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"holy spirit"?


New member
Nov 6, 2024
What do you think of Christian evangelists who heal people with the help of the "holy spirit"?
What do you think of Christian evangelists who heal people with the help of the "holy spirit"?

"When" they heal an amputee by having the arm or leg or tooth regrow live and without cheating by using any medical/Human intervention such as the tooth-regrowing drug, or a Child is healed to perfect health after "god" "forming them in the womb" with a congential/prenatal disease/illness, then give me a call! - I "will" be waiting forever!



Nothing certainly wrong with ye!

I think someone mentioned before on here about something to do with christianity and new age coming together and mixing. I see some posts/comments online about "higher consciousness" and vibrations and Chakras (including the jew soul and its chakras), including "only those with higher consciousness have the ability to see 'angels'"..., so I will not be surprised if "god" "heals" a sick person "in jeezusss name". Besides, the holey-with-an-E spirit is supposed to replace, and be, christians' conscience, if any particlar congregation believes the holy trinity does include the "holy spirit", because I've known about some that don't, and at the time I didn't think to ask "what makes-up the holy trinity if the holy spirit is not included?".
What do you think of Christian evangelists who heal people with the help of the "holy spirit"?

@FancyMancy gave you a really great answer.

If you ask me what I think, I think people should be more aware and less influenced. It is normal that when we see a sleight of hand we get excited because we do not know the trick behind it, but the fact that every time some psychopathic evangelical scammer does a sleight of hand and everyone is ready to sacrifice their lives and what they could become to donate millions of dollars to the evangelist, there is a problem.

No person who has lost a limb, been burned alive, or has Down syndrome has ever been healed. No "magician" has ever been able to make a dove appear from a handkerchief. The dove does not appear out of thin air as if by teleportation. Limbs do not grow back by the Holy Spirit.

When you see a friend of yours who makes you see the card you chose from the deck without apparently knowing which card you chose, do you decide to elevate him to your personal prophet and become his disciple while living as this person's humble slave? No, you don't. Instead, some idiot evangelist lays his hands on someone who is feeling tired that day, the placebo effect makes him feel better, and masses of people donate their entire fortune to this evangelist so he can continue to help make two or three old ladies with a limp feel better while the world goes to pieces and degenerates.

And of course this attempt goes nowhere, it achieves nothing. Just yesterday I was thinking about Christianity. I was proposed to "return to Christian" by a Catholic priest. The first thing I thought was: "I know that the Bible is false, the Jews of the Bible are evil, etc. but even if all this were not important, even if I returned to Christianity, what would I gain? I have never been more useful to myself and others than when I became a Satanist" from there I noticed what the priest was proposing to me: nothing concrete.

That I abandon all progress to believe in an empty way in something that will have no positive and productive repercussions on my life. What difference does believing in Christ or in the tooth fairy make if in practical terms you get nothing for yourself or for others? Will Jesus Christ teach you to meditate? Will the evangelical pastor show you how to obtain the Divine condition? Will the Holy Spirit make you feel loved like your Guardian Demon? Will YHWH take care of you like Satan does? Are you going to gain some high power by kneeling down and singing silly fawning praise to some biblical character no one has ever seen?

The falsity of Christianity and the truth of Satanism is evident from one specific thing: our Gods have no problem manifesting themselves in our lives based on our level of psychic openness. Jesus Christ never manages to get noticed. He behaves exactly like something that does not exist (in fact, he does not exist). For 2000 years people have been chasing something that behaves as if it has not existed for 2000 years precisely because it does not exist. I would say that it is also time to ask ourselves after all this time what was the point of dedicating all these past lives chasing something that has never existed.
99% of those you see in videos are fake.

Very few of them are real, and that’s due to the psychic collective power of the xians there, and it’s never worked on amputees.

I come from a country where it’s famous for people to be “healed” by xian saints. However they never healed an amputee. There does seem to be truth to it though, as I know of a distant family member who claimed to be healed from cancer, apparently.

Enemy energies likely play a role here, but I think the majority of the reasons behind the real healings is the collective psychic manifestations of xian prayer energies as healing people with miracles is a big part of the xian psyche with a lot of stories on Jesus and apostles healing people. This eventually manifests as the healing of certain people at some times, and I think it’s more complex than that as sometimes these prayer energies might be favoured by planetary energies. Sometimes though no prayer to anybody will work as it’s likely fated for that sick person to die, xian energies seem to get easily overpowered by the planets.
99% of those you see in videos are fake.

Very few of them are real, and that’s due to the psychic collective power of the xians there, and it’s never worked on amputees.

I come from a country where it’s famous for people to be “healed” by xian saints. However they never healed an amputee. There does seem to be truth to it though, as I know of a distant family member who claimed to be healed from cancer, apparently.

