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How can I see the signs in the houses?


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2018
Also the nodes. They're not on the site.

What is the meaning of South Node Pisces and Fortune Capricorn.
To figure out what the signs in the houses mean requires your own introspection, I think this was left out on purpose to give advancing SS more of a reason to understand on their own the patterns of the zodiac because they relate to how the universe works when you think on them in a deep way. A general description being written for each of them on there doesn't cut it for the full truth of what they mean in relation to their 12 houses. The lack of an easy answer encourages further exploration.

The first step is understanding that the houses all have rulers and co-rulers, observing those planets in your chart and what they might mean with all their aspects in tow, and meditation/introspection on that. Then you start to link each and every single relation signs have to their relevant planets, houses, decans etc. etc. When one has an aware mind and enough of an interest in this stuff to sublimate their underlying mental inconsistencies in seeing it's patterns, they'll then begin to understand a definition from all of this from their own accord. Then one day when we get together to write on it, we'll have many people with their own insights that come together to format the entire knowledge sphere of astrology correctly to the truth, which is not only your the point of your question there so I digress, lol.

About the nodes, the thing about them being relevant to fated things is true but I'm unsure yet as to how far- I believe it's very significant though. It's likewise to Azazel and Saurashtra: the Opener and the Closer. It's a serious type thing similar to that, the Black Sun Pluto and everything. They are both the Mind's constant pulls into the light and the dark at once, which is why they eternally oppose one another. One thing I'm interested in is how they relate to the Lilith point in astrology, which I've only just researched into, and that it's literally an unknown body outside the Earth that has it's own gravitational pull and everything. Lilith relates to the Moon through what is written about it, it's symbology and also through it's relevance to femininity. The Lunar nodes likely have something to do with Lilith, which is also deeply transformative, sexual and all the other similar verbiage related to this stuff.

For the part of Fortune, look at the degree it's on and it's aspects to planets and other house cusps. Whatever those cusps and planets rule it will have it's supposed fortune effect over them.
13th_Wolf said:
To figure out what the signs in the houses mean requires your own introspection, I think this was left out on purpose to give advancing SS more of a reason to understand on their own the patterns of the zodiac because they relate to how the universe works when you think on them in a deep way. A general description being written for each of them on there doesn't cut it for the full truth of what they mean in relation to their 12 houses. The lack of an easy answer encourages further exploration.

The first step is understanding that the houses all have rulers and co-rulers, observing those planets in your chart and what they might mean with all their aspects in tow, and meditation/introspection on that. Then you start to link each and every single relation signs have to their relevant planets, houses, decans etc. etc. When one has an aware mind and enough of an interest in this stuff to sublimate their underlying mental inconsistencies in seeing it's patterns, they'll then begin to understand a definition from all of this from their own accord. Then one day when we get together to write on it, we'll have many people with their own insights that come together to format the entire knowledge sphere of astrology correctly to the truth, which is not only your the point of your question there so I digress, lol.

About the nodes, the thing about them being relevant to fated things is true but I'm unsure yet as to how far- I believe it's very significant though. It's likewise to Azazel and Saurashtra: the Opener and the Closer. It's a serious type thing similar to that, the Black Sun Pluto and everything. They are both the Mind's constant pulls into the light and the dark at once, which is why they eternally oppose one another. One thing I'm interested in is how they relate to the Lilith point in astrology, which I've only just researched into, and that it's literally an unknown body outside the Earth that has it's own gravitational pull and everything. Lilith relates to the Moon through what is written about it, it's symbology and also through it's relevance to femininity. The Lunar nodes likely have something to do with Lilith, which is also deeply transformative, sexual and all the other similar verbiage related to this stuff.

For the part of Fortune, look at the degree it's on and it's aspects to planets and other house cusps. Whatever those cusps and planets rule it will have it's supposed fortune effect over them.
OK then how do I for example read this...

House of Life
The first and most important of the four angles, the first house rules the self and represents the self; one’s body type, one's potential for leadership, the personality, the view of the world, the physical self, one's appearance, the physical health of the body, one's beginnings in life, the self image, outlook, and how one projects oneself. This is the most important house in a natal chart.

ARIES: March 21st- April 20th
Symbol: Ram
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Metal: Iron
Tarot Card: The Magician
Gemstone: Diamond
Areas of the body: The head, face, sinuses, brain [along with Gemini], and eyes
Body system: Cerebral
Fertility: Barren; hot; dry
Gender: Masculine; positive
Countries: Britain, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Syria

Thank you.
TopoftheAbyss said:
13th_Wolf said:
To figure out what the signs in the houses mean requires your own introspection, I think this was left out on purpose to give advancing SS more of a reason to understand on their own the patterns of the zodiac because they relate to how the universe works when you think on them in a deep way. A general description being written for each of them on there doesn't cut it for the full truth of what they mean in relation to their 12 houses. The lack of an easy answer encourages further exploration.

