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How can someone choose Jewsus when knowing the full truth


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.
slyscorpion said:
Honestly, some people just cant be reasoned with. In these cases you just have to let them experience things for themselves and hope they will return once they realize just how shitty their choice was. I'm sure the Gods have also tried helping her at this point and if she rejects all that then it's her own fault.

Not to mention just leaving you sad like that and not caring at all. It's a shitty thing to do on her part, in my opinion.
slyscorpion said:
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.

Some people open themselves up far too much to the enemy program to where it really latches onto them and binds them. This is why a lot of people no matter how much truth they know will still choose to stick with the enemy bullshit, because they are bound by it and are influenced to accept this binding. The RTR works to destroy these bindings for everyone on the planet because these bindsings are built by the hebrew alphabet, so in time just doing the RTR and focusing the energy of the RTR and visualizing each hebrew letter being destroy from the soul of that person, will suffice and don't have to do anything special. Just do the RTR consistently as many times as you sensibly can and incorperate the visualization of freeing this individual from them as well, and within a week or month or unspecified time you may be surprised if they suddenly come to you saying they want to renounce xianity.

I've seen some people even that choose to worship the fucking reptiloids and shit literally knowing every little thing, like how Satan created us and such and deciding to betray him and try to convince people that humans were meant to be the food source and slaves of the elohim. They try to persuade people in accepting this claiming it as a 'higher calling' on their life, which is the most poisoness, suicidal and disgustingly toxic thing I've ever seen a gentile do and it honestly makes me want to kill them for such betrayal.

Don't let your anger though prevent you from doing RTRs and trying to save what is salvageable of humanity. We are their superiors and as their superiors we should at least reveal to them the true path. If they choose to wither away and rot their souls into nonexistence, than we leave them behind to do so, simple as that, and when they beg apologies at our feet then it's a lesson harshly learned. Our focus is on each other, our family here and helping one another here advance, but our secondary focus is trying to pull the wool out from other people's eyes and show them the truth so that they may become part of this family. We've had members who were in their 60s or 80s before they finally accepted the truth and joined.

You have to remember it's all the enemy's fault that this is the way things are in the first place.
They don't have a brain anymore. Their brain has been cuckolded.
I guess maybe reasoning with her with the truth is not working it seems to be like talking to a brick wall and the person knows the truth but doesn't want to follow it. I am trying to detach all links from this person and I can't go around them without arguing or being mad.

The funny thing is Bael helped me help her like I said on here he literally saw her saw that he was not on the side of evil and that he was a nice person. So she knows the truth including a lot of the little details and agrees the Jews are reptillian and sees it.

Yet she wants to worship or follow one and doesn't see that things are serious.

If someone is going to follow something that they themselves admit to my face is not the full truth that doesn't say much good about a person. I don't honestly get this at all.

The other thing is she won't even take that seriously no way is she going to even read a Bible or anything or take anything seriously there either.

I don't get certain people at all. What even is the point about connecting to the enemy like this anyways in this case. And she knows what shes doing and that the energy is negative too.

Me personally when I was younger I did follow xtianity for awhile cause I wasn't exposed to anything else but I didn't like it at all that much and always sensed something was seriously wrong with the mindset of some of these people and that they indeed were infereriors in some way and not worth my time. She doesn't sense this.

I took time to psychically read the situation and there is a barrier of some kind up around her whole self that prevents her from realizing certain things.

I don't know if this would be considered being a traitor since she never dedicated and seems unwilling to as she wants to do her own thing. But it's something that I don't like.

I swear this has something to do with the fixed signs though as this has that kind of energy to it. She does have Pluto in Scorpio in the 9th house and Jupiter in Taurus if this helps these 2 areas usually rule beliefs from what I hear so I may not get through to her but I still do not get why someone would want to not follow the truth if they know it.

Also what do I do with interaction with this person since she really doesn't have anyone else to talk to and I absolutely hate it when people suffer she is really sad that I don't want to be her friend that much but just can't see why and that it annoys me greatly to have to deal with things like this.

Also I don't have anyone in offline life other than her to talk to nothing that is the fault of her like I said in other posts it's just I really don't like the way the world is or want to have to deal with that. But I do need social interaction somehow or I am going to feel very bad in a bit.
Ghost in the Machine said:
slyscorpion said:
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.

Some people open themselves up far too much to the enemy program to where it really latches onto them and binds them. This is why a lot of people no matter how much truth they know will still choose to stick with the enemy bullshit, because they are bound by it and are influenced to accept this binding. The RTR works to destroy these bindings for everyone on the planet because these bindsings are built by the hebrew alphabet, so in time just doing the RTR and focusing the energy of the RTR and visualizing each hebrew letter being destroy from the soul of that person, will suffice and don't have to do anything special. Just do the RTR consistently as many times as you sensibly can and incorperate the visualization of freeing this individual from them as well, and within a week or month or unspecified time you may be surprised if they suddenly come to you saying they want to renounce xianity.

I've seen some people even that choose to worship the fucking reptiloids and shit literally knowing every little thing, like how Satan created us and such and deciding to betray him and try to convince people that humans were meant to be the food source and slaves of the elohim. They try to persuade people in accepting this claiming it as a 'higher calling' on their life, which is the most poisoness, suicidal and disgustingly toxic thing I've ever seen a gentile do and it honestly makes me want to kill them for such betrayal.

Don't let your anger though prevent you from doing RTRs and trying to save what is salvageable of humanity. We are their superiors and as their superiors we should at least reveal to them the true path. If they choose to wither away and rot their souls into nonexistence, than we leave them behind to do so, simple as that, and when they beg apologies at our feet then it's a lesson harshly learned. Our focus is on each other, our family here and helping one another here advance, but our secondary focus is trying to pull the wool out from other people's eyes and show them the truth so that they may become part of this family. We've had members who were in their 60s or 80s before they finally accepted the truth and joined.

You have to remember it's all the enemy's fault that this is the way things are in the first place.

Ok shes fine now. I didn't really want to lose her as a friend anyways totally but we will hang out way less until her energy is cleaner she did agree to this and understands..

What can a person do to increase motivation. These problems are mainly caused by Neptune I know that but also as the spiritual bindings. I think you are right.

I did do what you said with the RTR about 4 times and she texted me back saying sorry I don't want to not be on your side I don't want to follow the enemy etc.

I will keep doing this for a bit I am suprised this actually worked like you said it would. All I did was do the RTR like normal with visualizing and thinking during doing it that she is free of the enemy.

I am replying to you cause what you said worked for me.

About that second part wow where in the world did you see that I mean yeah I know we are not supposed to promote enemy stuff but that is just hard to believe anyone would think like that. If she had said something like that I truly would have been done with her forever but I kind of knew this was an attack I can read people I know she still has good intentions for the world at least in her heart and is just cursed or bound.
slyscorpion said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Some people open themselves up far too much to the enemy program to where it really latches onto them and binds them. This is why a lot of people no matter how much truth they know will still choose to stick with the enemy bullshit, because they are bound by it and are influenced to accept this binding. The RTR works to destroy these bindings for everyone on the planet because these bindsings are built by the hebrew alphabet, so in time just doing the RTR and focusing the energy of the RTR and visualizing each hebrew letter being destroy from the soul of that person, will suffice and don't have to do anything special. Just do the RTR consistently as many times as you sensibly can and incorperate the visualization of freeing this individual from them as well, and within a week or month or unspecified time you may be surprised if they suddenly come to you saying they want to renounce xianity.