Enemy energies likely play a role here, but I think the majority of the reasons behind the real healings is the collective psychic manifestations of xian prayer energies as healing people with miracles is a big part of the xian psyche with a lot of stories on Jesus and apostles healing people. This eventually manifests as the healing of certain people at some times, and I think it’s more complex than that as sometimes these prayer energies might be favoured by planetary energies. Sometimes though no prayer to anybody will work as it’s likely fated for that sick person to die, xian energies seem to get easily overpowered by the planets.
This is why you don’t really hear of muslim miracles for example , as miracles and healing aren’t real part of the muslim collective mind and so they pretty much never happen to muslims.
The "holy spirit" is an energy created over the centuries from the combined prayers of christians and jewish curses.

In most cases if one correctly directs any kind of energy and programs it for health, the energy will do so.
The "holy spirit" is an energy created over the centuries from the combined prayers of christians and jewish curses.

In most cases if one correctly directs any kind of energy and programs it for health, the energy will do so.
It's not the case here, "holy spirit" is just jewish alphabet and the energies behind them, that's it about it.

The thing about megachurches instead, is an hypnotic suggestion, and it goes deep, so much that when people are triggered they can experience some effects. This is boosted by the whole experience, with so many people believing in this in the stadium, so the whole atmosphere.

Some people go unconscious and fall on the ground, others may experience relief on self inflicted psichosis, such as "being persecuted" by Satan or some other shit.

These preachers don't have any healing powers, it's just a system to stealing money from impressionable people.

This variant of the christianity cult, is based on believing in what the preachers say about the bible, and pay them a lot in the process. Many of the followers have lives that are just a mess, and their cult is their only hope after a point. Investing a lot of money also strength the idea of their cult working.
They can't process the idea of their cult being fake, after all they did.

They go 100% on this, and then the above about suggestions may happen.
@FancyMancy gave you a really great answer.

If you ask me what I think, I think people should be more aware and less influenced. It is normal that when we see a sleight of hand we get excited because we do not know the trick behind it, but the fact that every time some psychopathic evangelical scammer does a sleight of hand and everyone is ready to sacrifice their lives and what they could become to donate millions of dollars to the evangelist, there is a problem.

No person who has lost a limb, been burned alive, or has Down syndrome has ever been healed. No "magician" has ever been able to make a dove appear from a handkerchief. The dove does not appear out of thin air as if by teleportation. Limbs do not grow back by the Holy Spirit.

When you see a friend of yours who makes you see the card you chose from the deck without apparently knowing which card you chose, do you decide to elevate him to your personal prophet and become his disciple while living as this person's humble slave? No, you don't. Instead, some idiot evangelist lays his hands on someone who is feeling tired that day, the placebo effect makes him feel better, and masses of people donate their entire fortune to this evangelist so he can continue to help make two or three old ladies with a limp feel better while the world goes to pieces and degenerates.

And of course this attempt goes nowhere, it achieves nothing. Just yesterday I was thinking about Christianity. I was proposed to "return to Christian" by a Catholic priest. The first thing I thought was: "I know that the Bible is false, the Jews of the Bible are evil, etc. but even if all this were not important, even if I returned to Christianity, what would I gain? I have never been more useful to myself and others than when I became a Satanist" from there I noticed what the priest was proposing to me: nothing concrete.

That I abandon all progress to believe in an empty way in something that will have no positive and productive repercussions on my life. What difference does believing in Christ or in the tooth fairy make if in practical terms you get nothing for yourself or for others? Will Jesus Christ teach you to meditate? Will the evangelical pastor show you how to obtain the Divine condition? Will the Holy Spirit make you feel loved like your Guardian Demon? Will YHWH take care of you like Satan does? Are you going to gain some high power by kneeling down and singing silly fawning praise to some biblical character no one has ever seen?

The falsity of Christianity and the truth of Satanism is evident from one specific thing: our Gods have no problem manifesting themselves in our lives based on our level of psychic openness. Jesus Christ never manages to get noticed. He behaves exactly like something that does not exist (in fact, he does not exist). For 2000 years people have been chasing something that behaves as if it has not existed for 2000 years precisely because it does not exist. I would say that it is also time to ask ourselves after all this time what was the point of dedicating all these past lives chasing something that has never existed.
Why, thanks. :)

To add more (apologies if this is overwhelming) -


I saw a video where an educated person, either a former christian or who was not a christian albeit in christianised America, of course, did a piece about organised religion being in such areas which have greater crime, where secular society has less. This was just 1 video; others in the programme/on the channel make valid points, which makes it somewhat trustworthy. I say "somewhat" because of 2 points that I have seen while watching it -

  1. there is/has been a "non-jewish jew" on it also making some arguments (no anti-jew thing or pro-Human thing can be entirely without j00z infiltrating it :vomit: ), and
  2. one person argued about phobias. There are, in fact, 2 meanings or at least uses of "phobia", 1 being afraid of and the other being dislike of - arachnophob, afraid of spiders; islamophobe not afraid of; rather, dislike of, islam. Hm. This person argued one of those points and the pannelists were arguing against them that it doesn't mean that. It was more than 10 years ago, though.

