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Hollow Earth, Ancient Calendar, Subterranean Aliens And Civilizations

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Among many theories about the earth, and it's shape, and other theories, there is the theory of the Hollow Earth. Now, this theory cannot really stand, as every object like a living object such as the earth, has to have a fiery core. The earth, contrary to popular belief, is not some amassment of bricks, tar, and petroleum, and it is quite 'alive', but not in the sense we humans are right now understanding of. This was well known to the ancient people, who paid homage in yearly celebrations to the earth.

As I have written before, the Hollow Earth, is not really "Hollow" with a whole world in the middle. However, the crust of the earth has layers and layers. These layers are on the superficial levels humongous in size. Between these layers, there are full gaps, underground tunnels, or let's say "veins".

Between these gaps, life can exist, provided one has enough technology or a means to provide necessity such as water and and oxygen. Even we humans have now constructed many bunkers and other things, on the very high layers of the earth, such as governments and many other institutions.

The size of these 'layers' are basically as big as the face of the earth, minus the percent of depth divided by the size of the spherical range of the axis of the earth. I am not an expert mathematician, but people in ancient times had already proven the earth is close to what is a sphere, and therefore, by assumption, the above should help understand the size of these potential cities.

Obviously, nothing could live on the absolute center of this sphere, or it would incinerate due to the hot magma. It's funny you have people saying the earth is "Hollow" with clouds and everything in it and then you have literally a sun in the middle, yet volcanoes erupt and literally bring out hot magma which proves what the earth has on the middle of it. One cannot live in the middle.

From the above 'postulation' arose the meme of Hell being into the "Earth", because even the most primitive people understood that in the earth there is hot magma, and not a beautiful sun and clouds, and a second sky.

Now between the "crusts" or "layers" or "plaques" of the earth, there are definitely underground cities. Many would more than likely be abandoned. In places like Peru or Turkey they have found said cities, and tunnels and all sorts of other cities exist all over the places where there are actual civilizations.

Humans even without any major technological means were able to dig and create meeting points and underground cities such as the Malakope which was created by Greeks in Turkey to avoid persecution by the Muslims. These could house as many as 20,000 people and they were not created by some sort of alien technology but by human hands. These are considerably a joke compared to what could be done today with our technology, or by an advanced alien race who may for whatever reason decide to 'settle' in said cities. On the above there were storage houses, beds, places to keep cattle, even chapels and other luxuries. And this was fairly recent and by human hands.

If normal people without any tool of construction and supposedly 'primitives' can do the above, it is not an outlandish statement to say that people who can build Pyramids and other megastructures, can also create underground cities.

It goes beyond saying that the American Government and many other govs also have underground bases at the size of full blown towns, who can keep people alive for decades by food, water, air conditioning, and whatever else imaginable. In other words, these things are extremely possible, and those who pretend to be 'open minded' and deny these realities are fools.

In regards to the question on if there are aliens, both ours, and those of the enemy, on the earth, yes, there are. Especially of the enemy, even normal people have had the unfortunate experience to encounter reptilians in places like Mexico South America. According to what is 'rumored' by Ufologists, they are not that many, but they exist.

Many of these reptilians seem to be either trapped there from some sort of cataclysmic war because of our side a long time ago, or simply staying there so they can have a more direct 'hand' in the operation of what they are doing to humanity, or as a result of both. The Mayans and many others speak of the subterranean people and these reptiles, which also appear to have went 'up' at some point to govern or take over the Mayan civilization and turn it into a human sacrificial gulag.

There is a statement from Hitler that in regards to his work, he was trying to develop the White race, so that when said beings would 'emerge', we would not be trampled of like dogs by them, and ruled with a rod of iron. Many of these species are very powerful, way beyond humans, and they dominate them quite easily. The greys have a paralyzing effect on governments, officials, and human civilization.

Stories in regards to the existence of both these 'beings' and many other positive or neutral, some being humanoids have been written in the form of fiction. One of these is a 'story' which the Vril had as a book of importance, The Coming Race by Lytton. Lytton clearly has affected the story and made into literature, and did not provide any 'cheesy' details, but it is not unlikely that he actually found himself into one of these subterranean civilization, or he passed down the story of someone else who did.

In regards to Egypt and what exists in Egypt, what we see on the top, is covered by sand. With recent infrared and UV sightings from satellites, we are able to see that around 90% of Egypt is beneath the sand. In other words, it is covered, and in my opinion, purposefully, to keep things in their place. Uncivilized tribes and Muslims have went to Egypt and wrecked havoc, with many sites totally destroyed, corrupted, or as done recently under jewish command (as always) bombed to shreds or prohibited of any archeological excavation.

If one looks what the dumbasses have done to the surface, both with the statues, and by stripping naked the pyramids as typical civilization wreckers, it makes sense for someone or something to cover a civilization, someone who at least cares to salvage something for future humans who will be better and more aware to not proceed in said criminality. Through technology or particular events it may be possible to 'clean up' or in time reveal what is beneath the sands in Egypt, and find further info.

It also has to be remembered that a lot of information that changed our lives and perception today, was basically non existent in the ancient times, or in the recent Middle Ages. Discoveries such as these are to name one example the Sumerian Civilization, which was up until the 15th century between the realm of 'mythological' and 'mumbo jumbo',. and nobody really understood much of their language or anything related to that, but became later a founded archeological and linguistic facts, after finally the civilized elements of this planet were able to go there and start deciphering with the locals what existed in these civilizations.

As an astrologer I have been asked before by some in regards to our "True Calendar" and how we can find it. We know to this day our actual calendar as it's based on the stars, so astrologically, we are on the correct path, as we are monitoring the planets. However, scientific theory and postulation in regards to what "Date" it actually is today, is unclear, since, our history basically has been confounded by jewish science on the axis of the 6000 Year Torah of the Jews, and their jewish and individual claim that this world is to 'fulfill its purpose' (aka to be enslaved by jews) within the span of said 6000 years.

The most ancient civilizations which extent to more than 10,000 years before, are put to conform with the Talmudic lie that our world is 6000 years old, and we are around on year 5779 or something like that based on the jewish calendar. By subtracting the 'ancient' civilizations from this number, we reach around our present '2019', which is only a literal joke. 2019 is a total lie, and is an invention of the jews.

This is deliberate, and many of the ancient civilizations lasted for at least a thousand or more years, and not 500 or 600 as many claim. Contrary to popular belief they were far better at keeping history and permanent historical observations than 'we' modern people are.