I've seen some people even that choose to worship the fucking reptiloids and shit literally knowing every little thing, like how Satan created us and such and deciding to betray him and try to convince people that humans were meant to be the food source and slaves of the elohim. They try to persuade people in accepting this claiming it as a 'higher calling' on their life, which is the most poisoness, suicidal and disgustingly toxic thing I've ever seen a gentile do and it honestly makes me want to kill them for such betrayal.

Don't let your anger though prevent you from doing RTRs and trying to save what is salvageable of humanity. We are their superiors and as their superiors we should at least reveal to them the true path. If they choose to wither away and rot their souls into nonexistence, than we leave them behind to do so, simple as that, and when they beg apologies at our feet then it's a lesson harshly learned. Our focus is on each other, our family here and helping one another here advance, but our secondary focus is trying to pull the wool out from other people's eyes and show them the truth so that they may become part of this family. We've had members who were in their 60s or 80s before they finally accepted the truth and joined.

You have to remember it's all the enemy's fault that this is the way things are in the first place.

Ok shes fine now. I didn't really want to lose her as a friend anyways totally but we will hang out way less until her energy is cleaner she did agree to this and understands..

What can a person do to increase motivation. These problems are mainly caused by Neptune I know that but also as the spiritual bindings. I think you are right.

I did do what you said with the RTR about 4 times and she texted me back saying sorry I don't want to not be on your side I don't want to follow the enemy etc.

I will keep doing this for a bit I am suprised this actually worked like you said it would. All I did was do the RTR like normal with visualizing and thinking during doing it that she is free of the enemy.

I am replying to you cause what you said worked for me.

About that second part wow where in the world did you see that I mean yeah I know we are not supposed to promote enemy stuff but that is just hard to believe anyone would think like that. If she had said something like that I truly would have been done with her forever but I kind of knew this was an attack I can read people I know she still has good intentions for the world at least in her heart and is just cursed or bound.

Motivation is a complex topic, the foundational line people deal with when it comes to motivation here in the ministries is they would rather do something more fun, and there is no miracle cure to really countering that other than forcing self-discipline whether you like it or not. But if somebody genuinely and sincerely wants to meditate, and I don't mean just saying it to themselves, like they really genuinely feel like they want to meditate but they can't bring themselves the strength to put in the effort, then that is both a need of discipline and something in addition, because that means it's not just laziness that is causing the lack of motivation.

Low energy and weak souls lack willpower to bring themselves forth to do something that may help them, because their souls are vibrating on such a low frequency that it makes them 'sluggish' in a sense that they are lacking energy in more than one way. People with very low energy in their souls also deal with depression and you will find they are cold all the time as well, because it's not just our physical bodies that keep us warm but also our soul energy. People who are severely depressed don't want to move, they don't want to leave the comfort of their shell, this is generally the soul trying to reserve and ensure the safety of what little energy it has left. The astral body and physical body reflect one another, if there's something wrong with one of them, then you need to find out which of the halves is causing it in order to figure out how to fix it, sometimes both of them have something wrong on both ends to which both spiritual and physical means must be enacted to the fix the problem as a whole.

The SOWILO rune found here at #16 is a rune of movement and action. One can vibrate it as many times as is needed into their soul or into the soul of another to not only help clean it but also bestow staying power, it provides strength of will and confidence and it will provide energy and empowerment to the soul and chakras. It is personally my most favourite rune of all along with another.

You can vibrate the rune into her soul. Visualize that as you are vibrating the rune you are sending the very energy of the rune into her soul which is a bright positive white-golden energy like the sun, also visualize her soul getting brighter, cleaner and more powerful the more times you do this. Likewise she can also do this herself, vibrating the rune into her own soul and allowing it's white-gold energy to fill her and empower her as well as clean her soul of any negative energy, bindings and influences.

Both of you doing this simultaneously with you vibrating the rune into her and her vibrating the rune into herself will result in double the effectiveness and power, however.... I would suggest only one of you do it for now and to make sure that you don't do too much, test the grounds if you will. It's okay if she gets an energy buzz just make sure that it's not debilitatingly overpowering, communicate with one another on it to make sure you're not overdoing it. A soul that is so used to running on extremely low levels of energy and suddenly is given a huge burst of it could potentially be dangerous. Start slow.

If you have anymore questions, I'll be here.
Ghost in the Machine said:
slyscorpion said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Some people open themselves up far too much to the enemy program to where it really latches onto them and binds them. This is why a lot of people no matter how much truth they know will still choose to stick with the enemy bullshit, because they are bound by it and are influenced to accept this binding. The RTR works to destroy these bindings for everyone on the planet because these bindsings are built by the hebrew alphabet, so in time just doing the RTR and focusing the energy of the RTR and visualizing each hebrew letter being destroy from the soul of that person, will suffice and don't have to do anything special. Just do the RTR consistently as many times as you sensibly can and incorperate the visualization of freeing this individual from them as well, and within a week or month or unspecified time you may be surprised if they suddenly come to you saying they want to renounce xianity.

I've seen some people even that choose to worship the fucking reptiloids and shit literally knowing every little thing, like how Satan created us and such and deciding to betray him and try to convince people that humans were meant to be the food source and slaves of the elohim. They try to persuade people in accepting this claiming it as a 'higher calling' on their life, which is the most poisoness, suicidal and disgustingly toxic thing I've ever seen a gentile do and it honestly makes me want to kill them for such betrayal.

Don't let your anger though prevent you from doing RTRs and trying to save what is salvageable of humanity. We are their superiors and as their superiors we should at least reveal to them the true path. If they choose to wither away and rot their souls into nonexistence, than we leave them behind to do so, simple as that, and when they beg apologies at our feet then it's a lesson harshly learned. Our focus is on each other, our family here and helping one another here advance, but our secondary focus is trying to pull the wool out from other people's eyes and show them the truth so that they may become part of this family. We've had members who were in their 60s or 80s before they finally accepted the truth and joined.

You have to remember it's all the enemy's fault that this is the way things are in the first place.

Ok shes fine now. I didn't really want to lose her as a friend anyways totally but we will hang out way less until her energy is cleaner she did agree to this and understands..

What can a person do to increase motivation. These problems are mainly caused by Neptune I know that but also as the spiritual bindings. I think you are right.

I did do what you said with the RTR about 4 times and she texted me back saying sorry I don't want to not be on your side I don't want to follow the enemy etc.

I will keep doing this for a bit I am suprised this actually worked like you said it would. All I did was do the RTR like normal with visualizing and thinking during doing it that she is free of the enemy.

