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How can I meet Satan?


New member
Apr 29, 2019
I dedicated my soul to Satan about a year ago now, but I haven’t been able to steadily meditate since then. I’ve had major struggles with motivation for doing just about anything for years, plus I’m very forgetful and it’s hard to remember to meditate in the first place. I feel like part of this struggle with mediation in particular comes from the fact that I used to be an atheist who wanted proof of everything, so it’s difficult to convince myself that these have such major positive effects.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m loyal to Satan and I can definitely feel the difference when I do meditate, but there’s always this nagging thought in the back of my head trying to tell me it’s just placebo. Basically, I want to prove that annoying doubt wrong once and for all by finally getting to talk to Satan, or any demon.

I assume that getting to that point requires putting lots of effort into Satanism, so I feel like I’m stuck in some sort of loop; my lack of motivation prevents me from reaching my full potential and my unfulfilled potential prevents me from getting motivation. Does anyone have any advice?

(Note: I’m trying not to think negatively of the situation since I’ve read plenty of times here how that makes it so much, but depression makes motivation so hard to achieve. That’s why I’m thinking of it as an obstacle I can overcome, even if I can’t seem to convince myself I’m doing fine)
Talk to Satan honestly and politely, and ask him to give you some signs that you can't ignore. Even if you can't hear him, he can still hear you.
delc said:
Don’t get me wrong, I’m loyal to Satan and I can definitely feel the difference when I do meditate, but there’s always this nagging thought in the back of my head trying to tell me it’s just placebo. Basically, I want to prove that annoying doubt wrong once and for all by finally getting to talk to Satan, or any demon.

It's important to know that placebo itself is very misunderstood by atheists and the scientific mainstream. Placebo in itself is proof that the mind has power and that your will can cause change to your body. The fact that even totally normal people with no knowledge of spiritual phenomenon can effect major results on their bodies just because they're told that a placebo will have a medicinal effect is already major proof that the mind exists and is not a mere product of random chemical reactions. Now compare that to having exact knowledge on how to directly cause changes with meditation. Essentially, 'placebo' is just a manifestation of the power of the mind in a relatively undirected way.

I can relate to your issue with finding easy proof that any of this is real, and have never been able to achieve some sort of telepathic communication with the Gods claimed to exist on this site, but trust me, if you advance past a certain point, you will definitely feel the difference. Once you can directly make yourself feel lots of bio-electric current with the right breathing, it becomes very hard to deny that the mind is real and has power.

In addition, if you want a really easy and testable way to prove to yourself that spiritual powers are real, one idea you can try is cloudbusting. It sounds silly to those who haven't done it, but all you have to do is focus your attention for a few minutes on a small cloud and it will slowly vanish. I've tried this before and after enough repetitions, it becomes very obvious that you are not merely deluding yourself. My first thought was that maybe the cloud just happened to fade as I was doing it, but it becomes clear that this is wrong once you can consistently achieve this result over and over.
The gods are extremely busy helping us win the war. We are doing the Final RTR, and they are ensuring that the Reptilians and Greys can't interfere and stop it.

Bigger signs require more energy, and the gods want to use as much energy as they can against the enemy, not proving their existence to new Satanists. For me, they created very minor signs, but ones that would have been extremely improbably by chance. You must be very observant. Don't look for obvious supernatural events. Instead, look for highly improbably ordinary events.

For example, one of the most silly signs for me was when someone broke into my xtian dad's car and stole his laptop. Then, a few weeks later, I accidentally left my laptop in a crowded public room. (This is very unusual for me. I am always so careful, and I had never forgotten my laptop ever before.) When I went back an hour later, it had not been stolen! To me, that was Satan's way of saying: "Look how much better I am than that christian thing your dad calls 'god'."

Another time was shortly after I dedicated. I was wasting time scrolling though the internet when I should have been meditating. The light flickered to distract me. I hadn't seen it do that for many years, but I pushed the thought aside and went back to my computer. Then it flickered again. I understood that it was a message, so I started meditating. It never flickered again.

The most persuasive sign I have ever received was when I was interested in a girl from a different race. I tried many things to get her to like me, but every single time something came up that was out of my control that ruined my plans and prevented me from becoming more than her acquaintance. It's not as if she decided she didn't like me. It was blatant and clear that "something" was consciously preventing me from even asking her on a date! Much later, I found out that it was my Guardian Demon protecting me. I learned that race-mixing is unhealthy for both people, and any children will be inherently inferior and have to work harder than the rest of us to spiritually advance.
ConsistentMeditator said:
In addition, if you want a really easy and testable way to prove to yourself that spiritual powers are real, one idea you can try is cloudbusting. It sounds silly to those who haven't done it, but all you have to do is focus your attention for a few minutes on a small cloud and it will slowly vanish. I've tried this before and after enough repetitions, it becomes very obvious that you are not merely deluding yourself. My first thought was that maybe the cloud just happened to fade as I was doing it, but it becomes clear that this is wrong once you can consistently achieve this result over and over.

