the chakras to open fully and to stay open. At minimum, spend 2-3 minutes meditating on the chakra every day and perhaps also vibrating the corresponding mantra into it.
Astral sight comes with advancement and multiple chakras need to be open for it. There also must be practice done to actually learn how to use these senses properly. I would suggest simply focusing on opening your chakras properly for now.