I am replying to you cause what you said worked for me.

About that second part wow where in the world did you see that I mean yeah I know we are not supposed to promote enemy stuff but that is just hard to believe anyone would think like that. If she had said something like that I truly would have been done with her forever but I kind of knew this was an attack I can read people I know she still has good intentions for the world at least in her heart and is just cursed or bound.

Motivation is a complex topic, the foundational line people deal with when it comes to motivation here in the ministries is they would rather do something more fun, and there is no miracle cure to really countering that other than forcing self-discipline whether you like it or not. But if somebody genuinely and sincerely wants to meditate, and I don't mean just saying it to themselves, like they really genuinely feel like they want to meditate but they can't bring themselves the strength to put in the effort, then that is both a need of discipline and something in addition, because that means it's not just laziness that is causing the lack of motivation.

Low energy and weak souls lack willpower to bring themselves forth to do something that may help them, because their souls are vibrating on such a low frequency that it makes them 'sluggish' in a sense that they are lacking energy in more than one way. People with very low energy in their souls also deal with depression and you will find they are cold all the time as well, because it's not just our physical bodies that keep us warm but also our soul energy. People who are severely depressed don't want to move, they don't want to leave the comfort of their shell, this is generally the soul trying to reserve and ensure the safety of what little energy it has left. The astral body and physical body reflect one another, if there's something wrong with one of them, then you need to find out which of the halves is causing it in order to figure out how to fix it, sometimes both of them have something wrong on both ends to which both spiritual and physical means must be enacted to the fix the problem as a whole.

The SOWILO rune found here at #16 is a rune of movement and action. One can vibrate it as many times as is needed into their soul or into the soul of another to not only help clean it but also bestow staying power, it provides strength of will and confidence and it will provide energy and empowerment to the soul and chakras. It is personally my most favourite rune of all along with another.

You can vibrate the rune into her soul. Visualize that as you are vibrating the rune you are sending the very energy of the rune into her soul which is a bright positive white-golden energy like the sun, also visualize her soul getting brighter, cleaner and more powerful the more times you do this. Likewise she can also do this herself, vibrating the rune into her own soul and allowing it's white-gold energy to fill her and empower her as well as clean her soul of any negative energy, bindings and influences.

Both of you doing this simultaneously with you vibrating the rune into her and her vibrating the rune into herself will result in double the effectiveness and power, however.... I would suggest only one of you do it for now and to make sure that you don't do too much, test the grounds if you will. It's okay if she gets an energy buzz just make sure that it's not debilitatingly overpowering, communicate with one another on it to make sure you're not overdoing it. A soul that is so used to running on extremely low levels of energy and suddenly is given a huge burst of it could potentially be dangerous. Start slow.

If you have anymore questions, I'll be here.

Another question I have is why with me personally can I effect and somewhat at certain times heal people who are more open to the spiritual or somewhat open but have no effect at all on very closed people.

The other thing is magick I have tried on her and others I know are open to the spiritual including SS to send energy and stuff and practice mainly for practice purposes but sometimes to help people. Why is it I am getting pretty good at this but still cannot effect at all closed people.

An example and this was probably a bad thing to do I Vibrated some Pisces mantra on her only a few times and she completely changed in a way I could see knowing that I did something she asked me to remove that and I used sun and fire and she was fine after that.

Black Magick also appears with me to work better on people that were open of course I am not doing it here and I never did curse someone who is open I did it on an xtian individual who was bothering me a few times nothing happened.

I know this isn't related to what I was talking about and I will try doing this later tonight and maybe get back with you all if need be but I thought I should ask this.

Also people who are somewhat sensitive tend to react in someway to me often fearful but in her case she actually kind of liked it. However closed people don't seem to get that reaction as much or at all.

Can someone explain this for me.
slyscorpion said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
slyscorpion said:
Ok shes fine now. I didn't really want to lose her as a friend anyways totally but we will hang out way less until her energy is cleaner she did agree to this and understands..

What can a person do to increase motivation. These problems are mainly caused by Neptune I know that but also as the spiritual bindings. I think you are right.

I did do what you said with the RTR about 4 times and she texted me back saying sorry I don't want to not be on your side I don't want to follow the enemy etc.

I will keep doing this for a bit I am suprised this actually worked like you said it would. All I did was do the RTR like normal with visualizing and thinking during doing it that she is free of the enemy.

I am replying to you cause what you said worked for me.

About that second part wow where in the world did you see that I mean yeah I know we are not supposed to promote enemy stuff but that is just hard to believe anyone would think like that. If she had said something like that I truly would have been done with her forever but I kind of knew this was an attack I can read people I know she still has good intentions for the world at least in her heart and is just cursed or bound.

Motivation is a complex topic, the foundational line people deal with when it comes to motivation here in the ministries is they would rather do something more fun, and there is no miracle cure to really countering that other than forcing self-discipline whether you like it or not. But if somebody genuinely and sincerely wants to meditate, and I don't mean just saying it to themselves, like they really genuinely feel like they want to meditate but they can't bring themselves the strength to put in the effort, then that is both a need of discipline and something in addition, because that means it's not just laziness that is causing the lack of motivation.

Low energy and weak souls lack willpower to bring themselves forth to do something that may help them, because their souls are vibrating on such a low frequency that it makes them 'sluggish' in a sense that they are lacking energy in more than one way. People with very low energy in their souls also deal with depression and you will find they are cold all the time as well, because it's not just our physical bodies that keep us warm but also our soul energy. People who are severely depressed don't want to move, they don't want to leave the comfort of their shell, this is generally the soul trying to reserve and ensure the safety of what little energy it has left. The astral body and physical body reflect one another, if there's something wrong with one of them, then you need to find out which of the halves is causing it in order to figure out how to fix it, sometimes both of them have something wrong on both ends to which both spiritual and physical means must be enacted to the fix the problem as a whole.

The SOWILO rune found here at #16 is a rune of movement and action. One can vibrate it as many times as is needed into their soul or into the soul of another to not only help clean it but also bestow staying power, it provides strength of will and confidence and it will provide energy and empowerment to the soul and chakras. It is personally my most favourite rune of all along with another.

You can vibrate the rune into her soul. Visualize that as you are vibrating the rune you are sending the very energy of the rune into her soul which is a bright positive white-golden energy like the sun, also visualize her soul getting brighter, cleaner and more powerful the more times you do this. Likewise she can also do this herself, vibrating the rune into her own soul and allowing it's white-gold energy to fill her and empower her as well as clean her soul of any negative energy, bindings and influences.

Both of you doing this simultaneously with you vibrating the rune into her and her vibrating the rune into herself will result in double the effectiveness and power, however.... I would suggest only one of you do it for now and to make sure that you don't do too much, test the grounds if you will. It's okay if she gets an energy buzz just make sure that it's not debilitatingly overpowering, communicate with one another on it to make sure you're not overdoing it. A soul that is so used to running on extremely low levels of energy and suddenly is given a huge burst of it could potentially be dangerous. Start slow.