I am past any doubt that spiritual powers exist, but this what you wrote is mind blowing. I never knew this was possible.
Larissa666 said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
In addition, if you want a really easy and testable way to prove to yourself that spiritual powers are real, one idea you can try is cloudbusting. It sounds silly to those who haven't done it, but all you have to do is focus your attention for a few minutes on a small cloud and it will slowly vanish. I've tried this before and after enough repetitions, it becomes very obvious that you are not merely deluding yourself. My first thought was that maybe the cloud just happened to fade as I was doing it, but it becomes clear that this is wrong once you can consistently achieve this result over and over.

I am past any doubt that spiritual powers exist, but this what you wrote is mind blowing. I never knew this was possible.

Well, I might just be deluding myself though while seeing clouds vanish that normally would. Even though all my experience in trying this says otherwise, the last time i tried was a while ago until recently, and on my most recent try, the (very) small cloud reduced a lot in length but it did not actually fully disappear. I recommend trying for yourself a few times before believing me. I heard of it from other sources than the JoS if that changes your mind.
ConsistentMeditator said:
In addition, if you want a really easy and testable way to prove to yourself that spiritual powers are real, one idea you can try is cloudbusting. It sounds silly to those who haven't done it, but all you have to do is focus your attention for a few minutes on a small cloud and it will slowly vanish. I've tried this before and after enough repetitions, it becomes very obvious that you are not merely deluding yourself. My first thought was that maybe the cloud just happened to fade as I was doing it, but it becomes clear that this is wrong once you can consistently achieve this result over and over.

Haha, I've done that before. But I was trying to create holes in the clouds so the sunlight can shine through giving the view a "heavenly glow". See picture below:


Supernatural power exists. It just takes focus, energy, and method for you to be able to use them.
Try to open your psyhic centers for clairvoyance.I think I did it because I was hearing some warnings from my GD I think,he told me once to leave a friend's house and I didn't and after that I was accused by that friend of mine that I stole him a lot of money because the money from his mother's wallet dissapeared and I was the only who didn't responded at phone because I hadn't battery left.Another time when I heard the same voice that told me to leave the place and go home I was beaten by a guy and that's was another event.Once he told me to shut up and after that I found that my mom could hear me while doing the final rtr and was a good idea to stop for a little bit.Another time he told me directly that my mom will come at my room and after 3 minute's that's happend,at that time I was doing the final rtr too.
delc said:
I dedicated my soul to Satan about a year ago now, but I haven’t been able to steadily meditate since then. I’ve had major struggles with motivation for doing just about anything for years, plus I’m very forgetful and it’s hard to remember to meditate in the first place. I feel like part of this struggle with mediation in particular comes from the fact that I used to be an atheist who wanted proof of everything, so it’s difficult to convince myself that these have such major positive effects.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m loyal to Satan and I can definitely feel the difference when I do meditate, but there’s always this nagging thought in the back of my head trying to tell me it’s just placebo. Basically, I want to prove that annoying doubt wrong once and for all by finally getting to talk to Satan, or any demon.

I assume that getting to that point requires putting lots of effort into Satanism, so I feel like I’m stuck in some sort of loop; my lack of motivation prevents me from reaching my full potential and my unfulfilled potential prevents me from getting motivation. Does anyone have any advice?

(Note: I’m trying not to think negatively of the situation since I’ve read plenty of times here how that makes it so much, but depression makes motivation so hard to achieve. That’s why I’m thinking of it as an obstacle I can overcome, even if I can’t seem to convince myself I’m doing fine)

Hey Dedc, Let me start off by saying welcome back to the boards. Do not be heavily discouraged by uneventful circumstances, what matters is you're here now ready to start fresh. There is no easy way in Satanism, no matter what other xtians might say about their religions, we're in a spiritual war fighting, defending, healing, on top of our day-to-day lifestyles. I advise against cherry-picking the benefits of Satanism, anecdotally I did the 40-day money meditation that was provided and practically disappeared from Satanism for good long while, very regretful as if that was how I repayed for the knowledge. I got over my self-pity real quick as soon as reality gave me a healthy dose, what you do now will only make your journey that much easier. If you start doing the 40-day meditation guide or simply by making your own/adjusting it, set goals, you just got to do them no matter what. You cannot give a week starving child food otherwise they might get refeeding syndrome, much like how atrophied our souls have become due to the constant curses flung upon gentile, you have to work your way up slowly that is most comfortable for you. If you think you're doing too much, reason with yourself, but don't make up excuses to not do them. If you're feeling tired to do the Final RTR, then do x1, but almost everyone has 15-30 minutes to spare do the whole set. You will feel much better performing it correctly.
No one can force you to do this, you must start at lvl 1 and train harder to become stronger. There is no magical one time spells in satanism that will get you everything you want. It is constant workings, reaffirming what you want, and maintaining that goal. The hardest step is the first one, but once you build that routine nothing will stop you. I wish you all the best, but I really advise you to do the 40 day meditation guide and you will see the difference, then you can adjust to the 6-month guide.
Some information has however changed like the vibrations used for the chakras, so I recommend you first study joyofsatan first, the guides I posted are just for you to plan or reference.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