Little is known that aside what came to be of the "French Revolution", instigated to become a brutal revolution by jews same as they pulled a few hundreds of years later in the USSR, which ended up as a kosher revolution with execution of Gentile aristocracy, and if it weren't for Bonaparte to save this mess, would end up in a perpetual state of downfall of civilization...The French people of the actual enlightenment in contrast to the jewish bandits, had better ideas such as for example discovering the ancient calendar and re-instating it, as they had understood the present calendar was a lie and made from jews, same as restoring the Pagan Pantheon. Thanks to jews, nothing of these things really 'happened' in the end, and was burried beneath the perpetual mindless mob violence and jewish agitation which corrupted the historical evolution. They won't tell you the above at school however.

Answering about the true calendar, in order for us to theoretically gain insight about our 'true year' and our 'true origins', that would be a strange feat, but definitely possible. By finding some archeological site or data from ancient astrological texts, that mention the exact position of the sky of a certain object that we can track and comparing it to how many thousands of years ago it re-appeared at the claimed point on the sky. This could be done through the Pyramid and specific calculations, and the position of prominent stars on the sky such as Sirius, or Orion's belt.

In the Egyptian texts and inscriptions, the majority of which the Egyptian Islamic government does not allow people to decipher, they will more than likely clearly write the last time they saw these. Texts here would be divided in spiritual texts, and in actual astronomical data, which was a practice the astrologers of the time were supposed to keep, as they were also astronomers and mathematicians. There are calendars kept based on structures.

The pyramids themselves have points and inscriptions centered for the appearance of specific stars, luminaries, and when these appear, for certain meditations. The same aspects are also in the Stonehenge, and in other ancient cites which scientist now say are 'prehistoric', and 'only rocks', but were basically astrological pointers for stars in the skies. This is why the enemy mercilessly destroyed these cites, which kept a track of our history astrologically.

Scientists of the highest caliber, that are open minded and don't worship jews like Einstein, can then evaluate when and how 'long' it is likely these inscriptions were done, by crossing these over with the texts, and capable astronomers can make the calculations with geologists who take in consideration the geographic or height change or from where this should happen, and cross this over with the astrological data to find out quite a guess in regards to where we are today.

There are lots of mysteries presently and we have more than enough means to find them, but with the enemy as an obstacle, we will be forever dumbed down, nonspiritual, and slave cattle, that thinks it's important in it's own small, little, and secluded world. If humanity wants to look into it's own origins and discover actual secrets, there has to be freedom of information, science has to become unbridled and discover beyond strict jewish invented empiricism, and all abrahamic cult programs have to be put on the shredder.

The paranoia of the jewish established is so great that they even now ban, censor, and 'remove from any form of recommendation' any video about aliens, old civilization, and anything pertaining to the past. Despite of many of these being total mumbo jumbo and disinfo, at least, people are searching. One thing leads to another with these matters and the jews know this.

Tell me now it's all a coincidence that for two thousand years and since the birth of a ficticious jew, every attempt of humans to find out about the past is constantly stopped violently. Only in the last three or four thousand years we finally became aware that Oh, we used to have a Pagan past, and not worship a kike on the cross for all eternity. What a shocker, right?

The truth is truly, out there.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
txg said:
what about the super deep bore holes revealing the temperatures underground to be over 600 degrees Fahrenheit only a few miles deep into the crust.

if one went deeper, i would imagine that it becomes too hot for human life even with some sort of heat proof habitat

I do not know but if we are to presume what you say is correct and actual, why wouldn't it be the case?

Miles are not just 'little' in size, they are deep, 1 mile is about 1600 meters. So a few "MILES" is literally almost the center of the earth. 6 thousand* kilometers is about the center of the earth. One would require extensive knowledge on where to dig, and how, you can't just dig anywhere, as on some levels there is also 'bottomless' beneath, and I would assume people would fall from 200 or more meters in between the 'hollow' places.

Inferno veins and all sorts of other things are not unlikely to be found either. Fumes and other things from below, could potentially give rise to these temperatures in some places beneath the crust, which would have extremely high heat.

If you dig a few "Miles" and go past a point, most likely, you will just be incinerated.
The most obvious challenge with subterranean living would be lighting.
If the lights went out in a surface-connected military bunker, that would obviously be a major problem, but support & supplies could be immediately provided.
If the lights went out in depth of 100km, that would obviously be a bigger problem. There would be pitch black and the vegetation that you are dependent on would start to die.
What kind of lighting/power system do the "ancient aliens" use? The interior of the pyramid of Giza is almost completely devoid of any burn stains that persistent usage of torches would've caused.
So the pyramids were built by humans and not ET's.

I say because the blocks are huge and must weigh thousands of tonnes.
Personal Growth said:
So the pyramids were built by humans and not ET's.

I say because the blocks are huge and must weigh thousands of tonnes.

Where did you get that from?

I say there that if normal people aka 'us' can fit 20,000 people underground in cities and catacombs, even without being all that capable as advanced aliens would be in that regard and their ability to build, and one can only as thus imagine what advanced people aka ET's can actually do in regards to underground cities.

It is clear that the Pyramids are alien infrastructure. Personally I believe that 'we humans' are also able to build humongous architecture, but no way the pyramids, let alone to this precision.

How boulders and anything else was cut back then, can only be imagined to be done today with laser technology.

Of course, people dismiss it, but as to how 'primitive' people would cut literal boulders that weigh thousands of tons, on perfectly straight ways, down to the molecule, and create these structures, and align little windows as much as the size of a palm to observe specific stars, the 'intelligent' scientists only had to say that they were putting scrawny unfed slaves to stack the boulders like cattle and roll them on tree trunks that would break even if a car went on top of them, big lolz.
TimberWolf said:
The most obvious challenge with subterranean living would be lighting.
If the lights went out in a surface-connected military bunker, that would obviously be a major problem, but support & supplies could be immediately provided.
If the lights went out in depth of 100km, that would obviously be a bigger problem. There would be pitch black and the vegetation that you are dependent on would start to die.
What kind of lighting/power system do the "ancient aliens" use? The interior of the pyramid of Giza is almost completely devoid of any burn stains that persistent usage of torches would've caused.

For life that eats vegetation, that would make sense, but from what one can see around on the subject, crystals, under circumstances, can serve or refract light inside these catacombs, under conditions which are clearly not very obvious to people today. One would clearly have also other 'sources' of energy that to us remain either undiscovered or covered up.