If you have anymore questions, I'll be here.

Another question I have is why with me personally can I effect and somewhat at certain times heal people who are more open to the spiritual or somewhat open but have no effect at all on very closed people.

The other thing is magick I have tried on her and others I know are open to the spiritual including SS to send energy and stuff and practice mainly for practice purposes but sometimes to help people. Why is it I am getting pretty good at this but still cannot effect at all closed people.

An example and this was probably a bad thing to do I Vibrated some Pisces mantra on her only a few times and she completely changed in a way I could see knowing that I did something she asked me to remove that and I used sun and fire and she was fine after that.

Black Magick also appears with me to work better on people that were open of course I am not doing it here and I never did curse someone who is open I did it on an xtian individual who was bothering me a few times nothing happened.

I know this isn't related to what I was talking about and I will try doing this later tonight and maybe get back with you all if need be but I thought I should ask this.

Also people who are somewhat sensitive tend to react in someway to me often fearful but in her case she actually kind of liked it. However closed people don't seem to get that reaction as much or at all.

Can someone explain this for me.
Spirituality and Physicality affect each other, as do the Soul, Mind and Body affect each other, as well. If you are trying to help or hinder any individual, their mere resistance can stop or hinder your efforts. I think stubborn, closed-minded individuals might have stronger Souls (at least in certain ways) and this is why you cannot change a person's mind; likewise, if they don't accept or just refuse to believe, etc., then that is a counteracting Energy, or bunch of Energies, against what you are trying to do, even if they don't have any conscious, current-life Spirituality interests/practices. Education/indoctrination, with things drummed into someone's Mind, which also goes into their Souls, through numerous lifetimes, also increases things.
slyscorpion said:
Another question I have is why with me personally can I effect and somewhat at certain times heal people who are more open to the spiritual or somewhat open but have no effect at all on very closed people.

The other thing is magick I have tried on her and others I know are open to the spiritual including SS to send energy and stuff and practice mainly for practice purposes but sometimes to help people. Why is it I am getting pretty good at this but still cannot effect at all closed people.

An example and this was probably a bad thing to do I Vibrated some Pisces mantra on her only a few times and she completely changed in a way I could see knowing that I did something she asked me to remove that and I used sun and fire and she was fine after that.

Black Magick also appears with me to work better on people that were open of course I am not doing it here and I never did curse someone who is open I did it on an xtian individual who was bothering me a few times nothing happened.

People who are really closed off spiritually are people who are also generally closed minded. Remember the astral and physical reflect one another like a mirror, what one does the other will respond in accordance. People who are very closed minded and stubborn in their beliefs, opinions and ways will have a soul that responds to this by closing itself off to energy influences and such, it's own way of being 'closed minded'. This is very common with those who tie into the binding spell of the enemy, they stubbornly hang onto it and thus close off outside influences leaving themselves trapped inside the binding.

It is much more difficult to influence these individuals using magic without breaking down the barriers first (like what you did with the RTR and your friend here). Trying to force through those barriers will take more work and time. It's easier to destroy the barrier first and then do whatever it is you wish to do because it acts like a 'protection' of sorts, a shield, albeit an awful one for an unhealthy purpose, and yes it can block black magic too a bit because it's almost like when we close our chakras to protect them from negative energy from the people we interact with. They are closed off, therefore ''protected'' a bit from outside energies.

People who are more open minded and accepting of everything around them, the soul will again respond in kind and open itself up to energies, 'welcoming' influences inside of them. That's why it's easier for you to affect them, just like your friend who was open minded to our truth here and accepting of it, they just had a rather weak link to the enemy still and that's why it was so easy to free her, her soul accepted the influence of being freed. But again this kind of 'embracing' of everything that reflects on the soul can be bad. This is why one must practice discipline to ensure they do not let this kind of behaviour get out of control and that they practice closing their chakras to protect themselves from taking in something harmful.

These kinds of open people, especially those who are really open, are the people who call themselves "empaths", essentially 'taking in' the emotions of others, but what they're actually doing is just taking in the energy a person is giving off. We have members here who are empaths too, and they especially need to learn to protect and practice to both open and close their souls off at will in order to maintain control over this intaking of energy.

ALWAYS clean each of your chakras thoroughly before closing them, lest you trap in negative energy.

I know this isn't related to what I was talking about and I will try doing this later tonight and maybe get back with you all if need be but I thought I should ask this.

Also people who are somewhat sensitive tend to react in someway to me often fearful but in her case she actually kind of liked it. However closed people don't seem to get that reaction as much or at all.

Can someone explain this for me.

Like I said with the whole open minded and closed mindedness reflection on the soul. Open minded people can take in the energy and thought energy you give off, if you feel disgust or hatred for normies when you're around them, or if your always passively angry or irritated then they will feel this as a sense of anxiety or dread, or even subtle intimidation as this is negative energy you are giving off towards and around them, and they are taking it into themselves due to their 'embracing' nature. They have no idea why they feel that way but they feel it and this just makes you give off what they call 'bad vibes'. I'm able to easily feel this with people who are full of hate, rebellion and are generally angry individuals with a lack of care for the well-being of others, this makes me sense them as bad people and I note them as potentially harmful or dangerous.

Had a housemate who had these same vibes and everybody in the house agreed that despite him looking like a nice guy and not being crazy bad in behaviour, they all equated him to a serial killer and felt like he was the kind of guy who wanted to murder people. And again, closed minded people don't feel this because like I said their soul closes off outside influences and 'protects' them from taking in energy, that is why these people don't fear you where as others may be intimidated by the negative energy you're giving off. Even if your passively angry or disgusted in general and not even at the individual they will still feel this.

This is why we say those who are more advanced will need to learn to control themselves so that you don't unintentionally harm people you care about or who don't deserve it. I'm very strong in fire and this can result in explosive anger, especially to disrespect and being looked down on as well as anyone who insults Satan. I brought great misfortune upon one individual who insulted Satan once in the most disrespectful way I had ever seen, and because I am rather powerful, all the negative energy I was sending him through my anger and hate (I usually control my anger but I really wanted to hurt this guy and make him suffer so I didn't hold back.) had started making him accidentally hurt himself several times on furniture, things he needed to work refused to function at all for him and he was about to get kicked out of the house for something trivial.

Eventually so many terrible things built up through that one single day, such as a cab he needed in order to get to the hospital leaving literally 1 second after it arrived before he could get in, the phone cutting out on him when he desperately needed to call somebody as soon as possible, the computers glitching out on him when he was trying to search something up for help, that he broke down in the living room crying and wondering why "all of this shit" was suddenly happening to him... meanwhile I was sadistically enjoying the show on the couch and trying not to smile. He was a parasitic xian with no moral boundaries and ended up getting kicked out in the end to my joy and anybody else who was there to witness all of it other than me definitely would've said it was as if he got cursed... he did and I reveled in being the one who did it. He was an asshole in more ways than one and deserved everything he got and more.