The first step is understanding that the houses all have rulers and co-rulers, observing those planets in your chart and what they might mean with all their aspects in tow, and meditation/introspection on that. Then you start to link each and every single relation signs have to their relevant planets, houses, decans etc. etc. When one has an aware mind and enough of an interest in this stuff to sublimate their underlying mental inconsistencies in seeing it's patterns, they'll then begin to understand a definition from all of this from their own accord. Then one day when we get together to write on it, we'll have many people with their own insights that come together to format the entire knowledge sphere of astrology correctly to the truth, which is not only your the point of your question there so I digress, lol.

About the nodes, the thing about them being relevant to fated things is true but I'm unsure yet as to how far- I believe it's very significant though. It's likewise to Azazel and Saurashtra: the Opener and the Closer. It's a serious type thing similar to that, the Black Sun Pluto and everything. They are both the Mind's constant pulls into the light and the dark at once, which is why they eternally oppose one another. One thing I'm interested in is how they relate to the Lilith point in astrology, which I've only just researched into, and that it's literally an unknown body outside the Earth that has it's own gravitational pull and everything. Lilith relates to the Moon through what is written about it, it's symbology and also through it's relevance to femininity. The Lunar nodes likely have something to do with Lilith, which is also deeply transformative, sexual and all the other similar verbiage related to this stuff.

For the part of Fortune, look at the degree it's on and it's aspects to planets and other house cusps. Whatever those cusps and planets rule it will have it's supposed fortune effect over them.
OK then how do I for example read this...

House of Life
The first and most important of the four angles, the first house rules the self and represents the self; one’s body type, one's potential for leadership, the personality, the view of the world, the physical self, one's appearance, the physical health of the body, one's beginnings in life, the self image, outlook, and how one projects oneself. This is the most important house in a natal chart.

ARIES: March 21st- April 20th
Symbol: Ram
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Metal: Iron
Tarot Card: The Magician
Gemstone: Diamond
Areas of the body: The head, face, sinuses, brain [along with Gemini], and eyes
Body system: Cerebral
Fertility: Barren; hot; dry
Gender: Masculine; positive
Countries: Britain, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Syria

Thank you.

First house Aries means the Chart ruler is Mars, so you look to what your Mars is doing, the sign and house its in, and the aspects its making. These aspects may even figure on your personality more (like a Moon aspecting a Mars chart ruler would dull the fiery Mars effect and make one more sensitive among other things). If Mars is more isolated/little aspects, then you'll want to look into the characteristics of Mars yourself to understand how your 1st house affairs are tailored in a Mars way.

When it comes down to your question of understanding how the sign affects the house, this is mostly benign or in other words a complex matter to put across because you have to start talking about the metaphysical stuff. All signs sort of affect all houses. Generally, how the sign of the first house affects the first house is down to the physical appearance. You can look at videos about this (like "Aries Ascendant appearance" type of thing) to get more of an idea about how this works.

Look at the degree of your first house cusp, if it aligns with a fixed star, or if its in a specific decan, you can learn a bit more about how to narrow this down within your own chart. If your ASC's degree lands within a particular decan of Aries like the Sagittarius decan (20'-30'), you know you can also look into the physical characteristics of Jupiter to blend that into how you see your first house Aries meaning. If the ASC lands on a particular fixed star(https://astrologyking.com/fixed-stars/), or one or some of your planets makes a tight aspect towards this point, you can also blend that into the interpretation too.

One thing I will let on to you is that Aries is the natural sign for the 1st house. You can see between those 2 pages of both that you put. The 1st house is more acquainted with any of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and not as much with the other qualities. Aries, being the 1st sign and representing the individual charge and assertion, is naturalised in the 1st house which also rules that very same principle of "the self", "outlook" the face, etc. People with 1st house in Libra (the opposite of Aries, ruling love and deference) I know for one are people who are entirely concerned with what other people think about them, and they are servers, and peaceful. Inverse that and you have the meaning of Aries 1st house, self-serving, fights for their corner, not trodden on etc. But brash, undiplomatic and abrasive, that's the nature of it. If your Mars itself is strong, then this determines exactly how you are abrasive, or if it's mediated in anyway. I also know people with Ascendant in Libra that I wouldn't screw with, because their natal Mars is very strong or intense in some way. The sign of the 1st house at this point, should only really be there to tell us the chart ruler anyway, unless a serious advancement is made into astrology.

If you look at what Taurus means, planets in Taurus all have descriptions on Azazel's astrology of money, sensuality and so on right? What does the 2nd house rule? and Gemini's meaning in relation to the 3rd house rulerships? Cancer's in relation to the 4th? It all comes back around in a wheel, which means if you have Aries in the first house it's viable that every other house is within it's naturalised sign too. It definitely makes things easier to understand with a chart like that. Of course, oftentimes the house cusps overlap and you might get 2 within the same sign and other types of stuff, which muddles up people trying to figure out your information this way. Just don't give out any degrees and you'll be fine, I find this interesting though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