Reptilians are known to also need to go 'up' on the surface, albeit infrequently, to get some sunlight, or to eat cattle or innocents, probably. It appears the more society advanced the more they made sure they never, or almost never, have to resort into this. Also, they don't seem to eat pears and apples, but are definitely 100% carnivorous and probably see humans like chicken at best. They also feast spiritually from these assaults, and in general, to them, humanity is like cattle for food.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
txg said:
what about the super deep bore holes revealing the temperatures underground to be over 600 degrees Fahrenheit only a few miles deep into the crust.

if one went deeper, i would imagine that it becomes too hot for human life even with some sort of heat proof habitat

I do not know but if we are to presume what you say is correct and actual, why wouldn't it be the case?

Miles are not just 'little' in size, they are deep, 1 mile is about 1600 meters. So a few "MILES" is literally almost the center of the earth. 6 kilometers is about the center of the earth. One would require extensive knowledge on where to dig, and how, you can't just dig anywhere, as on some levels there is also 'bottomless' beneath, and I would assume people would fall from 200 or more meters in between the 'hollow' places.

Inferno veins and all sorts of other things are not unlikely to be found either. Fumes and other things from below, could potentially give rise to these temperatures in some places beneath the crust, which would have extremely high heat.

If you dig a few "Miles" and go past a point, most likely, you will just be incinerated.

HP, I think you meant 6,378 km - Only the upper crust would measure 35 km.(now, even if this info is from your usual ''jewed'' science site -still the Earth it's quite colossal in size..)
Ravenheart666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
txg said:
what about the super deep bore holes revealing the temperatures underground to be over 600 degrees Fahrenheit only a few miles deep into the crust.

if one went deeper, i would imagine that it becomes too hot for human life even with some sort of heat proof habitat

I do not know but if we are to presume what you say is correct and actual, why wouldn't it be the case?

Miles are not just 'little' in size, they are deep, 1 mile is about 1600 meters. So a few "MILES" is literally almost the center of the earth. 6 kilometers is about the center of the earth. One would require extensive knowledge on where to dig, and how, you can't just dig anywhere, as on some levels there is also 'bottomless' beneath, and I would assume people would fall from 200 or more meters in between the 'hollow' places.

Inferno veins and all sorts of other things are not unlikely to be found either. Fumes and other things from below, could potentially give rise to these temperatures in some places beneath the crust, which would have extremely high heat.

If you dig a few "Miles" and go past a point, most likely, you will just be incinerated.

HP, I think you meant 6,378 km - Only the upper crust would measure 35 km.(now, even if this info is from your usual ''jewed'' science site -still the Earth it's quite colossal in size..)

Yes, my bad, I forgot to write 6400 or something km's and wrote 6 by accident.

it's around 6400km which in miles is about 4000 miles. Could be a bit off here on the calculation. Regardless, If you think about it, that's really big, but not as far as let's say the surface, which makes the possibility of full blown cities or city complexes totally viable beneath the surface, with 'ceilings' or height even a thousand meters or more.

If the above is correct, only probably around the "Mantle" which is around 2500 to 3000km depending on estimation territory there could be viably any of the above, as towards the center, the temperatures would be unbearable.
Also, we humans I think have only dug around 13km for anything meaningful, the world's deepest depths. The different measuring systems are a bit confusing here, but that should be like literally nothing compared to the actual depth towards the center, which is about 6400km towards the core of the earth.

2900km's of depth is what one could assume there could potentially be under circumstances the ability for life, the deeper one goes, with extreme amounts of technology going further. Even in theory that is a lot of space, and the lower, the greater the risk for incineration, or to be trapped. Not on all places of the globe, but it's around 2500 to 2900.

Aka, humanity can never really 'hope' to find out, no matter what 'we' did or attempted. So it's perfectly sensible for other potential lifeforms and aliens to simply go underground.

There are rumors that Mars once was a habitable planet, and that nuclear devastation took place on it, and therefore, it's surface is now flattened. Beings living there are said to have went underground in Mars and have ended up trapped into the planet without ability of getting out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
So the pyramids were built by humans and not ET's.

I say because the blocks are huge and must weigh thousands of tonnes.

Where did you get that from?

I say there that if normal people aka 'us' can fit 20,000 people underground in cities and catacombs, even without being all that capable as advanced aliens would be in that regard and their ability to build, and one can only as thus imagine what advanced people aka ET's can actually do in regards to underground cities.

It is clear that the Pyramids are alien infrastructure. Personally I believe that 'we humans' are also able to build humongous architecture, but no way the pyramids, let alone to this precision.

How boulders and anything else was cut back then, can only be imagined to be done today with laser technology.

Of course, people dismiss it, but as to how 'primitive' people would cut literal boulders that weigh thousands of tons, on perfectly straight ways, down to the molecule, and create these structures, and align little windows as much as the size of a palm to observe specific stars, the 'intelligent' scientists only had to say that they were putting scrawny unfed slaves to stack the boulders like cattle and roll them on tree trunks that would break even if a car went on top of them, big lolz.

I was there in Giza, Cairo. We had a tour guide and she dismissed the Extraterrestrial angle.

As you say they say these absolutely huge perfectly square blocks of thousands of tonnes was rolled by slaves on logs. Like they wouldn't just crush.

Of course I was a bit sceptical.

Thank you
You could find the astrological date and exact date by referring to the vedas, by which I mean the old rigveda which is written in original Sanskrit. There are two rigvedas, one in original Sanskrit which is same in all indo European languages and the new one where huge number of hymns were retracted and new words have been added which are not found in the indo European lexicon. For example in the old rigveda, the word for night is "nakt" similar to the German "Nacht" . But in the new rigveda a new word for night "ratri" has been introduced which is not found in any indo European language.

Digging into the Veda, you'll find specific dates about specific events and description of the related astrological phenomenon that happened. Many of these phenomenon if we reverse engineer the distance where the stars were then and where they are now will come out to be thousands of years old. From there we could backtract and adjust our calculation according to the vedic date. Scattered all around the agamas the strotras, tantras ,stories etc are given dates about ancient astrological alignments and phenomenon. These alignments are not true Now or have been disturbed slightly as the stars have moved since then.
For example backtracking like this,

Although I think the original dates might be older about the Mahabharata
In regards to Egypt and what exists in Egypt, what we see on the top, is covered by sand. With recent infrared and UV sightings from satellites, we are able to see that around 90% of Egypt is beneath the sand. In other words, it is covered, and in my opinion, purposefully, to keep things in their place.
I have suspected for quite some time that things had been covered up with sand in the deserts. Perhaps some of this sand came from the destruction of Phaeton, as well.