The cliche "With great power comes great responsibility" is rather valid when you start becoming very powerful. If one doesn't practice control and discipline... you might end up influencing something you'll regret... and yes... this can include influencing the death of someone you love. Learn to control yourself and be consciously aware of your energy when around people to prevent it from affecting people in a way you don't want it to.
Here’s something that genuinely happens to people. They discover the truth, the jos, and are intrigued and they began to start going through a lot of different emotions and feelings and a lot is going on in their mind. This happens to us all as we’re trying to grasp all of this. All of this knowledge can be overwhelming and for some can be very intense.

The problem with this is now this is the perfect state for the enemy to come in and create more confusion. The enemy doesn’t want us finding the truth and unfortunately it’s very easy for them to influence our thoughts. When people are new to Satanism they are the most susceptible. Unless they dedicate this is the golden time for the enemy to try to sway a new person away. This fragile time is the enemies key time to get these hopeful souls back in their clutches. Some are fortunate to resist and others not. It’s really unfortunate, but not necessarily all lost. Kind of a case by case thing.

The whole ‘i don’t care’ thing you see a lot with people using drugs. These people are even more susceptible. Good luck getting them back on the straight path if they’re still using.
Eric13 said:
Here’s something that genuinely happens to people. They discover the truth, the jos, and are intrigued and they began to start going through a lot of different emotions and feelings and a lot is going on in their mind. This happens to us all as we’re trying to grasp all of this. All of this knowledge can be overwhelming and for some can be very intense.

The problem with this is now this is the perfect state for the enemy to come in and create more confusion. The enemy doesn’t want us finding the truth and unfortunately it’s very easy for them to influence our thoughts. When people are new to Satanism they are the most susceptible. Unless they dedicate this is the golden time for the enemy to try to sway a new person away. This fragile time is the enemies key time to get these hopeful souls back in their clutches. Some are fortunate to resist and others not. It’s really unfortunate, but not necessarily all lost. Kind of a case by case thing.

The whole ‘i don’t care’ thing you see a lot with people using drugs. These people are even more susceptible. Good luck getting them back on the straight path if they’re still using.

Ok I will talk to her about the dedication but first I got to show her more stuff. I can kind of read her mind I confronted her on wanting to go to the enemy side before she said anything about it. However I am absolutely sure I know what happened now. I am not open enough to where I hear voices clearly yet but the enemy clearly tried to bribe me to be on their side right after this happened like the night it happened I was seriously attacked. So since she's an empath (I am too in a way but I am a little more strong and able to resist things) so what the enemy did was they straight up came to me and said would you like to be on the side of Darkness and evil if you sacrifice someone to me I will give you a partner that you want. I am not making this up. I of course don't want that at all or anything to do with it and I can't believe they would be that open about what they are about. This was an attack against me cause I was doing the rtrs a lot the last couple weeks. They were trying to make it so I never talked to her again on both sides and she never wanted to talk to me again. The enemy that night told her I was evil and that I did horrible things to children and some other stuff she told me.

The goal was to get me so I had no one to talk to offline at least so that I got desperate and would do anything for interaction and take their side.

I haven't heard of this kind of attack before but they are gone now didn't fall for it but I was scared since they were so persistent even forcing thoughts into my head and even putting so much pressure on my chakra with the force of them trying to take over my mind (like possession or something) that I had strange symptoms.
This is the kind of thing the Colored Energy does that the Shattering the Jewish soul rtr gets rid of.

It did turn out well for me later but anyways I am bumping this for that reason.
I would like to bump this post. People want to see what a psychic vampire can do. Some of them project kind of a brain control thing through tendrils or astral cords. That is what happened here. The only option if you care about someone may be to destroy the vampire. I repeat that I know some people have sympathies for certain people depending on who it is but in the end it's not worth it to love our enemy.

This is the reason I am bumping this since several people talking about it recently.
slyscorpion said:
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.
I'm experiencing the same thing right now.
The problem is this person is my crush and I really wanna be with him but it's impossible when he is saying that what I am doing is false even tho I showed him proofs.
He says he won't believe in any religion...
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think that comes from weakness. They just need to be made strong.

Plus indoctrination, subliminal programming and conditioning of the mind. This is even more powerful nowadays, as you have tools like the TV and media and such.

But I really believe that there is another factor in there that really contributes to the degeneration of Mankind.

100 years ago there were 1.6 Billion people on this world, now the world population has reached nearly 7.8billion people.
Over 80% of the people that roam the earth, are younger than 100 years, they are very young souls.
They are very naive and lack in insight and understanding. Also „Children“ are weaker, as you said, than adults.

Only around 12% are older than 200 years.

I really believe this factors heavily in that most people just obey and eat all the shit they get served by the jews.

Our ancestors fought and died for their freedom. People now, die to give their freedom up.
slyscorpion said:
Eric13 said:
Here’s something that genuinely happens to people. They discover the truth, the jos, and are intrigued and they began to start going through a lot of different emotions and feelings and a lot is going on in their mind. This happens to us all as we’re trying to grasp all of this. All of this knowledge can be overwhelming and for some can be very intense.

The problem with this is now this is the perfect state for the enemy to come in and create more confusion. The enemy doesn’t want us finding the truth and unfortunately it’s very easy for them to influence our thoughts. When people are new to Satanism they are the most susceptible. Unless they dedicate this is the golden time for the enemy to try to sway a new person away. This fragile time is the enemies key time to get these hopeful souls back in their clutches. Some are fortunate to resist and others not. It’s really unfortunate, but not necessarily all lost. Kind of a case by case thing.

The whole ‘i don’t care’ thing you see a lot with people using drugs. These people are even more susceptible. Good luck getting them back on the straight path if they’re still using.

Ok I will talk to her about the dedication but first I got to show her more stuff. I can kind of read her mind I confronted her on wanting to go to the enemy side before she said anything about it. However I am absolutely sure I know what happened now. I am not open enough to where I hear voices clearly yet but the enemy clearly tried to bribe me to be on their side right after this happened like the night it happened I was seriously attacked. So since she's an empath (I am too in a way but I am a little more strong and able to resist things) so what the enemy did was they straight up came to me and said would you like to be on the side of Darkness and evil if you sacrifice someone to me I will give you a partner that you want. I am not making this up. I of course don't want that at all or anything to do with it and I can't believe they would be that open about what they are about. This was an attack against me cause I was doing the rtrs a lot the last couple weeks. They were trying to make it so I never talked to her again on both sides and she never wanted to talk to me again. The enemy that night told her I was evil and that I did horrible things to children and some other stuff she told me.

The goal was to get me so I had no one to talk to offline at least so that I got desperate and would do anything for interaction and take their side.

I haven't heard of this kind of attack before but they are gone now didn't fall for it but I was scared since they were so persistent even forcing thoughts into my head and even putting so much pressure on my chakra with the force of them trying to take over my mind (like possession or something) that I had strange symptoms.