I don't want to take what they say just because I favour them somewhat, and hopefully can pick some points from them to use as my own. I prefer to actually realise it myself, and if I get prompts from others then that's not a problem, as long as I see it for myself, if I take what they say. I have realised that christian missionaries go to foreign countries, ransack, raze and rape (sexually and/or not) and pillage, and then leave. They go and cancel the customs, cultures and identities that existed there already; destroy, claim jewsus and leave. Then look at drug lords and crime and murder, rape (exually and/or not), poverty, etc., all while ignoring their own customs and cultures while being catholic. As jewsus said, it wants the World set on fire.


Of course, christians try to argue that "fire" here means something else such as being 'on fire' for "god".

Malachi 3:2-3
"...but who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness."

Zechariah 13:9
"This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’"

Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

Proverbs 17:3
"The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart."

1 Peter 1:7
"These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed."

To me "but" is a negation - erm... but that's alright, because that's my interpretation. All others, including all christians past, present and future - and on other Planets - are all wrong! "god" really has a hard-on for materialism, yet tries to tell sheep that they should shed materials (so it can steal them) and instead be "spiritual".

jesus - a rabbi, lol - a supposed teacher didn't explain in detail, "By 'setting the World on fire', I mean that the Hearts of Man must be purified by fire and brimstone - thou shalt go through trouble and strife and be tortured, for - as thy jew masters tell you - a bit of torture is good for the Soul! (adrenochrome, cough)". Anything obscure can be "decided" arbitrarily.

Look at copeland (seeing any of its stand-up routines in front of the congregants) and hinn enjoying themselves too much. They need to be knocked down not a few pegs, but entirely off the pegs. They have a lot of money






The estimated 1tn 144bn that the Worldwide church gets every year is enough to make the World a better, or worser, place - and look which way it is going. Hm


In secular societies... [cough]without the full-of-holesy spirit[/cough] ...there are attempts to make the World a better place. Clearly, christians ride the coattails of progress and advancement and betterment... while at the same time whinge, cry and bitch about "NOT PLAY GODDDDD!". As always, christians say "goddidit" when Humans help, help make, and help do things. America was founded to do away with jewsus shit, but look what followed. If it weren't for politics and abrahamism (which are... like... the same thing - see the "noahide laws"), then that would succeed. Astrologically - it's merely a coincidence, dear non-christian lost people, that jewsus was born at about the same time as Earth moved into the Kali Yuga/Age of Pisces, lol. No need to look at the man behind the curtain... We can see in all its "power", "god" is impotent for good, or is simply evil - "jehova" does mean "god of evil" after all. We also can see that -

More (and more) -
Humans are Better and More-Powerful than yahweh, jehova, "god"

Banking/economy memes & videos

Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

Images that describe xianity honestly

Extremist christian pastor Joel Webbon

and too much more -
It's not a conspiracy anymore - Links and Pics/Memes
Hippocrates had talked about ancient scammers that were performing "exorcisms" (basically pretending you heal epilepsy). Probably ancient jews influenced or created zoroastrianism and then together scammed low class gentiles.
You know. I have been a Christian for 4 years. yahw answered me quite often in his own form. We have indeed had healings, but there has never been anything significant. So, in Spiritual Satanism, is it impossible to heal oneself from any disease with the help of force? Is magic unable to affect the physical body without a mass of people?
You know. I have been a Christian for 4 years. yahw answered me quite often in his own form. We have indeed had healings, but there has never been anything significant. So, in Spiritual Satanism, is it impossible to heal oneself from any disease with the help of force? Is magic unable to affect the physical body without a mass of people?
Quite on the contrary, very possible and tangible results are reality. Even more so when a group of people share the effort.
What do you think of Christian evangelists who heal people with the help of the "holy spirit"?
Years ago when I was a Christian I was on a meeting like that. There was one person who claims that he’s got ability to heal people with help of “holy spirit”. On this meeting came more than 2000 people, everyone had to pay for entry. I have seen many people with disabilities. In reality no one was healed. In the end there was a woman who claimed that she was healed but no one have seen her before. I don’t believe in that. These people wants only money, they don’t have any real power.
There have been clinical trials where some groups of people overcame their illness taking pills that were only placebo. One man had an illness there was no cure for so his doctor tried to take advantage of this idea. The man was given fake medicine but told it might solve his problem and after some time the illness went away. When the man got home he did some research and read online that the medicine was ineffective. The illness returned and eventually he passed away. Their belief in the healing was the real power.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