As an astrologer I have been asked before by some in regards to our "True Calendar" and how we can find it. We know to this day our actual calendar as it's based on the stars, so astrologically, we are on the correct path, as we are monitoring the planets. However, scientific theory and postulation in regards to what "Date" it actually is today, is unclear, since, our history basically has been confounded by jewish science on the axis of the 6000 Year Torah of the Jews, and their jewish and individual claim that this world is to 'fulfill its purpose' (aka to be enslaved by jews) within the span of said 6000 years.
I started a thread about what the correct date is, and I think it was in there that I suggested that at the correct time Year 0 might possibly happen again with the forthcoming Golden Age. I think I also suggested something similar to the Year of Satan (YS) or Satan's Age (SA) or Golden Age (GA) or something similar, to replace "bc/ad" and "BCE/CE". While I think it was not bad an idea I think it wouldn't happen quite like that.

If humanity wants to look into it's own origins and discover actual secrets, there has to be freedom of information, science has to become unbridled and discover beyond strict jewish invented empiricism, and all abrahamic cult programs have to be put on the shredder.
Naturally, the jew hates you discovering things -
re: "Evil" by HPMageson666
Codes and Conspiracies - the Vatican

TimberWolf said:
The most obvious challenge with subterranean living would be lighting.
If the lights went out in a surface-connected military bunker, that would obviously be a major problem, but support & supplies could be immediately provided.
If the lights went out in depth of 100km, that would obviously be a bigger problem. There would be pitch black and the vegetation that you are dependent on would start to die.
What kind of lighting/power system do the "ancient aliens" use? The interior of the pyramid of Giza is almost completely devoid of any burn stains that persistent usage of torches would've caused.
Valid, although being an advanced Person, you wouldn't necessarily need light which can be seen with your eyes, I would think. If, with having our Third Eye open, we can see through objects - e.g. a member told me before to try and see the faces/values of downwards-facing playing cards, without cheating - then we'd be able to see through our Third Eye Chakra. We can see more things with our Third Eye than we can with our Physical eyes, so lack of illumination would not be that big a problem at all.

For food - one could employ hydroponics and other technology - but again, if advanced enough, we could care for plants and foods with our will and energy-manipulative abilities. I saw an article about a man who actually shouts - as in using his mouth and voice to shout - at chillies, which he believes makes them hotter. It is energy manipulation and voice is usage of energy in certain ways (vibrating words, etc.), even on a smaller scale which may or may not be Spiritual directly. Each individual God and Goddess can do this, that, and the other, but I think based on preference, as well as Soul inclination, each caters towards more a specialised area or field or ability; one could be the husband (in terms of husbandry) for the foods.

Personal Growth said:
So the pyramids were built by humans and not ET's.

I say because the blocks are huge and must weigh thousands of tonnes.
Telekinesis, baby! "Do not try and bend the spoon - that's impossible. Instead, only try to realise the truth...there is no spoon." It's all energy and manipulation.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Where did you get that from?

I say there that if normal people aka 'us' can fit 20,000 people underground in cities and catacombs, even without being all that capable as advanced aliens would be in that regard and their ability to build, and one can only as thus imagine what advanced people aka ET's can actually do in regards to underground cities.

It is clear that the Pyramids are alien infrastructure. Personally I believe that 'we humans' are also able to build humongous architecture, but no way the pyramids, let alone to this precision.

How boulders and anything else was cut back then, can only be imagined to be done today with laser technology.

Of course, people dismiss it, but as to how 'primitive' people would cut literal boulders that weigh thousands of tons, on perfectly straight ways, down to the molecule, and create these structures, and align little windows as much as the size of a palm to observe specific stars, the 'intelligent' scientists only had to say that they were putting scrawny unfed slaves to stack the boulders like cattle and roll them on tree trunks that would break even if a car went on top of them, big lolz.
There is a lot of bullshit about that. "Ancient structures that should not exist, exclamation-mark". "How did the primitive ancient peoples manage to do this, that, and the other, exclamation-mark". "So many things that science cannot explain, exclamation-mark"...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, my bad, I forgot to write 6400 or something km's and wrote 6 by accident.

it's around 6400km which in miles is about 4000 miles. Could be a bit off here on the calculation. Regardless, If you think about it, that's really big, but not as far as let's say the surface, which makes the possibility of full blown cities or city complexes totally viable beneath the surface, with 'ceilings' or height even a thousand meters or more.

If the above is correct, only probably around the "Mantle" which is around 2500 to 3000km depending on estimation territory there could be viably any of the above, as towards the center, the temperatures would be unbearable.
For anyone who might need a visual and audial explanation/example of this, see Star Trek episode The Next Generation series 6, episode 4 - "Relics", where they encounter a Dyson Sphere, a real-life possibility of building a habitat which is about the Earth's distance from the Sun encapsulating the entire Sun, similar to "Sun inside Earth" nonsense.

One of these spheres encased a G-type star and had a diameter of two hundred million kilometers (nearly the size of the orbit of Earth around Sol), giving it an internal surface area of approximately 250 million M-class planets.

M-class basically means habitable, similar to Earth, so say that in the 23rd+ centuries, there were 10 billion people on Earth, then 10 billion multiplied by 250 000 000. All of this could fit on the inside of the Dyson Sphere. Do bear in mind that the Star Trek crew do try and use real science (or perhaps (((science))), rather) to make the episodes and films credible. This can give an idea of the pockets and areas habitable inside Earth's crust, but of course much smaller.

The only problem worth mentioning at the moment (other than that Sun would quickly hit the internal surface of Dyson Sphere, unless some things were used to keep the Sphere at the same equidistant distance from the Sun all around it) is that despite not having the means to build such a collossal supermegastructure, we simply don't have enough matter; if we took all matter of all planets, asteroids, comets, moons, etc. in the Solar System, and used it all to build one, we still wouldn't have enough to be able to build it. Saying that, however, I have a viable, albeit very prolonged, idea of how to overcome that - and it happens every single day, including in one way, in thousands or millions of people's homes; and in other ways it happens every single day in everyone's home! ;-) You or anyone ask me and I'll tell - it's so simple. One of the words I typed 2 sentences ago is also a clue as to how it could be overcome, as well. ;-)

2900km's of depth is what one could assume there could potentially be under circumstances the ability for life, the deeper one goes, with extreme amounts of technology going further. Even in theory that is a lot of space, and the lower, the greater the risk for incineration, or to be trapped. Not on all places of the globe, but it's around 2500 to 2900.
I am not an expert in fire retardation, but they would undoubtedly use firewalls to combat the heat.