That's scary because that's exactly whats happening with me recently. Pressure in my chakras, specifically my chest, 5th and 6th chakras. I felt tingly and heard some blasphemous ass thoughts and attacks against the gods and me and in my voice thinking they were my thoughts. I would sometimes see vivid ass visions of what they wanted to do if they had control of my body, specifically, abusing children and make people think I'm some sort of monster or sick freak that needs to go to jail. This was especially true ever since I found out of so many people were found visiting Eipsteins Island after that child trafficking ring got discovered and I was like, why tf would they rape and abuse children? (This was 2020).
Kavya Shukra said:
slyscorpion said:
Eric13 said:
Here’s something that genuinely happens to people. They discover the truth, the jos, and are intrigued and they began to start going through a lot of different emotions and feelings and a lot is going on in their mind. This happens to us all as we’re trying to grasp all of this. All of this knowledge can be overwhelming and for some can be very intense.

The problem with this is now this is the perfect state for the enemy to come in and create more confusion. The enemy doesn’t want us finding the truth and unfortunately it’s very easy for them to influence our thoughts. When people are new to Satanism they are the most susceptible. Unless they dedicate this is the golden time for the enemy to try to sway a new person away. This fragile time is the enemies key time to get these hopeful souls back in their clutches. Some are fortunate to resist and others not. It’s really unfortunate, but not necessarily all lost. Kind of a case by case thing.

The whole ‘i don’t care’ thing you see a lot with people using drugs. These people are even more susceptible. Good luck getting them back on the straight path if they’re still using.

Ok I will talk to her about the dedication but first I got to show her more stuff. I can kind of read her mind I confronted her on wanting to go to the enemy side before she said anything about it. However I am absolutely sure I know what happened now. I am not open enough to where I hear voices clearly yet but the enemy clearly tried to bribe me to be on their side right after this happened like the night it happened I was seriously attacked. So since she's an empath (I am too in a way but I am a little more strong and able to resist things) so what the enemy did was they straight up came to me and said would you like to be on the side of Darkness and evil if you sacrifice someone to me I will give you a partner that you want. I am not making this up. I of course don't want that at all or anything to do with it and I can't believe they would be that open about what they are about. This was an attack against me cause I was doing the rtrs a lot the last couple weeks. They were trying to make it so I never talked to her again on both sides and she never wanted to talk to me again. The enemy that night told her I was evil and that I did horrible things to children and some other stuff she told me.

The goal was to get me so I had no one to talk to offline at least so that I got desperate and would do anything for interaction and take their side.

I haven't heard of this kind of attack before but they are gone now didn't fall for it but I was scared since they were so persistent even forcing thoughts into my head and even putting so much pressure on my chakra with the force of them trying to take over my mind (like possession or something) that I had strange symptoms.

That's scary because that's exactly whats happening with me recently. Pressure in my chakras, specifically my chest, 5th and 6th chakras. I felt tingly and heard some blasphemous ass thoughts and attacks against the gods and me and in my voice thinking they were my thoughts. I would sometimes see vivid ass visions of what they wanted to do if they had control of my body, specifically, abusing children and make people think I'm some sort of monster or sick freak that needs to go to jail. This was especially true ever since I found out of so many people were found visiting Eipsteins Island after that child trafficking ring got discovered and I was like, why tf would they rape and abuse children? (This was 2020).

I hate the enemy so of course I literally told them fuck you no matter how much they tried to force thoughts into my mind that I should do this or am on their side.

It sounds to me like you may have been in the presence of a Jew. Years ago the enemy kept trying to force thoughts into my head of doing all that kind of bad stuff. It was from the energy of a Jew. My comment is just pure insanity and scary and brutal. I started getting these psychotic thoughts when around the Jew. It went away when he was gone after awhile. But again later when cleaning the energy of the Jew out of me and my partner.

One thing I can say is Jew is gross energy.
slyscorpion said:
Kavya Shukra said:
slyscorpion said:
Ok I will talk to her about the dedication but first I got to show her more stuff. I can kind of read her mind I confronted her on wanting to go to the enemy side before she said anything about it. However I am absolutely sure I know what happened now. I am not open enough to where I hear voices clearly yet but the enemy clearly tried to bribe me to be on their side right after this happened like the night it happened I was seriously attacked. So since she's an empath (I am too in a way but I am a little more strong and able to resist things) so what the enemy did was they straight up came to me and said would you like to be on the side of Darkness and evil if you sacrifice someone to me I will give you a partner that you want. I am not making this up. I of course don't want that at all or anything to do with it and I can't believe they would be that open about what they are about. This was an attack against me cause I was doing the rtrs a lot the last couple weeks. They were trying to make it so I never talked to her again on both sides and she never wanted to talk to me again. The enemy that night told her I was evil and that I did horrible things to children and some other stuff she told me.

The goal was to get me so I had no one to talk to offline at least so that I got desperate and would do anything for interaction and take their side.

I haven't heard of this kind of attack before but they are gone now didn't fall for it but I was scared since they were so persistent even forcing thoughts into my head and even putting so much pressure on my chakra with the force of them trying to take over my mind (like possession or something) that I had strange symptoms.

That's scary because that's exactly whats happening with me recently. Pressure in my chakras, specifically my chest, 5th and 6th chakras. I felt tingly and heard some blasphemous ass thoughts and attacks against the gods and me and in my voice thinking they were my thoughts. I would sometimes see vivid ass visions of what they wanted to do if they had control of my body, specifically, abusing children and make people think I'm some sort of monster or sick freak that needs to go to jail. This was especially true ever since I found out of so many people were found visiting Eipsteins Island after that child trafficking ring got discovered and I was like, why tf would they rape and abuse children? (This was 2020).

I hate the enemy so of course I literally told them fuck you no matter how much they tried to force thoughts into my mind that I should do this or am on their side.

It sounds to me like you may have been in the presence of a Jew. Years ago the enemy kept trying to force thoughts into my head of doing all that kind of bad stuff. It was from the energy of a Jew. My comment is just pure insanity and scary and brutal. I started getting these psychotic thoughts when around the Jew. It went away when he was gone after awhile. But again later when cleaning the energy of the Jew out of me and my partner.

One thing I can say is Jew is gross energy.

This was actually in the end of 2019. My partner is much better now. I have been removing a lot of this enemy energy from her since I care about her. Slowly she is becoming more and more like what I remember she was like in my past life with her and rejecting some of the enemy stuff. I have almost all the jewish energy out of her and a lot of the Xtian energy. Plus I got rid of some of the barrier on her. This is year 3 in me cleansing this out of her each day. I started to do the work to remove stuff and wake her up in about February 2nd 2019. I think it's worth it as we have a wonderful relationship without enemy stuff it has gotten much better.
slyscorpion said:
Kavya Shukra said:
slyscorpion said:
Ok I will talk to her about the dedication but first I got to show her more stuff. I can kind of read her mind I confronted her on wanting to go to the enemy side before she said anything about it. However I am absolutely sure I know what happened now. I am not open enough to where I hear voices clearly yet but the enemy clearly tried to bribe me to be on their side right after this happened like the night it happened I was seriously attacked. So since she's an empath (I am too in a way but I am a little more strong and able to resist things) so what the enemy did was they straight up came to me and said would you like to be on the side of Darkness and evil if you sacrifice someone to me I will give you a partner that you want. I am not making this up. I of course don't want that at all or anything to do with it and I can't believe they would be that open about what they are about. This was an attack against me cause I was doing the rtrs a lot the last couple weeks. They were trying to make it so I never talked to her again on both sides and she never wanted to talk to me again. The enemy that night told her I was evil and that I did horrible things to children and some other stuff she told me.

The goal was to get me so I had no one to talk to offline at least so that I got desperate and would do anything for interaction and take their side.

I haven't heard of this kind of attack before but they are gone now didn't fall for it but I was scared since they were so persistent even forcing thoughts into my head and even putting so much pressure on my chakra with the force of them trying to take over my mind (like possession or something) that I had strange symptoms.

That's scary because that's exactly whats happening with me recently. Pressure in my chakras, specifically my chest, 5th and 6th chakras. I felt tingly and heard some blasphemous ass thoughts and attacks against the gods and me and in my voice thinking they were my thoughts. I would sometimes see vivid ass visions of what they wanted to do if they had control of my body, specifically, abusing children and make people think I'm some sort of monster or sick freak that needs to go to jail. This was especially true ever since I found out of so many people were found visiting Eipsteins Island after that child trafficking ring got discovered and I was like, why tf would they rape and abuse children? (This was 2020).

I hate the enemy so of course I literally told them fuck you no matter how much they tried to force thoughts into my mind that I should do this or am on their side.

It sounds to me like you may have been in the presence of a Jew. Years ago the enemy kept trying to force thoughts into my head of doing all that kind of bad stuff. It was from the energy of a Jew. My comment is just pure insanity and scary and brutal. I started getting these psychotic thoughts when around the Jew. It went away when he was gone after awhile. But again later when cleaning the energy of the Jew out of me and my partner.

One thing I can say is Jew is gross energy.

I barely see Jews, but the very few times I do, or people who are into that Hebrew magic shit, their vibe is hella dark.
Kavya Shukra said:
slyscorpion said:
Kavya Shukra said:
That's scary because that's exactly whats happening with me recently. Pressure in my chakras, specifically my chest, 5th and 6th chakras. I felt tingly and heard some blasphemous ass thoughts and attacks against the gods and me and in my voice thinking they were my thoughts. I would sometimes see vivid ass visions of what they wanted to do if they had control of my body, specifically, abusing children and make people think I'm some sort of monster or sick freak that needs to go to jail. This was especially true ever since I found out of so many people were found visiting Eipsteins Island after that child trafficking ring got discovered and I was like, why tf would they rape and abuse children? (This was 2020).

I hate the enemy so of course I literally told them fuck you no matter how much they tried to force thoughts into my mind that I should do this or am on their side.

It sounds to me like you may have been in the presence of a Jew. Years ago the enemy kept trying to force thoughts into my head of doing all that kind of bad stuff. It was from the energy of a Jew. My comment is just pure insanity and scary and brutal. I started getting these psychotic thoughts when around the Jew. It went away when he was gone after awhile. But again later when cleaning the energy of the Jew out of me and my partner.

One thing I can say is Jew is gross energy.

I barely see Jews, but the very few times I do, or people who are into that Hebrew magic shit, their vibe is hella dark.

You are probably being attacked by greys or reptilians then. It's kind of the same thing so far as visuals with their energy and attacks.
slyscorpion said:
Kavya Shukra said:
slyscorpion said:
I hate the enemy so of course I literally told them fuck you no matter how much they tried to force thoughts into my mind that I should do this or am on their side.

It sounds to me like you may have been in the presence of a Jew. Years ago the enemy kept trying to force thoughts into my head of doing all that kind of bad stuff. It was from the energy of a Jew. My comment is just pure insanity and scary and brutal. I started getting these psychotic thoughts when around the Jew. It went away when he was gone after awhile. But again later when cleaning the energy of the Jew out of me and my partner.

One thing I can say is Jew is gross energy.

I barely see Jews, but the very few times I do, or people who are into that Hebrew magic shit, their vibe is hella dark.

You are probably being attacked by greys or reptilians then. It's kind of the same thing so far as visuals with their energy and attacks.

Probably. I usually start doing RTRs or meditations on the chakras specifically usually the heart and moon chakras. everytime psychic attacks like those occur.
yoanna666 said:
slyscorpion said:
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.
I'm experiencing the same thing right now.
The problem is this person is my crush and I really wanna be with him but it's impossible when he is saying that what I am doing is false even tho I showed him proofs.
He says he won't believe in any religion...

You may have to do the same thing as what I did see bottom. Also check for any links to enemies in the person's life or psychic vampirism first. Then start cleansing enemy energy off him. Starting to do rtrs into him from time to time.

Now note this doesn't take away free choice. Even if you get everything off no gaurentees.

I only know this will work cause my girl is quite intelligent and was serious about Satanism in a past life and I see her being that way in the future.
slyscorpion said:
yoanna666 said:
slyscorpion said:
This planet is basically fucked I think to be honest. I had this happen. Someone I know that is open to the astral and knows the truth about things including Jewsus and was saying stuff like what was on the JOS sites before ever seeing them and I even showed the person the JOS sites and they agreed with it and totally felt it was truth still chose to be a part of the enemy religon of xtianity cause it was a "new experience" for them and they think that they should have the freedom to choose what to believe so they chose Jewsus.

I think I have officially just about lost hope that I will ever find anyone that fully understands me as a person and possibly in humanity as a whole. This mystifies me a lot and I don't get it at all.

This person when I asked them dont you care about the truth why don't you live it. They said I really don't care about it that much.

Btw if anyone knows how to talk to or reason with Aquarius energies that would be helpful. I have this person's chart. This whole thing got tied into those kinds of energies I know where but I don't understand how to reason with fixed sign energy enough to help them. I fear that if I keep talking to them it will just push them further into this.
I'm experiencing the same thing right now.
The problem is this person is my crush and I really wanna be with him but it's impossible when he is saying that what I am doing is false even tho I showed him proofs.
He says he won't believe in any religion...

You may have to do the same thing as what I did see bottom. Also check for any links to enemies in the person's life or psychic vampirism first. Then start cleansing enemy energy off him. Starting to do rtrs into him from time to time.

Now note this doesn't take away free choice. Even if you get everything off no gaurentees.

I only know this will work cause my girl is quite intelligent and was serious about Satanism in a past life and I see her being that way in the future.

Also if you need any advice on this let me know. If you decide to do this. It's best to ask one of the Gods before starting if this is worth it. I was given the message to go ahead and I would like the results at the end not in those exact words but putting all messages together.
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think that comes from weakness. They just need to be made strong.

Plus indoctrination, subliminal programming and conditioning of the mind. This is even more powerful nowadays, as you have tools like the TV and media and such.

But I really believe that there is another factor in there that really contributes to the degeneration of Mankind.