If anyone would like an idea of the scale and depth of Earth, then watch the film The Core. In my opinion it is crap, but it should give you a clue.

Here are 2 clips from matt groening's productions the Simpsons and Futurama. This episode of the Simpsons, of course many times a repeat, was on TV today, the same day this sermon was published. Don't you just love these coincidences? Naturally, I remembered the bit in Futurama, but I forgot this bit from the Simpsons; if it weren't on today or recently or coming on soon, then I wouldn't have shared it here, of course.

Simpsons series 12, episode 3 - "Insane Clown Poppy"

Futurama - series 6, episode 2 - "In-a-Gadda-da-Leela"

Are the Ancients in Egypt Using a Monument to Decode Human Existence & the Universe?
With Astral Projection and Remote Viewing NOWHERE should be beyond Spiritual observation. There should be no physical limits. I would think the Gods could even go to the center of the Sun in this way. In this way an Advanced Being could scan the interior of the Planet to "see" what is there, nothing would be hidden. Satan could probably tell us if it is not forbidden knowledge.
Personal Growth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
So the pyramids were built by humans and not ET's.

I say because the blocks are huge and must weigh thousands of tonnes.

Where did you get that from?

I say there that if normal people aka 'us' can fit 20,000 people underground in cities and catacombs, even without being all that capable as advanced aliens would be in that regard and their ability to build, and one can only as thus imagine what advanced people aka ET's can actually do in regards to underground cities.

It is clear that the Pyramids are alien infrastructure. Personally I believe that 'we humans' are also able to build humongous architecture, but no way the pyramids, let alone to this precision.

How boulders and anything else was cut back then, can only be imagined to be done today with laser technology.

Of course, people dismiss it, but as to how 'primitive' people would cut literal boulders that weigh thousands of tons, on perfectly straight ways, down to the molecule, and create these structures, and align little windows as much as the size of a palm to observe specific stars, the 'intelligent' scientists only had to say that they were putting scrawny unfed slaves to stack the boulders like cattle and roll them on tree trunks that would break even if a car went on top of them, big lolz.

I was there in Giza, Cairo. We had a tour guide and she dismissed the Extraterrestrial angle.

As you say they say these absolutely huge perfectly square blocks of thousands of tonnes was rolled by slaves on logs. Like they wouldn't just crush.

Of course I was a bit sceptical.

Thank you

Tour Guide: Guys these megalithic structures were made by some Nordic aliens who also every so often took Pharaohs into their ship. They were created by Telekinetic and Laser technology. Other beings like nasty reptilians have therefore destroyed these. As is translated in the Pyramid texts, all of mainstream science is just total BS on the pyramids and comes from yids who were desert dwelling greasy jews, who lied about Egypt later. I'm bored being paid to say the official narrative.
"human made thousands of years ago " :

Cusco, Peru :






India :




barabar cave , India



Kailasa temple , India

( nobody ever found the 400 000 Ton of rocks extracted from here , plus there is no separate rocks which means the temple is in one piece like a sculpture...
plus to sculpt in here you need to have materials more abrasiv than basalt like diamond,found on carbide circular saw for example , and made in 18 years by the way which means 22000 tons of rocks exctrated by year / 60 Ton by day and 5 Ton per hour extracted , also there is 34 other temple like this around this one which in total represent 8 million ton of rock and 3million cubic meter ... ) :


Machu Piccu , Peru :



Oilantaytambo , Peru :







Tiahuanaco & Puma Punku ; Bolivia :








source :

dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

lol if you really need a C14 dating you can do like these guys have done :


and use a crownfunding plateform for your project. they raised 39 000 + euro...
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

Many years ago I read an article written by a Peruvian scientist who said that the Puma Punku blocks are around 14,000 or 15,000 years old.
The largest + deepest underground caves are presumably placed safely in the middle regions of the tectonic plates. USA has plenty of seismically stable land.
So where the hell does all the (((forced debt))) money go to? According to Phil Schneider, it goes exactly there, the underworld. He claimed that the "black budget" accounts for ~25% of the GDP and one of its greatest expenditures is underground construction.
dragon bleu 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

lol if you really need a C14 dating you can do like these guys have done :


and use a crownfunding plateform for your project. they raised 39 000 + euro...
That's an idea, but I wouldn't like to give myself a high profile!
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!

Thank you for the clarification on this subject.

"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being". - Nikola Tesla

Darkpagan666 said:
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!

Thank you for the clarification on this subject.

"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being". - Nikola Tesla


I really also believe in the extreme importance of crystals, but I never read this quote from Tesla. Interesting. Thank you also for the feedback.
Wotanwarrior said:
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

Many years ago I read an article written by a Peruvian scientist who said that the Puma Punku blocks are around 14,000 or 15,000 years old.
No offence, but that's hearsay. I can't see any reason why anyone couldn't nor shouldn't use Magick to gain knowledge of these things, without the need to waste money on using expensive technology just to prove a thing right or wrong.

Darkpagan666 said:
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!
Yeah, that happens often. I and others have experienced this multiple times before.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!

Thank you for the clarification on this subject.

"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being". - Nikola Tesla


I really also believe in the extreme importance of crystals, but I never read this quote from Tesla. Interesting. Thank you also for the feedback.
Between about 8 and 12 years ago I heard someone, who was into computing, say that data storage can or should be able to be done by using crystals, which could store an infinite amount of data, using light bouncing around inside them.

5D optical data storage. 5D optical data storage (sometimes known as Superman memory crystal) is a nanostructured glass for permanently recording 5-D digital data using femtosecond laser writing process. The memory crystal is capable of storing up to 360 terabytes worth of data for billions of years.

Using light for next-generation data storage
Tiny, nano-sized crystals of salt encoded with data using light from a laser could be the next data storage technology of choice, following research by Australian scientists.

Quartz Coin Can Hold 360 TB Of Data For Billions Of Years

5D quartz coin used to store terabytes of data for billions of years. (Credit: University of Southampton)

Scientists believe they have built a quartz coin that can store 360 TB of data for billions of years, presenting the opportunity for the entire humankind history to be recorded and preserved likely well after humans are extinct.