100 years ago there were 1.6 Billion people on this world, now the world population has reached nearly 7.8billion people.
Over 80% of the people that roam the earth, are younger than 100 years, they are very young souls.
They are very naive and lack in insight and understanding. Also „Children“ are weaker, as you said, than adults.

Only around 12% are older than 200 years.

I really believe this factors heavily in that most people just obey and eat all the shit they get served by the jews.

Our ancestors fought and died for their freedom. People now, die to give their freedom up.

Yeah I know this. I myself am a old soul that has been here more towards the beginning of things here on earth. I have been told that by a bunch of people who can sense things.

I do not know how to relate towards the really young people at all or even understand their mindset emotions or outlook etc enough really to even very well communicate with them. I find them so immature and annoying. Of course they all think they are superior to everyone too and only what they are told (Jewish sewage) is right not open at all.

Ignoring any enemy stuff on here this was one of the best descriptions I have seen for really young souls like this.

I could rant all day on this I hate deeply dealing with people like this. If they have to be helped in the end I don't want to help out with that this is someone else's problem. All this stuff about my partner this is why I love her so much she is one of the only people who can understand me as she is a really old soul too.

Well anyways yeah of course the enemy wants really young souls a majority cause they can mold them into whatever they want.

Their programs result in soul death too. I know this is super unfair to people who probably never deserve this though I will admit that. So I just stay away from people like this.
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think that comes from weakness. They just need to be made strong.

Plus indoctrination, subliminal programming and conditioning of the mind. This is even more powerful nowadays, as you have tools like the TV and media and such.

But I really believe that there is another factor in there that really contributes to the degeneration of Mankind.

100 years ago there were 1.6 Billion people on this world, now the world population has reached nearly 7.8billion people.
Over 80% of the people that roam the earth, are younger than 100 years, they are very young souls.
They are very naive and lack in insight and understanding. Also „Children“ are weaker, as you said, than adults.

Only around 12% are older than 200 years.

I really believe this factors heavily in that most people just obey and eat all the shit they get served by the jews.

Our ancestors fought and died for their freedom. People now, die to give their freedom up.

I definitely get told I'm an old soul, or seen to act older because they get shocked that I know so much even while young. I get told I'm a walking encyclopedia, and I tend to be more interested in ancient history like Persian, Babylon, Rome, Greece, India, Mexico, etc. than recent and current history. It feels weird considering I'm 25 now but I feel old as shit. Like thousands of years old. I can't explain it.
slyscorpion said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Another question I have is why with me personally can I effect and somewhat at certain times heal people who are more open to the spiritual or somewhat open but have no effect at all on very closed people.

The other thing is magick I have tried on her and others I know are open to the spiritual including SS to send energy and stuff and practice mainly for practice purposes but sometimes to help people. Why is it I am getting pretty good at this but still cannot effect at all closed people.

An example and this was probably a bad thing to do I Vibrated some Pisces mantra on her only a few times and she completely changed in a way I could see knowing that I did something she asked me to remove that and I used sun and fire and she was fine after that.

Black Magick also appears with me to work better on people that were open of course I am not doing it here and I never did curse someone who is open I did it on an xtian individual who was bothering me a few times nothing happened.

I know this isn't related to what I was talking about and I will try doing this later tonight and maybe get back with you all if need be but I thought I should ask this.

Also people who are somewhat sensitive tend to react in someway to me often fearful but in her case she actually kind of liked it. However closed people don't seem to get that reaction as much or at all.

Can someone explain this for me.

Change up your thinking a little.

Think like a molecule.

You are thinking that you can just vibrate into anyone and it will absorb.

While SS are Powerful and the vibrations are Powerful, Power is not everything in these matters.

Firstly, the Chakras are vortexes, so if they are open, it is easier for them to absorb energies, yes.
If they have a protective barrier, it would still be easier than if they are closed off.

Secondly, their genetics play a part as this determines their energy type and how many Chakras they have.
Vibrating energies into someone to make them do something when they have no Solar Chakra would not work out well.
Where is it going to absorb into?
These are not Humans, but Humanoids/Reptiles that require weekly sustenance and programming to operate.

Also, (I think it was you actually) someone said that people that run on software scripting can have their Souls pushed outside of their Aura, displacing it, so they might be absorbing it, but if it is outside the body then would it not have less impact?

Instead, think like a molecule.
Everyone, regardless of genetics, is constantly creating new cells.
Instead of vibrating into someone, program the air they breathe to carry the vibrations into them.
Have their new cells absorb it, since the new cells are the most susceptible.
Then continue to program new cells until it spreads everywhere, like a virus, until it consumes the entire host.

For perspective, look at it like two magnets.
Opposites attract, but like repels.
Well it would be the opposite here, you can vibrate all day long, but if the energies are opposing, such as SS and enemy, then it does not mix very well, you have to get creative.

So instead work them from the inside out and slowly consume them, there is no escaping the need to breathe air.
This is how the enemy tried to take over with the recent pandemic.
That actually is what happened in this case. She was not in full control I had to communicate in the astral. At the time of writing this I didn't know. I probably should have though.

You know what I think these "control bodies" (as my gaurdian called them he protected her on the astral) are pretty common in big cities where there was a lot of drugs. There are so many people that ended up acting almost the same way she did and seem empty (this wasn't what happened with her though I think this can happen various ways) I notice she talked in a very general way about many things and kept repeating stuff. I was slowly able to change the programming to something more tolerable with effort though.

I had to learn to ignore stuff that was dumb for now and talk to her astral body not regular body.

I will have her write details of what happened when she's ready though if she wants.
Sadly some people can't be reasoned with, an that is a sad fact, if he knows maybe he's going through things, let him find his own way an if he chooses to turn away, well you tried but their will always people out there who will listen,

He probably was attacked by the enemy, an started to get scared or something,I've been through that,when I started witchcraft.

before I became an ss I was interested in magic, then I got attacked by trash entities, (whom I assume was the enemy at this time)but I actually wanted to quit witchcraft,an outright worship the jewish thoughtform,but I pulled through, an eventually found my way to the JoS,
slyscorpion said:
That actually is what happened in this case. She was not in full control I had to communicate in the astral. At the time of writing this I didn't know. I probably should have though.

You know what I think these "control bodies" (as my gaurdian called them he protected her on the astral) are pretty common in big cities where there was a lot of drugs. There are so many people that ended up acting almost the same way she did and seem empty (this wasn't what happened with her though I think this can happen various ways) I notice she talked in a very general way about many things and kept repeating stuff. I was slowly able to change the programming to something more tolerable with effort though.

I had to learn to ignore stuff that was dumb for now and talk to her astral body not regular body.

I will have her write details of what happened when she's ready though if she wants.

Hey I just posted on your new thread about greys, so we can continue this over there.

But yeah exactly those control things are very real, I shared my experience on the other thread.

This is definitely worth us taking the time together to figure out, because the only thing I think is really threatening to us is them being able to use energy to physically control us.

If we cannot even control our own bodies, then it is very hard to defend against them, but as SS we can stop them, I did.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