This Tiny Glass Disc Can Store 360TB of Data For 13.8 Billion Years

It's estimated that humans are producing the equivalent of 10 million Blu-ray discs' worth of data every single day - and all of those ones and zeroes have to be stored somewhere. Now researchers in the UK just might have the solution: a five-dimensional (5D) digital data disc that can store 360 terabytes of data for 13.8 billion years.

BD-R XL discs include a third storage layer to give it a storage capacity of 100GB. Standard Blu-ray discs come with storage capacities of 25GB for a single-layer disc and 50GB for a dual-layer disc.

Maybe my maths is wrong but 1 = 25 & 2 = 50 so 3 should = 75, but whatever... Like 2-sided DVDs, if 2-sided, 3-layered BRDs exist, then that increases the 100GB size to 200 GB size.

No doubt (((th€¥))) would incr£a$€ th£ ¢o$t of it and make it very ov€rpri¢£d. It's also convenient that there are 360 degrees in a circle and these circular storage devices (discs) can hold 360 TB worth of data. 'Tis funny if you think about it.

Then don't forget about the work done regarding quanta; I learned a few years ago that someone managed to use a liquid to do quantum calculations in. Imagine the micro-microchip applications of these tiny tinies injected into your arse without you knowing or without your consent...

I couldn't find what the article was, but I did find this, which links both crystals and quantum computing together -

Quantum Liquid Crystals Could Speed Up Computers

These images show light patterns generated by a rhenium-based crystal using a laser method called optical second-harmonic rotational anisotropy. At left, the pattern comes from the atomic lattice of the crystal. At right, the crystal has become a 3-D quantum liquid crystal, showing a drastic departure from the pattern due to the atomic lattice alone. Credit: Hsieh Lab/ Caltech

A new 3D quantum liquid crystal may pave the way for ultrafast quantum computers in the near future.

Also no doubt the greys have all of the databases of knowledge and patterns of behaviour, etc., all stored inside the micro-microchips in their brains, as well. Is your brain quicker than the super-processing power of the micro-microchip?!
FancyMancy said:
Wotanwarrior said:
FancyMancy said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

Many years ago I read an article written by a Peruvian scientist who said that the Puma Punku blocks are around 14,000 or 15,000 years old.
No offence, but that's hearsay. I can't see any reason why anyone couldn't nor shouldn't use Magick to gain knowledge of these things, without the need to waste money on using expensive technology just to prove a thing right or wrong.

Darkpagan666 said:
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!
Yeah, that happens often. I and others have experienced this multiple times before.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
I still find it so fascinating how connected we are. I have been a little obsessed lately about the Hollow Earth theory. And now you made some questions that I had pretty clear.

I know why and how we are connected though. It is just...fascinating!

Thank you for the clarification on this subject.

"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being". - Nikola Tesla


I really also believe in the extreme importance of crystals, but I never read this quote from Tesla. Interesting. Thank you also for the feedback.
Between about 8 and 12 years ago I heard someone, who was into computing, say that data storage can or should be able to be done by using crystals, which could store an infinite amount of data, using light bouncing around inside them.

5D optical data storage. 5D optical data storage (sometimes known as Superman memory crystal) is a nanostructured glass for permanently recording 5-D digital data using femtosecond laser writing process. The memory crystal is capable of storing up to 360 terabytes worth of data for billions of years.

Using light for next-generation data storage
Tiny, nano-sized crystals of salt encoded with data using light from a laser could be the next data storage technology of choice, following research by Australian scientists.

Quartz Coin Can Hold 360 TB Of Data For Billions Of Years

5D quartz coin used to store terabytes of data for billions of years. (Credit: University of Southampton)

Scientists believe they have built a quartz coin that can store 360 TB of data for billions of years, presenting the opportunity for the entire humankind history to be recorded and preserved likely well after humans are extinct.

This Tiny Glass Disc Can Store 360TB of Data For 13.8 Billion Years

It's estimated that humans are producing the equivalent of 10 million Blu-ray discs' worth of data every single day - and all of those ones and zeroes have to be stored somewhere. Now researchers in the UK just might have the solution: a five-dimensional (5D) digital data disc that can store 360 terabytes of data for 13.8 billion years.

BD-R XL discs include a third storage layer to give it a storage capacity of 100GB. Standard Blu-ray discs come with storage capacities of 25GB for a single-layer disc and 50GB for a dual-layer disc.

Maybe my maths is wrong but 1 = 25 & 2 = 50 so 3 should = 75, but whatever... Like 2-sided DVDs, if 2-sided, 3-layered BRDs exist, then that increases the 100GB size to 200 GB size.

No doubt (((th€¥))) would incr£a$€ th£ ¢o$t of it and make it very ov€rpri¢£d. It's also convenient that there are 360 degrees in a circle and these circular storage devices (discs) can hold 360 TB worth of data. 'Tis funny if you think about it.

Then don't forget about the work done regarding quanta; I learned a few years ago that someone managed to use a liquid to do quantum calculations in. Imagine the micro-microchip applications of these tiny tinies injected into your arse without you knowing or without your consent...

I couldn't find what the article was, but I did find this, which links both crystals and quantum computing together -

Quantum Liquid Crystals Could Speed Up Computers

These images show light patterns generated by a rhenium-based crystal using a laser method called optical second-harmonic rotational anisotropy. At left, the pattern comes from the atomic lattice of the crystal. At right, the crystal has become a 3-D quantum liquid crystal, showing a drastic departure from the pattern due to the atomic lattice alone. Credit: Hsieh Lab/ Caltech

A new 3D quantum liquid crystal may pave the way for ultrafast quantum computers in the near future.

Also no doubt the greys have all of the databases of knowledge and patterns of behaviour, etc., all stored inside the micro-microchips in their brains, as well. Is your brain quicker than the super-processing power of the micro-microchip?!

Laughable, there is so much real knowledge that is actually worth saving somewhere, and what they put on it? A stinkin bible.

Larissa666 said:
Laughable, there is so much real knowledge that is actually worth saving somewhere, and what they put on it? A stinkin bible.

Yep! If there needs to be more proof that there is an agenda to promote something deathly, destructive and dangerous; anti-Human, anti-Nature, anti-Science, anti-Spiritual, anti-Earth... then this is it!
Larissa666 said:
Laughable, there is so much real knowledge that is actually worth saving somewhere, and what they put on it? A stinkin bible.

It looks like a jewish tactic to me. Wipe out all knowledge of the past so they could brainwash future generations telling them that the first of these devices found had the word of god and is evidence it's authentic. :roll:
FancyMancy said:
No doubt (((th€¥))) would incr£a$€ th£ ¢o$t of it and make it very ov€rpri¢£d. It's also convenient that there are 360 degrees in a circle and these circular storage devices (discs) can hold 360 TB worth of data. 'Tis funny if you think about it.
A long time ago I used a data recovery software to recover data from my 500GB hard drive, I was amazed to see that there was 5TB worth of data that could be recovered intact. It's the same thing with ink cartridges, the software says it's empty but open it and find out there's much more.
Specter said:
FancyMancy said:
No doubt (((th€¥))) would incr£a$€ th£ ¢o$t of it and make it very ov€rpri¢£d. It's also convenient that there are 360 degrees in a circle and these circular storage devices (discs) can hold 360 TB worth of data. 'Tis funny if you think about it.
A long time ago I used a data recovery software to recover data from my 500GB hard drive, I was amazed to see that there was 5TB worth of data that could be recovered intact. It's the same thing with ink cartridges, the software says it's empty but open it and find out there's much more.
Actually, if you have acces to very expensive forensics hardware which can recover deleted/overwritten data, you can effectively (in both senses of the word) have, for example a 500 GB drive with a (recoverable) capacity of possibly 10 times as much. The way magnetic (hard disk drive) storage works is that while data is overwritten, it can be recovered, unless and until it is either overwritten enough/too many times or the expensive recovery hardware has reached its limit. I have read that data can be recovered after being overwritten 7 or 8 times, but that was a few years ago; imagine how much now. Then again, the use of solid state drives now are different and don't use magnetic storage and overwriting data is not as easy.
I'm pretty certain that there is a claim in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which suggests the author is giving a subtle nod to signall acknowledgement of a secret tactic the enemy has in their hand. I'll have to double check it later, but I'm certain there was mention depicting a contingency plan or access to a secret weapons technology which would cause discrete regions of land mass to erupt and then swallow (collapse) entire cities from underneath. Perhaps this is a direct reference to the hidden underground tunnels and cities which you are referring to, HP, and that they might also contain, according to the protocols, a weaponised capacity for large-scale subterranean ambushes?
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

I share your plight. Almost no useful scientific technology is left in our hands (aside from JoS).

Try and find any device which will detect the presence of local longitudinal electromagnetic waves and measures their precise frequencies. No physics department in a university I've heard of even believes such a wave exists! (Stop trying to detect the undetectable waves which we shoot at your cells, Goy! It's just science fiction anti semites use to holocaust jews with zyklon! Stalin's obsession with psychoenergetics doesnt suggest I'm lying, grow up dumb goy - he wasn't even a jew! )

Oh, and what you said in regards to 360Gb of data being the capacity of the storage disc which, seemingly coincedentally also has 360 degrees to it's circular geometry, got me thinking about the peculiar nature of numbers in our three dimensional physical reality. Have you heard that a single gram of DNA contains the equivalent of 108 terabytes of data? Numerology is obvious at this point. Hypothetically a few grams of one persons DNA could store all (publicly known and agreed upon) information on the Earth! It's little wonder then why the xenobiology department is determined to alter the human genome so enthusiastically. Must be because of how totally inefficient our god-like DNA is at holding info! Instead from having 4 nucleotides, which provide the basis for the 20 amino acid building blocks that manifest into the gamut of all the functional groups of life on Earth, there is hope instead to ameliorate it to 4 nucleotides along with the addition of 2 new alien ones: heralding the announced XNA - xeno nucleic acid .

This will be giving us a new, allegedly far superior genome with...*wait for it*... 6 necleotides!!...it's a mitzvah![/b].

Of all numbers, seriously
..."Nothing to see here, Goy. The integer 6 is totally arbitrary! We initially wanted 7, but odd numbers wouldn't fit with genetic base pairing! Listen Just trust me. You will need six and it will be best. You will also probably need 22 amino acids, instead of that shitty 20 you've got."




Norse 88 said:
FancyMancy said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
Could I borrow someone's Carbon-14 dating equipment, please? I'd ask the government and universities and other agencies but I'm in bad stead with them, being a common, non-official, non-rich Goy, and all...

I share your plight. Almost no useful scientific technology is left in our hands (aside from JoS).
(((science))) is church/doctrine/dogma, (((scientists))) are Child-rapis-- sorry, I meant preachers; we commoners are the sheep con-gregation (who are being conned). At least of, with and through the JoS things are said/claimed and we can, in any way we try and wish, check if these things are true and correct - and so much so that things, more personally, we can check if they are true and correct for ourselves. We don't need "faith" in a being nor do we need to rely on anyone else. Mainstream "science", AKA (((science))), is religion.
See https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=67362#p67362
mainly the links at the bottom of my reply.
How well-known is this - and is it being taught in schools and colleges and universities (yet)?!

Try and find any device which will detect the presence of local longitudinal electromagnetic waves and measures their precise frequencies. No physics department in a university I've heard of even believes such a wave exists! (Stop trying to detect the undetectable waves which we shoot at your cells, Goy! It's just science fiction anti semites use to holocaust jews with zyklon! Stalin's obsession with psychoenergetics doesnt suggest I'm lying, grow up dumb goy - he wasn't even a jew! )
That sounds expensive and difficult to build. Along those lines, I was thinking recently about the naughty substances, such as dangerous chemicals and metals and different elements, which are deemed too dangerous and illegal to buy/possess without proper permission. I do wonder just how much this is actually true. Consider any of the great scientists/inventors in history when such substances were not regulated and probably were used for purposes of helping Humans. e.g. [insert name of your favourite historical Goy scientist/inventor here who was fucked by the jew/church] - they did their work and experiments and came up with things, and then they either died in poverty or disappeared under suspicious circumstances... Given the proper education, we could use, e.g. Uranium-235 to build--


US "Authorities": kicking the door down FREEZE!
Me: WtF is this?!
US "Authorities": Joy of Satan? Oh, he's one of those. FancyMancy? Ohhhh. So you're FancyMancy!...
Me: Erm... and you are?
US "Authorities": We are the best-kept secret in the Universe - well, we were until the JoS was founded... Our mission is to monitor extraterrestrial activity on Earth and suppress Earth from freeing Herself from these clutches. We are your worst, last and only line of suppression. We work in secret, we exist in shadow - and we dress in black."
Me: Firstly, that's racist; secondly, what's this, then, if you are secretive and shadowy?...
US Authorities": We were bored. When necessary, we bust down the doors of people who have no money nor resources who are talking with free speech online hypothetically.
Me: ...and thirdly, I'm not American, you bloody American Idiot fools!
US "Authorities": Peace and freedom, motherfucker!
Me: We come in peace; shoot to kill, shoot to kill. :cry:

Oh, and what you said in regards to 360Gb of data being the capacity of the storage disc which, seemingly coincedentally also has 360 degrees to it's circular geometry, got me thinking about the peculiar nature of numbers in our three dimensional physical reality. Have you heard that a single gram of DNA contains the equivalent of 108 terabytes of data?
Holy shit, no I haven't. Now this suggests a lot - and in (sorry, but I have to!) an episode of Star Trek, it is suggested, but not stated directly, as far as I can remember, that the Body can be used for such things. In one, the conscience of someone travelled through their Body and out of their skin to inhabit a victim, and in another a tiny, but nice and powerful, explosive device was used/implanted subdermally.

(When I mention it, I'm just just referencing Star Trek and how cool and amaze-balls (cough) it is; I'm showing that the jew says things fantastically but in preparation for reality eventually. "If it weren't for Star Trek, we wouldn't have mobile phones and laptops..." Likewise, jewgene rottenverry wants everyone (who is not a jew) to mix Races all out of "love, love, love"; the technology is happening, and the attempts at miscegenation are being attempted. Notice there are not any openly-dirty Peughmann jews in Star Trek nor anything other than jewmerican "comedy", as far as I have seen! All non-jews must mix, but not the Peughmann p00j00!)


Just a second regarding the definition of miscegenation -

Miscegenation is the mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, or procreation, particularly mixing that is perceived to negatively impact the purity of a particular race or culture. Anti-miscegenation is a prominent theme of white supremacy.
Does that mean Asians and Africans are willing to out-breed themselves? Are there not any Asian supremacists nor African supremacists? :roll: Notice also that "White supremacy" is regarding Whites who live in White areas. Can Asians not be Asian-supreme and Africans not be African-supreme? No-one talks about jewpremacy in "israel", either, either kicking out or putting in jail Africans who are there. I wonder how out-of-place and uncomfortable and afraid Africans were when they were transported forcefully over to White areas and used as slaves by the jew-occupied White areas... (Oh, and also used as slaves by Blacks, or "black" jews, as well!) In bonus features of Star Trek, bad actor Avery Brooks is saying, "This is America!" and that racism and sexism "are inextricably connected to who we are" with such matters of topic. "Colour has little to do with it..." In the episode, there is a character who could "see far beyond what people around him had ever imagined" (DS9 episode "Far Beyond the Stars" and bonus features); jewgene rottenverry also "had a vision", as has been said in bonus features before. Penny Johnson, actress, said they had to not do the same things which are seen all the time regarding racism, those which are overdone/overkill, as she said. The jew desired strangers be forced into somewhere where they don't belong and be the out-group and be picked on and worse, by the in-group; then now Black History (which I can only assume is not told 100% truly) makes Blacks hate Whites in White areas... Blacks are trying to be supreme in White areas - also in awards programmes/events for media, no Blacks were either nominated or won any awards. That was done deliberately, of course and quite obviously.


This may be "racist" and controversial but I'll say it anyway - using the topic, and creating an analogy, of DNA being able to hold so much data, the mixing of Races is like a computer virus. From either side, African, Asian, or White, mixing with either of the other 2, the DNA of each side infiltrates the system of the other Race or Races and it re-writes, in small or large part, the Body of the other-Race person. This is not only Physical/Biological but also Spiritual/Metaphysical and of course it is Mental/Psychological and Emotional..., it is, or becomes, very profound and buried deeply within; the Soul's energies of each-Race person are also affected virtually inextricably, as well. Once there is interracial procreation, then it becomes much worse - and the Child/ren are lost between two cultures, trying to fit in anywhere; but because of the sentiment and braindeadedness of people/sheeple, they love, love, love, and accept disability instead of fixing it and restoring proper health, either of persons or of Order. You have an Operating System and you need anti-malware software; Race-mixing (miscegenation) are these viruses and things - and it may not be "definition" but I would go as far as to say that they are literal viruses. Oil is used to do oily things; water is used to do watery things - the two don't mix, nor do chalk and cheese. When mixing-Races, then the 'viruses' of other-Race DNA are re-writing the data within our DNA and our Souls and our Thoughts and Beliefs and Opinions, etc.

Consider the Greys which are friendly to Satan - how difficult is it to restore them to their true self? Can their DNA be re-written, or 'de-written'? These have emotions, so I can only assume that they were once a Person before they were greyified.

Similarly to DNA storage, I also know that house electrical wires, inside the walls/under the floor, can be used for data transmission, as well.

Numerology is obvious at this point. Hypothetically a few grams of one persons DNA could store all (publicly known and agreed upon) information on the Earth!
Here cometh a conspiracy! Maybe there are beings with this already. Now let's recall the greys' use of massive databases of knowledge and behavioural patterns - microchip-ly or DNA-ly. My. Say that one entire individual held an innumerable amount of data across all of its entire body, if there is still more data/knowledge than that total capacity, then another individual grey could have a different set or amount of database data, and there would be an 'interlink' between them.

It's little wonder then why the xenobiology department is determined to alter the human genome so enthusiastically. Must be because of how totally inefficient our god-like DNA is at holding info!
Remember, after roughly 100 years ago and the raise of National Socialism, this type of advancement has exploded! The jew is shitting its faecated gold-leaf undies. Also this DNA usage for data storage can help some people understand how and why it is possible for us to be Gods/Goddesses, then, with the abilitiy to store such 'information', if you will.

Instead from having 4 nucleotides, which provide the basis for the 20 amino acid building blocks that manifest into the gamut of all the functional groups of life on Earth, there is hope instead to ameliorate it to 4 nucleotides along with the addition of 2 new alien ones: heralding the announced XNA - xeno nucleic acid .

This will be giving us a new, allegedly far superior genome with...*wait for it*... 6 necleotides!!...it's a mitzvah![/b].

Of all numbers, seriously
..."Nothing to see here, Goy. The integer 6 is totally arbitrary! We initially wanted 7, but odd numbers wouldn't fit with genetic base pairing! Listen Just trust me. You will need six and it will be best. You will also probably need 22 amino acids, instead of that shitty 20 you've got."




O.O :blink: That's news to me. My. I wonder how difficult it is to grab the cat and put him/her back in the bag now... The agenda has stepped up a gear (already).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
